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Vertebrate studies have rarely investigated the influence of spatial variation in habitat richness on both short-term (breeding) and long-term (offspring recruitment) reproductive performance using simultaneously multi-patch, multi-habitat type and multi-year approaches at landscape level. Here we present results of such an approach using the influence of two oak tree (Quercus ilex, Q. humilis) species on reproductive performance in Corsican blue tits (Parus caeruleus ogliastrae) as a model system. We found that blue tits breeding in rich broad-leaved deciduous patches consistently laid eggs earlier in the season, and produced larger clutches and more fledglings of higher quality, than those breeding in poor evergreen patches. Also, parents, especially males, were in better physical condition in the broad-leaved deciduous than in the evergreen patches. Surprisingly, estimates of long-term effects of reproduction, such as recruitment rates of locally born offspring, did not differ between the two habitat types. Our results suggest that short-term breeding performance and phenotypic quality of both chicks and parents do not necessarily provide reliable information about contributions to following generations at a scale larger than that of the local study plot. Differences in reproductive performance between the two oak habitat types could not be attributed to density-dependent effects, differences in levels of nest predation, or differences in age structure of the birds. We suggest that habitats that are optimal for breeding are not necessarily optimal for survival after the breeding season.  相似文献   

During the last years, the population of Italian hare decreased significantly in central and south Italy. This is imputable to harvest, poaching, habitat fragmentation, and the probable competition with congeneric European hare introduced in the last decades by man for hunt. The goal of our work is to define the ecological characteristics of the two aforementioned species in order to understand how landscape facilitates or impedes movement. Spatially explicit models are used to identify a species ecological niche and to build a landscape model of suitability. To validate ecological modeling of landscape, we performed a population genetic analysis. Results suggest that the Italian hare shows an ecological requirement close to average of available resources in the considered landscape. The genetic structure of this autochthonous species validates the habitat suitability model and highlights the differences with European hare. This work analyzes for the first time the ecological relationship between those two sympatric species.  相似文献   

The lynx Lynx canadensis is a common predator in the boreal forests of North America. Its population fluctuates during a 9- to 11-year cycle in synchrony with the population size of its main prey, the snowshoe hare Lepus americanus. Using adult museum specimens, we studied changes in skull (and hence body) size of the lynx in Alaska during the second half of the 20th century. The population cycle in Alaska averaged 9 years, similar to that reported in the neighbouring Yukon. Using harvest data of lynx as an estimate of population size, we found that skull size was negatively related to population size. This relationship was strongest not for the population density in the year of death (X), but for year X-3, a carry-over effect from the first year (or years) of life, indicating that conditions during the fast-growth years are determining body size. We suggest that the density-dependent effect is probably due to changes in food supply, either resulting from the adverse effects of competition or a possible diminished availability of food. Two skull parameters decreased significantly during the second half of the 20th century. We do not know the cause for the year effect and suggest that it might be due to a long-term change in the availability of prey. Canine size did not change during the study period, probably an indication that snowshoe hares maintained their status as the main prey of the lynx throughout the study period. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

为了解UV-B提高拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)耐旱性的生理机制,将2周龄的野生型拟南芥(WT)和sto突变体幼苗用不同剂量UV-B预处理1周,再用30%PEG模拟干旱处理24 h,对植株的表型进行统计,并测定类黄酮、脯氨酸和MDA含量。结果表明,低剂量UV-B预处理能够提高拟南芥的耐旱性,植株的类黄酮与脯氨酸含量分别提高了20%~40%和50%~65%,细胞膜受损程度降低,从而提高了保水性。低剂量UV-B提高拟南芥耐旱性的效应在sto突变体中消失,证明这种效应在分子机制上可能与STO蛋白相关。  相似文献   

Selås V 《Oecologia》2006,148(4):625-631
Correlations between mast fruiting of bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus and peak levels of Clethrionomys-voles have been reported from both Norway and Finland, but there has been a discussion whether this is a bottom-up or a top-down relationship. In a multiple regression model, 65% of the variation in a bilberry production index calculated from game reports from southern Norway 1932–1977 could be explained by the berry index of the two preceding years and climate factors acting during key stages of the flowering cycle. High vole populations in previous years did not contribute to explain the fluctuation in berry production. I used the selected model and climate data to predict bilberry production for the period 1978–2004. Predicted berry indices of the current and previous year explained 38% and the total amount of precipitation in May–June explained 16% of the variation in a log-transformed snap-trapping index of bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus 1980–2004. The vole index was not related to any of the climate variables used to predict berry production. This pattern supports the hypothesis that vole cycles are generated by changes in plant chemistry due to climate-synchronized mast fruiting.  相似文献   

