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This study examined whether dominant migratory males (adopting fighter tactics) of the masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou would more aggressively attack large mature male parr (adopting sneaker tactics) as large mature male parr are expected to have the potential to cause a greater decrease in fertilization success. The frequency of aggressive behaviour was not related to the body size of males, and it increased with the frequency of interactions with mature male parr. The fertilization success of mature male parr was much lower than migratory males, and no relationship was observed between fertilization success and aggressive behaviour. The low fertilization success of mature male parr, despite infrequent aggressive behaviour by migratory males, indicates that there might be little benefit for migratory males to attack mature male parr more aggressively according to their body size.  相似文献   

In polygynous ungulates, males may achieve fertilization through the use of alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs), discrete phenotypic variations evolved to maximize fitness. ARTs are often associated with different male spatial strategies during the rut, from territoriality to female‐following. Although variation in space use patterns of rutting male ungulates is known to be largely affected by the spatial distribution of females, information on the year‐round habitat selection of alternative reproductive types is scant. Here, we investigate the seasonal variation in habitat choice of a large mammal with ARTs (territoriality and nonterritoriality), the Northern chamois Rupicapra rupicapra. Global Positioning System (GPS) data on 28 adult males were collected between February 2010 and December 2013 in the Gran Paradiso National Park (Italy) and used to fit resource selection functions to explore the ART‐specific use of key topographic features, such as elevation, aspect, and slope, and vegetation phenology expressed as NDVI values. Territorial and nonterritorial chamois profoundly differed in their habitat selection not only during the rutting season. Compared to nonterritorial males, territorial males used lower elevations in summer and autumn, preferred southern slopes in spring and summer, and used steeper areas in summer but not in winter. We found no difference in seasonal selection of NDVI values between males adopting ARTs. Our results suggest that territorial males tend to occupy warmer, lower‐food‐quality habitats in late spring and summer, whereas nonterritorial males are free to follow and exploit vegetation phenology and more favorable temperatures. Different patterns of habitat selection may reflect different trade‐offs between the optimization of energy balances throughout the year and the increase of mating opportunities during the rut in males adopting alternative reproductive tactics.  相似文献   

  • 1 Males of Hermetia comstocki Williston compete for territorial control of certain agaves and yuccas. Winners copulate with females that visit these plants solely to acquire a mate.
  • 2 Males vary in body weight by more than an order of magnitude and larger flies almost always defeat smaller ones in aerial contests for control of landmark territories.
  • 3 The mean body size (as measured by wing-length) was significantly greater for males retaining residency at a site for at least one hour compared to males unable to do so. Likewise, males able to return to a perch site in the study area on more than one day were larger on average than males unable to do so.
  • 4 Male preferences for landmark territories remained similar across years. Large males dominated the perch landmarks most likely to be occupied by males and most likely to be visited by females.
  • 5 Despite the fighting and territorial advantages enjoyed by large males, the mean size of males found mating with females was not significantly larger than that of the general population.
  • 6 The apparent failure of large males to secure a statistically significant mating advantage may be a statistical consequence of the small sample size of males observed mating. On the other hand, any mating advantage of large males may be reduced because (a) receptive females visit many different landmarks, (b) females mate with the first male they encounter at a landmark, regardless of his size, (c) there are usually many vacant landmarks available for smaller males, and (d) even popular territories are often open to small males, thanks to the low site-tenacity of territory owners.

The damselflyMnais pruinosa costalis (Odonata: Calopterygidae) is unusual in that males are dimorphic, existing as clear-winged non-territorial ‘sneaks’ and orange-winged territorial ‘fighters’. Here we report the results of population census data and behavioural observations in the field and laboratory, and present estimates of emergence period, reproductive period, total lifespan, and reproductive success of each morph. Clear-winged males are smaller and have lower daily reproductive success than orange-winged males, but live for longer in the field and laboratory. We accounted for the difference in the ‘operational reproductive life’ of the two morphs and estimated lifetime reproductive success: there was no difference between clear-winged and orange-winged males. We discuss possible mechanisms for the maintenance of the two forms.  相似文献   

Although studies on laboratory species and natural populations of vertebrates have shown reproduction to impair later performance, little is known of the age-specific associations between reproduction and survival, and how such findings apply to the ageing of large, long-lived species. Herein we develop a framework to examine population-level patterns of reproduction and survival across lifespan in long-lived organisms, and decompose those changes into individual-level effects, and the effects of age-specific trade-offs between fitness components. We apply this to an extensive longitudinal dataset on female semi-captive Asian timber elephants (Elephas maximus) and report the first evidence of age-specific fitness declines that are driven by age-specific associations between fitness components in a long-lived mammal. Associations between reproduction and survival are positive in early life, but negative in later life with up to 71% of later-life survival declines associated with investing in the production of offspring within this population of this critically endangered species.  相似文献   

