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Experiments with photoperiods ranging from 2 to 24 h confirmthat 8 h light per day is optimal for Lunularia: there is nogrowth in the dark or in continuous light, which causes therapid onset of dormancy. Short-day cycles intercalated amonga series of continuous light cycles promote growth; in cycleslonger than 24 h very long dark periods are detrimental. Withvery short photoperiods (5 min) red light promotes growth moreeffectively than white light at higher intensity; far-red actsas dark. The growth effects of red and far-red light breaks(3 min) depended on the time of application; red light inhibitedin the middle but promoted at the beginning of the 16-h darkperiod of a short day; far-red light had the opposite effect;in each case red and far-red effects were reversible by theother wavelength. Blue light gave the same response as red includingthe reversibility of far-red effects and vice versa. Surprisingly,significant effects of 5 min red, blue, and far-red irradiationwere also found in the middle of the main high-intensity white-lightperiod, red and blue promoting growth, far-red reducing it;again there was ready reversibility of the effects. Growth promoters of higher plants are generally inhibitory toLunularia or have little effect; among growth retardants TIBA,Phosphon D, and CCC gave a slight promotion of growth. EDTApromoted growth (cell numbers) very significantly while 8-hydroxyquinolinewas initially inhibitory, but had a marked latent promotingeffect when subsequently washed from the thalli.  相似文献   

Effects of white, blue, red and far-red lights on the elongationgrowth of intact primary roots in rice seedlings were investigated.White light inhibited elongation of root cells. Blue light inhibitedboth cell elongation and cell multiplication, but red lightinhibited only cell elongation. The effect of far-red lightwas almost the same as that of the red. The lights exerted;the same effects on the growth of primary roots irrespectiveof age of the seedlings. The inhibitory effects of the lightswere also observed when the root of the deshooted seedlingswas irradiated, but not when only the shoot of the seedlingswas irradiated. It was inferred that it is not the shoot butthe root which responds to the light in this phenomenon. DCMUhardly affected root growth at a concentration so high as toinhibit strongly photosynthesis in the shoot. The possibilitythat photosynthesis participates directly in the photoinhibitionof root growth in rice seedlings was excluded. 1 Present address: Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station,Morioka  相似文献   

Lemna perpusilla 6746 was grown on HUTNER'S medium with sucroseunder light schedules combining red, blue and far-red light.As shown earlier, brief red exposures added to a continuousblue schedule inhibit flowering although either schedule alonepermits it; hence red and blue act together in establishinga long day (flower inhibiting) condition. However, the red exposurerequired to inhibit flowering is greater with high intensitythan with low intensity continuous blue, suggesting in additiona blue-red antagonism. Blue light reverses the effects of abrief red exposure closing a blue or far-red main photoperiod,but it also reverses the effects of a brief far-red exposureclosing a red photoperiod. Thus, blue can act either like redor like far-red, depending on the situation. All effects ofblue light on the flowering of L. perpusilla 6746 are consistentwith the notion that it establishes a Pfr level intermediatebetween those established by red and far-red light; the postulationof an additional photoreaction to explain the effects of blueseems unnecessary. 1Research carried out at Brookhaven National Laboratory underthe auspices of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.  相似文献   

The morphology of white clover is very sensitive to the lightenvironment, especially to the ratio of red:far-red light andto photon irradiance. However, less is known about the effectsof blue light on clover morphogenesis. Cuttings of white cloverwere grown for 56 d in two controlled chambers receiving lightwith similar photosynthetic efficiency and phytochrome photoequilibriumstate but different levels of blue light: some plants were grownunder orange light (very low blue light, 0.02 µmol m-2s-1)or under white light containing blue light (83 µmol m-2s-1).Other plants were switched from white light to orange lightorvice versa,after 30 d. The absence of blue light modifiedthe growth habit of clover and raised the laminae in the upperlayer of the canopy by increasing petiole length, and petioleangle from the horizontal, and by raising stolons above theground surface. Moreover, the absence of blue light had no effecton total leaf area and total dry weight per plant, but increasedthe leaf area and biomass of petioles of the main axis. Largerpetioles and laminae were associated with the allocation ofmore dry weight to the petiole at the same petiole thicknessbut with thinner laminae. These results indicate that a decreasein blue light is involved in the perception of, and adaptationto, shading by the plant.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Biomass allocation; blue light; growth habit; leaf area; light quality; photomorphogenesis; Trifolium repensL.; white clover  相似文献   

