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Ant distribution and behavioural dominance is examined at nine sites along an elevational gradient (1400–2600 m) in south eastern Arizona, in order to classify North American species according to a functional group scheme used extensively in Australia. The functional groups are then used as a basis for determining patterns of community structure along the environmental gradient, and for comparing community structure between Australia and North America. Quantitative information on species com- position was obtained from pitfall traps, and patterns of ant abundance at tuna baits were used to determine relative behavioural dominance among taxa. A total of eighty-three species from twenty-eight genera was recorded along the elevational gradient, with site species richness ranging from four (high elevation Douglas fir forest) to thirty-three (mid elevation oak–juniper woodland). There was a strong correlation between ant abundance and richness, which was not an artefact of sampling intensity. The most common ants were species of Forelius, Monomorium, Crematogaster and Pheidole at the three desert sites, species of Formica, Pheidole and Crematogaster at the three woodland sites, and species of Prenolepis and Formica at one forest site. No species were abundant at two other forest sites. The most common species in traps also tended to be the most common species at baits. In terms of behavioural dominance, highly competitive ants included species of Solenopsis, Forelius, Monomorium and Liometopum. Species of Pheidole and Crematogaster tended to be moderately competitive, whereas species of Dory- myrmex, Myrmica, Camponotus and Formica (fusca gp) had low competitive ability. On the basis of these results and on published records of other taxa, North American ants were assigned to functional groups as follows (major taxa only given here): Dominant Dolichoderinae—Forelius, Liome- topum; Subordinate Camponotini—Camponotus; Hot Climate Specialists—Pogonomyrmex, Myrmecocystus; Cold Climate Specialists—Formica (rufa, exsecta and microgyna groups), Leptothorax, Stenamma, Lasius, Prenolepis; Cryptic Species—Smithistruma, Solenopsis (subgenus Diplorhop- trum), Acanthomyops; Opportunists—Formica (fusca group), Myrmica, Paratrechina, Dorymyrmex; Generalized Myr- micinae—Pheidole, Crematogaster, Monomorium; Specialist Predators—no major taxa. Functional group composition varied systematically along the elevation gradient: Dominant Dolichoderinae, Generalized Myrà micinae and Hot Climate Specialists were predominant at desert sites; Generalized Myrmicinae and Opportunists were predominant at woodland sites; and Opportunists and Cold Climate Specialists were predominant at forest sites. These patterns are consistent with published studies from elsewhere in North America. Almost all North American taxa can be matched with what appear to be ecologically equivalent taxa in Australia, and biogeographic patterns of functional group composition are broadly similar across the two continents. The major differences are that Australian ant communities are far richer in species, and are almost always dominated by dolichoderines, particularly species of Iridomyrmex. Generalized myrmicines are subdominant to dolichoderines in Australia, but are the behaviourally dominant ants throughout the warmer parts of North America. In cool-temperate North America, species of Formica (especially rufa and exsecta groups) are behaviourally dominant, as they are throughout the Palearctic. Some major features of the North American fauna can be linked to its poor representation of Dominant Dolichoderinae, including (1) the relatively low degree of physiological, morphological and behavioural specialization of Hot Climate Specialists; (2) behavioural dominance by formicines in cool-temperate habitats; and (3) the susceptibility to invasion by behaviourally dominant species such as the imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta and the Argentine ant Linepithema humile.  相似文献   

This paper describes the vegetation of the Carson Desert (Nevada, USA) based on a phytosociological analysis of its major plant associations, as determined by the Braun-Blanquet method. Diagnostic tables, climatic, edaphic, and biogeographical data were used to establish floristic affinities among identified plant communities and to interpret their distributions in zonal gradients. Their syntaxonomic positions in the classes Allenrolfeetea occidentalis and Artemisio tridentatae–Juniperetea osteospermae, and in the new class Sarcobatetea vermiculati were also established. Three associations (Atriplici confertifoliae–Sarcobatetum baileyi, Atriplici canescentis–Psorothamnetum polydenii, and Suaedo moquinii–Sarcobatetum vermiculati) are described here for the first time along with the order Sarcobatetalia vermiculati and the alliance Sarcobation vermiculati.  相似文献   

