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Blindsight patients, whose primary visual cortex is lesioned, exhibit preserved ability to discriminate visual stimuli presented in their "blind" field, yet report no visual awareness hereof. Blindsight is generally studied in experimental investigations of single patients, as very few patients have been given this "diagnosis". In our single case study of patient GR, we ask whether blindsight is best described as unconscious vision, or rather as conscious, yet severely degraded vision. In experiment 1 and 2, we successfully replicate the typical findings of previous studies on blindsight. The third experiment, however, suggests that GR's ability to discriminate amongst visual stimuli does not reflect unconscious vision, but rather degraded, yet conscious vision. As our finding results from using a method for obtaining subjective reports that has not previously used in blindsight studies (but validated in studies of healthy subjects and other patients with brain injury), our results call for a reconsideration of blindsight, and, arguably also of many previous studies of unconscious perception in healthy subjects.  相似文献   

A dissociation between visual awareness and visual discrimination is referred to as “blindsight”. Blindsight results from loss of function of the primary visual cortex (V1) which can occur due to cerebrovascular accidents (i.e. stroke-related lesions). There are also numerous reports of similar, though reversible, effects on vision induced by transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to early visual cortex. These effects point to V1 as the “gate” of visual awareness and have strong implications for understanding the neurological underpinnings of consciousness. It has been argued that evidence for the dissociation between awareness of, and responses to, visual stimuli can be a measurement artifact of the use of a high response criterion under yes-no measures of visual awareness when compared with the criterion free forced-choice responses. This difference between yes-no and forced-choice measures suggests that evidence for a dissociation may actually be normal near-threshold conscious vision. Here we describe three experiments that tested visual performance in normal subjects when their visual awareness was suppressed by applying TMS to the occipital pole. The nature of subjects’ performance whilst undergoing occipital TMS was then verified by use of a psychophysical measure (d'') that is independent of response criteria. This showed that there was no genuine dissociation in visual sensitivity measured by yes-no and forced-choice responses. These results highlight that evidence for visual sensitivity in the absence of awareness must be analysed using a bias-free psychophysical measure, such as d'', In order to confirm whether or not visual performance is truly unconscious.  相似文献   

Reaction time (RT) and error rate that depend on stimulus duration were measured in a luminance-discrimination reaction time task. Two patches of light with different luminance were presented to participants for ‘short’ (150 ms) or ‘long’ (1 s) period on each trial. When the stimulus duration was ‘short’, the participants responded more rapidly with poorer discrimination performance than they did in the longer duration. The results suggested that different sensory responses in the visual cortices were responsible for the dependence of response speed and accuracy on the stimulus duration during the luminance-discrimination reaction time task. It was shown that the simple winner-take-all-type neural network model receiving transient and sustained stimulus information from the primary visual cortex successfully reproduced RT distributions for correct responses and error rates. Moreover, temporal spike sequences obtained from the model network closely resembled to the neural activity in the monkey prefrontal or parietal area during other visual decision tasks such as motion discrimination and oddball detection tasks.  相似文献   

Subliminal perception studies have shown that one can objectively discriminate a stimulus without subjectively perceiving it. We show how a minimalist framework based on Signal Detection Theory and Bayesian inference can account for this dissociation, by describing subjective and objective tasks with similar decision-theoretic mechanisms. Each of these tasks relies on distinct response classes, and therefore distinct priors and decision boundaries. As a result, they may reach different conclusions. By formalizing, within the same framework, forced-choice discrimination responses, subjective visibility reports and confidence ratings, we show that this decision model suffices to account for several classical characteristics of conscious and unconscious perception. Furthermore, the model provides a set of original predictions on the nonlinear profiles of discrimination performance obtained at various levels of visibility. We successfully test one such prediction in a novel experiment: when varying continuously the degree of perceptual ambiguity between two visual symbols presented at perceptual threshold, identification performance varies quasi-linearly when the stimulus is unseen and in an ‘all-or-none’ manner when it is seen. The present model highlights how conscious and non-conscious decisions may correspond to distinct categorizations of the same stimulus encoded by a high-dimensional neuronal population vector.  相似文献   