Spores of the fern, Onoclea sensihilis L., suffer a disruption of normal development when they are cultured on media containing colchicine. Cell division is inhibited, and the spores develop into giant spherical cells under continuous white fluorescent light. In darkness only slight cell expansion occurs. Spherical cell expansion in the light requires continuous irradiation. Photosynthesis does not seem to be involved, since variations in light intensity do not affect the final cell diameter; the addition of sucrose to the medium does not permit cell expansion in darkness; and the inhibitor DCMU does not block the light-induced cell expansion. Continuous irradiation of colchicine-treated spores with blue, red or far-red light produces different patterns of cell expansion. Blue light permits spherical growth, similar to that found under white light, whereas red and far-red light promote the reestablishment of polarized filamentous growth. Although ethylene is unable to induce polarized cell expansion in colchicine-treated spores in darkness or white and blue light, it enhances filamentous growth which already is established by red or far-red irradiation. Both red and far-red light increase the elongation of normal filaments (untreated with colchicine) above that of dark-grown plants, but under all 3 conditions the rates of volume growth are identical. Light, however, does cause a decrease in the cell diameters of irradiated filaments. These data are used to construct an hypothesis to explain the promotion of cell elongation in fern protonemata by red and far-red light. The model proposes light-mediated changes in microtubular orientation and cell wall structure which lead to restriction of lateral cell expansion and enhanced elongation growth.  相似文献   

The spectral dependence of Begonia evansiana in supplementarylight periods of photoperiodic tuberization and sprouting wasinvestigated. Supplementary application of red light inhibitedtuber development, thereby stimulating vegetative growth. Supplementaryblue or far-red light also suppressed tuber development, butbarely stimulated vegetative growth. However, both red and blue light, given at 6°C during themain light period or the supplementary light period, permittedthe tuberization under the subsequently given conditions ofeither long-days or darkness at 23°C. Blue light appliedafter 5-days of irradiation with white light at 10°C, showedalmost the same action as far-red light, which suppressed tuberizationin darkness. The nature and function of the pigments concernedin the photoperiodic responses are discussed. (Received October 11, 1968; )  相似文献   

Light quality is a significant environmental factor that influences photosynthetic pigments in cyanobacteria. In the present study, we illuminated the marine cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. with white (350 ~ 700 nm), red (630 nm), green (530 nm), and blue (450 nm) light emitting diodes (LEDs) and measured pigment levels (chlorophyll, carotenoid, and phycobiliprotein) and expression of photosynthesis-related genes (pebA, psbB, and psaE). The amount of photosynthetic pigments (total pigments, chlorophyll, and phycobiliproteins) was higher in the green and blue LED groups than in the white and red LED groups after 8 days of culture. The cells were prepared in a 1.5 mL solution for the analysis of the total pigments, chlorophyll, and carotenoid, and in a 2 mL for analysis of phycobiliproteins. The mRNA expression levels of pebA and psbB significantly increased after 8 days of cultivation under green and blue light, while the mRNA expression levels of psaE decreased. These results indicate that green and blue light increase the accumulation of photosynthetic pigments. In contrast red light induced mRNA expression of psaE and stimulated cell growth in Synechococcus sp.  相似文献   