Male eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) congregatearound and pursue a female on her single day of estrus. Thetactics of uniquely marked adult males were monitored duringwinter mating bouts from 1986 to 1990 to examine variation inmale copulatory success. Two tactics were chosen by males: activepursuit or satellite. Active-pursuit males were dominant anddefended proximity to females. Satellite males were subordinateand remained dispersed in the female's home range. Active pursuitwas used only by males 2.75 years old. The switch point betweenthe tactics is about 3 years. Copulations were not distributedevenly among males, with about 30% of all adult males failingto copulate during a breeding season. Active pursuit was themost successful strategy, with male success attributed to theability to defend access to the female. However, satellite malessuccessfully copulated due to the escape of females from dominantmales. Females appear to avoid the overt aggression characteristicof the competition among active-pursuit males by running fromthe group of males. Male success after a female's breakawaywas evenly distributed between the two tactics and accountedfor all copulations by satellite males. The activepursuit andsatellite tactics appear to be a conditional evolutionarilystable strategy where young, subordinate males are "making thebest of a bad job".  相似文献   

Resource control by territorial male cichlid fish in Lake Malawi   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. The rocky habitat communities of Lake Malawi contain a high diversity of ecologically similar, predominantly herbivorous, cichlid fish species. How so many species can coexist is still unknown.
2. Adult males of the majority of these species hold permanent territories which form dense multispecies mosaics across the shores.
3. The study examined six coexisting species of cichlids from the rocky habitat where males are known to control access to the algal food resources within their territorial space. These included four sibling species of the Pseudotropheus ( Tropheops ) species complex, which are specialized epilithic algal herbivores, and two sibling species of the trophically more generalist P . ( Maylandia ) species complex which feed upon both epilithic algae and plankton.
4. The hypotheses that both intraspecific and interspecific territoriality occur in these communities and that interspecific aggression initiated by territorial males is preferentially directed at species with the most similar diets to their own were tested.
5. It was found that males preferred to exclude conspecific intruders, while they tolerated intruders with different diets to their own. Also, male P . ( Tropheops ) preferentially excluded similar heterospecific dietary specialists, while male P. ( Maylandia ) tolerated similar heterospecific dietary generalists.
6. Based on this study, it is proposed that interspecific territoriality may be reducing competition between species with different diets and promoting their coexistence, while it may be enhancing competition between species with the same diet. Furthermore, it suggests that ecological generalism may be reducing the intensity of interspecific competition, while specializations for the same resources may be increasing competition.  相似文献   

Although territorial defense is a common form of reproductivecompetition among male vertebrates, the exact reproductiveconsequences of this behavior are often poorly understood.To explore relationships between territoriality and reproductivesuccess in a nongroup-living mammal, we quantified patterns of space use, mating success, and fertilization success formales in a free-living population of arctic ground squirrels(Spermophilus parryii plesius). Because litters of this speciesare sired almost exclusively by a female's first mate, we predictedthat territory ownership would be associated with first accessto estrous females. During the 2-week period when mating occurred,each male in the study population attempted to defend a distinctportion of the habitat, although the success of this defensevaried among individuals. Twenty-six of 28 females monitoredmated with the male on whose territory they resided. However,the majority of females observed throughout estrus (65%; n= 20) also mated with at least one other male, indicating thatterritory ownership was not associated with exclusive accessto females. In contrast, territory ownership was significantly associated with first access to estrous females; 20 (71.4%)of 28 females mated first with the male on whose territorythey resided. In this regard, the behavior of S. parryii plesiusparallels that of socially monogamous birds in which territorialdefense by males functions to deter extrapair copulations byfemales. Although territorial defense represents an important component of male reproductive success in arctic ground squirrels,other aspects of male behavior (e.g., the ability to dominateagonistic interactions on the day of a female's estrus) arealso critical. We suggest that future studies of vertebratemating systems will benefit by viewing such defense as onlyone of multiple axes along which conspecific males compete foraccess to females.  相似文献   

