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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):285-292

Seasonal changes in the diaspore bank of bryophytes and background processes were investigated in two open grasslands on dolomite rock in Hungary by means of soil samples. To test the longevity of propagules and to collect information about their potential dormancy, a part of each sample was stored air-dried in the laboratory for periods of half a year and 1 year. In contrast to results of earlier studies, temporal variation was detected in the number of propagules stored in the soil of three species (Bryum argenteum, Bryum erythrocarpum agg. and Weissia controversa). There is evidence of dormancy in vegetative gemmae of species of the Bryum erythrocarpum complex and Weissia controversa. Dormancy is also hypothesized in spores of Phascum cuspidatum. We suggest that dormancy in bryophyte propagules is less rare than had hitherto been assumed. Probably this is due mainly to the relatively small number of investigations of species living in habitats with periodically unfavourable moisture and temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Escudero V  Mendoza R 《Mycorrhiza》2005,15(4):291-299
We studied seasonal variation in population attributes of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi over 2 years in four sites of temperate grasslands of the Argentinean Flooding Pampas. The sites represent a wide range of soil conditions, hydrologic gradients, and floristic composition. Lotus glaber, a perennial herbaceous legume naturalised in the Flooding Pampas, was dominant at the four plant community sites. Its roots were highly colonised by AM fungi. Temporal variations in spore density, spore type, AM root colonisation, floristic composition and soil chemical characteristics occurred in each site and were different among sites. The duration of flooding had no effect on spore density but depressed AM root colonisation. Eleven different types of spores were recognized and four were identified. Two species dominated at the four sites: Glomus fasciculatum and Glomus intraradices. Spore density was highest in summer (dry season) and lowest in winter (wet season) with intermediate values in autumn and spring. Colonisation of L. glaber roots was highest in summer or spring and lowest in winter or autumn. The relative density of G. fasciculatum and G. intraradices versus Glomus sp. and Acaulospora sp. had distinctive seasonal peaks. These seasonal peaks occurred at all four sites, suggesting differences among AM fungus species with respect to the seasonality of sporulation. Spore density and AM root colonisation when measured at any one time were poorly related to each other. However, spore density was significantly correlated with root colonisation 3 months before, suggesting that high colonisation in one season precedes high sporulation in the next season.  相似文献   

Summary Seasonal changes in photosynthesis were examined in the desiccation-tolerant fern Polypodium virginianum growing in a forest understory along cliff edges of the Niagara Escarpment in southern Ontario, Canada. For plants growing in situ, the photosynthetic response to irradiance was examined on a seasonal basis, to determine the degree to which the utilization of light changed over the growing season. Experiments were executed on control plants, on previously desiccated then rehydrated plants, and on continuously hydrated plants to determine if prior desiccation influenced the response to light. Soil and xylem water potential and temperature were monitored and used as covariates in analyses. The results showed that carbon gain in the spring greatly exceeded that of any other season. Despite this, there was little change in the photosynthetic response to light on a seasonal basis even though plants were exposed to highly variable and highly limited light most of the time. Prior desiccation had a slight influence on photosynthetic rate but not on other photosynthetic parameters such as the light compensation point and Lhalf. Temperature was a significant seasonal covariate and additional experiments conducted in the laboratory showed that the response of photosynthesis to temperature was broad. Xylem water potential was correlated with seasonal changes in relative humidity. The results suggest that P. virginanum persists in hostile cliff-edge habitats by being able to exploit high-light periods in the spring and by thereafter maintaining a low but relatively constant rate of carbon despite prior exposure to fluctuating supplies of light and water.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations and sex differences in the nutritional status in two local populations of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata fuscata) were examined. It was hypothesized that the ecological condition and/or reproductive strategies of each sex determine the nutritional condition and its seasonal fluctuation in each sex. Morphometric measures such as body mass, thoracic and femoris circumferences, skinfold thickness in four places (triceps, biceps femoris, subscapular, and abdomen), and wet mass of mesenteric and omental fat were used for comparisons between sexes, seasons, and populations. Animals of the Shimane population were larger than those of the Boso population in most morphometric measures, abdominal skinfold, and mesenteric and omental fat mass, suggesting environmental and/or genetic differences in the two populations. Females of both populations had larger skinfolds and mesenteric and omental fat mass than males, indicating that females had more fat than males. Females showed seasonality in most measures, having two peaks of body mass, thoracic and femoris circumferences, abdominal skinfold, and mesenteric and omental fat masses in early spring and late fall. In contrast, males exhibited no clear seasonal variations for most measurements, except for biceps femoris and subscapular skinfolds, which showed peaks in summer. Most morphometric measurements significantly correlated to each other, particularly in females, but most skinfolds had no correlation with other measurements. These findings suggest that sexual dimorphism in body composition and its fluctuation may be affected by the different reproductive strategies of males and females.  相似文献   

