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Avena barbata, an autotetraploid grass, is much more widely adapted than Avena hirtula, its diploid ancestor. We have determined the 14-locus genotype of 754 diploid and 4751 tetraploid plants from 10 and 50 Spanish sites, respectively. Allelic diversity is much greater in the tetraploid (52 alleles) than in the diploid (38 alleles): the extra alleles of the tetraploid were present in nonsegregating heteroallelic quadriplexes. Seven loci were monomorphic for the same allele (genotypically 11) in all populations of the diploid: five of these loci were also monomorphic for the same allele (genotypically 1111) in all populations of the tetraploid whereas two loci each formed a heteroallelic quadriplex (1122) that was monomorphic or predominant in the tetraploid. Seven of the 14 loci formed one or more highly successful homoallelic and/or heteroallelic quadriplexes in the tetraploid. We attribute much of the greater heterosis and wider adaptedness of the tetraploid to favorable within-locus interactions and interlocus (epistatic) interactions among alleles of the loci that form heteroallelic quadriplexes. It is difficult to account for the observed patterns in which genotypes are distributed ecogeographically except in terms of natural selection favoring particular alleles and genotypes in specific habitats. We conclude that natural selection was the predominant integrating force in shaping the specific genetic structure of different local populations as well as the adaptive landscape of both the diploid and tetraploid.  相似文献   

P. Garcia  F. J. Vences  M. P. Vega    R. W. Allard 《Genetics》1989,122(3):687-694
Spanish explorers and colonists inadvertently started a massive experiment in evolutionary genetics when they accidentally introduced Avena barbata to California from Spain during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Assays of the Spanish and Californian gene pools of this species for 15 loci show that the present day Spanish gene pool, particularly that of Southwestern Spain, is identical or virtually identical to that of California for five loci and closely similar for nine loci. Despite their similar allelic and single-locus genotypic compositions, the present-day Spanish and Californian gene pools are differently structured on a multilocus genetic basis. Evolutionary implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty rDNA spacer-length variants (slvs) have been identified in barley. These slvs form a ladder in which each variant (with one exception) differs from its immediate neighbors by a 115-bp subrepeat. The 20 slvs are organized in two families, one forming an eight-step ladder (slvs 100-107) in the nucleolus organizer region (NOR) of chromosome 7 and the other a 12-step ladder (slvs 108a-118) in the NOR of chromosome 6. The eight shorter slvs (100-107) segregate and serve as markers of eight alleles of Mendelian locus Rrn2 and the 12 longer slvs (108a-118) segregate and serve as markers of 12 alleles of Mendelian locus Rrn1. Most barley plants (90%) are homozygous for two alleles, including one from each the 100-107 and the 108a-118 series. Two types of departures from this typical pattern of molecular and genetic organization were identified, one featuring compound alleles marked by two slvs of Rrn1 or of Rrn2, and the other featuring presence in Rrn1 of alleles normally found in Rrn2, and vice versa. The individual and joint effects on adaptedness of the rDNA alleles are discussed. It was concluded that selection acting on specific genotypes plays a major role in molding the strikingly different allelic and genotypic frequency distributions seen in populations of wild and cultivated barley from different ecogeographical regions.  相似文献   

The 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and cytochrome oxidase I region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were sequenced for 24 Xiphinema americanum-group populations sourced from a number of geographically disparate locations. Sequences were subjected to phylogenetic analysis and compared. 18S rDNA strongly suggested that only X. pachtaicum, X. simile (two populations) and a X. americanum s.l. population from Portugal were different from the other 20 populations studied, whereas mtDNA indicated some heterogeneity between populations. Phylogenetically, based on mtDNA, an apparent dichotomy existed amongst X. americanum-group populations from North America and those from Asia, South America and Oceania. Analyses of 18S rDNA and mtDNA sequences underpin the classical taxonomic issues of the X. americanum-group and cast doubt on the degree of speciation within the X. americanum-group.  相似文献   

The genetic make-up of five populations of Oreochromis spp. was examined by microsatellite analysis. Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci showed significant departures from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The mean heterozygosity ranged from 0.6280 to 0.7040 for each population. The genetic distance values showed a clear separation between O. niloticus and O. mossambicus. The differentiation of the O. niloticus populations was then tested with various genetic measures, which are based on both the Infinite Allele and the Stepwise Mutation models. All these measures grouped the populations similarly.  相似文献   

