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羊口疮病毒分子特征与免疫逃逸策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
羊传染性脓疱皮炎(Contagious ecthyma)俗称羊口疮(Orf)是由羊口疮病毒(Orf virus,ORFV)引起的一种人畜共患传染病。ORFV是痘病毒科副痘病毒属的代表性成员之一,具有鲜明而独特的种属特征。在进化过程中,病毒捕获一系列免疫调节/致病性相关基因,通过各种表达产物协同性地限制宿主的免疫清除效应,以庇护种群的增殖和病毒粒子成熟。本文综述了ORFV的分子特征,着重分析了病毒主动干预宿主免疫应答、设计免疫逃逸的分子机制。明确病毒的免疫调节/致病性元件及其效应途径,有利于加深对ORFV生物学特性的理解,同时有利于针对Orf建立有效的防制。  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus causes purulent skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) that frequently reoccur. Staphylococal SSTIs can lead to invasive disease and sepsis, which are among the most significant causes of infectious disease mortality in both developed and developing countries. Human or animal infections with S. aureus do not elicit protective immunity against staphylococcal diseases. Here we review what is known about the immune evasive strategies of S. aureus that enable the pathogen's escape from protective immune responses. Three secreted products are discussed in detail, staphylococcal protein A (SpA), staphylococcal binder of immunoglobulin (Sbi) and adenosine synthase A (AdsA). By forming a complex with V(H)3-type IgM on the surface of B cells, SpA functions as a superantigen to modulate antibody responses to staphylococcal infection. SpA also captures pathogen-specific antibodies by binding their Fcγ portion. The latter activity of SpA is shared by Sbi, which also associates with complement factors 3d and factor H to promote the depletion of complement. AdsA synthesizes the immune signaling molecule adenosine, thereby dampening innate and adaptive immune responses during infection. We discuss strategies how the three secreted products of staphylococci may be exploited for the development of vaccines and therapeutics.  相似文献   

Pulmonary infection caused by the opportunistic fungal organism Pneumocystis continues to be a leading AIDS defining illness. The initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the HIV-infected population has led to a significant reduction in the incidence of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), although recent trends suggest the incidence has plateaued rather than decreased. Host defense against Pneumocystis involves a delicate, concerted balance between the inflammatory response and immune-mediated clearance. Innate cellular immunity is a cornerstone in this response as it provides the initial recognition event that precipitates an immune response, ultimately leading to clearance of the organism from the host. This review will focus on carbohydrate moieties found in the Pneumocystis cell wall and the immune events that occur following their recognition.  相似文献   

Plasmodium vivax invasion of human erythrocytes requires that the ligand domain of the Duffy-binding protein (DBP) recognize its cognate erythrocyte receptor, making DBP a potential target for therapy. The recently determined crystal structure of the orthologous DBP ligand domain of the closely related simian malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi provides insight into the molecular basis for receptor recognition and raises important questions about the mechanism of immune evasion employed by the malaria parasite.  相似文献   

The interaction between immune cells and virus-infected targets involves multiple plasma membrane (PM) proteins. A systematic study of PM protein modulation by vaccinia virus (VACV), the paradigm of host regulation, has the potential to reveal not only novel viral immune evasion mechanisms, but also novel factors critical in host immunity. Here, >1000 PM proteins were quantified throughout VACV infection, revealing selective downregulation of known T and NK cell ligands including HLA-C, downregulation of cytokine receptors including IFNAR2, IL-6ST and IL-10RB, and rapid inhibition of expression of certain protocadherins and ephrins, candidate activating immune ligands. Downregulation of most PM proteins occurred via a proteasome-independent mechanism. Upregulated proteins included a decoy receptor for TRAIL. Twenty VACV-encoded PM proteins were identified, of which five were not recognised previously as such. Collectively, this dataset constitutes a valuable resource for future studies on antiviral immunity, host-pathogen interaction, poxvirus biology, vector-based vaccine design and oncolytic therapy.  相似文献   

CD8(+) T cells are generally considered a key defence against herpesviruses. The murine gamma-herpesvirus-68 encodes two proteins that limit their efficacy. M3 neutralizes chemokines, while K3 downregulates MHC class I glycoproteins. The consequence of this evasion is that CD4(+) T cells are essential to the control of persistent infection.  相似文献   

We describe a model of host-parasite coevolution, where the interaction depends on the investments by the host in its immune response and by the parasite in its ability to suppress (or evade) its host's immune response. We base our model on the interaction between malaria parasites and their mosquito hosts and thus describe the epidemiological dynamics with the Macdonald-Ross equation of malaria epidemiology. The qualitative predictions of the model are most sensitive to the cost of the immune response and to the intensity of transmission. If transmission is weak or the cost of immunity is low, the system evolves to a coevolutionarily stable equilibrium at intermediate levels of investment (and, generally, at a low frequency of resistance). At a higher cost of immunity and as transmission intensifies, the system is not evolutionarily stable but rather cycles around intermediate levels of investment. At more intense transmission, neither host nor parasite invests any resources in dominating its partner so that no resistance is observed in the population. These results may help to explain the lack of encapsulated malaria parasites generally observed in natural populations of mosquito vectors, despite strong selection pressure for resistance in areas of very intense transmission.  相似文献   

