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Neurobiologists have traditionally assumed that multisensory integration is a higher order process that occurs after sensory signals have undergone extensive processing through a hierarchy of unisensory subcortical and cortical regions. Recent findings, however, question this assumption. Studies in humans, nonhuman primates and other species demonstrate multisensory convergence in low level cortical structures that were generally believed to be unisensory in function. In addition to enriching current models of multisensory processing and perceptual functions, these new findings require a revision in our thinking about unisensory processing in low level cortical areas.  相似文献   

Neural systems are necessarily the adaptive products of natural selection, but a neural system, dedicated to any particular function in a complex brain, may be composed of components that covary with functionally unrelated systems, owing to constraints beyond immediate functional requirements. Some studies support a modular or mosaic organization of the brain, whereas others emphasize coordination and covariation. To contrast these views, we have analysed the retina, striate cortex (V1) and extrastriate cortex (V2, V3, MT, etc.) in 30 mammals, examining the area of the neocortex and individual neocortical areas and the relative numbers of rods and cones. Controlling for brain size and species relatedness, the sizes of visual cortical areas (striate, extrastriate) within the brains of nocturnal and diurnal mammals are not statistically different from one another. The relative sizes of all cortical areas, visual, somatosensory and auditory, are best predicted by the total size of the neocortex. In the sensory periphery, the retina is clearly specialized for niche. New data on rod and cone numbers in various New World primates confirm that rod and cone complements of the retina vary substantially between nocturnal and diurnal species. Although peripheral specializations or receptor surfaces may be highly susceptible to niche-specific selection pressures, the areal divisions of the cerebral cortex are considerably more conservative.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》2013,107(6):452-458
Microelectrode recordings of cortical activity in primates performing working memory tasks reveal some cortical neurons exhibiting sustained or graded persistent elevations in firing rate during the period in which sensory information is actively maintained in short-term memory. These neurons are called “memory cells”. Imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation studies indicate that memory cells may arise from distributed cortical networks. Depending on the sensory modality of the memorandum in working memory tasks, neurons exhibiting memory-correlated patterns of firing have been detected in different association cortices including prefrontal cortex, and primary sensory cortices as well.Here we elaborate on neurophysiological experiments that lead to our understanding of the neuromechanisms of working memory, and mainly discuss findings on widely distributed cortical networks involved in tactile working memory.  相似文献   

The past two decades have witnessed tremendous advances in noninvasive and postmortem neuroscientific techniques, advances that have made it possible, for the first time, to compare in detail the organization of the human brain to that of other primates. Studies comparing humans to chimpanzees and other great apes reveal that human brain evolution was not merely a matter of enlargement, but involved changes at all levels of organization that have been examined. These include the cellular and laminar organization of cortical areas; the higher order organization of the cortex, as reflected in the expansion of association cortex (in absolute terms, as well as relative to primary areas); the distribution of long-distance cortical connections; and hemispheric asymmetry. Additionally, genetic differences between humans and other primates have proven to be more extensive than previously thought, raising the possibility that human brain evolution involved significant modifications of neurophysiology and cerebral energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Reaching and grasping in primates depend on the coordination of neural activity in large frontoparietal ensembles. Here we demonstrate that primates can learn to reach and grasp virtual objects by controlling a robot arm through a closed-loop brain–machine interface (BMIc) that uses multiple mathematical models to extract several motor parameters (i.e., hand position, velocity, gripping force, and the EMGs of multiple arm muscles) from the electrical activity of frontoparietal neuronal ensembles. As single neurons typically contribute to the encoding of several motor parameters, we observed that high BMIc accuracy required recording from large neuronal ensembles. Continuous BMIc operation by monkeys led to significant improvements in both model predictions and behavioral performance. Using visual feedback, monkeys succeeded in producing robot reach-and-grasp movements even when their arms did not move. Learning to operate the BMIc was paralleled by functional reorganization in multiple cortical areas, suggesting that the dynamic properties of the BMIc were incorporated into motor and sensory cortical representations.  相似文献   