I describe the positional behavior of four species of Malagasy lemur (Propithecus diadema, Eulemur fulvus rufus, Eulemur rubriventer,and Varecia variegata)at two times of year at Ranomafana National Park,Madagascar. There were significant seasonal differences in locomotor behavior in all species except P. diademaAmong the lemurids, leaping was more frequent and quadrupedism less frequent in the dry season. Only E. rubriventerexhibited seasonal differences in posture, and there were few seasonal differences in support use. The observed differences in positional behavior were not the result of differences in activity budget or in microhabitat use attributable to seasonal variation in resource use.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior and diet of two species of bushbaby, Galago senegalensisand Galago crassicaudatus,in South Africa were examined in relation to seasonal changes in climate. The populations studied were allopatric, but both fed predominantly on Acaciagum and invertebrates. Data on their diet were collected by direct observation of a radiocollared female of each species and by analysis of fecal samples. Differences in diet were found between the species within seasons and within species between the seasons. Both spent more time gum-feeding in winter than in summer. Prey size and type differed between the species in summer but converged in winter. The quantity of insects taken was fairly similar between seasons for G. senegalensisbut dropped considerably for G. crassicaudatusin winter. These observations are interpreted in terms of interspecific differences in feeding strategies, which are considered to be a function of the difference in body size of the two galago species.  相似文献   

Permanent quadrats in granite outcrop plant communities allowed us to monitor seasonal variation and annual fluctuation in community structure. Seasonal species turn-over was significant in communities on shallow soil, but not in communities on deeper soil where seasonal dominance shifts were common. Exceptional meteorological events appeared to mediate phenomena of competitive release in some island communities. A decrease in the abundance of Arenaria uniflora in Lichen-annual island communities, following a spring drought, was correlated with an increase in the abundance of Sedum smallii, a shallower-soil species. Richness in Annual-perennial island communities was higher in spring 1985 than in 1984 or 1986, and this occurred as the dominant species, Senecio tomentosus, temporarily declined in importance following a severe drought in late summer 1984. Significant annual fluctuation in the cover of Viguiera porteri could also be related to variations in the summer precipitation regime. Overall, plant responses to drought were individualistic and depended largely on the timing of these meteorological events in relation to the life-stages and/or the physiological status of the plants.Abbreviations AP = Annual-perennial island communities - HST = Herb-shrub-tree island communities - LA = Lichen-annual island communities - SS = Sedum smallii island communities  相似文献   

In 2003, 50 game carcasses (ungulates) originating from one Austrian hunting ground were subject to visual examination for (fecal) contamination of the body cavities and microbiological testing of the body cavities in order to assess variations in microbial surface contamination in the season June–August compared to October–December. No carcass tested positive for the bacterial pathogens Salmonella or Listeria. Bacterial surface counts in October–December (median values: total aerobic count: 4.12 log10 colony-forming-units (cfu)/cm2; Enterobacteriaceae: 2.48 log10 cfu/cm2) were significantly lower than those in June–August (median values: total aerobic count: 5.65 log10 cfu/cm2; Enterobacteriaceae: 3.45 log10 cfu/cm2). The cooling regime (0.4 °C, 62% relative humidity) allowed no microbial growth for 96 h but was associated with weight loss of the carcasses. All carcasses had undergone a precooling phase of 8–12 h, with temperatures of 17.8±1.2 °C in the season June–August and 9.8±1.2 °C in October–December. This temperature difference was identified as the most probable effector for the observed seasonal variation. The results demonstrate the need for a continuous cool chain after evisceration of game carcasses.  相似文献   

