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Adeno-associated viral vectors (AAV) can direct long-term gene expression in post-mitotic cells. Previous studies have established that long-term cardiac gene transfer results from intramuscular injection into the heart. Cardiac gene transfer after direct intracoronary delivery of AAV in vivo, however, has been minimal in degree, and indirect intracoronary delivery, an approach used in an increasing number of studies, appears to be receiving more attention. To determine the utility of indirect intracoronary gene transfer of AAV, we used aortic and pulmonary artery cross clamping followed by proximal aortic injection of AAV encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (AAV.EGFP) at 10(11) DNase resistant particles (drp; high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-purified) per rat. Gene expression was quantified by fluorescent microscopy at four time points up to 1 year after vector delivery, revealing 20-32% transmural gene expression in the left ventricle at each time point. Histological analysis revealed little or no inflammatory response and levels of transgene expression were low in liver and undetectable in lung. In subsequent studies in pigs, direct intracoronary delivery into the left circumflex coronary artery of AAV.EGFP (2.64-5.28 x 10(13) drp; HPLC-purified) resulted in gene expression in 3 of 4 pigs 8 weeks following injection with no inflammatory response in the heart. PCR analysis confirmed AAV vector presence in the left circumflex perfusion bed. These data indicate that intracoronary delivery of AAV vector is associated with transgene expression in the heart, providing a means to obtain long-term expression of therapeutic genes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vascular gene therapy requires safe and efficient gene transfer in vivo. Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a promising viral vector but its use in the vasculature has produced conflicting results and serotypes other than AAV2 have not been intensively studied. We investigated the efficiency of alternative AAV serotypes for vascular gene delivery in vitro and in vivo. METHODS: Vascular cell lines were transduced in vitro with AAV vectors. Rabbit carotid arteries were transduced with AAV1, 2 and 5 encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) ( approximately 1.4 x 10(9) DNAse-resistant particles (drp)). Gene transfer in vivo was assessed at 14 and 28 days. High-titre doses of AAV2 encoding beta-galactosidase in vivo were also studied. RESULTS: In vitro, transgene expression was not observed in endothelial cells using AAV2 whereas the use of serotypes 1 and 5 resulted in detectable levels of transgene expression. Coronary artery smooth muscle cells (CASMCs) transduced with AAV2 demonstrated higher levels of GFP expression than AAV1 or 5. Transgene expression in vivo was noted using low-titre AAV1 and AAV5 ( approximately 1.4 x 10(9) drp) in the media and adventitia. Only delivery of AAV1eGFP resulted in neointimal formation (3/7 vessels examined), with transgene expression noted in the neointima. Transgene expression with AAV2 was not detected in any layer of the blood vessel wall using low titre ( approximately 10(9) drp). However, high-titre ( approximately 10(11) drp) AAV2 resulted in transduction of cells in the media and adventitia but not the endothelium. CONCLUSIONS: AAV1 and AAV5 have advantages over AAV2 for vascular gene delivery at low titres.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recombinant adeno-associated viruses have been used successfully in a number of pre-clinical and clinical gene therapy studies. Since there is a broad consensus that gene therapy must not lead to germ-line transmission, the potential of such vectors for inadvertent gene transfer into germ cells deserves special attention. This applies in particular to pre- or perinatal vector application which has been considered for diseases presenting with morbidity already at birth. METHODS: AAV serotype 2 derived vectors carrying a beta-galactosidase reporter gene or human clotting factor IX cDNA were injected intraperitoneally or via a yolk sac vein into mouse fetuses or administered intravascularly to newborn mice. Tissue samples of the treated animals including the gonads as well as sperm DNA, obtained by differential lysis of one testis of each male animal, and the offspring of all treated mice were investigated for the presence of vector DNA by nested PCR. In positive samples, the copy number of the vector was determined by quantitative real-time PCR. RESULTS: AAV vectors administered intraperitoneally or intravascularly to fetal or newborn mice reached the gonads of these animals and persisted there for time periods greater than one year. Intravascular injection of the vector resulted more frequently in gene transfer to the gonads than intraperitoneal injection. Vector copy numbers in the gonads ranged from 0.3 to 74 per 10(4) cell equivalents. However, neither in isolated sperm DNA from the treated animals nor in their offspring were vector sequences detectable. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest the risk of inadvertent germ-line transmission following prenatal or early postnatal AAV type 2 mediated gene delivery to be very low.  相似文献   

