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Abstract: The neutral and phospholipid composition of mouse brain infected with scrapie prions was investigated. During the later stages of this disease, the level of dolichol decreased by 30% whereas the level of dolichyl phosphate increased by 30%. In terminally ill mice, there was also a 2.5-fold increase in both total ubiquinone and its reduced form. Furthermore, α-tocopherol was elevated at this stage by 50%. In contrast, no changes were observed in phospholipid amount, in phospholipid composition, and in phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogen content during the entire disease process. The fatty acid and aldehyde composition of individual phospholipids remained unaltered as well. No modifications could be detected in cholesterol content. Thus, the majority of membrane lipids in scrapie-infected mouse brain are modified in neither quantity nor structure, but specific changes occur to a few polyisoprenoid lipids. This specificity indicates that, although prions accumulate in lysosomes, the infection process is not associated with a general membrane destruction caused by lysosomal enzyme leakage.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have shown by northern analyses that the expression of the mouse polyubiquitin C gene is increased several fold in the brains of mice infected with both the ME7 and 87V strains of scrape. Expression of the polyubiquitin gene does not change significantly, compared with controls, until the later stages of disease progression when there is a 2.5-fold increase in ME7-infected brains and a 1.8-fold increase in 87V-infected brains. The patterns of changes of expression of the polyubiquitin genes in brains infected with the two strains of scrapie resemble those of accumulation of ubiquitin-conjugate-positive structures in the brain that are detected immunohisto chemically. A similar increase in the expression of a heatshock protein 70 gene also occurs.  相似文献   

The activity of the adenylate cyclase located in membranes prepared from hippocampus of adult rat can be stimulated by serotonin (5-HT) (Ka = 4 X 10(-7) M). The maximal effect is obtained with 10 microM 5-HT. Freezing of the tissue decreases the 5-HT stimulation; this stimulation is optimal in the presence of 82.5 mM Tris-maleate buffer (pH 7.4) and 50 microM GTP. The adenylate cyclase activity of membranes prepared from cortex, hypothalamus, and colliculi of adult rats is not significantly stimulated by 5-HT. Dopamine (DA) also stimulates adenylate cyclase located in hippocampal membranes; its effect can be blocked by haloperidol (10(-6) M), which fails to inhibit 5-HT stimulation. Moreover, p-chlorophenylalanine treatment for 2 weeks or selective lesion of 5-HT axons afferent to the hippocampus increases the Vmax of 5-HT stimulation, but fails to change that of DA stimulation. The 5-HT stimulation can be inhibited by metergoline, spiroperidol, and pizotyline (10(-6) M), but not by the same concentrations of mianserin, ketanserine, alprenolol, phenoxybenzamine, and mepyramine. The 5-HT stimulation of adenylate cyclase of hippocampal membranes can be mimicked by tryptamine, 5-methoxytryptamine, bufotenine, and to a lesser extent by LSD; N-methyltryptamine, N-methyltryptophan, and 5-hydroxytryptophan are inactive. Studies with kainic acid suggest that the 5-HT recognition site (5-HT1) linked to adenylate cyclase is located on the membrane of intrinsic hippocampal neurons.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]indalpine (4-[2-(3-indolyl)]ethyl piperidine) to slide-mounted sections of rat brain has been characterized. This 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) uptake blocker binds to sections with high affinity (KD approximately 1 nM). The binding is saturable, and can be displaced by the addition of clomipramine (1 microM). Other drugs inhibiting the uptake of 5-HT also have the capacity to inhibit the binding of [3H]indalpine. A significant correlation (r = 0.86) was found between the capacity of these compounds to inhibit the uptake of 5-HT and their potencies as inhibitors of [3H]indalpine binding. Binding was Na+ - and Cl- -dependent and was inhibited competitively by 5-HT. Furthermore, electrolytic lesions of the dorsal raphe or medial forebrain bundle, which cause a degeneration of 5-HT cell bodies and fibers, respectively, resulted in a 30-40% reduction in the binding of [3H]indalpine. [3H]Indalpine binds to the 5-HT uptake recognition sites in a different manner from imipramine-like compounds.  相似文献   