In primates the retina is connected with different targets in the brain via several parallel pathways, the largest of which is that going to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus and thence to the striate cortex, the geniculo-striate pathway. When this route is damaged in man, apparent blindness in a corresponding part of the visual field occurs, despite the integrity of the other parallel pathways. In animals, it has been demonstrated by conventional behavioural forced-choice techniques that extrastriate routes can sustain a variety of visual discriminations. Comparable discriminations are also possible in some human subjects with geniculo-striate damage when forced-choice 'guessing' techniques are used. 'Blind-sight' refers to those subjects who state that they are unaware of the visual stimuli, even when performing discriminations at high levels of proficiency. Extensions of this approach are reviewed, especially to spectral sensitivity and movement discrimination. But residual capacities can also be assessed without requiring guessing responses, thereby avoiding issues of differential response criteria and other practical difficulties. Effects of 'unseen' stimuli in the cortically blind field on the visible perception of concurrent stimuli in the intact field can be measured. Also, positive reactions of the autonomic nervous system, such as the galvanic skin response, can be recorded to visual stimuli presented in the blind field. Recent evidence demonstrates that the pupil in normal adult subjects is systematically sensitive to structural and chromatic features of visual stimuli. Pupillometry reveals specific changes and residual capacities in visual-field defects of adult patients with striate cortical damage. Thus non-verbal and sensitive methods are available that permit the comparative study of normal and residual visual capacity in human infants, adults and infra-human animals.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used while normal human volunteers engaged in simple detection and discrimination tasks, revealing separable modulations of early visual cortex associated with spatial attention and task structure. Both modulations occur even when there is no change in sensory stimulation. The modulation due to spatial attention is present throughout the early visual areas V1, V2, V3, and VP, and varies with the attended location. The task structure activations are strongest in V1 and are greater in regions that represent more peripheral parts of the visual field. Control experiments demonstrate that the task structure activations cannot be attributed to visual, auditory, or somatosensory processing, the motor response for the detection/discrimination judgment, or oculomotor responses such as blinks or saccades. These findings demonstrate that early visual areas are modulated by at least two types of endogenous signals, each with distinct cortical distributions.  相似文献   

Why is it hard to divide attention between dissimilar activities, such as reading and listening to a conversation? We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study interference between simple auditory and visual decisions, independently of motor competition. Overlapping activity for auditory and visual tasks performed in isolation was found in lateral prefrontal regions, middle temporal cortex and parietal cortex. When the visual stimulus occurred during the processing of the tone, its activation in prefrontal and middle temporal cortex was suppressed. Additionally, reduced activity was seen in modality-specific visual cortex. These results paralleled impaired awareness of the visual event. Even without competing motor responses, a simple auditory decision interferes with visual processing on different neural levels, including prefrontal cortex, middle temporal cortex and visual regions.  相似文献   

Lesions in the rat of the ventral mesencephalic tegmentum (vmt) which contains the A10 dopaminergic (DA) cell bodies, have a wide range of effects on behaviour. The principal characteristic of such lesioned animals is a locomotor hyperactivity and a disinhibition of behavioural supression with serious consequences for behaviour fundamental to the survival of the individual and the species. 1 Initially, we felt that an anatomical study of the region could provide a basis for explaining the vmt syndrome. We decided, therefore, to use several anatomical techniques, such as silver staining, anterograde tracing using autoradiography, and retrograde tracing with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). These studies have led to the following conclusions: (1) The vmt neurones are an important interface between anterior limbic structures and posterior limbic and reticular regions. (2) vmt neurones have specific anatomical relations with the frontal system, i.e., the prefrontal cortex and the anterior striatum. 2 Secondly, we wondered if such anatomical connections were the basis for functional relationships. We have therefore studied animals in a delayed alternation task, which is a sensitive and selective test of damage to the frontal system. Rats with electrolytic or 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions of the DA cells in the vmt show large deficits in delayed alternation tasks. 6-OHDA lesions of the DA A10 terminals in the prefrontal cortex, the anterior striatum or the nucleus accumbens lead to similar behavioural deficits. Moreover, the specificity of such deficits has been shown in a runway test and a visual discrimination task. 3 On the basis of these results, we put forward the hypothesis that the A10 DA neurones play a role in the integration of information from internal and external stimuli which are relayed to the prefrontal system. From this viewpoint, a deficit in selective attention lies at the heart of the different forms of the vmt syndrome.  相似文献   

Neurons in the primary visual cortex, V1, are specialized for the processing of elemental features of the visual stimulus, such as orientation and spatial frequency. Recent fMRI evidence suggest that V1 neurons are also recruited in visual perceptual memory; a number of studies using multi-voxel pattern analysis have successfully decoded stimulus-specific information from V1 activity patterns during the delay phase in memory tasks. However, consistent fMRI signal modulations reflecting the memory process have not yet been demonstrated. Here, we report evidence, from three subjects, that the low V1 BOLD activity during retention of low-level visual features is caused by competing interactions between neural populations coding for different values along the spectrum of the dimension remembered. We applied a memory masking paradigm in which the memory representation of a masker stimulus interferes with a delayed spatial frequency discrimination task when its frequency differs from the discriminanda with ±1 octave and found that impaired behavioral performance due to masking is reflected in weaker V1 BOLD signals. This cross-channel inhibition in V1 only occurs with retinotopic overlap between the masker and the sample stimulus of the discrimination task. The results suggest that memory for spatial frequency is a local process in the retinotopically organized visual cortex.  相似文献   