Isozymes were used to study genetic variation in the clonal ferns Culcita macrocarpa and Woodwardia radicans in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula, their northern distributional limit. Despite their high chromosome numbers, both species were isozymic diploids. In C. macrocarpa all 18 resolved loci were monomorphic, with the same allele in all ramets from all populations. In W. radicans only two of the 16 interpreted loci were polymorphic, with two alleles per locus; ramet-level genotypes showed Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, indicating an intergametophytic mating system; the number of genets distinguished was 1–3 per population; and among-population variation was low (F ST = 0.231), suggesting effective gene flow (i.e. spore exchange). More generally, the very low (W. radicans, H T = 0.012) or zero (C. macrocarpa) genetic diversity detected in the present study may be due to genetic drift associated with the reduction of populations in the last glaciation, and to founder effects in the subsequent Holocene expansion.  相似文献   

Elevated testosterone levels can lower condition and increase parasites. We analysed testosterone in 84 blood samples of wild European badgers Meles meles collected at regular intervals (winter = mating season; spring = end of mating season; summer = minor mating peak; autumn = reproductive quiescence), and related variation to body condition, subcaudal gland secretion, parasite burden, and bite wounding. All males showed elevated levels in winter and low levels in autumn. In neither season did testosterone correlate with fitness-related parameters. However, two different endocrinological phenotypes existed in spring and summer. Whilst some males lowered their testosterone to levels comparable to autumnal quiescence (Type 1), others maintained elevated levels comparable to those during winter (Type 2). In spring and summer high levels were correlated with lower body condition and increased parasite burden, and Type 2 males tended to suffer higher mortality rates than Type 1. No animals older than 6 years adopted phenotype 2, indicating that males either switch phenotypes with age or that Type 2 results in lower life expectancy, evidencing the costs of male reproduction in badgers.  相似文献   

The rust fungi (Uredinales, basidiomycota) occuring on ferns (Pteridophyta) in South Africa are described, illustrated and keyed out. All species belong to the pucciniastraceous genera Milesina (M. blechni), Uredinopsis (U. pteridis) or to the related uredinial anamorph genus Milesia (M. nervisequa, M. cf. magellanica, M. silvae-knysnae). Milesia silvae-knysnae on Polystichum pungens is new to science; it probably belongs to the teleomorph genus Milesina. Milesina blechni is reported from South Africa for the first time on the new hosts Blechnum punctulatum and Rumohra adiantoides; it has hitherto been known only from the Northern Hemisphere on Blechnum spicant. Rust specimens collected on Asplenium aethiopicum and A. rutifolium were tentatively assigned to Milesia magellanica which has been known so far only from southern Chile. Hyalopsora neocheilanthis, Milesina neoexigua and M. neovogesiaca are proposed as new names for Hyalopsora cheilanthis, Milesia exigua and M. vogesiaca. It is discussed that the pucciniastraceous fern rusts could have reached South Africa either by migration (M. blechni) or by long-distance air dispersal. In the absence of their gametophyte hosts, species of Abies (Pinaceae), the rusts have to propagate in South Africa by urediniospores infecting fern to fern. Taxonomical novelties Milesia silvae-knysnae R. Berndt Milesina neoexigua R. Berndt Milesina neovogesiaca R. Berndt Hyalopsora neocheilanthis R. Berndt  相似文献   

