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Illicium hottense, a new species, is here described from the floristically diverse Massif de la Hotte of southern Haiti. It is compared to related species, especiallyI. ekmanii, with which it has previously been confused.Illicium hottense andI. ekmanii are members ofIllicium subsectionParviflora, a group that comprises four species, all endemic to peninsular Florida (I. parviflorum) or the Greater Antilles: Cuba (I. cubense) and Hispaniola (I. ekmanii, andI. hottense). The subsection is characterized by its distinctive laminar-carnose, ovoid stamens; all have trisyncolpate pollen.Illicium hottense is similar toI. ekmanii andI. parviflorum in having flowers with ten to thirteen carpels and six to less commonly eight stamens, but differs from both in its strongly papillose outer tepals and consistently acute leaves. In addition, its leaves lack the strong anise fragrance ofI. parviflorum. Finally, molecular data provide support for recognizingI. hottense as a species distinct fromI. ekmanii.  相似文献   

Duranta neblinensis, from Sierra de la Neblina, Amazonas state, Venezuela is described, illustrated, and its morphological relationships with allied species are discussed. This new species is similar to D. obtusifolia, but it differs by its stout spines; pubescent petioles and leaves; apiculate calyx lobes; and fruits with an open, slender, curved rostrum . An updated key to the six Venezuelan species of Duranta is presented, and phytogeographic information about Sierra de la Neblina is provided.  相似文献   

Acciavatti RE 《ZooKeys》2011,(147):99-182
The Brasiella tiger beetle fauna on Hispaniola, the second largest island of the Greater Antilles, has more species diversity than currently recognized as all populations previously have been assigned to the insular endemic Brasiella dominicana (Mandl). A comparative study of adult morphology, particularly male genitalic and female abdominal characters, for available Brasiella specimens from populations on Hispaniola, proposes eight additional new species also endemic to this island. Except for three sympatric species in the Sierra de Baoruco in southern Dominican Republic occurring in different habitats, all the Brasiella on Hispaniola appear to be allopatric. Most species occur in the major mountainous regions of Hispaniola. Two species, however, are known only from river floodplains in the southern coastal plain of the Dominican Republic. Brasiella dominicana (Mandl) and Brasiella ocoa, new species, occur along river floodplains emanating from the eastern end of the Cordillera Central in the Dominican Republic. Two new Brasiella species, Brasiella bellorum, and Brasiella philipi, occur in the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic, the former species from central portions, and the latter species from north slopes of this mountain range, respectively. Three new Brasiella species, Brasiella rawlinsi, Brasiella iviei, and Brasiella youngi, are isolated in the Sierra de Baoruco, Dominican Republic, where each occupies a different habitat along an altitudinal gradient. The two new Brasiella species in Haiti are Brasiella darlingtoniana, in the Massif de la Selle, and Brasiella davidsoni, in the Massif de la Hotte. All nine Brasiella species on Hispaniola, along with Brasiella viridicollis (Dejean) and its two subspecies on Cuba, belong to the viridicollis species group of the genus Brasiella based on criteria presented in earlier published phylogenetic studies of Brazilian and West Indian tiger beetles. The subspecies Brasiella viridicollis fernandozayasi (Kippenhan, Ivie and Hopp) may represent a distinct species within this species group, whereas removal of Brasiella wickhami (W. Horn) from this species group seems warranted based on evidence presented. A general overview of species relationships for the Brasiella on Hispaniola are discussed, along with the current and ancestral geographic distributions of the Brasiella viridicollis species group in the West Indies.  相似文献   

Obolinga zanonii Barneby is described as a new monotypic genus from disturbed cloud forest of the Sierra de Bahoruco—Massif de la Selle mountain system in southeastern Haiti and southwestern Dominican Republic. The genus is to be added to tribe Ingeae of Mimosaceae, and is believed on the basis of gross morphology, wood anatomy, and pollen structure to be nearest to the genusCojoba. From this it differs in a massive terete pod completely filled with a stack of large discoid seeds clothed in a lustrous papery testa and inertly dehiscent on the ground. The structurally comparable fruit of the Malayan genusCylindrokelupha, currently referred toArchidendron, is ascribed to parallelism. The species is illustrated with line drawings.  相似文献   

