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In nine families in which X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) is segregating, the lod scores of XLRP in a map of 10 RFLP loci were obtained by multipoint linkage analysis. The XLRP locus was located telomeric to DXS7 in seven of the families and centromeric to DXS7 in two of the families. Under the hypothesis of two XLRP loci, a heterogeneity (admixture) test was performed, providing significant evidence of heterogeneity in XLRP (P less than .01). No correlation was detected between the clinical manifestations of XLRP and the two different disease loci.  相似文献   

An extended map of the sugar beet genome containing RFLP and RAPD loci   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
An updated map of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var altissima Doell) is presented. In this genetic map we have combined 248 RFLP and 50 RAPD loci. Including the loci for rhizomania resistance Rr1, hypocotyl colour R and the locus controlling the monogerm character M, 301 loci have now been mapped to the nine linkage groups covering 815 cM. In addition, the karyotype of some of the Beta vulgaris chromosomes has been correlated with existing RFLP and RAPD linkage maps.  相似文献   

A male-specific genetic linkage map of nine loci on bovine Chromosome (Chr) 2 (BTA2) was constructed from 306 offspring belonging to six paternal halfsib families. Loci studied were the structural genes for liver/bone/kidney alkaline phosphatase (ALPL), Gardner-Rasheed feline sarcoma (v-fgr) oncogene homolog (FGR), alpha-L-fucosidase 1 (FUCA1), and fibronectin 1 (FN1), and the microsatellite loci ARO28, DU17S2, DU17S3, DU17S4, and DU17S5. Genotyping was performed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for structural genes and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the microsatellites. Two genetically independent linkage groups were identified. The order of genes in the first linkage group, L31, is (ARO28-FN1)-FGR-FUCA1-ALPL, covering a map distance of 34.1 cM between terminal markers. The second linkage group, L32, consists of DU17S2-DU17S5-DU17S4-DU17S3 and is 41.3 cM in length. Genetic linkage between FN1 and FGR confirms previous physical assignment of these genes to the same synteny group. Currently, the genetic linkage of FN1 and FGR is unique to cattle and thus localizes a site of chromosomal evolution to a 22-cM interval between the two loci.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of human chromosome 5 with 60 RFLP loci.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A genetic map of human chromosome 5 that contains 60 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci in one linkage group has been constructed. Segregation data using these markers and 40 large multigenerational families supplied by the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain have been collected. Linkage analyses were performed with the program package CRI-MAP; using odds greater than 1000:1, 30 RFLP loci could be placed on the map. This genetic map spans 289 cM sex-equal, 353 cM in females, and 244 cM in males. While the relative rate of recombination for female meioses is nearly twice that of males over much of the chromosome, several instances of statistically significant excess male recombination were observed. The order of probes on the genetic map has been confirmed by their physical order as determined by somatic cell hybrid lines containing deletions of normal chromosome 5. There is concordance between the physical positions of markers and their genetic positions. Our most distal probes on the genetic map are cytologically localized to the most distal portions of the chromosome. This suggests that our genetic map spans most of chromosome 5.  相似文献   

In an attempt to characterize the genes that cause immunodeficiencies such as X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) and severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) we established precursor B-cell lines by transforming the patients' bone marrow cells with Epstein-Barr viruses. DNA rearrangements of immunoglobulin JH gene loci were observed on both chromosomes in pre-B cells derived from an XLA patient. We cloned and characterized both rearranged bands from one cell line. Both of the rearrangements occurred between D H and J H gene loci without the VH DH structure. On the other hand, JH gene loci retained the germline configuration on both chromosomes in almost all the transformants derived from a SCID patient that had been determined according to their surface markers, to be in an early precursor B-cell stage. The implications of the observations are discussed.  相似文献   

The dinucleotide repeat sequences at the DXS454 and DXS458 loci have been mapped genetically to Xq22, to the interval between DXS3 and DXS17. We have now mapped them with respect to XLA and five other loci, to within the DXS3 to XLA interval. The more precise localisation of these polymorphic loci will be useful for the fine-mapping of disease loci on the long arm of the X chromosome and enable these probes to be used for prenatal diagnosis and carrier status determination in families with XLA.  相似文献   

