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This study examines the contribution of GABAergic inhibition to the discharge pattern and recovery properties of 110 bat inferior collicular neurons by means of bicuculline application to their recording sites. When stimulated with single pulses, 74 (67%) neurons discharged one or two impulses (phasic responders), 19 (17%) discharged three to ten impulses (phasic bursters) and 17 (16%) discharged impulses throughout the entire stimulus duration (tonic responders). Bicuculline application changed phasic responders into phasic bursters or tonic responders, increased the number of impulses by 10–2000% and shortened the response latency of most neurons. When stimulated with pairs of sound pulses, the recovery cycles of these neurons can be described as: (1) long inhibition (n = 49, 45%); (2) short inhibition (n = 41, 37%); and (3) fast recovery (n = 20, 18%) based upon the 50% recovery time that was either longer than 20 ms, between 10 and 20 ms or shorter than 10 ms. Bicuculline application shortened the 50% recovery time of most neurons by 11–2350% allowing them to respond to pairs of sound pulses at very short interpulse intervals. These data demonstrate that GABAergic inhibition contributes significantly to auditory temporal processing. Accepted: 18 April 1997  相似文献   

This study examines the contribution of GABAergic inhibition to the discharge pattern and pulse duration tuning characteristics of 101 bat inferior collicular neurons by means of bicuculline application to their recording sites. When stimulated with single pulses, 56 (55%) neurons discharged 1 or 2 impulses (phasic responders), 42 (42%) discharged 3–10 impulses (phasic bursters) and 3 (3%) discharged impulses throughout the stimulus duration (tonic responders). Bicuculline application increased the number of impulses and changed the discharge patterns of 66 neurons. Using 50% difference between maximal and minimal responses as a criterion, the duration tuning characteristics of these neurons can be described as band-pass (20, 20%), long-pass (17, 17%), short-pass (33, 32%), and all-pass (31, 31%). Each band-pass neuron discharged maximally to a specific duration (the best duration) which was at least 50% larger than the neuron's responses to a long-duration pulse and a short-duration pulse. In contrast, each long- or short-pass neuron discharged maximally to a range of long or short duration pulses. Bicuculline application changed the duration tuning characteristics of 65 neurons. Possible mechanisms underlying duration tuning characteristics and the behavioral relevance to bat echolocation are discussed. Accepted: 4 November 1998  相似文献   

Under free-field stimulation conditions, corticofugal regulation of auditory sensitivity of neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus, was studied by blocking activities of auditory cortical neurons with Lidocaine or by electrical stimulation in auditory cortical neuron recording sites. The corticocollicular pathway regulated the number of impulses, the auditory spatial response areas and the frequency-tuning curves of inferior colliculus neurons through facilitation or inhibition. Corticofugal regulation was most effective at low sound intensity and was dependent upon the time interval between acoustic and electrical stimuli. At optimal interstimulus intervals, inferior colliculus neurons had the smallest number of impulses and the longest response latency during corticofugal inhibition. The opposite effects were observed during corticofugal facilitation. Corticofugal inhibitory latency was longer than corticofugal facilitatory latency. Iontophoretic application of γ-aminobutyric acid and bicuculline to inferior colliculus recording sites produced effects similar to what were observed during corticofugal inhibition and facilitation. We suggest that corticofugal regulation of central auditory sensitivity can provide an animal with a mechanism to regulate acoustic signal processing in the ascending auditory pathway. Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   

