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In this study, we report a detailed analysis of the different variants of amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides in the brains and the cerebrospinal fluid from APP23 transgenic mice, expressing amyloid precursor protein with the Swedish familial Alzheimer disease mutation, at different ages. Using one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and mass spectrometry, we identified the Aβ peptides Aβ(1-40), -(1-42), -(1-39), -(1-38), -(1-37), -(2-40), and -(3-40) as well as minor amounts of pyroglutamate-modified Aβ (Aβ(N3pE)) and endogenous murine Aβ in brains from 24-month-old mice. Chemical modifications of the N-terminal amino group of Aβ were identified that had clearly been introduced during standard experimental procedures. To address this issue, we additionally applied amyloid extraction in ultrapure water. Clear differences between APP23 mice and Alzheimer disease (AD) brain samples were observed in terms of the relative abundance of specific variants of Aβ peptides, such as Aβ(N3pE), Aβ(1-42), and N-terminally truncated Aβ(2/3-42). These differences to human AD amyloid were also noticed in a related mouse line transgenic for human wild type amyloid precursor protein. Taken together, our findings suggest different underlying molecular mechanisms driving the amyloid deposition in transgenic mice and AD patients.  相似文献   

The amyloid precursor protein (APP) undergoes "alternative" proteolysis mediated by caspases. Three major caspase recognition sites have been identified in the APP, i.e. one at the C terminus (Asp720) and two at the N terminus (Asp197 and Asp219). Caspase cleavage at Asp720 has been suggested as leading to increased production of Abeta. Thus, we set out to determine which putative caspase sites in APP, if any, are cleaved in Chinese hamster ovary cell lines concurrently with the increased Abeta production that occurs during apoptosis. We found that cleavage at Asp720 occurred concurrently with caspase 3 activation and the increased production of total secreted Abeta and Abeta1-42 in association with staurosporine- and etoposide-induced apoptosis. To investigate the contribution of caspase cleavage of APP to Abeta generation, we expressed an APP mutant truncated at Asp720 that mimics APP caspase cleavage at the C-terminal site. This did not increase Abeta generation but, in contrast, dramatically decreased Abeta production in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Furthermore, the ablation of caspase-dependent cleavage at Asp720, Asp197, and Asp219 (by site-directed mutagenesis) did not prevent enhanced Abeta production following etoposide-induced apoptosis. These findings indicate that the enhanced Abeta generation associated with apoptosis does not require cleavage of APP at its C-terminal (Asp720) and/or N-terminal caspase sites.  相似文献   

Cell migration is known to be triggered by constituents of the extracellular matrix such as fibronectin and by soluble mediators commonly summarized as motogens. Many growth factors such as the epidermal growth factor (EGF) have been shown to act as motogens. Recently, the secretory N-terminal portion of the beta-amyloid precursor protein (sAPP) has been identified as a keratinocyte growth factor. Hence, in this study we analysed whether sAPP stimulates also keratinocyte migration employing the stroboscopic cell motility assay. The migration velocity as well as the frequency of lamellipodia protrusion and ruffle formation were increased about two-fold thus corresponding to the effect of EGF. Using a newly developed beta1-integrin migration track assay we observed that sAPP increased the proportion of migrating keratinocytes and their directional persistence. sAPP appeared to operate synergistically with fibronectin with respect to its motogenic effect. Using a modified Boyden chamber assay we showed that sAPP besides its chemokinetic effect functions as a chemoattractant. Like EGF, sAPP exerted its motogenic effect through the activation of Rac kinase but the receptor for sAPP appears to be distinct. The results suggest that sAPP operates as a motogen in the human epidermis, where it may participate in the regulation of reepithelialization during wound healing.  相似文献   

The glymphatic system plays an important role in clearing the amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau proteins that are closely linked to Alzheimer disease (AD) pathology. Glymphatic clearance, as well as Aβ accumulation, is highly dependent on sleep, but the sleep-dependent driving forces behind cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) movements essential to the glymphatic flux remain largely unclear. Recent studies have reported that widespread, high-amplitude spontaneous brain activations in the drowsy state and during sleep, which are shown as large global signal peaks in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI), are coupled with CSF movements, suggesting their potential link to glymphatic flux and metabolite clearance. By analyzing multimodal data from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) project, here we showed that the coupling between the global fMRI signal and CSF influx is correlated with AD-related pathology, including various risk factors for AD, the severity of AD-related diseases, the cortical Aβ level, and cognitive decline over a 2-year follow-up. These results provide critical initial evidence for involvement of sleep-dependent global brain activity, as well as the associated physiological modulations, in the clearance of AD-related brain waste.

