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The increasingly common phenomenon of habitat fragmentation raises the probability of pollination failure in a number of species, as both pollen quantity and quality often decrease as populations become isolated. We experimentally investigated whether pollen was limiting reproductive success of the endangered shrub Buxus balearica in five populations, two continental and three insular, during 2002 and 2003. Pollen limitation varied among populations and years, but such variation was not related to density or degree of isolation. All populations showed inbreeding depression at different phases of the reproductive cycle, although its effects differed greatly among sites. Between-population outcrossing did not have a consistent effect on several components of fitness. The highest levels of inbreeding depression – detected at the level of fruit and seed set- occurred at the smallest and least fecund populations from each region. This indicates that further fragmentation of the populations of this already endangered species could certainly threaten their survival.  相似文献   

Sequences from the ribosomal nuclear internal transcribed spacers (ITS) have been widely used to infer evolutionary hypotheses across a broad range of living organisms. Intraspecific sequence variation is assumed to be absent or negliable in most species, but few detailed studies have been conducted to assess the apportionment of ITS sequence variation within and between plant populations. Buxus balearica was chosen as a model species to assess the levels of infraspecific and intragenomic ITS variation in rare and endangered species occurring in disjunct populations around the Mediterranean basin. Intragenomic polymorphic sites were detected for western and eastern accessions of B. balearica and in two accessions of the sister species B. sempervirens. Overall, 19 different ribotypes were found in B. balearica after sequencing 48 clones, whereas 15 ribotypes were detected in 19 clones of B. sempervirens. The integrity and secondary structure stability of the ribosomal sequences suggest that they are not pseudogenes. The high number of ribotypes recovered through cloning suggested that some sequences could be chimeric or generated in vivo by partial homogenization through gene conversion or unequal crossing-over. Average sequence divergence among B. balearica clones was 0.768%, and the most divergent sequences differed by 1.62%. Available evidence does not suggest that B. balearica paralogues have been obtained from other extant Buxus species through interspecific hybridization. The presence of several ribosomal sequences in box implies that the molecular forces driving the concerted evolution of this multigene family are not fully operational in this genus. Phylogenetic analyses of cloned ITS sequences from B. balearica displayed very poor resolution and only two clades received moderate bootstrap support. Despite the marked intragenomic sequence divergence found, ribosomal data suggest a clear phylogeographic split in B. balearica between western and eastern accessions. The distinct, nonchimeric sequences that are postulated as being present in each biogeographic group suggest that box populations from Anatolia (eastern Mediterranean) are relict. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rafael Zardoya]  相似文献   

Pollination networks are representations of all interactions between co-existing plants and their flower visiting animals at a given site. Although the study of networks has become a distinct sub-discipline in pollination biology, few studies have attempted to quantify spatio-temporal variation in species composition and structure of networks. We here investigate patterns of year-to-year change in pollination networks from six different sites spanning a large latitudinal gradient. We quantified level of species persistence and interactions among years, and examined year-to-year variation of network structural parameters in relation to latitude and sampling effort. In addition, we tested for correlations between annual variation in network parameters and short and long-term climate change variables. Numbers of plant and animal species and interactions were roughly constant from one year to another at all sites. However, composition of species and interactions changed from one year to another. Turnover was particularly high for flower visitors and interactions. On the other hand, network structural parameters (connectance, nestedness, modularity and centralization) remained remarkably constant between years, regardless of network size and latitude. Inter-annual variation of network parameters was not related to short or long term variation in climate variables (mean annual temperature and annual precipitation). We thus conclude that pollination networks are highly dynamic and variable in composition of species and interactions among years. However, general patterns of network structure remain constant, indicating that species may be replaced by topologically similar species. These results suggest that pollination networks are to some extent robust against factors affecting species occurrences.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete chloroplast genome sequences of four early-diverging lineages of angiosperms, Buxus (Buxaceae), Chloranthus (Chloranthaceae), Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae), and Illicium (Schisandraceae), to examine the organization and evolution of plastid genomes and to estimate phylogenetic relationships among angiosperms. For the most part, the organization of these plastid genomes is quite similar to the ancestral angiosperm plastid genome with a few notable exceptions. Dioscorea has lost one protein-coding gene, rps16; this gene loss has also happened independently in four other land plant lineages, liverworts, conifers, Populus, and legumes. There has also been a small expansion of the inverted repeat (IR) in Dioscorea that has duplicated trnH-GUG. This event has also occurred multiple times in angiosperms, including in monocots, and in the two basal angiosperms Nuphar and Drimys. The Illicium chloroplast genome is unusual by having a 10 kb contraction of the IR. The four taxa sequenced represent key groups in resolving phylogenetic relationships among angiosperms. Illicium is one of the basal angiosperms in the Austrobaileyales, Chloranthus (Chloranthales) remains unplaced in angiosperm classifications, and Buxus and Dioscorea are early-diverging eudicots and monocots, respectively. We have used sequences for 61 shared protein-coding genes from these four genomes and combined them with sequences from 35 other genomes to estimate phylogenetic relationships using parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian methods. There is strong congruence among the trees generated by the three methods, and most nodes have high levels of support. The results indicate that Amborella alone is sister to the remaining angiosperms; the Nymphaeales represent the next-diverging clade followed by Illicium; Chloranthus is sister to the magnoliids and together this group is sister to a large clade that includes eudicots and monocots; and Dioscorea represents an early-diverging lineage of monocots just internal to Acorus.  相似文献   