Aim The flowering plant genus Hoffmannseggia consists of 21 species distributed amphitropically between the arid regions of the south‐western United States and adjacent Mexico, and west‐central South America. This pattern of geographical disjunction is shared by numerous other angiosperm genera and has been the subject of discussions for more than a century with various authors advocating a northern origin for particular taxa and others advocating a southern origin. This study uses a well‐supported phylogeny of a genus with numerous species in each area to address the issues of a northern or southern origin and the facility with which organisms move between the two continents. Location South‐western United States and northern Mexico, northern Chile and Argentina, southern Bolivia, and western Peru. Methods Using DNA sequence data from the nuclear and chloroplast genomes, we generated a phylogenetic hypothesis for all species of Hoffmannseggia rooted with Zuccagnia and Balsamocarpon. Geographical data were optimized on the resultant tree to assess the probable continent of origin for the genus, the pattern of disjunctions between North and South America, and species radiations within the genus. Main conclusions Hoffmannseggia arose in South America and initially split into a suffrutescent (somewhat woody) and an herbaceous clade. Within each of these major clades, there have been at least two exchanges between North and South America. There are no data to support an ancestral pan‐American range for Hoffmannseggia and we therefore ascribe the amphitropical disjunctions to long‐distance dispersal. The phylogeny clearly shows that all dispersals were from South to North America and they occurred at different times and thus the pattern is not the result of a single simultaneous set of dispersals.  相似文献   

Ethnographic studies have established that, until shortly after World War II, Indians in northern Alberta regularly and systematically fired habitats to influence the local distribution and relative abundance of plant and animal resources. In ways similar to what has been reported for hunter-gatherers in other regions, this pyrotechnology contributed to an overall fire mosaic that, in this case, formerly characterized northern boreal forests. Crosscultural comparisons of these practices with those in other parts of North America, as well as in several parts of Australia, illustrate functionally parallel strategies in the ways that hunter- gatherers employed habitat fires, specifically in the maintenance of fire yards and fire corridors in widely separated and different kinds of biological zones.We would like to thank Ross Wein tor his comments and suggestions on this paper, especially his ideas about the characteristics of fire mosaics as they would occur under natural conditions in boreal forests. We are also indebted to several granting agencies for funds that supported our earlier research. They include the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Museum of Man, Fire Science Center (University of New Brunswick), the Boreal Institute for Northern Studies (University of Alberta), the Australian Institute for Aboriginal Studies, and the Northern Australian Research Unit (Australian National University).  相似文献   

We define the geographical distributions of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages embedded within a broadly distributed, arid-dwelling toad, Bufo punctatus. These patterns were evaluated as they relate to hypothesized vicariant events leading to the formation of desert biotas within western North America. We assessed mtDNA sequence variation among 191 samples from 82 sites located throughout much of the species' range. Parsimony-based haplotype networks of major identified lineages were used in nested clade analysis (NCA) to further elucidate and evaluate shallow phylogeographic patterns potentially associated with Quaternary (Pleistocene-Holocene) vicariance and dispersal. Phylogenetic analyses provided strong support for three monophyletic lineages (clades) within B. punctatus. The geographical distributions of the clades showed little overlap and corresponded to the general boundaries of the Peninsular Desert, and two continental desert regions, Eastern (Chihuahuan Desert-Colorado Plateau) and Western (Mojave-Sonoran deserts), geographically separated along the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Madre Occidental. The observed divergence levels and congruence with postulated events in earth history implicate a late Neogene (latest Miocene-early Pliocene) time frame for separation of the major mtDNA lineages. Evaluation of nucleotide and haplotype diversity and interpretations from NCA reveal that populations on the Colorado Plateau resulted from a recent, likely post-Pleistocene, range expansion from the Chihuahuan Desert. Dispersal across historical barriers separating major continental clades appear to be recent, resulting in secondary contacts in at least two areas. Given the observed contact between major clades, we speculated as to why the observed deep phylogeographic structure has not been eroded during the multiple previous interglacials of the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

We present a phylogeographic study of at least six reproductively isolated lineages of new world harvester ants within the Pogonomyrmex barbatus and P. rugosus species group. The genetic and geographic relationships within this clade are complex: Four of the identified lineages show genetic caste determination (GCD) and are divided into two pairs. Each pair has evolved under a mutualistic system that necessitates sympatry. These paired lineages are dependent upon one another because their GCD requires interlineage matings for the production of F1 hybrid workers, and intralineage matings are required to produce queens. This GCD system maintains genetic isolation among these interdependent lineages, while simultaneously requiring co-expansion and emigration as their distributions have changed over time. It has also been demonstrated that three of these four GCD lineages have undergone historical hybridization, but the narrower sampling range of previous studies has left questions on the hybrid parentage, breadth, and age of these groups. Thus, reconstructing the phylogenetic and geographic history of this group allows us to evaluate past insights and hypotheses and to plan future inquiries in a more complete historical biogeographic context. Using mitochondrial DNA sequences sampled across most of the morphospecies’ ranges in the U.S.A. and Mexico, we conducted a detailed phylogeographic study. Remarkably, our results indicate that one of the GCD lineage pairs has experienced a dramatic range expansion, despite the genetic load and fitness costs of the GCD system. Our analyses also reveal a complex pattern of vicariance and dispersal in Pogonomyrmex harvester ants that is largely concordant with models of late Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene range shifts among various arid-adapted taxa in North America.  相似文献   