Reaching and grasping in primates depend on the coordination of neural activity in large frontoparietal ensembles. Here we demonstrate that primates can learn to reach and grasp virtual objects by controlling a robot arm through a closed-loop brain–machine interface (BMIc) that uses multiple mathematical models to extract several motor parameters (i.e., hand position, velocity, gripping force, and the EMGs of multiple arm muscles) from the electrical activity of frontoparietal neuronal ensembles. As single neurons typically contribute to the encoding of several motor parameters, we observed that high BMIc accuracy required recording from large neuronal ensembles. Continuous BMIc operation by monkeys led to significant improvements in both model predictions and behavioral performance. Using visual feedback, monkeys succeeded in producing robot reach-and-grasp movements even when their arms did not move. Learning to operate the BMIc was paralleled by functional reorganization in multiple cortical areas, suggesting that the dynamic properties of the BMIc were incorporated into motor and sensory cortical representations.  相似文献   

Our brain is organized in a modular structure. Information in different modalities is processed within distinct cortical areas. However, individual cortical areas cannot enable complex cognitive functions without interacting with other cortical areas. Electrocorticography (ECoG) has recently become an important tool for studying global network activity across cortical areas in animal models. With stable recordings of electrical field potentials from multiple cortical areas, ECoG provides an opportunity to systematically study large-scale cortical activity at a mesoscopic spatiotemporal resolution under various experimental conditions. Recent developments in thin, flexible ECoG electrodes permit recording field potentials from not only gyral but intrasulcal cortical surfaces. Our review here focuses on the recent advances of ECoG applications to non-human primates.  相似文献   

Vision research has the potential to reveal fundamental mechanisms underlying sensory experience. Causal experimental approaches, such as electrical microstimulation, provide a unique opportunity to test the direct contributions of visual cortical neurons to perception and behaviour. But in spite of their importance, causal methods constitute a minority of the experiments used to investigate the visual cortex to date. We reconsider the function and organization of visual cortex according to results obtained from stimulation techniques, with a special emphasis on electrical stimulation of small groups of cells in awake subjects who can report their visual experience. We compare findings from humans and monkeys, striate and extrastriate cortex, and superficial versus deep cortical layers, and identify a number of revealing gaps in the ‘causal map′ of visual cortex. Integrating results from different methods and species, we provide a critical overview of the ways in which causal approaches have been used to further our understanding of circuitry, plasticity and information integration in visual cortex. Electrical stimulation not only elucidates the contributions of different visual areas to perception, but also contributes to our understanding of neuronal mechanisms underlying memory, attention and decision-making.  相似文献   

Cell-cycle control and cortical development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The spatio-temporal timing of the last round of mitosis, followed by the migration of neuroblasts to the cortical plate leads to the formation of the six-layered cortex that is subdivided into functionally defined cortical areas. Whereas many of the cellular and molecular mechanisms have been established in rodents, there are a number of unique features that require further elucidation in primates. Recent findings both in rodents and in primates indicate that regulation of the cell cycle, specifically of the G1 phase has a crucial role in controlling area-specific rates of neuron production and the generation of cytoarchitectonic maps.  相似文献   

Surface areas of humeral and femoral heads scale largely as a function of body size. However, differences in the relative sizes of these articular surfaces are correlated with differential joint mobility and force transmission through fore- and hindlimbs. They can therefore assist interpretation of the positional behavior of extinct species. In this paper, we document variation in ratios of humeral head surface area to femoral head surface area among extant primates and other mammals. We then examine a group of extinct primates: the subfossil lemurs of Madagascar. Many Malagasy le murs, including some giant extinct species with very long forelimbs and short hindlimbs, have relatively small humeral heads and large femoral heads. We explore the adaptive implications of this pattern. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review evidence from comparative studies of primate cortical organization, highlighting recent findings and hypotheses that may help us to understand the rules governing evolutionary changes of the cortical map and the process of formation of areas during development. We argue that clear unequivocal views of cortical areas and their homologies are more likely to emerge for "core" fields, including the primary sensory areas, which are specified early in development by precise molecular identification steps. In primates, the middle temporal area is probably one of these primordial cortical fields. Areas that form at progressively later stages of development correspond to progressively more recent evolutionary events, their development being less firmly anchored in molecular specification. The certainty with which areal boundaries can be delimited, and likely homologies can be assigned, becomes increasingly blurred in parallel with this evolutionary/developmental sequence. For example, while current concepts for the definition of cortical areas have been vindicated in allowing a clarification of the organization of the New World monkey "third tier" visual cortex (the third and dorsomedial areas, V3 and DM), our analyses suggest that more flexible mapping criteria may be needed to unravel the organization of higher-order visual association and polysensory areas.  相似文献   

