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This study examined the relations among measures of impulsivity and timing. Impulsivity was assessed using delay and probability discounting, and self-report impulsivity (as measured by the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale; BIS-11). Timing was assessed using temporal perception as measured on a temporal bisection task and time perspective (as measured by the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory). One hundred and forty three college students completed these measures in a computer laboratory. The degree of delay discounting was positively correlated with the mean and range of the temporal bisection procedure. The degree of delay and probability discounting were also positively correlated. Self-reported motor impulsiveness on the BIS-11 was positively correlated with present hedonism and negatively correlated with future orientation on the ZTPI. Self-reported non-planning on the BIS-11 was positively correlated with fatalism on the ZTPI. These results show that people who overestimate the passage of time (perceive time as passing more quickly) hold less value in delayed rewards. They also confirm previous results regarding the relation between delay and probability discounting, as well as highlight similarities in self-report measures of impulsivity and time perspective.  相似文献   

Selection pressure from health risk is hypothesized to have shaped adaptations motivating individuals to attempt to become valued by other individuals by generously and recurrently providing beneficial goods and/or services to them because this strategy encouraged beneficiaries to provide costly health care to their benefactors when the latter were sick or injured. Additionally, adaptations are hypothesized to have co-evolved that motivate individuals to attend to and value those who recurrently provide them with important benefits so they are willing in turn to provide costly care when a valued person is disabled or in dire need. Individuals in egalitarian foraging bands can provide a number of valuable benefits, such as defense, diplomacy, food, healing, information, technical skill, or trading savvy. We therefore expect that humans have evolved psychological mechanisms motivating the pursuit and cultivation of a difficult-to-replace social role based on the provisioning of a benefit that confers a fitness advantage on its recipients. We call this phenomenon social niche specialization. One such niche that has been well-documented is meat-sharing. Here we present cross-cultural evidence that individuals cultivate two other niches, information and tool production, that serve (among other things) to buffer health risk. Michelle Scalise Sugiyama studied at the Center for Evolutionary Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she received her Ph.D. in literature in 1997. She is currently an affiliate of the English Department and the Institute for Cognitive and Decision Sciences at the University of Oregon, Eugene, and also directs the Cognitive Cultural Studies branch of the Human Universals Project at the Center for Evolutionary Psychology. Her work attempts to understand narrative and other art behaviors in terms of the cognitive architecture that underlies them and the ancestral conditions under which they emerged; published results can be found in Human Nature, Evolution and Human Behavior, Philosophy and Literature, and Mosaic. Lawrence Sugiyama holds a joint appointment in the Anthropology Department and the Institute for Cognitive and Decision Sciences at the University of Oregon, Eugene. He did his graduate work at the Center for Evolutionary Psychology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he cofounded the Human Universals Project and the Ecuadorian Oriente Research Station, which he now directs. His research among the Shiwiar, Yora, and Yanomamo examines health risk, cooperation, reciprocity, subsistence, and life history patterns among contemporary forager-horticulturalists, with the ultimate goal of furthering our understanding of pat selection pressures and the psychology evolved to surmount them. Published results can be found in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, and Adaptation and Human Behavior: An Anthropological Perspective.  相似文献   



We determined the proportion of the effects of body mass index (BMI) or its categories on cardiometabolic outcomes mediated through systolic blood pressure (SBP), total cholesterol and fasting glucose.


Cox regression analyses were performed for incident outcomes among Turkish Adult Risk Factor study participants in whom the three mediators had been determined (n?=?2158, age 48.5?±?11 years). Over a mean 10.2-years’ follow-up, new coronary heart disease (CHD) developed in 406, diabetes in 284 individuals, and 149 CHD deaths occurred.


Hazard ratios (HR) of BMI for incident diabetes were no more than marginally attenuated by the 3 mediators including glucose, irrespective of gender. Compared to “normal-weight”, sex- and age-adjusted RRs for incident CHD of overweight and obesity were 1.40 and 2.24 (95 % CI 1.68; 2.99), respectively, in gender combined. Only three-tenths of the excess risk was retained by BMI in men, six-tenths in women. No mediation of glycemia was discerned in males, in contrast to greatest mediation in females. HR of age-adjusted continuous BMI was a significant but modest contributor to CHD mortality in each gender. While the BMI risk of CHD death was abolished by mediation of SBP in men, HR strengthened to over two-fold in women through mediation of fasting glucose.


Mediation of adiposity by 3 traditional factors exhibited among Turkish adults strong gender dependence regarding its magnitude for CHD risk and the mediation by individual risk factors. Retention of the large part of risk for diabetes in each sex and for CHD in women likely reflects underlying autoimmune activation.

