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We described the diet of Emydura macquarii, an omnivorous turtle from south-eastern Australia, compared its digestive performance on diets of fish or plants at two temperatures, and related how both diet and temperature affect its food selection in nature. Filamentous algae constituted 61% of the stomach content of E. macquarii. The turtles rarely fed on motile prey, but selected carrion from the lagoon bottom and terrestrial insects (Diptera, Hymenoptera and Coleoptera) trapped on the surface of the water. Digestive efficiency of E. macquarii was affected little by body temperature, in contrast to consumption rates and rates of passage which were strongly influenced by both temperature and diet. In combination, these responses resulted in a slower rate of digestion at 20 degrees C than at 30 degrees C. Digestive efficiency of E. macquarii on a herbivorous diet at 30 degrees C (49%) was about half that of turtles on a carnivorous diet (91%), but they had longer transit times (118 h on the plant diet versus 70 h). Lower consumption rates and longer mean retention times in turtles fed plants compared those fed fish relate to slower digestive processing of the plant. Rapid processing and higher consumption rates of fish by E. macquarii resulted in higher energy gains compared to turtles consuming plants (almost 100 times more energy at 30 degrees C). The laboratory results suggest that fish carrion and aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates are probably essential dietary items of E. macquarii in the wild, because its metabolic requirements cannot be met from aquatic macrophytes alone.  相似文献   

The influence of Pleistocene climatic cycles on Southern Hemisphere biotas is not yet well understood. Australia's eastern coastal margin provides an ideal setting for examining the relative influence of landscape development, sea level fluctuation, and cyclic climatic aridity on the evolution of freshwater biodiversity. We examined the impact of climatic oscillations and physical biogeographic barriers on the evolutionary history of the wide‐ranging Krefft's river turtle (Emydura macquarii krefftii), using range‐wide sampling (649 individuals representing 18 locations across 11 drainages) and analysis of mitochondrial sequences (~1.3‐kb control region and ND4) and nuclear microsatellites (12 polymorphic loci). A range of phylogeographic (haplotype networks, molecular dating), demographic (neutrality tests, mismatch distributions), and population genetic analyses (pairwise FST, analysis of molecular variance, Bayesian clustering analysis) were implemented to differentiate between competing demographic (local persistence vs. range expansion) and biogeographic (arid corridor vs. drainage divide) scenarios. Genetic data reveal population genetic structure in Krefft's river turtles primarily reflects isolation across drainage divides. Striking north‐south regional divergence (2.2% ND4 p‐distance; c. 4.73 Ma, 95% higher posterior density (HPD) 2.08–8.16 Ma) was consistent with long‐term isolation across a major drainage divide, not an adjacent arid corridor. Ancient divergence among regional lineages implies persistence of northern Krefft's populations despite the recurrent phases of severe local aridity, but with very low contemporary genetic diversity. Stable demography and high levels of genetic diversity are inferred for southern populations, where aridity was less extreme. Range‐wide genetic structure in Krefft's river turtles reflects contemporary and historical drainage architecture, although regional differences in the extent of Plio–Pleistocene climatic aridity may be reflected in current levels of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Incubation temperature affects developmental rates and defines many phenotypes and fitness characteristics of reptilian embryos. In turtles, eggs are deposited in layers within the nest, such that thermal gradients create independent developmental conditions for each egg. Despite differences in developmental rate, several studies have revealed unexpected synchronicity in hatching, however, the mechanisms through which synchrony are achieved may be different between species. Here, we examine the phenomenon of synchronous hatching in turtles by assessing proximate mechanisms in an Australian freshwater turtle (Emydura macquarii). We tested whether embryos hatch prematurely or developmentally compensate in response to more advanced embryos in a clutch. We established developmental asynchrony within a clutch of turtle eggs and assessed both metabolic and heart rates throughout incubation in constant and fluctuating temperatures. Turtles appeared to hatch at similar developmental stages, with less-developed embryos in experimental groups responding to the presence of more developed eggs in a clutch by increasing both metabolic and heart rates. Early hatching did not appear to reduce neuromuscular ability at hatching. These results support developmental adjustment mechanisms of the 'catch-up hypothesis' for synchronous hatching in E. macquarii and implies some level of embryo-embryo communication. The group environment of a nest strongly supports the development of adaptive communication mechanisms between siblings and the evolution of environmentally cued hatching.  相似文献   