Question: Which is the best model to predict the habitat distribution of Buxus balearica Lam. in southern Spain? Location: Málaga and Granada, Spain, across an area of 38 180 km2. Methods: Prediction models based on 17 environmental variables were tested. Six methods were compared: multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS), maximum entropy approach to modelling species' distributions (Maxent), two generic algorithms based on environmental metrics dissimilarity (BIOCLIM and DOMAIN), Genetic Algorithm for Rule‐set Prediction (GARP), and supervised learning methods based on generalized linear classifiers (support vector machines, SVMs). To test the predictive power of the models we used the Kappa index. Results: Maxent most accurately predicted the habitat distribution of B. balearica, followed by MARS models. The other models tested yielded lower accuracy values. A comparison of the predictive power of the models revealed that climate variables made the highest contributions among the environmental variables studied. The variables that made the lowest contributions were the insolation models. To examine the sensitivity of the models to a reduction in the number of variables, a test showed that accuracy of over 0.90 was maintained by applying just three climatic variables (spring rainfall, mean temperature of the warmest month, and mean temperature of the coldest month). Maps derived from the algorithms of all models tested coincided well with the known distribution of the species. Conclusions: Model habitat prediction is a preliminary step towards highlighting areas of high habitat suitability of B. balearica. These data support the results of previous research, which show that MaxEnt is the best technique for modelling species distributions with small sample sizes.  相似文献   

Carotenoids from the leaves of the common box,Buxus sempervirens (Buxaceae), which turn red in late autumn to winter, were analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC. A novel carotenoid, monoanhydroeschscholtzxanthin (3), was isolated from the red-colored leaves. UV-VIS, MS,1H-NMR and CD spectral data showed that the structure of 3 was (3S)-2′, 3′, 4′, 5′-tetradehydro-4, 5′-retro-β, β-caroten-3-ol. As well as anhydroeschscholtzxanthin (2), the major red carotenoid in the leaves, eschscholtzxanthin (4) was identified. Very small amounts of yellow carotenoids (neoxanthin, violaxanthin, lutein and β-carotene), which are major components of green leaves, were present in the red-colored leaves. The amounts of chlorophylla andb in the leaves decreased markedly during coloration, even at the early stages, whereas those of the yellow carotenoids decreased gradually. In contrast, the content of 2, a red carotenoid, increased steadily during coloration. The biosynthetic pathway of 2 inB. sempervirens was deduced tentatively on the basis of the individual carotenoid contents during autumnal coloration.  相似文献   