1. With the aid of a novel survivorship model, an 8-year field study of social and maternal factors affecting duckling survival in eiders (Somateria mollissima) revealed that duckling survival probability varies in accordance with maternal brood-rearing strategy. This variability in survival provides compelling evidence of different annual fitness consequences between females that share brood-rearing and those that tend their broods alone. Consequently, as prebreeding survival is often a major source of individual variation in lifetime reproductive success, a female's annual, state-dependent (e.g. condition) choice of a brood-rearing strategy can be a critical fitness decision. 2. Variance in duckling survival among lone tender broods was best explained by a model with significant interannual variability in survival, and survivorship tending to increase with increasing clutch size at hatch. Clutch size was correlated positively with female condition. Hatch date and female body condition together affected duckling survival, but their contributions are confounded. We were unable to identify a relationship between female age or experience and duckling survival. 3. Variance in duckling survival among multifemale brood-rearing coalitions was best explained by a model that included the number of tenders, the number of ducklings and interannual variation in how their ratio affected survivorship. Hatch date did not significantly influence survival. 4. Expected duckling survival is higher in early life for lone tenders when compared with multifemale brood-rearing coalitions. However, as ducklings approach 2-3 weeks of age, two or three females was the optimal number of tenders to maximize daily duckling survival. The survivorship advantage of multifemale brood-rearing coalitions was most evident in years of average survival. 5. The observed frequency distribution of female group sizes corresponds with the distribution of offspring survival probabilities for these groups. Evidence for optimal group sizes in nature is rare, but the most likely candidates may be groups of unrelated animals where entry is controlled by the group members, such as for female eiders. 6. Our study demonstrates that differences in social factors can lead to different predictions of lifetime reproductive success in species with shared parental care of self-feeding young.  相似文献   

1. Territoriality is commonly associated with resource defence polygyny, where males are expected to gain access to females by anticipating how resources will influence female distribution and competing for resource-rich sites to establish their zone of dominance. 2. We tested this hypothesis in European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) by simultaneously assessing the influence of resources on female distribution and the influence of female distribution on male distribution and breeding success using paternity analyses. 3. Females did not fully distribute themselves among male territories in relation to resources. As a result, relative female abundance in a male's territory depended on territory size, but not on its habitat quality. In turn, relative female abundance in a male's territory determined, at least partially, his breeding success. 4. Interestingly, male territory size, and hence access to females, was partly determined by male body mass (all males) and by residual antler size (subadults only). The latter result suggests that large antlers may be important to young males for establishing their first territory, which is then usually retained for all subsequent reproductive seasons. 5. To conclude, although territoriality of male roe deer has certainly evolved as a tactic for ensuring access to mates, our results suggest that it does not really conform to a conventional resource defence polygyny strategy, as males seem to gain no obvious benefit from defending a territory in an area of high habitat quality in terms of enhanced access to mates. 6. This may explain the stability of male territories between years, suggesting that male territoriality conforms to an 'always stay' and 'low risk-low gain' mating strategy in roe deer.  相似文献   

The use of alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) is widespread in animals. Males of some species may change tactics depending on age, body condition and social environment. Many bat species are polygynous where a fraction of males only have access to fertile females. For polygynous bats, knowledge of the reproductive success of males using different ARTs is scarce, and it remains unclear how age of males is related to switching decisions between social statuses. We studied a large captive population of Carollia perspicillata, where males are either harem holders, bachelors or peripheral males. Using a multistate procedure, we modelled the age‐related switches in reproductive tactics and in survival probability. From the model, we calculated the reproductive success and the frequencies of males displaying different reproductive tactics. As in mammals, the switch between social statuses is often related to age, we predicted that the transition probability of bachelor and peripheral males to harem status would increase with age. We show, however, that social status transition towards a harem holding position was not related to age. Reproductive success changed with age and social status. Harem males had a significantly higher reproductive success than bachelor males except between a short period from 3.8 to 4.4 years of age where success was similar, and a significantly higher reproductive success than peripheral males between 2.6 and 4.4 years of age. Harem males showed a clear decrease in the probability of maintaining social status with age, which suggests that senescence reduces resource holding potential.  相似文献   

Historical data suggest that many bee species have declined in body size. Larger-bodied bees with narrow phenological and dietary breadth are most prone to declines in body size over time. This may be especially true in solitary, desert-adapted species that are vulnerable to climate change such as Centris pallida (Hymenoptera: Apidae). In addition, body size changes in species with size-linked behaviours could threaten the prevalence of certain behavioural phenotypes long-term. C. pallida solitary bees are found in the Sonoran Desert. Males use alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) and are dimorphic in both morphology and behaviour. C. pallida male body size has been studied since the 1970s in the same population. The authors collected body size data in 2022 and combined it with published records from 1974–2022. The authors find a persistent decline in the mean head width of patrolling males, and shifts towards smaller body sizes in the populations of males found foraging and hovering. Both morphs declined in average body size, and the proportion of large-morph males in the population decreased by 8%. Mating males did not decline in mean body size over the last five decades. The authors discuss hypotheses related to the decline in C. pallida male head width. Finally, the authors advocate for C. pallida as an excellent study system for understanding the stability of ARTs with size-linked behavioural phenotypes.  相似文献   

