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A. R. E. SINCLAIR 《Ibis》1978,120(4):480-497
The fact that Palaearctic migrants arrive in the northern tropical savannah of Africa during the dry season suggests potential competition for food with African species. Moreover, in the southern tropical savannah African species breed during the rainy seasons, when Palaearctic migrants are present. In the equatorial area of Serengeti, East Africa, an index of the food supply for insectivorous birds was obtained from 3 years of light-trap measurements and sweep net samples. Adults of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Orthoptera and Isoptera are sparse in the dry season but become locally abundant after the first rainstorms that mark its close. They are apparently blown by converging winds ahead of the inter-tropical front and settle to lay eggs where rain has fallen. These early storms therefore produce localized superabundances of food. In the ensuing rainy seasons insect abundance remains high. African insectivorous birds breed during the wet period, reaching a peak two months after the insect increase. It is suggested that this lag is due to the need to recover body condition, build up reserves for eggs, develop gonads and wait for vegetation and insect larvae to develop. In the samples available, breeding records of above-ground nesters peaked in the first rains, while ground-nesters peaked in the second (main) rains. Predators bred towards the end of the rains, when there is an abundance of fledglings and small mammals. Thus the food supply could act as the ultimate factor determining the timing of the breeding season in this area. Palaearctic migrants arrive in the Serengeti 4–10 weeks ahead of the main rain front. However, most species are only found where rain has fallen recently. When conditions dry up they move on to other wet areas. Thus they overlap with African species only where there is a superabundance of insects. When the rains become widespread Palaearctic migrants disperse into their usual habitats, and therefore appear not to compete for available resources with closely related species of African birds. The situation in West Africa, where residents and migrants overlap throughout the dry season, cannot be explained in the same terms.  相似文献   

Farming activity severely impacts the invertebrate food resources of farmland birds, with direct mortality to populations of above-ground arthropods thorough mechanical damage during crop harvests. In this study we assessed the effects of phenological periods, including the timing of harvest, on the composition and biomass of prey consumed by three species of aerial insectivorous birds. Common Swifts Apus apus, Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica and House Martins Delichon urbica breed sympatrically and most of their diet is obtained from agricultural sources of invertebrate prey, especially from oil-seed rape crops. We categorized invertebrate prey into six functional groups, including oil-seed rape pests; pests of other arable crops; other crop-provisioned taxa; coprophilous taxa; and taxa living in non-crop and mixed crop/non-crop habitats. Seasonality impacted functional groups differently, but the general direction of change (increase/decrease) of all groups was consistent as indexed by prey composition of the three aerial insectivores studied here. After the oil-seed rape crop harvest (mid July), all three species exhibited a dietary shift from oil-seed rape insect pests to other aerial invertebrate prey groups. However, Common Switfts also consumed a relative large quantity of oil-seed rape insect pests in the late summer (August), suggesting that they could reduce pest insect emigration beyond the host plant/crop. Since these aerially foraging insectivorous birds operate in specific conditions and feed on specific pest resources unavailable to foliage/ground foraging avian predators, our results suggest that in some crops like oil-seed rape cultivations, the potential integration of the insectivory of aerial foraging birds into pest management schemes might provide economic benefits. We advise further research into the origin of airborne insects and the role of aerial insectivores as agents of the biological control of crop insect pests, especially the determination of depredation rates and the cascading effects of insectivory on crop damage and yield.  相似文献   

Peter J. A. Burt 《Aerobiologia》1998,14(2-3):255-266
Over the last 25 years, since the classic work of Johnson CG. (London: Methuen, 1969) there have been a number of reviews on weather and the movement of insects in the air. These reflect increased field research by entomologists and meteorologists, particularly with the advent of remote-sensing techniques. There is, however, a gap in the literature relating to the influence of convective structures in the atmosphere on insect movement on the small scale (within and between fields). Such papers that have been published on insects and convection tend to report associations with large-scale convective structures (often several hundred kilometres in extent) and generally treat the insects as inert ‘particles’. Conversely, the relatively well-researched subject of insect movement on the small scale tends not to discuss possible convective influences, even though these might have been present. This paper presents the results of a field investigation of the spatial and temporal distributions of insects arriving in a suction trap sampling at a height of 12.2 m over arable land in southern England. It was found that the majority of insects caught were non-randomly distributed in time. The association of such clumps with the passage of convective structures through the atmosphere is discussed.  相似文献   