Paolo Casale  Gaspard Abitsi  Marie Pierre Aboro  Pierre Didier Agamboue  Laureen Agbode  Nontsé Lois Allela  Davy Angueko  Jean Noel Bibang Bi Nguema  François Boussamba  Floriane Cardiec  Emmanuel Chartrain  Claudio Ciofi  Yves Armand Emane  J. Michael Fay  Brendan J. Godley  Carmen Karen Kouerey Oliwiwina  Jean de Dieu Lewembe  Donatien Leyoko  Georges Mba Asseko  Pulcherie Mengue M’adzaba  Jean Hervé Mve Beh  Chiara Natali  Clauvice Nyama-Mouketou  Jacob Nzegoue  Carole Ogandagas  Richard J. Parnell  Guy Anicet Rerambyath  Micheline Schummer Gnandji  Guy-Philippe Sounguet  Manjula Tiwari  Bas Verhage  Raul Vilela  Lee White  Matthew J. Witt  Angela Formia 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2017,26(10):2421-2433
Gabon hosts nesting grounds for several sea turtle species, including the world’s largest rookery for the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Africa’s largest rookery for the olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) and smaller aggregations of the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas). To assess the level of incidental captures of turtles by the Gabonese trawl fishery, an onboard observer program was conducted in the period 2012–2013. A total of 143 turtles were captured by 15 trawlers during 271 fishing days. The olive ridley turtle was the main species captured (80% of bycaught turtles), with mostly adult-sized individuals. The remaining 20% included green turtles, hawksbill turtles, leatherback turtles and undetermined species. Bycatch per unit of effort (BPUE) of olive ridley turtles varied greatly depending on the period of the year (range of means: 0.261–2.270). Dead and comatose turtles were 6.2 and 24.6% respectively (n = 65). By applying the available fishing effort to two BPUE scenarios (excluding or considering a seasonal peak), the total annual number of captures was estimated as ranging between 1026 (CI 95% 746–1343) and 2581 (CI 95% 1641–3788) olive ridley turtles, with a mortality ranging from 63 (CI 95% 13–135) to 794 (CI 95% 415–1282) turtles per year depending on the scenario and on the fate of comatose turtles. Such a potential mortality may be reason for concern for the local breeding population of olive ridley turtles and recommendations in terms of possible conservation measures and further research are given.  相似文献   

Buckarootrema goodmani n. g., n. sp. is described from the small intestine of the Murray turtle, Emydura macquarii (Gray, 1830), from the vicinity of Warwick, Queensland, Australia. The distinctive taxonomic features include the vitellarium, which consists of 2 compact masses directly anterior to and occasionally overlapping the testes; the uterus with extensive pre- and postovarian coils; intestinal ceca with small, medial diverticula that terminate anterior to or at the anterior margin of the testes; a comma-shaped cirrus sac with both internal and external seminal vesicles. Phylogenetic systematic analysis of the genera of the Pronocephalidae including Buckarootrema and Notopronocephalus, the only other genus of pronocephalids reported from Australian freshwater turtles, indicates that Buckarootrema is the sister taxon of Neopronocephalus and Notopronocephalus is the sister group of the rest of the Pronocephalinae.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the mid-Atlantic region, urban sprawl and development have resulted in habitat alterations and fragmentation; however, the effects on eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) populations are unclear. To investigate the status of eastern box turtle populations in a fragmented landscape, we used mark—recapture and radiotelemetry to estimate population density, sex ratio, age structure, and survival on 4 study areas with differing degrees of isolation and human disturbance in northern New Castle County, Delaware, USA. We estimated adult population densities ranging from 0.81 turtles/ha to 3.62 turtles/ha among our 4 study areas. Sex ratios were male-biased at 2 study areas and balanced at 2 study areas. Proportion of juveniles ranged from 0% to 31%. Estimated annual survival rate ranged from 0.813 to 0.977. Mortality of radiotagged and marked turtles was primarily due to natural causes, but mowing was the primary cause of human-induced mortality. We found evidence of population decline at one study area due to low survival and recruitment. Human disturbances, isolation, and habitat composition appear to have the greatest influence on the box turtle populations we studied. To minimize mortality from human disturbance, we suggest planting crops adjacent to forest habitat that require no mowing or mowing at a height ≥15 cm. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):745–753; 2008)  相似文献   

