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Hosts may use two different strategies to ameliorate negative effects of a given parasite burden: resistance or tolerance. Although both resistance and tolerance of parasitism should evolve as a consequence of selection pressures owing to parasitism, the study of evolutionary patterns of tolerance has traditionally been neglected by animal biologists. Here, we explore geographical covariation between tolerance of magpies (Pica pica) and brood parasitism by the great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) in nine different sympatric populations. We estimated tolerance as the slope of the regression of number of magpie fledglings (i.e. host fitness) on number of cuckoo eggs laid in non-depredated nests (which broadly equals parasite burden). We also estimated prevalence of parasitism and level of host resistance (i.e. rejection rates of mimetic model eggs) in these nine populations. In accordance with the hypothetical role of tolerance in the coevolutionary process between magpies and cuckoos we found geographical variation in tolerance estimates that positively covaried with prevalence of parasitism. Levels of resistance and tolerance were not associated, possibly suggesting the lack of a trade-off between the two kinds of defences against great spotted cuckoo parasitism for magpies. We discuss the results in the framework of a mosaic of coevolutionary interactions along the geographical distribution of magpies and great spotted cuckoos for which we found evidence that tolerance plays a major role.  相似文献   

Juan Soler  Manuel Soler 《Oecologia》2000,125(3):309-320
Brood parasitism is one of the systems where coevolutionary processes have received the most research. Here, we review experiments that suggest a coevolutionary process between the great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) and its magpie (Pica pica) host. We focus on different stages of establishment of the relationship, from cuckoos selecting individual hosts and hosts defending their nests from adult cuckoos, to the ability of magpies to detect cuckoo eggs in their nests. Novel coevolutionary insights emerge from our synthesis of the literature, including how the evolution of "Mafia" behaviour in cuckoos does not necessarily inhibit the evolution of host recognition and rejection of cuckoo offspring, and how different populations of black-billed magpies in Europe have evolved specific host traits (e.g. nest and clutch size) as a result of interactions with the great spotted cuckoo. Finally, the results of the synthesis reveal the importance of using a meta-population approach when studying coevolution. This is especially relevant in those cases where gene flow among populations with different degrees of brood parasitism explains patterns of coexistence between defensive and non-defensive host phenotypes. We propose the use of a meta-population approach to distinguish between the "evolutionary equilibrium" hypothesis and the "evolutionary lag" hypothesis.  相似文献   

Hosts of obligate avian brood parasites use visual cues to distinguishbetween their own eggs and those of the parasite. Despite majordifferences between human and bird vision, most previous studieson cuckoo egg mimicry estimated color matching based on humancolor vision. Undetected by humans, ultraviolet reflectance(UVR) may play a previously ignored role for rejection behaviorin avian brood parasite systems. We explored this possibilityby manipulating UVR of great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandariuseggs and assessing the response of magpie Pica pica hosts. Wecoated cuckoo eggs with an ultraviolet (UV) light blocker thatreduced UVR but left the human visible reflectance (400–700nm) unaltered. The first control treatment also coated the eggsbut did not alter their reflectance. A second control groupof cuckoo eggs was maintained uncoated to control for handlingeffects on magpie discrimination. We artificially parasitizeda third of a breeding magpie population with each type of experimentalegg and studied the rejection of cuckoo eggs. We failed to findsignificant differences between rejection rate of cuckoo eggswith and without reduced reflectance in the UV region. Our resultsindicate that artificial reduction of UVR of cuckoo eggs doesnot affect the probability of ejection by magpie hosts.  相似文献   

Parent decisions about food allocation are usually based on simple time‐saving rules that optimize their own fitness; however, they can sometimes vary depending on the prevailing ecological conditions both outside and inside the nest. Parent–offspring interactions also become more complex when parents suffer from brood parasitism, which implies that they care for the parasite's eggs and unrelated young. The great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius is a specialist brood parasite that uses the magpie Pica pica as its primary host. Here, by filming food allocation by magpie parents in natural non‐parasitized and experimentally parasitized and non‐parasitized magpie nests, we have found that magpie provisioning behaviour is highly complex including two types of feedings apart from normal ones. First, false feedings, when the parent touched the chick's beak but did not leave any food, occurred more frequently when feeding a cuckoo than when feeding magpie nestlings. Second, two types of what we have called coax feedings: 2a) when magpie parents induce a nestling to beg by waking it up by touching it softly with the beak, and 2b) when parents disregard begging signals (always from brood parasitic great spotted cuckoos) while coaxing one non‐begging nestling (always one of their own) to feed it. We suggest that brood parasitism, involving selfish excessively begging nestlings, could have acted as a selective pressure for both false and coax feedings to evolve, as both imply ignoring nestlings that beg too much. We also discuss that these parental responses could have evolved either by a discrimination without recognition mechanism, or, more probably, by a recognition‐based discrimination mechanism.  相似文献   