Predation is a powerful selective force with important effects on behavior, morphology, life history, and evolution of prey. Parasites may change body condition, health status, and ability to escape from or defend prey against predators. Once a prey individual has been detected, it can rely on a diversity of means of escape from the pursuit by the predator. Here we tested whether prey of a common raptor differed in terms of fungi from nonprey recorded at the same sites using the goshawk Accipiter gentilis and its avian prey as a model system. We found a positive association between the probability of falling prey to the raptor and the presence and the abundance of fungi. Birds with a specific composition of the community of fungi had higher probability of falling prey to a goshawk than individual hosts with fewer fungi. These findings imply that fungi may play a significant role in predator–prey interactions. The probability of having damaged feathers increased with the number of fungal colonies, and in particular the abundance of Myceliophthora verrucos and Schizophyllum sp. was positively related to the probability of having damaged feathers. In addition, we found a significant correlation between the rate of feather growth of goshawk prey with birds with more fungi being more likely to be depredated. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that survival and feather quality of birds are related to abundance and diversity of fungi.  相似文献   

Climate adaptation has become an important topic for risk management in companies. This article investigates the usefulness of Industrial Ecology tools and concepts in this context. The conclusion is that the established tools and concepts were not designed with the purpose of assisting managers in the climate adaptation and related financial risk context. Nevertheless, the tools and concepts offer plenty of aspects and features that are helpful for the assessment and management of climate risks. The tools primarily provide guidance for the managerial decision‐making process, notably in terms of data handling. The concepts can be used as a starting point for developing new climate risk management frameworks.  相似文献   

Predation risk, host immune response, and parasitism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Predation risk may affect the allocation priorities of limitingresources by potential prey. Investment in immune function shouldreceive reduced priority, when hosts are exposed to predatorsbecause of the costs of immune function. We tested this hypothesisby randomly exposing adult house sparrows, Passer domesticus,to either a cat, Felis catus, or a rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus,for 6 h while assessing their ability to raise a T-cell–mediatedimmune response to a challenge with phytohemagglutinin. Sparrowsexposed to a cat had a significant reduction of, on average,18% and 36% in T-cell response in two different experimentscompared with sparrows that were exposed to a rabbit. In a fieldexperiment with a barn owl, Tyto alba, or a rock dove, Columbalivia, placed next to a nest-box during laying, we found a meanreduction in T-cell–mediated immune response of 20%. Inmales, the reduction in cell-mediated immune response owingto cat exposure increased with increasing size of the badge,which is a secondary sexual character, but only during the breedingseason. In a third experiment, house sparrows were either exposedto a barn own, T. alba, or a rock dove, C. livia, and developmentof malarial infections was recorded during the following 6 weeks.Individual sparrows exposed to a predator had a higher prevalenceand intensity of Haemoproteus malarial infection than did controlindividuals. Therefore, exposure to predators reduced theirability of hosts to cope with parasitism mediated through effectson immune function.  相似文献   

Is a two-fold approach - preliminary studies based on small samples followed by a large-sample study to check reproducibility - in the search for biomarkers really prudent?  相似文献   

Vascular diseases are commonly associated with traditional risk factors, but in the last decade scientific evidence has suggested that elevated plasma levels of homocysteine are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular ischaemic events. Cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases are multifactorial, as their aetiopathogenesis is determined by genetic and environmental factors and by gene-gene and gene-environment interactions. Experimental studies have shown that many possible mechanisms are implicated in the pro-atherogenic effect of homocysteine. Hyperhomocysteinaemia may confer a mild risk alone, but it increases the risk of disease in association with other factors promoting vascular lesions. Variants in genes encoding enzymes involved in homocysteine metabolism, or depletion of important cofactors or substrates for those enzymes, including folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, may result in elevated plasma homocysteine levels. Several studies have been performed to elucidate the genetic determinant of hyperhomocysteinaemia in patients with vascular disease, and the MTHFR 677C>T polymorphism is the one most extensively investigated. However, the lack of homogeneity in the data and the high number of factors influencing plasma homocysteine concentrations remain conflicting. Moreover, studies on the evaluation of therapeutic interventions in improving the atherogenic profile, lowering plasma homocysteine levels, and preventing vascular events, have shown inconsistent results, which are reviewed in this paper. More prospective, double-blind, randomized studies, including folate and vitamin B interventions, and genotyping for polymorphisms in genes involved in homocysteine metabolism, might better define the relationship between mild hyperhomocysteinaemia and vascular damage.  相似文献   

