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—Preparations of crude synaptosome fractions (P2) from the telencephalon and from the diencephalon plus optic lobes of the pigeon and from the telencephalon of the rat were used to study the effects of l -tryptophan on (a) the levels of serotonin (5-HT), norepinephrinc (NE) and dopamine in nerve endings and (b) the release of radioactive 5-HT, NE and dopamine from nerve endings. The level of 5-HT was significantly higher (P < 0–05) in the P2 fraction isolated from the telencephalon of pigeons given intramuscular injections of 300mg/kg of l -tryptophan in comparison to control values (1.11 ± 0.09 vs 0.74 ± 0.13 nmol/g original tissue wt). A smaller but not statistically significant increase in 5-HT was noted in the P2 fractions isolated from the diencephalon plus optic lobes of pigeons given injections of l -tryptophan. In vitro studies using preparations of synaptosomes (from both pigeon and rat) labelled with [3H]5–HT demonstrated that 1.0 mm -l -tryptophan caused a 30% increase (P < 0.05) in the release of [3H]5-HT over control values. This effect by l -tryptophan was blocked when a decarboxylase inhibitor was added to the medium. Tryptophan had no effect on the levels of NE or dopamine in these nerve endings nor did it have any effect on the release of these two amines from these preparations of synaptosomes. The results are discussed in terms of the role of serotonin in producing depression in pigeons working on a certain learned behavioural task.  相似文献   

The Champy-Maillet ZIO technique has been applied to the study of the muscular tunic of the stomach. In the corpus and antrum pyloricum some nerve fibres end in non-capsulated expansions owning thorn-like protrusions. Their morphology is studied and a possibly functional sensory significance is proposed, on the basis of previous experimental results.  相似文献   

The nerves and nerve endings in the skin of tropical cattle were studied using histological and histochemical techniques. Many nerve trunks and fibres were present in the reticular and papillary dermis in both hairy and non-hairy skin sites. In non-hairy skin locations such as the muzzle and lower lip, encapsulated endings akin to Krause and Ruffini end bulbs, which arise from myelinated nerve trunks situated lower down the dermis were observed at the upper papillary layer level. Some fibre trunks seen at this level extended upwards to terminate within dermal papillae as bulb-shaped longitudinally lamellated Pacinian-type endings, while other onion-shaped lamellated nerve structures were located either within dermal papillae or near the dermo-epidermal area. Intraepidermal free-ending nerve fibres, appearing non-myelinated were observed in areas with thick epidermis. Intraepidermal free-ending nerve fibres, appearing non-myelinated were observed in areas with thick epidermis. On hairy skin sites, however, organized nerve endings or intraepidermal nerve endings were not readily identifiable.  相似文献   

Actions of angiotensin on adrenergic nerve endings.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In the perfused vascular bed, vasoconstrictor responses to adrenergic nerve stimulation are augmented to a greater degree by angiotensin II than are the responses to injected norepinephrine. Overflow of adrenergic transmitter is also greater during nerve stimulation in the presence of angiotensin than in its absence. The evidence indicates that facilitation of adrenergic transmitter release rather than uptake blockade accounts for these results. In addition, an increased responsiveness of isolated arterial strips to norepinephrine as well as other agonists appears to contribute to the adrenergic potentiating effect of angiotensin II as well as angiotensin III. This action, which appears to be a cell membrane effect, seems to participate in adrenergic potentiation mainly in the arterial segment of the intact vascular bed. Both of these effects of angiotensin, i.e., facilitation of release and increased smooth muscle responsiveness, appear to be mediated by angiotensin receptors.  相似文献   

The relation of changes in internal, free Ca2+, measured with arsenazo III, to the membrane potential, measured with the cyanine dye di-S-C2(5) or 86Rb+ distribution ratio, was studied in isolated guinea pig cortical nerve endings. Depolarization of the plasma membrane with veratridine or gramicidin as well as addition of ionophore A23187 led to an increase in cytosolic Ca2+. Only the response to veratridine was inhibited by tetrodotoxin. The dependence of the depolarization-induced increase in intraterminal, free Ca2+ on the membrane potential between about -50 to 0 mV was sigmoidal. A maximal increase in cytosolic Ca2+ was reached when the membrane potential was depolarized from the resting level, about -64 mV, to about -40 mV. These results show that in isolated nerve endings the activation of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels concomitantly leads to an increase in cytosolic, free Ca2+. Comparison of the results of the present study with the previous electrophysiological observations indicate that Ca2+ channels in synaptosomes, presynaptic nerve terminals of the squid giant synapse and cardiac cells have essentially similar voltage dependency.  相似文献   

In this article we report that the distribution of serotonin in the lobster nervous system parallels the distribution of octopamine and that the same tissues that contain endogenous serotonin can synthesize it from tryptophan. Octopamine and serotonin are highly concentrated in a neurosecretory region of the second thoracic roots in association with a group of neurosecretory cells. The roots possess separate high-affinity uptake systems for both serotonin and tryptophan. Radioactive serotonin, accumulated in tissues during incubations with either tritiated serotonin or tritiated tryptophan, can be released, in a calcium-dependent manner, by depolarization with potassium. A detailed morphological examination of the second thoracic roots shows four distinct categories of nerve endings in the vicinity of the neurosecretory cells. Octopamine is synthesized in one of these types of endings and serotonin in another. The high-affinity uptake systems for serotonin and tryptophan are found only in association with the endings that make serotonin. These endings and all the biochemical parameters of serotonin metabolism in the roots are selectively destroyed by previous injection of animals with the neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity for calbindin was found in nerve endings with irregular laminar shapes in the rat esophagus. In the myenteric ganglia, laminar endings of a range of sizes formed a complex network and appeared to lie at the surface of the ganglion. The myenteric ganglia that contained nerve endings were most abundant in the upper portion of the eosphagus, their number decreasing orally to anally. Calbindin-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were scattered throughout the esophagus. Laminar terminals were found in the connective tissue of the lamina propria immediately beneath the epithelium and in the muscularis mucosae. Occasional nerve branches formed a network of aborizing endings that surrounded part of the submucosal arterioles. Immunoreactive nerve endings in the mucosa and submucosa were present only in the upper part of the cervical esophagus. Unilateral vagotomy caused a remarkable decrease in the number of the myenteric ganglia containing the calbindin-immunoreactive laminar endings after 15 days or survival; in some of ganglia, the laminar structures disappeared and nerve endings showing weak immunoreactivity had an indistinct appearance, so that the outline of the ganglia became obscure. In operated rats at 24 days, the number of innervated ganglia was about half that in normal rats. However, there was no change in the morphology and the occurrence of the immunoreactive laminar structures in the mucosa and submucosa after denervation. The results show that many of the laminar endings that are immunoreactive for calbindin in the myenteric ganglia are derived from the vagus nerve. Thus, the calbindin-immunoreactive nerve endings with laminar expansions that are found in the rat eosphageal wall could be sensory receptors.  相似文献   

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