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Microzooplankton were sampled at five fixed stations in theopen waters of the northern Adriatic during four cruises in1989, nine in 1990, six in 1991 and 12 in 1992. Changes in thequalitative-quantitative composition, together with the spatial-temporaldistribution of the microzooplankton assemblages in the northernwaters of the open Adriatic, were the result of atypical oceanographicand productivity conditions in the entire region of this sea.Owing to low values of ciliated protozoa, which comprised only26% (1989) and 36% (1991) of the total number of microzooplankton,primary production cannot be controlled through grazing. Thismay possibly explain the occurrence of marine snow. The presenceof the larger mucous aggregates in the later phase causes asignificant decrease in the density of the naupliar copepodpopulation. Therefore, the usual dominance of copepods in summerdoes not occur and their development cycle is displaced to lateautumn. Consequently, only Olihona nana, a species of widerecological tolerance, comprised up to 73% of the total numberof postnaupliar copepods during the presence of mucous aggregatesin 1989. Thus, this small copepod plays an important role inthe processes of remineralization in the northern Adriatic.  相似文献   

Sediment samples from two locationsin the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea) werecollected during periods of maximum and minimumtemperatures for two years. Both sites were rich incarbonate material and inhabited by a diverse benthicinfaunal community. However, Site F exhibited adeeper dwelling faunal community, higher content ofcarbonate minerals, and larger grained sediments thanat site MA, which was closer to shore. Depth profilesof sulfate reduction and potential rates of iron andmanganese reduction were determined together withmeasurements of pore water and solid phase chemistry. Bottom waters at all sites were nearly saturated withoxygen for all of the dates sampled except forSeptember 1993 when bottom waters at site F were lessthan 50% saturated. Sulfate reduction rates were ashigh as 400 nmol ml-1 day-1 during latesummer and fall when temperatures were >20 °C,while rates during March (8 °C) were <30 nmolml-1 day-1. Potential rates of ironreduction, as determined by the accumulation of bothdissolved and acid-soluble reduced iron, were high insurficial sediments at each site except at site F whenbottom waters were partially depleted in oxygen. In the latter instance, sulfate reduction overwhelmedmetal reduction. Although the portion of metalreduction due directly to enzymatic use by bacteriawas not determined, the potential rate data suggestedthat Fe and perhaps Mn reduction were significantcomponents of anaerobic carbon degradation in thesesediments during much of the year. Both sitesappeared to support active metal-reducing bacterialcommunities. However, occasional depletion of oxygenin bottom waters appeared to cause a decrease inirrigation/reworking activity by infauna whichdepressed redox cycling of elements enhancing theimportance of sulfate reduction. A shift from metalreduction to sulfate reduction potentially exacerbatestoxic effects of oxygen depletion on fauna byincreasing the accumulation of toxic sulfide.  相似文献   

