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From 2R to 3R: evidence for a fish-specific genome duplication (FSGD)   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
An important mechanism for the evolution of phenotypic complexity, diversity and innovation, and the origin of novel gene functions is the duplication of genes and entire genomes. Recent phylogenomic studies suggest that, during the evolution of vertebrates, the entire genome was duplicated in two rounds (2R) of duplication. Later, approximately 350 mya, in the stem lineage of ray-finned (actinopterygian) fishes, but not in that of the land vertebrates, a third genome duplication occurred-the fish-specific genome duplication (FSGD or 3R), leading, at least initially, to up to eight copies of the ancestral deuterostome genome. Therefore, the sarcopterygian (lobe-finned fishes and tetrapods) genome possessed originally only half as many genes compared to the derived fishes, just like the most-basal and species-poor lineages of extant fishes that diverged from the fish stem lineage before the 3R duplication. Most duplicated genes were secondarily lost, yet some evolved new functions. The genomic complexity of the teleosts might be the reason for their evolutionary success and astounding biological diversity.  相似文献   

The whole genome duplication that occurred in ray-finned fish coincided with the radiation of teleost species; consequently, these two phenomena have often been linked. Using the Tetraodon and zebrafish complete genome sequences, we tested a molecular hypothesis that can relate whole genome duplication to speciation in teleosts. We estimate that thousands of genes that remained duplicated when Tetraodon and zebrafish diverged underwent reciprocal loss subsequently in these two species, probably contributing to reproductive isolation between them.  相似文献   

The phenomenal advances in sequencing techniques and analytical development during the last decade have provided a unique opportunity to unravel the evolutionary history of lineages under complex patterns of evolution. This is the case of the largest clade of the ginseng family (Araliaceae), the Asian Palmate group (AsPG), where the large internal polytomies and genome incongruences detected in previous studies pointed to a scenario of radiation with hybridization events between genera for the early evolution of the group. In this study, we aim to obtain well-resolved nuclear and plastid phylogenies of the AsPG using Hyb-Seq to evaluate the radiation hypothesis and assess the role of hybridization in the early evolution of the group. We performed concatenated- and coalescent-based phylogenetic analyses from the 936 targeted nuclear loci and 261 plastid loci obtained for 72 species representing 20 genera of the AsPG and the main clades of Araliaceae. The impact of hybridization and incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) was assessed with SNaQ, and genome duplications were evaluated with ChromEvol. Our nuclear and plastid phylogenies are compatible with a scenario of early radiation in the AsPG. Also, the identification of extensive signals of hybridization and ILS behind the genome incongruences supports hybridization as a major driving force during the early radiation. We hypothesize a whole-genome duplication event at the origin of the AsPG, followed by a radiation that led to extensive ILS, which, alongside the early inter-genera hybridization, is obscuring the phylogenetic signal in the early evolution of this major clade.  相似文献   

Genomic sequencing projects have revealed the productivity of processes duplicating genes or entire chromosome segments. Substantial proportions of the yeast, Arabidopsis and human gene complements are made up of duplicates. This has prompted much interest in the processes of duplication, functional divergence and loss of genes, has renewed the debate on whether an early vertebrate genome was tetraploid, and has inspired mathematical models and algorithms in computational biology.  相似文献   

The Hox gene complement of zebrafish, medaka, and fugu differs from that of other gnathostome vertebrates. These fishes have seven to eight Hox clusters compared to the four Hox clusters described in sarcopterygians and shark. The clusters in different teleost lineages are orthologous, implying that a "fish-specific" Hox cluster duplication has occurred in the stem lineage leading to the most recent common ancestor of zebrafish and fugu. The timing of this event, however, is unknown. To address this question, we sequenced four Hox genes from taxa representing basal actinopterygian and teleost lineages and compared them to known sequences from shark, coelacanth, zebrafish, and other teleosts. The resulting gene genealogies suggest that the fish-specific Hox cluster duplication occurred coincident with the origin of crown group teleosts. In addition, we obtained evidence for an independent Hox cluster duplication in the sturgeon lineage (Acipenseriformes). Finally, results from HoxA11 suggest that duplicated Hox genes have experienced diversifying selection immediately after the duplication event. Taken together, these results support the notion that the duplicated Hox genes of teleosts were causally relevant to adaptive evolution during the initial teleost radiation.  相似文献   