The relationships between the concentration of serotonin (5-HT) and related metabolites in human blood and CSF have been studied. Plasma tryptophan (TP), 5-HT, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), and indoleacetic acid (IAA), whole-blood 5-HT, and CSF TP, 5-HT, 5-HIAA, IAA, homovanillic acid, and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethylene glycol were determined in 35 unmedicated outpatients who underwent minor surgical operations and had no history of psychiatric or neurological illnesses. Significant correlations were found between the serotoninergic parameters analyzed in blood and CSF. Plasma free 5-HT correlated significantly with CSF 5-HT (r = 0.411, p less than 0.02), and plasma 5-HIAA correlated with the CSF 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio (r = 0.508, p less than 0.004). The concentration of 5-HIAA in CSF correlated with the plasma 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio (r = 0.405, p less than 0.026) (which can be taken as an index of monoamine oxidase type A activity in peripheral tissues) and with the platelet 5-HT/plasma 5-HT ratio (r = 0.375, p less than 0.05). The concentrations of IAA in CSF and plasma were strongly correlated (r = 0.899, p less than 0.001). The significance of these results and their relationship to the use of "in vivo" measures of 5-HT and related metabolites in plasma and platelets as an index of serotoninergic function in affective disorders are discussed.  相似文献   

正常细胞的朊蛋白(PrPC)代谢和构象的改变是引发动物和人类可传播性海绵状脑病(transmissiblespongiformencephalopathies,TSEs)的根本原因。将羊瘙痒病(scrapie)仓鼠适应株263K颅内接种仓鼠,在接种后的第20、40、50、60、70、80天,通过Westernblot动态检测仓鼠脑中PrP存在的形式。结果在接种后第40天,在感染动物脑组织中即检测到PrPSc分子,比临床症状出现的时间早(平均潜伏期为66 7±1 1天),且无糖基化形式的PrP分子所占百分比在接种后期增加明显。除了标准分子量大小(30kD~35kD)的PrP分子外,在感染动物脑中存在着高分子量和低分子量形式的PrP分子。定量分析显示,随着接种潜伏期的延长,不同形式PrP分子的含量也在增加,其中低分子量形式的PrP分子与临床症状的出现密切相关。蛋白去糖基化实验表明,在感染动物脑组织中,除了标准分子量大小的PrP蛋白外,还存在一条更小分子量的PrP条带,而正常动物脑组织仅存在标准大小的PrP分子。低分子量形式的PrP分子具有与全长PrP分子相类似的糖基化模式。结果提示,scrapie263K感染的仓鼠脑组织中存在不同分子形式的PrPSc,其PrP分子的代谢可能不同于正常动物。  相似文献   

羊瘙痒病是累及山羊及绵羊的可传播海绵状脑病。为了观察羊瘙痒因子 (Scrapie)的病原特征及病理组织改变特点 ,将羊瘙痒因子 2 6 3K毒株颅内接种至金黄地鼠。经过 81~ 110天的潜伏期 ,89%的动物发病 (17/19只 )。对发病地鼠的神经病理学检测发现 ,海绵状空泡变性的检出率为 5 9% ,淀粉样斑的检出率为 17 6 %。利用免疫组化和蛋白酶消化后的Westernblotting检测证实 ,10 0 %的发病地鼠的脑组织中都出现蛋白酶抗性朊蛋白 (PrP res)。17只发病地鼠脑组织提取物中 ,PrP res的泳动位置和分子量大小完全一致 ,出现两条分子量在 2 5kD~ 31kD的反应带。尝试应用快速玻片印迹法检测病变组织中的PrP res,结果显示 ,与常规固定包埋切片的免疫组化检出效果相似。这提示脑组织印片法可成为临床检测克 雅氏病 (Creutzfeldt Jacobdisease ,CJD)患者脑组织活检标本中PrP res的快速、有效的方法。羊瘙痒因子 2 6 3K成功感染金黄地鼠再次证明 ,金黄地鼠是TSE感染因子良好的动物模型 ,发病率高 ,潜伏期短 ,发病动物PrP res的检出率明显高于典型病理改变的检出率。新生成的PrP res的电泳类型与接种的TSE因子有关 ,与宿主的个体差异无关 ,提示TSE感染因子的确存在“株”的现象。  相似文献   