Drilling predation is one of the most studied biotic interactions in the fossil record and potentially controls biodiversity, but its history may be confounded by natural patchiness across environments. This aspect has been inconsistently evaluated. The current study contributes to our understanding of drilling predation in the Northern Adriatic, which has been previously classified as a low-predation setting, and examines the roles of environment, patchiness, and ecology of prey organisms in modern seas. Nearly 49,000 molluscs from two intertidal and six sublittoral bulk samples along a transect in the Gulf of Trieste were analysed for drill frequency (DF) and prey effectiveness (PE), a measure of prey's ability to resist predatory attacks.DF across all samples was 20.6%, but varied between the intertidal (1.4%) and sublittoral (27.4%). Among the latter, DF differed between the delta foreset beds (18.1%) and level bottom muds and sands (~ 28% each). PE was low in the intertidal (1.1%) and sublittoral (4.5%). Overall DF and PE among the three mud samples varied by nearly 10%, while that within the two sand samples varied little; however, significantly different DFs were observed only among the families Nuculidae, Galeommatidae and Corbulidae in level bottom mud and Cerithiidae in level bottom sand samples. Only Corbulidae displayed significant variation in PE among level bottom mud samples (16.5–43.7%). PE varied significantly between level bottom sand samples only within the families Cerithiidae and Trochidae.Suspension-feeding bivalves and gastropods had the highest DFs (24.3% and 39.1%, respectively), and the value of epifaunal bivalves (32.0%) was nearly twice as high as that of infaunal bivalves (17.9%). DFs of cementing (43.0%) and byssate (27.0%) bivalves were higher than that of recliners (9.9%). Considering their cryptic life habits, parasitic gastropods (20.3%) and commensal bivalves (40.6%) had exceptionally high DF. For each ecological category, PE was highest on suspension-feeding (11.1%), infaunal (15.8%) and cementing (10.5%) bivalves, and on parasitic gastropods (11.9%).DF did not correlate with diversity indices or predator abundance in the sublittoral; therefore, drilling predation probably does not control diversity on the local scale here. DFs support paleoecological theory relating predation to changes in ecological guilds through the Phanerozoic. DFs were highest on suspension feeders, parasites and sessile prey, and were lowest on predators, recliners, and endobenthic molluscs. While cementation likely reduces bivalve susceptibility to durophages, it apparently does not to impede drilling predators. Finally, DF did not vary across size classes in any species examined except Venerupis rhomboides, where the smallest fraction was drilled more often. Additionally, as the proportion of large individuals in our samples was small, disparities in DF across size classes probably did not influence our results. With respect to predation intensity the relatively high DF in the sublittoral, as well as high DF and PE for various taxa and guilds, places the Northern Adriatic Sea among typical Cenozoic shelf environments.  相似文献   

We performed, on a seasonal basis, 16 dilution experiments and,simultaneously, copepod or cladoceran grazing experiments onnatural assemblages from Gulf of Trieste (northern AdriaticSea). The autotrophic fraction was almost entirely composedof diatoms in late winter. As the seasons progressed, relativeabundance of nanoplankton and cyanobacteria increased. Microzooplanktonwas always present in the diet of mesozooplankton, even if inpercentages usually not exceeding 6% of diet intake on carbonbasis. Microzooplankton took advantage of ephemeral increasesof autotrophic biomass when prey were in the optimal size rangebut did not consume diatoms when these were large. When autotrophicresources were scarce, micrograzers used heterotrophic biomasswhich, in turn, fuelled the upper trophic levels through predationby mesozooplankton on microzooplankton. Microzooplankton grazingwas the most important loss term of primary production in theGulf of Trieste (on average, microzooplankton consumed 100%of primary production, while mesozooplankton only 76%), whichcan be considered a mesotrophic coastal system. This paper is one of six on the subject of the role of zooplanktonpredator–prey interactions in structuring plankton communities.  相似文献   