There are several instances in which quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping experiments have been independently carried out for similar traits in different laboratories. We develop a permutation test of the correspondence between the test statistics obtained from genome-wide QTL scans in two such experiments to test whether the same QTLs are segregating in the experimental pair. In simulations, we show that the permutation test has the desired properties if chromosomes are of equal length, but bias can occur if chromosomes are of unequal length, a problem connected with autocorrelation of test statistic values. We apply the test to data from three recent mouse body weight QTL mapping experiments. The results from the test are non-significant, and imply a lack of overall concordance between the QTLs that were segregating in these experiments.  相似文献   

Inheritance of RFLP loci in a loblolly pine three-generation pedigree   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary A high-density restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage map is being constructed for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Loblolly pine cDNA and genomic DNA clones were used as probes in hybridizations to genomic DNAs prepared from grandparents, parents, and progeny of a three-generation outbred pedigree. Approximately 200 probes were evaluated for their ability to detect polymorphic loci between DNAs prepared from the two parent trees, 20–1010 and 11–1060, and cut with four different restriction enzymes: BamHI, DraI, EcoRI, and HindIII. More than half of the probes detecting single- or low-copy number sequences (56%) revealed polymorphisms between the two parents with at least one restriction enzyme. If necessary, an additional hybridization to DNAs prepared from the four grandparent trees was conducted to determine the zygosity of parent trees. Ten of these probes were hybridized to progeny DNAs from this cross and, as expected, the markers were inherited as simple codominant Mendelian alleles. Four of the ten probes detected segregation of three alleles at one locus, and four probes detected more than one independently segregating locus. RFLPs can be used immediately to assess genetic diversity in conifer populations and to efingerprint genotypes in tree improvement programs.  相似文献   

In this study, we applied mAb and heterologous antisera in double marker combinations to investigate the phenotype and the proliferative activity of immature B lineage cells in XLA. Bone marrow (BM) samples from eight male adult patients with no circulating B lymphocytes were studied. The proportions and the phenotype of the earliest identifiable B cell progenitors, expressing nuclear terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), cytoplasmic CD22, and membrane CD19 and CD10 were identical to those observed in normal BM. In XLA these cells represented 1.2% to 22% of BM mononuclear cells; 5% to 42% and 1% to 45% of such cells weakly expressed CD20 and CD37, respectively, and invariably lacked CD13 and CD33. Cytoplasmic mu+ sIg- pre-B cells were seen in low numbers (0.1% to 0.3%) in four samples and were undetectable in the remaining four. Consequently, the ratio TdT+/c mu+ was greater than 100 in five out of eight samples studied in contrast to the less than 10 values seen in normal individuals. The proliferative activity of B lineage progenitor cells was studied by using Ki67 and anti-bromodeoxyuridine mAb. Although the proliferation of TdT+ cells in XLA was comparable with that seen in normal BM samples (24% to 59% of TdT+ were Ki67+ and 11% to 27% incorporated bromodeoxyuridine), this was dramatically reduced in the c mu+ cells (no c mu+, Ki67+ seen in three samples where pre-B cells were observed). Thus, the abnormalities of B cell differentiation in XLA are first seen at the c mu+ pre-B stage and suggest a maturation block in the transition between TdT+, c mu- pre-pre-B cells and c mu+ pre-B cells. The severity of this block may be variable, allowing the generation of a near normal number of pre-B cells in some patients, which nevertheless have a defective proliferative activity. Finally, our study further supports the concept that the effects of the "XLA gene" are confined within the B lineage by demonstrating that the proportions of T cells bearing TCR-alpha beta and TCR-gamma delta in XLA are similar to those seen in normal individuals.  相似文献   

