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A new succulenticolous Myxomycete species, Didymium wildpretii, found on decaying remains of various species of cacti, is described from two arid zones of the world. This species was collected from central Mexico, at the southern limit of the Chihuahuan Desert, and from the Canary Islands (Spain). The new species has small, pale yellow sporocarps, 0.1-0.7 mm high, that are sessile or have short, orange-yellow, calcareous stalks and small, uniformly warted spores. The stability of the taxonomic characters of the species was confirmed with both moist chamber cultures and spore-to-spore culture on agar. Life cycle events are described from germination to sporulation. Myxomycete specimens were examined with scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, and micrographs of relevant morphological details are included.  相似文献   

Myxomycetes (slime molds) are unique eukaryotic microorganisms with both characteristics of fungi and amoebae. Artificial cultures grown under controlled conditions were used to study the life cycle and morphogenesis. Physarum pusillum was collected from the field. Spores were inoculated and cultured with the hanging drop method. The complete life cycle was observed from spore to spore on agar without adding any solid nutrients or bacteria as food. Life cycle morphological characteristics were described for spore germination, myxamoebae, zygote, plasmodium and sporangia formation.  相似文献   

Martian surface microbial inhabitants would be challenged by a constant and unimpeded flux of UV radiation, and the study of analog model terrestrial environments may be of help to understand how such life forms could survive under this stressful condition. One of these environments is the Atacama Desert (Chile), a well-known Mars analog due to its extreme dryness and intense solar UV radiation. Here, we report the microbial diversity at five locations across this desert and the isolation of UVC-tolerant microbial strains found in these sites. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA sequences obtained from these sites showed banding patterns that suggest distinct and complex microbial communities. Analysis of 16S rDNA sequences obtained from UV-tolerant strains isolated from these sites revealed species related to the Bacillus and Pseudomonas genera. Vegetative cells of one of these isolates, Bacillus S3.300-2, showed the highest UV tolerance profile (LD10?=?318 J?m2), tenfold higher than a wild-type strain of Escherichia coli. Thus, our results show that the Atacama Desert harbors a noteworthy microbial community that may be considered for future astrobiological-related research in terms of UV tolerance.  相似文献   

A new species of Didymium (Myxomycetes), D. operculatum, is described in this paper, and details of its life cycle are provided. The new species was recorded during studies of the Atacama Desert in Chile. It has been collected directly in the field and isolated in moist chamber cultures prepared with material from an endemic cactus. The distinguishing characters of this species are its dehiscence by means of an apical operculum combined with a whitish calcareous stalk and the banded reticulate ornamentation of the spores. The morphology of this new myxomycete was examined with scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, and micrographs of relevant details are included in this paper. Some comments are made on the patterns of distribution of Didymium species in arid lands and adaptive characters enabling this genus to colonize such extreme environments. It is proposed that a longer cycle and the ability to resort to resistant forms many times during their development reflect the response of these myxomycetes to the largely unfavorable conditions of their environment.  相似文献   

A new Heterorhabditis species of entomopathogenic nematode was isolated from soil of the Atacama Desert in Chile. The new species is characterized by morphometrics of the infective juvenile (IJ) with length (L)?=?611 (578-666)?μm, head to excretory pore length (EP)?=?115 (101-126)?μm, tail?=?69 (62-79)?μm long, (EP/tail)?×?100 (E%)?=?165 (149-182) and L/maximum body diameter (ratio a)?=?28 (25-31). The male has spicules 45 (40-49)?μm long, gubernaculum 20 (17-22)?μm long and (spicule length/anal body diameter)?×?100 (SW%)?=?205 (179-249). The hermaphroditic adult has shallow cuticular folds immediately anterior and posterior to the vulva, a slight post-anal swelling and a finely rounded tail terminus. Morphologically, H. atacamensis n. sp. resembles H. safricana, H. marelatus, H. downesi and H. amazonensis, but can be distinguished by characters of adult and IJ stages. In particular, for adult males, H. atacamensis n. sp. differs from H. amazonensis by the number and orientation of the genital papillae and from H. downesi by the position of the excretory pore; by the shape of the female tail terminus from H. downesi and by the position of the IJ hemizonid from H. marelatus. Heterorhabditis atacamensis n. sp. is further characterized by internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and D2D3 rDNA sequences, the closest species, H. safricana, being separated by 13?bp across 730?bp of the ITS (incorporating ITS1 (partial sequence), 5.8S (complete sequence), ITS2 (complete sequence)) and 5?bp across 592?bp of the partial 28S (incorporating D2D3) sequence. The morphological and molecular data confirm that H. atacamensis n. sp. is a valid species.  相似文献   

