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Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase of yeast   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
J Sy  M Roselle 《FEBS letters》1981,135(1):93-96

We previously observed that Ser378 in the heparin-binding domain of vitronectin becomes phosphorylated by a protein kinase in plasma upon addition of ATP and divalent cations. We now report that purified plasma vitronectin contains approximately 2.5 mol of phosphate per mol of protein and that vitronectin becomes phosphorylated during biosynthesis in human hepatoma (HepG2) cells. In vitro, rabbit muscle cAMP-dependent protein kinase specifically phosphorylates Ser378 in single-chain (75 kDa) vitronectin but does not phosphorylate the two-chain (65/10 kDa) form cleaved at Arg379. Heparin affects neither the time course nor the extent of phosphorylation of Ser378 at neutral pH. The extent of phosphorylation of Ser378 achieved with cAMP-dependent protein kinase (greater than or equal to 0.3 mol phosphate per mol vitronectin) is greater than that obtainable in plasma and should enable comparisons to be made of the activities of the native and phosphorylated forms.  相似文献   

cGMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylates and inactivates RhoA   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Small GTPase Rho and cGMP/cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK) pathways exert opposing effects in specific systems such as vascular contraction and growth. However, the direct interaction between these pathways has remained elusive. We demonstrate that cGK phosphorylates RhoA in vitro at Ser188, the same residue phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. In HeLa cells transfected with constitutively active cGK (C-cGK), stress fiber formation induced by lysophosphatidic acid or V14RhoA was blocked. By contrast, C-cGK failed to inhibit stress fiber formation in cells transfected with mutant RhoA with substitution of Ser188 to Ala. C-cGK did not affect actin reorganization induced by Rac1 or Rho-associated kinase, one of the effectors for RhoA. Furthermore, C-cGK expression inhibited the membrane translocation of RhoA. Collectively, our findings suggest that cGK phosphorylates RhoA at Ser188 and inactivates RhoA signaling. The physiological relevance of the direct interaction between RhoA and cGK awaits further investigation.  相似文献   

Recombinant muscle GYS1 (glycogen synthase 1) and recombinant liver GYS2 were phosphorylated by recombinant AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) in a time-dependent manner and to a similar stoichiometry. The phosphorylation site in GYS2 was identified as Ser7, which lies in a favourable consensus for phosphorylation by AMPK. Phosphorylation of GYS1 or GYS2 by AMPK led to enzyme inactivation by decreasing the affinity for both UDP-Glc (UDP-glucose) [assayed in the absence of Glc-6-P (glucose-6-phosphate)] and Glc-6-P (assayed at low UDP-Glc concentrations). Incubation of freshly isolated rat hepatocytes with the pharmacological AMPK activators AICA riboside (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribofuranoside) or A769662 led to persistent GYS inactivation and Ser7 phosphorylation, whereas inactivation by glucagon treatment was transient. In hepatocytes from mice harbouring a liver-specific deletion of the AMPK catalytic α1/α2 subunits, GYS2 inactivation by AICA riboside and A769662 was blunted, whereas inactivation by glucagon was unaffected. The results suggest that GYS inactivation by AMPK activators in hepatocytes is due to GYS2 Ser7 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The Snf1/AMP-activated protein kinase family has diverse roles in cellular responses to metabolic stress. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Snf1 protein kinase has three isoforms of the beta subunit that confer versatility on the kinase and that exhibit distinct patterns of subcellular localization. The Sip1 beta subunit resides in the cytosol in glucose-grown cells and relocalizes to the vacuolar membrane in response to carbon stress. We show that translation of Sip1 initiates at the second ATG of the open reading frame, yielding a potential site for N myristoylation, and that mutation of the critical glycine abolishes relocalization. We further show that the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A [PKA]) pathway maintains the cytoplasmic localization of Sip1 in glucose-grown cells. The Snf1 catalytic subunit also exhibits aberrant localization to the vacuolar membrane in PKA-deficient cells, indicating that PKA regulates the localization of Snf1-Sip1 protein kinase. These findings establish a novel mechanism of regulation of Snf1 protein kinase by the PKA pathway.  相似文献   