The co-occurrence of elaborate flowers visited by specific groups of pollinators and capacity for autonomous selfing in the same plant species has puzzled evolutionary biologists since the time of Charles Darwin. To examine whether autonomous selfing and floral specialization evolved in association, we quantified the autofertility level (AFI) in nine Schizanthus species characterized by a wide range of pollination specialization, revealing AFI values of 0.02 to complete selfing. An independent contrasts analysis conducted on AFIs and number of functional pollinator groups showed that autonomous selfing evolved from an ancestral outcrossing system as plants became increasingly specialized (r = -0.82). To assess whether autonomous selfing together with specialization acts as a reproductive assurance mechanism, we estimated spatial and interannual variation in fruit set due to pollinator failure in two closely related high Andean Schizanthus species differing in their specialization levels. Variation in pollinator failure rate was more pronounced and autonomous selfing increased fruit production over biotically assisted pollination in the more specialized species. Our study suggests that specialized pollination deems species more vulnerable to pollinator fluctuation thus promoting the evolution of delayed autonomous selfing.  相似文献   

In typically anemophilous families, there are species, such as Rhynchospora ciliata (Cyperaceae), in which both wind and insects have been registered as pollen vectors (ambophily). However, the contribution of each vector to pollination of ambophilous species can change under different environmental conditions. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the primary pollination system, abiotic or biotic, of R. ciliata, comparing wet and dry seasons. We tested the following hypotheses: (1) in dry months, wind is the main pollen vector of R. ciliata; (2) in wet months, insects will contribute more to the reproductive success of R. ciliata and compensate for low fruit formation by the abiotic vector. Our hypothesis was not confirmed. We found that higher wind speed can favor pollination by wind in R. ciliata even in wetter months. Because insects were less susceptible to environmental variation, they contributed more in dry months when wind speed was low, thus compensating for lower fruit set by wind. High rainfall and humidity can result in faster settling of pollen grains suspended in the air; however, rainfall does not prevent pollination by wind. Since individuals of R. ciliata are located near the edge of the forest, grouped quite close together, and as the inflorescence is located at the apex of the floral scape, wind can act as pollen vector and the inhibiting effects of rainfall can be minimized. The contribution of each pollen vector is important to the reproductive success of R. ciliata and the effectiveness of wind varies with local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Both microhabitat and temporal scales have significant effects on the regeneration process of plant species. However, the consistency of those patterns at large scales is largely unknown, despite of being essential from both an ecological and a conservation viewpoint. In this study, we examined the spatio‐temporal variation in the process of regeneration through seeds of the relict Mediterranean shrub Buxus balearica. By means of observations and experiments, we quantified the losses at different recruitment phases (seed rain, seed predation, seedling emergence and establishment) both at a small spatial scale (distance and microhabitat effects) and at a temporal scale (four years), and compared them at a regional scale (10 different localities). We additionally studied transition probabilities between phases in two populations and measured the size structure of 18 localities encompassing all the distributional range of the species. The results show that seed shadow follows a leptokurtic pattern which is consistently maintained until the seedling phase (i.e. there is spatial concordance). Despite post‐dispersal factors are spatially uncoupled, they do not remove the gradient established in the seed shadow. Although the importance of different seed predators varied between regions, post‐dispersal seed predation (ca 80%), together with seedling emergence (usually lower than 10%, some years even nil), and seedling mortality during the first summer (ca 70%) were – consistently in all populations – the most critical bottlenecks in the regeneration of the species. Moreover, an absence of seed bank prevents the buffering of dramatic losses during such phases. Watering of sown seeds increased seedling emergence and survival, and number of leaves per seedling, and survival was consistently higher under vegetation coverage. These results suggest that hydric stress notably contributes to limit the regeneration of this once widespread species evolved under a subtropical climate, which nowadays appears in old‐structured populations throughout its distributional area.  相似文献   

