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Social environments have an important effect on a range of ecological processes, and form a crucial component of selection. However, little is known of the link between personality, social behaviour and population structure. We combine a well‐understood personality trait with large‐scale social networks in wild songbirds, and show that personality underpins multiple aspects of social organisation. First, we demonstrate a relationship between network centrality and personality with ‘proactive’ (fast‐exploring) individuals associating weakly with greater numbers of conspecifics and moving between flocks. Second, temporal stability of associations relates to personality: ‘reactive’ (slow‐exploring) birds form synergistically stable relationships. Finally, we show that personality influences social structure, with males non‐randomly distributed across groups. These results provide strong evidence that songbirds follow alternative social strategies related to personality. This has implications not only for the causes of social network structure but also for the strength and direction of selection on personality in natural populations.  相似文献   

Island biogeography and the reproductive ecology of great tits Parus major   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Island biogeography theory has contributed greatly to both theoretical and applied studies of conservation biology (e.g., design of nature reserves, minimum viable population sizes, extinction risk) and community composition. However, little theoretical and empirical work has addressed how island isolation and size affect reproductive ecology. We investigated the reproductive ecology of great tits (Parus major) on one offshore and one nearshore island, as well as on the Danish mainland. Tits breeding on the offshore island bred later, laid smaller clutches, and laid larger eggs than those on the nearshore island and mainland. In addition, the level of ectoparasite infestation in nests was highest on the offshore island, intermediate on the nearshore island, and lowest on the mainland. These insular effects may occur due to lower food abundance on islands, to density-dependent effects, or to effects related to low genetic diversity within island populations. Whatever the cause, the results emphasize that future studies of forest fragmentation/population isolation should consider not only gross measures of reproductive success, but also fine-scale measures such as clutch size, timing of breeding, and parasite prevalence. Received: 10 November 1997 / Accepted: 9 March 1998  相似文献   

Dispersal is a major determinant of the dynamics and genetic structure of populations, and its consequences depend not only on average dispersal rates and distances, but also on the characteristics of dispersing and philopatric individuals. We investigated whether natal dispersal correlated with a predisposed behavioural trait: exploratory behaviour in novel environments. Wild great tits were caught in their natural habitat, tested the following morning in the laboratory using an open field test and released at the capture site. Natal dispersal correlated positively with parental and individual exploratory behaviour, using three independent datasets. First, fast-exploring parents had offspring that dispersed furthest. Second, immigrants were faster explorers than locally born birds. Third, post-fledging movements, comprising a major proportion of the variation in natal dispersal distances, were greater for fast females than for slow females. These findings suggest that parental behaviour influenced offspring natal dispersal either via parental behaviour per se (e.g. via post-fledging care) or by affecting the phenotype of their offspring (e.g. via their genes). Because this personality trait has a genetic basis, our results imply that genotypes differ in their dispersal distances. Therefore, the described patterns have profound consequences for the genetic composition of populations.  相似文献   

In many birds, carotenoids have dual functions as irreversible plumage pigments and as physiologically essential vitamins and antioxidants. They must be obtained through the diet and may therefore be a limiting resource, a constraint that is likely to vary with factors such as sex, habitat, and time of year. In the present study, we investigated signs of carotenoid limitation in great tits, Parus major , in relation to sex, season, year, and within an urban versus a rural habitat. The two main carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography in the plasma and in the yellow carotenoid-based breast feathers. We found that plasma carotenoid concentrations were significantly influenced by sex, season, and year, but not by urban versus rural habitat. At moult, plasma concentration was positively correlated with feather pigmentation, independent of body condition and sex. During the breeding season, however, circulating carotenoid concentrations were negatively related to the feather pigmentation (i.e. from previous autumn moult). We suggest that great tits are carotenoid deprived before leaf emergence, and that carotenoid utilization and limitations are sex-specific, but that there are neither any obvious honesty-maintaining costs of pigmentation, nor any fitness consequences of the colour variation.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 521–527.  相似文献   

