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Explanations of floral adaptation to diverse pollinator faunas have often invoked visitor-mediated trade-offs in which no intermediate, generalized floral phenotype is optimal for pollination success, i.e. fitness valleys are created. In such cases, plant species are expected to specialize on particular groups of flower visitors. Contrary to this expectation, it is commonly observed that flowers interact with various groups of visitors, while at the same time maintaining distinct phenotypes among ecotypes, subspecies, or congeners. This apparent paradox may be due to a gap in our understanding of how visitor-mediated trade-offs could affect floral adaptation. Here we provide a conceptual framework for analysing visitor-mediated trade-offs with the hope of stimulating empirical and theoretical studies to fill this gap. We propose two types of visitor-mediated trade-offs to address negative correlations among fitness contributions of different visitors: visitor-mediated phenotypic trade-offs (phenotypic trade-offs) and visitor-mediated opportunity trade-offs (opportunity trade-offs). Phenotypic trade-offs occur when different groups of visitors impose conflicting selection pressures on a floral trait. By contrast, opportunity trade-offs emerge only when some visitors’ actions (e.g. pollen collection) remove opportunities for fitness contribution by more beneficial visitors. Previous studies have observed disruptive selection due to phenotypic trade-offs less often than expected. In addition to existing explanations, we propose that some flowers have achieved ‘adaptive generalization’ by evolving features to avoid or eliminate the fitness valleys that phenotypic trade-offs tend to produce. The literature suggests a variety of pathways to such ‘trade-off mitigation’. Trade-off mitigation may also evolve as an adaptation to opportunity trade-offs. We argue that active exclusion, or floral specialization, can be viewed as a trade-off mitigation, occurring only when flowers cannot otherwise avoid strong opportunity trade-offs. These considerations suggest that an evolutionary strategy for trade-off mitigation is achieved often by acquiring novel combinations of traits. Thus, phenotypic diversification of flowers through convergent evolution of certain trait combinations may have been enhanced not only through adaptive specialization for particular visitors, but also through adaptive generalization for particular visitor communities. Explorations of how visitor-mediated trade-offs explain the recurrent patterns of floral phenotypes may help reconcile the long-lasting controversy on the validity of pollination syndromes.  相似文献   

Several consumers (predators) with Holling type II functional response may robustly coexist even if they utilize the same resource (prey), provided that the population exhibits nonequilibrium dynamics and the handling time of predators is sufficiently different. We investigate the evolution of handling time and, in particular, its effect on coexistence. Longer handling time is costly in terms of lost foraging time, but allows more nutrients to be extracted from a captured prey individual. Assuming a hyperbolically saturating relationship between handling time and the number of new predators produced per prey consumed, we obtain three results: (i) There is a globally evolutionarily stable handling time; (ii) At most two predator strategies can coexist in this model; (iii) When two predators coexist, a mutant with intermediate handling time can always invade. This implies that there is no evolutionarily stable coexistence, and the evolution of handling time eventually leads to a single evolutionarily stable predator. These results are proven analytically and are valid for arbitrary (not only small) mutations; they however depend on the relationship between handling time and offspring production and on the assumption that predators differ only in their prey handling strategy.  相似文献   

Theoretical developments in spatial competitive coexistence are far in advance of empirical investigations. A framework that makes comparative predictions for alternative hypotheses is a crucial element in narrowing this gap. This review attempts to synthesize spatial competition theory into such a framework, with the goal of motivating empirical investigations that adopt the comparative approach. The synthesis presented is based on a major axis, coexistence in spatially homogeneous vs. heterogeneous competitive environments, along which the theory can be organized. The resulting framework integrates such key concepts as niche theory, spatial heterogeneity and spatial scale(s) of coexistence. It yields comparative predictions that can guide empirical investigations.  相似文献   