 In order to compare the potential of enzyme and DNA markers to investigate genetic diversity within and among populations, ten maize populations were characterized for (1) 20 isozyme loci and (2) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for 35 probe-enzyme combinations. Each population was represented by a sample of at least 30 individuals. The average number of alleles detected per locus was clearly higher for RFLPs (6.3) than for isozymes (2.4). Similarly, total diversity was higher for RFLPs (0.60) than for isozymes (0.23). This difference is consistent with observations on inbred-line collections and can be related to the fact that many variations at the DNA level do not change the amino-acid composition or the global charge of proteins. By contrast, the magnitude of population differentiation, relative to the total diversity, was similar for isozymes (23%) and RFLPs (22%). This suggests that the isozyme and RFLP loci considered in this study are subject to similar evolutionary forces, and that both are mostly neutral. However, RFLPs proved clearly superior to isozymes both to (1) identify the origin of a given individual and (2) reveal a relevant genetic structure among populations. The higher polymorphism observed for RFLP loci and the greater number of these loci contributed to the superior discriminative ability of the RFLP data. Received: 1 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Towards a saturated sorghum map using RFLP and AFLP markers   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
 A near-saturated sorghum genetic linkage map was produced using RFLP, AFLP and morphological markers. First a composite, essentially RFLP-based genetic linkage map was obtained from analyses of two recombinant inbred populations. This map includes 343 loci for 11 linkage groups spanning 1352 cM. Since this map was constructed with many previously mapped heterologous probes, it offers a good basis for synteny studies. Separately, an AFLP map was obtained from the analysis of 168 bands revealed from 12 primer pair combinations. It includes 137 loci for 11 linkage groups spanning 849 cM. Taking into account the different data sets, we constructed a combined genetic linkage map including 443 loci spanning 1899 cM. Two main features are to be noted: (1) the distribution of AFLPs along the genome is not uniform; (2) an important stretching of the former core map is induced after adding the AFLPs. Received: 10 May 1998 / Accepted: 13 July 1998  相似文献   

It has recently been demonstrated that mutations in the gene for Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) are responsible for X-linked agammaglobulinemia. Southern blot analysis and sequencing of cDNA were used to document deletions, insertions, and single base pair substitutions. To facilitate analysis ofBTK regulation and to permit the development of assays that could be used to screen genomic DNA for mutations inBTK, we determined the genomic organization of this gene. Subcloning of a cosmid and a yeast artificial chromosome showed thatBTK is divided into 19 exons spanning 37 kilobases of genomic DNA. Analysis of the region 5' to the first untranslated exon revealed no consensus TATAA or CAAT boxes; however, three retinoic acid binding sites were identified in this region. Comparison of the structure ofBTK with that of other nonreceptor tyrosine kinases, includingSRC,FES, andCSK, demonstrated a lack of conservation of exon borders. Information obtained in this study will contribute to our understanding of the evolution of nonreceptor tyrosine kinases. It will also be useful in diagnostic studies, including carrier detection, and in studies directed towards gene therapy or gene replacement.  相似文献   

Linkage map of phenotype and RFLP markers in rice   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The results from linkage mapping activities at Kyushu University during the last 10 years are summarized in this paper. The present paper concisely reveals present situation on linkage map of phenotype markers, the integration linkage map of phenotype and RFLP markers and the genetic stocks available. Some of the problems in this field, in addition, are pointed out and discussed.  相似文献   



Wheat is an excellent species to study freezing tolerance and other abiotic stresses. However, the sequence of the wheat genome has not been completely characterized due to its complexity and large size. To circumvent this obstacle and identify genes involved in cold acclimation and associated stresses, a large scale EST sequencing approach was undertaken by the Functional Genomics of Abiotic Stress (FGAS) project.


We generated 73,521 quality-filtered ESTs from eleven cDNA libraries constructed from wheat plants exposed to various abiotic stresses and at different developmental stages. In addition, 196,041 ESTs for which tracefiles were available from the National Science Foundation wheat EST sequencing program and DuPont were also quality-filtered and used in the analysis. Clustering of the combined ESTs with d2_cluster and TGICL yielded a few large clusters containing several thousand ESTs that were refractory to routine clustering techniques. To resolve this problem, the sequence proximity and "bridges" were identified by an e-value distance graph to manually break clusters into smaller groups. Assembly of the resolved ESTs generated a 75,488 unique sequence set (31,580 contigs and 43,908 singletons/singlets). Digital expression analyses indicated that the FGAS dataset is enriched in stress-regulated genes compared to the other public datasets. Over 43% of the unique sequence set was annotated and classified into functional categories according to Gene Ontology.