This study reveals strong coupling between the global fMRI signal and cerebrospinal fluid influx, finding that this is correlated with Alzheimer’s disease-related pathology, disease severity, and cognitive decline. This supports a link between spontaneous low-frequency brain dynamics and Alzheimer’s disease pathology, presumably due to their role in glymphatic clearance.  相似文献   

Using antibodies directed against N-terminal and C-terminal epitopes we have immunologically detected APP species in the membrane and saline-soluble fractions of unstimulated platelets, and in the conditioned medium of thrombin-stimulated platelets. These studies demonstrate an intact 140 kD membrane-associated form of APP that is released on degranulation. Evidence that platelets synthesize at least one form of APP (APP751) was obtained by enzymatic amplification of specific mRNA using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and direct sequence analysis of PCR product. Processing of APP for release may occur via successive C-terminal truncations, and/or by the release and proteolysis of an intact membrane associated form. An intact form of APP in platelets provides a circulating substrate upon which proteases from many tissues may act to produce beta protein (AB) during pathologic conditions.  相似文献   

Alzheimer disease-associated beta-amyloid peptide is generated from its precursor protein APP. By using the yeast two-hybrid assay, here we identified HtrA2/Omi, a stress-responsive chaperone-protease as a protein binding to the N-terminal cysteinerich region of APP. HtrA2 coimmunoprecipitates exclusively with immature APP from cell lysates as well as mouse brain extracts and degrades APP in vitro. A subpopulation of HtrA2 localizes to the cytosolic side of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane where it contributes to ER-associated degradation of APP together with the proteasome. Inhibition of the proteasome results in accumulation of retrotranslocated forms of APP and increased association of APP with HtrA2 and Derlin-1 in microsomal membranes. In cells lacking HtrA2, APP holoprotein is stabilized and accumulates in the early secretory pathway correlating with elevated levels of APP C-terminal fragments and increased Abeta secretion. Inhibition of ER-associated degradation (either HtrA2 or proteasome) promotes binding of APP to the COPII protein Sec23 suggesting enhanced trafficking of APP out of the ER. Based on these results we suggest a novel function for HtrA2 as a regulator of APP metabolism through ER-associated degradation.  相似文献   

Cleavage and release of membrane protein ectodomains, a regulated process that affects many cell surface proteins, remains largely uncharacterized. To investigate whether cell surface proteins are cleaved through a shared mechanism or through multiple independent mechanisms, we mutagenized Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and selected clones that were unable to cleave membrane-anchored transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha). The defect in TGF-alpha cleavage in these clones is most apparent upon cell treatment with the protein kinase C (PKC) activator PMA, which stimulates TGF-alpha cleavage in wild-type cells. The mutant clones do not have defects in TFG-alpha expression, transport to the cell surface or turnover. Concomitant with the loss of TGF-alpha cleavage, these clones have lost the ability to cleave many structurally unrelated membrane proteins in response to PMA. These proteins include beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP), whose cleavage into a secreted form avoids conversion into the amyloidogenic peptide A beta, and a group of cell surface proteins whose release into the medium is stimulated by PMA in wild type CHO cells but not in mutants. The mutations prevent cleavage by PKC- dependent as well as PKC-independent mechanisms, and thus affect an essential component that functions downstream of these various signaling mechanisms. We propose that regulated cleavage and secretion of membrane protein ectodomains is mediated by a common system whose components respond to multiple activators and act on susceptible proteins of diverse structure and function.  相似文献   

The cytosolic domain of the beta-amyloid precursor protein APP interacts with three PTB (phosphotyrosine binding domain)-containing adaptor proteins, Fe65, X11, and mDab1. Through these adaptors, other molecules can be recruited at the cytodomain of APP; one of them is Mena, that binds to the WW domain (a protein module with two conserved tryptophans) of Fe65. The enabled and disabled genes of Drosophila, homologues of the mammalian Mena and mDab1 genes, respectively, are genetic modulators of the phenotype observed in flies null for the Abl tyrosine kinase gene. The involvement of Mena and mDab1 in the APP-centered protein-protein interaction network suggests the possibility that Abl plays a role in APP biology. We show that Fe65, through its WW domain, binds in vitro and in vivo the active form of Abl. Furthermore, in cells expressing the active form of Abl, APP is tyrosine-phosphorylated. Phosphopeptide analysis and site-directed mutagenesis support the hypothesis that Tyr(682) of APP(695) is the target of this phosphorylation. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate that active Abl and tyrosine-phosphorylated APP also form a stable complex, which could result from the interaction of the pYENP motif of the APP cytodomain with the SH2 domain of Abl. These results suggest that Abl, Mena, and mDab1 are involved in a common molecular machinery and that APP can play a role in tyrosine kinase-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Hydrogenation of oils and diary products of ruminant animals leads to an increasing amount of trans fatty acids in the human diet. Trans fatty acids are incorporated in several lipids and accumulate in the membrane of cells. Here we systematically investigate whether the regulated intramembrane proteolysis of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is affected by trans fatty acids compared to the cis conformation. Our experiments clearly show that trans fatty acids compared to cis fatty acids increase amyloidogenic and decrease nonamyloidogenic processing of APP, resulting in an increased production of amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides, main components of senile plaques, which are a characteristic neuropathological hallmark for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Moreover, our results show that oligomerization and aggregation of Aβ are increased by trans fatty acids. The mechanisms identified by this in vitro study suggest that the intake of trans fatty acids potentially increases the AD risk or causes an earlier onset of the disease.  相似文献   

