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Investigating molecular mechanism of illegitimate recombinations in prokaryote we study transducing bacteriophages of the lambda lac series. We have carried out physical mapping of bacteriophage lambda plac9 DNA and, by comparing the obtained results with the data on the structure of lambda DNA and lac operon of E. coli, located the phage-bacterial junction corresponding to the lambda-lac9 abnormal excision and elucidated the nucleotide sequence around the junction. It led to the primary structure of phage and bacterial segments in the lysogenic bacterium which took part in the recombinational act leading to the abnormal excision and lambda lac9 formation. Structural homology of the partners in the lambda plac9 excision proved to be lower than in case of the earlier studied lambda plac5 and lambda plac10 whose excision proceeded regioselectively. Various aspects of the crossover area, including the crossover point's probable position and enzymic systems participating in the abnormal excision, are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanism of the specialized transducing bacteriophage lambda plac5 formation has been studied. Phage-bacterial DNA junctions in lambda plac5 DNA are localized and primary structure of regions of the abnormal excisional recombination leading to the phage formation is elucidated; the crossover region proved to be comparable with the central part of attP and attB sites (the core and the adjacent tetranucleotide) in length and degree of homology. Bacterial insert in lambda plac5 DNA is shown to end immediately after Z-Y spacer, the DNA not containing lacY gene segments. The data obtained led to the conclusion of site-specific (homologous) character of abnormal excision upon formation of lambda transducing bacteriophages. Possible mechanisms of the excision are discussed.  相似文献   

In studying molecular mechanisms of the formation of transducing bacteriophages, we have elucidated the primary structure of the phage-bacterial DNA junction which resulted from the abnormal excision of the lambda plac10 phage. The process is structurally similar to the excision of the lambda plac5 phage and involves, in both cases, highly homological DNA stretches approximately 20 bp long, one of them being a part of the Z-Y spacer of the lac operon and possessing a developed secondary structure. The conception of regioselective recombination as a type of illegitimate recombinational process with a certain degree of site-specificity is suggested.  相似文献   

Lambda attB-attP is a derivative of bacteriophage lambda that contains both attB and attP, two sites required for integrative recombination. Lambda attB-attP can undergo int-mediated recombination to yield progeny phages whose DNA is 15% shorter than that of the parental phage. We have studied intracellular phage DNA from an infection of lysogenic bacteria with λattB-attP in the presence of int gene product, rifampicin and chloramphenicol. The majority of the intracellular phage DNA consisted of circles with lengths of 17.51, 15.09 and 2.38 μm. Partial denaturation mapping confirmed that the 15.09 and the 2.38-μm molecules arose by an int-mediated intramolecular recombination reaction of the type predicted by the Campbell (1962) model. A minor proportion of the circles (3%) were much larger (33.9, 30.2 and 4.7 μm); in these cases denaturation mapping indicated that both intra- and intermoleeular recombination could take place.  相似文献   

Recombination between F42lac and lambda plac5 is typically 20- to 50-fold more efficient than recombination between chromosomal lac and lambda plac5. This enhancement of recombination is recBCD-dependent and requires the expression of genes from the tra regulon of the F factor. Also required is oriT, the origin of F factor conjugational transfer, which must be located in-cis to the cellular copy of lac. In this study we show that enhanced recombination is not supported by an oriT point mutant that reduces oriT function in conjugation. We also present evidence that the activation of oriT for recombination enhancement involves the same strand-specific nick that is required for conjugal DNA transfer. Although it is thought that the role of oriT in recombination enhancement is related to the facilitated entry of RecBCD enzyme into the DNA duplex, we were unable to detect any double-strand breakage at oriT.  相似文献   

Negatively supertwisted closed circular DNA is the primary substrate for integrative recombination of phage λ DNA in vitro. Closed circular λ DNA without supertwists must be converted to the supertwisted form by the action of Escherichia coli DNA gyrase before efficient recombination can occur. When negatively supertwisted substrate is provided, E. coli DNA gyrase and its cofactors are dispensable components of recombination reaction mixtures. In the absence of DNA gyrase activity, circular DNA considerably less negatively twisted than naturally occurring supercoils is an effective substrate, but positively supertwisted DNA appears to be an ineffective substrate.The predominant products of integrative recombination in vitro are covalently closed circles. The closure of the recombined sites appears to occur without appreciable DNA synthesis and without the action of E. coli DNA ligase. No detectable difference can be observed between the degree of supertwisting of product DNA and that of unrecombined DNA. These facts suggest that the resealing of broken DNA strands is an integral part of the recombination reaction mechanism and is closely coupled with the breakage and realignment steps of recombination.  相似文献   