There is a substantial literature exploring the behavioral consequencesof developmental lead exposure in the monkey; deficits havebeen observed on a number of tasks assessing learning and memoryincluding spatial delayed alternation, discrimination reversal,matching to sample, and concurrent discrimination. Differencesin performance between control and lead-exposed monkeys havealso been observed on intermittent schedules of reinforcement.Comparison of the effects of lead with the extensive literatureon the consequences of lesions in discrete areas of brain onthe same tasks may provide insight into the possible sites ofbrain damage responsible for lead-induced behavioral impairment.Available data strongly suggest that prefrontal cortical areasare damaged by lead, based on the pattern of performance deficitsacross specific tasks. In addition, a constellation of globaldeficits including perseveration, increased distractibility,inability to change response strategy, and inability to inhibitinappropriate responding are hallmarks of both prefrontal damageand developmental lead exposure. Evidence also implicates basalforebrain structures in behavior impairment produced by leadbased on the pattern of deficits across numerous tasks, althoughthe evidence is much weaker than for prefrontal cortex. In contrast,the pattern of behavioral impairment produced by limbic systemlesions is different in many respects from that produced bylead; in addition, the scant neuropathological data availablesuggest that limbic structures are not a target of lead evenat high blood lead levels in the monkey. Comparison of the patternof damage following lead exposure with the effects of lesions,presented here, provides direction for further morphologicalor neurochemical exploration of lead-induced brain damage inthe monkey.  相似文献   

Perceptual decisions can be made when sensory input affords an inference about what generated that input. Here, we report findings from two independent perceptual experiments conducted during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with a sparse event-related design. The first experiment, in the visual modality, involved forced-choice discrimination of coherence in random dot kinematograms that contained either subliminal or periliminal motion coherence. The second experiment, in the auditory domain, involved free response detection of (non-semantic) near-threshold acoustic stimuli. We analysed fluctuations in ongoing neural activity, as indexed by fMRI, and found that neuronal activity in sensory areas (extrastriate visual and early auditory cortex) biases perceptual decisions towards correct inference and not towards a specific percept. Hits (detection of near-threshold stimuli) were preceded by significantly higher activity than both misses of identical stimuli or false alarms, in which percepts arise in the absence of appropriate sensory input. In accord with predictive coding models and the free-energy principle, this observation suggests that cortical activity in sensory brain areas reflects the precision of prediction errors and not just the sensory evidence or prediction errors per se.  相似文献   

A popular model of visual perception states that coarse information (carried by low spatial frequencies) along the dorsal stream is rapidly transmitted to prefrontal and medial temporal areas, activating contextual information from memory, which can in turn constrain detailed input carried by high spatial frequencies arriving at a slower rate along the ventral visual stream, thus facilitating the processing of ambiguous visual stimuli. We were interested in testing whether this model contributes to memory-guided orienting of attention. In particular, we asked whether global, low-spatial frequency (LSF) inputs play a dominant role in triggering contextual memories in order to facilitate the processing of the upcoming target stimulus. We explored this question over four experiments. The first experiment replicated the LSF advantage reported in perceptual discrimination tasks by showing that participants were faster and more accurate at matching a low spatial frequency version of a scene, compared to a high spatial frequency version, to its original counterpart in a forced-choice task. The subsequent three experiments tested the relative contributions of low versus high spatial frequencies during memory-guided covert spatial attention orienting tasks. Replicating the effects of memory-guided attention, pre-exposure to scenes associated with specific spatial memories for target locations (memory cues) led to higher perceptual discrimination and faster response times to identify targets embedded in the scenes. However, either high or low spatial frequency cues were equally effective; LSF signals did not selectively or preferentially contribute to the memory-driven attention benefits to performance. Our results challenge a generalized model that LSFs activate contextual memories, which in turn bias attention and facilitate perception.  相似文献   