Leaving the water to bask (usually in the sun) is a common behavior for many freshwater turtles, with some species also engaging in “nocturnal basking.” Ectoparasite removal is an obvious hypothesis to explain nocturnal basking and has also been proposed as a key driver of diurnal basking. However, the efficacy of basking, day or night, to remove leeches has not been experimentally tested. Therefore, we examined the number of leeches that were removed from Krefft''s river turtles (Emydura macquarii krefftii) after experimentally making turtles bask at a range of times of day, durations, and temperatures. Turtles had high initial leech loads, with a mean of 32.1 leeches per turtle. Diurnal basking under a heat lamp for 3 hr at ~28°C significantly reduced numbers of leeches relative to controls. In diurnal trials, 90.9% of turtles lost leeches (mean loss of 7.1 leeches per turtle), whereas basking for 30 min under the same conditions was not effective (no turtles lost leeches, and all turtles were still visibly wet). Similarly, “nocturnal basking” at ~23°C for 3 hr was not effective at removing leeches. Only 18% of turtles lost leeches (one turtle lost one leech and another lost four leeches). Diurnal basking outdoors under direct sunlight for 20 min (mean temp = 34.5°C) resulted in a small reduction in leeches, with 50% of turtles losing leeches and an average loss of 0.7 leeches per turtle. These results indicate basking can remove leeches if temperatures are high or basking durations are long. However, it was only effective at unusually long basking durations in this system. Our data showed even the 20‐min period was longer than 70.1% of natural diurnal basking events, many of which took place at cooler temperatures. Therefore, leech removal does not appear to be the purpose of the majority of basking events.  相似文献   

Hematologic and serum biochemical analyses were performed on 30 wild-caught, gravid, Australian freshwater chelonians. Species sampled were western long-necked turtles (Chelodina oblonga; n = 13), common long-necked turtles (Chelodina longicollis; n = 8), and Murray River turtles (Emydura macquarii; n = 9). Turtles were obtained from Lake Goolellal in Perth, Western Australia (C. oblonga), and Lake Coranderrk in Healesville, Victoria (C. longicollis and E. macquarii). All turtles were considered healthy at the time of sample collection. Blood results were similar to those reported in other freshwater chelonians, with the exception of elevated calcium levels in all species. Hypercalcemia was attributed to egg development and maturation. A hemoparasite morphologically resembling Haemogregarina clelandi was found in all C. oblonga samples and in four C. longicollis samples. Infection with H. clelandi appeared to have no physiological effects on blood parameters or morphometrics of infected turtles. Blood parameters were also considered poor indicators of female chelonian morphometrics and fecundity.  相似文献   

Patterns of infracommunity structure and infra- and component community similarity were examined for helminths of 6 species of turtles, each collected from a single locality in Australia in 1993 and 1994. Elseya latisternum (N = 11) and Emydura kreffti (N = 16) were collected from northern Queensland, Emydura macquarii macquarii (N = 11) from southern Queensland, Emydura macquarii dhara (N = 11) and Chelodina longicollis (N = 11) from northern New South Wales, and Chelodina oblonga (N = 5) from Western Australia. Local parasite species richness was not correlated with host geographical range. Differences in parasite diversity among host species were related primarily to differences in evenness, a pattern attributed to local habitat characteristics, rather than species-specific differences in colonization potential. Ordination and analysis of similarity demonstrated the patterns of infracommunity structure of Chelodina spp. to be distinct from those of the other host species sampled, which showed considerable overlap among patterns of infracommunity structure. Despite overlap with the component communities of Em. kreffti and El. latisternum, the component communities of Em. m. dhara and Em. m. macquarii were more distinct from one another than either was to the component communities of Em. kreffti or El. latisternum.  相似文献   

Freshwater turtles are important consumers in Australian freshwater ecosystems. They serve as scavengers, nutrient regulators, and as food sources and Totems for Traditional Owners throughout Australia. Despite their importance, most Australian freshwater turtle species are declining. The impact of winter wetland drying on turtle populations remains unknown, and winter exposure of hibernating turtles may be an important additional source of mortality. We aimed to examine turtle responses to seasonal and episodic wetland drying in wetlands using acoustic telemetry and active trapping. Wetlands were chosen that spanned a range of hydrological connectivity to the adjacent Edward/Kolety-Wakool River. We found that tagged Emydura macquarii typically exit wetlands disconnected from the adjacent permanent river prior to winter, and overwinter in the river. Female E. macquarii rapidly re-entered ‘home’ wetlands (wetlands in which they were initially tagged) the following spring, whereas males tended to leave the study area, returning occasionally. Although we were not able to evaluate a winter drying event, one of the wetlands experienced partial summer drying. All three local turtle species (E. macquarii, Chelodina expansa, C. longicollis) exited the wetland long before winter drying would have become a potential threat. Our results suggest that turtles in this system may be protected from winter wetland drying because they move to the adjacent permanent river prior to winter. Spending the winter in the river channel reduces the risks of being trapped in a drying wetland as temperatures drop in winter.  相似文献   