The familial Alzheimer's disease gene product amyloid beta precursor protein (APP) is sequentially processed by beta- and gamma-secretases to generate the Abeta peptide. The biochemical pathway leading to Abeta formation has been extensively studied since extracellular aggregates of Abeta peptides are considered the culprit of Alzheimer's disease. Aside from its pathological relevance, the biological role of APP processing is unknown. Cleavage of APP by gamma-secretase releases, together with Abeta, a COOH-terminal APP intracellular domain, termed AID. This peptide has recently been identified in brain tissue of normal control and patients with sporadic Alzheimer's disease. We have previously shown that AID acts as a positive regulator of apoptosis. Nevertheless, the molecular mechanism by which AID regulates this process remains unknown. Hoping to gain clues about the function of APP, we used the yeast two-hybrid system to identify interaction between the AID region of APP and JNK-interacting protein-1 (JIP1). This molecular interaction is confirmed in vitro, in vivo by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), and in mouse brain lysates. These data provide a link between APP and its processing by gamma-secretase, and stress kinase signaling pathways. These pathways are known regulators of apoptosis and may be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutagenesis techniques have been used to construct active site variants of the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor domain present in the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP-KD). Striking alteration of its protease inhibitory properties were obtained when the putative P1 residue, arginine, was replaced with the small hydrophobic residue valine. The altered protein was no longer inhibitory toward bovine pancreatic trypsin, human Factor XIa, mouse epidermal growth factor-binding protein, or bovine chymotrypsin, all of which are strongly inhibited by the unaltered APP-KD (Sinha, S., Dovey, H. F., Seubert, P., Ward, P. J., Blacher, R. W., Blaber, M., Bradshaw, R. A., Arici, M., Mobley, W. C., and Lieberburg, I. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 8983-8985). Instead, the P1-Val-APP-KD was a potent inhibitor of human neutrophil elastase, with a Ki = 0.8 nM, as estimated by the inhibition of the activity of human neutrophil elastase measured using a chromogenic substrate. It also inhibited the degradation of insoluble elastin by the enzyme virtually stoichiometrically. Replacement of the P1' (Ala) and P2' (Met) residues of P1-Val-MKD with the corresponding residues (Ser, Ile) from alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor resulted in an inactive protein, underscoring the mechanistic differences between the serpins from the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor family. These results confirm the importance of the P1 arginine residue of APP-KD in determining inhibitory specificity, and are also the first time that a single amino acid replacement has been shown to generate a specific potent human neutrophil elastase inhibitor from a human KD sequence.  相似文献   

FE65 binds to the Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein (APP), but the function of this interaction has not been identified. Here, we report that APP and FE65 are involved in regulation of cell movement. APP and FE65 colocalize with actin and Mena, an Abl-associated signaling protein thought to regulate actin dynamics, in lamellipodia. APP and FE65 specifically concentrate with beta 1-integrin in dynamic adhesion sites known as focal complexes, but not in more static adhesion sites known as focal adhesions. Overexpression of APP accelerates cell migration in an MDCK cell wound--healing assay. Coexpression of APP and FE65 dramatically enhances the effect of APP on cell movement, probably by regulating the amount of APP at the cell surface. These data are consistent with a role for FE65 and APP, possibly in a Mena-containing macromolecular complex, in regulation of actin-based motility.  相似文献   

