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Recent publications and political assessments point to the ongoing loss of global biological diversity. Identifying entry points for improved biodiversity policies requires us to improve our knowledge on the complex, anthropogenic factors that lead to biodiversity loss. This article approaches this challenge by analysing the causes and effects that experts from Peruvian political regions connect to biodiversity loss. In four workshops, 219 experts from 20 Peruvian political regions were asked to discuss the problem in focus groups. Besides observing the focus group discussions, meaning and context of mentioned aspects was further clarified in individual interviews.Performing a qualitative content analysis the aspects collected in focus groups have been clustered into groups of causes (environmental changes, economic land use issues, human expansion, ignorance and unawareness and weak political structures) and effects (environmental effects, loss of ecosystem services, economic effects and negative feedback effects). The results section presents all causes and effects in their local socio-economic context. Discussing the relevance of the results for policy making, I propose structuring the assessment of the biodiversity governance process in political output, social outcome and ecological impact to both highlighting the causal linkage of those dimensions and tracking the step-wise progress. This way, I break down the complex problem of biodiversity loss into tangible aspects and relate them to specific processes of economic development. I conclude that learning from regional experts and practitioners can help finding local approaches to improve policy processes under given capacities and conditions.  相似文献   

Both conservation biology and macroecology are synthetic, and macroecological research consistently has informed the theory and practice of biological conservation. Explicit integration of the macroecology of human systems and natural systems has been rare, but can advance the incorporation of social justice, environmental justice and environmental equity into conservation biology and participatory conservation (inclusion in decision‐making of those who are affected by, or can affect, that decision). The basis of this strong link is the focus of macroecology on the relations of a given biota to environmental patterns and processes, and these patterns and processes can affect humans differentially. Macroecological integration of social justice and conservation generally requires spatial and temporal representation of all variables at resolutions and extents that allow meaningful analyses. This requirement may facilitate clarity about social metrics and norms. To illustrate, we examine applications of macroecology to analysis of the effects of climate change on social justice and biological conservation; relations among climate, violence among humans and conservation; and the response of the spread of disease to social and ecological factors. We believe that macroecology is a means of providing transparent inferences that can inform conservation, health and social policies.  相似文献   

Biological insurance theory predicts that, in a variable environment, aggregate ecosystem properties will vary less in more diverse communities because declines in the performance or abundance of some species or phenotypes will be offset, at least partly, by smoother declines or increases in others. During the past two decades, ecology has accumulated strong evidence for the stabilising effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning. As biological insurance is reaching the stage of a mature theory, it is critical to revisit and clarify its conceptual foundations to guide future developments, applications and measurements. In this review, we first clarify the connections between the insurance and portfolio concepts that have been used in ecology and the economic concepts that inspired them. Doing so points to gaps and mismatches between ecology and economics that could be filled profitably by new theoretical developments and new management applications. Second, we discuss some fundamental issues in biological insurance theory that have remained unnoticed so far and that emerge from some of its recent applications. In particular, we draw a clear distinction between the two effects embedded in biological insurance theory, i.e. the effects of biodiversity on the mean and variability of ecosystem properties. This distinction allows explicit consideration of trade-offs between the mean and stability of ecosystem processes and services. We also review applications of biological insurance theory in ecosystem management. Finally, we provide a synthetic conceptual framework that unifies the various approaches across disciplines, and we suggest new ways in which biological insurance theory could be extended to address new issues in ecology and ecosystem management. Exciting future challenges include linking the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning and stability, incorporating multiple functions and feedbacks, developing new approaches to partition biodiversity effects across scales, extending biological insurance theory to complex interaction networks, and developing new applications to biodiversity and ecosystem management.  相似文献   