The hornbills in the family Bucerotidae have two interesting, little-studied behaviors—aerial jousting and bill grappling. The number of observations of these interactions is few and interpretations vary greatly. The few observations, always reported as singular events, have been interpreted either as aggression, social interaction, pair bonding, or play. Following our study of the Indian Grey Hornbill (Ocyceros birostris), we suggest that the bill grappling and aerial jousting may best be explained in two different contexts of the life cycle—social play in the non-breeders and as a courtship ritual in the adult, breeding birds.  相似文献   

P. R. Evans  G. W. Lathbury 《Ibis》1973,115(4):572-585
The visible migration of birds of prey at Gibraltar is analysed from records kept throughout the spring passages of 1967–70 and the autumn passages of 1967–69. In early spring most visible passage is noted in the afternoons, whereas radar observations by Houghton (1970) indicate passage in the mornings. Later in the year an additional burst of visible passage sometimes occurs in the early morning, but it is concluded that most morning movements take place above visible range. Visible migration is recorded on most days of westerly wind during the migration seasons at Gibraltar. Passage is rarely seen when the winds are easterly. It is argued that under the latter conditions a strong upcurrent of air (standing wave) is formed over Gibraltar, and that this carries nearly all migrants above visible range.
Observations of visible passage elsewhere in the Straits suggest that, in spring, raptors of all species cross on a broad front from Tangier to Ceuta, except Honey Buzzards, which probably cross chiefly near Ceuta. In autumn, all species from northern Europe cross chiefly between Tarifa and to the east of Gibraltar, while birds from western Iberia probably cross mainly near Tarifa.
The periods of passage of the common migrant species are summarised.
On the basis of visual observations and published radar results, it is argued that raptors can compensate for lateral drift by the wind and so fly on chosen courses; but that in very strong cross-winds, e.g. the easterly Levanters, they may have to let themselves be drifted off-course.  相似文献   

BENT OTTO POULSEN 《Ibis》1996,138(3):466-470
The frequency of mixed-species flocks of birds, weather and insect activity were studied in a high-altitude cloud forest in Ecuador. It is generally accepted that participation in mixed-species flocks improves foraging efficiency. If this is true, more flock activity may be expected when food is less available, which may happen during long-lasting periods of rain and otherwise adverse weather conditions. The total number and mean size of flying insects decreased as rainfall increased. The number of flocks observed increased with decreasing number and biomass of insects. Relatively more flocks were seen during rain than during dry weather. No flocks stopped foraging during rain. The flock activity pattern appeared to be the opposite of that found in humid lowlands, probably because of different weather regimes in the two zones. In the lowlands, heavy rain is typically of short duration. In high-altitude cloud forest, the rainfall is often less intense but persists for prolonged periods. Hence, from an energy point of view, cloud forest birds cannot afford to stop foraging during adverse weather conditions when insect availability is low. The results suggest that some mixed feeding parties have evolved in response to low tropical insect availability, necessitating long feeding excursions outside the territory.  相似文献   

The analysis of prey DNA in faeces is a non-invasive approach to examine the diet of birds. However, it is poorly known how gut transition time, environmental factors and laboratory treatments such as storage conditions or DNA extraction procedures affect the detection success of prey DNA. Here, we examined several of these factors using faeces from carrion crows fed with insect larvae. Faeces produced between 30 min and 4 h post-feeding tested positive for insect DNA, representing the gut transition time. Prey detection was not only possible in fresh but also in 5-day-old faeces. The type of surface the faeces were placed on for these 5 days, however, affected prey DNA detection success: samples placed on soil provided the lowest rate of positives compared to faeces left on leaves, on branches and within plastic tubes. Exposing faeces to sunlight and rain significantly lowered prey DNA detection rates (17% and 68% positives in exposed and protected samples, respectively). Storing faeces in ethanol or in the freezer did not affect molecular prey detection. Extracting DNA directly from larger pieces of faecal pellets resulted in significantly higher prey detection rates than when using small amounts of homogenized faeces. A cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide-based DNA extraction protocol yielded significantly higher DNA detection rates (60%) than three commercial kits, however, for small amounts of homogenized faeces only. Our results suggest that collecting faeces from smooth, clean and non-absorbing surfaces, protected from sunlight and rain, improves DNA detection success in avian faeces.  相似文献   