Tests using magpie's eggs (which are very similar to those of the great spotted cuckoo) on azure-winged magpies (Cyanopica cyanea) showed that the latter accept strange eggs, rejecting only 25% of them. We therefore suggest that they are an accepter species, and as such a substitute host species for the great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius). We suggest a theory for the transition from ‘Accepter Species’ to ‘Non-mimetic-egg Rejecter Species’ by hosts of specialist brood parasites. We have obtained evidence of host recognition by great spotted cuckoo chicks of typical or atypical host species characteristics. Basing our theory on the calls of parasitic chicks reared in the nests of the azure-winged magpies and magpies (Pica pica), we suggest that the foregoing is the mating mechanism necessary for the parasitization of a new host species.  相似文献   

Although little is known on the impact of environment on telomere length dynamics, it has been suggested to be affected by stress, lifestyle and/or life‐history strategies of animals. We here compared telomere dynamics in erythrocytes of hatchlings and fledglings of the brood parasite great spotted cuckoos (Clamator glandarius) and of magpies (Pica pica), their main host in Europe. In magpie chicks, telomere length decreased from hatching to fledging, whereas no significant change in telomere length of great spotted cuckoo chicks was found. Moreover, we found interspecific differences in the association between laying date and telomere shortening. Interspecific differences in telomere shortening were interpreted as a consequence of differences in lifestyle and life‐history characteristics of magpies and great spotted cuckoos. In comparison with magpies, cuckoos experience reduced sibling competition and higher access to resources and, consequently, lower stressful environmental conditions during the nestling phase. These characteristics also explain the associations between telomere attrition and environmental conditions (i.e. laying date) for magpies and the absence of association for great spotted cuckoos. These results therefore fit expectations on telomere dynamics derived from interspecific differences in lifestyle and life history of brood parasites and their bird hosts.  相似文献   

Adult great spotted cuckoos Clamator glandarius damage the eggsof their magpie Pica pica host without removing them from thenest or eating them but by producing the death of the embryo.Observations as well as experiments were used to test severalpredictions of two different possibilities: great spotted cuckooegg-damaging behavior is a parasitic tactic resulting froma direct selection process (the adaptation hypothesis), oregg damage is caused by thick-shelled cuckoo eggs which evolvedto avoid breakage during rapid laying (the nonadaptation hypothesis).Previously, we provided experimental evidence that egg damageincreased the breeding success of cuckoos when they laid lateduring the laying sequence of the magpie. However, when theylaid early, egg-damaging behavior did not increase cuckoo breedingsuccess, contrary to the adaptation hypothesis. In an experimental study, when we simulated laying behavior by the great spottedcuckoo, we found that (1) the number of damaged magpie eggswas significantly lower than in natural parasitism, and (2)whereas in the experimental manipulations the number of damagedeggs did not depend on the number of magpie eggs, in natural parasitism, the number of damaged eggs increased with clutchsize of the magpie. These results support the predictions ofthe adaptation hypothesis, implying that egg damage is notan incidental consequence of rapid egg laying, but an adaptation.  相似文献   