The Sagraea clade (Melastomataceae, tribe Miconieae) is briefly characterized, typified, and formally treated as a section within Miconia. In addition, two new species of Miconia sect. Sagraea, endemic to the floristically diverse Massif de la Hotte of southwestern Haiti and discovered during the course of a systematic revision of the Caribbean species of this section, are here described and illustrated. Miconia hottensis and M. navifolia, morphologically similar and possible sister species, are compared to each other and to the widespread Caribbean species M. capillaris and the southwestern Dominican Republic endemic M. tetraptera; these four species share rectangular stems with four low ridges or wings and minute, short-stalked, peltate or pseudopeltate hairs and likely form a clade.  相似文献   

Calycogonium formonense, a new species, is here described from the floristically diverse Massif de la Hotte of southern Haiti. It is compared to C. hispidulum, to which it is likely related. Although the genus Calycogonium is not monophyletic, C. formonense and C. hispidulum are probably related to other species, e.g., C. calycopteris, C. heterophyllum, and C. reticulatum, that exhibit reduced inflorescences and 4-merous flowers having hypanthia with four conspicuous lobes separated by longitudinal grooves and external calyx lobes that are flattened parallel to the floral radii. These distinctive species may form a clade. Calycogonium formonense is distinguished from C. hispidulum by its smaller leaves with the tertiary veins not raised on the abaxial surface, with entire margins (i.e., margin without elongate multicellular hairs), and usually solitary flowers.  相似文献   

Utricularia regia is described and illustrated. It occurs in the Sierra Madre del Sur region of Guerrero, Mexico, and belongs to section Psyllosperma; a key to differentiate the species of sect. Psyllosperma is included. The new species is similar to Utricularia hintonii and U. petersoniae, from which it differs in the unusual division of the upper lip of the corolla into four lobes and its peculiar coloration pattern. A table comparing the differences among these three species is presented. Utricularia regia adds a new, narrowly endemic species to the flora of Guerrero, Mexico.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra como especie nueva para la ciencia a Utricularia regia a partir de ejemplares procedentes del estado de Guerrero, México. La nueva especie se ubica en la sección Psyllosperma y está mejor relacionada con Utricularia hintonii y U. petersoniae; de las que se diferencia por la división del labio superior de la corola en cuatro lóbulos y por su peculiar coloración; se presenta una tabla en la que se comparan más ampliamente estas tres especies y se incluye también una clave para diferenciar las especies de la sección Psyllosperma. Utricularia regia agrega un elemento endémico más a la flora de Guerrero y de México.

Yucca linearifolia is described, illustrated, and distinguished from other yucca species. Its distinctive combination of fleshy fruit and narrow, linear, denticulate leaves sets it apart from all other yuccas. Se describe e ilustraYucca linearifolia y se discute su separación de otras especies del géneroYucca. La combinación de caracteres tales como el fruto, carnoso y la hoja linear y denticulada la distingue del resto de las especies del género.  相似文献   

Ampelozizyphus guaquirensis, native to the central portion of the Coastal Cordillera of Venezuela, is newly described and illustrated. It differs from the only other species in the genus, A. amazonicus, in its arborescent (vs. lianoid) habit, subsessile (vs. pedunculate) inflorescence, deciduous (vs. persistent) calyx lobes in fruit, and presence (vs. absence) of nectaries at the base of the leaf blades. Ampelozizyphus is now a prime example of the disjunct distribution of closely related species between Amazonia and the Coastal Cordillera of Venezuela.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra Ampelozizyphus guaquirensis, una especie nativa de la zona central de la Cordillera de la Costa de Venezuela. Se distingue de la única otra especie en el género, A. amazonicus, por su hábito arborescente (vs. trepador), su inflorescencia subsesil ( vs. pedunculada), los lóbulos del caliz decíduos (vs. persistentes) en fruto, y la presencia (vs. ausencia) de nectarios en la base de las láminas foliares; estos caracteres ahora amplian el concepto morfológico del género. Ampelozizyphus se convierte así en un ejemplo notable de la distribución disyunta de especies afines entre Amazonía y la Cordillera de la Costa de Venezuela.