Abstract Regeneration patterns of Eucalyptus coolabah Blakely & Jacobs subsp. arida (Blakely) L. Johnson & K. Hill (coolibah), a riparian tree of inland Australia, were inferred from size classes at two locations in South Australia; part of the floodplain of Cooper Creek and a swale in the Strzelecki Desert. These had contrasting water regimes; Cooper Creek floods on average once every 5–6 years whereas the swale has a continual water supply from a bore. A peak in size class distribution showed a regeneration event at each location but at different times. The one in the swale was more recent and was dated to the mid-1970s using aerial photography. Young (< 5 m tall) trees, interpreted as recent regeneration, were concentrated on specific topographic features, the top of a steep riverbank and a sand mound separate from the main dune system. Access to these features would have been difficult after flooding suggesting regeneration is dependent on protection from introduced herbivores. Field observations of reproductive status and canopy die-back showed coolibah condition was better in the swale. The relatively poorer condition of floodplain coolibahs was attributed to saline soils compounded by drier conditions rather than age.  相似文献   

The helminth fauna of 76 Emydura macquarii from 3 river systems in central and northern Queensland was examined. Eleven species were found, including 2 nematodes, 6 trematodes, 1 aspidogastrean, 1 cestode, and 1 monogenean. Analysis of helminth diversity showed that the Fitzroy and Ross River turtles had communities of comparable diversity, but the helminth communities in Proserpine River turtles were much less diverse. The helminth communities in all localities were dominated by trematodes. Polystomoides australiensis was the most prevalent, being found in 60% of the Ross River turtles, 57% of the Fitzroy River turtles, and 46% of the Proserpine River turtles. Notopronocephalus peekayi was the most abundant species, with mean abundances of 5.9 in the Ross River turtles and 9.8 in the Fitzroy River turtles. Species richness, Simpson's Reciprocal Index, was highest, 4.68, for the Ross River helminth community, Sorensen's Qualitative Index showed 95% similarity between the Ross River and Fitzroy River communities, although Sorensen's Quantitative Index indicated only 35% similarity between the 2 sites. Host feeding patterns are likely the most important factor affecting species richness of the helminth infracommunities, as the majority of helminth species are transmitted by food-web interactions involving intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

The extreme longevity of turtles and tortoises can make it difficult to determine the conservation status of their populations because high annual adult survival may mask gradual attrition due to low levels of recruitment. When long-term demographic trends are unknown and available data are insufficient for population modelling, it may be assumed that a scarcity of juveniles indicates low recruitment that will result in population ageing and numerical decline. However, the reliability with which the proportion of juveniles foreshadows demographic change is uncertain. We tested the hypothesis that a low proportion of juveniles in a turtle population presages its ageing by analysing over 20 years of survey data for five discrete populations of the Australian western saw-shelled turtle (Myuchelys bellii: Chelidae), a listed threatened species. The analysis tested whether the initial proportion of juvenile turtles in each population was related to its temporal trend in average body size. The five populations had varied structure and trends, with the initial proportion of juvenile turtles ranging from 10% to 39% and average body size increasing over time in some populations and decreasing in others. Contrary to expectation, the initial proportion of juveniles was unrelated to the trend in average body size and, by inference, average age, indicating that effective trend forecasting requires more detailed demographic information than merely population structure.  相似文献   

Eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) are widely distributed throughout the eastern United States. Although once common throughout much of its distribution, the species has experienced declines in local populations. Understanding resource selection is important for the conservation of this species; however, few data exist on resource selection for eastern box turtles in the southeastern United States. We estimated home range and resource selection for 100 individual turtles in the Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley, and Cumberland Plateau and Mountains physiographic regions in Tennessee, USA, from 2016 to 2018. We used step-selection functions to investigate eastern box turtle resource selection during May–August 2017 and May–August 2018 at 2 spatial scales. We classified vegetation type, measured vegetation composition and structure, recorded time since fire, and measured coarse woody debris abundance at 1,225 used telemetry locations and 1,225 associated available points. Home range sizes averaged 9.3 ha ± 3.0 (SE) using minimum convex polygon analysis, 8.25 ha ± 2.88 using 95% kernel density analysis, and 1.50 ha ± 0.56 using 50% kernel density analysis. Box turtles selected areas with greater visual obstruction at the 0–0.25-m level, greater amounts of 10-hour and 100-hour fuels (timelag categories used in fire-danger ratings), and greater litter depths compared to available locations. Box turtles were more likely to select areas with greater cover of brambles and coarser woody debris and were less likely to select areas with less vegetation cover. Vegetation type and time since last fire did not affect selection. Our data suggest that management activities that encourage greater understory vegetation cover, greater visual obstruction at the 0–0.25-m level, and greater bramble cover will enhance habitat quality for eastern box turtles. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Sychnocotyle kholo n. g., n. sp. (Aspidogastrea: Aspidogastridae) is described from the small intestine of the freshwater turtle Emydura macquarii (Pleurodira: Chelidae). The new genus is distinguished from other aspidogastrids by the possession of the following suite of characters: no cirrus-sac; no hermaphroditic duct; four rows of alveoli on the ventral disc but no prominent papillae; Laurer's canal opening to the exterior. Eggs hatched to cotylocidia within 37–41 days at 17–24 °C. The life-cycle is obligate two-host, involving a mollusc and a freshwater turtle. Juvenile forms, almost entirely single worm infections, were found in the molluscs Corbiculina sp. (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae) and Thiara balonnensis (Prosobranchia: Thiaridae). Sychnocotyle is most likely to have evolved in Australia after the separation of Gondwanaland from Laurasia 120–100 mya.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation is critical to the survival of animals. Tropical environments can be particularly thermally challenging as they reach very high, even lethal, temperatures. The thermoregulatory responses of tropical freshwater turtles to these challenges are poorly known. One common thermoregulatory behaviour is diurnal basking, which, for many species, facilitates heat gain. Recently, however, a north-eastern Australian population of Krefft's river turtles (Emydura macquarii krefftii) has been observed basking nocturnally, possibly to allow cooling. To test this, we determined the thermal preference (central 50% of temperatures selected) of E. m. krefftii in an aquatic thermal gradient in the laboratory. We then conducted a manipulative experiment to test the effects of water temperatures, both lower and higher than preferred temperature, on diurnal and nocturnal basking. The preferred temperature range fell between 25.3°C (±SD: 1.5) and 27.6°C (±1.4) during the day, and 25.3°C (±2.4) and 26.8°C (±2.5) at night. Based on this, we exposed turtles to three 24 h water temperature treatments (‘cool’ [23°C], ‘preferred’ [26°C] and ‘warm’ [29°C]) while air temperature remained constant at 26°C. Turtles basked more frequently and for longer periods during both the day and night when water temperatures were above their preferred range (the ‘warm’ treatment). This population frequently encounters aquatic temperatures above the preferred thermal range, and our results support the hypothesis that nocturnal basking is a mechanism for escaping unfavourably warm water. Targeted field studies would be a valuable next step in understanding the seasonal scope of this behaviour in a natural environment.  相似文献   

Adding new taxa to morphological phylogenetic analyses without substantially revising the set of included characters is a common practice, with drawbacks (undersampling of relevant characters) and potential benefits (character selection is not biased by preconceptions over the affinities of the ‘retrofitted’ taxon). Retrofitting turtles (Testudines) and other taxa to recent reptile phylogenies consistently places turtles with anapsid‐grade parareptiles (especially Eunotosaurus and/or pareiasauromorphs), under both Bayesian and parsimony analyses. This morphological evidence for turtle–parareptile affinities appears to contradict the robust genomic evidence that extant (living) turtles are nested within diapsids as sister to extant archosaurs (birds and crocodilians). However, the morphological data are almost equally consistent with a turtle–archosaur clade: enforcing this molecular scaffold onto the morphological data does not greatly increase tree length (parsimony) or reduce likelihood (Bayesian inference). Moreover, under certain analytic conditions, Eunotosaurus groups with turtles and thus also falls within the turtle–archosaur clade. This result raises the possibility that turtles could simultaneously be most closely related to a taxon traditionally considered a parareptile (Eunotosaurus) and still have archosaurs as their closest extant sister group.  相似文献   