The costs of egg production and incubation in great tits (Parus major).   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The costs of egg production and incubation may have a crucial effect on avian reproductive decisions, such as clutch size and the timing of reproduction. We carried out a brood-size enlargement experiment on the great tit (Parus major), in which the birds had to lay and incubate extra eggs (full costs), only incubate extra eggs (free eggs) or did not pay any extra cost (free chicks) in obtaining a larger brood. We used female fitness (half the recruits produced plus female survival) as a fitness measure because it is the female which pays the costs of egg production and incubation, and because clutch size is under female control. Female fitness decreased with increasing costs (fitness of free chicks females is higher than that of free eggs females which is higher than that of full costs females). These fitness differences were due to differences in female survival rather than in the number of recruits produced. This is the first time that the costs of egg production and incubation have been estimated using such a complete fitness measure, including, as our measure does, the local survival to the following year of both the female and her offspring. Our results emphasize that reproductive decisions cannot be understood without taking egg production and incubation costs into account.  相似文献   

Fourteen blood profile variables were analysed in 12-day-old nestlings of great tits (Parus major) in the wild. Except for plateletocrit and platelet distribution width, the traits showed a consistent pattern of variation, with significant intra-brood repeatabilities; they were shown to be significant predictors of nestling performance as measured by survival from hatching to fledging. It is concluded that all blood characteristics that show consistent within-brood variation may be useful as indicators of some aspects of nestling condition/health status in wild birds.  相似文献   

Considering the importance of dietary constraints for the widely held view of carotenoid pigmentation as an honest quality indicator, there is surprisingly little data on carotenoid availability in different natural diets or along environmental gradients. Here we investigate the carotenoid availability in the main diet of breeding great tits Parus major , living in urban and rural environments with known differences in carotenoid pigmentation. Carotenoid availability for nestling great tits was investigated in two respects: (1) quantity and quality of diet (i.e., caterpillar abundance and their carotenoid concentration), and (2) parental feeding frequency. First, caterpillars were generally more abundant in the urban environment and the four common Lepidoptera (i.e., caterpillars) genera studied were also heavier here. Second, as determined by HPLC analysis of the caterpillar genera, carotenoid concentration was significantly lower in the urban caterpillars. Furthermore, all except one of the caterpillar genera had higher lutein/zeaxanthin ratio in urban areas, which is in accordance with earlier studies of carotenoid composition in great tit yolk. Third, parental feeding frequency was about twice as high to urban broods compared to rural broods. This result may simply reflect the higher caterpillar abundance (shorter search time) in the urban environment. Poor food quality (low carotenoid concentration) seems therefore to be compensated by quantity in the urban environment. As a consequence the carotenoid availability seems to be similar for nestlings in the two environments.  相似文献   

Although the impact of nest-dwelling ectoparasites on nestlings in altricial birds is relatively well documented, little information is available on the fitness consequences of bird–ectoparasite systems with limited ectoparasite transmission between parents and their offspring. In this particular context we tested the hypothesis that parental infestation by a haematophageous field ectoparasite, the sheep tick Ixodes ricinus , in a hole-breeding passerine bird, the great tit Parus major , ultimately leads to the reduction of nestling quality. Observational data of a long-term study show that 15 days after hatching, nestlings' body condition (body mass corrected for body size) was negatively associated with the tick load of the mother, while no association was found with tick load of the father. A field experiment was conducted to test if adult infestation by ticks leads to a reduction in offspring quality. The field experiment consisted of a two by two factorial design: neither, one or both parents were infested with a high tick load (12 nymphs) when nestlings were eight days old. Four days after manipulation of the parents, the effect of the treatment on nestlings' health was assessed by measuring haematological and biochemical parameters. Body condition of nestlings was monitored from three days after hatching, until seven days after tick manipulation of the parents. Although parental tick manipulation resulted in successful tick feeding, nestlings' health parameters were not affected. We therefore suggest that the negative association between nestling condition and parental tick load does not reflect a causal effect of parasites, but either reflects a common environmental factor affecting parental infestation levels and offspring condition, or reflects parental quality. We propose different explanations why this association is expressed in female parents only.  相似文献   

