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A new bacteriocin, gassericin A, was purified from the culture fluid of Lactobacillus gasseri LA39 mainly by reverse-phase (RP) chromatography. The purification of gassericin A from a modified MRS broth, in which Tween 80 had been replaced by oleic acid, resulted in a 4500-fold increase in specific activity with a 6% recovery. Gassericin A was eluted as a single peak on the chromatogram from RP-HPLC and migrated by SDS-PAGE as a single band with a molecular weight of ca. 3.8 kDa. Gassericin A, a highly hydrophobic bacteriocin, was slightly soluble in water, but its solubility was increased by adding alcohol and acetonitrile. An amino acid analysis revealed that it was composed of 45.7% hydrophobic amino acids in the total residues of 35 amino acids. Gassericin A produced in the MRS broth associated strongly with Tween 80, although several further trials of dissociation were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

BackgroundAccumulating evidence has shown that methionine- and choline-deficient high fat (MCD+HF) diet induces the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), in which elevated reactive oxygen species play a crucial role. We have reported that peroxiredoxin 4 (PRDX4), a unique secretory member of the PRDX antioxidant family, protects against NAFLD progression. However, the detailed mechanism and potential effects on the intestinal function still remain unclear.ConclusionOur present data provide the first evidence of the beneficial effects of PRDX4 on intestinal function in the reduction of the severity of NAFLD, by ameliorating oxidative stress-induced local and systemic injury. We can suggest that both liver and intestine are spared, to some degree, by the antioxidant properties of PRDX4.  相似文献   

The influence of grazing by the bacterivorous nanoflagellate Ochromonas sp. strain DS on the taxonomic and morphological structures of a complex bacterial community was studied in one-stage chemostat experiments. A bacterial community, consisting of at least 30 different strains, was fed with a complex carbon source under conditions of low growth rate (0.5 day−1 when nongrazed) and low substrate concentration (9 mg liter−1). Before and after the introduction of the predator, the bacterial community composition was studied by in situ techniques (immunofluorescence microscopy and fluorescent in situ hybridization), as well as by cultivation on agar media. The cell sizes of nonspecifically stained and immunofluorescently labeled bacteria were measured by image analysis. Grazing by the flagellate caused a bidirectional change in the morphological structure of the community. Medium-size bacterial cells, which dominated the nongrazed community, were largely replaced by smaller cells, as well as by cells contained in large multicellular flocs. Cell morphological changes were combined with community taxonomic changes. After introduction of the flagellate, the dominating strains with medium-size cells were largely replaced by single-celled strains with smaller cells on the one hand and, on the other hand, by Pseudomonas sp. strain MWH1, which formed the large, floc-like forms. We assume that size-selective grazing was the major force controlling both the morphological and the taxonomic structures of the model community.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted as a fact in the biogas technology that protein-rich biomass substrates should be avoided due to inevitable process inhibition. Substrate compositions with a low C/N ratio are considered difficult to handle and may lead to process failure, though protein-rich industrial waste products have outstanding biogas generation potential. This common belief has been challenged by using protein-rich substrates, i.e. casein and precipitated pig blood protein in laboratory scale continuously stirred mesophilic fed-batch biogas fermenters. Both substrates proved suitable for sustained biogas production (0.447 L CH4/g protein oDM, i.e. organic total solids) in high yield without any additives, following a period of adaptation of the microbial community. The apparent key limiting factors in the anaerobic degradation of these proteinaceous materials were the accumulation of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Changes in time in the composition of the microbiological community were determined by next-generation sequencing-based metagenomic analyses. Characteristic rearrangements of the biogas-producing community upon protein feeding and specific differences due to the individual protein substrates were recognized. The results clearly demonstrate that sustained biogas production is readily achievable, provided the system is well-characterized, understood and controlled. Biogas yields (0.45 L CH4/g oDM) significantly exceeding those of the commonly used agricultural substrates (0.25-0.28 L CH4/g oDM) were routinely obtained. The results amply reveal that these high-energy-content waste products can be converted to biogas, a renewable energy carrier with flexible uses that can replace fossil natural gas in its applications. Process control, with appropriate acclimation of the microbial community to the unusual substrate, is necessary. Metagenomic analysis of the microbial community by next-generation sequencing allows a precise determination of the alterations in the community composition in the course of the process.  相似文献   

