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This paper argues that an interpretive meaning-centered analysis is not adequate for understanding collective behavior that is outside the range of calculating rationality. Alternative approaches to collective irrational action are drawn from the work of Weber and Durkheim, as well as from the crowd psychologists Le Bon and Tarde. These approaches are then illustrated in a short analysis of the trajectories and recruitment techniques of two contemporary American religious annunciations: est and Scientology, and the findings applied to the general social formation.  相似文献   

Quantification of complexity in neurophysiological signals has been studied using different methods, especially those from information or dynamical system theory. These studies have revealed a dependence on different states of consciousness, and in particular that wakefulness is characterized by a greater complexity of brain signals, perhaps due to the necessity for the brain to handle varied sensorimotor information. Thus, these frameworks are very useful in attempts to quantify cognitive states. We set out to analyze different types of signals obtained from scalp electroencephalography (EEG), intracranial EEG and magnetoencephalography recording in subjects during different states of consciousness: resting wakefulness, different sleep stages and epileptic seizures. The signals were analyzed using a statistical (permutation entropy) and a deterministic (permutation Lempel–Ziv complexity) analytical method. The results are presented in complexity versus entropy graphs, showing that the values of entropy and complexity of the signals tend to be greatest when the subjects are in fully alert states, falling in states with loss of awareness or consciousness. These findings were robust for all three types of recordings. We propose that the investigation of the structure of cognition using the frameworks of complexity will reveal mechanistic aspects of brain dynamics associated not only with altered states of consciousness but also with normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Vegetative and minimally conscious states diagnosis remained a major clinical challenge. New paradigms such as measurement of the global cerebral metabolism, the structural and functional integrity of fronto-parietal network, or the spontaneous activity in resting state have been shown to be helpful to disentangle vegetative from minimally conscious patients. Active neuroimagery paradigms also allow detecting voluntary and conscious activity in non-communicative patients. The implementation of these methods in clinical routine could permit to reduce the current high rate of misdiagnosis (40%).  相似文献   

The review of modern ideas concerning the altered states of consciousness is presented in this article. Various methods of entry into the altered states of consciousness are looked over. It is shown that the altered states of consciousness are insufficiently known, but important aspects of human being existence. The role of investigation of the altered states of consciousness for the creation of integrative scientific conception base is discussed.  相似文献   

Somatosensory and visual evoked potentials (EPs) of the brain of 17 sensitive subjects (extrasenses) and 12 ordinary healthy subjects were studied. It was found that during extrasensory activity (direct impact, meditation) in comparison to rest values, the amplitude of intermediate and late components of visual and somatosensory EPs of both hemispheres and early components of somatosensory EPs of ipsilateral in relation to stimulation hemisphere diminished 2-4--fold. There was a recovery of these components after discontinuation of extrasensory activity. It is shown that ordinary subjects could not change their EPs when they tried their best to decrease EPs. It is shown that ordinary subjects could not change their EPs when they tried their best to decrease EPs. It is suggested that the ability of extrasenses for reversible changes of their mind by direct adjustment of the activity of the ascending nonspecific systems of the brain and by alterations of interhemispheric relations forms the basis of extrasensory activity.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological approaches to brain mechanisms of consciousness are discussed. The concept of spatial synchronization of nervous processes developed by M.N. Livanov is applied to neurophysiological analysis of higher brain functions. However, the spatial synchronization of brain potentials is only a condition for information processing and does not represent it as such. This imposes restrictions on conclusions about the neural mechanisms of consciousness. It is more adequate to use the concept of spatial synchronization in views of consciousness as a psychophysiological level along with sub- and superconsciousness in three-level structure of mind according to P.V. Simonov. Forms of consciousness interaction with other levels concern the problem of altered consciousness and may be reflected in various patterns of spatial organization of brain potentials.  相似文献   

