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Incubation of myelin purified from rat spinal cord with CaCl2 (1-5 mM) in 10-50 mM Tris-HCl buffer at pH 7.6 containing 2 mM dithiothreitol resulted in the loss of both the large and small myelin basic proteins (MBPs), whereas incubation of myelin with Triton X-100 (0.25-0.5%) and 5 mM EGTA in the absence of calcium produced preferential extensive loss of proteolipid protein (PLP) relative to MBP. Inclusion of CaCl2 but not EGTA in the medium containing Triton X-100 enhanced degradation of both PLP and MBPs. The Ca2+-activated neutral proteinase (CANP) activity is inhibited by EGTA (5 mM) and partially inhibited by leupeptin and/or E-64c. CANP is active at pH 5.5-9.0, with the optimum at 7-8. The threshold of Ca2+ activation is approximately 100 microM. The 150K neurofilament protein (NFP) was progressively degraded when incubated with purified myelin in the presence of Ca2+. These results indicate that purified myelin is associated with and/or contains a CANP whose substrates include MBP, PLP, and 150K NFP. The degradation of PLP (trypsin-resistant) in the presence of detergent suggests either release of enzyme from membrane and/or structural alteration in the protein molecule rendering it accessible to proteolysis. The myelin-associated CANP may be important not only in the turnover of myelin proteins but also in myelin breakdown in brain diseases.  相似文献   

The relationship between intrasynaptosomal total (CaT) and free ([Ca2+]i) calcium and 45Ca accumulation was studied under physiological and K(+)-depolarised conditions in rat cortical synaptosomes. Under physiological conditions, CaT (10.7 mM) was approximately 10,000 times higher than [Ca2+]i (118 nM), showing that there is a large reservoir of sequestered calcium in synaptosomes. 45Ca accumulation was rapid (initial rate, 3.4 nmol/mg protein/min), substantial (7 nmol/mg protein in 2 min), and depolarisation dependent, and reached equilibrium after 5 min. At equilibrium, only 10% of CaT was freely exchangeable. This pool was much larger than the free Ca2+ pool. CaT, [Ca2+]i, and 45Ca accumulations were directly related to the Ca2+ concentration in the buffer, suggesting that [Ca2+]i is not highly conserved but is maintained by simple equilibria between the various pools. Clonidine reduced 45Ca accumulation in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Maximum inhibition (40% at 100 microM) occurred at 2 min and the IC50 was 80 nM. The reduction caused by clonidine (1 microM) reached equilibrium after 5 min, but this equilibrium value was lower than in controls, suggesting that clonidine changes the exchangeable Ca2+ pool size. The effects of clonidine (1 microM) on [Ca2+]i (26% reduction) and on 45Ca accumulation (24% reduction) were most apparent under physiological conditions. However, while it was not dependent on depolarisation, it did not occur in physiological buffer containing low K+ concentration (0.1-1 mM). The inhibitory effect of clonidine on 45Ca accumulation is receptor mediated as it was antagonised by idazoxan (1 microM).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mg2+- or Ca2+-Activated ATPase in Squid Giant Fiber Axoplasm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A divalent cation-activated ATPase in axoplasm from the squid giant axon is described. The enzyme requires Mg2+ or Ca2+, has a K+ optimum of 60 mM, and has a pH optimum of 7.5. Several nucleotide triphosphates other than ATP can serve as substrates. The enzyme is inhibited by excess ATP or Mg2+. The enzyme is enriched in a rapidly sedimenting fraction of the axoplasm, and is eluted in the exclusion volume of a Sepharose 4B column, suggesting that it is associated with a highly aggregated structure. Comparison of the properties of enzyme with those of myosin and Na+-K+-ATPase suggests that differs from both of these enzymes. The enzyme has many similarities to vertebrate nerve ATPases previously described. The demonstration of the presence of this ATPase in squid axoplasm proves the neuronal localization of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract: Purified rat brain Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM-kinase II) is stimulated by brain gangliosides to a level of about 30% the activity obtained in the presence of Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM). Of the various gangliosides tested, GT1b was the most potent, giving half-maximal activation at 25 μ M . Gangliosides GD1a and GM1 also gave activation, but asialo-GM1 was without