Whereas humans and certain birds experience an abrupt change in locomotor dynamics when shifting from walks to runs, a smooth walk–run transition characterizes many ground-dwelling birds. This study defines the biomechanical distinction between walks and runs in the Elegant-crested Tinamou Eudromia elegans using ground reaction forces. Three birds were filmed at 250 Hz from a lateral view as they moved over a force plate built into a trackway. Centre of mass mechanics and kinematic variables were analysed in 81 steady-speed trials that represented a speed range from 0.66 to 2.78 m/s. E. elegans undergoes two speed-related changes in locomotor mechanics. The first is a shift from walking strides that utilize vaulting mechanics to low-speed runs that exhibit bouncing mechanics; this transition occurs at Froude numbers between 0.4 and 0.6. Such low-speed runs exhibit duty factors exceeding 0.5 and, hence, lack an aerial phase between steps. The second transition, from grounded running to aerial running, occurs when duty factors decrease below 0.5. Grounded running in birds may enhance vision by stabilizing visual stimuli over the retina. The eventual incorporation of an aerial phase during running enables increased locomotor speeds primarily through longer stride lengths.  相似文献   

In altricial birds, the great effort involved in supplying food to nestlings can create trade‐offs in the allocation of resources between the current brood and parental self‐maintenance. In poor foraging conditions, parents have to adjust their energy expenditure in relation to the increased foraging costs. However, intra‐specific variation in parental energy expenditure has rarely been evaluated in the context of these trade‐offs. Here, we quantified the daily energy expenditure (DEE) of parent Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica during the nestling period in relation to foraging conditions while controlling for differences in brood size and nestling age. DEE varied substantially with environmental conditions, increasing by 10 kJ/day per 5 °C in ambient temperature, and by 11 kJ/day per hour in day length. Parent birds did not compensate for a poor aerial insect supply on cool days, but reduced their DEE. Parents only slightly buffered a negative energy balance during chick provisioning with stored body reserves. They did not sacrifice their own energy demands to keep up a high energy flow to the brood when foraging conditions were poor. Instead they worked harder when foraging conditions allowed a surplus intake, fully compensating for their additional efforts, and made maximum use of the rich food supply, allowing the brood to accrue body reserves to compensate for low food intake on cold days. This strategy of energy management may have evolved in the context of the adaptation to the aerial foraging mode and to the ephemeral nature of aerial food resources.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic changes in diet and jaw gape were compared between two indigenous populations of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, to test the hypothesis that ecomorphology varies among broadly distributed fish populations. Two hundred seventy-two temperate (southwestern Michigan) M. salmoides and 265 subtropical (east-central Florida) conspecifics were analyzed for food habits and oral jaw gape height and width. Percent volumetric contributions of four functional prey categories (plankton, insect, crustacean, and fish) were compared among fish-size classes to determine if interval-specific differences in prey consumption existed between populations. Subtropical M. salmoides shifted from feeding on plankton and macroinvertebrates to fish by 20mm standard length (SL); and stopped consuming plankton by 29mm SL. Temperate largemouth bass did not become piscivorous until 37mm SL and continued utilizing plankton up to 69mm SL. Following the onset of piscivory, 100–260mm SL subtropical largemouth bass began utilizing more crustaceans than fish. In contrast, temperate M. salmoides consistently fed on fish following the onset of piscivory. Variations in food habits were associated with differences in gape size between temperate and subtropical populations. Temperate largemouth bass had significantly larger gape height (ANCOVA: F = 103.4; df = 1,536; p < 0.001) and width (ANCOVA: F = 47.0; df = 1,536; p < 0.001) than subtropical bass. Although piscivory is a well-known feature of M. salmoides, the ontogeny of piscivory may vary between populations. We hypothesize that interpopulation differences in jaw gape may be related to variations in prey-resource utilization.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that many species of insectivorous bats are nocturnal, despite the relatively low availability of their insect prey at night, because of the risk of predation by diurnal predatory birds. We hypothesised that if this was the case bats living above the arctic circle would alter their feeding behaviour during midsummer because there would no longer be any benefit to restricting their activity to the period when their prey are least abundant. Alternatively, if bats were more influenced by competition from aerial insectivorous birds they would continue to feed at 'night' to avoid such competition. In northern Norway (69°  N), during continuous midsummer daylight, insectivorous sand martins ( Riparia riparia ) concentrated their aerial feeding activity when aerial insects were most abundant. The birds stopped feeding between 23:00 and 07:00 when aerial insects were least abundant. In contrast, northern bats ( Eptesicus nilssonii ), fed mostly between 22:00 and 02:00, coinciding with the lowest aerial insect availability, and with the period when light levels were lowest (ca 1000 lux). Bat activity patterns were closest to those predicted by the avian competition hypothesis. The low densities of both sand martins and Northern bats in the study area, however, were less consistent with this hypothesis. Possibly populations of both species were higher historically and the observed patterns reflected historical competition. Bat activity was most closely correlated to ambient light levels. This raised two alternative explanations that we could not eliminate. Perhaps there was differential predation risk, between the brightest and darkest parts of the day, because the visual capacities of falcons are strongly dependent on luminance. Alternatively the bats may have been entrained to emerge at given light levels by their behaviour at other times of year.  相似文献   

