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In a recent interesting review, Alex Clarke and Timothy Vyse described the genetics of rheumatic disease [1]. In the past several years, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have led to the identification of six high-risk rheumatoid arthritis (RA) susceptibility genes - namely, CD244, PADI4, SLC22A2, PTPN22, CTLA4, and STAT4 (summarized in [2]). In vitro studies using mutant alleles and cultured cells have revealed the individual upregulation of CD244, PADI4, SLC22A2, and PTPN22 [2-6]; however, studies on the expression of RA susceptibility genes in RA patients are rare. We therefore investigated the expression of the above-mentioned six RA susceptibility genes in 112 RA patients using DNA microarray analysis. This study aims to clarify whether DNA microarray analysis and GWAS produce comparable results with respect to RA susceptibility genes.Total RNA extracted from total peripheral blood cells obtained from 112 RA patients and 45 healthy individuals was used to prepare aminoallyl RNA. As a reference, mixed RNA from 45 healthy individuals was used. The aminoallyl RNA of each individual and the reference was subjected to Cy3 and Cy5 labeling, respectively, and was hybridized with an oligonucleotide-based DNA microarray. The data obtained were analyzed by nonparametric statistical group comparison. The intensities of the noprobe spots were used as the background. The median and standard deviation of the background intensity were calculated. The genes with an intensity value that was less than the median plus 2 standard deviation of the background intensity were identified as null. The Cy3/Cy5 ratios of all spots on the DNA microarray were normalized using the global ratio median. Only gene expression data that were collected from at least 80% of samples from each group were selected for further analysis. The unpaired Mann-Whitney test was used to determine statistically significant differences in the mRNA expression levels between the RA and healthy groups. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.The results of our DNA microarray analysis showed that the expressions of four out of the six RA susceptibility genes were significantly higher in RA patients than in healthy individuals (1.0 × 10-16 to 2.32 × 10-5) (Table (Table1).1). As described above, the upregulation of these four genes (CD244, PADI4, SLC22A2, and PTPN22) has been previously confirmed in in vitro studies. We found, however, that CTLA4 expression levels were similar between the RA and control groups, whereas STAT4 expression was significantly downregulated in the RA group (1.38 × 10-8). We investigated the expression of other RA susceptibility genes - namely, TRF1/C5 [7], CD40 [8], and CCL21 [8] - and found that their expressions were similar in both groups. The genetic risk factors for RA were recently reported to differ between Caucasian and Asian (Korean) populations [9]. The samples used in our microarray analysis were derived from the same Asian (Japanese) cohort. The expression profiles for these three genes may therefore not be consistent with the profiles determined by GWAS.

Table 1

Candidate genes identified from rheumatoid arthritis genome-wide association studies
GeneGeneIDPMIDGene expression (up or down)Microarray P valuesa
CD24460555418794858Up1.0 × 10-16
PADI460534712833157Up2.32 × 10-5
SLC22A260260814608356Up1.94 × 10-6
PTPN2260071615208781Up9.66 × 10-8
CTLA412389016380915No change0.767
STAT460055817804842Up1.38 × 10-8
Open in a separate windowaP values determined by comparison between 112 rheumatoid arthritis patients and 45 healthy individuals.In this study, we revealed the correlation between five out of the six high-risk RA susceptibility genes using DNA microarray analysis. Prostate cancer susceptibility genes identified by GWAS were recently reported to be consistent with those identified by microarray analysis [10]. We therefore concluded that the combination of microarray analysis and GWAS would be a more effective approach for gene identification than the analysis of individual datasets. Moreover, the simultaneous use of both methods would allow for more accurate identification of RA candidate genes.  相似文献   

Imprinted genes have the unusual characteristic that the copy from one parent is destined to remain inactive. Though few in number they nonetheless constitute a functionally important part of the mammalian genome. With their memory of parental origin, imprinted genes represent an important model for the epigenetic regulation of gene function and will provide invaluable paradigms to test whether we can predict epigenetic state from DNA sequence. Since their first discovery, systematic screens and some good fortune have led to identification of over seventy imprinted genes in the mouse and human: recent microarray analysis may reveal many more. With a significant number of imprinted genes now identified and completion of key mammalian genome sequences, we are able systematically to examine the organization of imprinted loci, properties of their control elements and begin to recognize common themes in imprinted gene regulation.  相似文献   

In different eukaryotic model systems, chromatin and gene expression are modulated by post-translational modification of histone tails. In this in vivo study, histone methylation and acetylation are investigated along the imprinted mouse genes Snrpn, Igf2r and U2af1-rs1. These imprinted genes all have a CpG-rich regulatory element at which methylation is present on the maternal allele, and originates from the female germ line. At these 'differentially methylated regions' (DMRs), histone H3 on the paternal allele has lysine-4 methylation and is acetylated. On the maternally inherited allele, in contrast, chromatin is marked by hypermethylation on lysine-9 of H3. Allele-specific patterns of lysine-4 and lysine-9 methylation are also detected at other regions of the imprinted loci. For the DMR at the U2af1-rs1 gene, we establish that the methyl-CpG-binding-domain (MBD) proteins MeCP2, MBD1 and MBD3 are associated with the maternal allele. These data support the hypothesis that MBD protein-associated histone deacetylase/chromatin-remodelling complexes are recruited to the parental allele that has methylated DNA and H3-K9 methylation, and are prevented from binding to the opposite allele by H3 lysine-4 methylation.  相似文献   