Many vertebrates use carotenoid-based signals in social or sexual interactions. Honest signalling via carotenoids implies some limitation of carotenoid-based colour expression among phenotypes in the wild, and at least five limiting proximate mechanisms have been hypothesized. Limitation may arise by carotenoid-availability, genetic constraints, body condition, parasites, or detrimental effects of carotenoids. An understanding of the relative importance of the five mechanisms is relevant in the context of natural and sexual selection acting on signal evolution. In an experimental field study with carotenoid supplementation, simultaneous cross-fostering, manipulation of brood size and ectoparasite load, we investigated the relative importance of these mechanisms for the variation in carotenoid-based coloration of nestling great tits (Parus major). Carotenoid-based plumage coloration was significantly related to genetic origin of nestlings, and was enhanced both in carotenoid-supplemented nestlings, and nestlings raised in reduced broods. We found a tendency for ectoparasite-induced limitation of colour expression and no evidence for detrimental effects of carotenoids on growth pattern, mortality and recruitment of nestlings to the local breeding population. Thus, three of the five proposed mechanisms can generate individual variation in the expression of carotenoid-based plumage coloration in the wild and thus could maintain honesty in a trait potentially used for signalling of individual quality.  相似文献   

To evaluate the importance of tree leafing for the start of laying and clutch size of birds, we compared the breeding phenology of great tits Parus major and blue tits P. caeruleus between one coastal and two inland sites in the same geographical region. Because of the cooling influence of the sea, trees at the coastal site were known to initiate budburst about a week later than at the inland sites. During 5 years, breeding by the tits and the leaf phenology of birch Betula pendula , and oak Quercus robur were monitored. The leaf phenology of birch and oak explained a significant part of the between-year variation in the start of egg laying in blue and great tits, respectively. The tits started laying earlier at the sites with an early budburst, i.e. normally inland. However, leaf phenology was not an absolute cue to the start of laying, since blue tits laid earlier relative to leafing at the inland site than at the coastal site, and both tit species laid eggs earlier relative to leafing during late springs. In neither species was clutch size affected by leafing phenology. However, great tit females at the coastal site consistently produced fewer eggs than did those at the inland site. No such difference was found in the blue tits. Although leafing phenology may predict the start of laying in tits, other factors also influence its timing. These factors might include other cues, or differing life-history trade-offs depending on site or general climatic factors during the spring.  相似文献   

Variation in early nutrition is often a strong predictor of offspring condition and fitness. In the case of woodland passerine birds, nestling diet is determined by the spatiotemporal distribution of prey items such as caterpillars during the nestling period, and is usually quantified as differences in provisioning behaviour between habitats. However, the habitat level does not account for variation between individual territories, the level at which competition and selection are assumed to operate. Here we use nestbox cameras and Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID) to simultaneously assess variation in both nestling diet (components) and provisioning rates (quantity) among a sample (n=22) of different quality great tit Parus major territories selected from a larger breeding population (n=310 fledged broods) in a single year. Caterpillars were by far the most numerous item provisioned to nestlings (mean=75% of prey items), as expected given the known importance of this food source for this species. Broods raised close to an oak tree, or far from the woodland edge, were provisioned the highest proportion of caterpillars. Provisioning rates declined seasonally and there was a weak association between low provisioning rates and caterpillar rich diets. During the first week of the nestling stage, nestling condition was unrelated to the proportion of caterpillars in the diet, provisioning rates and oak proximity. Condition at fledging was slightly improved in broods fed a higher proportion of caterpillars in the diet and in broods raised close to an oak tree. However, in our data early breeding was the only predictor of recruitment success, although power was low for this test. Analyses of long‐term data (41 years) from the same population confirmed a relationship between oak proximity and fledgling mass, but not recruitment success. Our results suggest that territory level environmental variation can affect offspring condition, probably through observed changes in nestling diet, but that such variation does not necessarily produce discernable effects on offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Males of socially monogamous species can increase their siring success via within‐pair and extra‐pair fertilizations. In this study, we focused on the different sources of (co)variation between these siring routes, and asked how each contributes to total siring success. We quantified the fertilization routes to siring success, as well as behaviors that have been hypothesized to affect siring success, over a five‐year period for a wild population of great tits Parus major. We considered siring success and its fertilization routes as “interactive phenotypes” arising from phenotypic contributions of both members of the social pair. We show that siring success is strongly affected by the fecundity of the social (female) partner. We also demonstrate that a strong positive correlation between extra‐pair fertilization success and paternity loss likely constrains the evolution of these two routes. Moreover, we show that more explorative and aggressive males had less extra‐pair fertilizations, whereas more explorative females laid larger clutches. This study thus demonstrates that (co)variation in siring routes is caused by multiple factors not necessarily related to characteristics of males. We thereby highlight the importance of acknowledging the multilevel structure of male fertilization routes when studying the evolution of male mating strategies.  相似文献   