Halting the loss of biodiversity comes along with the need to quantify biodiversity composition and dynamics at large spatial and temporal scales. Highly standardized, international monitoring networks would be ideal, but they do not exist yet. If we are to assess changes in biodiversity now, combining output available from ongoing monitoring initiatives is the only option. However, integration of biodiversity information across schemes is still very poorly developed. In this paper, we outline practical issues to be considered when planning to combine existing monitoring information. First, we provide an overview of avenues for integration along the four dimensions that characterize a monitoring design: sample size, biological coverage, spatial coverage and temporal coverage. We also emphasize that complementarity in monitoring targets across schemes enables to describe complex processes of biodiversity dynamics, e.g. through relating species traits to the impacts of environmental changes. Second, we review some methods to overcome differences in designs among monitoring schemes, such as site selection, post-stratification and measurement error. Finally, we point out some commonly used statistical methods that are at hand for combining data or parameter estimates. We especially emphasize the possible levels of data integration (raw data, parameter estimates, or effect size estimates), and the largely under-exploited potential of meta-analysis methods and weighted analyses. This contribution aims to bolster the practice and use of integration of ongoing monitoring initiatives for biodiversity assessment.  相似文献   

Science–policy-interfaces (SPIs) are expected to go beyond the linear model of scientific policy advice through creating spaces for exchange and dialogue between ‘policy’ and ‘knowledge’. Given that most environmental issues require inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, SPIs must take into account a variety of knowledge types, views and interests of scientists, policymakers and other decision makers. Moreover, acceptance and durability of SPIs depend largely on their perceived legitimacy and the credibility of their knowledge-gathering processes, providing additional challenges for their internal organisation. As the interplay between different knowledge types and decision making is far from neutral, a reflexive approach is required in the design of an SPI so that it is capable of learning from past experiences. The aim of this article is to discuss which governance arrangements could best support the development of an effective and legitimate SPI for European biodiversity politics. We analyse different options for facilitating the implementation of a ‘Network of Knowledge’ approach. This approach has been developed to improve the interface between diverse knowledge-holder communities and decision making processes for biodiversity and ecosystem services—a field where multi-scalar and multi-dimensional problems arise. In this article, we develop and discuss two stylized extreme governance models as our starting point: an `informal network model´, which almost entirely depends on the dedication of individuals, versus a more formalized `platform model´, predominantly based on the needs and interests of the organisations involved. We discuss the pros and cons of each of these models in reaching their objectives and in developing sound governing processes for a ‘Network of Knowledge’. From this discussion, we derive a recommended design for the reflexive governance of such a network in the context of the European Union and finish by discussing some more general lessons learnt.  相似文献   

Functional biodiversity research explores drivers and functional consequences of biodiversity changes. Land use change is a major driver of changes of biodiversity and of biogeochemical and biological ecosystem processes and services. However, land use effects on genetic and species diversity are well documented only for a few taxa and trophic networks. We hardly know how different components of biodiversity and their responses to land use change are interrelated and very little about the simultaneous, and interacting, effects of land use on multiple ecosystem processes and services. Moreover, we do not know to what extent land use effects on ecosystem processes and services are mediated by biodiversity change. Thus, overall goals are on the one hand to understand the effects of land use on biodiversity, and on the other to understand the modifying role of biodiversity change for land-use effects on ecosystem processes, including biogeochemical cycles. To comprehensively address these important questions, we recently established a new large-scale and long-term project for functional biodiversity, the Biodiversity Exploratories (www.biodiversity-exploratories.de). They comprise a hierarchical set of standardized field plots in three different regions of Germany covering manifold management types and intensities in grasslands and forests. They serve as a joint research platform for currently 40 projects involving over 300 people studying various aspects of the relationships between land use, biodiversity and ecosystem processes through monitoring, comparative observation and experiments. We introduce guiding questions, concept and design of the Biodiversity Exploratories – including main aspects of selection and implementation of field plots and project structure – and we discuss the significance of this approach for further functional biodiversity research. This includes the crucial relevance of a common study design encompassing variation in both drivers and outcomes of biodiversity change and ecosystem processes, the interdisciplinary integration of biodiversity and ecosystem researchers, the training of a new generation of integrative biodiversity researchers, and the stimulation of functional biodiversity research in real landscape contexts, in Germany and elsewhere.  相似文献   