effect. Activation was rapid and did not require calcium. The same gangliosides also stimulated the autophosphorylation of CaM-kinase II on serine residues, but did not produce the Ca2+-independent form of the kinase. Ganglioside stimulation of CaM-kinase II was also present in rat brain synaptic membrane fractions. Higher concentrations (125-250 μ M ) of GT1b, GD1a, and GM1 also inhibited CaM-kinase II activity. This inhibition appears to be substrate-directed, as the extent of inhibition is very dependent on the substrate used. The molecular mechanism of the stimulatory effect of gangliosides was further investigated using a synthetic peptide (CaMK 281-309), which contains the CaM-binding, inhibitory, and autophosphorylation domains of CaM-kinase II. Using purified brain CaM-kinase II in which these regulatory domains were removed by limited proteolysis, CaMK 281-309 strongly inhibited kinase activity (IC50=0.2 μ M ). GT1b completely reversed this inhibition, but did not stimulate phosphorylation of the peptide on threonine-286. These results demonstrate that GT1b can partially mimic the effects of Ca2+/CaM on native CaM-kinase II and on peptide CaMK 281-309.  相似文献   

Abstract: The ability of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport to limit the elevation in free cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration in neurones following an imposed Ca2+ load is reexamined. Cultured cerebellar granule cells were monitored by digital fura-2 imaging. Following KCI depolarization, addition of the protonophore carbonylcyanide m -chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) to depolarize mitochondria released a pool of Ca2+ into the cytoplasm in both somata and neurites. No CCCP-releasable pool was found in nondepolarized cells. Although the KCI-evoked somatic and neurite Ca2+ concentration elevations were enhanced when CCCP was present during KCI depolarization, this was associated with a collapsed ATP/ADP ratio. In the presence of the ATP synthase inhibitor oligomycin, glycolysis maintained high ATP/ADP ratios for at least 10 min. The further addition of the mitochondrial complex I inhibitor rotenone led to a collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential, monitored by rhodamine-123, but had no effect on ATP/ADP ratios. In the presence of rotenone/oligomycin, no CCCP-releasable pool was found subsequent to KCI depolarization, consistent with the abolition of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport; however, paradoxically the KCI-evoked Ca2+ elevation is decreased. It is concluded that the CCCP-induced increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ response to KCI is due to inhibition of nonmitochondrial ATP-dependent transport and that mitochondrial Ca2+ transport enhances entry of Ca2+, perhaps by removing the cation from cytoplasmic sites responsible for feedback inhibition of voltage-activated Ca2+ channel activity.  相似文献   

Rat sciatic nerve segments were incubated in five different media. Disappearance of neurofilament (NF) triplet proteins (200K, 160K, and 68K MW) occurred in medium containing Ca2+ and was inhibited by the addition of E-64-c or leupeptin. Therefore, the presence in the peripheral nerve of an enzyme whose properties are similar to those of Ca2+-activated neutral protease (CANP) is suggested. The extraction of crude CANP from rat sciatic nerve was performed. CANP activity was completely recovered (0.129 ± 0.008 U/g) in the precipitate salted out by the addition of 0 to 50% saturated ammonium sulfate to the soluble fraction of the peripheral nerve (crude CANP). Properties of the crude CANP were examined using NF as a substrate and were found to be similar to those of the CANP extracted from skeletal muscle. Identification of the crude CANP with the CANP extracted from rat skeletal muscle was performed using the immunoreplica method. Bands corresponding to 73K were detected in both CANPs.