Celussi M  Cataletto B 《Gene》2007,406(1-2):113-123
Bacterioplankton community diversity was investigated monthly in coastal waters of the Gulf of Trieste (NE Adriatic Sea) throughout 2003. Superficial bacterial assemblages of two differently freshwater influenced stations were studied using PCR-DGGE fingerprinting techniques. Bacterial genetic diversity of the sampled area, as estimates of the number of DGGE bands was high (36-64) compared to that reported in other studies employing this fingerprint technique. The similarity index (Sorensen Index) between assemblages showed a defined operational taxonomic units (OTUs) succession pattern in the more typically marine station with stable winter communities and quickly changing summer ones. On the contrary in the station affected by riverine inputs no clear pattern was detected. In both sites, according to cluster analyses performed on the DGGE banding pattern, three seasonal assemblages were identified: winter-spring, summer and fall. Sequence analysis of fifty-six among the brightest gel bands led to the observation of bacteria affiliated to Gram positive, Cyanobacteria, Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroides (CFB) lineages and the alpha-, gamma- and delta- subdivisions of the Proteobacteria. Gamma-Proteobacteria constituted the main fraction (60%) of sequences in the more typically marine station, whereas the river-influenced station was characterised by more heterogeneous assemblages (39% alpha-Proteobacteria, 32% Flavobacteria).  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of macrobenthic invertebrate assemblages at different spatial scales and in relation to natural and anthropogenic disturbance gradients were investigated in the Pialassa Baiona, a eutrophic and polluted brackish coastal lagoon located along the Italian coast of the northern Adriatic Sea. This coastal lagoon shows a complex physiography with several shallow water ponds and channels separated by discontinuous artificial embankments. Environmental variables and macrobenthic invertebrate assemblages showed higher heterogeneity at small spatial scale (i.e. within channels and ponds). Distinction between channels and ponds is only weakly supported by the distribution patterns of macrobenthic assemblages. Depth was the major factor in structuring benthic communities within ponds, while species distributions along the channels were strongly correlated with the anthropogenic disturbance gradient. Anthropogenic disturbance mainly affected species richness, which was inversely correlated with the organic carbon contents in the sediments and the water surface temperature, which is affected by the input of cooling water from two thermal power plants. Some opportunistic species, like the polychaetes Streblospio shrubsolii and Capitella capitata, were more abundant in the southern polluted areas. In particular, the abundance of S. shrubsolii significantly increased with organic carbon contents in the sediments and water surface temperature, while C. capitata was more abundant in the warmed sites and close to sewages. Conversely, the abundance of the amphipod Corophium insidiosum was inversely related to organic carbon contents.  相似文献   

Shellfish aquaculture implies the placement of artificial structures in the coastal environment and the alteration of natural bivalve populations, which calls for the establishment of legislative regulatory frameworks based on an ecosystem approach. One of the challenges for policy makers is the need to monitor the effectiveness of management actions. In this study, a meta-analysis across different bays, covering a large spatial scale in Atlantic Canada, was performed to test the response of two potential indicators of aquaculture intensity: (1) the bivalve growth using both Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) and Scope For Growth (SFG) approaches, and (2) the bivalve condition index (CI = (meat weight/shell weight) × 100). Our underlying premise was that overstocking of bivalves leads to increased competition for food resources, which might ultimately have a significant effect on bivalve growth performance and the CI. Bivalve growth performance for cohorts of Mytilus edulis and Crassostrea virginica were simulated by combining satellite remote sensing (temperature and chlorophyll) with individual based models using both DEB and SFG approaches. These models were calibrated for each cohort, by adjusting the half-saturation coefficient of the food ingestion function term (XK), which is a common parameter related to feeding behavior in both approaches. A significant correlation between XK and lease coverage (lease area/bay area, dimensionless) was found for M. edulis. However, because of unrealistic XK values in some M. edulis cohorts and the lack of consistent simulations for C. virginica precluded using XK as a reliable indicator of aquaculture intensity. By contrast, according to the observed results CI emerged as a good indicator of aquaculture intensity for both species. A General Additive Model (GAM) for C. virginica provided a regression that included the initial dry meat weight as a linear term and the lease area as a non-linear term, explaining a total deviance of 59.9% in describing final CI values. The GAM for M. edulis included only non-linear terms, lease coverage, and lease area, explaining a total deviance of 61.0%. Since the CI theoretically integrates the effects of changing trophic conditions over time, the good relationship between the CI and lease/bay characteristics provides a scientific framework for its use as a reliable ecological indicator of aquaculture intensity. From an applied perspective, this finding is of relevance because the CI is easy to measure and is widely available in government and industry datasets.  相似文献   