The integral parameter of the physical state of liquid water, its stoichiometric composition, is considered. This factor takes into account that the substance of liquid water contains hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the proportion other than the ideal 2: 1 ratio characteristic of a separate water molecule. The stoichiometry index x of water — the deviation from the ideal ratio — is shown to be an independent metastable variable that determines equilibrium concentrations of the oxygen-hydrogen molecules. The optical method for measuring x is suggested, and a laser interferometer is described that is capable of measuring the stoichiometry index to an accuracy of 10?5. Possible applications of the instrument in biophysics of water systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Time shapes our behavior: we must estimate the duration of events in our environment in order to anticipate changes and time our activity in function of these changes. However, there is no sensory modality devoted to the perception of time, therefore the question is to know which mechanisms underlie the consciousness that time flows and allow us to estimate time precisely. This article proposes a brief overview of psychological, neuropsychological and brain imaging studies which rely on theoretical models postulating the existence of an internal timer. These studies examine the different components--time base, counter and memory--of this timer: particularly they are aimed at characterising the relationships between the evolution of these components with age or their pathological alterations and changes in temporal judgements. They also attempt to specify the neural bases of these components. From this brief overview comes the idea that, if an internal timer exits, it does not mark objective time but a multitude of subjective times.  相似文献   

In the paper the results are presented of studying of the electrical brain activity of a specific contingent of subjects which by subjective evaluations considered themselves a category of sensitives (extrasenses). The EEG of these subjects was studied in various functional states--a state of relative rest (background) during diagnostics, of directed influence on the percipient and during meditation. Specificity of spatial-temporal organization of the brain electrical processes of operators--sensitives was revealed, the structure of which correlated with the state of mind. The character of changes in the EEG of these subjects in the background and especially during autogenous activity allows to suggest the formation of a spontaneous focus of stimulation in regulatory brain systems with a leading role of the frontal cerebral regions in these processes as one of the ways of organization of cerebral functions for the regulation of the extrasensory activity.  相似文献   

To examine a possible role of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in water and electrolyte disturbances associated with thyroid disorders, plasma ANP levels were studied in patients with hyper- and hypothyroidism. In 5 of the 21 hyperthyroid patients, including two patients with atrial fibrillation and two patients with mild cardiomegaly, the plasma ANP concentration was increased when compared to normal subjects. After treatment with methimazole or propylthiouracil, the plasma ANP concentration fell to normal in 4 patients, while it remained high in one patient who had persistent atrial fibrillation. No significant correlation was found between plasma ANP and the heart rate in untreated hyperthyroid patients. Plasma ANP was within the normal range in all 8 patients with hypothyroidism. During treatment with T4, the plasma ANP concentration increased in 6 of the 7 patients. Chest X-ray films and ultrasonic echocardiography demonstrated pericardial effusion in 4 of these patients before therapy. A weak but significant correlation was found between the plasma ANP and T4 concentration, and between plasma ANP and free T4 in hyper- and hypothyroid patients before and after treatment. These results indicate that abnormalities in ANP dynamics in thyroid disorders may probably be caused by hemodynamic changes resulting from a thyroid hormone excess or deficiency.  相似文献   

Photons, clocks, and consciousness   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Light profoundly impacts human consciousness through the stimulation of the visual system and powerfully regulates the human circadian system, which, in turn, has a broad regulatory impact on virtually all tissues in the body. For more than 25 years, the techniques of action spectroscopy have yielded insights into the wavelength sensitivity of circadian input in humans and other mammalian species. The seminal discovery of melanopsin, the photopigment in intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells, has provided a significant turning point for understanding human circadian phototransduction. Action spectra in humans show that the peak wavelength sensitivity for this newly discovered sensory system is within the blue portion of the spectrum. This is fundamentally different from the three-cone photopic visual system, as well as the individual rod and cone photoreceptor peaks. Studies on rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans indicate that despite having a different wavelength fingerprint, these classic visual photoreceptors still provide an element of input to the circadian system. These findings open the door to innovations in light therapy for circadian and affective disorders, as well as possible architectural light applications.  相似文献   



There is limited literature on hypernatreamia in the setting of hyperglycaemic crisis. This is despite the fact that the presence of hypernatreamia may impact on the classification of hyperglycaemic crisis and its management particularly with regards to the nature of fluid therapy. We determined the prevalence of hypernatreamia and its associated factors at presentation for hyperglycaemic crisis.


This was a retrospective review of data for hyperglycaemic crisis admissions in Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital, Mthatha, South Africa. The prevalence of hypernatreamia (uncorrected Serum Sodium at presentation >145 mmol/L) was determined. Hyperosmolality was defined by calculated effective osmolality >320 mosmols/Kg. Multivariate logistic regression was undertaken using variables that were statistically significant in univariate analysis to ascertain those that were independently associated (Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% Confidence Interval (CI)) with hypernatreamia.