昆明小鼠下丘神经元对调频声的反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管昆明小鼠下丘神经元对纯音的反应已有深入研究,但其对调频声的反应情况却未见报道。本研究在自由声场条件下,采用单单位细胞外记录方法,观察了昆明小鼠下丘神经元对调频声刺激的反应情况。根据神经元对调频声及纯音反应的阈值差异,所记录的99个下丘神经元可分为三种类型:对调频声刺激反应的阈值低于纯音的为Ⅰ型(57/99,57.6%),二者阈值相当的为Ⅱ型(12/99,12.1%),而纯音阈值低于调频声的为Ⅲ型(30/99,30.3%)。与Ⅲ型神经元相比,Ⅰ型神经元具有较低的CF和Q20dB(P<0.05和P<0.001)和较高的RB20dB(P<0.05)。通过分析下丘神经元对上、下扫时发放数的差异,发现有36个(36/99,36.4%)神经元表现出方向选择性,其中22个(22/99,22.2%)为上扫敏感,其余14个(14/99,14.2%)为下扫敏感,且上扫敏感性神经元比下扫敏感性神经元在Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ型神经元中有更广的分布范围。通过比较发现,Ⅰ型神经元和方向选择性神经元的特征频率都非常集中地分布在10kHz-20kHz范围内(77.2%和83.3%)。此外,对其中24个神经元采取了不同调制速度的调频声刺激,大多数(15/24,62.5%)神经元对快调频声反应最为敏感,并且随着调制速度的升高,方向选择性神经元的比例有下降趋势(45.8%vs41.7%vs33.3%)。上述结果提示,昆明小鼠下丘神经元能有效处理调频声刺激,且具有方向选择性的调频声在昆明小鼠的声通讯中占有重要地位。  相似文献   

 This study examines the effect of temporally patterned pulse trains on duration tuning characteristics of inferior collicular neurons of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus, under free-field stimulation conditions. Using a 50% difference between maximal and minimal responses as a criterion, the duration tuning characteristics of inferior collicular neurons determined with pulse trains of different pulse durations are described as band-pass, long-pass, short-pass, and all-pass. Each band-pass neuron discharged maximally to a specific pulse duration that was at least 50% larger than the neuron's responses to a long- and a short-duration pulse. In contrast, each long- or short-pass neuron discharged maximally to a range of long- or short-duration pulses that were at least 50% larger than the minimal responses. The number of impulses of an all-pass neuron never differed by more than 50%. When pulse trains were delivered at different pulse repetition rates, the number of short-pass and band-pass neurons progressively increased with increasing pulse repetition rates. The slope of the duration tuning curves also became sharper when determined with pulse trains at high pulse repetition rates. Possible mechanisms underlying these findings are discussed. Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

The directional sensitivity of inferior collicular neurons of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus, was studied under free field stimulation conditions with 3 temporally patterned trains of sound pulses which differed in pulse repetition rate and duration. The directional sensitivity curves of 92 neurons studied can be described as hemifield, directionally-selective, or non-directional according to the variation in the number of impulses with pulse train direction. When these neurons were stimulated with all 3 pulse trains, the directional sensitivity curves of 50 neurons was unchanged but that of the other 42 neurons changed from one type into another. When these pulse trains were delivered at high pulse repetition rate and short pulse duration, they significantly sharpened the directional sensitivity of two thirds of the neurons examined by reducing the angular range and increasing the slope of their impulse directional sensitivity curves. These pulse trains also sharpened the slope of the threshold directional sensitivity curves of 25 neurons studied. However, when directional sensitivity of collicular neurons was determined with pulse trains that differed only in pulse repetition rate or in pulse duration, significant sharpening of directional sensitivity was rarely observed in all experimental conditions tested. Possible mechanisms underlying these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Single-unit recordings were made from the frog inferior colliculus to determine whether or not the direction-dependent sharpening of a unit's free-field excitatory frequency-threshold curve (FTCe) was accompanied by a broadening of its inhibitory frequency-threshold curve (FTCi). To determine the FTCi, a two-tone-suppression paradigm was employed. The unit's FTCis and FTCes were collected at three azimuths: contralateral to the recording site, ipsilateral to the recording site, and frontal midline. The result showed that: (1) most inferior colliculus neurons (95%) displayed two-tone suppression, (2) the majority (54%) of neurons displayed stronger two-tone-suppression leading to broader FTCis when the sound was presented from the ipsilateral side than from the contralateral side, (3) for some neurons, the borders of the FTCes and FTCis were closely aligned, and this juxtaposition persisted at all sound azimuths (namely, when a change in sound direction produced a narrowing of a unit's FTCe, its FTCi was broadened concomitantly). For the remaining neurons, however, direction-dependent sharpening of the FTCe was not accompanied by an increase in two-tone-suppression. The neural mechanisms that underlie the direction-dependent changes in the FTCes and FTCis are discussed. Accepted: 19 November 1997  相似文献   