Samples of Rhynchosporium secalis were collected from two experimental barley populations known to carry a diverse array of alleles for resistance to this fungal pathogen. Classification of 163 isolates for four putative isozyme systems, a colony color dimorphism and 20 ribosomal DNA restriction fragment length variants revealed 49 different multilocus phenotypes (haplotypes). The six most common haplotypes differed significantly in pathogenicity. Genetic analyses of the data indicated that effective population sizes of the fungus were very large, that the effects of genetic drift were small, and that negligible recombination occurred in the populations studied. Frequency dependent selection was suggested as an explanation for the maintenance of variation in pathogenicity in the fungus.  相似文献   

The Genetic Structure of Admixed Populations   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
J. C. Long 《Genetics》1991,127(2):417-428

东北大口鲇2个群体的微卫星DNA多态分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
全迎春  孙效文  梁利群 《遗传学报》2006,33(10):908-916
利用磁珠富集法克隆制备的24个大口鲇(Silurus meriaionalis Chen)微卫星标记,对黑龙江野生群体与松花江养殖群体2个东北大口鲇(S.soldatovi)的地理种群的等位基因频率(P)、观测杂合度(Ho)、期望杂合度(He)、多态信息含量(PIC)和有效等位基因数(Ne)等进行了遗传检测,以遗传偏离指数(d)检验Hardy—Weinberg平衡,并以Nei氏遗传分化系数(GST)和AMOVA分析(ФST)群体遗传变异的来源。同时,使用PHYLIP3.63软件绘制基于Nei氏遗传距离的个体间UPGMA系统树。结果表明:24个微卫星标记在东北大口鲇的2个群体中共扩增出1357条多态性片段,片段长度为1024385bp,总体平均等位基因8.875个,可以用于东北大口鲇遗传多样性的评估。并发现8个可区分这2个种群的遗传标记;黑龙江群体的P、Ho、He、PIC和Ne依次为0.165、0.435、0.758、0.742和5.019,松花江群体为0.147、0.299、0.847、0.764和5.944,在这些多样性参数上,方差分析也显示2地理种群差异不显著,在大多数位点并无显著差异,仅HLJcf37位点具有显著差异:在多个位点偏离Hardy—Weinberg平衡,2群体呈现不同程度的杂合体过度,纯合体完全缺失现象,其原因有待证实;群体遗传变异分析证实2群体间遗传分化较弱,其98%以上的变异是由群体内个体间的遗传变异引起的,群体间的变异对总变异影响不显著。UPGMA系统树也显示出个体间遗传距离小,亲缘关系很近。结果表明,人工繁殖没有对东北大口鲇的遗传多样性产生影响,该种群遗传分化小,种质资源状况良好。  相似文献   

In order to exploit the genetic resources of wild soybean (Glycine soja) which is the progenitor of cultivated soybean (Glycine max), the genic frequencies of Ti (coding trypsin inhibitors) and Sp1 (coding β-amylase isozymes) for 13 populations of wild soybean in Beijing region were determined. There are 2 alleles (Tia and Tib) in Ti locus of Beijing populations. Calculation of heterozygosity indicates Sp1 is polymorphic, while this monomorphic within a population. Based on the vatiation (from 0 to 50%) for heterozygosity of Sp1 among populations, with special reference to the values of genetic distances among populatious, and no heterozygote has been found in 1300 plants which would be heterozygotes if they were outbreeder, we suggested that wild soybean in natural populations is absolute inbreeder. The frequencies of Ti and Sp1 alleles vary from place to place extremely, however, no correlation exists between allozyme frequencies and ecological factors. Field investigation has shown that there is a threat from the reduction in available habitats, caused by building irrigation works .and urbanization. Finally, sampling strategy for conservation of genetic resources of wild soybean was discussed and some suggestions were made.  相似文献   