Mutations in the NF2 tumor suppressor gene encoding merlin induce the development of tumors of the nervous system. Merlin is highly homologous to the ERM (ezrin-radixin-moesin) family of membrane/cytoskeleton linker proteins. However, the mechanism for the tumor suppressing activity of merlin is not well understood. Previously, we characterized a novel role for merlin as a protein kinase A (PKA)-anchoring protein, which links merlin to the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway. In this study we show that merlin is also a target for PKA-induced phosphorylation. In vitro [gamma-(33)P]ATP labeling revealed that both the merlin N and C termini are phosphorylated by PKA. Furthermore, both in vitro and in vivo phosphorylation studies of the wild-type and mutated C termini demonstrated that PKA can phosphorylate merlin at serine 518, a site that is phosphorylated also by p21-activated kinases (PAKs). Merlin was phosphorylated by PKA in cells in which PAK activity was suppressed, indicating that the two kinases function independently. Both in vitro and in vivo interaction studies indicated that phosphorylation of serine 518 promotes heterodimerization between merlin and ezrin, an event suggested to convert merlin from a growth-suppressive to a growth-permissive state. This study provides further evidence on the connection between merlin and cAMP/PKA signaling and suggests a role for merlin in the cAMP/PKA transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Many yeast genes that are essential for meiosis are expressed only in meiotic cells. Known regulators of early meiotic genes include IME1, which is required for their expression, and SIN3 and UME6, which prevent their expression in nonmeiotic cells. We report here the molecular characterization of the RIM11 gene, which we find is required for expression of several early meiotic genes. A close functional relationship between RIM11 and IME1 is supported by two observations. First, sin3 and ume6 mutations are epistatic to rim11 mutations; prior studies have demonstrated their epistasis to ime1 mutations. Second, overexpression of RIM11 can suppress an ime1 missense mutation (ime1-L321F) but not an ime1 deletion. Sequence analysis indicates that RIM11 specifies a protein kinase related to rat glycogen synthase kinase 3 and the Drosophila shaggy/zw3 gene product. Three partially defective rim11 mutations alter residues involved in ATP binding or catalysis, and a completely defective rim11 mutation alters a tyrosine residue that corresponds to the site of an essential phosphorylation for glycogen synthase kinase 3. Immune complexes containing a hemagglutinin (HA) epitope-tagged RIM11 derivative, HA-RIM11, phosphorylate two proteins, p58 and p60, whose biological function is undetermined. In addition, HA-RIM11 immune complexes phosphorylate a functional IME1 derivative but not the corresponding ime1-L321F derivative. We propose that RIM11 stimulates meiotic gene expression through phosphorylation of IME1.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the functions of presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are tightly regulated by protein kinases. We previously reported that cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) directly phosphorylates mGluR2 at a single serine residue (Ser843) on the C-terminal tail region of the receptor, and that phosphorylation of this site inhibits coupling of mGluR2 to GTP-binding proteins. This may be the mechanism by which the adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin inhibits presynaptic mGluR2 function at the medial perforant path-dentate gyrus synapse. We now report that PKA also directly phosphorylates several group III mGluRs (mGluR4a, mGluR7a, and mGluR8a), as well as mGluR3 at single conserved serine residues on their C-terminal tails. Furthermore, activation of PKA by forskolin inhibits group III mGluR-mediated responses at glutamatergic synapses in the hippocampus. Interestingly, beta-adrenergic receptor activation was found to mimic the inhibitory effect of forskolin on both group II and III mGluRs. These data suggest that a common PKA-dependent mechanism may be involved in regulating the function of multiple presynaptic group II and group III mGluRs. Such regulation is not limited to the pharmacological activation of adenylyl cyclase but can also be elicited by the stimulation of endogenous G(s)-coupled receptors, such as beta-adrenergic receptors.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase of Neurospora crassa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Neurosporacrassa was surveyed for cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity. Two peaks (I and II) of protein kinase activity were demonstrated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography of wild type Neurospora extracts. Peak I was stimulated by cyclic AMP, eluted below 60 mM NaCl and had high activity using histone H2B as substrate. Peak II eluted at 200–250 mM NaCl; its activity was not cyclic AMP stimulated and was highest with dephosphorylated casein as a substrate. Cyclic AMP binding to a protein associated with the protein kinase is specifically inhibited by certain cyclic AMP analogs.  相似文献   