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ca2+ ions trigger the release of hormones and neurotransmitters and contribute to making the secretory vesicles competent for fusion. Here, we present evidence for the involvement of the GTP-binding protein Rab3a in the sensitivity of the exocytotic process to internal [Ca2+]. The secretory activity of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells was elicited by Ca2+ dialysis through a patch-clamp pipette and assayed by monitoring changes in cell membrane capacitance. Microinjection of antisense oligonucleotides directed to rab3a mRNA increased the secretory activity observed at low (0.2–4 µ M ) [Ca2+], but did not change the maximal activity observed at 10 µ M free [Ca2+]. Moreover, after a train of depolarizing stimuli, the secretory activity of antisense-injected cells dialyzed with 10 µ M [Ca2+] was increased significantly compared with that of control cells. This result suggests that the activity of either Rab3a or its partners might change upon stimulation. We conclude that Rab3a, together with its partners, participates in the Ca2+ dependence of exocytosis and that its activity is modulated further in a stimulus-dependent manner. These findings should provide some clues to elucidate the role of Rab3a in synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Abstract: Increasing extracellular pH from 7.4 to 8.5 caused a dramatic increase in the time required to recover from a glutamate (3 µ M , for 15 s)-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in indo-1-loaded cultured cortical neurons. Recovery time in pH 7.4 HEPES-buffered saline solution (HBSS) was 126 ± 30 s, whereas recovery time was 216 ± 19 s when the pH was increased to 8.5. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ did not inhibit the prolongation of recovery caused by increasing pH. Extracellular alkalinization caused rapid intracellular alkalinization following glutamate exposure, suggesting that pH 8.5 HBSS may delay Ca2+ recovery by affecting intraneuronal Ca2+ buffering mechanisms, rather than an exclusively extracellular effect. The effect of pH 8.5 HBSS on Ca2+ recovery was similar to the effect of the mitochondrial uncoupler carbonyl cyanide p -(trifluoromethoxyphenyl)hydrazone (FCCP; 750 n M ). However, pH 8.5 HBSS did not have a quantitative effect on mitochondrial membrane potential comparable to that of FCCP in neurons loaded with a potential-sensitive fluorescent indicator, 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolocarbocyanine iodide (JC-1). We found that the effect of pH 8.5 HBSS on Ca2+ recovery was completely inhibited by the mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchange inhibitor CGP-37157 (25 µ M ). This suggests that increased mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux via the mitochondrial Na2+/Ca2+ exchanger is responsible for the prolongation of [Ca2+]i recovery caused by alkaline pH following glutamate exposure.  相似文献   

Exposure of chromaffin cells to digitonin causes the loss of many cytosolic proteins. Here we report that scinderin (a Ca(2+)-dependent actin-filament-severing protein), but not gelsolin, is among the proteins that leak out from digitonin-permeabilized cells. Chromaffin cells that were exposed to increasing concentrations (15-40 microM) of digitonin for 5 min released scinderin into the medium. One-minute treatment with 20 microM digitonin was enough to detect scinderin in the medium, and scinderin leakage levelled off after 10 min of permeabilization. Elevation of free Ca2+ concentration in the permeabilizing medium produced a dose-dependent retention of scinderin. Results were confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy of digitonin-permeabilized cells. Subcellular fractionation of permeabilized cells showed that scinderin leakage was mainly from the cytoplasm (80%); the remaining scinderin (20%) was from the microsomal fraction. Other Ca(2+)-binding proteins released by digitonin and also retained by Ca2+ were calmodulin, protein kinase C, and calcineurins A and B. Scinderin leakage was parallel to the loss of the chromaffin cell secretory response. Permeabilization in the presence of increasing free Ca2+ concentrations produced a concomitant enhancement in the subsequent Ca(2+)-dependent catecholamine release. The experiments suggest that: (1) scinderin is an intracellular target for Ca2+, (2) permeabilization of chromaffin cells with digitonin in the presence of micromolar Ca2+ concentrations retained Ca(2+)-binding proteins including scinderin, and (3) the retention of these proteins may be related to the increase in the subsequent Ca(2+)-dependent catecholamine release observed in permeabilized chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity stimulated by Ca2+ or Mg2+ was characterized in spinal nerve and spinal sensory ganglion of bullfrog. Enzyme activity of homogenates from both sources reached a maximum at a 1-2 mM concentration of either cation, although the level of maximal activity in nerve trunks was approximately twice that in ganglia. Enzyme activation was not observed with 2 mM-Sr2+ or Ba2+. Co2+ or Mn2+, at 2 mM, depressed