Despite rapid progress in the field, scalable high-yield production of adeno-associated virus (AAV) is still one of the critical bottlenecks the manufacturing sector is facing. The insect cell-baculovirus expression vector system (IC-BEVS) has emerged as a mainstream platform for the scalable production of recombinant proteins with clinically approved products for human use. In this review, we provide a detailed overview of the advancements in IC-BEVS for rAAV production. Since the first report of baculovirus-induced production of rAAV vector in insect cells in 2002, this platform has undergone significant improvements, including enhanced stability of Bac-vector expression and a reduced number of baculovirus-coinfections. The latter streamlining strategy led to the eventual development of the Two-Bac, One-Bac, and Mono-Bac systems. The one baculovirus system consisting of an inducible packaging insect cell line was further improved to enhance the AAV vector quality and potency. In parallel, the implementation of advanced manufacturing approaches and control of critical processing parameters have demonstrated promising results with process validation in large-scale bioreactor runs. Moreover, optimization of the molecular design of vectors to enable higher cell-specific yields of functional AAV particles combined with bioprocess intensification strategies may also contribute to addressing current and future manufacturing challenges.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha plays a central role in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and current biotherapies targeting TNF-alpha have a major impact on RA treatment. The long-term safety concerns associated with the repetitive TNF blockade prompt optimization of therapeutic anti-TNF approaches. Since we recently demonstrated that intra-articular gene transfer using a recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 5 (rAAV5) efficiently transduces arthritic joints, we evaluate its effect on collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) when encoding TNF antagonists. METHODS: Recombinant AAV5 vectors encoding the human TNFRp55 extracellular domain fused to the Fc region of mice IgG1 (TR1) or a small molecular weight dimeric human TNFRp75 extracellular domain (TR2), under two different promoters, the CMV or a chimeric NF-kappaB-based promoter inducible by inflammation, were injected into mouse CIA joints. RESULTS: Best protection against arthritis was obtained with the rAAV5 encoding the TR1, as reflected by delayed disease onset, decreased incidence and severity of joint damage. This effect was associated with a transient expression of the anti-TNF agent when expressed under a NF-kappaB-responsive promoter, only detectable during disease flare, while the antagonist expression was rapidly increased and stable when expressed from a CMV promoter. Importantly, using the intra-articular administration of the rAAV5-NF-kappaB-TR1 vector, we observed a striking correlation between local TR1 expression and inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: These findings strongly support the feasibility of improving the safety of anti-TNF approaches for the treatment of arthritis by local rAAV5-mediated gene expression under an inflammation-responsive promoter, able to provide a limited, transient and therapeutically relevant expression of anti-TNF compounds.  相似文献   

Cationic liposomes and the complexes they form with DNA (lipoplexes) constitute the most promising alternative to the use of viral vectors for gene therapy. One of the limitations to their application in vivo, however, is the inhibition of gene delivery by serum. In a previous study, we demonstrated that transferrin (Tf)-lipoplexes were superior to plain lipoplexes in transfecting HeLa cells in the presence of high concentrations of serum. With the goal of obtaining efficient gene expression in vivo, we evaluated the efficacy of Tf-lipoplexes (containing DOTAP and cholesterol) in transfecting primary hepatocytes and adipocytes in the presence of high serum concentrations. The association of transferrin with cationic liposomes increased luciferase expression compared to plain lipoplexes in primary cells as well as in HepG2 and 3T3-L1 differentiated adipocytes. The complexes were not cytotoxic and were highly effective in protecting DNA from attack by DNase I. An efficient and reliable method was developed to prepare lipoplexes containing both Tf and protamine sulfate, where the latter was mixed with transferrin, followed by the addition of cationic liposomes and DNA. The resulting protamine-Tf-lipoplexes increased significantly the levels of gene expression in cultured cells and in various tissues in mice following i.v. administration.  相似文献   

According to the fact that CEA gene expressed only in lung adenocarcinoma but not in normal lung cells, a retroviral expression vector (pCEATK) of the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) gene regulated by CEA promoter was constructed and introduced into CEA-producing human lung adenocarcinoma cells GL and non-CEA-producing HeLa cells. The expression of pCEATK and Ganciclovir (GCV) sensitivity of the transfected cells were tested in vitro and in vivo . pCEATK expressed only in CEA-producing GL cells but not in non-CEA-producing HeLa cells. The sensitivity to GCV of pCEATK-transfected GL was 992 times higher compared with that of the parental cell line and there was obvious "bystander effect" in vitro. HeLa cells transfected wtih pCEATK were still resistant to GCV. Injection of GCV resulted in significant regression of pCEATK-transfected GL tumors in nude mice. In addition, all mice with any fraction of GL cells expressing HSV-TK exhibited a significant reduction in tumor growth, including mice  相似文献   