The acoustic structure of echolocation pulses emitted by Japanese pipistrellePipistrellus abramus (Temminck, 1840) bats during different phases of aerial hawking is described here for the first time. Behavioural observations of the foraging flight in conjunction with acoustical analysis of echolocation pulses indicated a flight path consisting of four distinct phases following the reconnaissance or search phase. Short (∼4.68 ms) and relatively broadband frequencymodulated (FM) pulses (∼23.55 kHz bandwidth) were emitted at a repetition rate of 15 Hz during presumed target approach. Presumed insect capture consisted of an early and a late buzz phase. Both buzz types were emitted at high repetition rates (111 Hz in early to 222 Hz in late) and consisted of very short, broadband FM pulses (1.26 ms in early to 0.3 ms in late). There was also a characteristically sharp drop in both the peak and terminal frequencies of each echolocation pulse during the transition from early to late buzz. No pulses were recorded during the final phase of foraging referred to as a “post-buzz pause”. Thus the foraging behaviour of this species consisted of five sequential phases involving four broad types of echolocation pulses.  相似文献   

A summary of current research on Lake Kariba is given. Lake Kariba is now a phosphorus limited oligotrophic lake, dependent on annual nutrient input for the maintenance of production. Nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria has become an important source of nitrogen in the dry season and that fish harvesting is an important phosphorus sink. An up to date plankton composition list has been produced and plankton biomass determined. Diving studies indicate large biomass of bivalves. The aquatic vegetation displays both longitudinal as well as depth gradients, related to light regimes. Only preliminary data are available on mud/water interactions, but the available data indicate considerable fluxes in the river mouth stations and shallow protected littoral areas. The role of predatory birds and crocodiles in the fishery economy of the lake is evaluated and indicates no major conflict between these predators and human fishing interests. The research also draws attention to pesticides in Lake Kariba as indicated by work on fish eating birds and crocodile research. Since the publication of ‘Lake Kariba’ by Balon & Coche (1975) the research project, THE ECOLOGY OF LAKE KARIBA, being undertaken by the University Lake Kariba Research Station constitutes the first multidisciplinary study of the lake, 30 years after the Zambezi river was impounded at Kariba Gorge. It could have offered a unique opportunity of comparing the lake now with what it was soon after impoundment.  相似文献   

An analysis of 79 underwater photographs of Manta birostris gathered over a period of nine years in a marine protected area in southeastern Brazil suggests a high predictability of manta ray occurrences in the region during the austral winter (June–September). The reasons for this are probably related to the seasonal oceanographic conditions, as characterized by the presence of a coastal front at the study site in winter and consequent plankton enrichment, which provides a feeding opportunity for manta rays. In addition, a melanistic individual in the Atlantic Ocean that is similar in color to the Pacific Ocean’s “black manta” is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Adult braconid wasps (Bracon sp.) emerged from the droppings of frugivorous birds (Turdus blackbirds and thrushes) collected in a rural environment in southern Europe. It was thus demonstrated for the first time that an insect parasitoid of a fruit‐infesting insect (lepidopteran tortricid) can survive bird ingestion and gut passage inside a seed (privet Ligustrum vulgare), constituting a case of an evolutionary tetrad.  相似文献   