The effects of red, far-red, and blue light on the geotropicresponse of excised coleoptiles of Zea mays have been investigated.Seedlings were grown in darkness for 5 or 6 days, exposed tovarious light treatments, and then returned to darkness fordetermination of the geotropic response. The rate of response of the coleoptiles is decreased after theyhave been exposed to red light (620–700 mµ, 560ergs cm–2sec–1 for the 24 hrs, but not for the 4hrs, preceding stimulation by gravity. Furthermore, their rateof response is greatly reduced if they are exposed to red lightfor 10 min and then returned to darkness for 20 hrs before geotropicstimulation. At 25° C an interval of 6 to 8 hrs elapses between a 10-minexposure to red light and the first detectable decrease in thegeotropic response of the coleoptile. This interval can be lengthenedby exposing the seedlings to low temperatures (0° to 2°C) after the light treatment but cannot be greatly shortenedby increasing the duration of exposure to red light. Using a standard procedure of exposing 5-day-old etiolated seedlingsto light for various times, replacing them in darkness for 20hrs and then determining the response of the coleoptiles to4 hrs geotropic stimulation, it has been found that: (a) Exposureto red light for 15 sec significantly decreases the geotropiccurvature of the coleoptiles and that further reduction occurson increasing the length of the light treatment to 2 and 5 min.(b) Far-red light has no effect on the geotropic response ofthe coleoptiles but it can completely reverse the effect ofred light. After repeated alternate exposure to red and far-redlight the geotropic response of the coleoptile is determinedby the nature of the last exposure, (c) Complete reversal ofthe effect of red light by far-red radiation only occurs whenexposure to far-red follows immediately after exposure to red.The reversing effect of far-red radiation is reduced if a periodof darkness intervenes between the red and far-red light treatments,and is lost after a dark interval of approximately 2 hrs. The effect of red light on the rate of geotropic response ofthe coleoptiles is independent of their age and length at thetime of excision. Blue light acts in a similar way to red light, but the seedlingsare less sensitive to blue than to red light. Coleoptiles grown throughout in a mixture of continuous, weak,red, and far-red light have a lower rate of geotropic responsethan etiolated coleoptiles.  相似文献   

Halaban R 《Plant physiology》1969,44(7):973-977
Studies were made of the effects of blue, green, red and far-red (FR) light on the circadian rhythm of leaf movement of Coleus blumei × C. frederici, a short day plant. Under continuous illumination with blue light, there was a significant lengthening of the period of the rhythm to about 24.0 hr, as compared to 22.5 hr in continuous darkness. Under continuous red light, the period length was significantly shortened to 20.5 hr. Under continuous green or FR, the period length was not significantly different from the dark control. It was observed that under continuous FR illumination, the leaves tended to oscillate in a more downward position. Eight-hr red light signals were effective in advancing the phase of the rhythm as compared to a control under continuous green light. Blue light signals were effective in delaying the phase of the rhythm. FR light signals were ineffective in producing either delay or advance phase shifts. Far-red light did not reverse the effects of either red or blue light signals. On the basis of these results it is suggested, that pigments which absorb blue or red light, rather than phytochrome, mediate the effect of light on the circadian rhythm of leaf movement.  相似文献   

Green Light Drives CO2 Fixation Deep within Leaves   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Maximal l4CO2-fixation in spinach occurs in the middle of thepalisade mesophyll [Nishio et al. (1993) Plant Cell 5: 953],however, ninety percent of the blue and red light is attenuatedin the upper twenty percent of a spinach leaf [Cui et al. (1991)Plant Cell Environ. 14: 493]. In this report, we showed thatgreen light drives 14CO2-fixation deep within spinach leavescompared to red and blue light. Blue light caused fixation mainlyin the palisade mesophyll of the leaf, whereas red light drovefixation slightly deeper into the leaf than did blue light.14CO2-fixation measured under green light resulted in less fixationin the upper epidermal layer (guard cells) and upper most palisademesophyll compared to red and blue light, but led to more fixationdeeper in the leaf than that caused by either red or blue light.Saturating white, red, or green light resulted in similar maximal14CO2-fixation rates, whereas under the highest irradiance ofblue light given, carbon fixation was not saturated, but itasymptotically approached the maximal 14CO2-fixation rates attainedunder the other types of light. The importance of green lightin photosynthesis is discussed. 1Supported in part by grants from Competitive Research GrantsOffice, U.S. Department of Agriculture (Nos. 91-37100-6672 and93-37100-8855).  相似文献   

Phytochrome- and a blue light receptor-dependent pathway antagonisticallyregulate the first mitosis in spores of the fern Adiantum capillus-venerisL. This study focused on determining which phase(s) of the cellcycle is positively regulated by phytochrome and negativelyregulated by a blue light receptor in germinating spores. Incorporationof the radioactivity of 3H-thymidine into the acid-insolublematerial prepared from the spores indicated that phytochromein the PFR form induced the entry into S phase of the firstcell cycle in the spores 20-28 h after irradiation with redlight. Blue light treatment before or after red light treatmenttotally prevented the PFR-induced DNA synthesis. Brief irradiationwith red, far-red or blue light showed no effects on mitosisif the irradiation was given 28 h after the red light induction,during S and M phases. These results indicate that phytochromeand a blue light receptor regulate the entry into S phase duringthe first cell cycle of fern spores. ( Accepted July 10, 1997)  相似文献   