为探讨下丘(Inferior colliculus,IC)回声定位信号主频范围内的神经元的时程选择性,在自由声场刺激条件下,我们在4 只普氏蹄蝠的IC 采用不同时程的声刺激,研究了神经元的时程选择性。通过在体细胞外记录,共获得56 个声敏感下丘神经元,其记录深度、最佳频率和最小阈值的范围分别为1547 - 3967 (2878. 9 ±629.1)μm,20 -68 (49.0 ± 11. 1)kHz 和36.5 -95. 5 (59. 8 ±13. 0)dB SPL。根据所记录到的下丘神经元对不同时程的声刺激的反应,即对不同时程的选择性(Duration selectivity),将其分为6 种类型:短通型(Short-pass,SP,n = 11/56)、带通型(Band-pass,BP,n = 1/56)、长通型(Long-pass,LP,n = 5 /56)、反带通型(Band-reject,BR,n = 3 /56)、多峰型(Multi-peak,MP,n =6 /56)和全通型(All-pass,AP,n =30 /56)或非时程选择型(Nonduration-selective,NDS)。通过比较普氏蹄蝠下丘谐波主频内和主频外神经元的时程选择性,我们发现处于回声定位信号主频范围内神经元(n =32)比主频外神经元(n = 24)具有更短的最佳时程和更高的时程选择性。结果提示,在普氏蹄蝠回声定位过程中谐波主频内神经元较谐波主频外神经元发挥了更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

研究了菲菊头蝠自由飞行状态下的回声定位信号和下丘神经元的声反应特性。菲菊头蝠在自由飞行时发射的CF/FM型回声定位叫声含2-3个谐波,主频为105.3±1.7kHz,时程为39.5±9.6ms,脉冲间隔为73.9±16.0ms。在所记录到的159个下丘神经元中,E型(Echolocation)神经元为32.7%(52/159),其中CF1型(Constantfrequency)占11.3%(18/159),FM1型(Frequencymodulated)占20.1%(32/159),FM2型占1.3%(2/159);NE型(Nonecholocation)神经元的比例为67.3%(107/159)。这些神经元的最佳频率(Bestfrequency,BF)与记录深度之间存在线性关系(r=0.9471,P<0.01)。E型神经元的深度范围为349-1855(1027.5±351.6)μm,阈值范围为6-74(43.1±14.5)dBSPL,潜伏期范围为10.0-26.0(14.6±3.8)ms。NE型神经元的分别为93.0-1745.0(733.3±290.3)μm、2-70(36.5±23.8)dBSPL、5.0-23.0(13.5±3.7)ms。记录到的53个IC神经元的调谐曲线(Frequencytuningcurve,FTC)均为开放型,51个为单峰型,2个为双峰型。单峰型神经元中大部分为狭窄型(Q10dB>5),占70.6%(36/51),E型神经元全部为狭窄型,Q10dB为10.4±7.1(5.5-31.6),其中CF1型为18.3±11.2(5.5-31.6),FM1型为8.7±4.7(5.5-24.3),FM2型为6.9±0.3(6.7-7.1);NE型神经元既有宽阔型也有狭窄型,Q10dB为6.6±5.1(1.6-25.6)。两个双峰型FTC主、副峰分别偏向高、低频区,高频边对应的是E型神经元。  相似文献   