通过HPLC高效液相层析由褐腐真菌中能强烈降解木质纤维素的代表菌株密粘褶菌Gloeo phyllumtrabeum的胞外培养液 ,分离纯化得到一低分子量的活性多肽组分 (Gt因子 ) .Gt因子具有较好热稳定性 ,在pH 2 5~ 6 5范围内保持稳定 .Gt因子分子量在 4 0 0 0左右 ,等电点pI 6 6 .Gt因子具有络合Fe3 + 的能力 ,且能够将Fe3 + 还原为Fe2 + .在O2 存在时 ,能以纤维素物质为电子供体形成羟基自由基HO·.利用循环伏安法 ,观察到Gt因子与纤维素底物之间的氧化还原过程 .研究表明 ,Gt因子极有可能在褐腐菌的纤维素降解初期起着重要的作用 .  相似文献   

Disruption of epigenetic patterns is a major change occurring in all types of cancers. Such alterations are characterized by global DNA hypomethylation, gene-promoter hypermethylation and aberrant histone modifications, and may be modified by environment. Nutritional factors, and especially dietary lipids, have a role in the etiology of breast cancer. Thus, we aimed to analyze the influence of different high fat diets on DNA methylation and histone modifications in the rat dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced breast cancer model. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a low-fat, a high corn-oil or a high extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) diet from weaning or from induction with DMBA. In mammary glands and tumors we analyzed global and gene specific (RASSF1A, TIMP3) DNA methylation by LUMA and bisulfite pyrosequencing assays, respectively. We also determined gene expression and enzymatic activity of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT1, DNMT3a and DNMT3b) and evaluated changes in histone modifications (H3K4me2, H3K27me3, H4K20me3 and H4K16ac) by western-blot. Our results showed variations along time in the global DNA methylation of the mammary gland displaying decreases at puberty and with aging. The olive oil-enriched diet, on the one hand, increased the levels of global DNA methylation in mammary gland and tumor, and on the other, changed histone modifications patterns. The corn oil-enriched diet increased DNA methyltransferase activity in both tissues, resulting in an increase in the promoter methylation of the tumor suppressor genes RASSF1A and TIMP3. These results suggest a differential effect of the high fat diets on epigenetic patterns with a relevant role in the neoplastic transformation, which could be one of the mechanisms of their differential promoter effect, clearly stimulating for the high corn-oil diet and with a weaker influence for the high EVOO diet, on breast cancer progression.  相似文献   

The Danube River is the second longest river in Europe, and its bacterial community composition has never been studied before over its entire length. In this study, bacterial community composition was determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of PCR-amplified portions of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene from a total of 98 stations on the Danube River (73 stations) and its major tributaries (25 stations), covering a distance of 2,581 km. Shifts in the bacterial community composition were related to changes in environmental conditions found by comparison with physicochemical parameters (e.g., temperature and concentration of nutrients) and the concentration of chlorophyll a (Chl a). In total, 43 distinct DGGE bands were detected. Sequencing of selected bands revealed that the phylotypes were associated with typical freshwater bacteria. Apparent bacterial richness in the Danube varied between 18 and 32 bands and correlated positively with the concentration of P-PO4 (r = 0.56) and negatively with Chl a (r = −0.52). An artificial neural network-based model explained 90% of the variation of apparent bacterial richness using the concentrations of N-NO2 and P-PO4 and the distance to the Black Sea as input parameters. Between the cities of Budapest and Belgrade, apparent bacterial richness was significantly lower than that of other regions of the river, and Chl a showed a pronounced peak. Generally, the bacterial community composition developed gradually; however, an abrupt and clear shift was detected in the section of the phytoplankton bloom. Large impoundments did not have a discernible effect on the bacterial community of the water column. In conclusion, the riverine bacterial community was largely influenced by intrinsic factors.  相似文献   

Colon and intestinal crypts have been widely chosen to study cell dynamics because of their fairly simple structures. In the colon and intestinal crypts, stem cells (SCs) are located at very bottom of the crypt, fully differentiated cells (FDs) are located in the top of the crypt, and transit-amplifying cells (TAs) are in the middle of the crypt between FDs and SCs. Recently, it has been discovered that there are two types of stem cells in the intestinal crypts: central stem cells (CeSCs) and border stem cells. To investigate dynamics of mutants in colon and intestinal crypts, we develop a four-compartmental stochastic model, which includes two SC compartments, and TAs and FDs compartments. We calculate the probability of the progeny of marked or mutant cells located at each of these compartments taking over the entire crypt or being washed out from the crypt. We found that the progeny of CeSCs will take over the entire crypt with a probability close to one. Interestingly, the progeny of advantageous mutant TAs and FDs will be washed out faster than disadvantageous mutants. Saliently, the model predicts that the time that the progeny of wild-type central stem cells will take over the mouse intestinal crypt is around 60 days, which is in perfect agreement with an experimental observation.  相似文献   