For decision making processes related to a sustainable harvest, two aspects are of fundamental importance: first, the insufficient accuracy of abundance estimates and second, the fact that an increased mortality will not necessarily decrease the population size. To optimise decision making, we investigated how uncertainty, namely incomplete information and inadequate understanding about the conditions and the relationships between system components, affect the feasibility of population control. To this end, we developed an age-structured population model for roe deer, one of the most common ungulates in Europe. The model simulates hunting processes that are affected by uncertainties related to abundance estimates and species demography. The results indicated that uncertainty related to abundance estimates largely reduced the ability to achieve target population densities. Surprisingly, this effect was not weakened by more frequent estimations. We conclude that decreasing the interval of abundance estimates counterintuitively cannot compensate for lacking accuracy. This novel aspect should therefore be considered in the management of dynamic ecological systems.  相似文献   

Although synergies between reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD+) and biodiversity conservation are generally expected, they will not be achieved through poorly designed REDD+ schemes. Perceptions of actors in REDD+ implementation processes can guide the design of appropriate policies. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in Peru with actors in REDD+ working groups at the national and subnational level (n = 50) to explore how they relate REDD+ implementation to biodiversity conservation and other policy issues, and to identify the aspects of biodiversity they regard as especially important (biodiversity conservation values). Interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis; actors’ statements were summarised into nine policy issue categories. Issues raised often were related to governance, socioeconomic aspects and land management in REDD+ implementation (47 % of the statements). Biodiversity issues were mentioned less often (23 %). Direct synergies between REDD+ and biodiversity conservation were assumed by most actors and few concrete risks and corresponding safeguards were mentioned. Actors mentioned 177 biodiversity conservation values, which were classified into different value types. Most values were aspects of biodiversity with direct or indirect use values (68 %). Aspects which potentially provide future benefits (option values) or resilience values were mentioned less often (5 and 16 %, respectively). The opportunity to foster conservation of use values as additional benefits from REDD+ is generally recognised by the actors, but aspects of biodiversity that are important for the long-term integrity of forest ecosystems received less attention. It is thus important to push for the integration of respective safeguards in REDD+ strategies.  相似文献   

Recently, the long-term ecological research (LTER) program in the US was evaluated. In its 20-year review report, the National Science Foundation recognizes the achievements of the past and specifies guidance for future development. Among other aspects, research activities of the next decade should concentrate on a new core area: biological diversity, and, to inform environmental policy on the interrelationships and reciprocal impacts of ecological and human systems, LTER is requested “to partner with social scientists” at all existing or newly selected research sites (http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/02/pr0265.htm). In Europe, LTER activities head in the same direction. To create durable integration of European biodiversity research capacity and to address biodiversity policy needs, long-term socio-ecological research (LTSER) sites should serve as real-world laboratories for interdisciplinary and policy relevant research (http://www.lter-europe.ceh.ac.uk and www.alter-net.info). In this paper, we explore how LTER could meet the challenges of the future: the increase of knowledge on issues of biological diversity and of partnership approaches among the natural and social sciences in common research facilities – the LTSER sites.Regarding biological diversity we explore, in particular, the advantages for improving: (1) ecological-economic modelling, a powerful technique for analysing complex human–nature interaction, (2) the design of choice experiments, a rather new evaluation method for assessing the benefits of conservation and (3) the understanding of biodiversity as complex social dilemma. Regarding the issue of research collaboration, we focus on the geographical scale of LTSER sites and, on a more general level, on the demands of research management in terms of project design, common knowledge and organisation of research teams.  相似文献   

