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The effects of season and estradiol on the secretion of gonadotropic hormones in adult Dorset X Leicester X Suffolk rams were studied. Control groups of intact and castrate rams, and castrate rams given estradiol replacement (approximately 11.5 pg/mL) via polydimethylsiloxane capsules (sc) were assessed for 1 year, beginning in August. Mean concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and prolactin (PRL) were determined every 2 weeks for all three groups of rams and measurements of testosterone concentration and scrotal circumference were taken on the intact rams. Pulsatile LH release and the LH response to a 2-micrograms dose (iv) of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) were assessed for all rams when the testes of intact rams were redeveloped (late October), regressed (early February, late April), and redeveloping (early August). Season directly affected LH-pulse amplitude, which increased only in the control castrate rams between February and April. In October, LH-pulse frequency was the same in both groups of castrate rams, while in April, frequency in the estradiol-treated castrate rams was suppressed to intact ram values. Pituitary responsiveness to exogenous GnRH did not change throughout the year in either of the castrate groups, but along with LH-pulse amplitude, it was increased in August in the intact rams. Although FSH secretion was 14-fold higher in the control castrate rams than in the intact rams, seasonal-directional changes in mean concentration were similar. FSH concentration in the estradiol-treated castrate rams was stable throughout the year. PRL secretion never differed between the control castrate and intact rams but was enhanced in the estradiol-treated castrate rams, particularly during long days.  相似文献   

Neutralization of LH-RH by injection of an ovine antiserum to LH-RH in ewes during the late follicular phase of the oestrous cycle resulted in an immediate blockade of pulsatile secretion of LH. Plasma concentrations of FSH gradually rose in the antiserum-treated ewes during the 36-h study period but levels declined in control ewes. These results show that, in the ewe, pulsatile LH secretion is dependent on LH-RH from the hypothalamus, while FSH is largely unresponsive to short-term reduction of LH-RH stimulation. Since reduction in LH secretion is likely to reduce ovarian function, the changes in FSH secretion may be attributed to the removal of a negative feedback influence of an ovarian factor, perhaps oestradiol, on FSH secretion.  相似文献   

A steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein has been identified in several species as a probable important rate-limiting step in steroidogenesis. This protein is believed to be responsible for transporting cholesterol from the outer to the inner mitochondrial membrane. It is known that equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) stimulates steroidogenesis in the corpora lutea of early pregnant mares and that eCG also upregulates StAR mRNA in bovine ovaries. In the present study, ovarian tissue from cyclic and early pregnant mares was immunostained to detect the distribution of the StAR protein. Western blot analysis was performed, followed by phosphor imaging to establish whether the onset of eCG secretion in pregnancy was associated with increased expression of the StAR protein. Immunostaining for StAR was confined to the theca interna of growing and preovulatory follicles, but 24 h after treatment with hCG, some granulosa cells were positively stained. Positive staining was confined to the large luteal cells of the equine corpus luteum. There was no difference in the distribution of immunostaining before or after onset of eCG secretion in pregnant mares, but increased amounts of StAR were detected in corpora lutea from mares at day 40 or day 41 of pregnancy compared with non-pregnant mares and mares at days 20-30 of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Pituitary secretion of LH and testicular secretion of testosterone were investigated during the transitional period from the non-breeding to breeding season of mature male fallow deer exhibiting either normal transitional patterns or shortened transitional patterns in response to summer melatonin treatment. Melatonin implants were administered to 4 bucks for a 150-day period starting 130 days after the winter solstice. Four contemporary bucks served as controls. Melatonin treatment advanced rutting activity, testis development and neck muscle hypertrophy by 6-8 weeks. Profiles of plasma LH and testosterone, based on a 30-min sampling frequency over 24 h, were obtained from 3 treated and 3 control bucks on 4 occasions over the period spanning the transition into the breeding season. In control bucks, LH and testosterone pulse frequency were low (0-2 pulses/24 h) in January and increased (5-7 pulses/24 h) in February. By March and April (pre-rut and rut periods respectively) there was a two-fold increase in basal plasma LH concentrations, a decline in LH pulse frequency (0-1 pulse/24 h) and episodic surges in plasma testosterone concentrations. Melatonin treatment resulted in a shift in hormone profiles, with highly pulsatile patterns of LH and testosterone secretion (7 pulses/24 h) occurring earlier in January. The subsequent post-rut profiles of treated bucks were characterized by lower basal plasma LH concentrations, and reduced frequency and amplitude of plasma testosterone surges.  相似文献   