Ca2+ activation of the enzyme by 50-60% in nerve but had no inhibitory effect on ganglia activity. In intact spinal ganglion/spinal nerve preparations, incubated for 20 h in medium containing 0.2 mM-Co2+, no effect was detected on Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase activity in ganglia or nerve trunks whereas fast axonal transport was inhibited by 80%. Incubation in medium containing 0.02 mM-Hg2+ depressed enzyme activity in ganglia by 64% and in nerve trunks by 44%, whereas fast transport was again inhibited by 80%. When only nerve trunks were exposed to these ions, Hg2+ but not Co2+ was observed to slow the rate of fast axonal transport. The divalent cation specificity of the Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase activity is distinct from the ion specificities, determined in previous work, of the Ca2+ requirement during initiation of fast axonal transport in the soma, and of the Ca2+ requirement during translocation in the axon. Thus, previous observations of Ca2+-dependent events in fast axonal transport cannot be taken per se to suggest the involvement of Ca2+/Mg+ ATPase in the transport process.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this study we demonstrate that Drosophila calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is capable of complex regulation by autophosphorylation of the three threonines within its regulatory domain. Specifically, we show that autophosphorylation of threonine-287 in Drosophila CaMKII is equivalent to phosphorylation of threonine-286 in rat α CaMKII both in its ability to confer calcium independence on the enzyme and in the mechanistic details of how it becomes phosphorylated. Autophosphorylation of this residue occurs only within the holoenzyme structure and requires calmodulin (CaM) to be bound to the substrate subunit. Phosphorylation of threonine-306 and threonine-307 in the CaM binding domain of the Drosophila kinase occurs only in the absence of CaM, and this phosphorylation is capable of inhibiting further CaM binding. Additionally, our findings suggest that phosphorylation of threonine-306 and threonine-307 does not mimic bound CaM to alleviate the requirement for CaM binding to the substrate subunit for intermolecular threonine-287 phosphorylation. These results demonstrate that the mechanism of regulatory autophosphorylation of this kinase predates the split between invertebrates and vertebrates.  相似文献   

Electrophorus electroplax microsomes were examined for Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity. In addition to the previously reported low-affinity ATPase, a high-affinity (Ca2+,Mg2+)-ATPase was found. At low ATP and Mg2+ concentrations (200 microM or less), the high-affinity (Ca2+,Mg2+)-ATPase exhibits an activity of 18 nmol Pi mg-1 min-1 with 0.58 microM Ca2+. At higher ATP concentrations (3 mM), the low-affinity Ca2+-ATPase predominates, with an activity of 28 nmol Pi mg-1 min-1 with 1 mM Ca2+. In addition, Mg2+ can also activate the low-affinity ATPase (18 nmol Pi mg-1 min-1). The high-affinity ATPase hydrolyzes ATP at a greater rate than it does GTP, ITP, or UTP and is insensitive to ouabain, oligomycin, or dicyclohexylcarbodiimide inhibition. The high-affinity enzyme is inhibited by vanadate, trifluoperazine, and N-ethylmaleimide. Added calmodulin does not significantly stimulate enzyme activity; rinsing the microsomes with EGTA does not confer calmodulin sensitivity. Thus the high-affinity ATPase from electroplax microsomes is similar to the (Ca2+,Mg2+)-ATPase reported to be associated with Ca2+ transport, based on its affinity for calcium and its response to inhibitors. The low-affinity enzyme hydrolyzes all tested nucleoside triphosphates, as well as diphosphates, but not AMP. Vanadate and N-ethylmaleimide do not inhibit the low-affinity enzymes. The low-affinity enzyme reflects a nonspecific nucleoside triphosphatase, probably an ectoenzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract: The uptake of Ca2+ by a K+-depolarized rat brain cerebral cortical crude synaptosomal preparation (P2 fraction) was investigated. The characteristics of the Ca2+ uptake system are similar to those observed by other investigators. The preparation is also a suitable model with which to study the effects of adenosine on Ca2+ uptake and neurotransmitter release, as it is generally accepted that K+-evoked Ca2+ uptake is intimately related to depolarization-induced release of neurotransmitters. We have demonstrated that an extracellular receptor is involved in mediating the adenosine-evoked inhibition of K+-evoked Ca2+ uptake. The pharmacological properties of the receptor suggest that it may be similar in some respects to the A2-receptor associated with adenylate cyclase. The adenosine uptake inhibitor, dipyridamole, potentiated the action of adenosine, suggesting that re-uptake is important in controlling the extracellular adenosine concentration and thus in the regulation of the adenosine receptor. The adenosine receptor antagonist theophylline inhibited the effects of adenosine. Calmodulin inhibited K+- evoked uptake of Ca2+ by the synaptosomal fraction.  相似文献   