Acoustic monitoring can provide essential information on marine environments, including insights into ecosystem functioning and marine biodiversity monitoring. However, data on species acoustic behavior and ecoacoustics studies in the Mediterranean Sea are still extremely scarce and this limits our ability to use soundscape features in monitoring studies. Here we present the results of a soundscape investigation conducted on shallow hard bottoms of the Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean basin). We report the presence of diverse circadian rhythms recorded in two different months, July and September. A power spectral density (PSD) was used to assess the overall spectral composition over time, and the Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI), was identified as a proxy for marine sounds of biological origin. The dominant component of the biological soundscape was composed of snapping shrimps and fishes. Spectral characteristics varied significantly both daily and between the two months. For frequencies >620 Hz (i.e., associated to snapping shrimp activity), both PSD and ACI were higher in July than in September. The same circadian rhythm was reported in both sampling periods, with the presence of snaps for 24 h a day, but with significantly lower intensity during daylight hours and pitches at the beginning and ending of the night. At lower frequencies (i.e., <620 Hz), fish vocalizations mostly occurred during the night. Higher values of ACI were recorded during the night in both months, whereas the presence of anthropogenic noise caused opposite results in PSD levels. Noise was associated with higher PSD and ACI at the peak frequency of the snaps, suggesting a stimulation in snapping activity. Our findings provide new insights on the marine biological soundscape and on the potential use of ecoacoustics in future monitoring programs.  相似文献   

Exergy is considered as a goal function or ecological orientor. Normally at the edge of oscillation exergy reaches to its maximum value when the ecosystem had no adaptation on it. To study the variation of exergy in different states of ecosystem, a simple three species (phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish) food chain model has been considered. From the model it is shown that the system moves from steady state to chaotic state by decreasing zooplankton body volume in turn increasing its grazing rate. By the property of self-adaptability the system tries to overcome this situation. Two such possible processes are described here: (i) by the toxic effect of phytoplankton and (ii) by reducing half saturation constant of fishes. In both this cases exergy value reduces and the system reaches to stable state. Through the analysis of exergy variation in all these situations this paper shows that the system chose the process in which the reduction of exergy will be the minimum.  相似文献   

The rare deepwater gobiid fish Vanneaugobius dollfusi, hitherto described only from limited material identified in collections, was encountered and collected during scuba dives at depths of 30–45 m in the northern Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Biomonitoring of mussel bed assemblages can provide valuable information about the impact of pollution on hard substrate assemblages. This study of Mytilus galloprovincialis mussel beds in Thermaikos Gulf (northern Aegean Sea) deals with the spatial and temporal structure of the associated fauna. Samples were collected and abiotic factors were measured in two successive years. Common biocoenotic methods were employed to analyze the data. The samples could be separated into three groups, with summer and winter samples being clearly different. A total of 100 species were found: polychaetes and crustaceans were the most dominant taxa. The assemblage shows high diversity with respect to species abundance. Biotic interactions within the assemblage appear to influence its composition, although the total evenness remains unaffected in space and time. The M. galloprovincialis assemblages can be found in clean as well as in polluted waters and, therefore, are of great interest in biomonitoring studies.Communicated by H.-D. Franke  相似文献   

