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Reproduction in captive elephants is low and infant mortality is high, collectively leading to possible population extinction. Artificial insemination was developed a decade ago; however, it relies on fresh-chilled semen from just a handful of bulls with inconsistent sperm quality. Artificial insemination with frozen–thawed sperm has never been described, probably, in part, due to low semen quality after cryopreservation. The present study was designed with the aim of finding a reliable semen freezing protocol. Screening tests included freezing semen with varying concentrations of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, trehalose, dimethyl sulfoxide and glycerol as cryoprotectants and assessing cushioned centrifugation, rapid chilling to suprazero temperatures, freezing extender osmolarity, egg yolk concentration, post-thaw dilution with cryoprotectant-free BC solution and the addition of 10% (v/v) of autologous seminal plasma. The resulting optimal freezing protocol uses cushioned centrifugation, two-step dilution with isothermal 285 m Osm/kg Berliner Cryomedium (BC) with final glycerol concentration of 7% and 16% egg yolk, and freezing in large volume by the directional freezing technique. After thawing, samples are diluted 1:1 with BC solution. Using this protocol, post-thaw evaluations results were: motility upon thawing: 57.2 ± 5.4%, motility following 30 min incubation at 37 °C: 58.5 ± 6.0% and following 3 h incubation: 21.7 ± 7.6%, intact acrosome: 57.1 ± 5.2%, normal morphology: 52.0 ± 5.8% and viability: 67.3 ± 6.1%. With this protocol, good quality semen can be accumulated for future use in artificial inseminations when and where needed.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of 136 captive Thai elephants (Elephas maximus) with known region of origin were investigated by analysis of 14 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. We did not detect significant indications of inbreeding and only a low differentiation of elephants from different regions. This is probably explained by the combined effects of isolation by distance and exchange between different regions or between captive and wild elephant populations. Estimates of effective population sizes were in the range of 90–240 individuals, which emphasizes the necessity to guard against inbreeding as caused by the current use of a restricted number of breeding bulls.  相似文献   

The primary sequences of the myoglobins of two rodents (the South American viscacha and the Mediterranean mole rat) have been determined. Both myoglobins exhibit one polymorphism. The two rodent sequences have been compared with each other and with other known myoglobins. The myoglobin of the viscacha is similar to those of the diving mammals and penguin in having a high arginine content. Among mammalian sequences, the arginines at positions 77 (in one of the viscacha myoglobins) and 79 have been found only in the myoglobin from viscacha. Mole rat myoglobin has a lysine at position 31, where arginine or serine is found in all other known vertebrate myoglobins.  相似文献   

Reproductive data of high-altitude blackbirds (Turdus merula maximus) were collected at an alpine environment covered with scrub vegetation in Lhasa mountains, Tibet. The blackbird nests were found from 3,800 to 4,500 m at a breeding density of 0.07 pairs/ha. Egg-laying occurred from early May to late July, with a peak (73.0% of all nesting attempts) between mid-May and mid-June. Most (79.5%) of the nests were sited in six different plant species with Cotoneaster microphyllus being most preferred. A few (20.5%) nests were against rocky walls. Bushes used for nest sites were significantly higher. Compared with lowland blackbirds, montane blackbirds experienced a shorter breeding season (2.5 months), laid smaller clutches (2–4 eggs, averaging 2.86), but larger eggs (mean volume index 16,348), produced only one brood per year, had a slightly shorter incubation period (12–13 days), but a longer nestling period (16–18 days), and enjoyed a higher breeding success (59.0%). In the alpine environment where climate is harsh and food supply poor, the strategy of increased egg size with decreased clutch size suggests that the high-altitude blackbirds improve their breeding success by investing more reproductive energy in fewer offspring in response to the constraints of time and resources. However, the environmental constraints on reproduction result in a low annual reproductive output.This revised version was published online in December 2004. The german abstract has been included.  相似文献   