The relationship between malaria and undernutrition is controversial and complex. Synergistic associations between malnutrition and malaria morbidity and mortality have been suggested, as well as undernutrition being protective against infection, while other studies found no association. We sought to evaluate the relationship between the number of malaria episodes and nutritional statuses in a cohort of children below 15 years of age living in a rural community in the Brazilian Amazon.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Following a baseline survey of clinical, malaria and nutritional assessment including anthropometry measurements and hemoglobin concentration, 202 children ranging from 1 month to 14 years of age were followed for one year through passive case detection for malaria episodes. After follow-up, all children were assessed again in order to detect changes in nutritional indicators associated with malaria infection. We also examined the risk of presenting malaria episodes during follow-up according to presence of stunting at baseline. Children who suffered malaria episodes during follow-up presented worse anthropometric parameters values during this period. The main change was a reduction of the linear growth velocity, associated with both the number of episodes and how close the last or only malaria episode and the second anthropometric assessment were. Changes were also observed for indices associated with chronic changes, such as weight-for-age and BMI-for-age, which conversely, were more frequently observed in children with the last or only episode occurring between 6 and 12 months preceding the second nutritional assessment survey. Children with inadequate height-for-age at baseline (Z-score < -2) presented lower risk of suffering malaria episodes during follow-up as assessed by both the log-rank test (p =0.057) and the multivariable Cox-proportional hazards regression (Hazard Ratio = 0.31, 95%CI [0.10; 0.99] p=0.049).


Malaria was associated with impaired nutritional status amongst children in an endemic area of the Western Brazilian Amazon where P. vivax predominates. Our data all supports that the association presents differential effects for each age group, suggesting distinct pathophysiology pathways. We were also able to demonstrate that undernourishment at baseline was protective to malaria during follow-up. These findings support an intriguing interaction between these conditions in the rural Amazon and the need for a more integrative approach by health systems in endemic areas.  相似文献   

The use of the pig for studies of food intake and obesity is reviewed. Effects of ambient temperature and taste on food intake as well as satiety factors impicating both neural and hormonal mechanisms originating in the gastrointestinal tract are considered; the integration of information in the central nervous system for both internal and external sources is hypothesized. Special concerns of food intake controls in the neonate are discussed, including effects of neonate sweet preference on food intake, gastrointestinal satiety factors, and hypoglycemia as a stimulus for food ingestion.For obesity studies, pigs offer several advantages, including their general physiological similarity to humans, similar fat cell size, and body fat distribution. Lipogenesis, lipolysis, and lipid mobilization are under intensive study in swine and the information obtained may have important application in studies of human obesity. The voluminous literature on metabolic differences between genetically lean versus obese populations of pigs suggests possibilities for application in humans. Greater characterization of differences and similarities between pigs and humans in important metabolic parameters related to regulation of food intake and obesity should facilitate better understanding and control of human obesity.  相似文献   

罗昕裕  周昭敏 《四川动物》2020,39(2):148-155
作为重要的人为影响因素,城市化改变了自然生境的景观结构,并影响到动物群落的组成。蚁科Formicidae动物种类繁多,且易于捕获,是研究城市中不同土地利用类型对动物群落影响的理想指示生物。2018年5月,在四川省南充市城区中选择"公园与绿地""旱地"和"乔木林地"3种土地利用类型作为不同的生境类型,并通过陷阱法对蚂蚁群落组成进行调查。共采集到1 847只个体;其中,津岛铺道蚁Tetramorium tsushimae在"公园与绿地"中的个体数占比最高(73.80%),并明显高于"旱地"群落中占比最高的中华小家蚁Monomorium chinense(25.48%)和"乔木林地"群落中占比最高的宽结大头蚁Pheidole nodus(28.79%)。3种生境间,群落的蚂蚁个体数和物种丰富度间差异无统计学意义,但"公园与绿地"的Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均显著低于"旱地"和"乔木林地"的;"公园与绿地"(q=0.444)和"旱地"(q=0.500)与"乔木林地"间的群落组成均存在中度不相似,而"公园与绿地"与"旱地"间为中度相似(q=0.647)。因此,不同的城市土地...  相似文献   

This study examined the importance of habitat heterogeneity on the avian community composition, and investigated the scale at which species abundances respond to habitat variables. The study was conducted within a diverse landscape matrix of a shaded coffee region in Mexico. To detect at which characteristic spatial scale different species and foraging guilds respond most strongly we analyzed the effect of plot-, patch- and landscape-level variables at different spatial extent (i.e., different kilometer radii) on species composition and foraging guilds. We used redundancy analysis to identify species–environment correlations, and to identify predictor variables that best explained the bird community structure, quantified the influence of plot-, patch- and landscape-level variables on the bird community composition. In addition, we used the 4th-corner method to detect significant relationships between the dietary guilds and plot-, patch- and landscape-level variables. We recorded 12,335 individuals of 181 bird species; 105 bird species were recorded foraging within the shaded coffee plantations. We found that plot- and landscape-level variables significantly explained the bird community composition best across all scales, and were significantly correlated with the abundance of the dietary guilds. In contrast, patch-level variables were less important. Habitat composition variables (i.e., coffee, forest and agricultural area) were among the most important predictors. Canopy structure was more important than other vegetation structure variables in explaining dietary guild structure. Hence, the maintenance of a heterogeneous landscape with a high-quality matrix within an agro-ecological region enhances bird conservation.  相似文献   