Allocation of resources between the life history traits reproduction and parasite defence are expected because both are energetically costly. Experimental evidence for such allocation has been found in short‐term effects of reproduction on parasite prevalence or immune function. However, there is increasing evidence for long‐term negative effects of reproductive effort on individuals. This study investigates whether long‐term effects of reproductive effort on parasite prevalence exist. Brood sizes of great tits Parus major were experimentally altered in one breeding season and in the subsequent breeding season the prevalence of three parasites types (blood parasites, ticks and fleas) on the surviving parents were investigated. We detected no long‐term effects of brood size manipulation on the prevalence of parasites in the next year and therefore provide no evidence for inter‐seasonal effects of reproductive effort on parasite prevalence. The post hoc level of statistical power was reasonable for effects on blood parasite and flea prevalence, but low for effects on tick prevalence.  相似文献   

According to the ''energetic-bottleneck'' hypothesis, incubation in birds is constrained by the availability of energy. Hence, uniparental incubators are predicted to respond to a change in energy supply by adjusting, positively or negatively, the time spent warming the clutch. Energetic constraints on incubation in the great tit (Parus major) were demonstrated by heating nests, so that the night-time thermostatic component of daily energy expenditure in females was reduced by comparison with a control group. Birds in heated nests increased the time allocated to incubation during the day by 55 minutes, consistent with the predictions of the energetic-bottleneck hypothesis. Daily energy expenditure of all birds was inversely related to night-time ambient temperature, and did not differ between warmed and control birds on mild nights. When temperatures were low, however, escalation of daily costs was less for birds in heated nests. It is suggested that the balance of the energy budget may effect a proximate control on the constancy of incubation, with likely implications for reproductive success.  相似文献   

The concept of parasite-mediated sexual selection assumes that females may improve offspring fitness by selecting mates on the basis of sexual ornaments that honestly reveal the health state of a partner. Expression of such signals may be particularly sensitive to oxidative damage caused by excess production of oxidative metabolites and free radicals. To control and neutralise free radicals, animals rely heavily on dietary fat-soluble antioxidants such as vitamin E and A, and carotenoids. However, the organism's need for free radical scavenging may interfere with the opposite need to generate oxidative stress for fighting parasitic infections. We investigated plasma concentrations of carotenoids and vitamin A and E in brood-rearing great tits Parus major in relation to carotenoid-based plumage coloration, sex, habitat, leukocyte hemoconcentrations and infection status with Haemoproteus blood parasites. Rural great tits differed from urban ones and males from females with respect to the hue of the yellow ventral feathers. However, plasma antioxidant concentrations were not related to sex, habitat or plumage coloration. Plasma carotenoid concentration correlated positively with indices of immune system activation as measured by blood counts of lymphocytes and eosinophils. Birds with gametocytes of Haemoproteus in their blood had higher plasma concentrations of carotenoids and vitamin E than unparasitized individuals. These results are consistent with the idea that maintenance of high blood antioxidant levels might conflict with individual needs to rely on oxidative stress for fighting infections.  相似文献   