Chlorophyll synthesis is stimulated by red light in the green alga Ulva rigida C. Ag. and in the red alga Porphyra umbilicalis (L.) Kützing. Because the effect of red light showed some far-red reversibility in successive red and far-red light treatments, the involvement of phytochrome or a phytochrome-like photoreceptor is suggested. The extent of the response is dependent on exposure and photon fluence rate of red-light pulses. In addition to the effect of red light, a strong stimulation of chlorophyll synthesis by blue light was only observed in Ulva rigida. The effect of blue light shows also some far-red reversibility. In the green alga the accumulated chlorophyll is higher after blue light pulses than after red light pulses. In Porphyra umbilicalis , however, the contrary is observed. In Ulva rigida the involvement of a blue light photoreceptor in addition to phytochrome or a phytochrome-like photoreceptor is proposed. The different responses to red and blue light in both algae are explained in terms of their adaptation to the natural light environment.  相似文献   

Development and acclimation of energy transduction were studied in seedlings of Chenopodium rubrum L. ecotype selection 184 (50° 10' N; 105° 35' W) in response to photomorphogenic and photoperiodic treatments. Dark respiration and photosynthetic capacity [nmol O2 (pair of cotyledons)−1 h−1] were measured with an oxygen electrode. Changes in chloroplast ultrastructure were analyzed concomitantly. After germination, seedlings were grown at constant temperature either in darkness or in continuous light (white, red, far-red and blue) or were subjected to diurnal cycles of light/dark or changes in light quality. Dark respiration was low in far-red light treated seedlings. In red light treated seedlings dark respiration was high and the mean value did not depend on fluence rate or photoperiod. Blue light stimulated transitorily and modulated dark respiration in photoperiodic cycles. Photosynthetic capacity was reduced by far-red light and increased by red light. In response to blue light photosynthetic capacity increased, with indications of a requirement for continuous energy input. Phytochrome and a separate blue light receptor seemed to be involved. In continuous red light a clear cut circadian rhythm of dark respiration was observed. Blue light had a specific effect on chloroplast structure.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that blue light-specific stomatal opening is reversed by green light and that far-red light can be used to probe phytochrome-dependent stomatal movements. Here, blue-green reversibility and far-red light were used to probe the stomatal responses of the npq1 mutant and the phot1 phot2 double mutant of Arabidopsis. In plants grown at 50 micromol m-2 s-1, red light (photosynthetic)-mediated opening in isolated stomata from wild type (WT) and both mutants saturated at 100 micromol m-2 s-1. Higher fluence rates caused stomatal closing, most likely due to photo-inhibition. Blue light-specific opening, probed by adding blue light (10 micromol m-2 s-1) to a 100 micromol m-2 s-1 red background, was found in WT, but not in npq1 or phot1 phot2 double mutant stomata. Under 50 micromol m-2 s-1 red light, 10 micromol m-2 s-1 blue light opened stomata in both WT and npq1 mutant stomata but not in the phot1 phot2 double mutant. In npq1, blue light-stimulated opening was reversed by far-red but not green light, indicating that npq1 has a phytochrome-mediated response and lacks a blue light-specific response. Stomata of the phot1 phot2 double mutant opened in response to 20 to 50 micromol m-2 s-1 blue light. This opening was green light reversible and far-red light insensitive, indicating that stomata of the phot1 phot2 double mutant have a detectable blue light-specific response.  相似文献   

Chlorella fusca (Shihira et Krauss) strain C-1.1.10 was grown under three different light qualities (red, white or blue light) in homocontinuous cultures. Under electron microscopy, blue light cultures showed enlarged cells, thinner cell walls and lower starch content than red light cells. Under blue light, the degree of stacking of the thylakoid membranes was significantly lower than under white or red light conditions. Changing the light from blue to red the ratio of exposed to appressed membranes was doubled. Compared to red light cells, blue light cells exhibited higher photosynthetic rates per chlorophyll molecule and contained less chlorophyll per dry weight. Blue light stimulated the content of soluble protein as well as that of soluble carbohydrates. The dry weight productivity per unit time was enhanced under blue light conditions. The thylakoid protein complexes which are generally assumed to be localized in the exposed membranes were found in higher concentrations under blue light than under red light. In blue light, both the Photosystem II/Photosystem I ratio and the ratio of light-harvesting chlorophyll protein to P-700 chlorophyll a -protein were lower than in red light. Blue light cells contained twice the concentration of cytochrome f , which correlates well with their higher photosynthetic capacity. When altering the light quality, the degree of change in the reaction center complexes was much lower than expected given the corresponding degree of change in the ratio of exposed to appressed membranes. These results are discussed in light of the question as to whether the variation in the stoichiometry of the laterally distributed complexes can be explained by changes in the degree of stacking alone.  相似文献   