The Atacama Desert (Chile), one of the most arid places on Earth, shows hostile conditions for the development of epilithic microbial communities. In this study, we report the association of cyanobacteria (Chroococcidiopsis sp.) and bacteria belonging to Actinobacteria and Beta-Gammaproteobacteria and Firmicutes phyla inhabiting the near surface of salt (halite) deposits of the Salar Grande Basin, Atacama Desert (Chile). The halite deposits were investigated by using optical, confocal and field emission scanning electron microscopes, whereas culture-independent molecular techniques, 16S rDNA clone library, alongside RFLP analysis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing were applied to investigate the bacterial diversity. These microbial communities are an example of life that has adapted to extreme environmental conditions caused by dryness, high irradiation, and metal concentrations. Their adaptation is, therefore, important in the investigation of the environmental conditions that might be expected for life outside of Earth.  相似文献   

Interests in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile until very recently were founded on its mineral resources, notably nitrate, copper, lithium and boron. Now this vast desert, the oldest and most arid on Earth, is revealing a microbial diversity that was unimagined even a decade or so ago; indeed the extreme hyper-arid core of the Desert was considered previously to be completely devoid of life. In this Perspective article we highlight pioneering research that, to the contrary, establishes the Atacama as a combination of rich microbial habitats including bacteria that influence biogeochemical transformations in the desert and others that are propitious sources of novel natural products. Many of the Atacama’s habitats are especially rich in actinobacteria, not necessarily as dense populations but extensive in taxonomic diversity and capacities to synthesize novel secondary metabolites. Among the latter, compounds have been characterized that express a range of antibiotic, anti-cancer and anti- inflammatory properties to which a variety of bioinformatics and metabolic engineering tools are being applied in order to enhance potencies and productivities. Unquestionably the Atacama Desert is a living desert with regard to which future microbiology and biotechnology research presents exciting opportunities.  相似文献   

DNA was extracted from an 11,700-year-old rodent midden from the Atacama Desert, Chile and the chloroplast and animal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene sequences were analysed to investigate the floral environment surrounding the midden, and the identity of the midden agent. The plant sequences, together with the macroscopic identifications, suggest the presence of 13 plant families and three orders that no longer exist today at the midden locality, and thus point to a much more diverse and humid climate 11,700 years ago. The mtDNA sequences suggest the presence of at least four different vertebrates, which have been putatively identified as a camelid (vicuna), two rodents (Phyllotis and Abrocoma), and a cardinal bird (Passeriformes). To identify the midden agent, DNA was extracted from pooled faecal pellets, three small overlapping fragments of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene were amplified and multiple clones were sequenced. These results were analysed along with complete cytochrome b sequences for several modern Phyllotis species to place the midden sequence phylogenetically. The results identified the midden agent as belonging to an ancestral P. limatus. Today, P. limatus is not found at the midden locality but it can be found 100 km to the north, indicating at least a small range shift. The more extensive sampling of modern Phyllotis reinforces the suggestion that P. limatus is recently derived from a peripheral isolate.  相似文献   

Soils from the hyperarid Atacama Desert of northern Chile were sampled along an east-west elevational transect (23.75 to 24.70°S) through the driest sector to compare the relative structure of bacterial communities. Analysis of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles from each of the samples revealed that microbial communities from the extreme hyperarid core of the desert clustered separately from all of the remaining communities. Bands sequenced from DGGE profiles of two samples taken at a 22-month interval from this core region revealed the presence of similar populations dominated by bacteria from the Gemmatimonadetes and Planctomycetes phyla.  相似文献   

