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Notes are given on the presence and distribution of reef fishes at Henderson Island (24o21'S, 128o19'W) from two separate visits in 1971 and 1991. Limited collections were made in 1971, whilst 1991 records are based on confirmed sightings and in situ photographs. 183 species from 49 families are listed, with museum numbers and lengths being given for collected specimens. This is thought to represent 80–90% of species present. The family with the greatest representation is the Labridae with 21 species. Only 31% of species appear to be shared with neighbouring Ducie Atoll, 390 km to the east, from where 138 species have been recorded, though this low percentage may simply reflect the greater recording effort undertaken at Henderson. Levels of endemism in the Pitcairn Group as a whole appear low (<2%).  相似文献   

The coral reef which surrounds two thirds of Henderson Island, Pitcairn Group, consists of a reef flat, reef margin and fore-reef which slopes gradually into deeper water. The range of sublittoral habitats provided by this topography is limited, reflecting a low level of coral diversity. Spur and groove formations of the fore-reef are present around the northern end of the island which contrasts with the south-western corner, where, in the absence of a fringing reef platform, subaerial cliff faces are fronted by a cliff foot submarine 'trench'. In general, live coral cover on the fore-reef was estimated at between 10–30%, though at sites off the east coast it reached 80%. The associated communities, particularly of sessile filter-feeding groups, were found to be impoverished. The two factors of biogeographical isolation and of local bioerosion processes are proposed as being the main reasons for the depauperate nature of the island's reef. Brief notes are included on the lagoon and fore-reef bathymetry and habitats of Ducie and Oeno Atolls for comparative purposes.  相似文献   

The little known endemic Henderson Island rail (or Henderson rail) Porzflna atra , inhabits forest on the coastal plain and upraised plateau of Henderson Island. Rails were studied for 15 months from January 1991 to March 1992. The population was estimated at c. 6200 individuals living in pairs or cooperative groups of 3–4 adults on territories averaging about 1 ha. Two or three eggs were laid in covered or open nests near the ground from mid-July to mid-February. Up to five consecutive nesting attempts were made in cases where eggs or young chicks were lost. Adults laid a second clutch when chicks were fully feathered at about one month of age. Both sexes incubated and helped rear the young. Older chicks sometimes helped feed younger siblings. Dispersal of juveniles from the natal territory took place in April. Adult birds underwent a rapid, simultaneous post-nuptial moult of the remiges in February-April; the post-juvenile moult involved body feathers only. Data on morphometries, breeding ecology, courtship behaviour and voice are compared with available information for the spotless crake P. tabuensis , the Henderson rail's closest relative and probable ancestor. These comparisons provide some information on how these two taxa have differentiated since rails arrived on Henderson Island some time in the last 380000 years.  相似文献   

Morphometric and stratigraphic analyses that encompass the known fossil record of enantiornithine birds (Enantiornithes) are presented. These predominantly flighted taxa were the dominant birds of the second half of the Mesozoic; the enantiornithine lineage is known to have lasted for at least 60 million years (Ma), up until the end of the Cretaceous. Analyses of fossil record dynamics show that enantiornithine 'collectorship' since the 1980s approaches an exponential distribution, indicating that an asymptote in proportion of specimens has yet to be achieved. Data demonstrate that the fossil record of enantiornithines is complete enough for the extraction of biological patterns. Comparison of the available fossil specimens with a large data set of modern bird (Neornithes) limb proportions also illustrates that the known forelimb proportions of enantiornithines fall within the range of extant taxa; thus these birds likely encompassed the range of flight styles of extant birds. In contrast, most enantiornithines had hindlimb proportions that differ from any extant taxa. To explore this, ternary diagrams are used to graph enantiornithine limb variation and to identify some morphological oddities ( Otogornis , Gobipteryx ); taxa not directly comparable to modern birds. These exceptions are interesting – although anatomically uniform, and similar to extant avians in their wing proportions, some fossil enantiornithines likely had flight styles not seen among their living counterparts.  相似文献   

Changes in habitat stability may significantly shape evolutionary patterns and processes in ancient lakes. In the present study, we use a hierarchical combination of molecular phylogenetic and coalescent approaches to investigate the evolutionary history of the endemic species of the gastropod genus Bellamya in the African rift‐lake Malawi. By integrating our findings with reported palaeontological and palaeolimnological data, we demonstrate that all but one evolutionary lineage of the Pliocene Bellamya fauna in Lake Malawi became extinct. Coalescent analyses indicate that the modern radiation underwent both a sudden demographic and a spatial expansion after a genetic bottleneck. We argue that a reflooding of the lake after severe Pleistocene low stands offers a straightforward explanation for this pattern and may have triggered speciation processes in the modern endemic Bellamya radiation in Lake Malawi. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 130–143.  相似文献   