Semyonov J  Park JI  Chang CL  Hsu SY 《PloS one》2008,3(4):e1903
One of the most interesting questions in biology is whether certain pathways have been favored during evolution, and if so, what properties could cause such a preference. Due to the lack of experimental evidence, whether select gene families have been preferentially retained over time after duplication in metazoan organisms remains unclear. Here, by syntenic mapping of nonchemosensory G protein-coupled receptor genes (nGPCRs which represent half the receptome for transmembrane signaling) in the vertebrate genomes, we found that, as opposed to the 8-15% retention rate for whole genome duplication (WGD)-derived gene duplicates in the entire genome of pufferfish, greater than 27.8% of WGD-derived nGPCRs which interact with a nonpeptide ligand were retained after WGD in pufferfish Tetraodon nigroviridis. In addition, we show that concurrent duplication of cognate ligand genes by WGD could impose selection of nGPCRs that interact with a polypeptide ligand. Against less than 2.25% probability for parallel retention of a pair of WGD-derived ligands and a pair of cognate receptor duplicates, we found a more than 8.9% retention of WGD-derived ligand-nGPCR pairs--threefold greater than one would surmise. These results demonstrate that gene retention is not uniform after WGD in vertebrates, and suggest a Darwinian selection of GPCR-mediated intercellular communication in metazoan organisms.  相似文献   

Several species of yeast, including the baker's yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, underwent a genome duplication roughly 100 million years ago. We analyze genetic networks whose members were involved in this duplication. Many networks show detectable redundancy and strong asymmetry in their interactions. For networks of co-expressed genes, we find evidence for network partitioning whereby the paralogs appear to have formed two relatively independent subnetworks from the ancestral network. We simulate the degeneration of networks after duplication and find that a model wherein the rate of interaction loss depends on the “neighborliness” of the interacting genes produces networks with parameters similar to those seen in the real partitioned networks. We propose that the rationalization of network structure through the loss of pair-wise gene interactions after genome duplication provides a mechanism for the creation of semi-independent daughter networks through the division of ancestral functions between these daughter networks.  相似文献   

Through multifaceted genome-scale research involving phylogenomics, targeted gene surveys, and gene expression analyses in diverse basal lineages of angiosperms, our studies provide insights into the most recent common ancestor of all extant flowering plants. MADS-box gene duplications have played an important role in the origin and diversification of angiosperms. Furthermore, early angiosperms possessed a diverse tool kit of floral genes and exhibited developmental 'flexibility', with broader patterns of expression of key floral organ identity genes than are found in eudicots. In particular, homologs of B-function MADS-box genes are more broadly expressed across the floral meristem in basal lineages. These results prompted formulation of the 'fading borders' model, which states that the gradual transitions in floral organ morphology observed in some basal angiosperms (e.g. Amborella) result from a gradient in the level of expression of floral organ identity genes across the developing floral meristem.  相似文献   

Song C  Guo J  Sun W  Wang Y 《遗传学报》2012,39(7):361-368
Whole genome duplication(WGD)events have been proven to occur in the evolutionary history of most angiosperms.Tomato is considered a model species of the Solanaceae family.In this study,we describe the details of the evolutionary process of the tomato genome by detecting collinearity blocks and dating the WGD events on the tree of life by combining two different methods:synonymous substitution rates(Ks)and phylogenetic trees.In total,593 collinearity blocks were discovered out of 12 pseudo-chromosomes constructed. It was evident that chromosome 2 had experienced an intra-chromosomal duplication event.Major inter-chromosomal duplication occurred among all the pseudo-chromosome.We calculated the Ks value of these collinearity blocks.Two peaks of Ks distribution were found,corresponding to two WGD events occurring approximately 36-82 million years ago(MYA)and 148-205 MYA.Additionally, the results of phylogenetic trees suggested that the more recent WGD event may have occurred after the divergence of the rosidasterid clade,but before the major diversification in Solanaceae.The older WGD event was shown to have occurred before the divergence of the rosid-asterid clade and after the divergence of rice-Arabidopsis(monocot-dicot).  相似文献   

We have studied the primary and secondary structures, the location and the orientation of the 196 GC clusters present in the 90% of the mitochondrial genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which have already been sequenced. The vast majority of GC clusters is located in intergenic sequences (including ori sequences, intergenic open reading frames and the gene varl which probably arose from an intergenic spacer) and in intronic closed reading frames (CRF's); most of them can be folded into stem-and-loop systems; both orientations are equally frequent. The primary structures of GC clusters permit to group them into eight families, seven of which are related to the family formed by clusters A, B and C of the ori sequences. On the basis of the present work, we propose that the latter derive from a primitive ori sequence (probably made of only a monomeric cluster C and its flanking sequences r* and r) through (i) a series of duplication inversions generating clusters A and B; and (ii) an expansion process producing the AT stretches of ori sequences. Most GC clusters apparently originated from primary clusters also derived from the primitive ori sequence in the course of its evolution towards the present ori sequences. Finally, we propose that the function of GC clusters is predominantly, or entirely, associated with the structure and organization of the mitochondrial genome of yeast and, indirectly, with the regulation of its expression.  相似文献   