Heifers between Days 6 and 10 of the cycle were allocated at random to groups of 8 and treated with (i) a 4% progesterone-releasing intravaginal device (PRID) + oestrogen capsule for 12 days; (ii) 4% PRID for 12 days; (iii) 20% PRID for 12 days; (iv) 4% for 14 days; or (v) 20% PRID for 14 days. Blood was obtained daily during treatment and at 2- or 4-h intervals for 72 h after removal of PRIDs. Some animals were sampled every 20 min for 4.676 h on the 3rd day after PRID insertion, and 1 day before and 36 h after removal of the PRID insertion, and 1 day before and 36 h after removal of the PRID. During progesterone treatment there was: (i) no correlation between concentrations of progesterone and LH within days; (ii) a significant negative correlation between progesterone and days (P less than 0.01) and also between progesterone and LH over days (P less than 0.01); (iii) the overall correlation co-efficient between LH and days was positive (P less than 0.05). The amplitude of LH or FSH episodes was not affected as progesterone concentrations declined during PRID treatment, but the number of LH (but not FSH) episodes was increased (p less than 0.01). After PRID removal, the amplitude of both LH and FSH episodes increased (P less than 0.01). We suggest that progesterone is part of a negative feedback complex on LH secretion in cattle and that this effect is apparently mediated through frequency of episodic LH release.  相似文献   

Lindane, the gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), is one of the oldest synthetic pesticides still in use worldwide. Numerous reports have shown that this pesticide adversely affects reproductive function in animals. Although the pathogenesis of reproductive dysfunction is not yet fully understood, recent reports indicate that lindane can directly inhibit adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis. Because Leydig cells play a pivotal role in male reproductive function through the production of testosterone, the mouse MA-10 Leydig tumor cell line was used to assess the potential effects of gamma-HCH and its isomers, alpha-HCH and delta-HCH, on steroid production, steroidogenic enzyme expression and activity, and steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein expression. StAR mediates the rate-limiting and acutely regulated step in hormone-stimulated steroidogenesis, the intramitochondrial transfer of cholesterol to the P450(scc) enzyme. Our studies demonstrate that alpha-, delta-, and gamma-HCH inhibited dibutyryl ([Bu](2)) cAMP-stimulated progesterone production in MA-10 cells in a dosage-dependent manner without affecting general protein synthesis; and protein kinase A or steroidogenic enzyme expression, activity, or both. In contrast, each of these isomers dramatically reduced (Bu)(2)cAMP-stimulated StAR protein levels. Therefore, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that alpha-, delta-, and gamma-HCH inhibited steroidogenesis by reducing StAR protein expression, an action that may contribute to the pathogenesis of lindane-induced reproductive dysfunction.  相似文献   

Six Booroola and six Merino rams were fed either a diet which maintained constant live weight or the same diet plus a supplement of high protein lupin grain for 15 weeks, and changes in live weight and testicular volume were measured. Serial blood samples taken for 24 h before the start and 9 weeks after the treatment began were assayed for plasma LH and testosterone and the resulting profiles were analysed for pulses of both hormones. Five weeks later, the animals were given two intravenous injections of 1 μg gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) 1 h apart in order to measure pituitary gland responsiveness. A further week later the animals were injected intravenously with 500 μg human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) and the levels of testosterone were measured in samples taken after 1.5 h to estimate the testicular responsiveness.The nutritional supplement stimulated testicular growth in both genotypes, so that at the end of the treatment period the testes had increased significantly (P<0.01) in volume by 66% in the Merinos and by 63% in the Booroolas. The live weights also increased, but by relatively less (34% and 43% for supplemented Merinos and Booroolas). The rates of increase in both testicular size and live weight were similar for the two breeds. There were no significant effects of diet on the tonic secretion of LH or testosterone, or on responsiveness to GnRH or hCG.The intervals between LH pulses were significantly shorter (P<0.05) in Booroola rams than in Merino rams both before and after treatment (5.8 h vs. 11.6 h before treatment). The breed differences in LH secretion were mimicked by the testosterone profiles. In the Booroolas, five of the twelve LH profiles contained groups consisting of two to four individually identifiable pulses, each of which elicited a separate pulse of testosterone. A pulse group was observed in only one profile from the Merinos (P=0.06). There were no significant differences between the genotypes in any other parameter of LH or testosterone secretion, or in their responsiveness to GnRH or hCG.It was concluded that (i) nutritional supplements will stimulate testicular growth in both Merino rams and Booroola rams; (ii) the increase in testicular size does not appear to involve an increase in the responsiveness of the testis to LH; and (iii) there are both qualitative and quantitative differences between the genotypes in the patterns of secretion of LH and testosterone which may be associated with the differences in their fecundity.  相似文献   