Scrapie is a transmissible disease that results in progressive degeneration of the central nervous system and death. Although scrapie has been studied histopathologically, relatively little is known concerning neurotransmitter alterations. Specific [3H]muscimol binding to whole brain crude synaptic membranes (CSM) from mice clinically affected with scrapie was significantly (p less than 0.01) reduced, to approximately 73% of that of the controls. Of the brain regions examined, binding to only cerebral CSM was significantly (p less than 0.0001) decreased. Scatchard analyses of saturation curves revealed that the high-affinity (KD = 8 +/- 3 nM) site for muscimol was abolished in cerebral CSM from scrapie-infected mice, while the low-affinity site was unaffected. Binding of [3H]flunitrazepam to cerebral CSM was unaffected by scrapie and was stimulated by GABA to the same extent in both scrapie and control mice. These results suggest that scrapie agent 139A in C57BL/6J mice manifests a portion of its CNS pathology via a high-affinity GABA binding site that is unassociated with the benzodiazepine receptor.  相似文献   

Previously we found close similarities between high-affinity binding sites for [3H]cocaine and those for [3H]imipramine in the mouse cerebral cortex in regard to their association with neuronal uptake of serotonin. In the present study we investigated whether the two ligands bind to the same site. The two ligands had the following high-affinity binding properties in common: localization in both synaptosomal and microsomal fractions; vulnerability to treatment with N-ethylmaleimide, trypsin, and phospholipase A2; and resistance to exposure to dithiothreitol. In contrast, cocaine binding in the cerebral cortex was more sensitive to heat inactivation than imipramine binding. In addition, the mechanism by which cocaine inhibited [3H]imipramine binding differed from that by which imipramine inhibited [3H]cocaine binding. These data suggest that the high-affinity binding sites for [3H]cocaine and [3H]imipramine in the cerebral cortex are distinct entities.  相似文献   

It was suggested in a recent report by Phillips et al. [J. Neurochem. 43, 479-486 (1984)] that the low-affinity binding of [3H]imipramine in the mouse cerebral cortex could in fact represent binding of [3H]imipramine to the GF/B glass fiber filters used to terminate the assays. The present study demonstrates that this is not the case and advances two lines of evidence: (a) For saturation analysis, mouse cerebrocortical membranes were incubated with [3H]imipramine concentrations between 0.8 nM and 3.6 microM, and parallel incubations were carried out with buffer replacing the brain membranes. The same low-affinity component, in addition to the high-affinity component, was present in the binding of [3H]imipramine to brain membranes plus GF/B filters (uncorrected data), and in that to brain membranes alone (corrected data). (b) Dissociation experiments, in which filter binding is equal for all samples and dissociation time is the only variable, clearly indicated the nonhomogeneity of [3H]imipramine binding. Our results, however, do show that binding to recently purchased GF/B filters is not a negligible phenomenon in saturation experiments. Relatively lower binding was found to GF/C, GF/F, Gelman A/E, and Reeves Angel 934 AH filters; pretreatment of GF/B filters with polyethyleneimine (PEI) reduced binding to a greater extent in the single manifold than in the cell harvester.  相似文献   

High- and Low-Affinity Binding of [3H]Imipramine in Mouse Cerebral Cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binding of [3H]imipramine in mouse cerebral cortex was found to be nonhomogeneous. Competition experiments, Scatchard analysis, and Hill plots are compatible with the existence of binding with high (nanomolar) and low (micromolar) affinity. Low-affinity binding could be eliminated by the use of low concentrations of imipramine as the competing ligand. In contrast to the high-affinity binding, the low-affinity binding was found to be unrelated to the neuronal uptake system for serotonin.  相似文献   

The year 2012 marks the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the Cys loop ligand-gated ion channel superfamily of neurotransmitter receptors. This minireview series celebrates this with a series of articles reviewing current information for each of the family members, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, glycine receptors, GABAA receptors, serotonin-3 (5-HT3) receptors, and glutamate-gated chloride ion channels of proteasome invertebrate phyla.  相似文献   