As the evolutionary interests of males and females are frequently divergent, a trait value that is optimal for the fitness of one sex is often not optimal for the other. A shared genome also means that the same genes may underlie the same trait in both sexes. This can give rise to a form of sexual antagonism, known as intralocus sexual conflict (IASC). Here, a tug‐of‐war over allelic expression can occur, preventing the sexes from reaching optimal trait values, thereby causing sex‐specific reductions in fitness. For some traits, it appears that IASC can be resolved via sex‐specific regulation of genes that subsequently permits sexual dimorphism; however, it seems that whole‐genome resolution may be impossible, due to the genetic architecture of certain traits, and possibly due to the changing dynamics of selection. In this review, we explore the evolutionary mechanisms of, and barriers to, IASC resolution. We also address the broader consequences of this evolutionary feud, the possible interactions between intra‐ and interlocus sexual conflict (IRSC: a form of sexual antagonism involving different loci in each sex), and draw attention to issues that arise from using proxies as measurements of conflict. In particular, it is clear that the sex‐specific fitness consequences of sexual dimorphism require characterization before making assumptions concerning how this relates to IASC. Although empirical data have shown consistent evidence of the fitness effects of IASC, it is essential that we identify the alleles mediating these effects in order to show IASC in its true sense, which is a “conflict over shared genes.”  相似文献   

Lili Qi  Bend Friebe  Bikram S Gill 《Génome》2006,49(12):1628-1639
Most pericentromeric regions of eukaryotic chromosomes are heterochromatic and are the most rapidly evolving regions of complex genomes. The closely related genomes within hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L., 2n=6x=42, AABBDD), as well as in the related Triticeae taxa, share large conserved chromosome segments and provide a good model for the study of the evolution of pericentromeric regions. Here we report on the comparative analysis of pericentric inversions in the Triticeae, including Triticum aestivum, Aegilops speltoides, Ae. longissima, Ae. searsii, Hordeum vulgare, Secale cereale, and Agropyron elongatum. Previously, 4 pericentric inversions were identified in the hexaploid wheat cultivar 'Chinese Spring' ('CS') involving chromosomes 2B, 4A, 4B, and 5A. In the present study, 2 additional pericentric inversions were detected in chromosomes 3B and 6B of 'CS' wheat. Only the 3B inversion pre-existed in chromosome 3S, 3Sl, and 3Ss of Aegilops species of the Sitopsis section, the remaining inversions occurring after wheat polyploidization. The translocation T2BS/6BS previously reported in 'CS' was detected in the hexaploid variety 'Wichita' but not in other species of the Triticeae. It appears that the B genome is more prone to genome rearrangements than are the A and D genomes. Five different pericentric inversions were detected in rye chromosomes 3R and 4R, 4Sl of Ae. longissima, 4H of barley, and 6E of Ag. elongatum. This indicates that pericentric regions in the Triticeae, especially those of group 4 chromosomes, are undergoing rapid and recurrent rearrangements.  相似文献   

Differential genome duplication and fish diversity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The duplication of genes and entire genomes arebelieved to be important mechanisms underlyingmorphological variation and functionalinnovation in the evolution of life andespecially for the broad diversity observed inthe speciation of fishes. How did these fishspecies and their genetic diversity arise? Theoccurrence of three rounds of genomeduplication during vertebrate evolution mightexplain why many gene families are typicallyabout half the size in land vertebrates as theyare in fishes. However, mechanisms of geneticdiversity in fish lineages need to be furtherexplained. Here we propose that differentialgenome duplication of from two to six roundsoccurred in different fish lines, offering newopportunities during the radiation of fishlineages. This model provides a fundamentalbasis for the understanding of theirspeciation, diversity and evolution.  相似文献   

Patterns of genome duplication within the Brassica napus genome.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The progenitor diploid genomes (A and C) of the amphidiploid Brassica napus are extensively duplicated with 73% of genomic clones detecting two or more duplicate sequences within each of the diploid genomes. This comprehensive duplication of loci is to be expected in a species that has evolved through a polyploid ancestor. The majority of the duplicate loci within each of the diploid genomes were found in distinct linkage groups as collinear blocks of linked loci, some of which had undergone a variety of rearrangements subsequent to duplication, including inversions and translocations. A number of identical rearrangements were observed in the two diploid genomes, suggesting they had occurred before the divergence of the two species. A number of linkage groups displayed an organization consistent with centric fusion and (or) fission, suggesting this mechanism may have played a role in the evolution of Brassica genomes. For almost every genetically mapped locus detected in the A genome a homologous locus was found in the C genome; the collinear arrangement of these homologous markers allowed the primary regions of homoeology between the two genomes to be identified. At least 16 gross chromosomal rearrangements differentiated the two diploid genomes during their divergence from a common ancestor.  相似文献   


The duplication of genes and entire genomes arebelieved to be important mechanisms underlyingmorphological variation and functionalinnovation in the evolution of life andespecially for the broad diversity observed inthe speciation of fishes. How did these fishspecies and their genetic diversity arise? Theoccurrence of three rounds of genomeduplication during vertebrate evolution mightexplain why many gene families are typicallyabout half the size in land vertebrates as theyare in fishes. However, mechanisms of geneticdiversity in fish lineages need to be furtherexplained. Here we propose that differentialgenome duplication of from two to six roundsoccurred in different fish lines, offering newopportunities during the radiation of fishlineages. This model provides a fundamentalbasis for the understanding of theirspeciation, diversity and evolution.


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