Migration can take place primarily during the day or at night, or during both depending on the species. Why the timing of migration varies among species has been the object of much research but the underlying ecological processes are still unclear. Proximally, migration timing may be influenced by the timing of other activities or may be more prevalent in species that migrate over long distances. Adaptive scenarios emphasize the reduction in flight costs at night especially in smaller species and the advantages of travelling in groups during the day to locate staging sites more efficiently. I used phylogenetic independent contrasts to examine these hypotheses in all North American nesting birds. I uncovered 24 evolutionary transitions in migration timing, most of which involved a switch from nocturnal to diurnal migration. Few of these transitions involved a concomitant change in the timing of foraging habits or migration distance. However, species in diurnal clades were larger, travelled in larger flocks and were generally more sociable than their nocturnal counterparts. The results support the hypotheses that a reduction in flight costs and the ability to pool information from companions are associated with migration timing in North American bird species.  相似文献   

The Hawkesbury-Nepean River is a regulated coastal river in New South Wales, Australia. Between March 1992 and March 1993, the freshwater portion of the river was inhabited by a taxonomically rich (total: 116 taxa) and dense (annual mean community density: up to 1024 animals l-1) microzooplankton community, comparable to that in some of the large regulated temperate rivers in the Northern Hemisphere. The common zooplankton taxa in the river were similar to those observed in other rivers at the genus or species level, with a characteristic increase in protists ( Vorticella spp.) towards the downstream reaches of the river. Zooplankton community density in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River was, to some degree, predictable from river environmental variables: density was significantly negatively correlated with river flow rate but positively correlated with temperature, turbidity, conductivity, total phosphorus and chlorophyll a. The results of the present study generally conform to the hypothesis of similar structure of zooplankton communities in rivers, relative to that in lakes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A total of 281 specimens of long-necked chelid turtles ( Chelodina ) were obtained from drainages of Australia, Papua New Guinea and the island of Roti in Indonesia. Ten diagnosable taxa were identified using allozyme profiles at 45 presumptive loci. Chelodina expansa , C. parkeri , C. rugosa and C. burrungandjii are in a Group A clade, C. longicollis , C. novaeguineae , C. steindachneri , C. pritchardi and C. mccordi are in a Group B clade, and C. oblonga is in a monotypic Group C clade, with each clade thought to represent a distinct subgenus. Chelodina siebenrocki is synonymised with C. rugosa . An eleventh taxon, C. reimanni , could not be distinguished from C. novaeguineae on the basis of allozyme profiles, but it is morphologically distinct. Its status is therefore worthy of further investigation. Three instances of natural hybridization were detected. Chelodina rugosa and C. novaeguineae hybridize in the Gulf country of Queensland, with evidence of backcrossing to C. novaeguineae . Chelodina longicollis and C. novaeguineae hybridize in central coastal Queensland, and C. rugosa and C. burrungandjii hybridize along their zone of contact in the plateau escarpment streams and pools. A phylogeny for the Chelodina is presented. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 134 , 401–421.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte alloantigens were determined in 183 Australian merino sheep, using antisera from Australian and European laboratories. The study had two aims: (1) to compare reagents characterized in the different laboratories and to correlate antigen definition; and (2) to define lymphocyte antigens for use as genetic markers in two flocks of sheep which had been selectively bred for resistance or susceptibility to the intestinal parasite Trichostrongylus colubriformis, in order to extend a previous study which had indicated linkage between resistance to the parasite and the sheep major histocompatibility system. Good or excellent correspondence was found between four Australian and four European specificities and it was concluded that continued international collaboration would allow definition of markers for future genetic or disease susceptibility studies.  相似文献   