LL Rao  S Li  T Jiang  Y Zhou 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41048
How people make decisions under risk remains an as-yet-unresolved but fundamental question. Mainstream theories about risky decision making assume that the core processes involved in reaching a risky decision include weighting each payoff or reward magnitude by its probability and then summing the outcomes. However, recently developed theories question whether payoffs are necessarily weighted by probability when making a risky choice. Using functional connectivity analysis, we aimed to provide neural evidence to answer whether this key assumption of computing expectations holds when making a risky choice. We contrasted a trade-off instruction choice that required participants to integrate probability and payoff information with a preferential choice that did not. Based on the functional connectivity patterns between regions in which activity was detected during both of the decision-making tasks, we classified the regions into two networks. One network includes primarily the left and right lateral prefrontal cortices and posterior parietal cortices, which were found to be related to probability in previous reports, and the other network is composed of the bilateral basal ganglia, which have been implicated in payoff. We also found that connectivity between the payoff network and some regions in the probability network (including the left lateral prefrontal cortices and bilateral inferior parietal lobes) were stronger during the trade-off instruction choice task than during the preferential choice task. This indicates that the functional integration between the probability and payoff networks during preferential choice was not as strong as the integration during trade-off instruction choice. Our results provide neural evidence that the weighting process uniformly predicted by the mainstream theory is unnecessary during preferential choice. Thus, our functional integration findings can provide a new direction for the investigation of the principles of risky decision making.  相似文献   

Evolutionary studies have played a fundamental role in our understanding of life, but until recently, they had only a relatively modest involvement in addressing conservation issues. The main goal of the present discussion meeting issue is to offer a platform to present the available methods allowing the integration of phylogenetic and extinction risk data in conservation planning. Here, we identify the main knowledge gaps in biodiversity science, which include incomplete sampling, reconstruction biases in phylogenetic analyses, partly known species distribution ranges, and the difficulty in producing conservation assessments for all known species, not to mention that much of the effective biological diversity remains to be discovered. Given the impact that human activities have on biodiversity and the urgency with which we need to address these issues, imperfect assumptions need to be sanctioned and surrogates used in the race to salvage as much as possible of our natural and evolutionary heritage. We discuss some aspects of the uncertainties found in biodiversity science, such as the ideal surrogates for biodiversity, the gaps in our knowledge and the numerous available phylogenetic diversity-based methods. We also introduce a series of cases studies that demonstrate how evolutionary biology can effectively contribute to biodiversity conservation science.  相似文献   

薛成  李波卡  雷天宇  山红艳  孔宏智 《生物多样性》2022,30(10):22460-22560
生物多样性的起源与进化是生命科学领域最重要的科学问题之一。多组学数据的积累和相关分析技术的发展, 极大地推动了人们对生物多样性起源与进化的理解和研究, 使得阐明生物进化事件发生的过程与机制成为可能。值此《生物多样性》创刊30周年之际, 本文简要回顾生物多样性起源与进化相关研究在近年来取得的重要研究进展, 以期帮助读者了解该研究方向的发展现状。过去10年中, 生物多样性起源与进化相关研究在生命之树重建、生物多样性时空分布格局、物种概念、物种形成与适应性进化以及新性状起源与多样化等方面取得了许多重要进展, 并在此基础上厘清了许多分类单元间的系统发育关系、揭示了生物多样性分布格局的部分历史成因、提出了新的物种概念和物种形成模型、阐明了新性状和新功能发生的部分分子机制。我们认为, 更精准地重建生命之树、深入挖掘基因组数据以及多学科交叉融合将是今后生物多样性研究的主要趋势。  相似文献   