Abstract: The involvement of B-50, protein kinase C (PKC), and PKC-mediated B-50 phosphorylation in the mechanism of Ca2+-induced noradrenaline (NA) release was studied in highly purified rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes permeated with streptolysin-O. Under optimal permeation conditions, 12% of the total NA content (8.9 pmol of NA/mg of synaptosomal protein) was released in a largely (>60%) ATP-dependent manner as a result of an elevation of the free Ca2+ concentration from 10?8 to 10?5M Ca2+ The Ca2+ sensitivity in the micromolar range is identical for [3H]NA and endogenous NA release, indicating that Ca2+-induced [3H]NA release originates from vesicular pools in noradrenergic synaptosomes. Ca2+-induced NA release was inhibited by either N- or C-terminal-directed anti-B-50 antibodies, confirming a role of B-50 in the process of exocytosis. In addition, both anti-B-50 antibodies inhibited PKC-mediated B-50 phosphorylation with a similar difference in inhibitory potency as observed for NA release. However, in a number of experiments, evidence was obtained challenging a direct role of PKC and PKC-mediated B-50 phosphorylation in Ca2+-induced NA release. PKC pseudosubstrate PKC19-36, which inhibited B-50 phosphorylation (IC50 value, 10?5M), failed to inhibit Ca2+-induced NA release, even when added before the Ca2+ trigger. Similar results were obtained with PKC inhibitor H-7, whereas polymyxin B inhibited B-50 phosphorylation as well as Ca2+-induced NA release. Concerning the Ca2+ sensitivity, we demonstrate that PKC-mediated B-50 phosphorylation is initiated at a slightly higher Ca2+ concentration than NA release. Moreover, phorbol ester-induced PKC down-regulation was not paralleled by a decrease in Ca2+-induced NA release from streptolysin-O-permeated synaptosomes. Finally, the Ca2+- and phorbol ester-induced NA release was found to be additive, suggesting that they stimulate release through different mechanisms. In summary, we show that B-50 is involved in Ca2+-induced NA release from streptolysin-O-permeated synaptosomes. Evidence is presented challenging a role of PKC-mediated B-50 phosphorylation in the mechanism of NA exocytosis after Ca2+ influx. An involvement of PKC or PKC-mediated B-50 phosphorylation before the Ca2+ trigger is not ruled out. We suggest that the degree of B-50 phosphorylation, rather than its phosphorylation after PKC activation itself, is important in the molecular cascade after the Ca2+ influx resulting in exocytosis of NA.  相似文献   

Synaptoneurosomes obtained from the cortex of rat brain prelabeled with [14C]arachidonic acid [( 14C]AA) were used as a source of substrate and enzyme in studies on the regulation of AA release. A significant amount of AA is liberated in the presence of 2 mM EGTA, independently of Ca2+, primarily from phosphatidic acid and polyphosphoinositides (poly-PI). Quinacrine, an inhibitor of phospholipase A2 (PLA2), suppressed AA release by about 60% and neomycin, a putative inhibitor of phospholipase C (PLC), reduced AA release by about 30%. An additive effect was exhibited when both inhibitors were given together. Ca2+ activated AA release. The level of Ca2+ present in the synaptoneurosomal preparation (endogenous level) and 5 microM CaCl2 enhance AA liberation by approximately 25%, whereas 2 mM CaCl2 resulted in a 50% increase in AA release relative to EGTA. The source for Ca(2+)-dependent AA release is predominantly phosphatidylinositol (PI); however, a small pool may also be liberated from neutral lipids. Carbachol, an agonist of the cholinergic receptor, stimulated Ca(2+)-dependent AA release by about 17%. Bradykinin enhanced the effect of carbachol by about 10-15%. This agonist-mediated AA release occurs specifically from phosphoinositides (PI + poly-PI). Quinacrine almost completely suppresses calcium-and carbachol-mediated AA release. Neomycin inhibits this process by about 30% and totally suppresses the effect of bradykinin. Our results indicate that both phospholipases PLA2 and PLC with subsequent action of DAG lipase are responsible for Ca(2+)-independent AA release. Ca(2+)-dependent and carbachol-mediated AA liberation occurs mainly as the result of PLA2 action. A small pool of AA is probably also released by PLC, which seems to be exclusively responsible for the effect of bradykinin.  相似文献   