Abstract Results are presented on vascular species richness in three representative alpine plant communities at 1040–1410 m on Mt Burns in the perhumid Fiordland region, a hotspot of alpine plant diversity, in south‐western South Island, New Zealand. Overall species richness was not dissimilar between the three communities in any of the eight plot sizes (mean values of 20.8–24.4 species in the largest plots of 100 m2), even though coefficients of floristic similarity were small (17.9; 23.5) between both low‐alpine communities (snow tussock‐shrubland and snow tussock grassland) and the high‐alpine cushion fellfield. Vascular species richness was generally similar to that in the few other oceanic New Zealand alpine communities for which data are available. The decline in richness from the low‐alpine to high‐alpine zones, revealed in more comprehensive records from two other regions with generally similar oceanic environments, was not recorded, indeed was reversed, on Mt Burns. Whether the recognized biodiversity hotspot of Fiordland has a generally richer high‐alpine flora than other regions in New Zealand needs further examination. The general pattern of alpine floristic richness in relation to elevation, in New Zealand, also prevails in most alpine regions abroad, usually under much more extreme continental environments. This pattern is usually ascribed to the associated decrease in temperature. Both the small size of the land mass and/or associated environmental conditions may be implicated but clarification awaits further data, preferably collected with standardized procedures.  相似文献   

The systematic position and affinities of the marine bivalve genus Hemidonax (Heterodonta, Veneroida) are investigated using comparative sperm ultrastructure, with particular focus on the various groups to which this genus has been assigned [Donacidae (Tellinoidea), Cardiidae (Cardioidea) and Crassatellidae (Crassatelloidea)]. Ultrastructural examination (using transmission electron microscopy) reveals that Hemidonax pictus produces sperm of the aquasperm type, with a short, rounded-conical acrosomal vesicle, a short, barrel-shaped nucleus, a short midpiece (composed of two centrioles and four surrounding mitochondria) and a flagellum containing a conventional 9 + 2 pattern axoneme. The acrosomal vesicle exhibits a wedge-shaped, highly electron-dense, basal ring component, and less dense anterior component (including a thin, electron-lucent layer apically, which may prove to be a useful apomorphy for Hemidonax ). A loose, granular deposit of subacrosomal material is located within a narrow invagination traversing most of the length of the vesicle. Comparison with sperm of other heterodont bivalves shows no close connection between Hemidonax and the Donacidae (Tellinoidea) or with the Crassatellidae (or other crassatelloideans). Although certain Veneridae (Veneroidea) and Cardiidae (Cardioidea, especially Fragum ) show much better conformity in sperm morphology to that observed in Hemidonax , no complete match could be found among studied taxa. We conclude that Hemidonax should be retained in its own, previously introduced family Hemidonacidae, and the latter be placed incertae sedis within the Euheterodonta.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 153 , 325–347.  相似文献   

Lu Bao  Yonghen Zhang  Xing Gu  Yuefang Gao  Youben Yu 《Genomics》2019,111(5):1043-1052
Zygaenidae comprises >1036 species, including many folivorous pests in agriculture. In the present study, the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of a major pest of tea trees, Eterusia aedea was determined. The 15,196-bp circular genome contained the common set of 37 mitochondrial genes (including 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes, and 22 tRNA genes) and exhibited the similar genomic features to reported Zygaenidae mitogenome. Comparative analyses of Zygaenidae mitogenomes showed a typical evolutionary trend of lepidopteran mitogenomes. In addition, we also investigated the gene order of lepidopteran mitogenomes and proposed that the novel gene order trnA-trnR-trnN-trnE-trnS-trnF from Zygaenidae and Gelechiidae and most other gene rearrangements of this tRNA cluster evolved independently. Finally, the mitogenomic phylogeny of Lepidoptera was reconstructed based on multiple mitochondrial datasets. And all the phylogenetic results revealed the sister relationships of Cossoidea and Zygaenoidea with both BI and ML methods, which is the first stable mitogenomic evidence for this clade.  相似文献   

The eastern Asian (EAS)-eastern North American (ENA) floristic disjunction is one of the best-known biogeographic patterns in the Northern Hemisphere. Recent paleontological and molecular analyses have illuminated the origins of the biogeographic pattern, but subsequent diversification and evolution of the disjunct floras in each of the two continents after isolation remains poorly understood. Although similar in climate and floristic composition, EAS has twice as many species as ENA in genera occurring in both regions. Explaining such differences in species diversity between regions with similar environmental conditions (diversity anomalies) is an important goal of the study of the global patterns of biodiversity. We used a phylogenetic approach to compare rates of net speciation and molecular evolution between the two regions. We first identified EAS-ENA disjunct sister clades from ten genera (Asarum, Buckleya, Carpinus, Carya, Cornus, Hamamelis, Illicium, Panax, Stewartia, and Styrax) that represent diverse angiosperm lineages using phylogenetic analyses of ITS (internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA) sequence data. Species richness and substitution rate of ITS between sister clades were compared. The results revealed a pattern of greater species diversity in the EAS counterparts. A positive relationship between species diversity and ITS substitution rate was also documented. These results suggest greater net speciation and accelerated molecular evolution in EAS. The data support the idea that a regional difference in net speciation rate related to topographic heterogeneity contributes to the diversity anomaly between EAS and ENA. The close relationship between rates of ITS evolution and species richness further suggests that species production may be directly linked to rate of nucleotide substitution.  相似文献   