Summary Ustilago maydis was surveyed for cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity. Using a combination of ion-exchange and molecular filtration techniques, we demonstrate that there is only one form of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in the cytosolic fraction of the fungus. The kinase activity is specifically activated by cyclic AMP and utilizes protamine and kemptide as substrates. Most, if not all, of the cyclic AMP binding detected in the soluble fraction is associated with the protein kinase activity. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase is completely dissociated by cyclic AMP into catalytic and regulatory subunits having an apparent molecular weight of 35 000 daltons as judged by sucrose gradient centrifugation.Post graduate fellow from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET, Argentina).Career investigator from CONICET.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of human Menkes and Wilson diseases depends on alterations in copper transport. Some reports suggest that intracellular traffic of copper might be regulated by kinase-mediated phosphorylation. However, there is no evidence showing the influence of kinase-related processes in coupled ATP hydrolysis/copper transport cycles. Here, we show that cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) regulates Ccc2p, the yeast Cu(I)-ATPase, with PKA-mediated phosphorylation of a conserved serine (Ser258) being crucial for catalysis. Long-range intramolecular communication between Ser258 and Asp627 (at the catalytic site) modulates the key pumping event: the conversion of the high-energy to the low-energy phosphorylated intermediate associated with copper release.  相似文献   

The Snf1/AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family is important for metabolic regulation and is highly conserved from yeast to mammals. The upstream kinases are also functionally conserved, and the AMPK kinases LKB1 and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase activate Snf1 in mutant yeast cells lacking the native Snf1-activating kinases, Sak1, Tos3, and Elm1. Here, we exploited the yeast genetic system to identify members of the mammalian AMPK kinase family by their function as Snf1-activating kinases. A mouse embryo cDNA library in a yeast expression vector was used to transform sak1Delta tos3Delta elm1Delta yeast cells. Selection for a Snf+ growth phenotype yielded cDNA plasmids expressing LKB1, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase, and transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase (TAK1), a member of the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase family. We present genetic and biochemical evidence that TAK1 activates Snf1 protein kinase in vivo and in vitro. We further show that recombinant TAK1, fused to the activation domain of its binding partner TAB1, phosphorylates Thr-172 in the activation loop of the AMPK catalytic domain. Finally, expression of TAK1 and TAB1 in HeLa cells or treatment of cells with cytokines stimulated phosphorylation of Thr-172 of AMPK. These findings indicate that TAK1 is a functional member of the Snf1/AMPK kinase family and support TAK1 as a candidate for an authentic AMPK kinase in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Murine lymphoma cell lines such as WEHI-7 exhibit a cytolytic response to both cAMP and glucocorticoids. We have exploited this behavior to ask if cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase plays a role in regulating glucocorticoid receptor function. We have found that cAMP-resistant cell lines containing a defective cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity give rise to spontaneous steroid-resistant variants at a high frequency (approximately 10(-7)) relative to wild type cells (less than 10(-10)). Unlike previous results with wild type cells, nearly complete loss of glucocorticoid receptor function was observed in a single selection using unmutagenized cAMPr derivatives of WEHI-7. Thus, the initial selection of the cAMPr phenotype serves as a permissive step toward the acquisition of glucocorticoid resistance in WEHI-7. In addition, cAMP was found to increase the levels of steroid binding in these cell lines, and the dose response was dependent upon the phenotype of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The results demonstrate an important role for cAMP in regulating glucocorticoid receptor activity and strongly suggest that this novel two-step selection scheme leads to the isolation of new forms of glucocorticoid resistance.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity in Trypanosoma cruzi.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity from epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi was characterized. Cytosolic extracts were chromatographed on DEAE-cellulose columns, giving two peaks of kinase activity, which were eluted at 0.15 M- and 0.32 M-NaCl respectively. The second activity peak was stimulated by nanomolar concentrations of cyclic AMP. In addition, a cyclic AMP-binding protein co-eluted with the second kinase activity peak. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity was further purified by gel filtration, affinity chromatography on histone-agarose and cyclic AMP-agarose, as well as by chromatography on CM-Sephadex. The enzyme ('holoenzyme') could be partially dissociated into two different components: 'catalytic' and 'regulatory'. The 'regulatory' component had specific binding for cyclic AMP, and it inhibited phosphotransferase activity of the homologous 'catalytic component' or of the 'catalytic subunit' from bovine heart. Cyclic AMP reversed these inhibitions. A 'holoenzyme preparation' was phosphorylated in the absence of exogenous phosphate acceptor and analysed by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. A 56 kDa band was phosphorylated. The same preparation was analysed by Western blotting, by using polyclonal antibodies to the regulatory subunits of protein kinases type I or II. Both antibodies reacted with the 56 kDa band.  相似文献   

