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Hybrid 70S ribosomes were produced by combining Anacystis nidulans and Escherichia coli 30S and 50S subunits. Both the A. nidulans 30S-E. coli 50S and E. coli 30S- A. nidulans 50S hybrids were functional in synthesizing protein when tested in a standard in vitro amino acid incorporating system. Both 70S hybrids were inhibited by streptomycin but the degree of inhibition was dependent upon the source of the 30S subunit. The ability to form functional 70S ribosomes from subunits of blue-green algae and bacteria is further evidence of the procaryotic nature of blue-greens and of the functional homology of the two protein synthesizing systems.  相似文献   

1. The influence of hydrocortisone, insulin and diet on the size distribution of ribosomes in a post-mitochondrial supernatant prepared from rat skeletal muscle was studied by sedimentation analysis with a linear 15-40% (w/v) sucrose gradient. 2. Within 4hr. after the injection of 5mg. of hydrocortisone to well-nourished rats, a decrease in the yield per g. of muscle and proportion of total RNA due to polyribosomes was observed. Similar results were obtained in rats given a protein-free diet for 3 days before administration of the hormone. 3. Insulin injection increased the yield and proportion of polyribosomes within 2hr. and decreased the proportion of the lighter ribosomal aggregates. Similar results were noted in rats given a protein-free diet for 3 days before injection. A protein-free diet given for 3 days decreased the yield and proportion of polyribosomes. Insulin did not increase the yield of polyribosomes if rats were starved for 52hr. before injection, but decreased the yield and proportion of the lighter ribosome species. 4. A 52hr. period of starvation or 2,4-dinitrophenol (15mg./kg. body wt.) given 1hr. before the rats were killed resulted in a decreased yield and proportion of polyribosomes, and, within 6hr. of re-feeding the rats with protein-free diets, an increased concentration of polyribosomes was noted. 5. The effects of a protein-free diet, hydrocortisone and insulin on the sedimentation of muscle ribosomes were found to be in accord with their net effects on muscle protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The behavior of E. coli ribosomes during sedimentation on sucrose gradients is predicted under a variety of conditions by computer simulations. Since numerous recent kinetic studies indicate equilibration in times short compared to the time of sedimentation, these simulations assume that the system attains local reaction equilibrium at every point in the gradient at all times. For any type of homogeneous equilibrating ribosome population, governed by a single formation constant at one atmosphere pressure for 70S couples, no more than two clearly defined zones will be resolved, although the presence of large dissociating effects due to pressure gradients in high speed experiments will spread the subunit zone. Normally the pattern will consist of a 30S zone and a so-called “70S” zone, which is in reality a mixture of 70S couples and 30S and 50S subunits in local equilibrium. The greater the dissociation into subunits, the more the “70S” zone will be slowed below the nominal rate of 70 Svedberg units. If ribosomes have been collected from the “70S” zone in several successive cycles of purification, the repeated deletion of resolved 30S subunits can result in a preparation with so large a molar excess of 50S subunits that the ensuing sucrose density gradient sedimentation pattern may exhibit a “70S” zone followed by zone of 50S subunits, insteadof a zone of 30S subunits. Our most important conclusion is that whenever a well-resolved 50S zone is present in a sucrose density gradient sedimentation experiment on E. coli ribosomes, in addition to a 30S and a “70S” zone, under conditions where ribosomes and subunits should be in reversible equilibrium, the preparation must be microheterogeneous, containing a mixture of “tight” and “loose” couples. Moreover in such cases the content of large subunits in the 50S zone must be derived entirely from “loose” couples whereas the 30S zone must contain small subunits derived from both “tight” and “loose” couples. Sedimentation patterns predicted for various mixtures of “tight” and “loose” couples display all the major characteristics of published experimental patterns for E. coli ribosomes, including the partial or complete resolution into three zones, depending on rotor velocity and level of Mg2+.  相似文献   

A number of methods for the disintegration ofEscherichia coli cells was followed to investigate their suitability for the isolation of ribosomes. The decrease of viability and the conditions for fine disruption of the cells for all methods were established. The sedimentation coefficients of ribosomes and their sizedistribution in the cell-free extracts in dependence upon the method employed and the concentration of Mg++ ions were determined by analytical ultracentrifugation. The sedimentation coefficients and the sizedistribution of ribosomes did not differ in most methods and the results obtained were basically in agreement with the data given by other authors. The method of grinding with alumina seemed to be too vigorous and the results obtained were less reproducible. Ribosomes from extracts prepared by osmotical shocking of lysozyme spheroplasts showed ultracentrifugation patterns differing from those found with other methods: In extracts with low (0.00025m) and high (0.01m) concentration of Mg++ almost the whole range of ribosomes was found whereas in the buffer with 0.001m Mg++ only 30 and 50s ribosomes were present. alumina Particles with a sedimentation constant higher than 100s (polysomes) were not found in any of our extracts. We attempted to discuss our results and compare them with the data given in other reports. The method of osmotical lysis of spheroplast seems to give results most closely related to thein vivo situation in the cell and enables us to study the functional relationship of ribosomes to other cell components namely the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel chromatography for the rapid isolation of active ribosomes from bacteria without the use of harsh conditions or lengthy procedures that damage ribosomes. Ribosomes interact with an alkyl linker attached to the resin, apparently through their RNA component. Examples are given with ribosomes from Escherichia coli, Deinococcus radiodurans, and with clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The ribosomes obtained by this method are unusually intact, so that highly active ribosomes can now be isolated from the clinical isolates, enabling significantly improved in vitro functional assays that will greatly assist the discovery and development of new ribosomally targeted antibiotics.  相似文献   