Sune Holm 《Bioethics》2019,33(2):254-260
It has been argued that the precautionary principle is incoherent and thus useless as a guide for regulatory policy. In a recent paper in Bioethics, Wareham and Nardini propose a response to the ‘precautionary paradox’ according to which the precautionary principle's usefulness for decision making in policy and regulation contexts can be justified by appeal to a probability threshold discriminating between negligible and non‐negligible risks. It would be of great significance to debates about risk and precaution if there were a sound method for determining a minimum probability threshold of negligible risk. This is what Wareham and Nardini aim to do. The novelty of their approach is that they suggest that such a threshold should be determined by a method of public deliberation. In this article I discuss the merits of Wareham and Nardini’s public deliberation method for determining thresholds. I raise an epistemic worry about the public deliberation method they suggest, and argue that their proposal is inadequate due to a hidden assumption that the acceptability of a risk can be completely analysed in terms of its probability.  相似文献   

Estrogen, alcohol and breast cancer risk   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Estrogen replacement has been used for many years to reverse the hypoestrogenic symptoms of menopause and prevent osteoporosis. Studies have found that estrogen replacement also decreases cardiovascular risk. In addition, social use of alcohol has been found to decrease cardiovascular risk. Therefore, both estrogen replacement therapy and alcohol use have been proposed to have cardiovascular benefits, and are often used in combination. Epidemiologic evidence indicates that estrogen replacement therapy after menopause increases breast cancer risk. Regular alcohol consumption is also associated with increase in risk. However, interactions between the two are poorly understood. In addition, if alcohol alters circulating estrogen levels in estrogen users, this may have implications in terms of altering the risks:benefit ratio of estrogen replacement in an undesirable direction. For example, there are data suggesting that the use of both alcohol and estrogen may increase breast cancer risk more than the use of either one alone. Data support both acute and chronic effects of alcohol in raising circulating estrogen levels in premenopausal women on no hormonal medications. In postmenopausal women studies focusing on acute effects of alcohol on estrogen metabolism indicate that alcohol has a much more pronounced effect in women using estrogen replacement than in those who do not. Studies evaluating chronic effects of alcohol ingestion on circulating estrogens in postmenopausal women are needed.  相似文献   

There are few little exact epidemiological data on the prevalence and incidence of latex allergy, partly because the diagnostic tools are unsatisfactory and partly because the epidemiological study planning often does not fulfill criteria of good praxis. On the basis of present data, latex allergy in normal population is low, under 1%. Known risk groups such as health care workers, atopic subjects, people with hand dermatitis, and especially spina bifida patients show higher prevalence numbers. The common serological cross-reactivity between latex and a great number of different fruits and vegetables is bound to common plant pathogenesis-related proteins and storage proteins. Despite positive serological tests, only about half of NRL-allergic subjects have clinical symptoms after eating cross-reacting foods.  相似文献   

Male birds use song to attract mates and deter other males,but in doing so, they also attract the attention of predatorsand parasites. Such viability costs are inherent in reliablesignals, potentially causing females to prefer mates that displayfrom the most exposed sites. However, viability costs of sexualsignals may be ameliorated by affecting the choice of microhabitat,which in turn may affect the design of song features that aremost efficiently transmitted in this microhabitat. We estimatedthe exposure of song posts (microsites used by males when singing)used by passerine birds in relation to prey selection by thesparrowhawk Accipiter nisus, by calculating the proportion ofmales that sang from song posts that were at the maximum levelof the vegetation, in an attempt to quantify the costs of sexualselection. We quantified prey susceptibility to predation asthe difference between the log-transformed observed number ofprey minus the log-transformed expected number of prey in theenvironment. This prey susceptibility index increased with increasingsong post exposure similarly in sexually dichromatic and monochromaticspecies, although the prey susceptibility index was relatedto sexual dichromatism. Song post exposure was dependent onhabitat, but comparative models controlling for the potentiallyconfounding effects of habitat, sexual dichromatism, hole nesting,coloniality, body mass, cognitive capacities, and flying abilitiesindicated that the relationship between the prey susceptibilityindex and song post exposure is strong. Path analyses of therelationship between song post exposure, sexual dichromatism,and prey susceptibility index revealed that selection actingon sexual dichromatism and song post exposure has secondaryimpact on prey susceptibility index. The opposite causal mechanismsby which predation affects sexual traits are less likely. Thesemodels suggest that female preference for high song posts ordichromatic plumage increases predation risk on an evolutionarytime scale.  相似文献   

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