利用农业生物多样性持续控制有害生物   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高东  何霞红  朱书生 《生态学报》2011,31(24):7617-7624
农业生物多样性对保障全球粮食安全和农业可持续发展至关重要.人类在多样性的形成上发挥了关键作用,人类结合自然进化创造了遗传多样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性.农业生物多样性发挥了很多社会经济和环境功能:保障粮食安全;维持农业生态系统可持续发展;赋予农村经济适变性.但当前人类毁灭农业生物多样性的速度更为惊人.在总结石油农业单一化种植的生态负效应、传统农业提倡“天人合一”的生态正效应的基础上,分析讨论了利用农业生物多样性持续控制有害生物的必要性和可行性,从生态系统多样性、物种多样性和种内遗传多样性3个层次,归纳了构建和恢复农田生物多样性的基本方法.基于病理学、生态学、营养学和生理学等学科领域,从群体异质效应、稀释效应、微生态效应、诱导抗性效应、物理阻隔效应、生理学效应和化感效应等7个方面,归纳了利用农业生物多样性持续控制有害生物的基础原理.寻求低投入、高效益、多样化和可持续的农业生产系统是当今世界许多科学家、决策者和生产者共同关心的问题.农业生物多样性具有重要的生态作用,在现代农业框架下,是合情合理构建持续、稳定、健康、高产的农田生态系统,持续控制有害生物的金钥匙.为此必须加强四方面的课题研究:各种作物之间的相生相克关系及其作用机理;各种有害生物的主要天敌种类、生物学、生态学特性及其适生环境;利用农业生物多样性全面、持续控制有害生物的农业生产模式;与其相配套的农艺措施与农业机械.  相似文献   

中国生物多样性与生态系统服务评估指标体系   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
傅伯杰  于丹丹  吕楠 《生态学报》2017,37(2):341-348
生物多样性和生态系统服务评估是生态系统管理与决策制定的重要依据,指标体系是开展评估的主要工具。中国在生物多样性与生态系统服务评估指标体系建设方面,由于没有形成统一的指标体系和技术方法,导致不同区域间的评估结果可比性差,区域和国家尺度上的集成研究难以开展。因此,构建一套适用于中国国家尺度的科学化、系统性和规范化的生物多样性和生态系统服务评估指标体系,便成为当前迫切需要研究解决的问题。本文参考国内外生物多样性与生态系统服务评估的主要研究成果,在充分考虑"生物多样性—生态系统结构—过程与功能—服务"级联关系基础上,建立了生物多样性与生态系统服务评估指标体系构建的主要原则,构建了中国生物多样性与生态系统服务评估指标体系。  相似文献   