Birds play an important role in studies addressing the diversity and species richness of tropical ecosystems, but because of the poor avian fossil record in all extant tropical regions, a temporal perspective is mainly provided by divergence dates derived from calibrated molecular analyses. Tropical ecosystems were, however, widespread in the Northern Hemisphere during the early Cenozoic, and the early Eocene German fossil site Messel in particular has yielded a rich avian fossil record. The Messel avifauna is characterized by a considerable number of flightless birds, as well as a high diversity of aerial insectivores and the absence of large arboreal birds. With about 70 currently known species in 42 named genus‐level and at least 39 family‐level taxa, it approaches extant tropical biotas in terms of species richness and taxonomic diversity. With regard to its taxonomic composition and presumed ecological characteristics, the Messel avifauna is more similar to the Neotropics, Madagascar, and New Guinea than to tropical forests in continental Africa and Asia. Because the former regions were geographically isolated during most of the Cenozoic, their characteristics may be due to the absence of biotic factors, especially those related to the diversification of placental mammals, which impacted tropical avifaunas in Africa and Asia. The crown groups of most avian taxa that already existed in early Eocene forests are species‐poor. This does not support the hypothesis that the antiquity of tropical ecosystems is key to the diversity of tropical avifaunas, and suggests that high diversification rates may be of greater significance.  相似文献   

The centipede genus Dicellophilus Cook, 1896 (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha: Mecistocephalidae) has been revised by means of a comparative examination of representative specimens of all the species: morphological variation has been documented by means of both light and scanning electronic microscopy, the geographical distribution has been reassessed and updated based on published and new records, and the phyletic relations between the species have been analysed based on morphological evidence. Dicellophilus is confirmed as a highly distinct lineage, supported by synapomorphies in the labrum and in the pattern of coxal organs. Four species are morphologically recognized, each of them occurring in one of three limited, highly disjunct areas in a restricted boreal temperate belt: Dicellophilus carniolensis (C.L. Koch, 1847) is limited to central Europe (central–eastern Alps, Dinarids, Carpathians, and Dobrogea), Dicellophilus pulcher (Kishida, 1928) occurs in Japan (Honshu), and Dicellophilus anomalus (Chamberlin, 1904) and Dicellophilus limatus (Wood, 1862) both occur in the south‐western part of North America (California and Oregon). High support has been found for the following phyletic relationships: (D. carniolensis (D. pulcher (D. anomalus + D. limatus))). Dicellophilus carniolensis is strongly distinct in some autapomorphic traits, including enlarged clypeus and fewer mandibular lamellae, whereas the sister species D. anomalus and D. limatus share some derived features, including an elongated head and associated appendages, longer antennal setae, and stronger forcipular tubercles. The peculiar geographical distribution of Dicellophilus and the historical scenario suggested by the phylogeny are very unusual in respect to the biogeographical patterns known in all other major groups of terrestrial animals. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 501–532.  相似文献   

After more than two centuries of research, more than 65,000 living and fossil ostracod species have been described and studied, yet much remains to be learned about this ancient, widespread and diverse group of bivalved arthropods. Their higher classification and phylogeny are subjects of vigorous debate, as is their position in the broader picture of crustacean phylogeny. At the same time, major advances in our understanding of ostracod lineages and their relationships are resulting from the application of innovative approaches and techniques. This preface provides a contextual overview of the 15 contributions to this volume, which resulted from the 14th International Symposium on Ostracoda (ISO2001) held in 2001at Shizuoka, Japan. As such it provides a cross-section of topics at the forefront of research on the evolution and diversity of Ostracoda, and indicates directions for future work.  相似文献   

MAK-VP-1/1, a proximal femur recovered from the Maka Sands (ca. 3.4 mya) of the Middle Awash, Ethiopia, and attributed to Australopithecus afarensis, is described in detail. It represents the oldest skeletal evidence of locomotion in this species, and is analyzed from a morphogenetic perspective. X-ray, CT, and metric data are evaluated, using a variety of methods including discriminant function. The specimen indicates that the hip joint of A. afarensis was remarkably like that of modern humans, and that the dramatic muscle allocation shifts which distinguish living humans and African apes were already present in a highly derived form in this species. Its anatomy provides no indication of any form of locomotion save habitual terrestrial bipedality, which very probably differed only trivially from that of modern humans.  相似文献   