45Ca2+ uptake and cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations [( Ca2+]i) were measured in synaptosomes prepared from the cerebral cortex of 3-, 16-, and 24-month-old male Charles River Wistar rats. Electron-microscopic examination demonstrated no morphological differences between the synaptosomes prepared from 3- and 24-month-old rats. The fast phase of Ca2+ uptake was reduced in the 24-month-old animals as compared to the 3-month-old ones (-23%, p less than 0.001), whereas no difference was found between the 16- and the 3-month-old rats. Age did not modify [Ca2+]i, as measured by the quin 2 technique, both at rest and immediately after depolarization with 50 mM K+. The Ca2+ load following depolarization was cleared in about 13 min in the 3-month-old rats. The rate of clearance was significantly slower both in the 16- (p less than 0.01) and in the 24-month-old rats (p less than 0.0001). The addition of verapamil (60 microM) after depolarization restored [Ca2+]i to resting level in aged rats at the same rate as in young rats. A prolonged Ca2+ influx, therefore, may be responsible for the slower clearance of Ca2+ load in aged rats.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of the divalent cations Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, and Cd2+ were studied on γ-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) responses in rat cerebral cortical synaptoneurosomes. The divalent cations produced bidirectional modulation of muscimol-induced 36Cl? uptake consistent with their ability to permeate and block Ca2+channels. The order of potency for inhibition of muscimol responses was Ca2+ > Sr2+ > Ba2+, similar to the order for permeation of Ca2+ channels in neurons. The order of potency for enhancement of muscimol responses was Cd2+> Mn2+ > Mg2+, similar to the order for blockade of Ca2+channels in neurons. Neither Ca2+ nor Mg2+ caused accumulation of GABA in the extravesicular space due to increased GABA release or decreased reuptake of GABA by the synaptoneurosomes. The inhibition of muscimol responses by Ca2+ was most likely via an intracellular site of action because additional inhibition could be obtained in the presence of the Ca2+ ionophore, A23187. This confirms electrophysiologic findings in cultured neurons from several species. In contrast, the effects of Cd2+, Mn2+, and Mg2+ may be mediated via blockade of Ca2+ channels or by intracellular sites, although the results of these studies do not distinguish between the two loci. The effects of Zn2+ were also studied, because this divalent cation is reported to have widely divergent effects on GABAA responses. In contrast to other studies, we demonstrate that Zn2+ inhibits GABAA responses in an adult neuronal preparation. Zn2+ produced a concentration-dependent inhibition (limited to 40%) of muscimol responses with an EC50 of 60 μM. The inhibition of muscimol-induced 38Cl? uptake by Zn2+ was noncompetitive. The effect of Zn2+was reduced in the presence of Mg2+ in a competitive or allosteric manner. The portion of GABAA receptors sensitive to Zn2+ may reflect a specific subunit composition in cerebral cortex as previously observed for recombinant GABAA receptors in several expression systems. The modulation of GABAA receptor function by Ca2+ and other divalent cations may play an important role in the development and/or attenuation of neuronal excitability associated with pathologic conditions such as seizure activity and cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

Abstract: The role of Ca2+ and Mn2+ in Rhodospirillum rubrum grown under different conditions with respect to nitrogen source has been studied. The results show that this phototroph does not have an absolute requirement for these cations. In vitro studies of one of the enzymes operative in the metabolic regulation of nitrogenase in Rsp. rubrum have shown that Mn2+ or Fe2+ is required for activity. This investigation indicates that Mn2+ is not required in vivo for the function of this enzyme, suggesting that either Fe2+ is functional or that the enzyme has other properties when active in the cell.  相似文献   

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