The mountain hare (Lepus timidus) is a year-round active herbivore adapted to survive the boreal winter. Captive mountain hares (N = 4) were implanted with intraabdominal thermosensitive loggers to record their core body temperature (Tb) for a year and during food deprivation (8–48 h) in summer and winter. The average Tb was 38.7 ± 0.01 °C in summer and 38.3 ± 0.01 °C in winter. The yearly Tb correlated positively with the ambient temperature. The 24-h Tb was the highest from late scotophase to early photophase in summer and winter and the lowest during middle-late photophase in summer or during early-middle scotophase in winter. The range of the 24-h oscillations in Tb increased in three animals in winter. Food deprivation did not induce hypothermia in summer or winter. These preliminary data suggest that the mountain hare can spare a modest amount of energy with the wintertime reduction in Tb.  相似文献   

The bacterial genus Clavibacter has only one species, Clavibacter michiganensis, containing five subspecies. All five are plant pathogens, among which three are recognized as quarantine pests (mentioned on the EPPO A2 list). Prevention of their introduction and epidemic outbreaks requires a reliable and accurate identification. Currently, identification of these bacteria is time consuming and often problematic, mainly because of cross-reactions with other plant-associated bacteria in immunological tests and false-negative results in PCR detection methods. Furthermore, distinguishing closely related subspecies is not straightforward. This study aimed at evaluating the use of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and a fragment of the gyrB sequence for the reliable and fast identification of the Clavibacter subspecies. Amplification and sequencing of gyrB using a single primer set had sufficient resolution and specificity to identify each subspecies based on both sequence similarities in cluster analyses and specific signatures within the sequences. All five subspecies also generated distinct and reproducible MALDI-TOF MS profiles, with unique and specific ion peaks for each subspecies, which could be used as biomarkers for identification. Results from both methods were in agreement and were able to distinguish the five Clavibacter subspecies from each other and from representatives of closely related Rathayibacter, Leifsonia or Curtobacterium species. Our study suggests that proteomic analysis using MALDI-TOF MS and gyrB sequence are powerful diagnostic tools for the accurate identification of Clavibacter plant pathogens.  相似文献   

Nomikou M  Janssen A  Sabelis MW 《Oecologia》2003,136(3):484-488
Evidence is accumulating that herbivorous arthropods do not simply select host plants based on their quality, but also on the predation risk associated with different host plants. It has been suggested that herbivores exclude plant species with high predation risk from their host range. This assumes a constant, predictable predation risk as well as a rather static behaviour on the part of the herbivore; plants are ignored irrespective of the actual predation risk. We show that adult females of a small herbivore, the whitefly Bemisia tabaci, can learn to avoid plants with predatory mites that attack only juvenile whiteflies, while they accept host plants of the same species without predators. Predatory mites disperse more slowly than whiteflies; they cannot fly and walk from plant to plant. Hence, by avoiding plants with predators, the whiteflies create a temporary refuge for their offspring. We suggest that the experience of arthropod herbivores with risks associated with host plants plays an important role in their host plant selection.  相似文献   

Use of sodium chloride (NaCl) as a deicing salt results in high concentrations of ions in roadside soils, which decreases seedling emergence in these areas. Greenhouse experiments performed in soil culture tested the efficacy of three soil fertilizers, gypsum (CaSO4), potash (potassium chloride, KCl) and potassium nitrate (KNO3), in alleviating NaCl stress on seedling emergence of three grass species exhibiting a range of salt tolerance, Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass), Bouteloua gracilis (blue grama), and Puccinellia distans (alkali grass). Two-factor factorial designs were utilized for each species-fertilizer combination. Treatments of 5000 mg/L (0.086 M) NaCl with or without fertilizer, in concentrations that were equal to 0.5, 1, and 2 times the molar equivalent of 5000 mg/L NaCl were applied biweekly. Salt stress on Poa pratensis emergence was alleviated by all fertilizers with CaSO4 having the greatest effect in alleviating NaCl stress and potash and potassium nitrate alleviating stress at lower treatment levels. Emergence of Bouteloua gracilis and Puccinellia distans was in most cases negatively effected by soil amendments.  相似文献   

The new genus Corylomyces, isolated from the surface of a hazelnut (Corylus avellana) in the French Pyrenees, is described, illustrated and compared with morphologically similar taxa. It is characterised by tomentose, ostiolate ascomata possessing long necks composed of erect to sinuose hairs, and one- or two-celled, opaque, lunate to reniform ascospores. Analyses of the SSU and LSU fragments rDNA gene sequences support its placement in the Lasiosphaeriaceae (Sordariales).  相似文献   