Using DNA sequence data from multiple genes (often from more than one genome compartment) to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships has become routine. Augmenting this approach with genomic structural characters (e.g., intron gain and loss, changes in gene order) as these data become available from comparative studies already has provided critical insight into some long-standing questions about the evolution of land plants. Here we report on the presence of a group II intron located in the mitochondrial atp1 gene of leptosporangiate and marattioid ferns. Primary sequence data for the atp1 gene are newly reported for 27 taxa, and results are presented from maximum likelihood-based phylogenetic analyses using Bayesian inference for 34 land plants in three data sets: (1) single-gene mitochondrial atp1 (exon+intron sequences); (2) five combined genes (mitochondrial atp1 [exon only]; plastid rbcL, atpB, rps4; nuclear SSU rDNA); and (3) same five combined genes plus morphology. All our phylogenetic analyses corroborate results from previous fern studies that used plastid and nuclear sequence data: the monophyly of euphyllophytes, as well as of monilophytes; whisk ferns (Psilotidae) sister to ophioglossoid ferns (Ophioglossidae); horsetails (Equisetopsida) sister to marattioid ferns (Marattiidae), which together are sister to the monophyletic leptosporangiate ferns. In contrast to the results from the primary sequence data, the genomic structural data (atp1 intron distribution pattern) would seem to suggest that leptosporangiate and marattioid ferns are monophyletic, and together they are the sister group to horsetails--a topology that is rarely reconstructed using primary sequence data.  相似文献   

Most of what is known about the seasonal variation in suicide rate originates from studies conducted in the northern hemisphere; very few studies have been done in the southern hemisphere. The purpose of the present study was to explore the possibility that in Brazil, the seasonal variation of suicides is a function of photoperiod. This was accomplished by analyzing monthly suicide data for a 12 yr period (1979 to 1990), within latitudes ranging from 2°N to 33°S. Single cosinor analyses with periods of 12 or 6 months were applied to time series of monthly total and suicidal deaths, separated by gender and state. Significant spring or early summer peaks of suicide were found only in the south of Brazil for both men and women, except for the latter in one state. These peaks did not coincide with those found for total deaths, which occurred in the autumn or winter in all areas. No significant six-month period was found. In the present study, the chance of a suicide was typically 10-17% higher during the peak period than during the other months of the year. Although this moderate seasonal effect might not be sufficient to justify planning large scale prophylactic interventions, those dealing with patients who have suicide ideation should be aware of this high risk time.  相似文献   

Every other week over their second growing season, stem height, collar diameter, shoot and root dry masses, number of lateral roots and length of the tap root were measured on nursery grown seedlings ofAbies balsamea L. Mill.,Pinus banksiana Lamb.,Pinus resinosa Ait.,Picea mariana Mill. BSP andPicea glauca Moench Voss. Root elongation, branching and mycorrhizal development were also recorded.Given species showed distinct seasonal growth patterns. The rate and timing of maximum root growth (mg/dry weight/week) differed markedly between species.Except for the increase in height ofPinus banksiana, root and shoot growth were not negatively correlated.The results are discussed in relation to the performance of tree seedlings in the nursery.  相似文献   

Non-timber forest products (NTFP) represent culturally and economically important resources for millions of people worldwide. Although many NTFP are harvested from disturbed habitats and therefore subject to multiple pressures, few quantitative studies have addressed this issue. Similarly few NTFP studies have assessed seasonal variation in demographic rates even though this can confound harvest effects. In Hawaiȁ8i, the wild-gathered ferns, Microlepia strigosa and Sphenomeris chinensis, represent highly important cultural resources but declining populations have led to conservation concerns. Both ferns are harvested from disturbed, alien-dominated forests and contemporary Hawaiian gathering practices often consist of harvest and concurrent weeding of alien invasive species. We assessed the effects of concurrent frond-harvest and alien species weeding on frond structure, density, and rates of production by comparing experimentally harvested vs. control plots, and documented relationships between frond demographic patterns and precipitation. Gathering practices had no impact on frond density of either species or on most other demographic parameters over the short term. Exceptions included a significant decrease in the density of the longest S. chinensis fronds and a significant decrease in M. strigosa frond production when fronds were gathered without alien weeding. However, seasonal and annual changes in frond density and production occurred across all plots of both species and were significantly correlated with precipitation. The relatively low harvest effects for both species are likely due to several factors including short frond longevity and the strict criteria used by gatherers to select harvestable fronds. The potential for sustainable harvest in the context of alien-dominated forests is discussed.  相似文献   