Effect of time after castration on secretion of LHRH and LH in the ram   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hypophysial portal blood and peripheral blood were obtained from conscious, unrestrained rams to measure simultaneously the secretion of LHRH and LH in entire rams and rams which had been castrated for 2-15 days (short-term castration) and for 1-6 months (long-term castration). The apparatus for portal blood collection was surgically implanted using a transnasal trans-sphenoidal approach and, 4-5 days later, portal blood and peripheral blood were collected simultaneously at 10-min intervals for 8-9 h from 15 sheep. LHRH was clearly secreted in pulses in all three physiological conditions, but there were marked differences in pulse frequencies, which averaged 1 pulse/2-4 h in entire rams, 1 pulse/70 min in short-term castrated rams and 1 pulse/36 min in long-term castrated rams. In entire and short-term castrated animals, LH profiles were also clearly pulsatile and each LHRH pulse in hypophysial portal blood was associated with an LH pulse in the peripheral blood. In long-term castrated animals, LH pulses were not as well defined, because of the high basal levels and small pulse amplitudes, and the temporal relationship between LHRH and LH pulses was not always clear. These results demonstrate the pulsatile nature of LHRH secretion under the three physiological conditions and suggest that the irregular LH profiles characteristic of long-term castrates are due to an inability of the pituitary gland to transduce accurately the hypothalamic signal. The very high frequency of the LHRH pulses may be one of the major reasons for this, and is probably also responsible for the high rate of LH secretion in the long-term castrated animal.  相似文献   

Decreased sperm counts and impaired sperm motility are present in a substantial proportion of men with varicocele. Elevations in the temperature of the affected testis, and increased spermatic vein estradiol (E2) concentrations have been found in some of these patients. To investigate the possibility that increases in temperature lead to a pattern of testicular steroidogenesis that results in increased E2 synthesis, we have examined the effects of temperature changes on the activities of four important testicular steroidogenic enzymes. 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD), 17-hydroxylase (17-OH), 17,20-desmolase (17,20-D) and aromatase activities were measured in the microsomal fraction of rat, pig and horse testes. Incubations were performed at 34 degrees C, 36 degrees C, and 38 degrees C. The activities of all 4 enzymes increased with each 2 degrees C temperature elevation in roughly proportional amounts. We conclude that minor elevations in incubation temperature are associated with increases in the in vitro activity of four key testicular steroidogenic enzymes.  相似文献   

In the male rabbit, LH and testosterone are secreted as 4–6 discrete pulses per day. The testosterone response to LH is rapid. The testosterone data did not show a normal distribution, but the same data expressed logarithmically were more nearly so. There was no evidence of a 24 h cycle in plasma testosterone levels.  相似文献   

At 2--4 monthly intervals during the year blood samples were collected every 15 min for 6 h from 2 intact and 3 castrated red deer stags to study the relationship between season and the secretion of LH and testosterone. In the intact stags plasma LH and testosterone concentrations changed during the year; the LH levels were maximal in August during the phase of testicular redevelopment, while the testosterone levels were maximal from September to November coinciding with the time of peak testicular activity and the mating season. The castrated stags had higher plasma levels of LH than the intact stags at all times of the year, and there was no clear seasonal cycle in LH levels in these animals.  相似文献   

At monthly intervals during the year blood samples were collected every 20 min for 12 h from 4 entire and 2 prepubertally castrated adult fallow deer bucks. In the entire bucks there were seasonal changes in mean concentrations and pulse frequencies of plasma LH. Mean concentrations in late summer and autumn were 3-6 times higher than during other seasons. LH pulse frequency was low (0-1 pulses/12 h) during most of the year and increased only during the 2-month period (January and February) that marked the transition from the non-breeding season to the autumn rut. During this period there was a close temporal relationship between pulses of LH and testosterone. However, during the rutting period (March and April) episodic secretion of testosterone, manifest as surges in plasma concentrations of 4-6 h duration, was not associated with any detectable pulses in LH although mean plasma concentrations of LH remained elevated. During the rut, the surges of plasma testosterone occurred at similar times of the day. Plasma profiles in May indicated very low concentrations of LH and testosterone secretion in the immediate post-rut period. Castrated bucks exhibited highly seasonal patterns of LH secretion, with mean plasma LH concentrations and LH pulse frequency being lowest in November (early summer) and highest in February and March (late summer-early autumn). Mean concentrations and pulse frequency of LH in castrated bucks were higher than for entire bucks at all times of the year.  相似文献   