The land slug Deroceras laeve shows an enormous variation inlife-history traits. Here, we compared several life-historycharacters (i.e. length of the prereproductive period, growthduring the egg-laying period, number of eggs, hatching success)within and among five selfing homozygous multilocus genotypes(MLG) and investigated a possible trade-off between the numberof eggs produced during the egg-laying period and growth duringthe egg-laying period. Life-history traits were highly variable.There was no significant correlation between slug size and fecundity.Slugs that matured early produced more eggs than slugs thatmatured later. Life-history traits were significantly differentamong MLGs, suggesting that genetic factors may affect and explainat least part of the variation in life-history traits in D.laeve. Finally, we found no evidence of a trade-off betweenthe number of eggs produced during the egg-laying period andgrowth during the egg-laying period. (Received 1 June 2005; accepted 28 October 2005)  相似文献   

Inbreeding species of hermaphroditic animals practising copulation have been characterized by few copulations, no waiting time (the time that an isolated individual waits for a partner before initiating reproduction compared with paired individuals) and limited inbreeding (self-fertilization) depression. This syndrome, which has never been fully studied before in any species, is analysed here in the highly selfing freshwater snail Biomphalaria pfeifferi. We conducted an experiment under laboratory conditions over two generations (G1 and G2) using snails sampled from two populations (100 individuals per population). G1 individuals were either isolated or paired once a week (potentially allowing for crosses), and monitored during 29 weeks for growth, fecundity and survival. Very few copulations were observed in paired snails, and there was a positive correlation in copulatory activity (e.g. number of copulations) between the male and female sexual roles. The waiting time was either null or negative, meaning that isolated individuals initiated reproduction before paired ones. G2 offspring did not differ in hatching rate and survival (to 28 days) between treatments, but offspring from paired individuals grew faster than those from isolated individuals. On the whole, the self-fertilization depression was extremely low in both populations. Another important result is that paired G1 individuals began laying (selfed) eggs several weeks prior to initiating copulation: this is the first characterization of prior selfing (selfing initiated prior to any outcrossing) in a hermaphroditic animal. A significant population effect was observed on most traits studied. Our results are discussed with regard to the maintenance of low outcrossing rates in highly inbreeding species.  相似文献   

Individuals of five nominal species of Grania (Annelida: Clitellata: Enchytraeidae) were collected from locations in Sweden, Norway and France, for studies on the intraspecific variation at the Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) locus of mitochondrial DNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear DNA. It was found that the previously described morphospecies in general contain low variation compared to the between‐species variation in both loci. In one instance, however, an individual morphologically indistinguishable from G. ovitheca was found to be deviant and instead cluster with G. postclitellochaeta both by COI and ITS. We describe this individual as a new species: G. occulta sp.n. Furthermore, phylogenetic analyses were conducted, showing a close relationship between G. variochaeta, G. occulta, G. ovitheca and G. postclitellochaeta, as well as between G. pusilla and G. maricola. Using the results from the phylogenetic analyses, we discuss the evolution of morphological characters in Scandinavian species of Grania.  相似文献   

The restricted perennial diploid herb,Villarsia lasiosperma, of southwestern Western Australia has distylous flowers with dimorphism in style and stamen length, stigma morphology, and pollen size. In order to assess the presence and nature of an incompatibility system in this species, a crossing program was carried out using 17 plants grown from seeds collected in two field populations. Pollen stainabilities of these plants mostly exceeded 95%. Mean seed-set of Longs following intermorph pollinations was c. 24 seeds per pollination and for Shorts was c. 16 seeds per pollination. Approximately three-quarters of the Longs and Shorts produced no seeds after self-pollination; the remainder produced very few seeds following such pollinations. No Shorts produced seeds after intramorph cross-pollinations. However, about half the Longs exhibited various levels of weakened intramorph incompatibility, with mean seed-sets following intramorph cross-pollinations up to half the mean seed-sets following intermorph pollinations. In the behavior of Longs, the incompatibility system ofV. lasiosperma differs from the idealized distylous breeding system, but resembles that of a purported close relative,V. exaltata of eastern and southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