The archegonial mucilage ofAthyrium filix-femina andA. distentifolium paralyses spermatozoids ofDryopteris filix-mas (and in one caseD. inaequalis) before they penetrate the archegonial venter. The archegonial mucilage ofDryopteris filix-mas has a weak positive chemotactic influence on the spermatozoids of the twoAthyrium species. The spermatozoids ofDryopteris were never observed in the archegonia ofAthyrium. Incompatibility was not observed within and between the twoAthyrium species, withinDryopteris filix-mas or betweenAthyrium filix-femina and twoAsplenium species.Contribution No. 327.  相似文献   

In the Florida Everglades, nutrient enrichment from agricultural outflow and the change in hydrology have collectively contributed to the expansion of cattails (Typha spp.). To assess the effectiveness of prescribed fire in controlling cattails and to predict vegetation dynamics after the fire, it is important to understand the seasonal variation of the soil seed bank and how the seed bank is affected by nutrient enrichment and fire. This paper investigates the effects of season, nutrient enrichment, and fire on soil seed bank species composition, richness, and density along a nutrient gradient in Water Conservation Area 2A (WCA 2A) of the Florida Everglades. Species richness was significantly affected by nutrient enrichment and season but not their interaction. Total seed density, however, was significantly affected by the interaction between nutrient enrichment and season. Yet, at species level, the relationship between seed density, nutrient enrichment and season varied. The highest seed density of cattail occurred in summer at highly enriched sites, but that of sawgrass occurred in fall regardless of enrichment; the seed density of water lily was very low regardless of season and nutrient enrichment, and the highest Amarathus seed density occurred at highly enriched sites year round. Moreover, germination timing differed greatly among species. While cattail seeds had a short incubation period and started to germinate 2–3 days after initiation of the germination assay, sawgrass seeds generally started to germinate 4 weeks later. Further, both the prescribed summer fire at the highly enriched site and the natural winter fire at the moderately enriched site reduced the seed density of cattail but not of sawgrass. Our results suggest that fire application for vegetation recovery in WCA 2A would benefit from explicitly considering seasonal dynamics of the seed bank.  相似文献   

The seasonal and diurnal variations in nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of cowpea cultivars were determined. Mean activity per gram fresh weight per hour averaged 31% higher in the 20 mg N/plant treatment than the control throughout the growing period. The highest activity occurred in the seedling stage and declined towards anthesis. Diurnal variations were marked by an increase in the NRA from 0600 to 1800 hours and then declined to a minimum at 2400 hours.  相似文献   

Planktivory is believed to be a major selective force in marine systems, but little is known about how the intensity of planktivory risk varies spatially or temporally. We assessed seasonal daytime planktivory patterns over fifteen months (Apr 2003 to Jun 2004) at a temperate site in eastern Long Island Sound, CT. Planktivory was measured using modified Plankton Tethering Units (PTUs) deployed from floating docks and baited with live brine shrimp. Planktivory risk varied throughout the year. The highest levels of risk occurred in Aug, Sept and Oct (85%, 75% and 42.5% of brine shrimp consumed, respectively), the lowest levels of risk occurred from Dec to Apr. Mean monthly consumption of brine shrimp strongly correlated with the presence of planktivorous fish. Many species of benthic invertebrates exhibited high levels of recruitment during times of the year when planktivory risk was high, although some species recruited when planktivory risk was low. These seasonal planktivory patterns (highest risk occurring during the late summer and early fall) may be typical for many temperate near-shore habitats, especially those associated with man-made structures (e.g., floating docks, pilings).  相似文献   

The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) spends more than 12 h a day in the water. Hippos are often submitted to water temperatures that vary with the seasons. We hypothesize that this difference between cool and warm water temperatures leads to variations in behavioural thermoregulation. We recorded the exposure of hippos to sunshine at the beginning and at the end of the dry season. Our results show that (1) sunshine exposure lasted much longer in cool water and (2) sun-bathing occurred during the hottest hours. It is therefore likely that in cool water hippos were cold and expressed an original behaviour of search for heat.  相似文献   

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