Foraminiferal analyses carried out on the VTR01/8 core (Tremiti Islands, Adriatic Sea) lead to the reconstruction of the paleoenvironmental evolution of the area. Although the core site is located at about 1000 km from the Po delta, this study shows that the installation of the recent sedimentological and run-off system (with a shore parallel clay-belt) is similar to that described at sites much closer to the Po delta. The statistical analysis singled out four associations that correspond to four distinct environments. The ecological preferences of the most abundant taxa that characterize each environment reveal that from the bottom of the core to − 50 cm, there is a slight increase of the water depth after which the water depth increases until the present level. Association A (that comprises subclusters A1, A2 and A3) is characterized by shallow-water taxa (e.g., Ammonia beccarii, Quinqueloculina spp. and Elphidium granosum) showing that in the past an infralittoral environment typified the Tremiti High. The subclusters of Association A show that during the deposition of the lower part of the core there had been an alternation of phases characterized by different degrees of riverine influence: the site was at first under the influence of river outflow (A2) that later bypassed the core site (A3) and then came back, although located further away than before (A1). With the rising of the sea level, the Tremiti High became only marginally affected by river influence because the core site is located at a considerable distance from the Po outlets and seaward with respect to the center of the modern mud-belt. As a matter of fact, association B (Bulimina marginata, Cassidulina carinata and Textularia spp.), which starts at − 46 cm, shows the typical characteristics of the modern mud-belt outer-shelf assemblage, although the presence of opportunistic species is limited by the distant position with respect to the Po delta.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton succession and sinking rates were studied from January to December 2003 at a coastal station in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea), 200 m offshore, in a relatively undisturbed area. A conical sediment trap, moored at 15 m depth (water depth 17 m), was used. The hypothesis if the presence of benthic and epiphytic diatoms can lead to an overestimation of the vertical fluxes was tested. To evaluate primary and secondary sedimentation contributions, planktonic, benthic and epiphytic diatoms were distinguished. Benthic species abundance varied throughout the year and it was related to resuspension that strongly influenced sinking rates. All over the year, diatoms were the prevailing class in the trap material accounting for 75.32% of the settled cells, while flagellates represented 24.11%. Dinophyceae and resting cells constituted minor components, accounting for 0.43% and 0.14%, respectively. The gross sedimentation rates ranged from 0.006 × 108 cell m−2 d−1 in the second week of May to 6.30 × 108 cell m−2 d−1 in the third week of January with a mean annual value of 1.09 ± 1.43 × 108 cell m−2 d−1. To the primary sedimentation rate Pseudo-nitzschia seriata of the group “Nitzschia seriata complex” contributed for 49.77% followed by Chaetoceros spp. (23.88%). The major contributor to the secondary sedimentation rate was the diatom Paralia sulcata, accounting for 24.76%. Epiphytic diatoms contributed for 11.19% and 12.27% on annual average gross abundance and biomass, respectively, reaching even 72.04% of gross abundance and 56.06% of gross biomass in the second week of August. The correlation between temperature and the logarithm of the epiphytic biomass was statistically significant, with r = 0.66 and P < 0.001. Both in the cluster analysis and in the PCA four main groups were formed, where benthic and epiphytic species were separately gathered. Planktonic, benthic and epiphytic forms accounted for 50.78%, 36.95% and 12.27%, respectively, calculated on the annual average biomass. Therefore, vertical fluxes can be overestimated of 50% or more if benthic and epiphytic species are not rejected.  相似文献   

Rottini Sandrini  L.  Avian  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):197-202
The sequence of vitellogenesis as related to size increase of the oocytes of Pelagia noctiluca (Forskål) (Scyphozoa, Semaeostomeae) was examined to assess the influence of climatic factors on its reproductive period in the central and northern Adriatic Sea. From 1981 to 1985, 5 specimens with similar diameter were sampled each month. One ovary was excised from each individual and examined both with a videoanalyzer, to count the oocytes and to check their size distribution, and through histology to assess the stage of maturation in relation to the diameter. Oocytes of all stages were present in the ovaries of individuals down to a bell diameter of 3.5 cm. Thus reproduction occurs throughout the year in the central and north Adriatic Sea. However, the number of oocytes in different developmental stages in a gonad may range from a minimum value recorded in summer to two peaks in spring and autumn. The quantitative distribution is related to sea temperature and thus to metabolic rate, and to food availability.  相似文献   