Integrative recombination of phage λ DNA occurs in extracts made from cells synthesizing int protein. In this paper we show that extracts of cells containing temperature-sensitive int protein are inactivated more rapidly by incubation at 38 °C than are wild-type extracts. This indicates that the int protein is directly involved in the recombination reaction.  相似文献   

In studying molecular mechanisms of specialised transduction, the lacI (E. coli)-Ea47 (lambda) DNA junction in transducing bacteriophage lambda plac 5 has been structurally elucidated, thus yielding the complete sequence of lambda plac 5 DNA including the lac5 substitution, a well-known segment of lambdoid vectors. The lambda plac5 DNA is shown to consist of 19368 bp (lambda left arm) + 3924 bp (lac5 substitution) + 25353 bp (lambda right arm), totally amounting to 48645 bp. The presence of the phage rho bL promoter near to the right end of the lac5 insert is shown. The lacI gene distal end in lambda plac5 proved to be much longer than it was postulated earlier, coding for 224 C-terminal amino acid residues of lac repressor. Both the recombination studied in this paper and the earlier studied abnormal prophage excision (2, 3) occur near to Chi-like structures (chi*lacI and chi*lom, respectively). On the basis of the data obtained, a key role of the E. coli RecBCD system and Chi-like sequences in the formation of deletions in bacterial cells is suggested.  相似文献   

The integration of bacteriophage lambda into the Escherichia coli chromosome depends on the phage-encoded Int protein; prophage excision depends on Int and a second phage function, Xis. Limited excisive recombination has been observed in vivo with certain xis mutants, suggesting that Int may be able to carry out excision without Xis.We report here that purified Int protein carries out lambda site-specific excisive recombination in vitro in the absence of Xis. This reaction requires host factors derived from a non-lysogenic E. coli strain and is influenced strongly by ionic strength. Excision in the absence of Xis occurs slowly at low salt concentrations (40 mm-NaCl) and very little excision occurs at high salt concentrations (100 mm-NaCl). In the presence of Xis, excisive recombination proceeds rapidly at both low and high ionic strengths. These observations are consistent with previous experiments that suggested the partial dispensability of Xis for excision.  相似文献   

The replication defective transducing phage λplac5O29P3 carries a portion of the E.colilac operon in the b2 region of the lambda phage. This lac operon segment contains the lac promoter, the lac operator, and the β-galactosidase z gene, but does not contain the lac repressor i gene. The z gene can be expressed from both the inserted lac promoter and the phage promoter. When E.coli strain 594 (z?, i+) or JC6256 (Δlac) is infected by λplac5O29P3 in the absence of additional cyclic AMP, β-galactosidase synthesis is shown to be expressed from the phage promoter. When 594 (λ+) or JC6256 (λ+) is infected by λplac5O29P3 in the presence of additional cyclic AMP and IPTG, β-galactosidase synthesis is shown to be expressed from the inserted lac promoter.The ability to separate the phage promoter from the inserted lac promoter for β-galactosidase expression will simplify the interpretation whenever λplac5 is used.  相似文献   

Nat Sternberg 《Gene》1986,50(1-3):69-85
Generalized tranduction has for about 30 years been a major tool in the genetic manipulation of bacterial chromosomes. However, throughout that time little progress has been made in understanding how generalized transducing particles are produced. The experiments presented in this paper use phage λ to assess some of the factors that affect that process. The results of those experiments indicate: (1) the production of generalized transducing particles by bacteriophage λ is inhibited by the phage λ exonuclease (Exo). Also inhibited by λ Exo is the production of λdocR particles, a class of particles whose packaging is initiated in bacterial DNA and terminated at the normal phage packaging site, cos. In contrast, the production of λdocL particles, a class of particles whose packaging is initiated at cos and terminated in bacterial DNA, is unaffected by λ Exo; (2) λ-generalized transducing particles are not detected in induced lysis-defective (S) λ lysogens until about 60–90 min after prophage induction. Since wild-type λ would normally lyse cells by 60 min, the production of λ-generalized transducing particles depends on the phage being lysis-defective; (3) if transducing lysates are prepared by phage infection then the frequency of generalized transduction for different bacterial markers varies over a 10–20-fold range. In contrast, if transducing lysates are prepared by the induction of a λ lysogen containing an excision-defective prophage, then the variation in transduction frequency is much greater, and markers adjacent to, and on both sides of, the prophage are transduced with much higher frequencies than are other markers ; (4) if the prophage is replication-defective then the increased transduction of prophage-proximal markers is eliminated; (5) measurements of total DNA in induced lysogens indicate that part of the increase in transduction frequency following prophage induction can be accounted for by an increase in the amount of prophage-proximal bacterial DNA in the cell. Measurements of DNA in transducing particles indicate that the rest of the increase is probably due to the preferential packaging of the prophage-proximal bacterial DNA.