The autophosphorylation reaction of purified cGMP-dependent protein kinase has been studied. Apparent initial rates of autophosphorylation in the absence of cyclic nucleotides and in the presence of cGMP and cAMP are 0.006, 0.04, 0.4 mol Pi incorp./min-1. mol cGMP-kinase subunit-1. In the presence of cGMP and cAMP approximately 1 and 2 mol Pi are incorporated/mol enzyme subunit. These values are independent of the enzyme concentration. Stimulation of autophosphorylation by cAMP is not due to activation of a contaminating cAMP-dependent protein kinase since: (a) addition of the heatstable inhibitor protein of cAMP-kinase does not inhibit autophosphorylation; and (b) catalytic subunit of cAMP-kinase added at a 10-fold excess over cGMP-kinase does not phosphorylate cGMP-kinase.  相似文献   

A canine pancreas homogenate was subfractionated by several differential centrifugation steps. The distribution of cAMP-dependent protein kinase in the various fractions was monitored by assaying [3H]cAMP binding and photo-cross-linking of the regulatory subunits of the enzyme (RI and RII) with radiolabeled 8-azido-cAMP. The distribution of the kinase was also compared to that of markers for the plasma membrane, the endoplasmic reticulum and the cytosol. While our results confirm previous studies suggesting the presence of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in the cytosol and Golgi, a significant amount of the total [3H] cAMP binding and photolabeled R subunits (both RI and RII) were found in rough microsomes (RM). The association is relatively resistant to extraction with EDTA, low and high ionic strength solutions. These extractions unmasked several new phosphorylation substrates in the "stripped" RM that were inaccessible in the RM, possibly because they were covered by ribosomes or peripheral membrane proteins. RII with a molecular mass of 52 kDa (RII-52 kDa) was the predominant RII found in the cytosolic fraction, whereas RII-52 kDa and RII with a molecular mass of 54 kDa (RII-54 kDa) were approximately equally enriched in the RM fraction. The mobility of the RII-52 kDa-photolabeled band could be shifted to the mobility of the RII-54 kDa band by phosphorylation with purified catalytic subunit and ATP, indicating that they represent "dephospho" and "phospho" forms of RII, respectively. A more precise localization to the rough endoplasmic reticulum was accomplished by isopycnic floatation in sucrose gradients. The enzyme cobanded at the density of rough microsomes and shifted to the lower density of "stripped" microsomes after treatment with puromycin/high salt, which specifically removes ribosomes.  相似文献   

Steroidogenesis is not stimulated by ACTH in the inner zone of the guinea pig adrenal cortex; adenylate cyclase is normally stimulated. To further explore the lack of a steroidogenic response to ACTH in the inner zone, cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity and protein phosphorylation were examined in the outer and inner adrenocortical zones. To summarize: total cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity was 40% higher in the outer zone than in the inner zone; of the total cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity, cytosol contained 80% for the outer and 70% for the inner zone. In both zones only the type II isozyme was present. Qualitative and quantitative differences in protein phosphorylation were noted for the two zones.  相似文献   

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