The use of periphyton nitrogenase activity (biological N2 fixation) as an indicator of wetland P impact was assessed using patterns of nutrient content (C, N, P, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn) and acetylene reduction (AR) in floating cyanobacterial periphyton mat (metaphyton) communities of a P-enriched portion of the Florida Everglades, USA (Water Conservation Area-2A, WCA-2A). Spatial patterns of nutrients indicate the enrichment of floating mat periphyton N, P, Fe, and K, and the reduction of Mn and TN:TP in enriched marsh areas. In highly enriched areas, floating mat periphyton AR was approximately threefold greater than that in less enriched, interior marsh zones. Multiple regression models indicated AR dependence on P in eutrophic WCA-2A areas while the AR of more interior marsh periphyton mats was more closely related to tissue levels of Ca and Fe. Nitrogenase activity of floating mat periphyton from P-loaded mesocosms revealed a significant enhancement of N2 fixation in samples receiving approximately 2–3 mg P m−2 of cumulative P dosing or with biomass TP content of 100–300 mg kg−1. At P contents above the optimum, mat periphyton AR was suppressed possibly as a result of changes in species composition or increased levels of NH4+. After 3 years of dosing, consistently high AR occurred only at low rates of P enrichment (0.4–0.8 g P m−2 yr−1), and the patterns appeared to be seasonal. These findings agree with the hypothesis that P availability is a key determinant of nitrogenase activity in aquatic systems, and thus, may support the use of periphyton nitrogenase to indicate P impacts in P-limited systems. These results also demonstrate the potential existence of a P threshhold for biogeochemical alteration of periphyton mat function in the Everglades, and that cumulative loading of limiting nutrients (i.e., P), rather than instantaneous concentrations, should be considered when evaluating nutrient criteria.  相似文献   

The ratio of entropy generation rate to entropy embodied in structures relatively to the surroundings can be considered as an indicator of the ability of a self-organizing dissipative system to maintain itself far from equilibrium by pumping out entropy. The higher the ratio (which may be called the specific entropy production or the specific dissipation of a system), the lower the capacity of a system to convert the incoming low-entropy energy into internal organization. It appears that the ratio attains special significance for interpreting the evolution of biological systems, as the maximum expression of self-organizing systems, from the sub-cellular to the ecosystem scale. This paper proposes specific dissipation, written as the ratio of biological entropy production to exergy stored in the living biomass, as a thermodynamic orientor as well as an indicator of the development state of ecological systems. After having presented a method for estimating the specific dissipation in lakes, the adequacy of the proposed indicator is discussed and also tested by comparing its response to those of some classical ecological attributes (successional sequences of species, biodiversity, individual body size, structural organization and generation time of organisms) throughout the seasonal progression of the plankton community in Lake Trasimeno (Umbria, Italy). The results support the hypothesis that the minimization of specific dissipation is a primary criterion of evolution of ecological systems and also sustain the use of specific dissipation as an indicator of ecological maturity.  相似文献   

Populations of Noctiluca scintillans (hereafter Noctiluca) were compared from two regions: the northeastern-central Black Sea and the northern Adriatic Sea. In both seas samples were collected in near-shore waters 2–3 times per month during 2004–2012. For analysis of feeding activities and seasonal dynamics additional cruise data on the open waters of the Black Sea were used. Comparison between the two populations shows similarity in size structure with two classes 401–500 μm and 501–600 μm being the most numerous. Seasonal changes in cell abundance in both seas demonstrated a regular annual maximum with the peak period of high abundances in May–June with additional sporadic peaks in other seasons. In spring the average number of food vacuoles in the cell (1.78) and the proportion of feeding cells in populations (79%) in the Adriatic Sea were similar to those in the Black Sea (1.58 and 76%). In September–October, these parameters were lower both in the Adriatic Sea (0.69 and 49%) and in the Black Sea (1.46 and 65%) demonstrating that Noctiluca was better provided with food in spring. Among biotic parameters (wet phytoplankton biomass, chlorophyll biomass and zooplankton species) only the concentration of the eggs of Calanus euxinus was significantly positively correlated with abundance of Noctiluca. The possible effect of a high concentration of copepod eggs on the growth of Noctiluca in the peak period is discussed. An obvious negative relationship was observed between Noctiluca cell numbers in the peak period and wind velocity in both seas. The most significant negative correlation was observed between the number of windy hours per month (velocity more than 5–6 m s−1) and cell concentrations in the Black Sea (r = −0.92) and in the northern Adriatic Sea (r = −0.67). On this basis, a new hypothesis has been proposed and discussed: in connection with features of the food behavior of Noctiluca, its outbursts during the peak period are controlled by the wind. An evident positive relationship was observed between the number of Noctiluca in the peak period and its quantity in the preceding months in both seas. Thus, we suggest that abundance data during early spring and weather forecasts (winds) may be used for medium-term prediction of Noctiluca outbursts and red tides.  相似文献   