Since 1998, king scallops (Pecten maximus) obtained from Scottish offshore sites have been monitored for domoic acid (DA) and epi-domoic acid (epi-DA), the principal toxic compounds associated with amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). The presence of these toxins in king scallops harvested from Scottish waters at concentrations exceeding the current regulatory limit (20 μg g−1 shellfish flesh) is a recurrent event. However, little information was available to determine the effects that different storage conditions experienced during sample transportation to the monitoring laboratory may have on the toxin concentrations, which are subsequently detected. Furthermore, the stability of DA and epi-DA in the solvents (methanol:water (1:1, v/v) and citric acid buffer (0.5 M, pH 3.2)) routinely used for their extraction from shellfish has not previously been assessed. Results from this study demonstrate that when king scallop samples were stored for 2–3 days at 12 °C, a significantly higher toxin concentration was detected in the gonad than when samples were stored at 4 °C and analysed within 48 h. This implies that monitoring programmes must consider transport and storage conditions between harvest and analysis. Stability studies showed rapid decomposition of DA and epi-DA in aqueous methanol extracts while DA and epi-DA seem acceptably stable when stored refrigerated in citrate buffer.  相似文献   

Northern elephant seal (NES) serum concentrations of total immunoglobulin (Ig) G, an IgG sub-class, and an IgM-like protein were determined by capture immunoassay using three monoclonal antibodies with specificities for Ig of members of the Phocidae pinniped family. These assays were calibrated for use with NES sera using affinity column purified Ig. Concentrations of these Ig populations were estimated in adult female sera sampled at two time points during the lactation period, as well as sera from their pups collected during the first 5 weeks after birth. In pups, concentrations of the IgM-like protein was found to increase rapidly post-partum. In some individuals, values reached mean concentrations within 10–14 days. In addition, rapid increases in pup total IgG and IgG sub-class concentrations were also observed. Collectively, these findings suggest that the majority of post-partum increases in serum Ig can be accounted for by de-novo synthesis.  相似文献   

The amylase activity of the digestive tract of three carnivorous fish species (Sparus aurata, Scophthalmus maximus and Sebastes mentella) has been studied. The activity of seabream and turbot showed its maximum at neutral pH (7.0–7.5); meanwhile, the activity of redfish had an optimum pH at 4.5-5.0. The t° function ranged between 35 and 45°C for the three species. The Arrhenius plots of the intestinal activities of seabream and turbot showed breakpoints at temperatures close to those of their physiological activities. High saline concentrations inhibited the activity of seabream and turbot and activated the activity of redfish. Seabream activity was absolutely dependent on calcium ions. On the contrary, redfish activity was only detected in the absence of this metal. Studies carried out by using several effectors suggested that the activities found in these three species are different. Considering our results from a point of view of the environmental conditions of these species, it might be concluded that enzymatic digestion of dietary carbohydrates proceeds at very low rate. Physiological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:尿嘧啶DNA糖苷酶UDGase是一种广泛应用于q PCR、二代测序等领域的工具酶,由于其应用特性,只有热敏性UDGase才具有较大开发利用潜力。目前全球热敏性UDGase工具酶仅有2个物种来源,均有专利保护且价格昂贵,亟待开发新来源且具有优良热敏特性的UDGase。方法:根据前人研究及序列分析推测大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maximus)具有热敏性UDGase。经验证,大菱鲆肝脏匀浆呈现UDGase活性。从大菱鲆肝脏匀浆克隆得到大菱鲆UDGase基因SmUDGase,并使用大肠杆菌工程菌株实现重组表达,分离纯化后进行活力表征检测。结果:序列比对结果表明,SmUDGase基因克隆成功。重组表达并经亲和层析、离子交换层析分离纯化,获得纯酶纯度约95%,产率1. 51mg/L,比活力2 295. 08U/mg。Sm UDGase具有热敏性,在40℃时酶活即开始迅速降低。其他酶学性质,如pH适应范围、金属离子依赖性和对抑制剂的敏感性均与当前商业化UDGase一致。结论:成功克隆并鉴定来自大菱鲆的新来源SmUDGase,该酶具有热敏感性,酶学特性接近目前商业化UDGase。并探索该酶的重组表达和纯化工艺,所得纯酶基本达到商业化生产水平,为该类型生物工具酶的开发提供了理论参考和技术储备。  相似文献   