Recent data indicate that leptin is involved in the control of reproductive function. Experiments were carried out to analyse the role of endogenous leptin in the regulation of LH and prolactin secretion during the afternoon of pro-oestrus and that induced by ovarian steroids in ovariectomized rats. In the first experiment, cyclic female rats were implanted with intra-auricular and intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) cannulae and, at pro-oestrus, were injected (i.c.v.) with 10 microliters normal rabbit serum or leptin antiserum (at 13:00 and 14:00 h). Blood samples were obtained at 10:00 h and at intervals of 1 h between 13:00 and 20:00 h. In the second experiment, female rats in pro-oestrus were injected with normal rabbit serum or leptin antiserum at 16:00 and 18:00 h and blood samples were taken every 10 min between 18:00 and 20:00 h. In the third experiment, adult female rats that had been ovariectomized 2 weeks before were implanted with intra-auricular and i.c.v. cannulae and treated with oestradiol benzoate (30 micrograms s.c.) at 10:00 h and progesterone (2 mg s.c.) 48 h later. Normal rabbit serum (10 microliters) or leptin antiserum (10 microliters) were injected (i.c.v.) at 13:00 and 14:00 h, and blood samples were obtained at 10:00 h and at intervals of 1 h between 13:00 and 20:00 h. In the fourth experiment, hemipituitaries from ovariectomized steroid-treated female rats were incubated in the presence of leptin116-130 (an active fragment of the native molecule), GnRH or leptin + GnRH. Prolactin and LH secretion during the afternoon of pro-oestrus in females treated with leptin antiserum was similar to that observed in animals injected with normal rabbit serum. In ovariectomized female rats, the steroid-induced LH surge increased slightly after administration of leptin antiserum, whereas the prolactin surge remained unchanged. In vitro, leptin116-130 (10(-5) to 10(-8) mol l-1) inhibited LH secretion and modulated the effect of GnRH on LH release, depending on the concentration of GnRH: leptin116-130 (10(-6) mol l-1) reduced the effectiveness of 10(-7) mol GnRH l-1 and increased that of 10(-9) mol GnRH l-1. In conclusion, these experiments indicate that acute immunoneutralization of endogenous leptin does not interfere with spontaneous or steroid-induced LH and prolactin surges. In addition, the finding that leptin116-130 inhibited LH release and modulated the effectiveness of GnRH in vitro provides evidence of the direct modulatory role of leptin on LH secretion acting at the pituitary.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the dose-dependent direct effect of corticosterone on adult rat Leydig cell steroidogenesis in vitro. Leydig cells were isolated from the testis of normal adult male albino rats, purified on discontinuous Percoll gradient and plated in culture plates/flasks overnight at 34 degrees C in a CO(2) incubator under 95% air and 5% CO(2) using DME/F12 medium containing 1% fetal bovine serum. After the attachment of cells, serum-containing medium was removed and cells were exposed to different doses (0, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 nM) of corticosterone using serum-free fresh medium for 24 h at 34 degrees C. At the end of exposure period, cells were utilized for assessment of the activities and mRNA expression of steroidogenic enzymes (cytochrome P(450) side chain cleavage enzyme, 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and cytochrome P(450) aromatase) and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein gene expression. Testosterone and estradiol production were also quantified. Activities of cytochrome P(450) side chain cleavage enzyme, 3beta- and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were declined significantly in a dose-dependent manner after corticosterone exposure, while their mRNA expression were significantly reduced at higher doses of corticosterone exposure. The activity and mRNA expression of cytochrome P(450) aromatase registered a significant increase at 100 nM dose of corticosterone whereas at 200-800 nM doses both the activity as well as the mRNA levels was significantly reduced below the basal level. StAR protein gene expression was significantly inhibited by higher doses of corticosterone employed. At all doses employed, corticosterone significantly reduced the production of testosterone by Leydig cells, while estradiol level registered a significant increase at 50 and 100 nM doses but at higher doses, it registered a significant decrease when compared to basal level. It is concluded from the present in vitro study that the molecular mechanism by which corticosterone reduces the production of Leydig cell testosterone is by reducing the activities and mRNA expression of steroidogenic enzymes and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein.  相似文献   