The mildest treatment with ribonuclease that causes any disaggregation of the polysomes of Escherichia coli or HeLa cells simultaneously attacks the RNA of the constituent ribosomes. It is concluded that the susceptibility to ribonuclease of polysomes does not suggest that they are held together by a strand of messenger RNA. The RNA of the larger sub-unit of bacterial ribosomes has particularly sensitive regions resulting in a non-random degradation. The RNA of the smaller sub-unit of E. coli ribosomes is relatively resistant to ribonuclease attack. The same may be true of the respective sub-units of the intact HeLa-cell ribosome, but both sub-units become very sensitive to ribonuclease on dissociation from each other.  相似文献   

Continuous flow filtration of suspensions of eukaryotic cells by ultrasonic standing wave enhanced sedimentation has recently been reported. The filtration efficiency for Escherichia coli in such a filter has been characterized at frequencies of 1 and 3 MHz in the present work and compared with results for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The yeast can be filtered at greater than 99% efficiency at a flow rate of 5 ml min-1 at either frequency. The filtration efficiency of the smaller E. coli at 3 MHz is in excess of 80% at concentrations in the region of 1010 mI-1 but decreased at lower concentrations. However, E. coli in a mixed suspension with yeast were, because of inter-particle interactions, removed with the filtrate at an efficiency ranging from 80 to 50% over the eight orders of bacterial concentrations tested (down to 103 mI-1) at 3 MHz. Quantitative considerations show that poor filtration of pure suspensions of the smaller cells at the lower frequency arises because, at reasonable flow rates, the residence time is not sufficient for the cells to reach the pressure nodal cell concentration regions. The filtration efficiencies of both cell types are comparable at 3 MHz. It is suggested that the more comparable efficiencies arise because concentration regions are narrower at the high frequency and Stokes drag by the filter bulk flow inhibits sedimentation of the concentrated cells.  相似文献   

When rat liver ribosomes were dissociated by removing their magnesium, the two subunits had s,w of 52.6 and 28.1 S, and appeared to be quite asymmetrical. In 4M urea they became even more elongated. On restoration of magnesium, both subunits assumed more compact forms, 57.6 and 31.7 S, but only 28% of them formed larger aggregates. After brief treatment with formaldehyde, the magnesium-free subunits still elongated in urea, but to a lesser degree than the controls. When magnesium was restored they changed to 53.4 and 31.7 S forms, but did not, aggregate. The ribosomal subunits were also separated by reducing the bound magnesium to a low level, then adding 2.2M urea. After the urea had been dialyzed out, most of the large subunits were still in a compact form and when the magnesium concentration was increased, most of the subunits did not reassociate to whole ribosomes. Formaldehyde-treated subunits, however, did not reassociate. Even in their most compact forms, 60.0 and 35.5 S, both subunits had high frictional ratios. The 60.0 and 31.7 S forms were assumed to be the shapes that are seen in electron micrographs of negatively stained ribosomes. Both subunits seemed to be highly hydrated. Since the large subunit appeared to contain twice as much water as the small one, it might be a structure with either a deep channel or a hollow center.  相似文献   

1. It has been shown by Datema et al. (Datema, R., Agsteribbe, E. and Kroon, A.M. (1974) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 335, 386--395) that Neurospora mitochondria isolated in a Mg2+-containing medium (or after homogenization of the mycelium in this medium and subsequent washing of the mitochondria in EDTA-containing medium) possess 80-S ribosomes; mitochondria homogenized and isolated in EDTA medium yield 73-S ribosomes. The ribosomal proteins of the subunits of 80-S and 73-S ribosomes were compared by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The protein patterns of the large, as well as of the small subunits are very similar but not completely identical; the most conspicuous difference is that the large subunit of 80 S contains about eight more proteins than the large subunit of 73 S. 2. The contamination by Neurospora cytoplasmic 77-S ribosomes in the 80-S preparations, if present, is only minor. 3. Neurospora cytoplasmic ribosomes contain 31 proteins in the large, and 21 proteins in the small subunit. 4. Neurospora 80- mitochondrial ribosomes contain 39 proteins in the large, and 30 proteins in the small subunit 30 proteins. 5. Rat liver mitochondrial ribosomes contain 40 proteins in the large and at least 30 proteins in the small subunit. About 50% of these proteins has an isoelectric point below pH 8.6. 6. The pattern of Paracoccus denitrificans is very similar to that of other bacterial ribosomes, the large subunit contains 29, the small subunit 18 proteins.  相似文献   

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