Each half abdominal segment in 5th-instar larvae of the giant bloodsucking reduviid, Dipetalogaster maximus, contains 3 stretch receptor neurones, one associated with the tergosternal muscles, one with the ventral intersegmental muscles and one with the dorsal intersegmental muscles. Each of the three receptors respond phasically to the onset of stretch in its respective muscle group, but none show persistent activity upon prolonged stretch. By contrast, stretch of the main abdominal nerves (which run between the thoracic ganglion and the ventral intersegmental muscles of each abdominal segment) is accompanied by a prolonged and sustained pattern of discharge by an as yet unidentified neurone, the rate of discharge being proportional to the degree of stretch. In life, the abdominal nerves become stretched to about 145% of their resting length when the larva takes a bloodmeal. Thus it appears that in Dipetalogaster stretch of the abdominal nerves themselves is the only mechanism for stretch reception after a blood meal.  相似文献   

Domoic acid (DA), the toxin responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) can accumulate in king scallop Pecten maximus leading to extensive fishery closures. Approximately 59% of the total value of all fish and shellfish landed in the Isle of Man in 2004 comprised king scallop, hence the economy of the Manx marine sector is particularly susceptible to impacts from this biotoxin. Scallop from fishing grounds around the Isle of Man were sampled in October 2003, June 2004 and October 2004 to determine levels of inter-animal and spatial variability in DA concentration and factors that might influence toxin concentration such as scallop size and water depth. Mean DA concentrations in hepatopancreas ranged from 296.3 μg g−1 to below the detection limit, in gonad from 27.8 μg g−1 to below the limit of detection and in adductor muscle from 7.3 μg g−1 to below the limit of detection. High levels of inter-animal variability of DA concentration in hepatopancreas were recorded; CVs ranging from 16.1% to 70.0%. DA concentrations above 20 μg g−1 were recorded in gonads on all three sampling dates. Scallops from fishing grounds on the east of the Isle of Man were significantly less contaminated than those from the west and southwest. A significant positive correlation between DA concentration and shell length was recorded in some sites, but there was no relationship with water depth. The high inter-animal, spatial and seasonal variability in toxin concentration highlighted the importance of understanding field variability for the development of reliable sampling and management protocols.  相似文献   

A new genus, Cystobasidiopsis, and a new species, Cystobasidiopsis nirenbergiae, are described for a fungus isolated from an arable loess soil in Ahlum near Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany. An integrated analysis of morphological, ecological, ultrastructural and molecular data indicates that the new species belongs to the Chionosphaeraceae within the Agaricostilbales. Relevant characteristics of the new species are discussed and compared with those of related taxa.  相似文献   

2005年3月至2006年3月,采取所有事件取样法,对成都动物园5只(2雄,3雌)圈养金钱豹(Panthera pardu)进行观察,旨在了解圈养金钱豹的交配情况。记录交配行为1 174次。结果显示,圈养金钱豹全年皆可发情。具有明显的交配模式,交配姿势仅有一种,为背腹式。平均交配持续天数为(4.75±1.26)d。昼夜都有交配行为,但白天交配次数较夜间多。日交配的高峰发生在08:00~10:00时,不同的雄性个体出现的交配高峰日不同。平均交配持续时间为(7.48±1.22)s。在交配持续时间(P=0.000)、总交配次数(P=0.04)上,不同的雄性个体间存在显著性差异;而同一雄性在与不同雌性交配时,其持续时间无显著差异。金钱豹交配的特点为,交配的频次多,但每次交配持续时间短。  相似文献   