The blind subterranean mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies has evolved adaptive strategies to cope with underground stress. Hypoxia is known to stimulate reactive oxygen species generation; however, mechanisms by which Spalax counteracts oxidative damage have not been investigated before. We studied in Spalax the oxidative status of the Harderian gland (HG), an organ which is particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress in many rodents. With regard to the sexual dimorphism found in this gland, differences between males and females were determined and compared to the surface-dwelling Syrian hamster. Our results show, for the first time, that Spalax exhibits remarkably low biomolecular damage, which implies the existence of physiological strategies to avoid oxidative damage under fluctuating O2 and CO2 levels existing in the mole rat’s subterranean niche. Correspondingly, main antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione reductase (GR), exhibited high activities in both genders; in particular, remarkably high levels were measured in SOD. SOD and GR activities showed statistically significant differences between sexes. Melatonin, an important circadian agent is also a very important antioxidant molecule and is synthesized in the Harderian glands (HGs) of Spalax. Therefore, the possible interaction between antioxidant enzymes and melatonin is suggested.Joint senior authorship: Aaron Avivi and Ana Coto-Montes  相似文献   

Different biotic interactions may influence one another to produce complex patterns of direct and indirect effects, which together influence plant reproductive success. However, so far most studies on plant-animal interactions have focused on single interactions in isolation. In this study, we studied the effect of florivory by the weevil Cionus nigritarsis on pollinator visitation rate in the self-incompatible perennial herb Verbascum nigrum by combining observations of florivory and pollination in natural populations with records of pollinator visitation to plants with different levels of experimentally inflicted damage.Increasing levels of damage through either natural or simulated florivory resulted in fewer pollinator visits per plant and per flower. As expected, the magnitude of the indirect effect of florivory on pollinator visitation was proportional to the intensity of florivory. Our results indicate that biotic non-pollinating agents, such as florivores, may induce substantial changes in pollinator availability. Therefore, studies addressing different plant-animal interactions in parallel are necessary to better comprehend the factors influencing the reproductive performance and demography of flowering plants.  相似文献   

North African hares are currently considered belonging to cape hares (Lepus capensis), except for an isolated occurrence of L. victoriae in NW Algeria. However, the few existing molecular data are not unequivocal. Here, we study sequence variation (415 bp) in the hypervariable domain-1 of the mitochondrial (mt) control region, of hares with different coat colour from north-central Tunisia and NW Egypt, to test Petter's [(1959): Eléments d’une révision des Lièvres africains du sous-genre Lepus. Mammalia 23, 41–67] hypothesis that North African hares belong to L. capensis. Seven Tunisian and one Egyptian haplotypes were revealed from 28 hares and compared phylogenetically to 245 haplotypes of various Lepus species downloaded from GenBank. Neighbour joining (NJ) and principal coordinate (PCO) analyses based on a Tamura-Nei 93 distance matrix, as well as maximum parsimony (MP) analysis concordantly grouped all currently obtained haplotypes together into one monophyletic clade, and revealed relatively close relationships to the clades of African scrub hares (L. saxatilis) and brown hares (L. europaeus). The three distinguished coat colour types of Tunisian hares were paralleled only to a small extent by sequence differentiation. Haplotypes of L. capensis from the nominal Cape province of South Africa, North Africa, and China clustered into different major clades, respectively, with Chinese L. capensis haplotypes forming only a subclade within a major clade that encompassed predominantly “mountain/arctic hare-type sequences” in addition to sequences of several other palaearctic and nearctic species. One further Chinese L. capensis haplotype clustered into the L. comus clade. These results indicated occurrence of introgression and/or shared ancestral polymorphism. Such an evolutionary scenario implies using nucelar markers in addition to mtDNA for phylogenetic inferences in the genus Lepus; nevertheless, mtDNA is still useful for inferring phylogenetic history and biogeography of hares.  相似文献   

A novel, plant growth-promoting bacterium Delftia tsuruhatensis, strain HR4, was isolated from the rhizoplane of rice (Oryza sativa L., cv. Yueguang) in North China. In vitro antagonistic assay showed this strain could suppress the growth of various plant pathogens effectively, especially the three main rice pathogens (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani and Pyricularia oryzae Cavara). Treated with strain HR4 culture, rice blast, rice bacterial blight and rice sheath blight for cv. Yuefu and cv. Nonghu 6 were evidently controlled in the greenhouse. Strain HR4 also showed a high nitrogen-fixing activity in N-free Döbereiner culture medium. The acetylene reduction activity and 15N2-fixing activity (N2FA) were 13.06 C2H4 nmol ml−1 h−1 and 2.052 15Na.e.%, respectively. The nif gene was located in the chromosome of this strain. Based on phenotypic, physiological, biochemical and phylogenetic studies, strain HR4 could be classified as a member of D. tsuruhatensis. However, comparisons of characteristics with other known species of the genus Delftia suggested that strain HR4 was a novel dizotrophic PGPB strain.  相似文献   