The prevalence of hypernatreamia in our admissions for hyperglycaemic crisis was 11.7% (n = 32/273 including 171 females and 102 males). All admissions with hypernatreamia met the criteria for hyperosmolality. Age ≥ 60 years (OR = 3.9 95% CI 1.3-12.3; P = 0.018), Altered level of consciousness (OR = 8.8 95% CI 2.3-32.8; P < 0.001) and a new diagnosis of diabetes (OR = 3.7 95%CI 1.2-11.5; P = 0.025) were independently associated with hypernatreamia.


The prevalence rate of hypernatreamia in hyperglycaemic admissions was high with all hypernatreamic admissions meeting the criteria for hyperosmolality. Advanced age, altered conscious level and a new diagnosis of diabetes were independently associated with hypernatreamia.  相似文献   

With respect to T----R-structural transformation, cobalt insulin hexamers appear as dimers of two positively cooperative trimers which are related by negative cooperativity. Transformation of the first trimer causes polarization of the hexamer which is insurmountable by inorganic anions (SCN theta) used as transforming agents, and in the case of phenolic agents (m-cresol), which can achieve complete transformation of the hexamer, allows the identification of the T3R3 intermediate. Zinc insulin hexamers are also transformed in a stepwise manner, but for the first step the sigmoidal shape of the titration curve cannot be detected.  相似文献   

The effects of ether anaesthesia on metabolites of mouse brain in altered endocrine states has been examined. Alloxan diabetic mice, with elevated levels of blood and brain glucose, exhibited changes in brain metabolites after ether anaesthesia that were comparable to those seen in normal animals. Sympathectomized and/or adrenalectomized mice had decreased levels of brain glucose. The percentage elevation of glucose in the brains of these animals under ether anaesthesia approximated to normal values, although the absolute cerebral levels were lower. Increases in glycogen in the brains of these animals were somewhat diminished. In none of the altered endocrine states were the changes in brain metabolites following ether anaesthesia eliminated. The activity of UDPglucose-glycogen glucosyltransferase (UDPglucose: glycogen α-4-glucosyltransferasee, EC in the mouse brain was measured in the absence and in the presence of glucose-6-P. Neither the total activity nor the percentage of the I form (measured in the absence of glucose-6-P) was altered by anaesthesia or by the endocrine state of the animal. The Michaelis constants with UDPglucose as substrate for the total and I forms were 0·36 mM and 1·0 mM, respectively. Considerable UDPglucose-glycogen glucosyltransferase activity was observed in the absence of added glycogen primer. The observed increase in activity in the presence of added glucose-6-P was greater than would have been anticipated if the hexose phosphate were acting at only one site.  相似文献   

To investigate the thyroid hormone metabolism in altered states of thyroid function, serum concentrations of 3, 3'-diiodothyronine (3, 3'-T2), 3', 5'-T2 and 3, 5-T2 as well as T4, T3 and rT3 were determined by specific radioimmunoassays in 17 hyperthyroid and 10 hypothyroid patients, before and during the treatment. Serum T4, T3, rT3, 3, 3'-T2 and 3', 5'-T2 concentrations were all higher in the hyperthyroid patients than in age-matched controls and decreased to the normal ranges within 3 to 4 months following treatment with antithyroid drugs. In the hypothyroid patients, these iodothyronine concentrations were lower than in age-matched controls and returned to the normal ranges after 2 to 3 months treatment with T4. In contrast, serum 3, 5-T2 concentrations in hyperthyroid patients (mean +/- SE : 4.0 +/- 0.5 ng/dl) were not significantly different from those in controls (3.9 +/ 0.4 ng/dl), although they tended to decrease in 3 of 6 patients after the antithyroid drug therapy. Serum 3, 5-T2 levels in the hypothyroid patients (3.8 +/- 0.6 ng/dl) were also within the normal range and showed no significant change following the T4 replacement therapy. However, serum 3, 5-T2 as well as 3, 3'T2 concentrations rose significantly with a marked rise in serum T3 following T3 administration, 75 micrograms/day for 7 days, in Graves' patients in euthyroid state.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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