Reproductive success of brood parasites largely depends on appropriate host selection and, although the use of inadvertent social information emitted by hosts may be of selective advantage for cuckoos, this possibility has rarely been experimentally tested. Here, we manipulated nest size and clutch colouration of magpies (Pica pica), the main host of great spotted cuckoos (Clamator glandarius). These phenotypic traits may potentially reveal information about magpie territory and/or parental quality and could hence influence the cuckoo’s choice of host nests. Experimentally reduced magpie nests suffered higher predation rate, and prevalence of cuckoo parasitism was higher in magpie nests with the densest roofs, which suggests a direct advantage for great spotted cuckoos choosing this type of magpie nest. Colouration of magpie clutches was manipulated by adding one artificial egg (blue or cream colouration) at the beginning of the egg-laying period. We found that host nests holding an experimental cream egg experienced a higher prevalence of cuckoo parasitism than those holding a blue-coloured egg. Results from these two experiments suggest that great spotted cuckoos cue on magpie nest characteristics and the appearance of eggs to decide parasitism, and confirm, for the first time, the ability of cuckoos to distinguish between eggs of different colours within the nest of their hosts. Several hypothetical scenarios explaining these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Nest size or nest-building activity has recently been hypothesized to be a postmating sexually selected signal in monogamous birds: females may assess a male's parental quality and willingness to invest in reproduction by his participation in nest building. Females may thus adjust their reproductive effort (i.e. clutch size) not only to their own abilities but also to those of their mates. We investigated whether female magpies, Pica pica, use nest-building activity rather than nest size to adjust their reproductive effort during replacement breeding attempts. After we removed their first clutch, high-quality pairs that built a large nest for the first clutch were more capable of building a replacement nest and females adjusted their clutch size in relation to the time it took to build the nest rather than nest size. We also found support for the hypothesized trade-off between clutch size and egg size in magpies. In replacement clutches females decreased clutch size and increased egg volume, thereby probably improving the survival probability of their offspring in less favourable conditions.Copyright 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

Obligate avian brood parasitism typically involves one of 2strategies: parasite chicks are either 1) virulent and evictall other eggs and nest mates to be raised alone or 2) moretolerant and share foster parental care with host chicks forsome or the entirety of the nestling period. We studied theconsequences of experimentally forced mixed broods of age-matchedone common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) and 2 great reed warbler(Acrocephalus arundinaceus) chicks. In these broods, both cuckooand host chicks grew slower than did either individual cuckoosor great reed warblers in broods of 1 parasite or 3 host chicks,respectively. Video records showed that in mixed broods, cuckoochicks received feedings less frequently than the 33% predictedby chance at 4 days of age but parental food allocations increasedto chance levels at 8 days of age. The consistent patterns oflower growth rates arose even though chicks in broods of 1 parasiteand 2 hosts received the largest prey items per feeding. Inaddition, several other measures of parental provisioning alsodid not predict species and brood-specific differences in nestlinggrowth rates across the different treatments. However, variationin begging displays and its specific costs on host and parasitechicks in the different nest treatments were not quantifiedin this study. We conclude that young of nest mate–evictorcommon cuckoos benefit from the sole occupancy of host nestsin part owing to an initial competitive disadvantage for parentalcare in broods with age-matched great reed warbler chicks.  相似文献   

We analysed the spatial and temporal pattern of egg laying in great spotted cuckoo females using microsatellite typing to determine parentage of the eggs and nestlings found in host (magpie) nests. The results showed that there were no exclusive laying territories in the study area. Cases of multiparasitism could be due to single females laying two or more eggs in a nest, or to several females using the same nest. In the latter case multiparasitism was due to a shortage of available host nests. We argue that the need for very large laying areas and the likely small cost of sharing parental care for chicks make the costs of defending territories higher than the benefits, which has constrained the evolution of territoriality in this species. Received: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 15 June 1998  相似文献   

Coevolution between antagonistic species has produced instances of exquisite mimicry. Among brood-parasitic cuckoos, host defences have driven the evolution of mimetic eggs, but the evolutionary arms race was believed to be constrained from progressing to the chick stage, with cuckoo nestlings generally looking unlike host young. However, recent studies on bronze-cuckoos have confounded theoretical expectations by demonstrating cuckoo nestling rejection by hosts. Coevolutionary theory predicts reciprocal selection for visual mimicry of host young by cuckoos, although this has not been demonstrated previously. Here we show that, in the eyes of hosts, nestlings of three bronze-cuckoo species are striking visual mimics of the young of their morphologically diverse hosts, providing the first evidence that coevolution can select for visual mimicry of hosts in cuckoo chicks. Bronze-cuckoos resemble their own hosts more closely than other host species, but the accuracy of mimicry varies according to the diversity of hosts they exploit.  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus selects host pairs of good phenotypic quality. As there is some evidence that cuckoos may select hosts within a population non-randomly based on external cues reflecting their foster abilities, we predicted that great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus pairs parasitized by the cuckoo would exhibit higher quality than unparasitized ones. To test this assumption, we evaluated two different parameters indicating host quality: body condition and characteristics of host eggs. We found that parasitized females showed significantly better body condition than unparasitized ones, and the model showed that the probability of being parasitized by the cuckoos increased with increasing body condition. Moreover, the likelihood of being parasitized by a cuckoo within the great reed warbler population increased with decreasing colour variability within clutches: parasitized females allocated costly blue pigments to eggshells more equally compared with unparasitized ones. Our study revealed that cuckoos parasitize great reed warbler females of higher quality, as reflected in host body condition and egg colour characteristics. In highly mimetic systems, cuckoos may choose to parasitize hosts with eggs displaying low intraclutch variation, both because this leads to reduced rejection and because these hosts are of high quality.  相似文献   