Trypanosomes are digenetic protozoans that infect domestic and wild animals, as well as humans. They cause important medical and veterinary diseases, making them a major public health concern. There are many species of trypanosomes that infect virtually all vertebrate taxa. They typically cycle between insect or leech vectors and vertebrate hosts, and they undergo biochemical and morphological changes in the process. Trypanosomes have received much attention in the last 4 decades because of the diseases they cause and their remarkable armamentarium of immune evasion mechanisms. The completed genome sequences of trypanosomes have revealed an extensive array of molecules that contribute to various immune evasion mechanisms. The different species interact uniquely with their vertebrate hosts with a wide range of evasion strategies and some of the most fascinating immune evasion mechanisms, including antigenic variation that was first described in the trypanosomes. This review focuses on the variety of strategies that these parasites have evolved to evade or modulate immunity of endothermic and ectothermic vertebrates.  相似文献   

Coexistence of viruses and their hosts imposes an evolutionary pressure on both the virus and the host immune system. On the one hand, the host has developed an immune system able to attack viruses and virally infected cells, whereas on the other hand, viruses have developed an array of immune evasion mechanisms to escape killing by the host's immune system. Generally, the larger the viral genome, the more diverse mechanisms are utilized to extend the time-window for viral replication and spreading of virus particles. In addition, herpesviruses have the capacity to hide from the immune system by their ability to establish latency. The strategies of immune evasion are directed towards three divisions of the immune system, i.e., the humoral immune response, the cellular immune response and immune effector functions. Members of the herpesvirus family are capable of interfering with the host's immune system at almost every level of immune clearance. Antibody recognition of viral epitopes, presentation of viral peptides by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II molecules, the recruitment of immune effector cells, complement activation, and apoptosis can all be impaired by herpesviruses. This review aims at summarizing the current knowledge of viral evasion mechanisms.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a greatly increased interest in the interactions of arenaviruses with the apoptotic machinery, and particularly the extent to which these interactions may be an important contributor to pathogenesis. Here we summarize the current state of our knowledge on this subject and address the potential for interplay with other immunological mechanisms known to be regulated by these viruses. We also compare and contrast what is known for arenavirus-induced apoptosis with observations from other segmented hemorrhagic fever viruses.  相似文献   

The extracellular promastigote stage of Leishmania spp. is transmitted to mammals by a sand fly vector. Leishmania promastigotes ligate host macrophage receptors, triggering phagocytosis and subsequent internalization, a crucial step for survival. Parasites transform intracellularly to the amastigote stage. Many studies document different receptors detecting promastigotes and amastigotes, but the relative importance of each interaction is ill-defined. Recent studies suggest that the macrophage receptors utilized during phagocytosis impact the intracellular fate of the parasite. This review summarizes the receptors implicated in Leishmania phagocytosis over the past 30 years. It then proceeds to weigh the evidence for or against their potential roles in intracellular parasite trafficking.  相似文献   

Sialic acids represent a family of sugar molecules derived from neuraminic acid that frequently terminate glycan chains and contribute to many biological processes. Already five decades ago, aberrantly high expression of sialic acids has been proposed to protect cancer cells from recognition and eradication by the immune system. Today, increased understanding at the molecular level demonstrates the broad immunomodulatory capacity of tumor-derived sialic acids that is, at least in part, mediated through interactions with immunoinhibitory Siglec receptors. Here we will review current studies from a sialic acid sugar perspective showing that tumor-derived sialic acids disable major killing mechanisms of effector immune cells, trigger production of immune suppressive cytokines and dampen activation of antigen-presenting cells and subsequent induction of anti-tumor immune responses. Furthermore, strategies to modulate sialic acid expression in cancer cells to improve cancer immunotherapy will be discussed.  相似文献   

The incidence of life-threatening fungal infections has continued to increase in recent years, predominantly in patients debilitated by iatrogenic interventions or immunological dysfunctions. While the picture of the immunology of fungal infections grows increasingly complex, it is clear that the phagocyte-pathogen interaction is a critical determinant of establishing an infection. About 10 years ago, genome-scale approaches began to elucidate the intricate and extensive fungal response to phagocytosis and in the last few years it has become clear that some of this response actively modulates immune cell function. Fungal pathogens avoid detection by masking pathogen-associated molecular patterns, such as cell wall carbohydrates, and by downregulating the complement cascade. Once detected, various species interfere with phagocytosis and intracellular trafficking, and can repress production of antimicrobials like nitric oxide (NO). For the most part, the molecular mechanisms behind these behaviors are not yet known. This review discusses recent discoveries and insights into how fungi manipulate the host-pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

Herpesviruses stand out for their capacity to establish lifelong infections of immunocompetent hosts, generally without causing overt symptoms. Herpesviruses are equipped with sophisticated immune evasion strategies, allowing these viruses to persist for life despite the presence of a strong antiviral immune response. Although viral evasion tactics appear to target virtually any stage of the innate and adaptive host immune response, detailed knowledge is now available on the molecular mechanisms underlying herpesvirus obstruction of MHC class I-restricted antigen presentation to T cells. This opens the way for clinical application. Here, we review and discuss recent efforts to exploit human herpesvirus MHC class I evasion strategies for the rational design of novel strategies for vaccine development, cancer treatment, transplant protection and gene therapy.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection is still a worldwide health problem;however,the current antiviral therapies for chronic hepatitis B are limited in efficacy.The outcome of HBV infection is thought to be the result of complex interactions between the HBV and the host immune system.While the role of the adaptive immune responses in the resolution of HBV infection has been well characterized,the contribution of innate immune mechanisms remains elusive until recent evidence implicates that HBV appears to activate the innate immune response and this response is important for controlling HBV infection.Here,we review our current understanding of innate immune responses to HBV infection and the multifaceted evasion by the virus and discuss the potential strategies to combat chronic HBV infection via induction and restoration of host innate antiviral responses.  相似文献   

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