A new species ofSecuridaca was found during the preparation of the Polygalaceae treatment for theNuevo Catálogo de la Flora de Venezuela.Securidaca fundacionensis, from La Fundación, in the Venezuelan Andes, is described, illustrated, and its morphological relationship with an allied species is discussed. This new species is similar toS. uniflora, but it differs by its terete branches; broadly ovate leaves; larger petioles, flowers, fruits; and flabellate-crested keel (abaxial) petal. An updated key to the 27 Venezuelan species ofSecuridaca is presented, and phytogeographical information about La Fundación is provided.
Resumen  Una nueva especie del géneroSecuridaca fue encontrada durante la elaboración del tratamiento de la familia Polygalaceae para elNuevo, Catálogo de la Flora de Venezuela.Securidaca fundacionensis, del sector La Fundación, estado Táchira, Andes de Venezuela, es descrita, ilustrada y sus relaciones morfológicas con su especie afín son discutidas.S. fundacionensis es similar aS. uniflora, sin embargo, difiere de esta especie por poseer las ramas teretes; las hojas ampliamente ovadas; los pecíolos, las flores, y los frutos más grandes; y la quilla (el pétalo inferior) con una cresta flabelada. Se presenta una clave actualizada para diferenciar las 27 especies del géneroSecuridaca presentes en Venezuela y información general acerca la fitogeografía del sector La Fundación.

Summary   Tabebuia karsoana is a shrub or small tree species from the northern karst of Puerto Rico, where it is confined to ridges and hilltops. Its habit and general flower appearance are similar to those of T. haemantha (Bertero ex Spreng.) A. DC. However, T. karsoana is distinguished by leaflets densely covered with white peltate scales on both sides, the corolla fuchsia with a white microscopically papillose throat, the stamens with arcuate filaments, and the anthers divaricate and connivent, among other features. In addition, the two species’ distributions do not overlap and their habitats are contrasting. According to IUCN criteria, the new species can be defined as “endangered” and consequently needs legal protection.
Resumen   Tabebuia karsoana es una especie de arbusto o árbol peque?o del karso norte?o de Puerto Rico, donde crece sobre riscos y cimas. Es similar a Tabebuia haemantha (Bertero ex Spreng.) A. DC., en la forma de crecimiento y en la apariencia general de las flores. Sin embargo, T. karsoana es distinguible por sus hojuelas densamente cubiertas de escamas blancas y peltadas, sus corolas fucsia con la garganta blanca y microscópicamente papilosa, sus estambres con filamentos arqueados, y sus anteras divaricadas y coniventes, entre otras características. Además, las áreas de distribución de las dos especies no se traslapan y sus hábitats son contrastantes. Con base en los criterios de la UICN, la nueva especie puede definirse como “en peligro”, y consecuentemente amerita protección legal.

Miconia punctibullata, a new species of Melastomataceae from Colombia, is described and illustrated. The new species can be distinguished by its scandent herbaceous habit, stems and inflorescences with swollen annular projections below the nodes, punctations with sessile, glandular trichomes on the abaxial surface of the leaf, compound dichasial inflorescences, and bright yellow petals. A key to all species of Miconia with annular stem projections is provided.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra Miconia punctibullata, una nueva especie colombiana de Melastomataceae, caracterizada por el hábito herbáceo semiescandente, la presencia de proyecciones anulares engrosadas por debajo de los nudos (manicaduras) en tallos y ejes de la inflorescencia, punteaduras con tricomas glandulares sésiles por el envés de la lámina foliar, inflorescencias en dicasio compuesto, y pétalos amarillos. Se incluye una clave para todas las especies de Miconia con nudos manicados.