Floral deception, which mainly appears in highly evolved families such as Orchidaceae, was studied in Central Finland. In nectarless Dactylorhiza incarnata, the deceptive pollination system has been considered to function best in remote habitats such as marshes, where flowering plants attractive to pollinators are rare (remote habitats hypothesis). In contrast, the magnet-species theory predicts that a nectarless plant benefits from growing in the vicinity of nectarcontaining species. We tested these hypotheses by adding attractive, nectar-containg violets (Viola x wittrockiana) to orchid populations. The percentage of fruit set in D. incarnata was adversely affected by the violets, probably because interspecific exploitation competition for pollinators took place in favour of the violas at the expense of the orchids. This result gave no support for the magnet-species theory and supported the remote habitats hypothesis.  相似文献   

Using RAPD markers and one morphological marker, we studied the among- and within-population structure in a selfing annual plant species, Medicago truncatula GAERTN. About 200 individuals, sampled from four populations subdivided into three subpopulations each, were scored for 22 markers. It was found that the within-population variance component accounted for 55% of the total variance, while the among-population variance component accounted for 45%. Eighteen percent of the total variance was due to within-population structure (i.e., among subpopulations). Thus, 37% of the total variance was within subpopulations. Using a multilocus approach, it was found that no multilocus genotype was common to two populations. Two of the four studied populations were composed of few (≤6) multilocus genotypes, whereas the other two had many (≥15) multilocus genotypes. In the most polymorphic population (37 genotypes), only one genotype was found to be common to two subpopulations. Resampling experiments show that, depending on the population, three to 16 polymorphic loci were necessary and sufficient to score all multilocus genotypes in the population. When these data are compared to published results, it appears that on some occasions, the number of genotypes per population of selfing species might be larger than would be expected from the sole consideration of effective population size. The large within-subpopulation genetic variance observed in some populations could be explained by either small neighborhood sizes within subpopulations, or by outcrossing following migration through seed and/or pollen.  相似文献   

The evolution of clinal variation has become a topic widely studied for invasive species. Most studies of this kind have found significant correlations between latitude and various plant traits, usually using univariate analytic methods. However, plants are composed of multiple, interacting traits, and it is this correlation among traits that can affect how quickly or even whether the populations of invasive plants adapt to their local climatic conditions. We used data from a common garden experiment to determine the possible formation of latitudinal clines in invasive North American populations of Lythrum salicaria L. (purple loosestrife) from the central portion of its invasive range. Analyses were conducted using the more common univariate approach (nested and oneway ANOVAs; linear regression) on individual plant traits (e.g., time to flowering, plant height, various mass measures, and growth rate) and then a multivariate approach (principle components analysis followed by redundancy analysis). Significant among-population differences (P < 0.01) were noted when using both the nested and oneway ANOVAs, and multivariate techniques. However, there were no significant relationships between individual plants traits to latitude when using linear regressions, most likely as a result of the small number of populations used in the study (n = 4). On the contrary, the multivariate analyses showed a significant effect of latitude (P < 0.001) on the invasive populations, but this explained only 4% of the variance; latitude explained 8% of the variance when both invasive and native populations were analyzed. Because of the integrated nature of plant phenotypes, a multivariate approach should provide a clearer and deeper understanding of population responses to changing conditions than univariate techniques.  相似文献   

Sex allocation models predict that cosexuality is stabilized by high allocation to attractive structures in pollen-limited species or by high allocation to shared structures that contribute to both genders. High investment in unilateral fixed costs favor the evolution of dioecy or gender change. With these predictions in mind, I studied sexual mass allocation at flowering in the monoecious Arum italicum (Araceae) and compared it with information available for its sex labile relative Arisaema dracontium. In A. italicum, 68% of biomass was allocated to structures believed to be involved in pollinator attraction and capture. This allocation pattern contrasts with that of Arisaema dracontium, in which 70% of biomass was allocated to scape, considered to be a unilateral fixed cost. The importance of attractive structures in A. italicum was further supported by a disproportionate increased allocation, in larger inflorescences, to the appendix (an attractive structure) compared to fertile flowers. In addition, an increase in inflorescence mass involved a disproportionate increase in mass allocation to male, rather than female, flowers. This pattern also contrasts with a size-related gender change from male to female in Arisaema species. These findings were consistent with sex allocation model predictions and shed light on the evolution of sex lability in Arisaema species.  相似文献   