The potential of harvesting to induce adaptive changes in exploited populations is now increasingly recognized. While early studies predicted that elevated mortalities among larger individuals select for reduced maturation size, recent theoretical studies have shown conditions under which other, more complex evolutionary responses to size-selective mortality are expected. These new predictions are based on the assumption that, owing to the trade-off between growth and reproduction, early maturation implies reduced growth. Here we extend these findings by analyzing a model of a harvested size-structured population in continuous time, and by systematically exploring maturation evolution under all three traditionally acknowledged costs of early maturation: reduced fecundity, reduced growth, and/or increased natural mortality. We further extend this analysis to the two main types of harvest selectivity, with an individual's chance of getting harvested depending on its size and/or maturity stage. Surprisingly, we find that harvesting mature individuals not only favors late maturation when the costs of early maturation are low, but promotes early maturation when the costs of early maturation are high. To our knowledge, this study therefore is the first to show that harvesting mature individuals can induce early maturation.  相似文献   

Bacterial populations can evolve and adapt to become diverse niche specialists, even in seemingly homogeneous environments. One source of this diversity arises from newly 'constructed' niches that result from the activities of the bacteria themselves. Ecotypes specialized to exploit these distinct niches can subsequently coexist via frequency-dependent interactions. Here, we describe a novel form of niche construction that is based upon differential death and cannibalism, and which evolved during 20 000 generations of experimental evolution in Escherichia coli in a seasonal environment with alternating growth and starvation. In one of 12 populations, two monophyletic ecotypes, S and L, evolved that stably coexist with one another. When grown and then starved in monoculture, the death rate of S exceeds that of L, whereas the reverse is observed in mixed cultures. As shown by experiments and numerical simulations, the competitive advantage of S cells is increased by extending the period of starvation, and this advantage results from their cannibalization of the debris of lysed L cells, which allows the S cells to increase both their growth rate and total cell density. At the molecular level, the polymorphism is associated with divergence in the activity of the alternative sigma factor RpoS, with S cells displaying no detectable activity, while L cells show increased activity relative to the ancestral genotype. Our results extend the repertoire of known cross-feeding mechanisms in microbes to include cannibalism during starvation, and confirm the central roles for niche construction and seasonality in the maintenance of microbial polymorphisms.  相似文献   

By definition, parasites harm their hosts, but in many infections much of the pathology is driven by the host immune response rather than through direct damage inflicted by parasites. While these immunopathological effects are often well studied and understood mechanistically in individual disease interactions, there remains relatively little understanding of their broader impact on the evolution of parasites and their hosts. Here, we theoretically investigate the implications of immunopathology, broadly defined as additional mortality associated with the host's immune response, on parasite evolution. In particular, we examine how immunopathology acting on different epidemiological traits (namely transmission, virulence and recovery) affects the evolution of disease severity. When immunopathology is costly to parasites, such that it reduces their fitness, for example by decreasing transmission, there is always selection for increased disease severity. However, we highlight a number of host-parasite interactions where the parasite may benefit from immunopathology, and highlight scenarios that may lead to the evolution of slower growing parasites and potentially reduced disease severity. Importantly, we find that conclusions on disease severity are highly dependent on how severity is measured. Finally, we discuss the effect of treatments used to combat disease symptoms caused by immunopathology.  相似文献   

Abstract How often will natural selection drive parallel evolution at the DNA sequence level? More precisely, what is the probability that selection will cause two populations that live in identical environments to substitute the same beneficial mutation? Here I show that, under fairly general conditions, the answer is simple: if a wild‐type sequence can mutate to n different beneficial mutations, replicate populations will on average fix the same mutation with probability P= 2/(n + 1). This probability, which is derived using extreme value theory, is independent of most biological details, including the length of the gene in question and the precise distribution of fitness effects among alleles. I conclude that the probability of parallel evolution under natural selection is nearly twice as large as that under neutrality.  相似文献   

Most animals undergo ontogenetic niche shifts during their life. Yet, standard ecological theory builds on models that ignore this complexity. Here, we study how complex life cycles, where juvenile and adult individuals each feed on different sets of resources, affect community richness. Two different modes of community assembly are considered: gradual adaptive evolution and immigration of new species with randomly selected phenotypes. We find that under gradual evolution complex life cycles can lead to both higher and lower species richness when compared to a model of species with simple life cycles that lack an ontogenetic niche shift. Thus, complex life cycles do not per se increase the scope for gradual adaptive diversification. However, complex life cycles can lead to significantly higher species richness when communities are assembled trough immigration, as immigrants can occupy isolated peaks of the dynamic fitness landscape that are not accessible via gradual evolution.  相似文献   