We examined how well single neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) of an FM bat (Myotis lucifugus) processed simple tone bursts of different duration and sinusoidal amplitude-modulated (SAM) signals that approximated passively heard natural sounds. Units' responses to SAM tones, measured in terms of average spike count and firing synchrony to the modulation envelope, were plotted as a function of the modulation frequency to construct their modulation transfer functions. These functions were classified according to their shape (e.g., band-, low-, high-, and all-pass). IC neurons having different temporal firing patterns to simple tone bursts (tonic, chopper, onset-late, and onset-immediate) exhibited different selectivities for SAM signals. All tonic and 83% of chopper neurons responded robustly to SAM signals and displayed a variety of spike count-based response functions. These neurons showed a decreased level of time-locking as the modulation frequency was increased, and thereby gave low-pass synchronization-based response functions. In contrast, 64% of onset-immediate, 37% of onset-late and 17% of chopper units failed to respond to SAM signals at any modulation frequency tested (5–800 Hz). Those onset neurons that did respond to SAM showed poor time-locking (i.e., non-significant levels of synchronization). We obtained evidence that the poor SAM response of some onset and chopper neurons was due to a preference for short-duration signals. These data suggest that tonic and most chopper neurons are better-suited for the processing of long-duration SAM signals related to passive hearing, whereas onset neurons are better-suited for the processing of short, pulsatile signals such as those used in echolocation.Abbreviations C chopper - FM frequency-modulated - IC inferior colliculus - MTF modulation transfer function - O1 onset-immediate - OL onset-late - PAM pulsatile amplitude-modulation - PSTH peri-stimulus time histogram - SAM sinusoidal amplitude-modulation - SC synchronization coefficient - T tonic  相似文献   

Insectivorous big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus, progressively increase the pulse repetition rate (PRR) throughout the course of hunting. While increasing PRR conceivably facilitates bats to extract information about the targets, it also inevitably affects sensitivity of their auditory neurons to pulse parameters. The present study examined the effect of increasing PRR on duration selectivity of this bat's inferior collicular (IC) neurons by comparing their impulse-duration functions determined at different PRRs. Impulse-duration functions plotted with the number of impulses in response to single pulses against pulse duration at different PRRs were described as short-pass, band-pass, long-pass, and all-pass. Short- or long-pass neurons discharged maximally to a range of short or long pulse durations. Band-pass neurons discharged maximally to one pulse duration. These three types of IC neurons were called duration tuned neurons. All-pass neurons were not duration tuned because they did not discharge maximally to any pulse duration. Increasing PRR improved duration selectivity of IC neurons by (1) increasing the number of duration tuned neurons; (2) decreasing the critical duration concomitant with increasing slope of the impulse-duration function; and (3) decreasing the 50% duration range of the impulse-duration function. This improved duration selectivity with PRR may potentially facilitate prey capture by bats.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal response patterns in the anterior and dorsocaudal fields of the guinea pig auditory cortex after two-tone sequences were studied in anesthetized animals (Nembutal 30 mg kg−1) using an optical recording method (voltage-sensitive dye RH795, 12 × 12 photodiode array). Each first (masker) and second (probe) tone was 30 ms long with a 10-ms rise-fall time. Masker-probe pair combinations of the same or different frequencies with probe delays of 30–150 ms were presented to the ear contralateral to the recording side. With same-frequency pairs, responses to the probe were inhibited completely after probe delays of less than 50 ms and the inhibition lasted for more than 150 ms, and the inhibition magnitudes in different isofrequency bands of the anterior field were essentially the same. With different-frequency (octave-separated) pairs, responses to the probe were not inhibited completely even after probe delays as short as 30 ms, and the inhibition lasted only for 110–130 ms. Inhibition magnitudes were different from location to location. Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