Valeriana jatamansi Jones is a natural tetraploid species indigenous to the Indian Himalaya. To assess its genetic diversity and population structure, we analyzed six natural populations from the western Himalayan region using amplified fragment length polymorphism. An analysis of molecular variance found that 93% of the genetic variation of V. jatamansi was within populations and 7% among populations. The correlation between genetic and geographic distances (r = 0.14) was not significant. Though the populations are well separated, the lack of distinct genetic variation between populations may be due to either recent rapid fragmentation from a wide and continuous area resulting in genetically similar populations or wide dispersal of seed by wind, since the follicles are feathery. Polyploidy may be the reason for the lack of genetic impoverishment due to fragmentation.  相似文献   

Bonobos (Pan paniscus) inhabit regions south of the Congo River including all areas between its southerly tributaries. To investigate the genetic diversity and evolutionary relationship among bonobo populations, we sequenced mitochondrial DNA from 376 fecal samples collected in seven study populations located within the eastern and western limits of the species’ range. In 136 effective samples from different individuals (range: 7–37 per population), we distinguished 54 haplotypes in six clades (A1, A2, B1, B2, C, D), which included a newly identified clade (D). MtDNA haplotypes were regionally clustered; 83 percent of haplotypes were locality-specific. The distribution of haplotypes across populations and the genetic diversity within populations thus showed highly geographical patterns. Using population distance measures, seven populations were categorized in three clusters: the east, central, and west cohorts. Although further elucidation of historical changes in the geological setting is required, the geographical patterns of genetic diversity seem to be shaped by paleoenvironmental changes during the Pleistocene. The present day riverine barriers appeared to have a weak effect on gene flow among populations, except for the Lomami River, which separates the TL2 population from the others. The central cohort preserves a high genetic diversity, and two unique clades of haplotypes were found in the Wamba/Iyondji populations in the central cohort and in the TL2 population in the eastern cohort respectively. This knowledge may contribute to the planning of bonobo conservation.  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) nontranscribed-spacer (NTS) polymorphism was analyzed in 50 individuals from 13 populations among the four chromosomal species (2n = 52, 2n = 54, 2n = 58, and 2n = 60) of subterranean mole rats of the Spalax ehrenbergi complex in Israel. Southern blot analysis with a mouse rDNA probe and two restriction enzymes, EcoRI and BamHI, revealed various sizes of major restriction fragments. The assumption that this variation is due to length polymorphism of NTS DNA was supported by the construction of restriction-site maps. On the basis of the EcoRI and BamHi fragment lengths, we could characterize the major types of NTS rDNA repeating units in each individual. Each member of the central population in the four chromosomal groups of mole rats has a characteristic combination of the NTS types, suggesting that the karyotype groups were genetically diverged. Some near-hybrid-zone populations reflect similarities with the rDNA spectra of a neighbor chromosomal group. This might have resulted from gene flow across the hybrid zones.   相似文献   

All Aloe taxa (~400 species) share a conserved bimodal karyotype with a basic genome of four large and three small submetacentric/acrocentric chromosomes. We investigated the physical organization of 18S-5.8S-26S and 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to 13 Aloe species. The organization was compared with a phylogenetic tree of 28 species (including the 13 used for FISH) constructed by sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA. The phylogeny showed little divergence within Aloe, although distinct, well-supported clades were found. FISH analysis of 5S rDNA distribution showed a similar interstitial location on a large chromosome in all species examined. In contrast, the distribution of 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA was variable, with differences in number, location, and size of loci found between species. Nevertheless, within well-supported clades, all species had the same organizational patterns. Thus, despite the striking stability of karyotype structure and location of 5S rDNA, the distribution of 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA is not so constrained and has clearly changed during Aloe speciation.  相似文献   

黄花杓兰云南中甸居群遗传结构及克隆多样性的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用AFLP分子标记方法对云南中甸的6个黄花杓兰( Cypripedium flavum )居群进行了遗传多样性水平、遗传结构及克隆多样性研究,其中两个居群用样方取样法分析其克隆空间结构.POPGENE软件分析结果表明:两组引物共产生104个位点,其中86个为多态位点,多态位点百分率为82.69%.黄花杓兰具有丰富的遗传变异(物种水平上, He=0.2884, Ho=0.4312;居群水平上,P=64.59%, He=0.2449, Ho=0.3606),黄花杓兰居群的遗传分化不大( Gst=0.154),居群间基因交流较为频繁( Nm=2.7460).居群的克隆多样性水平高( D=0.9638-0.9960,G/N=0.83-0.96),同一克隆的分株相邻,克隆生长延伸范围狭窄.黄花杓兰居群之所以保持较高水平的遗传多样性,可能与其既能通过实生幼苗增加基因的杂合度,又能通过无性分株把杂合体固定下来有关.  相似文献   