While studies of the gustatory cortex (GC) mostly focus on its role in taste aversion learning and memory, the necessity of GC for other fundamental taste-guided behaviors remains largely untested. Here, rats with either excitotoxic lesions targeting GC (n = 26) or sham lesions (n = 14) were assessed for postsurgical retention of a presurgically LiCl-induced conditioned taste aversion (CTA) to 0.1M sucrose using a brief-access taste generalization test in a gustometer. The same animals were then trained in a two-response operant taste detection task and psychophysically tested for their salt (NaCl or KCl) sensitivity. Next, the rats were trained and tested in a NaCl vs. KCl taste discrimination task with concentrations varied. Rats meeting our histological inclusion criterion had large lesions (resulting in a group averaging 80% damage to GC and involving surrounding regions) and showed impaired postsurgical expression of the presurgical CTA (LiCl-injected, n = 9), demonstrated rightward shifts in the NaCl (0.54 log10 shift) and KCl (0.35 log10 shift) psychometric functions, and displayed retarded salt discrimination acquisition (n = 18), but eventually learned and performed the discrimination comparable to sham-operated animals. Interestingly, the degree of deficit between tasks correlated only modestly, if at all, suggesting that idiosyncratic differences in insular cortex lesion topography were the root of the individual differences in the behavioral effects demonstrated here. This latter finding hints at some degree of interanimal variation in the functional topography of insular cortex. Overall, GC appears to be necessary to maintain normal taste sensitivity to NaCl and KCl and for salt discrimination learning. However, higher salt concentrations can be detected and discriminated by rats with extensive damage to GC suggesting that the other resources of the gustatory system are sufficient to maintain partial competence in these tasks, supporting the view that such basic sensory-discriminative taste functions involve distributed processes among central gustatory structures.  相似文献   

Congenital muscular dystrophies present mutated gene in the LARGE mice model and it is characterized by an abnormal glycosylation of α-dystroglycan (α-DG), strongly implicated as having a causative role in the development of central nervous system abnormalities such as cognitive impairment seen in patients. However, the pathophysiology of the brain involvement remains unclear. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the oxidative damage and energetic metabolism in the brain tissue as well as cognitive involvement in the LARGE(myd) mice model of muscular dystrophy. With this aim, we used adult homozygous, heterozygous, and wild-type mice that were divided into two groups: behavior and biochemical analyses. In summary, it was observed that homozygous mice presented impairment to the habituation and avoidance memory tasks; low levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, cortex and cerebellum; increased lipid peroxidation in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, striatum, and cerebellum; an increase of protein peroxidation in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, striatum, cerebellum, and cortex; a decrease of complex I activity in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum; a decrease of complex II activity in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum; a decrease of complex IV activity in the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum; an increase in the cortex; and an increase of creatine kinase activity in the striatum and cerebellum. This study shows the first evidence that abnormal glycosylation of α-DG may be affecting BDNF levels, oxidative particles, and energetic metabolism thus contributing to the memory storage and restoring process.  相似文献   

Several decades of patient, functional imaging and neurophysiological studies have supported a model in which the lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) acts to suppress unwanted saccades by inhibiting activity in the oculomotor system. However, recent results from combined PFC deactivation and neural recordings of the superior colliculus in monkeys demonstrate that the primary influence of the PFC on the oculomotor system is excitatory, and stands in direct contradiction to the inhibitory model of PFC function. Although erroneous saccades towards a visual stimulus are commonly labelled reflexive in patients with PFC damage or dysfunction, the latencies of most of these saccades are outside of the range of express saccades, which are triggered directly by the visual stimulus. Deactivation and pharmacological manipulation studies in monkeys suggest that response errors following PFC damage or dysfunction are not the result of a failure in response suppression but can best be understood in the context of a failure to maintain and implement the proper task set.  相似文献   



Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) at certain frequencies increases thresholds for motor-evoked potentials and phosphenes following stimulation of cortex. Consequently rTMS is often assumed to introduce a “virtual lesion” in stimulated brain regions, with correspondingly diminished behavioral performance.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we investigated the effects of rTMS to visual cortex on subjects'' ability to perform visual psychophysical tasks. Contrary to expectations of a visual deficit, we find that rTMS often improves the discrimination of visual features. For coarse orientation tasks, discrimination of a static stimulus improved consistently following theta-burst stimulation of the occipital lobe. Using a reaction-time task, we found that these improvements occurred throughout the visual field and lasted beyond one hour post-rTMS. Low-frequency (1 Hz) stimulation yielded similar improvements. In contrast, we did not find consistent effects of rTMS on performance in a fine orientation discrimination task.