采用直接观察法对大额牛(Bos frontalis)的产前离群与产后带犊归群、分娩等产犊行为进行了观察。结果表明,(1)野外观察17头临产母牛中,76.47%(13头)的个体在产前(11.23±7.14)d离开社群独行觅食,寻找分娩场所;分娩地点多选择在靠近溪河、地势较高、食物丰富、光照好、地面相对平坦的草地、林边或林中。母牛野外产犊后带犊归群的时间为产后(5.57±2.64)d。(2)在设围栏的人工草地上放牧条件下对6头母牛分娩行为观察表明,产前24~12 h母牛的警觉巡视行为明显增多;产前12~5h表现为烦燥不安和频繁爬跨;产前3~1 h领地行为明显,对分娩地点4~6 m2内长势较高的牧草等进行清理,为新生犊牛行动清除障碍;分娩时间为6:00~18:00时,其中在6:00~7:00时分娩的占66.67%(4/6);母牛从卧地进入分娩至犊牛产出期间起卧(7.00±6.00)次,从卧地到犊牛完全产出需(25.00±5.00)min,胎衣排出的时间为产后(5.64±1.80)h;犊牛(n=6,♂1+♀5)初生体重为(16.46±2.56)kg,母牛无难产现象;母牛对犊牛能及时舔饰,定时授乳和用心守护。犊牛从产出至第一次站稳需(52.70±29.69)min,第一次站稳到吮吸初乳需(38.7±29.14)min,第一次吃初乳到向周边活动需(61.33±1.53)min。  相似文献   

G- and C-banded karyotypes of the two extant species of the mammalian order Proboscidea are presented for the first time. Chromosome complements were 2n = 56 in both Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus. Comparisons between the species demonstrated a high level of chromosome band homology, with 26 conserved autosomal pairs. The normal diploid karyotype of L. africana had 25 acrocentric/telocentric and two metacentric/submetacentric autosomal pairs. E. maximus differed by having one less acrocentric and one additional submetacentric pair due to either a heterochromatic arm addition or deletion involving autosomal pair 27. Several acrocentric autosomes of L. africana exhibited small short arms that were absent in homologous chromosomes of E. maximus. The X chromosomes in both species were large submetacentric elements and were homologous. However, the small acrocentric Y chromosomes differed; in E. maximus it was slightly larger and had more distinct G-bands than its counterpart in L. africana. Extant Elephantidae appear to be relatively conservative in their rates of chromosomal change compared to some other mammalian families. The high-quality banded karyotypes presented here should prove useful as references in future chromosome analyses of elephant populations and in comparative cytogenetic studies with other ungulate orders.  相似文献   

Work on the exceptionally well-preserved, rapidly accumulating Bath Cliff Section, Barbados and supplementary Deep Sea Drilling Project samples, has revealed the evolutionary origins of three stratigraphically useful species in theCryptoprora ornata Zone straddling the Eocene/Oligocene boundary and demonstrated the origin of the genusCyclampterium. Elucidation of the origin ofCyclampterium milowi necessitates a revision of the generaLophocyrtis andCyclampterium.Lophocyrtis (Lophocyrtis)jacchia is the ancestor ofL. (Cyclampterium)hadra, the earliest member in the subgenusCyclampterium which comprises the anagenetic lineage leading fromL. (C.)hadra toL. (C.)neatum. The monotypic subgenusSciadiopeplus branches off from an early member in theCyclampterium lineage. The new speciesL. (L.)exitelus andL. (S.)oberhaensliae terminate the subgeneraLophocyrtis andSciadiopeplus, respectively. During the investigation it also became clear that morphotypes resembling earlyL. (C.)milowi could be found in mid and high latitude assemblages in the late Early and late Middle Eocene. The origin of one these morphotypes was also traced toL. (Lophocyrtis)jacchia giving rise to the new subgenusParalampterium. This lineage includes the new speciesL. (Paralampterium)dumitricai and two species questionably assigned to it,L. (Paralampterium)?longiventer and the new speciesL. (Paralampterium) ?galenum. The relationship ofL. (P.)dumitricai toL. (P.) ?longiventer andL. (P.) ?galenum is unknown.  相似文献   

The Red Knot (Calidris canutus rufa) is a Nearctic migrant shorebird that breeds in the Canadian Arctic and spends the winter season in coastal sites in South America. A rare case of a blood protozoan was found by molecular analyses from an adult bird captured during spring migration at the last refuelling stopover in Delaware Bay USA in 2006. The parasite was identified as Plasmodium relictum belonging to subgenus Haemamoeba based on the shape of meronts, roundish gametocytes, and its position in the erythrocytes from the blood smears examination. A partial cytochrome b sequence was a 100% match to a sequence of Plasmodium relictum, sequence Genbank accession number: id DQ659543.1 (lineage code haplotype P5). This is the first report of avian malaria in a wild individual of C. c. rufa.  相似文献   

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