Avian  M.  Rottini Sandrini  L. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):189-195
Oocyte development was followed in 4 species of Scyphomedusae. In Pelagia noctiluca a centrifugal maturity gradient is present. Vitellogenesis may be related first to exogenous endodermal production and later to oocyte endogenous activity. Simultaneously, the paraovular body (POB) develops from the secondary endoderm; it is connected to the oocyte and controls secretion of mucus, which envelops the oocyte during spawning. In Aurelia aurita, there is no maturity gradient, nor any differentiated structures of endodermal origin, associated with oocytes. In Discomedusa lobata a maturity gradient is absent. Its vitellogenesis is similar to that in P. noctiluca, and is associated with structural modification of the secondary endoderm in the area contacting the oocyte. This structure is cytologically similar to the POB of P. noctiluca, though less differentiated. Spawning is similar to that of P. noctiluca, with fenestration of the surrounding endodermal cells as the oocyte passes from the ovary to the genital sinus. In Rhizostoma pulmo a maturity gradient is absent. An early and fairly evident development of the vitelline membrane was observed.  相似文献   

Recurrent occurrences of visible mucilage “clouds” that cover areas up to several hundred kilometres with vertical dimensions of 20–30 m have been recorded in the stratified water column in the northern Adriatic. In the past this was described as “mare sporco” phenomenon. Past studies of the phenomenon indicated that phytoplankton is an important component of mucilage. Our research revealed the composition of phytoplankton assemblages in different types of mucilaginous aggregates collected during the summers of 1997 and 2000 using pigment biomarkers (HPLC). Phytoplankton biomass in the mucilage samples was very high, ranging from 7.9 μg g−1 to 390.8 μg g−1 of chlorophyll a per unit of dry mass of mucilage. The phytoplankton community in the early, loose stage of mucilaginous aggregates was heterogeneous, as indicated by the diversity of detected pigments. The number of phytoplankton groups decreased as the aggregates aged and diatoms increased in relative biomass (up to 92.7%). Phytoplankton biomass in seawater was similar in years with and without mucilage; however, significantly higher contributions to the total biomass of 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin-containing phytoplankton (prymnesiophytes) were found in the upper 10 m in spring of the “mucilaginous years” (1997 and 2000) followed by prevalence of diatoms in summer. The Fp pigment index used to assess seawater trophic conditions reached lower values in April–May in mucilaginous years (1997 and 2000) compared to non-mucilaginous years (1998 and 1999). We conclude that the role of prymnesiophytes and other small flagellates is crucial for the initial phases of mucilage appearance. Aggregates represent a favourable environment for the secondary development of opportunistic diatoms that foster mucilage formation.  相似文献   

Summary Coral assemblages in northern Safaga Bay, Red Sea, Egypt, are qualitatively described. Nine distinct assemblages were found, which correspond to quantitatively defined community types previously described from the area off Hurghada, northern Red Sea. Their distribution within northern Safaga Bay was mapped. Strong gradient and/or steep relief assemblages were:Acropora assemblage on windward (exposed) reefs,Porites assemblage on leeward (sheltered) reefs,Millepora assemblage on current exposed reefs,Stylophora assemblage on reef flats. Low gradient and/or low relief assemblages were:Acropora dominated coral patches in areas of good circulation to a depth of 15 m,Stylophora/Acropora coral patch assemblages in shallow sheltered environments, faviid carpet in low relief areas between 10 and 25 m which with increasing turbidity turns into a depauperate faviid carpet,Porites carpet in low relief areas between 5 and 15 m with clearest water,Sarcophyton carpet in low relief areas with high suspension load, platy scleractinian assemblage in deeper water (>25 m) with low light intensity. The distribution of coral assemblages depends basically on 1) topography 2) hydrodynamics 3) light and 4) suspension load.  相似文献   

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