The role of photosynthesis in inducing adventitious bud formationon leaf segments of Heloniopsis orientalis was investigated.The effect of white light reached a maximum at about l25 J?m–2?sec–1.White, red, blue and far-red light were effective in inducingbud formation, but green light was not. In darkness, bud formationwas induced if sugar was added to the nutrient medium. The photosyntheticinhibitors DCMU and AT blocked the effect of light. Bud formationwas inhibited in CO2-free air. The requirement of sucrose forbud formation in darkness could be replaced by citrate. It wasconcluded from these results that light appears to induce budson leaf segments through some processes dependent upon photosynthesis. (Received January 11, 1978; )  相似文献   

The absolute requirement for light in the germination of achenesof Artemisia monosperma is as satisfied by radiant energy inthe blue, green, yellow, red and far-red regions of the visiblespectrum, as by unfiltered white light. The same stimulationwas obtained by a short irradiation as by an uninterrupted one.Phytochrome seems to be either absent, or masked by a differentpigment which absorbs light in the entire visible spectrum andthus initiates germination. 1 This study was supported by grant FG-Is-115 from the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Effect of light quality on somatic embryogenesis of quince leaves   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The effect of light quality on somatic embryogenesis in quince BA 29 was investigated. 2,4-D induced leaves were exposed for 25 days to the following light quality treatments: dark, far-red, far-red+blue, far-red+red, blue, white, red+blue, red. After a further 20 days of white light exposure, somatic embryo production was recorded. Somatic embryogenesis was highest in cultures subjected to red light treatment, and decreased progressively with the transition to red+blue and to white. Overall, embryogenic competence showed a correlation with photoequilibrium. Phytochrome appeared to be inductive although this effect was adversely influenced by the blue absorbing photoreceptor, in particular at low photoequilibrium. Independently of light treatments applied, somatic embryos frequently showed severe morphological abnormalities. Conversion of somatic embryos to plantlets was not observed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. race Columbia plants were grown in red. blue, red + far-red, blue + far-red and various light mixtures of red + blue + far-red light under 14 h light/10 h dark photoperiods. Each single light source and light mixture maintained a constant irradiance (50 μmol m−2 s−1) and the mixtures of red + blue + far-red maintained a constant ratio of red/far-red light, but varied in the ratio of blue to red + far-red light. Depending on the method used for calculation, values of the fraction of phytochrome in the far-red absorbing form (Pfr/Ptot) for these light mixtures were either constant or decreased slightly with increasing percentage of blue light in the mixtures. Arabidopsis flowered early (20 days) in blue, blue + far-red and red + far-red light and late (55 days) in red light. In mixtures of red + blue + far-red light, each of which established a nearly constant Pfr/Ptot flowering was in direct relation to time and irradiance level of blue light. Leaf area and petiole length were also correlated with blue light irradiance levels.  相似文献   

Sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) seedlings grown for six months under covers transmitting light of different spectral composition, were compared with others grown under a white cover (control) and outside in full daylight. The intensity of transmitted light was equalized under all covers and attained only 20% of full daylight. Seedlings grown in daylight were shorter, had more internodes, smaller leaves, less chlorophyll and more ascorbic acid than the others. Blue + far-red covers (no transmission between 560–700 nm) enhanced seedling length, the protein and chlorophyll content and peroxidase activity of leaves. When also the wave-range above 700 nm was cut out (blue) seedlings were the shortest, and leaves had very high protein and chlorophyll content, but much less ascorbic acid and lower peroxidase activity. Red + far-red covers (no transmission below 500 nm) enhanced seedling length more than blue + far-red; leaves contained as much protein as control, but had relatively high chlorophyll and peroxidase activity. Ascorbic acid was as low as in blue light.  相似文献   

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