This study examined the role of GABAergic inhibition in shaping directional selectivity of neurons in the inferior colliculus of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus. When determined with temporally patterned pulse trains at different pulse repetition rates, 93 inferior colliculus neurons displayed three types of directional selectivity curves. A directionally selective curve always showed a maximum to a certain azimuthal angle (the best angle). A hemifield curve showed a maximum to a range of contralateral azimuthal angles. A non-directional curve did not show a maximum to any particular azimuthal angles. Directional selectivity curves of 42% neurons changed from hemifield or non-directional to directionally selective and the best angles of 16-21% neurons shifted toward the midline with increasing pulse repetition rate of pulse trains. Directional selectivity curves of most (74%) neurons that discharged impulses to each pulse of a pulse train also became sharper with increasing pulse repetition rate of pulse trains. Bicuculline application produced more pronounced broadening of directional selective curves of inferior colliculus neurons at higher than at lower pulse repetition rates. As a result, pulse repetition rate-dependent directional selectivity of inferior colliculus neurons was abolished. Possible mechanisms and biological significance of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The pallid bat (Antrozous p. pallidus) uses passive sound localization to capture terrestrial prey. This study of captive pallid bats examined the roles of echolocation and passive sound localization in prey capture, and focused on their spectral requirements for accurate passive sound localization.Crickets were used as prey throughout these studies. All tests were conducted in dim, red light in an effort to preclude the use of vision. Hunting performance did not differ significantly in red light and total darkness, nor did it differ when visual contrast between the terrestrial prey and the substrate was varied, demonstrating that the bats did not use vision to locate prey.Our bats apparently used echolocation for general orientation, but not to locate prey. They did not increase their pulse emission rate prior to prey capture, suggesting that they were not actively scanning prey. Instead, they required prey-generated sounds for localization. The bats attended to the sound of walking crickets for localization, and also attacked small, inanimate objects dragged across the floor. Stationary and/or anesthetized crickets were ignored, as were crickets walking on substrates that greatly attenuated walking sounds. Cricket communication sounds were not used in prey localization; the bats never captured stationary, calling crickets.The accuracy of their passive sound localization was tested with an open-loop passive sound localization task that required them to land upon an anesthetized cricket tossed on the floor. The impact of a cricket produced a single 10–20 ms duration sound, yet with this information, the bats were able to land within 7.6 cm of the cricket from a maximum distance of 4.9 m. This performance suggests a sound localization accuracy of approximately ±1° in the horizontal and vertical dimensions of auditory space. The lower frequency limit for accurate sound localization was between 3–8 kHz. A physiological survey of frequency representation in the pallid bat inferior colliculus suggests that this lower frequency limit is around 5 kHz.  相似文献   

Luan RH  Wu FJ  Jen PH  Sun XD 《生理学报》2005,57(2):225-232
以回声定位蝙蝠为模式动物,采用在体动物细胞外单位记录法,研究了后掩蔽效应对下丘神经元声反应的影响。结果显示,部分神经元(38%,12/31)对测试声刺激的反应明显受到掩蔽声的抑制,其后掩蔽效应强弱与掩蔽声和测试声的相对强度差(inter-stimulus level difference,SLD),以及测试声与掩蔽声之间的间隔时间(inter-stimulus onset asynchrony,SOA)有关:当掩蔽声强度升高或测试声强度降低时,后掩蔽效应增强;而SOA的缩短,亦可见后掩蔽效应增强。另外,相当数量的神经元(52%,16/31)对测试声刺激的反应并不受掩蔽声的影响,其中有的神经元只有在特定SLD和SOA时,才表现出后掩蔽效应。而少数下丘神经元(10%,3/31)在特定SLD和SOA时,掩蔽声对测试声反应有易化作用。上述结果表明,部分下丘神经元参与了声认知活动中的后掩蔽形成过程,推测下丘神经元在定型声反应特性中,对掩蔽声诱导的兴奋前抑制性输入与测试声诱导的兴奋性输入之间的时相性动态整合起关键作用。  相似文献   

The gap detection paradigm is frequently used in psychoacoustics to characterize the temporal acuity of the auditory system. Neural responses to silent gaps embedded in white-noise carriers, were obtained from mouse inferior colliculus (IC) neurons and the results compared to behavioral estimates of gap detection. Neural correlates of gap detection were obtained from 78 single neurons located in the central nucleus of the IC. Minimal gap thresholds (MGTs) were computed from single-unit gap functions and were found to be comparable, 1–2 ms, to the behavioral gap threshold (2 ms). There was no difference in MGTs for units in which both carrier intensities were collected. Single unit responses were classified based on temporal discharge patterns to steady-state noise bursts. Onset and primary-like units had the shortest mean MGTs (2.0 ms), followed by sustained units (4.0 ms) and phasic-off units (4.2 ms). The longest MGTs were obtained for inhibitory neurons (xˉ = 14 ms). Finally, the time-course of behavioral and neurophysiological gap functions were found to be in good agreement. The results of the present study indicate the neural code necessary for behavioral gap detection is present in the temporal discharge patterns of the majority of IC neurons. Accepted: 6 February 1997  相似文献   