Mechanical intestinal obstruction is a disorder associated with intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome. As the large intestine intraluminal and intra-abdominal pressures are increased, so the patient’s risk for intestinal ischaemia. Previous studies have focused on hypoperfusion and bacterial translocation without considering the concomitant effect of intra-abdominal hypertension. The objective of this study was to design and evaluate a mechanical intestinal obstruction model in pigs similar to the human pathophysiology.

Materials and Methods

Fifteen pigs were divided into three groups: a control group (n = 5) and two groups of 5 pigs with intra-abdominal hypertension induced by mechanical intestinal obstruction. The intra-abdominal pressures of 20 mmHg were maintained for 2 and 5 hours respectively. Hemodynamic, respiratory and gastric intramucosal pH values, as well as blood tests were recorded every 30 min.


Significant differences between the control and mechanical intestinal obstruction groups were noted. The mean arterial pressure, cardiac index, dynamic pulmonary compliance and abdominal perfusion pressure decreased. The systemic vascular resistance index, central venous pressure, pulse pressure variation, airway resistance and lactate increased within 2 hours from starting intra-abdominal hypertension (p<0.05). In addition, we observed increased values for the peak and plateau airway pressures, and low values of gastric intramucosal pH in the mechanical intestinal obstruction groups that were significant after 3 hours.


The mechanical intestinal obstruction model appears to adequately simulate the pathophysiology of intestinal obstruction that occurs in humans. Monitoring abdominal perfusion pressure, dynamic pulmonary compliance, gastric intramucosal pH and lactate values may provide insight in predicting the effects on endorgan function in patients with mechanical intestinal obstruction.  相似文献   

Objective: Collared lemmings, Dicrostonyx groenlandicus, show rapid changes in body mass on a seasonal basis. The objective of this study was to measure longitudinal changes in body composition in animals undergoing photoperiod-induced weight gain and loss using DXA. Research Methods and Procedures: Adult, female collared lemmings exposed to either long (LD; 22 hours light/2 hours dark) or short (SD; 8 hours light/16 hours dark) photoperiods were anesthetized, and DXA was used to determine fat mass, lean tissue mass (LTM), total-body bone mineral content, and total-bone mineral density. After a baseline scan, one-half of the animals were transferred to the alternate photoperiod (SD-LD, weight loss; LD-SD, weight gain) and one-half remained on the same photoperiod (controls; SD-SD, LD-LD). Body composition was determined by DXA after 4 and 8 weeks. Animals were killed, and body composition was determined by carcass analysis. DXA-derived data were validated by comparing with carcass analysis. Results: Body composition by DXA was highly related to body composition measured by chemical analysis, thereby justifying the use of DXA. Lemmings in the SD-LD group lost weight, and this was reflected in measurable losses of fat and LTM. Lemmings in the LD-SD group gained weight, which was shown by measurable increases in fat, LTM and total-body bone mineral content. Discussion: Comparison of body composition determined by DXA to that by chemical extraction revealed that DXA is useful for measuring body composition. The longitudinal analysis revealed that collared lemmings undergo rapid changes in body composition when exposed to changes in photoperiod.  相似文献   

When pollinators use flower color to locate food sources, a distinct color can serve as a reproductive barrier against co-flowering species. This anti-interference function of flower color may result in a community assembly of plant species displaying mutually different flower colors. However, such color dispersion is not ubiquitous, suggesting a variable selection across communities and existence of some opposing factors. We conducted a 30-week study in a plant community and measured the floral reflectances of 244 species. The reflectances were evaluated in insect color spaces (bees, swallowtails, and flies), and the dispersion was compared with random expectations. We found that co-existing colors were overdispersed for each analyzed pollinator type, and this overdispersion was statistically significant for bees. Furthermore, we showed that exclusion of 32 aliens from the analysis significantly increased the color dispersion of native flowers in every color space. This result indicated that aliens disturbed a native plant–pollinator network via similarly colored flowers. Our results demonstrate the masking effects of aliens in the detection of color dispersion of native flowers and that variations in pollinator vision yield different outcomes. Our results also support the hypothesis that co-flowering species are one of the drivers of color diversification and affect the community assembly.  相似文献   

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