Growth dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia, and Staphylococcus aureus in a batch and chemostat, were investigated as a laboratory model system for persistent infections in cystic fibrosis. Most species-specific enumeration methods for mixed cultures are laborious or only qualitative, and therefore impede generation of quantitative data required for validation of mathematical models. Here, a quantitative T-RFLP method was evaluated and applied for specific and absolute cell number enumerations. The method was tested to be unbiased by quantitative sample composition and allowed reproducible enumerations of mixed cultures. For assay validation, samples of defined concentration containing one, two or three species were quantified. Logarithmically transformed absolute cell numbers of single-species dilutions were linear within a lower working range of 10(4)-10(6) cfu/mL (species-dependent) and an upper working range of 10(10) cfu/mL. Quantifications of single species (10(6)-10(10) cfu/mL) spiked with one or two other species agreed well with single species controls. Differences between slopes of first order linear regression of spiked and pure dilution series were insignificant. Coefficient of variation of defined mixed replicates was maximum 4.39%, of a three-species chemostat it was maximum 1.76%. T-RFLP monitoring of pure cultures in parallel shake flasks and of a three-species mixed chemostat gave very consistent results. Coexistence of at least two species after a time period equivalent to more than 33 volume exchanges was found. This result was not predicted from pure cultures clearly indicating the need for quantitative mixed culture experiments to better understand microbial growth dynamics and for mathematical model validation.  相似文献   

We will elaborate the evolutionary course of an ecosystem consisting of a population in a chemostat environment with periodically fluctuating nutrient supply. The organisms that make up the population consist of structural biomass and energy storage compartments. In a constant chemostat environment a species without energy storage always out-competes a species with energy reserves. This hinders evolution of species with storage from those without storage. Using the adaptive dynamics approach for non-equilibrium ecological systems we will show that in a fluctuating environment there are multiple stable evolutionary singular strategies (ss's): one for a species without, and one for a species with energy storage. The evolutionary end-point depends on the initial evolutionary state. We will formulate the invasion fitness in terms of Floquet multipliers for the oscillating non-autonomous system. Bifurcation theory is used to study points where due to evolutionary development by mutational steps, the long-term dynamics of the ecological system changes qualitatively. To that end, at the ecological time scale, the trait value at which invasion of a mutant into a resident population becomes possible can be calculated using numerical bifurcation analysis where the trait is used as the free parameter, because it is just a bifurcation point. In a constant environment there is a unique stable equilibrium for one species following the "competitive exclusion" principle. In contrast, due to the oscillatory dynamics on the ecological time scale two species may coexist. That is, non-equilibrium dynamics enhances biodiversity. However, we will show that this coexistence is not stable on the evolutionary time scale and always one single species survives.  相似文献   

Although pollinators can play a central role in determining the structure and stability of plant communities, little is known about how their adaptive foraging behaviours at the individual level, e.g. flower constancy, structure these interactions. Here, we construct a mathematical model that integrates individual adaptive foraging behaviour and population dynamics of a community consisting of two plant species and a pollinator species. We find that adaptive foraging at the individual level, as a complementary mechanism to adaptive foraging at the species level, can further enhance the coexistence of plant species through niche partitioning between conspecific pollinators. The stabilizing effect is stronger than that of unbiased generalists when there is also strong competition between plant species over other resources, but less so than that of multiple specialist species. This suggests that adaptive foraging in mutualistic interactions can have a very different impact on the plant community structure from that in predator–prey interactions. In addition, the adaptive behaviour of individual pollinators may cause a sharp regime shift for invading plant species. These results indicate the importance of integrating individual adaptive behaviour and population dynamics for the conservation of native plant communities.  相似文献   

Rapid evolutionary adaptions to new and previously detrimental environmental conditions can increase the risk of invasion by novel pathogens. We tested this hypothesis with a 133‐day‐long evolutionary experiment studying the evolution of the pathogenic Serratia marcescens bacterium at salinity niche boundary and in fluctuating conditions. We found that S. marcescens evolved at harsh (80 g/L) and extreme (100 g/L) salt conditions had clearly improved salt tolerance than those evolved in the other three treatments (ancestral conditions, nonsaline conditions, and fluctuating salt conditions). Evolutionary theories suggest that fastest evolutionary changes could be observed in intermediate selection pressures. Therefore, we originally hypothesized that extreme conditions, such as our 100 g/L salinity treatment, could lead to slower adaptation due to low population sizes. However, no evolutionary differences were observed between populations evolved in harsh and extreme conditions. This suggests that in the study presented here, low population sizes did not prevent evolution in the long run. On the whole, the adaptive potential observed here could be important for the transition of pathogenic S. marcescens bacteria from human‐impacted freshwater environments, such as wastewater treatment plants, to marine habitats, where they are known to infect and kill corals (e.g., through white pox disease).  相似文献   