The present study shows that small non‐territorial terminal‐phase males of the rusty parrotfish Scarus ferrugineus are reproductively active and are comparable with initial‐phase males in behaviour, rates of participation during group‐spawning and success in streaking into pair spawning. Large territorial terminal‐phase males defend contiguous territories for several hours during the morning where they pair spawn with initial‐phase females.  相似文献   

Sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka sperm maintained high fertility for 10 s after being exposed to water but fertility dropped sharply after that. Eggs also showed limited longevity after being immersed in water, with a large drop in fertility occurring after 20 s of exposure to water. The association between eggs and sperm occurs very rapidly. 80% fertilization success was achieved with 5 s of sperm-egg mixing and c. 25% was achieved with <0·5 s of sperm-egg mixing. Sperm from different male age classes differed little in motility and did not differ at all in their propensity to fertilize eggs. The results have important implications for mate choice and sperm competition.  相似文献   

Territorial and non-territorial spawning behaviour in the bream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spawning behaviour of bream Abramis brama was studied in 1993, in a harbour on the River Meuse, Belgium. Fish spawned from 22 to 27 April and from 11 to 14 May, when the water temperature rose to 14.5) C. The reproductive behaviour of the bream was studied within a 15 m long part of the harbour using a video camera. Territorial males with tubercles (33–43 cm total length; >5 years old) defended bank areas of diameter 80–150 cm which included spawning substratum, i.e. roots of alder and willow trees and aquatic plants. Water depth ranged from 25 to 50 cm. Non-territorial males without tubercles (24–33 cm; 3–4 years old), remained 2–4 m away from the bank. Aggressive behaviour between males was frequent and, occasionally, males with tubercles were unable to defend a territory. Mature females (25–43 cm; >3 years old), coming from the deeper water of the surrounding area, were followed by non-territorial males before spawning in territories near the bank.  相似文献   

Preliminary calculations of the age-specific birth rate for wild female chimpanzees were based on demographic records from a long-term study at Bossou, Republic of Guinea. Primiparous age was 12-14 years. Birth rate for a female reached a peak of 0.333 a year at 20-23 years, and then decreased until menopause at more than 40 years of age. Mean birth rate for a female of more than 12 years was 0.197 a year. Mean interbirth interval was 4.6 years overall, but 5.1 years, if all cases in which the previous infant had died within its first three years were excluded. Infant survival rate for the first four years was 0.727 and that of juveniles (four to seven years) was 0.714; however, that of adolescents (eight to 11 years) was only 0.222. Some adolescents who disappeared from Bossou are thought to have migrated to adjacent habitats. From age-specific birth rate and survival rate, the lifetime reproductive success was calculated as only 0.74 offspring per female. This rose to 2.39 when adolescent survival rate was assumed to be the same as that of juveniles. This must be less than the minimum reproductive success required for continued survival of the population. The recent and continuing degradation of the environment will lead to the extermination of this species from the area in the near future. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Our knowledge about genetic mating systems and the underlying causes for and consequences of variation in reproductive success has substantially improved in recent years. When linked to longitudinal population studies, cross-generational pedigrees across wild populations can help answer a wide suite of questions in ecology and evolutionary biology. We used microsatellite markers and exhaustive sampling of two successive adult generations to obtain population-wide estimates of individual reproductive output of males and females in a natural population of the Neotropical frog Allobates femoralis (Aromobatidae), a pan-Amazonian species that features prolonged iteroparous breeding, male territoriality and male parental care. Parentage analysis revealed a polygynandrous mating system in which high proportions of males (35.5%) and females (56.0%) produced progeny that survived until adulthood. Despite contrasting reproductive strategies, successfully reproducing males and females had similar numbers of mating partners that sired the adult progeny (both sexes: median 2; range 1-6); the numbers of their offspring that reached adulthood were also similar (both sexes: median 2; range 1-8). Measures of reproductive skew indicate selection on males only for their opportunity to breed. Reproductive success was significantly higher in territorial than in nonterritorial males, but unrelated to territory size in males or to body size in both sexes. We hypothesize that female polyandry in this species has evolved because of enhanced offspring survival when paternal care is allocated to multiple partners.  相似文献   

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