Recent studies have led to a better understanding of the organization and connections of somatosensory and visual cortex in a number of mammalian species. Lesion studies have provided information on the significance of particular connections. The variable effectiveness of cortical lesions in deactivating target areas suggests that serial processing may be emphasized in higher primates.  相似文献   

Wang XJ 《Neuron》2002,36(5):955-968
Recent physiological studies of alert primates have revealed cortical neural correlates of key steps in a perceptual decision-making process. To elucidate synaptic mechanisms of decision making, I investigated a biophysically realistic cortical network model for a visual discrimination experiment. In the model, slow recurrent excitation and feedback inhibition produce attractor dynamics that amplify the difference between conflicting inputs and generates a binary choice. The model is shown to account for salient characteristics of the observed decision-correlated neural activity, as well as the animal's psychometric function and reaction times. These results suggest that recurrent excitation mediated by NMDA receptors provides a candidate cellular mechanism for the slow time integration of sensory stimuli and the formation of categorical choices in a decision-making neocortical network.  相似文献   

Neurons in somatosensory cortex of primates process sensory information from the hand by integrating information from large populations of receptors to extract specific features. Tactile neurons in areas 1 and 2 are shown to select features such as contact area, edge orientation, motion across the skin, or direction of movement. Features coded by kinesthetic neurons in areas 3a and 2 relate to joint movement, the joint angle around which the movement occurs, or coordinated postures of the hand and arm. An even higher order cortical cell integrates tactile and kinesthetic information; these "haptic neurons" respond optimally to contact of objects actively grasped in the hand. These global features are coded at the expense of loss of information concerning fine-grained spatial detail.  相似文献   

In Neotropical forests, large fruit-eating primates play important ecological roles as dispersal agents of large seeds. Bushmeat hunting threatens to disrupt populations of primates and large-seeded trees. We test the hypothesis that otherwise intact Neotropical forests with depressed populations of large primates experience decline in recruitment of large-seeded trees. We quantify the proportion of small juveniles (> 0.5 m tall–1 cm diameter at breast height, DBH) of large primate-dispersed tree species found underneath heterospecifc trees that are also dispersed by large primates at two protected sites in Manu National Park and one hunted site outside Manu N.P. in southeastern Peru. The forests are comparable in edaphic and climatic qualities, successional stage, and adult tree species composition. We found that hunting locally exterminates populations of large primates, and reduced primates of intermediate body size (hereafter "medium primates") by 80 percent. Moreover, tree species richness was 55 percent lower and density of species dispersed by large and medium-bodied primates 60 percent lower in hunted than in protected sites. In addition, richness and density of abiotically dispersed species and plants dispersed by non-game animals are greater in hunted sites. Overhunting threatens to disrupt the ecological interactions between primates and the plants that rely on them for seed dispersal and recruitment. Sustainable wildlife management plans are urgently needed, because protected areas are at risk of becoming "island" parks if buffer zones become empty of animals and have impoverished flora.  相似文献   