Synopsis This paper provides data on the movements, spawning times and localities, size and age composition, growth and diet of the western pygmy perch,Edelia vittata, in a south-western Australian river. The results of this study are compared with those recorded previously for two other locally endemic species (Galaxias occidentalis andBostockia porosa) to ascertain the extent to which these three species utilise the same resources, and whether they are similarly adapted to the highly seasonal flow regime. A total of 3396Edelia vittata was collected with a 3 mm mesh seine net from the Collie River in south-western Australia at 3–6 week intervals over a period of 26 months. During the winter, fish moved from the river into either adjacent flood waters or tributary creeks. The trends shown by gonadosomatic indices, oocyte growth and prevalence of post-ovulatory follicles, demonstrate that spawning takes place between late winter and late spring (July–November). Sexual maturity was attained by both sexes at the end of the first year of life. Although 99% of the fish belonged to the 0+, 1+ and 2+ age classes, representatives of the 3+, 4+ and 5+ age classes were also caught. The respective von Bertalanffy growth curve parameters for L, K and t0 were 54.9, 1.178 and -0.210 for males and 57.9, 1.124 and -0.198 for females. At the end of the first and second years of life, the lengths predicted from the von Bertalanffy growth equations were 42 mm ( 0.8 g) and 51 mm ( 1.4 g) for males and 43 mm ( 0.9 g) and 53 mm ( 1.6 g) for females. The diet consisted of a wide range of small benthic invertebrates, especially dipteran larvae, ostracods and cyclopoid copepods. The peak time, duration and predominant locality of spawning, the time of day when maximum activity occurs and the diet ofEdelia vittata differs from those previously recorded forGalaxias occidentalis andBostockia porosa. These differences would be likely to minimize any potential competition amongst these three species. The growth rates, age at first sexual maturity and pattern of oocyte development also differ amongst the three species.  相似文献   

There are only few studies on shallow Antarctic benthic communities associated with habitats affected by intense mineral sedimentation inflow. The analysis of macrofaunal communities associated with two shallow, isolated glacial coves was performed in Admiralty Bay (King George Island) and compared with non-disturbed sites. Multivariate analyses (hierarchical classification, nMDS) clearly separated glacial cove communities (two assemblages) from the sites situated outside both basins (two assemblages). The community influenced by the streamflow of glacial discharge of meltwater situated in the area with sandy–clay–silt sediments had a very low species richness, diversity and abundance. It was dominated by eurytopic, motile deposit feeding polychaetes such as Mesospio moorei, Tharyx cincinnatus and Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis as well as the bivalve Yoldia eightsi. The second glacial community of the area located at a grater distance from the outlet of the stream was characterized by sandy–clay–silt and clay–silt deposits and showed also a low diversity and species richness. The most abundant here were peracarid crustaceans, with the dominant opportunistic feeder Cheirimedon femoratus. Community from the non-disturbed area with silty–clay–sand, and silty–sand sediments had higher species richness and diversity. The assemblage of fauna from the sandy bottom has values of those two indexes similar to those found in the disturbed areas.  相似文献   

In macroevolutionary studies, different approaches are commonly used to measure phylogenetic signal-the tendency of related taxa to resemble one another-including the K statistic and the Mantel test. The latter was recently criticized for lacking statistical power. Using new simulations, we show that the power of the Mantel test depends on the metrics used to define trait distances and phylogenetic distances between species. Increasing power is obtained by lowering variance and increasing negative skewness in interspecific distances, as obtained using Euclidean trait distances and the complement of Abouheif proximity as a phylogenetic distance. We show realistic situations involving "measurement error" due to intraspecific variability where the Mantel test is more powerful to detect a phylogenetic signal than a permutation test based on the K statistic. We highlight limitations of the K-statistic (univariate measure) and show that its application should take into account measurement errors using repeated measures per species to avoid estimation bias. Finally, we argue that phylogenetic distograms representing Euclidean trait distance as a function of the square root of patristic distance provide an insightful representation of the phylogenetic signal that can be used to assess both the impact of measurement error and the departure from a Brownian evolution model.  相似文献   

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