Although the use of aging expeimental animals for studying serotonergic neuronal changes is limited because of species differences, cholinergic neuronal deterioration does appear to be a feature common to mammalian aging brains. In the present study, a recently introduced experimental animal, Suncus murinus (house musk shrew, an insectivore classified as being at the stem of the mammalian phylogenic tree) which in certain physiological characteristics is more closely related to the primate than is the rat, was used as an experimental animal model for serotonergic neuronal deterioration in aging brain. We examined the changes in binding to the membrane fraction of aging brain cortex of the experimental animals Suncus and Fischer rat of the serotonergic ligands, 5-HT, imipramine, and 8-OH-DPAT. Morphological study of the brain stem including the Nucleus raphae by immunohistochemical staining demonstrated that in Suncus all the serotonergic ligands had decreasing affinity to the membrane of aging brain; binding of 8-OH-DPAT and imipramine decreased to a greater extent than that of 5-HT. In contrast, the aging rat brain showed no appreciable change in the binding of serotonergic ligands.  相似文献   

The 5-HT3A receptor homology model, based on the partial structure of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo marmorata, reveals an asymmetric ion channel with five portals framed by adjacent helical amphipathic (HA) stretches within the 114-residue loop between the M3 and M4 membrane-spanning domains. The positive charge of Arg-436, located within the HA stretch, is a rate-limiting determinant of single channel conductance (γ). Further analysis reveals that positive charge and volume of residue 436 are determinants of 5-HT3A receptor inward rectification, exposing an additional role for portals. A structurally unresolved stretch of 85 residues constitutes the bulk of the M3-M4 loop, leaving a >45-Å gap in the model between M3 and the HA stretch. There are no additional structural data for this loop, which is vestigial in bacterial pentameric ligand-gated ion channels and was largely removed for crystallization of the Caenorhabditis elegans glutamate-activated pentameric ligand-gated ion channels. We created 5-HT3A subunit loop truncation mutants, in which sequences framing the putative portals were retained, to determine the minimum number of residues required to maintain their functional integrity. Truncation to between 90 and 75 amino acids produced 5-HT3A receptors with unaltered rectification. Truncation to 70 residues abolished rectification and increased γ. These findings reveal a critical M3-M4 loop length required for functions attributable to cytoplasmic portals. Examination of all 44 subunits of the human neurotransmitter-activated Cys-loop receptors reveals that, despite considerable variability in their sequences and lengths, all M3-M4 loops exceed 70 residues, suggesting a fundamental requirement for portal integrity.  相似文献   

Brain astroglial cells, whether from a bulk isolated preparation or in culture, have been shown to take up serotonin actively. [3H]imipramine has been proposed as a specific label for serotonin uptake sites in brain. We therefore studied the binding of [3H]imipramine to C6 astroglial cells in culture to determine if some of the binding of this radioligand in brain homogenates is actually to serotonin transporting sites on glia. [3H]Imipramine binds saturably (Bmax = 202 fmol/mg protein) and with high affinity (KD = 1.72 nM) to C6 cells. This binding is competitively inhibited by other tricyclic antidepressants. The C6 cells actively transport [3H]serotonin with a Km of 2 microM and a Vmax of 1080 fmol/10(6) cells/min. However, the pharmacological profile for inhibition of serotonin uptake does not correlate with the pharmacological profile for inhibition of [3H]imipramine binding. These results suggest that the binding of [3H]imipramine to astroglial cells is not related to their capacity for active uptake of serotonin. Further, in brain homogenates, some of the binding of [3H]imipramine may not be to neuronal uptake sites but rather may be to sites on astroglial cells.  相似文献   