Effects of GnRH, administered via the testicular artery, on testicular steroidogenesis were studied in rams during the non-breeding season. Concentrations of testosterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone in testicular venous blood showed similar profiles which were identical for GnRH-treated (0.5 ng infused over 60 min or 25 ng injected) and control testes. Increases of testicular venous concentration of both hormones were only marginally reflected in peripheral venous concentrations. Peripheral administration of hCG (200 i.u., i.v.) stimulated testosterone secretion to a larger extent than 17-hydroxyprogesterone secretion in 10/11 rams, GnRH-treated and control testes showing identical responses. High testicular venous concentrations of both hormones after administration of GnRH were paralleled by increased concentrations of endogenous LH. These LH peaks were evoked by 25 ng GnRH in 7/8 rams. The observed effects of GnRH treatment on testicular steroid secretion thus cannot be considered to be the result of direct stimulation of steroidogenesis by GnRH.  相似文献   

Previous dose range-finding studies with nonylphenol (NP) administered to rats in a soy- and alfalfa-free diet showed apparent feminization of several endpoints in male rats at doses of 25 ppm and above. One possible mechanism contributing to these effects is a reduction of testosterone at critical developmental periods. The present study was conducted as an adjunct to a multigeneration study and was designed to examine the effect of NP on testosterone production. Male rats in the F1 and F2 generations were exposed through their dams or directly to various dietary doses of NP (0, 25, 200 and 750 ppm) throughout gestation and until sacrifice at either postnatal day 2 (PND2), PND50, or PND140. Male pups in the F3 generation were examined only on PND2. At PND2, serum testosterone levels were significantly decreased in all groups exposed to NP in the F1 generation, but not in the F2 or F3 generations. The activity of 17alpha-hydroxylase/C17, 20 lyase (P450c17) in PND2 testicular homogenates was not affected by NP treatment. In F1 and F2 PND50 and PND140 rats, NP treatment did not affect serum testosterone levels. The absolute dorsolateral prostate weight was increased in the 200 and 750 ppm dose groups only in the F1 PND50 rats, however, no significant effects were observed in other male reproductive organs. NP treatment did not affect P450c17 activity in microsomes prepared from testes of F1 PND50 or PND140 rats. However, P450c17 activity was significantly decreased in testicular microsomes of F(2) PND50 (200 and 750 ppm dose groups) and PND140 (25, 200, and 750 ppm dose groups) rats. A decrease in testicular beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) P450 reductase was also observed in all PND50 and PND140 NP-exposed rats of the F1 and F2 generations. The ability of NP to directly inhibit P450c17 activity in vitro at concentrations of 1-100 microM was also demonstrated. These results indicate that NP can inhibit the activity of enzymes involved in testosterone synthesis, but suggest minimal effects on testosterone or testosterone-dependent endpoints via this mechanism.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in July with adult Dorset x Leicester x Suffolk rams to determine whether increases of 150 or 300% in estradiol (E2) concentration in peripheral blood (from 6.3 +/- 0.8 pg/mL in control rams) would affect testosterone secretion directly as well as indirectly via the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. After 4 days of estradiol treatment (experiment 1) provided with subcutaneous polydimethylsiloxane implants filled with crystalline estradiol, luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone secretions were reduced by 50% (p < 0.05) in both groups of rams because of subtle decreases in pulse frequencies and amplitudes. Estradiol treatments were also associated with decreases in mean follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentration (30-50% in both groups, p < 0.05) and increases in mean prolactin concentration (35% in low-E2 group; 105% in high-E2 group, p < 0.05), but testicular responsiveness to an LH challenge (single intravenous dose, 10 micrograms NIH-LH-S25) remained normal. When along with estradiol treatment, 10-micrograms doses LH were given every 80 min (experiment 2), testosterone secretion increased by 265% (p < 0.05) in both treated and control rams. Relative to day -1, secretion on day 4 was characterized by higher (p < 0.05) pulse frequencies and baseline concentrations and lower (p < 0.05) pulse amplitudes; values for all characteristics were similar to those for Dorset x Leicester x Suffolk rams in the breeding season. Interestingly, the decreases in mean FSH concentration brought about by estradiol and (or) LH treatments were not any greater than in experiment 1, and estradiol's ability to elevate mean prolactin concentration was blocked completely.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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