Brood parasitic nestlings usually exhibit an exaggerated begging behaviour, which is mainly attributed to reduced inclusive fitness costs since they typically share the nest with unrelated individuals. However, energetic costs also constrain begging expression and accordingly a relation between food requirements and intensity of begging behaviour could also exist in brood parasites, just as in nesting bird species. Here, we tested this hypothesis in the great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius and its main host, the magpie Pica pica, by studying the effect of an appetite enhancer, cyproheptadine hydrochloride, on nestling provisioning and development (size, body mass and cell‐mediated immune response). To study nestling provisioning, neck‐collars were meticulously placed around nestling necks allowing normal respiration but avoiding the ingestion of food delivered by adult magpies during ca 2.5 h. Loss in body mass during neck‐collar trials was used as a proxy for energetic begging costs, while the amount of food received during these trials and growth during the whole nestling period were used as variables reflecting short‐ and long‐term effects of the experimental treatment. During neck‐collar trials, we found that experimental nestlings of both species received more food than control nestlings. However, experimental magpies, but not cuckoos, lost more body mass than control nestlings. These results suggest a short‐term beneficial effect of an escalated begging behaviour in both species that would be energetically cheaper for cuckoos than for magpies. We found positive long‐term effects of the appetite enhancer only in magpies (in terms of tarsus and wing length at fledging, but not in terms of immune response and body mass); suggesting that exaggerated begging would be beneficial for hosts only. We discuss the possible effect of begging behaviour on the risk of predation and on inclusive fitness, but also the possibility that our results may be explained by some kind of limitation in the capability of food assimilation by parasitic species.  相似文献   

Tapio Eeva  Esa Lehikoinen 《Oecologia》2010,162(2):533-539
We studied the occurrence of laying gaps in free-living populations of the pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, and the great tit, Parus major, in a pollution gradient of a copper smelter in south-west Finland. Laying gaps were 2.8 times more common in F. hypoleuca than in P. major. The probability of laying gaps was highest in the heavily polluted zone and lowest in the unpolluted zone for both bird species. Cold weather at the time of laying increased the number of laying gaps in both species, but in P. major this effect was most pronounced in the heavily polluted environment. In the most heavily polluted environment the laying gaps were more likely to occur near the beginning of the laying sequence in both species. The laying gap probability increased with increasing laying date in P. major but not in F. hypoleuca. We suggest that the increased number of laying gaps in the polluted environment results from limited Ca availability and the interference of heavy metals with Ca metabolism in laying females.  相似文献   

Altricial nestlings are under strong selection pressures to optimize digestive efficiency because this is one of the main factors affecting nestling growth and survival. Bird species vary in their ability to assimilate different nutrients and current theory predicts that nestlings should also be able to adjust their nutritional physiology to feeding frequency. Variation in parental provisioning to nestlings would select for flexibility in nestling digestive physiology, which would allow maximization of nutrient assimilation. In the present study, by making use of a brood parasite–host study system in which great spotted cuckoo nestlings (Clamator glandarius) are reared by magpie (Pica pica) host foster parents when sharing the nest with host nestlings, we tested several predictions of the adaptive digestive efficiency paradigm. A hand‐feeding experiment was employed in which we fed both great spotted cuckoo and magpie nestlings with exactly the same diet simulating one food abundance period and one food deprivation period. The results obtained show that cuckoo nestlings ingested more food, gained significantly more weight during the abundance period, and assimilated a higher proportion of the ingested food than magpie nestlings. These results demonstrate for the first time that cuckoo nestlings enjoy digestive adaptations that favour a rapid processing of the ingested food, thereby maximizing their intake rate but without decreasing digestive efficiency. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 280–289.  相似文献   

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