Overall our results suggest that rTMS generally improves or has no effect on visual acuity, with the nature of the effect depending on the type of stimulation and the task. We interpret our results in the context of an ideal-observer model of visual perception.  相似文献   

Working memory enables us to hold in our ''mind''s eye'' the contents of our conscious awareness, even in the absence of sensory input, by maintaining an active representation of information for a brief period of time. In this review we consider the functional organization of the prefrontal cortex and its role in this cognitive process. First, we present evidence from brain-imaging studies that prefrontal cortex shows sustained activity during the delay period of visual working memory tasks, indicating that this cortex maintains on-line representations of stimuli after they are removed from view. We then present evidence for domain specificity within frontal cortex based on the type of information, with object working memory mediated by more ventral frontal regions and spatial working memory mediated by more dorsal frontal regions. We also propose that a second dimension for domain specificity within prefrontal cortex might exist for object working memory on the basis of the type of representation, with analytic representations maintained preferentially in the left hemisphere and image-based representations maintained preferentially in the right hemisphere. Furthermore, we discuss the possibility that there are prefrontal areas brought into play during the monitoring and manipulation of information in working memory in addition to those engaged during the maintenance of this information. Finally, we consider the relationship of prefrontal areas important for working memory, both to posterior visual processing areas and to prefrontal areas associated with long-term memory.  相似文献   

在猕猴执行延缓辨别作业和单纯辨别作业时,观察了与作业无关的新异刺激对额叶神经元延缓期放电的影响。在这两种作业中,延缓期在1—4s之间随机变化。此时,动物必须高度注意信号的变化,稍不注意即导致操作错误。此外,在延缓辨别作业中,动物在延缓期还要暂时记住暗示期的信号,单纯辨别作业则无此要求。在203个与作业相关的神经元中,有70个神经元在延缓期出现放电频率变化,其中见于延缓辨别作业者41个,见于单纯辨别作业者29个。实验结果表明,在这两种作业的延缓期所出现的神经元放电增多的反应,有着许多相同的特点。与课题无关的声、光、触、痛等刺激引起分心时,神经元的延缓期反应出现明显的变化,随之出现操作错误。多数神经元的反应受到抑制,但也有出现反应增强者,而且同一神经元对不同感觉模式的无关刺激可出现不同的效应,表现出不同程度的感觉模式特异性。此外,无关刺激在延缓期和在测试间歇期可产生不同甚至相反的效应。上述在延缓期出现反应的神经元主要位于额叶弓状沟上支内侧部的一定范围内。本文对实验结果进行了讨论,认为额叶神经元的延缓期反应,可能在很大程度上与注意有关。额叶神经元感觉模式各种程度的特异性可能是注意的通道选择性的神经基础。额叶的背内侧部,包括前额叶后部和运动前区前部  相似文献   

Prefrontal cortex: procedural sequence learning and awareness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Activation of the prefrontal cortex has been linked to awareness during sequence-learning tasks. A recent study, however, finds activation of the prefrontal cortex during such tasks regardless of awareness. So what is the neurophysiological basis of awareness, and what is the role of the prefrontal cortex in sequence learning?  相似文献   

A working hypothesis is proposed for piriform cortex (PC) and other olfactory cortical areas that redefines the traditional functional roles as follows: the olfactory bulb serves as the primary olfactory cortex by virtue of encoding 'molecular features' (structural components common to many odorant molecules) as a patchy mosaic reminiscent of the representation of simple features in primary visual cortex. The anterior olfactory cortex (that has been inappropriately termed the anterior olfactory nucleus) detects and stores correlations between olfactory features, creating representations (gestalts) for particular odorants and odorant mixtures. This function places anterior olfactory cortex at the level of secondary visual cortex. PC carries out functions that have traditionally defined association cortex--it detects and learns correlations between olfactory gestalts formed in anterior olfactory cortex and a large repertoire of behavioral, cognitive and contextual information to which it has access through reciprocal connections with prefrontal, entorhinal, perirhinal and amygdaloid areas. Using principles derived from artificial networks with biologically plausible parallel-distributed architectures and Hebbian synaptic plasticity (i.e. adjustments in synaptic strength based on locally convergent activity), functional proposals are made for PC and related cortical areas. Architectural features incorporated include extensive recurrent connectivity in anterior PC, predominantly feedforward connectivity in posterior PC and backprojections that connect distal to proximal structures in the cascade of olfactory cortical areas. Capabilities of the 'reciprocal feedforward correlation' architecture that characterizes PC and adjoining higher-order areas are discussed in some detail. The working hypothesis is preceded by a review of relevant anatomy and physiology, and a non-quantitative account of parallel-distributed principles. To increase the accessibility of findings for PC and to advertise its substantial potential as a model for experimental and modeling analysis of associative processes, parallels are described between PC and the hippocampal formation, inferotemporal visual cortex and prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

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