Environmental constraints that include abiotic stress factors such as salt, drought, cold and extreme temperatures severely limit crop productivity. Improvement of crop plants with traits that confer tolerance to these stresses was practiced using traditional and modern breeding methods. Molecular breeding and genetic engineering contributed substantially to our understanding of the complexity of stress response. Mechanisms that operate signal perception, transduction and downstream regulatory factors are now being examined and an understanding of cellular pathways involved in abiotic stress responses provide valuable information on such responses. This review presents genomic-assisted methods which have helped to reveal complex regulatory networks controlling abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms by high-throughput expression profiling and gene inactivation techniques. Further, an account of stress-inducible regulatory genes which have been transferred into crop plants to enhance stress tolerance is discussed as possible modes of integrating information gained from functional genomics into knowledge-based breeding programs. In addition, we envision an integrative genomic and breeding approach to reveal developmental programs that enhance yield stability and improve grain quality under unfavorable environmental conditions of abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

Imprinted genes exhibit silencing of one of the parental alleles during embryonic development. In a previous study imprinted genes were found to have reduced intron content relative to a non-imprinted control set (Hurst et al., 1996). However, due to the small sample size, it was not possible to analyse the source of this effect. Here, we re-investigate this observation using larger datasets of imprinted and control (non-imprinted) genes that allow us to consider mouse and human, and maternally and paternally silenced, imprinted genes separately. We find that, in the human and mouse, there is reduced intron content in the maternally silenced imprinted genes relative to a non-imprinted control set. Among imprinted genes, a strong bias is also observed in the distribution of intronless genes, which are found exclusively in the maternally silenced dataset. The paternally silenced dataset in the human is not different to the control set; however, the mouse paternally silenced dataset has more introns than the control group. A direct comparison of mouse maternally and paternally silenced imprinted gene datasets shows that they differ significantly with respect to a variety of intron-related parameters. We discuss a variety of possible explanations for our observations.  相似文献   

At least two main groups of glycoproteins can be distinguished in plant cell walls: extensins which are insoluble cell wall proteins; and soluble arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) which have a high carbohydrate content such that protein content constitutes in some cases only 5 % of the glycoprotein weight. These two groups of proteins together with other cell wall proteins more or less glycosylated, such as proline-rich proteins (PRPs), hybrid PRP (HyPRPs) and expansins, are reviewed and compared with similar proteins present in other cell compartments. Different patterns of N- or O-glycosylation are analysed. In some cases, these cell wall proteins or proteins related to them present patterns of glycosylation that act as epitopes recognizable by IgE in allergic responses.  相似文献   

A small sub-set of mammalian genes are subject to regulation by genomic imprinting such that only one parental allele is active in at least some sites of expression. Imprinted genes have diverse functions, notably including the regulation of growth. Much attention has been devoted to the insulin-like growth factor signalling pathway that has a major influence on fetal size and contains two components encoded by the oppositely imprinted genes, Igf2 (a growth promoting factor expressed from the paternal allele) and Igf2r (a growth inhibitory factor expressed from the maternal allele). These genes fit the parent-offspring conflict hypothesis for the evolution of genomic imprinting. Accumulated evidence indicates that at least one other fetal growth pathway exists that has also fallen under the influence of imprinting. It is clear that not all components of growth regulatory pathways are encoded by imprinted genes and instead it may be that within a pathway the influence of a single gene by each of the parental genomes may be sufficient for parent-offspring conflict to be enacted. A number of imprinted genes have been found to influence energy homeostasis and some, including Igf2 and Grb10, may coordinate growth with glucose-regulated metabolism. Since perturbation of fetal growth can be correlated with metabolic disorders in adulthood these imprinted genes are considered as candidates for involvement in this phenomenon of fetal programming.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting causes the expression of an allele depending on its parental origin. In plants, most imprinted genes have been identified in Arabidopsis endosperm, a transient structure consumed by the embryo during seed formation. We identified imprinted genes in rice seed where both the endosperm and embryo are present at seed maturity. RNA was extracted from embryos and endosperm of seeds obtained from reciprocal crosses between two subspecies Nipponbare (Japonica rice) and 93-11 (Indica rice). Sequenced reads from cDNA libraries were aligned to their respective parental genomes using single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Reads across SNPs enabled derivation of parental expression bias ratios. A continuum of parental expression bias states was observed. Statistical analyses indicated 262 candidate imprinted loci in the endosperm and three in the embryo (168 genic and 97 non-genic). Fifty-six of the 67 loci investigated were confirmed to be imprinted in the seed. Imprinted loci are not clustered in the rice genome as found in mammals. All of these imprinted loci were expressed in the endosperm, and one of these was also imprinted in the embryo, confirming that in both rice and Arabidopsis imprinted expression is primarily confined to the endosperm. Some rice imprinted genes were also expressed in vegetative tissues, indicating that they have additional roles in plant growth. Comparison of candidate imprinted genes found in rice with imprinted candidate loci obtained from genome-wide surveys of imprinted genes in Arabidopsis to date shows a low degree of conservation, suggesting that imprinting has evolved independently in eudicots and monocots.  相似文献   

Genes differentially expressed between parthenogenetic and androgenetic embryos are candidates for the identification of imprinted genes, which are expressed specifically from the maternal or paternal allele. To search for genes differentially expressed between parthenogenetic and androgenetic embryos, we used the RIKEN full-length enriched mouse cDNA microarray. The 25 candidates obtained included 8 known imprinted genes (such as IgfII, Snrpn, and Neuronatin) and 3 new ones--Asb4 (ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing protein 4), Ata3 (amino acid transport system A3), and Decorin--which were confirmed by using normal diploid embryos from the reciprocal F1 crosses of B6 and JF1 mice. The 25 candidates also included genes that showed no imprinting-associated expression in normal diploid embryos. We describe a feasible high-throughput method of screening for novel imprinted genes by using the RIKEN cDNA microarray.  相似文献   

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