The genus Beta L. is a morphologically and genetically variable group composed of wild, weedy, and domesticated forms that are used for sugar production or as vegetables. In this study, we have evaluated genetic variation in 64 germplasm accessions of wild and domesticated beets and examined the origin of wild beet accessions in California using allozyme analysis. UPGMA analysis showed overall that domesticated and wild beets form genetically coherent groups. Wild beets in California have two different origins, from European Beta vulgaris or from Beta macrocarpa. Population-level patterns of allozyme variation for wild California beets related to B. vulgaris suggest that those populations evolved from naturalized populations of the cultivated B. vulgaris ssp. vulgaris which had hybridized to varying degrees with the sea beets B. vulgaris ssp. maritima. Wild California beets related to B. macrocarpa are essentially genetically identical to European accessions. In addition, we found substantial evidence for hybridization and introgression of B. vulgaris alleles in one B. macrocarpa accession in California. The obligate outcrosser B. vulgaris exhibits more allelic diversity than the self-compatible B. macrocarpa. Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima exhibits more genetic diversity than domesticated B. vulgaris ssp. vulgaris. Received: 2 November 1998 / Accepted: 29 April 1999  相似文献   

In this article, population variations and genetic structures of two populations of northern sheatfish (Silurus soldatovi) were analyzed using 24 microsatellite loci enriched from southern catfish (S. meriaionalis Chen) by magnetic beads. Gene frequency (P), observed heterozygosity (Ho), expected heterozygosity (He), polymorphism information contents (PIC), and number of effective alleles (Ne) were determined. One population was wild, ripe individuals collected from Heilongjiang River (HNS); the other was cultured fry collected from Songhuajiang River (SNS). The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was tested by the genetic departure index (d). The coefficient of gene differentiation GST and ΦST by AMOVA (Analysis of Molecular Variety) was imputed using Arlequin software in this study. In addition, a phylogenetic tree was constructed by UPGMA method based on the pairwise Nei's standard distances using PHYLIP. A total of 1 357 fragments with sizes ranging between 102 bp and 385 bp were acquired by PCR amplifications. The average number of alleles of the two populations was 8.875. Results indicated that these microsatellite loci were highly polymorphic and could be used as genetic markers. The mean values of the parameters P, Ho, He, PIC, and Ne were 0.165, 0.435, 0.758, 0.742, and 5.019 for HNS and 0.147, 0.299, 0.847, 0.764, and 5.944 for SNS, respectively. Although there were differences, there were no significant differentiations except for the locus HLJcf37. These populations to a certain extent deviated from HWE, such as excessive and deficient heterozygote numbers. The value of GST was 0.078 and above 98% of the variation were differences among individuals within the population, so the variation between populations was insignificant. Cluster analysis also showed that the relationships among individuals were very close. In conclusion, the microsatellite markers that were developed through this study are useful for genetic analysis and the genetic culture that was proposed in this study has no significant impact on S. soldatovi.  相似文献   

This study presents the first examination of the genetic structure of Daphnia longispina complex populations in Eastern China. Only one species, D. galeata, was present across the eight investigated lakes; as identified by taxon assignment using allelic variation at 15 microsatellite loci. Three genetically differentiated D. galeata subgroups emerged independent of the type of statistical analysis applied. Thus, Bayesian clustering, discriminant analysis based on results from factorial correspondence analysis, and UPGMA clustering consistently showed that populations from two neighbouring lakes were genetically separated from a mixture of genotypes found in other lakes, which formed another two subgroups. Clonal diversity was high in all D. galeata populations, and most samples showed no deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, indicating that clonal selection had little effect on the genetic diversity. Overall, populations did not cluster by geographical origin. Further studies will show if the observed pattern can be explained by natural colonization processes or by recent anthropogenic impact on predominantly artificial lakes.  相似文献   

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