The relationship between the feeding paradigm (single diet versus food selection) and central idoleamines and catecholamines was studied. Temporal patterns of the brain parameters in response to presentation of a single diet of fixed composition (20% casein) or a choice between two isocaloric diets (0% and 60% casein) for 2 weeks under 8-h feeding cycles during the dark phase were measured in adult Sprague-Dawley rats. Groups of animals were then killed at the beginning and at 2-h intervals throughout the feeding period. The distribution and the temporal pattern of variation of the serotoninergic and the catecholaminergic parameters studied were significantly affected by the diet paradigms used. A different neurochemical equilibrium was observed before food intake and was characterized by a central serotoninergic predominance in subjects having a dietary selection experience but a central catecholaminergic predominance in animals adapted to a single diet. Hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic serotoninergic and catecholaminergic systems were found to intervene in an interdependent way, sometimes antagonistic according to the feeding paradigm and the related temporal changes in energy intake and macronutrient selection. These results suggest that central serotoninergic and catecholaminergic systems are influenced by the diet paradigm and display characteristic patterns of temporal variations during the feeding cycle. The feeding paradigm, per se, should then be considered as a potential synchronizer of central biological rhythms of monoamines, which in turn may affect food intake and appetite for macronutrients.  相似文献   

Monoamine oxidases A and B (MAO-A and MAO-B) are enzymes of the outer mitochondrial membrane that metabolize biogenic amines. In the adult central nervous system, MAOs have important functions for neurotransmitter homeostasis. Expression of MAO isoforms has been detected in the developing embryo. However, suppression of MAO-B does not induce developmental alterations. In contrast, targeted inhibition and knockdown of MAO-A expression (E7.5–E10.5) caused structural abnormalities in the brain. Here we explored the molecular mechanisms underlying defective brain development induced by MAO-A knockdown during in vitro embryogenesis. The developmental alterations were paralleled by diminished apoptotic activity in the affected neuronal structures. Moreover, dysfunctional MAO-A expression led to elevated levels of embryonic serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)), and we found that knockdown of serotonin receptor-6 (5-Htr6) expression or pharmacologic inhibition of 5-Htr6 activity rescued the MAO-A knockdown phenotype and restored apoptotic activity in the developing brain. Our data suggest that excessive 5-Htr6 activation reduces activation of caspase-3 and -9 of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway and enhances expression of antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL. Moreover, we found that elevated 5-HT levels in MAO-A knockdown embryos coincided with an enhanced activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and a reduction of proliferating cell numbers. In summary, our findings suggest that excessive 5-HT in MAO-A-deficient mouse embryos triggers cellular signaling cascades via 5-Htr6, which suppresses developmental apoptosis in the brain and thus induces developmental retardations.  相似文献   

Tricyclic antidepressant drugs inhibit [3H]imipramine binding to the rat brain cortex in a competitive manner, giving linear Hofstee plots and Hill coefficients of approximately 1.0. Serotonin, the only neurotransmitter to inhibit [3H]imipramine binding, does so in a complex manner, exhibiting a Hill coefficient of 0.40-0.50. Nontricyclic inhibitors of serotonin uptake such as fluoxetine, paroxetine, norzimelidine, and citalopram inhibit [3H]imipramine binding in the same complex manner as serotonin. These results are interpreted as suggesting that [3H]imipramine binds to a site associated with the serotonin uptake system but different from either the substrate recognition site for serotonin or the site of action of the nontricyclic inhibitors of neuronal uptake of serotonin.  相似文献   

The nature of interaction between the site labeled by [3H]imipramine (IMI) and the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin) transporter in human platelets was examined. The sulfhydryl characterizing agent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) differentially affected [3H]5-HT uptake and [3H]IMI binding in human platelet preparations. Concentrations of NEM that completely abolished [3H]5-HT uptake only minimally reduced [3H]IMI binding. Examining the effect of IMI on the kinetics of human platelet [3H]5-HT uptake revealed significant reductions in maximal velocity (Vmax) without altering affinity (Km). IC50 values for selected uptake blockers on [3H]IMI binding and [3H]5-HT uptake were determined. IC50 values of these compounds for uptake and binding revealed that agents such as IMI, chlorpromazine, amitriptyline, and nisoxetine were preferential inhibitors of [3H]IMI binding whereas fluoxetine, CL 216, 303, pyrilamine, and bicifadine were preferential [3H]5-HT uptake blockers. 5-HT was a weak displacer of [3H]IMI binding (IC25 = 3.0 microM) and exhibited a rather low Hill coefficient (nH app = 0.46). Results reported herein support the notion of an allosteric interaction between the [3H]IMI binding site and the 5-HT transporter complex in human platelets.  相似文献   

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