Studies of induced systemic resistance using strains of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have concentrated on the use of individual PGPR as inducers against multiple diseases of a single crop. To date, few reports have examined the potential of PGPR strain mixtures to induce systemic resistance against diseases of several different plant hosts. The objective of this study was to select mixtures of compatible PGPR strains with the capacity to elicit induced systemic resistance in four hosts. The specific diseases and hosts tested in this study included: bacterial wilt of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, anthracnose of long cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum var. acuminatum) caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, damping off of green kuang futsoi (Brassica chinensis var. parachinensis) caused by Rhizoctonia solani, and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) on cucumber (Cucumis sativus). To examine compatibility, seven selected PGPR strains were individually tested for in vitro antibiosis against all other PGPR strains and against three of the tested pathogens (R. solanacearum, C. gloeosporioides, and R. solani). No in vitro antibiosis was observed among PGPR strains or against pathogens. Twenty-one combinations of PGPR and seven individual PGPR were tested in the greenhouse for induced resistance activity. Results indicated that four mixtures of PGPR and one individual strain treatment significantly reduced the severity of all four diseases compared to the nonbacterized control: 11 mixtures reduced CMV of cucumber, 16 mixtures reduced bacterial wilt of tomato, 18 mixtures reduced anthracnose of long cayenne pepper, and 7 mixtures reduced damping off of green kuang futsoi. Most mixtures of PGPR provided a greater disease suppression than individual PGPR strains. These results suggest that mixtures of PGPR can elicit induced systemic resistance to fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases in the four hosts tested.  相似文献   

The study of the encystation process of Entamoeba histolytica has been hampered by the lack of experimental means of inducing mature cysts in vitro. Previously we have found that cytoplasmic vesicles similar to the encystation vesicles of Entamoeba invadens are present in E. histolytica trophozoites only in amebas recovered from experimental amebic liver abscesses. Here we report that a monoclonal antibody (B4F2) that recognizes the cyst wall of E. invadens also identifies a 48 kDa protein in vesicles of E. histolytica trophozoites recovered from hepatic lesions. This protein is less expressed in trophozoites continuously cultured in axenical conditions. As previously reported for E. invadens, the B4F2 specific antigen was identified as enolase in liver-recovered E. histolytica, by two-dimensional electrophoresis, Western blot and mass spectrometry. In addition, the E. histolytica enolase mRNA was detected by RT PCR. The antigen was localized by immunoelectron microscopy in cytoplasmic vesicles of liver-recovered amebas. The B4F2 antibody also recognized the wall of mature E. histolytica cysts obtained from human samples. These results suggest that the enolase-containing vesicles are produced by E. histolytica amebas, when placed in the unfavorable liver environment that could be interpreted as an attempt to initiate the encystation process.  相似文献   

The utility of the dnaJ gene for identifying Vibrio species was investigated by analyzing dnaJ sequences of 57 type strains and 22 clinical strains and comparing sequence homologies with those of the 16S rDNA gene and other housekeeping genes (recA, rpoA, hsp60). Among the 57 Vibrio species, the mean sequence similarity of the dnaJ gene (77.9%) was significantly less than that of the 16S rDNA gene (97.2%), indicating a high discriminatory power of the dnaJ gene. Most Vibrio species were, therefore, differentiated well by dnaJ sequence analysis. Compared to other housekeeping genes, the dnaJ gene showed better resolution than recA or rpoA for differentiating Vibrio coralliilyticus from Vibrio neptunius and Vibrio harveyi from Vibrio rotiferianus. Among the clinical strains, all 22 human pathogenic strains, including an atypical strain, were correctly identified by the dnaJ sequence. Our findings suggest that analysis of the dnaJ gene sequence can be used as a new tool for the identification of Vibrio species.  相似文献   

Summary We analyse demographic data from a seven-year study of the annual crucifer Erophila verna which showed two-year cycles of abundance in the field. The unusual behaviour of this population is shown to be the consequence of overcompensating density-dependence. Very local differences in germination succes between plots can account for observed differences in their population dynamics over the long term.  相似文献   

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