Several bird species breeding in acidified habitats face serious problems caused by lowered availability of calcium-rich foods. Moreover, recent studies have revealed that calcium shortage causes phenotypic variation in certain reproductive parameters of passerines even in non-acidified habitats. However, to date, no clear evidence has been found of the limiting effect of calcium deficiency on the reproductive output of birds breeding in such habitats. In this paper, we present experimental evidence from a long-term study that calcium shortage may indeed limit reproductive output of passerines that breed in non-acidified habitats. We carried out calcium-supplementation experiments with great tits Parus major breeding in coniferous and deciduous woodlands in Estonia. Calcium-supplemented birds laid more eggs, tended larger broods and raised more fledglings with longer tarsi compared with control birds. Calcium shortage constrained reproduction of tits not only in spring, but also in mid-summer, during second breeding attempts. Moreover, no significant differences were detected between deciduous and coniferous habitats with respect to the effect of calcium supplements on reproductive success.  相似文献   

In several vertebrate species evidence supports the hypothesis that carotenoid-based coloration of adults has evolved due to sexual selection. However, in some birds already the nestlings display carotenoid-based coloration. Because the nestling's body plumage is typically moulted before the first reproductive event, sexual selection cannot explain the evolution of these carotenoid-based traits. This suggests that natural selection might be the reason for its evolution. Here we test whether the carotenoid-based nestling coloration of great tits (Parus major) predicts survival after fledging. Contrary to our expectation, the carotenoid-based plumage coloration was not related to short- nor to long-term survival in the studied population. Additionally, no prefledging selection was detectable in an earlier study. This indicates that the carotenoid-based coloration of nestling great tits is currently not under natural selection and it suggests that past selection pressures or selection acting on correlated traits may have led to its evolution.  相似文献   

The colouration exhibited by nestling birds is generally cryptic, but in some species it has a conspicuous appearance. The adaptive function of these nestling displays is poorly known, especially in altricial species. We performed an experimental study in which the ultraviolet-blue reflectance of the carotenoid-based plumage of great tit Parus major nestlings was reduced in order to find possible evidence of parental favouritism. Tarsus length increment in a three-day period was significantly lower in manipulated nestlings than in their control siblings. As tarsus length may be a good predictor of survival, the parents may increase their fitness return by investing more in those nestlings reflecting more in the UV-blue spectral region. Interestingly, this effect was only found in a yellow patch located at the nape of nestlings that has been previously overlooked, as all the studies on plumage colouration in this species have focused on the breast plumage. Some quality indicators are proposed for the colour of nestling plumage, though the possibility exists that selection may operate through aspects of signal efficacy instead of aspects of signal content.  相似文献   

Measuring day length is critical for timing annual changes in physiology and behavior in many species. Recently, rapid changes in several photoperiodically-controlled genes following exposure to a single long day have been described. Components of this 'first day release' model have so far only been tested in highly domesticated species: quail, sheep, goats and rodents. Because artificial selection accompanying domestication acts on genes related to photoperiodicity, we must also study this phenomenon in wild organisms for it to be accepted as universal. In a songbird, the great tit (Parus major), we tested whether a) these genes are involved in photoperiodic time measurement (PTM) in a wild species, and b) whether predictable species and population differences in expression patterns exist. Using quantitative RT-PCR, we compared gene expression after a single long day in male great tits from Sweden (57°42'N) with that from a German (47°43'N) population. Hypothalamic gene expression key for PTM changed only in the northern population, and occurred earlier after dawn during the single long day than demonstrated in quail; however, gonadotropins (secretion and synthesis) were stimulated in both populations, albeit with different timing. Our data are the first to show acute changes in gene expression in response to photostimulation in any wild species not selected for study of photoperiodism. The pronounced differences in gene expression in response to a single long day between two populations raise exciting new questions about potential environmental selection on photoperiodic cue sensitivity.  相似文献   

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