We have annotated 29,556 different sequences, an almost 5-fold increase in annotated sequences compared to the available wheat public databases. Digital expression analysis combined with gene annotation helped in the identification of several pathways associated with abiotic stress. The genomic resources and knowledge developed by this project will contribute to a better understanding of the different mechanisms that govern stress tolerance in wheat and other cereals.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping with RAPD markers has been initiated in Citrus. Reproducible polymorphism of amplified DNA fragments was obtained with approximately half of the 140 random primers tested, revealing 266 segregating loci. These were tested for linkage using 60 BC1 progeny from an intergeneric cross of Citrus grandis (L.) Osb. x [Citrus grandis (L.) Osb. x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.]. A core linkage map was constructed that consists of nine linkage groups containing 109 RAPD markers and 51 previously-mapped RFLP and isozyme markers. A further 79 markers that could not be ordered unambiguously because of their allelic constitution were associated with individual linkage groups and are shown in relation to the core map. The core map has a total length of 1192 cM with an average distance of 7.5 cM between loci and is estimated to cover 70–80% of the genome. Loci with distorted segregation patterns clustered on several linkage groups. Individual clusters of loci were skewed in allelic composition toward one or the other parent, usually C. grandis. This relatively-saturated linkage map will eventually be used to identify quantitative trait loci for cold and salt-tolerance in Citrus. As a beginning we have mapped three loci detected by a cold-acclimation-responsive cDNA.  相似文献   

Alterations of the Bruton's tyrosine kinase(Btk) gene are responsible for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA). Although mutations in various regions were reported mainly in the Caucasian population, correlation between the locations of mutation and the clinical phenotypes remains unclear. We report 12 abnormalities of theBtk gene found in 12 unrelated families out of 14 XLA families in Japan and their clinical features. We utilized Southern blotting and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Gene rearrangement in the kinase domain was identified in two patients by Southern blotting. Seven point mutations, two small deletions, and one small insertion were detected by SSCP and sequencing. The SSCP analysis also provided information about the carriers in these families. We found some clinical heterogeneity in the affected family members with the same gene mutation. Moreover, there is considerable inconsistency between the locations of gene aberrations and the immunological phenotypes. Some patients with a nonsense mutation, which may result in the lack of kinase domain, have detectable B cells and immunoglobulins. These identified alterations will provide valuable clues to theBtk protein function and the pathogenesis of XLA.  相似文献   

A linkage map for sugi was constructed on the basis of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and isozyme loci using a three-generation pedigree prepared for genetic analysis of heartwood color. A total of 128 RFLP (123 cDNA and 5 genomic probes), 33 RAPD, 2 isozyme, and 1 morphological (dwarf) loci segregated in 73 progeny. Of the 164 segregating loci, 145 loci were distributed in 20 linkage groups. Of these loci, 91 with confirmed map positions were assigned to 13 linkage groups, covering a total of 887.3 cM. A clustering of markers with distorted segregation was observed in 6 linkage groups. In the four clusters, distortions with a reduction in the number of homozygotes from one parent only were found.Abbreviations MAS marker-assisted selection - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - QTL quantitative traits of loci - RAPD random amplified polymorphic DNA - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (Integrated Research Program for the Use of Biotechnological Procedures for Plant Breeding) and by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan (Cooperative Research, no. 04304017)  相似文献   

Summary Barley middle-repeat sequences were screened for their ability to discriminate 51 barley commercial varieties. Two hordein clones, a clone encoding a leaf-specific thionin, a desiccation induced cDNA clone, a clone coding for 5S-rRNA and one corresponding to ubiquitin genes were tested. A very sensitive RFLP technique including four cutter restriction enzymes and denaturing 4% polyacrylamide gels were used to evidence the highest level of polymorphism.The RFLP data were analyzed by computer. Some probe/enzyme combinations were able to differentiate a large number of the cultivars tested, whereas three probe/enzyme combinations succeeded in identifying all the varieties. The use of this RFLP method can thus be suggested for cultivar identification in barley.  相似文献   

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