In policy processes, biodiversity has been broadened into a holistic notion uniting a variety of cultural, social and economic issues with the biological conservation issue. Therefore, the formation of biodiversity conservation into concrete policy goals appears rather difficult. In this paper, we aim to explore the political implications and consequences of the strong dependency on science of the biodiversity issue. Concentrating especially on environmental policy options, we also examine the globalization and localization processes in the case of biodiversity. In spite of several controversial features and of an evident lack of knowledge on biological diversity, the issue undoubtedly has significant political strengths. However, from the viewpoint of research on environmental policies, the role of scientific knowledge in decision making should be recognized as an open empirical question depending on the concrete contexts of the decision-making process. Further, it is concluded that the concepts relating to global environment are objects of a continuous localization. Thus, any moral-technocratic solutions emphasizing simply universal interests as the basis for global biodiversity management must be met with caution. In future research there is a need for concrete case studies in order to clarify the local conditions and opportunities of biodiversity policies.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of human society is the ubiquitous interactions among individuals. Indeed, a significant portion of human daily routine decision making is socially related. Normative economic theory, namely game theory, has prescribed the canonical decision strategy when "rational" social agents have full information about the decision environment. In reality, however, social decision is often influenced by the trait and state parameters of selves and others. Therefore, understanding the cognitive and neural processes of inferring the decision parameters is pivotal for social decision making. Recently, both correlational and causal non-invasive neuroimaging studies have started to reveal the critical neural computations underlying social learning and decision-making, and highlighted the unique roles of "social" brain structures such as temporal-parietal junction(TPJ) and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex(dmPFC). Here we review recent advances in social decision neuroscience and maintain the focus on how the inference about others is dynamically acquired during social learning, as well as how the prosocial(altruistic)behavior results from orchestrated interactions of different brain regions specified under the social utility framework. We conclude by emphasizing the importance of combining computational decision theory with the identification of neural mechanisms that represent, evaluate and integrate value related social information and generate decision variables guiding behavioral output in the complex social environment.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Microarrays are an important research tool for the advancement of basic biological sciences. However this technology has yet to be integrated with clinical decision making. We have implemented an information framework based on the Microarray Gene Expression Markup Language (MAGE-ML) specification. We are using this framework to develop a test-bed integrated database application to identify genomic and imaging markers for diagnosis of breast cancer. RESULTS: We developed extensible software architecture for retrieving data from different microarray databases using MAGE-ML and for combining microarray data with breast cancer image analysis and clinical data for correlation studies. The framework we developed will provide the necessary data integration to move microarray research from basic biological sciences to clinical applications. AVAILABILITY: Open source software will be available from SourceForge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/microsoap/).  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统服务——关系、权衡与管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李奇  朱建华  肖文发 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2655-2666
生物多样性和生态系统服务是人类生存和社会经济可持续发展的物质基础,应对生物多样性丧失和生态系统服务退化问题已经成为继气候变化之后的又一个全球性环境热点问题。生物多样性是生态系统生产力、稳定性、抵抗生物入侵以及养分动态的主要决定因素,生物多样性越高,生态系统功能性状的范围越广,生态系统服务质量就越高越稳定。目的是探讨生物多样性和生态系统服务之间的关系:(1)明确了生物多样性与生态系统过程、功能、服务之间的关系;(2)生物多样性在生态系统服务中的角色:生物多样性在不同的空间尺度通过各种形式的运行机制与生态系统服务产生联系,生物多样性是生态系统过程的调节者,是巩固生态系统服务的一个重要因素,生物多样性也是一种终极的生态系统服务,并在遗传和物种水平上直接贡献了其利益和价值;(3)生物多样性与生态系统服务权衡和协同关系的研究可以更好的帮助管理人员做出有利的决策和保护工作,也是制定规划和适应策略以减少生物多样性危机带来的不利影响的基础;(4)生物多样性与生态系统服务的关系在不同的时间和空间尺度上是不恒定的,有必要共同确定生态系统服务和生物多样性的空间格局,以有效和可持续的进行生态系统管理;(5)虽然生物多样性保护和生态系统管理还存在许多不确定性,但相关理论应该在管理、保护和恢复生态系统中发挥重要作用。研究提出了进一步研究的领域,以促进生物多样性保护和生态系统服务提供之间的协同作用。希望对相关领域的研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

无数证据表明,地球可能正经历着有史以来的第六次物种大灭绝。在这一背景下,研究生物多样性丧失机制及其对生态系统功能的影响具有重要意义。从先前的相关研究中,已逐渐清晰地认识到造成多样性丧失的几大机制,并对这些机制发生的空间尺度有了一定了解。然而,空间本身对多样性丧失研究的影响仍被该领域的很多研究所忽视。因为生物多样性丧失过程发生在不同空间尺度中,所造成的多样性丧失格局也具有不同的空间尺度特征。忽略空间信息很可能会对多样性丧失等相关研究造成很大干扰,甚至得出错误的结论,其结果也很难正确地运用于不同空间尺度的多样性保护当中。整合空间信息已成为当前生物多样性丧失研究,乃至整个生态学研究的前沿和热点之一。为促进这一趋势在国内的发展,将结合多样性丧失的估计与监测、几大多样性丧失机制(全球环境变化与生境片段化、生物入侵等)来阐述空间信息对当前及今后多样性丧失机制研究的重要性,并用实例展示未充分考虑空间信息而可能造成的后果。最后探讨我国当前科技条件下进行整合空间信息的生物多样性丧失等研究的可行性。  相似文献   

This article describes aspects of our biological nature that have contributed to the dangerous current state of societal, ecological and climatological affairs. Next, it deals with stratagems to take these aspects into account, so as to allow us better choices. I will concentrate on the concepts of evolved group mechanisms and “neoteny” and explain why they direct our responses throughout our lives. The connection between our biological make-up and our vulnerability to the current rise of certain kinds of irrational, undemocratic, populism is also laid bare. I will end by listing some simple, but possibly controversial, proposals that might have value in combating these societal tendencies and help decision making in a reality-based, more scientific, manner.  相似文献   

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