Giffard B  Corcket E  Barbaro L  Jactel H 《Oecologia》2012,168(2):415-424
According to the associational resistance hypothesis, neighbouring plants are expected to influence both the insect herbivore communities and their natural enemies. However, this has rarely been tested for the effects of canopy trees on herbivory of seedlings. One possible mechanism responsible for associational resistance is the indirect impact of natural enemies on insect herbivory, such as insectivorous birds. But it remains unclear to what extent such trophic cascades are influenced by the composition of plant associations (i.e. identity of ‘associated’ plants). Here, we compared the effect of bird exclusion on insect leaf damage for seedlings of three broadleaved tree species in three different forest habitats. Exclusion of insectivorous birds affected insect herbivory in a species-specific manner: leaf damage increased on Betula pendula seedlings whereas bird exclusion had no effect for two oaks (Quercus robur and Q. ilex). Forest habitat influenced both the extent of insect herbivory and the effect of bird exclusion. Broadleaved seedlings had lower overall leaf damage within pine plantations than within broadleaved stands, consistent with the resource concentration hypothesis. The indirect effect of bird exclusion on leaf damage was only significant in pine plantations, but not in exotic and native broadleaved woodlands. Our results support the enemies hypothesis, which predicts that the effects of insectivorous birds on insect herbivory on seedlings are greater beneath non-congeneric canopy trees. Although bird species richness and abundance were greater in broadleaved woodlands, birds were unable to regulate insect herbivory on seedlings in forests of more closely related tree species.  相似文献   

Haury et al., (Deep Sea Res., 37, 447–461, 1990) describedhow turbulence and vertical shear generated by the passage ofa storm affected the vertical distributions and community structureof plankton in Monterey Bay, CA. The data presented came froma larger set of five plankton recorder collections of zooplankton,taken together with temperature, salinity, turbulent kineticenergy dissipation rate, and vertical current shear data onthe research submarine Dolphin. Here we report on the analysisof the whole data set, which represents a wide range of physicaldynamic conditions. While the overall community structure remainedrelatively constant over the sampling period, the relationshipsbetween taxonomic categories and between categories and thephysical dynamics were complex and variable; factors relatedto depth were the most important. During periods of weak winds(low kinetic energy conditions) some of the biological variabilityappeared to be related to the level of turbulent dissipation.Other relationships were not detected due to the limitationsof the plankton sampler and its interactions with the highlyvariable biological and physical conditions. In view of thesedifficulties, we recommend that future field investigationsof the relationships between physical parameters and zooplanktondistributions make greater use of acoustic and other remote-sensingtechnologies, preferably in combination with numerical simulationstudies to help guide and interpret the field work.  相似文献   

With the popularity of wind energy increasing globally, concerns surfaced in the 1980s as to the potential adverse effects of wind turbines on migrating birds. Understanding how weather conditions influence passage rates can help determine the potential for increased avian–turbine collisions. Using vertical and horizontal mounted marine radars, raptor stand watch observations, and portable handheld weather stations, we studied how temperature, cloud cover, barometric pressure, wind direction, and wind speed affected avian passage rates and height of migrants over 3 ridges (Wartenbe, North Dokie, and South Dokie) being developed for wind energy in northern British Columbia. Using an Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC), we determined that a reduced model combining wind speed, barometric pressure, and cloud cover was best at explaining and predicting higher passage rates (expressed as no. birds/hr) in the fall migration for both diurnal and nocturnal migrants. Wind speed proved the most important predictor of passage rates for spring nocturnal migrants and a combination of cloud cover, temperature, and wind direction for diurnal spring migrants. Wind speed also predicted decreases in flight altitude among nocturnal migrants but increased altitude in diurnal migrants. This information coupled with migration timing and topographical areas of higher migrant activity can be useful to wind energy proponents who wish to mitigate collision risk with migrating birds. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The oligotrophic alpine lake Mondsee belonging to the system of eight lakes in the Salzkammergut region in Austria represented during our investigation the plankton distribution model in those parts of water areas that are situated in front of the estuaries of intensely eutrophicated mountain inflow torrents, such as Wangauer Ache and Fuschler Ache. Simultaneously with water sampling, measurements by drift floats were made to detect the water inflow direction and speed at several depths down to the bottom. The results have shown that horizontal as well as vertical plankton movement is an efficient biotracer for water flow parameters. Samples were collected in a “chessboard” way and also vertically at 5 m distances. Zoo-, phyto- and bacterioplankton were evaluated.  相似文献   

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