Luanta-fir (Cunninghamia konishii), an endemic to Taiwan, is an outcrossing, long-lived conifer. Populations of C. konishii are generally fragmented due to a once high intensity of timber exploitation. C. konishii and Cunninghamia lanceolata are two sibling taxa constituting derivative-progenitor species relationship. The amount of genetic variations within and between 11 and 10 populations of C. konishii and C. lanceolata, respectively, were assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers in this report. Three AFLP primer pairs generated a total of 357 and 226 markers for C. konishii and C. lanceolata samples, of which 56.1 and 65.3% are polymorphic, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance indicates a 4.78% variation between C. konishii and C. lanceolata. A relatively high value of genetic variation (24.60%) was apportioned between the populations of C. konishii. In contrast, a lower divergence value (12.21%) between populations was found for C. lanceolata. The population with the highest genetic diversity was found in Nantou County, which concurred with the results of many other tree species investigated in Taiwan. The estimates of the number of migrants between populations (Nm), obtained from population pair-wise PhiST, suggest that gene flow in C. konishii is efficient in some adjacent populations but is restricted in the rest. Individual UPGMA tree, generated based on AFLP markers, suggests six evolutionary lineages for C. konishii. All evolutionary lineages of C. konishii were derived from C. lanceolata. In conclusion, the migration patterns of Cunninghamia from mainland China may have been established following multiple sources, migrant-pools, long-distance dispersal events, and via different directions.  相似文献   

Patterns of spatio-temporal genetic variation at a class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus and multiple microsatellite loci were analysed within and between three water vole metapopulations in Scotland, UK. Comparisons of MHC and microsatellite spatial genetic differentiation, based on standardised tests between two demographically asynchronous zones within a metapopulation, suggested that spatial MHC variation was affected by balancing selection, directional selection and random genetic drift, but that the relative effects of these microevolutionary forces vary temporally. At the metapopulation level, between-year differentiation for MHC loci was significantly correlated with that of microsatellites, signifying that neutral factors such as migration and drift were primarily responsible for overall temporal genetic change at the metapopulation scale. Between metapopulations, patterns of genetic differentiation implied that, at large spatial scales, MHC variation was primarily affected by directional selection and drift. Levels of MHC heterozygosity in excess of Hardy–Weinberg expectations were consistent with overdominant balancing selection operating on MHC variation within metapopulations. However, this effect was not constant among all samples, indicating temporal variation in the strength of selection relative to other factors. The results highlight the benefit of contrasting variation at MHC with neutral markers to separate the effects of stochastic and deterministic microevolutionary forces, and add to a growing body of evidence showing that the mode and relative strength of selection acting on MHC diversity varies both spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if marine species diversity was influenced by geographical location and whether it was higher at lower latitudes. Artificial collectors (made of nylon pan scourers) were employed as a standard substratum for the colonisation of marine invertebrates inhabiting subtidal (12 to 15 m) hard, rocky bottom substrata. These artificial substrate units (ASUs) were deployed at different latitudes including northern and southern temperate (South West England, UK and New Zealand), tropical (Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies) and polar (Signy Island, Antarctica) areas. The polychaetes, representative of the macrofauna and the nematodes, representative of the meiofauna fractions of the total invertebrate fauna collected were analysed.Neither polychaete nor nematode species diversity showed a trend based on latitude and each taxon showed a different pattern of diversity variation in relation to location. Polychaete diversity varied from area to area with highest species diversity occurring in the southern temperate (New Zealand). Nematode species diversity however was similar for the northern and southern temperate (UK and New Zealand) and the tropical area (Trinidad and Tobago). Thus, although the number of locations studied was limited, these data do not conform to a gradient in species diversity with latitude as has been previously supposed. The success of ASUs to compare species diversities in standardised habitat units augurs well for their future use in other ecological areas such as biogeographical or pollution studies.  相似文献   

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