Soils from the hyperarid Atacama Desert of northern Chile were sampled along an east-west elevational transect (23.75 to 24.70 degrees S) through the driest sector to compare the relative structure of bacterial communities. Analysis of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles from each of the samples revealed that microbial communities from the extreme hyperarid core of the desert clustered separately from all of the remaining communities. Bands sequenced from DGGE profiles of two samples taken at a 22-month interval from this core region revealed the presence of similar populations dominated by bacteria from the Gemmatimonadetes and Planctomycetes phyla.  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - Throughout Earth’s most extreme environments, such as the Kalahari Desert or the Arctic, hunter–gatherers found ingenious ways to obtain proteins...  相似文献   

Episimus Walsingham, 1892 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae: Olethreutini) is reported for the first time from Chile. Male and female adults of Episimus buarquei Brito & Vargas sp. n. are described and illustrated based on specimens reared from larvae collected on the vulnerable native tree Haplorhus peruviana Engler (Anacardiaceae) in the Chaca Valley, Atacama Desert of northern Chile. DNA barcode sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I mitochondrial gene are provided and used to preliminarily assess the relationships of E. buarquei with congeneric species.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:CDD4BF83-F8AB-4644-8047-77793AB43CA6  相似文献   

The Atacama Desert presents one of the most extreme environments on Earth and we report here the first extensive isolations of actinomycetes from soils at various locations within the Desert. The use of selective isolation procedures enabled actinomycetes to be recovered from arid, hyper-arid and even extreme hyper-arid environments in significant numbers and diversity. In some cases actinomycetes were the only culturable bacteria to be isolated under the conditions of this study. Phylogenetic analysis and some phenotypic characterisation revealed that the majority of isolates belonged to members of the genera Amycolatopsis, Lechevalieria and Streptomyces, a high proportion of which represent novel centres of taxonomic variation. The results of this study support the view that arid desert soils constitute a largely unexplored repository of novel bacteria, while the high incidence of non-ribosomal peptide synthase genes in our isolates recommend them as promising material in screening for new bioactive natural products.  相似文献   

A new plasmodiocarpic and sporocarpic species of myxomycete in the genus Physarum is described and illustrated. This new species appeared on decayed leaves and remains of succulent plants (Agave, Opuntia, Yucca) growing in arid zones. It differs from all other species in the genus in having polyhedral spores linked in chains like a string of beads, a unique feature within all known myxomycetes. Apart from detailed morphological data, partial sequences of both the small-subunit ribosomal RNA and elongation factor 1-alpha genes, generated from four isolates collected in two distant regions, i.e., Mexico and Canary Islands, are also provided in this study. Combined evidence supports the identity of the specimens under study as a new species.  相似文献   

Little is known about the nature of the association between mycobionts and photobionts in isolated lichen communities. Here we studied the photobiont diversity of different Caloplaca species in a fog-induced community in the Atacama Desert. We compared nrDNA ITS sequences of both symbionts, photobionts and mycobionts, along with morphological characters of the different lichen thalli, to investigate the diversity and to assess the degree of selectivity and specificity of photobiont species in a community of Caloplaca species. Specimens of six fungal species (C. orthoclada, C. fernandeziana, and four undescribed species) were sampled along an altitudinal gradient on a coastal bluff with a strong fog presence, 60 km south of Iquique, Chile. The photobiont species in this community belong to three species of the genus Trebouxia in the strict sense: T. arboricola, T. decolorans, and T. gigantea. Most of the fungal species were lichenized with photobionts belonging to different haplotypes of T. arboricola and T. decolorans, although the algae of three specimens, associated with two fungal species (C. orthoclada and C. sp1), were related to representatives of T. gigantea. These results indicate that members of the genus Caloplaca in northern Chile have moderate photobiont selectivity and appear to be selective to members of the T. arboricola group. Also, at high altitudes, changes in the photobiontal haplotype composition were observed in comparison to lower altitudes, probably generated by a higher water availability given higher fog condensation and precipitation in the upper areas of the bluff. This may suggest that ecological factors, such as altitude and water availability could result in a local shift of the associated photobiont and specialization as a product of local adaptation.  相似文献   

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