These results are most easily interpreted in terms of a model for the initiation of bacterial DNA packaging by λ, in which the proteins involved (Ter) do not recognize any particular sequence in bacterial DNA but rather  相似文献   

The rap mutation in Escherichia coli prevents the growth of bacteriophage lambda. Phage mutations that overcome rap inhibition (bar) have been mapped to loci in the pL operon. We cloned and sequenced three mutations in two of these loci: barIa to the left arm of the lambda attachment site (attP) and barII in the ssb (ea10) gene. The mutations represent single base-pair changes within nearly identical 16-base-pair DNA segments. Each mutation disrupts a sequence of dyad symmetry within the segment. Plasmids carrying a bar+ sequence downstream to an active promoter are lethal to rap, but not rap+, bacteria. The bar sequences isolated from the lambda bar mutants are not lethal. We synthesized a minimal lambda barIa+ sequence, 5'-TATATTGATATTTATATCATT, and cloned it downstream to an inducible promoter. When transcribed, this sequence is sufficient to kill a rap strain.  相似文献   

The rif d18 bacteriophage carries essential parts of the E. coli genome which can not be mapped by conventional methods. The phage DNA was analysed with four restriction endonucleases (endo R. BamHI, Sall, HpaI and EcoRI) and a physical map was constructed.  相似文献   

Recombination of phage lambda attachment sites occurs by sequential exchange of the DNA strands at two specific locations. The first exchange produces a Holliday structure, and the second resolves it to recombinant products. Heterology for base substitution mutations in the region between the two strand exchange points (the overlap region) reduces recombination; some mutations inhibit the accumulation of Holliday structures, others inhibit their resolution to recombinant products. To see if heterology also alters the location of the strand exchange points, we determined the segregation pattern of three single and one multiple base pair substitution mutations of the overlap region in crosses with wild type sites. The mutations are known to differ in the severity of their recombination defect and in the stage of strand exchange they affect. The three single mutations behaved similarly: each segregated into both products of recombination, and the two products of a single crossover were frequently nonreciprocal in the overlap region. In contrast, the multiple mutation preferentially segregated into one of the two recombinant products, and the two products of a single crossover appeared to be fully reciprocal. The simplest explanation of the segregation pattern of the single mutations is that strand exchanges occur at the normal locations to produce recombinants with mismatched base pairs that are frequently repaired. The segregation pattern of the multiple mutation is consistent with the view that both strand exchanges usually occur to one side of the mutant site. We suggest that the segregation pattern of a particular mutation is determined by which stage of strand exchange it inhibits and by the severity of the inhibition.  相似文献   

Bending and supercoiling of DNA at the attachment site of bacteriophage lambda   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Integration of the DNA of bacteriophage lambda into the chromosome of E. coli depends on the formation of a complex nucleoprotein array at a specific locus on the phage genome, the attachment site. Recent work shows how bending of this DNA (induced by a specific DNA-binding protein), and strain in this DNA (induced by supercoiling) contribute to the formation of the nucleoprotein structure. Further, there are new insights into the way this structure directs critical events during recombination.  相似文献   

Summary Recombination between the tandem duplicated segments of b221a106-15 yields unduplicated (single-copy) b221 phage. The apparent frequency of intramolecular events among these recombinations was determined for both cellular (Rec) and bacteriophage (Red) generalized recombination systems. The progeny from single-cycle growth experiments with genetically marked duplication phages were treated with EDTA to inactivate all but the singlecopy phages produced by recombination. Analysis of the genotypes of the EDTA-resistant phages suggested that intramolecular events were about 1 to 5 times as frequent as intermolecular ones. While the results suggest that intramolecular events are not intrinsically forbidden, the quantitative values for the ratio depend on the assumption that intracellular phage chromosomes are completely mixed.  相似文献   

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