A new corticolous species of Byssoloma, B. rubromarginatum Messuti and de la Rosa from Nothofagus dombeyi forests is described and illustrated. The new species is characterized by the morphology of the thallus and apothecia, the 3–5 (7)-septate ascospores, the presence of an anthraquinone in the exciple, and its ecology. It is the first species within the genus known to have gyrophoric acid in the apothecial margin. A key to Byssoloma species known from Nothofagus temperate forests in South America is provided.  相似文献   

Aristolochia dalyi, from western Peruvian and Brazilian Amazonia, andA. bahiensis, from Bahia, Brazil, are described and illustrated. The species belong toAristolochia ser.Thyrsicae andA. ser.Hexandrae subser.Anthocaulicae, respectively. A key to the eight western Amazonian species of the seriesThyrsicae is presented.Aristolochia dalyi closely resemblesA. silvatica Barb. Rodr. from the Río Negro basin, andA. bahiensis—the first cauliflorous species ofAristolochia known from the Mata Atlantica—is similar toA. guentheri O. C. Schmidt andA. klugii O. C. Schmidt, from the Western Amazon basin. Characters based primarily on the perianth shape, along with some vegetative features, are used to distinguish the two newly described species from their close relatives.
Resumen   Aristolochia dalyi, del occidente de la amazonía peruana y brasilera, yA. bahiensis, del estado de Acre, en Brasil, son descritas e ilustradas. Las especies pertenecen aAristolochia ser.Thyrsicae yA. ser.Hexandrae subser.Anthocaulicae respectivamente.Aristolochia dalyi es incluída en una clave para diferenciarla de las especies de la serieThyrsicae presentes en la Amazonía occidental, y resulta ser similar aA. silvatica Barb. Rodr, propia de la cuenca del río Negro; por su parte,A. bahiensis, hasta ahora la única especie deAristolochia cauliflora hallada en la Mata Atlántica, es similar aA. guentheri O. C. Schmidt yA. klugii O. C. Schmidt, propias del occidente de la cuenca amazónica. Los caracteres diagnósticos de las nuevas especies se basan principlalmente en la forma del perianto, aunque algunas diferencias vegetativas son también reconocidas.

A new species of Brachistus is described from the region of Chiriquí in Panama. Brachistus knappiae morphologically resembles Brachistus stramoniifolius, and has been confused with it in the past. The diagnostic features of Brachistus knappiae are discussed, and the plant is illustrated.
Resumen  Se describe una especie nueva de la región de Chiriquí en Panamá. Brachistus knappiae es morfológicamente parecida a B. stramoniifolius, lo cual provocaba que fuera erróneamente identificada como esta especie en el pasado. Se discuten los caracteres diagnósticos de Brachistus knappiae y la planta es ilustrada.

A new species,Senecio chipauquilensis, from the Meseta de Somuncurá in the province of Rio Negro (Argentina), is described and illustrated. The new species resemblesSenecio subpanduratus, but it is clearly different by its sessile basal leaves, strongly auriculate and amplexicaul cauline leaves, and less number of phyllaries in the head, dorsally 1–2 veined.  相似文献   

Tibouchina sericea, a new species of Melastomataceae from isolated pine forests of southern Mexico, is described and illustrated. This species resembles the rare T. nanifolia in the short and open pubescence of the stem, and the yellow subisomorphic anthers, but differs in the bullate leaves and the bulla-based hypanthial hairs.
Resumen  Se describe Tibouchina sericea, una nueva especie de Melastomataceae que se encuentra en localidades aisladas con bosques de Pinus del sur de México. Esta especie se asemeja a T. nanifolia, una especie rara, en la pubescencia corta y abierta del tallo y las anteras amarillas subisomórficas, pero difiere en las hojas abolladas y en los pelos del hipantio con la base globosa.

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