Luan RH  Wu FJ  Jen PH  Sun XD 《生理学报》2007,59(6):805-813
本文采用不同重复率的串声刺激,模拟大棕蝠回声定位不同阶段听到的调频声纳信号,利用电生理方法和微电泳技术研究不同重复率串刺激条件下GABA能抑制对下丘神经元强度敏感性的影响。结果发现,随串刺激重复率的增加,有的神经元强度敏感性增强,有的神经元强度敏感性则降低。在不同串刺激条件下,微电泳荷包牡丹碱,神经元放电率均增加,随重复率增加强度敏感性增强或减弱的趋势消失,提示GABA能抑制调制下丘神经元对不同重复率串刺激反应的强度敏感性。串刺激强度在最低闽值附近时,微电泳荷包牡丹碱导致放电率增加的百分率最大,随串刺激强度增加,放电率增加的百分率逐渐减小。提示刺激强度较低时,GABA能抑制对下丘神经元强度敏感性的影响更有效。  相似文献   

应用常规电生理学技术,研究小鼠听皮层对中脑下丘神经元方位敏感性的下行调制.实验记录了198个下丘神经元的听反应,这些神经元的最佳方位角大多数(84.8%)位于听空间对侧20°~50°范围内.根据神经元的方位敏感曲线特征,将这些神经元分为方位选择型,半场型、多峰型和全向型四种调谐模式.电刺激听皮层对绝大多数下丘神经元方位角的范围产生易化(42.0%)或抑制(45.0%)效应,并使59.3%的神经元的最佳方位角发生了转移.结果提示,小鼠下丘神经元具有明显的方位敏感性,听皮层对下丘神经元听觉方位信息处理具有下行调制作用.此研究结果为深入研究中枢听觉信息处理的离皮质调控机制提供了重要实验资料.  相似文献   

Sound localization is a computational process that requires the central nervous system to measure various auditory cues and then associate particular cue values with appropriate locations in space. Behavioral experiments show that barn owls learn to associate values of cues with locations in space based on experience. The capacity for experience-driven changes in sound localization behavior is particularly great during a sensitive period that lasts until the approach of adulthood. Neurophysiological techniques have been used to determine underlying sites of plasticity in the auditory space-processing pathway. The external nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICX), where a map of auditory space is synthesized, is a major site of plasticity. Experience during the sensitive period can cause large-scale, adaptive changes in the tuning of ICX neurons for sound localization cues. Large-scale physiological changes are accompanied by anatomical remodeling of afferent axons to the ICX. Changes in the tuning of ICX neurons for cue values involve two stages: (1) the instructed acquisition of neuronal responses to novel cue values and (2) the elimination of responses to inappropriate cue values. Newly acquired neuronal responses depend differentially on NMDA receptor currents for their expression. A model is presented that can account for this adaptive plasticity in terms of plausible cellular mechanisms. Accepted: 17 April 1999  相似文献   

1.  When tested with legphone stimulation at 5 and 16 kHz, two prothoracic low-frequency neurons', ON1 and L1 of Acheta domesticus females, receive mainly excitation from one side (soma-ipsilateral in ON1, soma-contralateral in L1) and inhibition from the opposite side as is described for other cricket species (Figs. 2,3). While thresholds at 5 kHz are similar in L1 and ON1, L1 receives 16 kHz excitation with a 15- 20 dB higher threshold (lower than in other cricket species) than ON1. Stimulation of L1 with lower intensity 16 kHz sound on the side of its major input results in a clear IPSP visible in dendritic recordings (Figs. 3,4). In L1 and ON1 the intensity response at 16 kHz rises steeper than that at 5 kHz.
2.  The most sensitive auditory low-frequency receptors recorded have similar thresholds as ON1 and L1 at 5 kHz. Responses of the most sensitive auditory high-frequency receptors recorded show an intensity dependence which is similar to that of ON1 at 16 k Hz (Fig. 1C).
3.  Results of two-tone experiments show a tuning of inhibition in ON1 and L1 which is similar to excitatory tuning of ON1 (Fig. 4), however with about 10 to 15 dB higher thresholds. In contrast, in Gryllus bimaculatus an exact match between ON1-excitation and ON1/AN1 inhibition has been described.

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