Aim We provide the first in‐depth study of the Branchiopoda of the rain forests of Cameroon and also of the African continent. Location Surface water environments, Cameroon. Methods Qualitative plankton samples were collected in all types of surface water environments present, ranging from big lakes to water collected in rock crevices or fallen fruit cavities. A tow or hand‐held plankton net of mesh size 100 μm was used, and water volumes filtered were at least several m3 in large water bodies, or half to whole water volume in small water bodies. Results We recorded 61 species (53 first records for the country), based on 700+ samples collected between September 1998 and March 2002. Anomopoda (92%) was the dominant order, followed by Ctenopoda (6.5%) and Cyclestherida (1.5%). Chydoridae (67%) was the most speciose family followed by Macrothricidae (6.5%) and Daphniidae (5%). Alona (11%) was the dominant genus followed by Chydorus (10%) and Pleuroxus (8%). Several species of Chydorinae, especially of the genus Pleuroxus, are shared with continental Eurasia–North America, but are absent from the Mediterranean and desert–steppe–savanna zones of Africa (boreal–tropical disjunction). Daphnia was absent, as in most tropical lowlands. No single species was really abundant, and a majority were rare to very rare, and of restricted occurrence within the rain forest patches. Comparing Africa, South America and Southeast Asia, we found a current total of 196 species for the combined rain forest areas, out of a world total of 500+ species. Systematic trends in richness at three taxonomic levels were the same for all continents: Anomopoda–Ctenopoda–Cyclestherida at ordinal level, Chydoridae–Daphniidae–Macrothricidae–Sididae at family level and Alona–Chydorus–Macrothrix–Diaphanosoma at genus level. Southeast Asia was richest (111 species, 14 endemics) with South America a close second (110 species, 27 endemics). Africa was the most species‐poor (95 species, of which only 5 are endemics). Main conclusions We hypothesize that the post‐Miocene cooling and aridization of the world climate hit the freshwater biota of Africa particularly hard, with more extinction here than elsewhere, and little recolonization. Most extinction occurred in the savanna‐desert belt, and eight disjunct boreal species (four Pleuroxus, Picripleuroxus laevis, Kurzia latissima, Alonella exigua, and Monospilus dispar) survive morphologically unchanged since pre‐Pleistocene times in the Cameroon rain forest. Slow evolution thus appears typical of these cyclic parthenogenetic branchiopods in which sexual recombination occurs only at intervals. Illustrative of the same slow evolution is the fact that the two endemic cladocerans of Cameroon (Nicsmirnovius camerounensis and Bryospilus africanus) belong to tropicopolitan genera of Gondwanan age.  相似文献   

The pattern, timing and extent of the evolutionary radiation of anatomically modern birds (Neornithes) remains contentious: dramatically different timescales for this major event in vertebrate evolution have been recovered by the 'clock-like' modelling of molecular sequence data and from evidence extracted from the known fossil record. Because current synthesis would lead us to believe that fossil and nonfossil evidence conflict with regard to the neornithine timescale, especially at its base, it is high time that available data are reconciled to determine more exactly the evolutionary radiation of modern birds. In this review we highlight current understanding of the early fossil history of Neornithes in conjunction with available phylogenetic resolution for the major extant clades, as well as recent advancements in genetic methods that have constrained time estimates for major evolutionary divergences. Although the use of molecular approaches for timing the radiation of Neornithes is emphasized, the tenet of this review remains the fossil record of the major neornithine subdivisions and better-preserved taxa. Fossils allowing clear phylogenetic constraint of taxa are central to future work in the production of accurate molecular calibrations of the neornithine evolutionary timescale.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 141 , 153–177.  相似文献   

In April–May 1983, the late A.R. Hughes and his field team recovered more than 40 bone fragments and teeth from a single solution pocket of the Sterkfontein Formation. After preparation and reconstruction by JMC, it was recognised that these fragments represent a single juvenile individual (Stw 151), consisting of more than 40 cranial and dental parts, with mixed dentition. It constitutes the most complete set of jaws and teeth of an early hominid child since the Taung child was recovered in 1924. In this paper, the morphological and metrical features of the individual teeth are described. The other associated skull fragments (right ramus of the mandible, left petrous bone, right glenoid region) are also described. Comparisons are made with other South (and East) African fossil hominids. The beautiful preservation simultaneously of most of the deciduous teeth and of the permanent teeth exposed in their crypts allows an accurate analysis of the developmental sequence. A report on the dental developmental status of this juvenile is presented. On the basis of the microanatomical study of the developing permanent teeth, the estimated age at death is 5.2–5.3 years. Reconstructions of the maxillary and mandibular arcades are also offered. The morphological and metrical features of Stw 151 raise the possibility that it may represent a hominid more derived towards an early Homo condition than the rest of the A. africanus sample from Member 4. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:425–465, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Myotragus balearicus Bate 1909 is an artiodactyl Caprinae endemic to the Balearic Islands (Spain), which became extinct more than 4000 years ago. It is characterized by a series of very unusual apomorphies acquired throughout its insular evolution, one of which is the presence of a single evergrowing incisor (with an open root) in each dentary. This incisor has been classically considered as I1. The study of recendy discovered fossils of this species, which have been collected from the excavation of Holocene cave sediments in Cova Estreta (Pollenca, Mallorca) and in Cova des Moro (Manacor, Mallorca), together with the reexamination of materials belonging both to this species and to its ancestors, allowed us to study the ontogeny and evolution of the Myotragus dentition. The replacement of premolars differs only slighdy from the pattern recorded in ofiier bovids. Nevertheless, there are significant differences with other bovids regarding the incisiform series. Myotragus balearicus lacks secondary incisors. Through a neotenic process, which started during the Upper Pliocene, M. balearicus acquired a monophyodontic incisiform dentition, reducing the number of incisiforms to only one, identified as dl2. The richness of the finds allows us to describe the different steps in this evolution. The only incisiform that appears to have been lost is dl;l. The identification of the evergrowing incisor of M. balearicus as dl2 reinforces its convergence with rodents postulated by Bate and there is discussion regarding homologies of incisors of rodents and lagomorphs.  相似文献   

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