The principle that mutations occur randomly with respect to the direction of evolutionary change has been challenged by the phenomenon of adaptive mutations. There is currently no entirely satisfactory theory to account for how a cell can selectively mutate certain genes in response to environmental signals. However, spontaneous mutations are initiated by quantum events such as the shift of a single proton (hydrogen atom) from one site to an adjacent one. We consider here the wave function describing the quantum state of the genome as being in a coherent linear superposition of states describing both the shifted and unshifted protons. Quantum coherence will be destroyed by the process of decoherence in which the quantum state of the genome becomes correlated (entangled) with its surroundings. Using a very simple model we estimate the decoherence times for protons within DNA and demonstrate that quantum coherence may be maintained for biological time-scales. Interaction of the coherent genome wave function with environments containing utilisable substrate will induce rapid decoherence and thereby destroy the superposition of mutant and non-mutant states. We show that this accelerated rate of decoherence may significantly increase the rate of production of the mutated state.  相似文献   

We studied why many diseases has multi‐year period in their epidemiological dynamics, whereas a main source of the fluctuation is a seasonality with period of 1 year. Previous studies using a compartment model with seasonality in transmission rate succeed to generate a multi‐year epidemiological dynamics, when, in particular, the seasonal difference is large. However, these studies have focused on the dynamical consequence of seasonal forcing in epidemiological dynamics and an adaptation of pathogens in the seasonal environment has been neglected. In this paper, we describe our study of the evolution of pathogen's sensitivity to seasonality and show that a larger fluctuation in the transmission rate can be favored in the life history evolution of pathogens, suggesting that multi‐year periodicity may evolve by natural selection. Our result proposes a new aspect of the evolution of multi‐year epidemics.  相似文献   

Conventional microbial cell cultivation techniques are typically labor intensive, low throughput, and poorlyparallelized, rendering them inefficient. The development of automated, modular microbial cell micro-cultivation systems, particularly those employing droplet microfluidics, have gained attention for their high-throughput, highly paralellized and efficient cultivation capabilities. Here, we report the development of a microbial microdroplet culture system (MMC), which is an integrated platform for automated, high-throughput cultivation and adaptive evolution of microorganisms. We demonstrated that the MMC yielded both accurate and reproducible results for the manipulation and detection of droplets. The superior performance of MMC for microbial cell cultivation was validated by comparing the growth curves of six microbial strains grown in MMC, conventional shake flasks or well plates. The highest incipient growth rate for all six microbial strains was achieved by using MMC. We also conducted an 18-day process of adaptive evolution of methanol-essential Escherichia coli strain in MMC and obtained two strains exhibiting higher growth rates compared with the parent strain. Our study demonstrates the power of MMC to provide an efficient and reliable approach for automated, high-throughput microbial cultivation and adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Eco-evolutionary dynamics of communities and ecosystems   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Although the theoretical value of biomass yield can be calculated from metabolic network stoichiometry, the growth rate is difficult to predict. Since the rate and yield can vary independently, no simple relationship has been discovered between these two variables. In this work, we analyzed the well-accepted enzyme kinetics and uncovered a hidden boundary for growth rate, which is determined by the square-root of three physiological parameters: biomass yield, the substrate turnover number, and the maximum synthesis rate of the turnover enzyme. Cells cannot grow faster than the square-root of the product of these parameters. This analysis is supported by experimental data and involves essentially no assumptions except (i) the cell is not undergoing a downshift transition, (ii) substrate uptake enzyme activity is proportional to its copy number. This simple boundary (not correlation) has escaped notice for many decades and suggests that the yield calculation does not predict the growth rate, but gives an upper limit for the growth rate. The relationship also explains how growth rate is affected by the yield and sheds lights on strain design for product formation.  相似文献   

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