Most studies of microscopic wear on non-human primate teeth have focused on the occlusal surfaces of molars. Recent analyses of the buccal surfaces of human cheek teeth have demonstrated an association between diet and dental microwear on the these surfaces as well. In the current study, we examine microwear on both the buccal and lingual surfaces of non-human primate molars to assess the potential of these surfaces to reveal information concerning anthropoid feeding behaviors. We compare frequency of microwear occurrence in 12 extant and 11 fossil anthropoid species. Among the living primates, the occurrence of microwear on non-occlusal surfaces appears to relate to both diet and degree of terrestriality. The implications of this research for the inference of feeding behaviors and substrate use in fossil cercopithecoids are discussed. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Earth's rapidly changing climate creates a growing need to understand how demographic processes in natural populations are affected by climate variability, particularly among organisms threatened by extinction. Long‐term, large‐scale, and cross‐taxon studies of vital rate variation in relation to climate variability can be particularly valuable because they can reveal environmental drivers that affect multiple species over extensive regions. Few such data exist for animals with slow life histories, particularly in the tropics, where climate variation over large‐scale space is asynchronous. As our closest relatives, nonhuman primates are especially valuable as a resource to understand the roles of climate variability and climate change in human evolutionary history. Here, we provide the first comprehensive investigation of vital rate variation in relation to climate variability among wild primates. We ask whether primates are sensitive to global changes that are universal (e.g., higher temperature, large‐scale climate oscillations) or whether they are more sensitive to global change effects that are local (e.g., more rain in some places), which would complicate predictions of how primates in general will respond to climate change. To address these questions, we use a database of long‐term life‐history data for natural populations of seven primate species that have been studied for 29–52 years to investigate associations between vital rate variation, local climate variability, and global climate oscillations. Associations between vital rates and climate variability varied among species and depended on the time windows considered, highlighting the importance of temporal scale in detection of such effects. We found strong climate signals in the fertility rates of three species. However, survival, which has a greater impact on population growth, was little affected by climate variability. Thus, we found evidence for demographic buffering of life histories, but also evidence of mechanisms by which climate change could affect the fates of wild primates.  相似文献   

The social intelligence hypothesis suggests that living in large social networks was the primary selective pressure for the evolution of complex cognition in primates. This hypothesis is supported by comparative studies demonstrating a positive relationship between social group size and relative brain size across primates. However, the relationship between brain size and cognition remains equivocal. Moreover, there have been no experimental studies directly testing the association between group size and cognition across primates. We tested the social intelligence hypothesis by comparing 6 primate species (total N = 96) characterized by different group sizes on two cognitive tasks. Here, we show that a species’ typical social group size predicts performance on cognitive measures of social cognition, but not a nonsocial measure of inhibitory control. We also show that a species’ mean brain size (in absolute or relative terms) does not predict performance on either task in these species. These data provide evidence for a relationship between group size and social cognition in primates, and reveal the potential for cognitive evolution without concomitant changes in brain size. Furthermore our results underscore the need for more empirical studies of animal cognition, which have the power to reveal species differences in cognition not detectable by proxy variables, such as brain size.  相似文献   

《Ethology and sociobiology》1986,7(3-4):175-186
Experimental evidence obtained over the past decade in nonhuman primates suggests that there are neural structures necessary for the maintenance of social bonds and affiliative behavior. These include the amygdaloid nuclei, which is the critical brain area, and two anatomically closely related cortical structures—the temporal pole and posterior medial orbital cortex. Bilateral ablation of any of the areas results in a syndrome that varies from a quantitative decrease in affiliative behavior in confined colonies to total social isolation in naturally free-ranging groups. Lesions of these areas in adult females are also incompatible with the maintenance of the maternal-infant bond, but operated infants thrive and are well cared for. Species-typical behavior will determine the response of group members to lesioned conspecifics, and may vary from attempts to reintegrate the affected subject to attack and ostracism.The amygdaloid nuclei are hypothesized to be essential to placing an emotional bias on sensory information; thus this brain area is sensitive to, and its function dependent on, the social/environmental context of ongoing behavior. Brain impairment per se, does not necessarily result in ostracism and may be compatible with maintenance of social bondings depending upon the neural structures involved, subject's affective state, communication ability, and species typical behaviors. Observations of brain-impaired humans closely parallel studies in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Skilled grasp is a sensorimotor process requiring the brain to extract sensory cues from the environment to shape a motor command. Although a large body of literature has focused on which brain areas either integrate the visual object's properties or control the motor output, it is still unclear how grasp-related information is transferred from one area to another. Understanding interactions between brain areas is crucial for the study of visuomotor transformations. Recently, new advances in both human and non-human primates have shown it is possible to study cortico-cortical interactions during different task contexts. This sheds new light on how brain areas are integrated in a dynamic network for controlling grasping actions.  相似文献   

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