Antibodies to human amyloid precursor protein (APP(695)) and beta-amyloid peptide (A beta(1-42)) were used to determine timing of amyloidosis in the brain of kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka kennerlyi) in one of four reproductive stages: immature (IM), maturing (MA), sexually mature (SM), and spawning (SP), representing a range of aging from somatically mature but sexually immature to spawning and somatic senescence. In IM fish, immunoreactive (ir) intracellular APP occurred in 18 of 23 brain regions. During sexual maturation and aging, the number of neurons expressing APP increased in 11 of these APP-ir regions. A beta-ir was absent in IM fish, present in seven regions in MA fish, moderately abundant in 15 regions in SM fish, and was most abundant in all brain regions of SP fish exhibiting A beta-ir. Intracellular APP-ir was observed in brain regions involved in sensory integration, olfaction, vision, stress responses, reproduction, and coordination. Intra- and extracellular A beta(1-42) immunoreactivity (A beta-ir) was present in all APP-ir regions except the nucleus lateralis tuberis (hypothalamus) and Purkinje cells (cerebellum). APP-ir and A beta deposition increase during aging. APP-ir is present in IM fish; A beta-ir usually appears first in MA or SM fish and increases in SM fish as does APP-ir. Extracellular A beta deposition dramatically increases between SM and SP stages (1-2 weeks) in all fish, indicating an extremely rapid and synchronized process. Rapid senescence observed in pacific salmon could make them a useful model to investigate timing of amyloidosis and neurodegeneration during brain aging.  相似文献   

The creatine/phosphocreatine system, regulated by creatine kinase, plays an important role in maintaining energy balance in the brain. Energy metabolism and the function of creatine kinase are known to be affected in Alzheimer diseased brain and in cells exposed to the beta-amyloid peptide. We used infrared microspectroscopy to examine hippocampal, cortical, and caudal tissue from 21-89-week-old transgenic mice expressing doubly mutant (K670N/M671L and V717F) amyloid precursor protein and displaying robust pathology from an early age. Microcrystalline deposits of creatine, suggestive of perturbed energetic status, were detected by infrared microspectroscopy in all animals with advanced plaque pathology. Relatively large creatine deposits were also found in hippocampal sections from post-mortem Alzheimer diseased human brain, compared with hippocampus from non-demented brain. We therefore speculate that this molecule is a marker of the disease process.  相似文献   

Soluble beta-amyloid protein precursors (beta-APPs) were studied in human brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) after partial purification by ion exchange chromatography. Proteins were analysed in immunoblotting experiments using a monoclonal antibody directed against the N-terminal segment of the beta-APP 770, and by reverse enzymography. In the human brain and CSF, a protein which comigrates with the beta-APP 770 expressed by transfected CHO cells was able to inhibit trypsin.  相似文献   

Presenilin 1 (PS1) is a critical component of the gamma-secretase complex, which is involved in the cleavage of several substrates including the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and the Notch receptor. Recently, the low density receptor-related protein (LRP) has been shown to be cleaved by a gamma-secretase-like activity. We postulated that LRP may interact with PS1 and tested its role as a competitive substrate for gamma-secretase. In this report we show that LRP colocalizes and interacts with endogenous PS1 using coimmunoprecipitation and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy. In addition, we found that gamma-secretase active site inhibitors do not disrupt the interaction between LRP and PS1, suggesting that the substrate associates with a gamma-secretase docking site located in close proximity to PS1. This is analogous to APP-gamma-secretase interactions. Finally, we show that LRP competes with APP for gamma-secretase activity. Overexpression of a truncated LRP construct consisting of the C terminus, the transmembrane domain, and a short extracellular portion leads to a reduction in the levels of the Abeta40, Abeta42, and p3 peptides without changing the total level of APP expression. In addition, transfection with the beta-chain of LRP causes an increase in uncleaved APP C-terminal fragments and a concomitant decrease in the signaling effects of the APP intracellular domain. In conclusion, LRP is a PS1 interactor and can compete with APP for gamma-secretase enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Absence of functional presenilin 1 (PS1) protein leads to loss of gamma-secretase cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (betaAPP), resulting in a dramatic reduction in amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) production and accumulation of alpha- or beta-secretase-cleaved COOH-terminal fragments of betaAPP (alpha- or beta-CTFs). The major COOH-terminal fragment (CTF) in brain was identified as betaAPP-CTF-(11-98), which is consistent with the observation that cultured neurons generate primarily Abeta-(11-40). In PS1(-/-) murine neurons and fibroblasts expressing the loss-of-function PS1(D385A) mutant, CTFs accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and lysosomes, but not late endosomes. There were some subtle differences in the subcellular distribution of CTFs in PS1(-/-) neurons as compared with PS1(D385A) mutant fibroblasts. However, there was no obvious redistribution of full-length betaAPP or of markers of other organelles in either mutant. Blockade of endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi trafficking indicated that in PS1(-/-) neurons (as in normal cells) trafficking of betaAPP to the Golgi compartment is necessary before alpha- and beta-secretase cleavages occur. Thus, although we cannot exclude a specific role for PS1 in trafficking of CTFs, these data argue against a major role in general protein trafficking. These results are more compatible with a role for PS1 either as the actual gamma-secretase catalytic activity or in other functions indirectly related to gamma-secretase catalysis (e.g. an activator of gamma-secretase, a substrate adaptor for gamma-secretase, or delivery of gamma-secretase to betaAPP-containing compartments).  相似文献   

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