Complementary DNA overexpression and short hairpin RNA interference approaches were evaluated for decreasing expression of primordial germ cell (PGC) marker genes and thereby sterilizing channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, by delivering knockdown constructs driven by a constitutive promoter from yeast and a copper transport protein gene into fish embryos by electroporation. Two PGC marker genes, nanos and dead end, were the target knockdown genes, and their expressions, along with that of an off-target gene, vasa, were evaluated temporally using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Copper sulfate was evaluated as a repressor compound. Some of the constructs knocked down PGC marker gene expression, and some of the constructs were partially repressed by application of 0.1-ppm copper sulfate. When the rate of sexual maturity was compared for three-year-old broodfish that had been exposed to the sterilizing constructs during embryologic development and controls that had not been exposed, several treatments had reduced sexual maturity for the exposed fish. Of two promoter systems evaluated, the one which had been designed to be less sensitive to copper generally was more effective at achieving sterilization and more responsive to repression. Knockdown constructs based on 3′ nanos short hairpin RNA interference appeared to result in the best repression and restoration of normal sexual maturity. We conclude that these copper-based systems exhibited good potential for repressible transgenic sterilization. Optimization of this system could allow environmentally safe application of transgenic technology and might be applicable to other applications for aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

 中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(CHO-K1)经N-甲基-N'-硝基-N-亚硝基胍(MNNG)诱变和6-巯基鸟嘌呤(6-TG)选择,得到稳定的次黄嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶(HPRT)缺陷细胞株,酶活性仅为野生型的6.5%。用磷酸钙共沉淀法和电脉冲法向HPRT-细胞转移人宫颈癌细胞(HeLaS_3)基因组DNA,纠正了CHO细胞的HPRT缺陷。酶活性提高了6.9倍,达到野生型的45%。用Alu序列探针进行分子杂交,证实经过基因转移并连续传代15次以上的受体细胞中含人DNA序列。表明人的有关基因已稳定地整合到CHO细胞的染色体中。  相似文献   

The biggest challenge to gene therapy is how to efficiently deliver the desired therapeutic gene into a sufficient number of recipient cells to achieve significant clinical efficacy. Here, we identified a partially purified extract from rat muscle probably containing myoblast specific fusion factor(s) (MSF), which significantly enhanced fusion of donor myoblast with host muscle fibers. Once incorporated, the introduced genetic construct could instruct the machinery of the hybrid cells to express the desired protein(s). Rat satellite cells containing a plasmid carrying a marker bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4) coding sequence were used as foreign gene delivery vehicle. BrdU labeling of the MSF-pretreated satellite cells allowed tracing the fate of the genetically modified satellite cells in the host muscles. Immunohistochemistry using anti-BMP-4 antibody demonstrated the translation of the introduced gene construct. It was demonstrated that in the presence of MSF, numerous BrdU positive nuclei and the expression of BMP-4 polypeptides could be observed in host hybrid fibers, while in the control group using rat serum to replace MSF containing fraction, only a few BrdU positive signals were detected. The expression of osteocalcin and the elevated alkaline phosphatase activity detected in the hybrid fibers indicated the proper folding, secretion and, post-translational modification of the expressed foreign protein. This strategy of enhanced myoblast-mediated gene transfer would break the major barrier in current practice of normal or engineered myoblast transplantation in the management of genetic muscle diseases or systemic genetic disorders.  相似文献   

Manipulation of the eukaryotic genome has contributed to the progress in our knowledge of multicellular organisms but has also ameliorated our experimental strategies. Biological questions can now be addressed with more efficiency and reproducibility. There are new and varied strategies for gene transfer and sequence manipulation with improved methodologies that facilitate the acquisition of results. Cellular systems and transgenic animals have demonstrated their invaluable benefits. In this review, I present an overview of the methods of gene transfer with particular attention to cultured cell lines and large-scale sequence vectors, like artificial chromosomes, with the possibility of their manipulation based on homologous recombination strategies. Alternative strategies of gene transfer, including retroviral vectors, are also described and the applications of such methods are discussed. Finally, several comments are made about the influence of chromatin structure on gene expression. Recent experimental data have shown that for convenient stable transgene expression, the influence of chromatin structure should be seriously taken into account. Novel chromatin regulatory and structural elements are proposed as an alternative for proper and sustained gene expression. These chromatin elements are facing a new era in transgenesis and we are probably beginning a new generation of gene and cancer therapy vectors.  相似文献   

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