Invasive mammalian predators are efficient at driving native animal declines. The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) kills millions of endemic reptiles in Australia each year. In areas of south-eastern Australia, the eastern long-necked turtle (Chelodina longicollis) and Murray River turtle (Emydura macquarii) have declined by more than 50%. High rates of nest predation by foxes limit the recruitment of young turtles in these populations, but previous methods of fox control have been ineffective at protecting turtle nests. Here, we tested the effectiveness of plastic mesh for protecting artificial turtle nests from predation by foxes, in the mid-Murray catchment, Victoria. We also tested whether protecting a large number of artificial nests in a given area encourages foxes to give up foraging following predictions from giving-up density theory. We made a series of plots, each containing 32 artificial turtle nests. In each plot, we covered a percentage (0%, 25%, 50%, 81% or 100%) of the nests with either 1 or 2 sheets of plastic mesh. We used remote cameras to photograph and identify any predator that attacked nests in the plots. The cameras also allowed us to estimate the amount of time a fox was visible on each plot, as a metric of how much effort foxes expended on protected nests. Nest survival rate was not increased by either 1 or 2 sheets of mesh, and increasing the number of protected nests on a plot did not reveal a giving-up density (GUD) value for fox foraging behaviour. Our study demonstrates that plastic mesh is not effective for protecting artificial turtle nests from foxes in this region.  相似文献   

Delimiting species in recent radiations   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Despite considerable effort from the systematics community, delimiting species boundaries in recent radiations remains a daunting challenge. We argue that genealogical approaches, although sometimes useful, may not solve this important problem, because recently derived species often have not had sufficient time to achieve monophyly. Instead, we suggest that population genetic approaches that rely on large sets of informative markers like single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) provide an alternative framework for delimiting very recently derived species. We address two major challenges in applying such markers to species delimitation: discovering markers in nonmodel systems and using them to delimit recently derived species. Using turtles as a test case, we explore the utility of a single, relatively low-coverage genomic resource as an aid in gene and marker discovery. We exploit an end-sequenced bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from an individual painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) and outline a novel protocol that efficiently identifies primer pairs that amplify homologous sequences across the tree of living turtles. Preliminary data using this library to discover SNPs in Emydura macquarii, a species that diverged from C. picta approximately 210 million years ago, indicate that sequences identified from the Chrysemys BAC library provide useful SNPs even in this very distantly related taxon. Several recent methods in wide use in the population genetics literature allow one to discover potential species, or test existing species hypotheses, with SNP data and may be particularly informative for very recently derived species. As BAC and other genomic resources become increasingly available for scattered taxa across the tree of life, we are optimistic that these resources will provide abundant, inexpensive markers that will help delimit boundaries in problematic, recent species radiations.  相似文献   

Mortality from being struck by a motorized watercraft is considerable for many aquatic vertebrates around the world, including sea turtles. We studied stranded (i.e., dead, sick, or injured) sea turtles found in Florida, USA, during 1986–2014 and identified those with sharp force or blunt force injuries indicative of a vessel strike. About a third of stranded loggerheads (Caretta caretta), green turtles (Chelonia mydas), and leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea) had a vessel-strike injury (VSI). The frequency of this injury was lower but still substantial for stranded Kemp's ridleys (Lepidochelys kempii; 26.1%) and hawksbills (Eretmochelys imbricata; 14.8%). Over the study period, the annual number of stranded loggerheads, green turtles, and Kemp's ridleys with a VSI increased as did the annual number of vessels registered in Florida. Eighty-one percent of the stranded turtles with a VSI were found in the southern half of Florida and 66% of those were found along the southeast coast. By coastal county, the proportion of stranded sea turtles with a VSI was positively related to the mean annual number of registered vessels. The percentage occurrence of a VSI was highest for adult loggerheads, green turtles, and leatherbacks, and reproductively active individuals appeared to be particularly vulnerable to these injuries. We conducted necropsies on 194 stranded sea turtles with a VSI and concluded that this injury was the cause of death or the probable cause of death in ≥92.8% of these cases. During 2000–2014, we estimate that the mean annual numbers of stranded sea turtles that died from a VSI were 142–229 loggerheads, 101–162 green turtles, 16–32 Kemp's ridleys, 4–6 leatherbacks, and 2–4 hawksbills. Considering that only about 10–20% of sea turtles that died likely washed ashore, the overall annual mortality may have been 5–10 times greater than that represented by strandings. Most of the significant clusters of stranded sea turtles with a VSI occurred at inlets or passes and the probability that a stranded sea turtle had a VSI decreased with increasing distance from inlets or passes, navigable waterways, and marinas. We suggest focusing initial management efforts on reducing watercraft-related mortality for all sea turtle species around 8 inlets in southeast Florida, reproductively active loggerheads and green turtles along the coast of southeast Florida, and Kemp's ridleys and adult male loggerheads at passes along the coast of southwest Florida. Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society  相似文献   

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