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This work was carried out in order to study the effects of substitutions outside antigenic site 2 of sperm whale myoglobin (SpMb) on the reactivity of protein variants with antisite 2 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). A synthetic peptide corresponding to region 56–62 (site 2) of SpMb was used as an immunogen in mice in its free form (i.e., without coupling to any carrier) to prepare a panel of mAbs whose predetermined specificity is directed, by design, against this region. The binding of three of these mAbs to eight Mbs from different species was studied. Myoglobins of Pacific common dolphin, finback whale, and horse, which have no substitutions within region 56–62 relative to SpMb, showed remarkable differences in their cross-reactivities and relative affinities with each of the mAbs. Myoglobins of badger, chicken, and dog, although they have an identical substitution within the site (Ala-57 to Gly), exhibited cross-reactivities with a given mAb that were affected differently. Echidna Mb, which has one replacement (Glu-59 to Ala) within region 56–62, displayed greatly reduced cross-reactivities and relative binding affinities. The results, especially those from Mbs that have no substitutions within the boundaries of site 2, clearly indicate that substitutions outside site 2 of Mb can exert drastic effects on the binding of the Mb variants with mAbs whose specificity was predesigned to be against the site. These indirect effects and their impact on site reactivity will completely explain previous findings on cross-reactivities of Mb variants with mAbs of unknown specificity and will rule out the postulations of discontinuous sites in Mb, which were based on the assumption that every substitution affecting reactivity is directly involved in binding to antibody.  相似文献   

Amino acid substitutions outside protein antigenic sites are very frequently assumed to exert no effect on binding to antiprotein antibodies, especially if these are monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). In fact, a very popular method for localization of residues in protein antigenic sites is based on the interpretation that whenever a replacement causes a change in binding to antibody, then that residue will be located in the antigenic site. To test this assumption, mAbs of predetermined specificity were prepared by immunization with a free (i.e., without coupling to any carrier) synthetic peptide representing region 94–100 of sperm whale myoglobin (Mb). The cross-reactivities and relative affinities of three mAbs with eight Mb variants were studied. Five Mb variants which had no substitutions within the boundaries of the designed antigenic site exhibited remarkable, and in two cases almost complete, loss in cross-reactivity relative to the reference antigen, sperm whale Mb. Two myoglobins, each of which had one substitution within region 94–100, showed little or no reactivity with the three mAbs. It is concluded that substitutions outside an antigenic site can exert drastic effects on the reactivity of a protein with mAbs against the site and that caution should be exercised in interpreting cross-reactivity data of proteins to implicate residues directly in an antigenic site.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies of predetermined specificity were prepared by immunization with a free (i.e., without coupling to any protein carrier) synthetic peptide representing region 145–151 of sperm whale myoglobin (SpMb) and their cross-reactions with eight Mb variants were determined. Five Mbs—bottle-nose dolphin myoglobin (BdMb), pacific common dolphin myoglobin (PdMb), horse myoglobin (HsMb), dog myoglobin (DgMb), and badger myoglobin (BgMb)—have an identical sequence in that region. Nevertheless, these Mbs exhibited very different cross-reactivities. BdMb and PdMb exhibited cross-activities which were comparable to that of the reference antigen, SpMb; while the reactivity of HsMb was remarkedly decreased, DgMb and BgMb showed almost no cross-reactions with these mAbs. Since the region 145–151 has an identical sequence in all the five Mbs, it is concluded that the differences in their antigenic reactivities with anti-region 145–151 mAbs are due to the effects of amino acid substitutions outside the region 145–151. Another pair of myoglobins, echidna myoglobin (EdMb) and chicken myoglobin (ChMb), have the same sequence in that region, but reacted very differently with anti-region 145–151 mAbs. The reactivity and affinity of EdMb were substantially decreased while those of ChMb were almost completely absent, relative to SpMb. It is concluded, contrary to popular assumptions, that when an amino acid substitution influences the binding of a protein variant to a mAb, it is not necessary for that substitution to be an actual contact residue (i.e., a residue within the antigenic site where the mAb binds). Such effects, which are often very drastic, could be due to indirect influences of the substitution on the chemical and binding properties of the site residues. Furthermore, residues which had been postulated, on the basis of these assumptions, to constitute discontinuous antigenic sites in SpMb, were found [from the present studies and those recently reported with mAbs against the other four antigenic site of Mb (regions 15–22, 56–62, 94–100, and 113–120 of SpMb)] to merely be exerting indirect effects on the known five antigenic sites of Mb. The effects of substitutions, which can happen even in the absence of conformational changes, are determined by many factors, such as the chemical nature of the substitution, its environment, its distance from the site, and the nature of the site residue(s) being affected.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that amino acid substitutions outside a protein antigenic site have no effect on the reactivity of a protein variant with antibodies, especially monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Substitutions that exert an effect on the reactivity of a protein variant with mAbs are frequently considered to be within the antigenic site of the mAb. To test this assumption, two mAbs [IgGl(k) and IgG2a (k)] were prepared by immunization with a synthetic peptide corresponding to region 63–78 of the chain of human hemoglobin (Hb). The peptide was used as an immunogen in its free form (i.e., without conjugation to a carrier), so that the results will not be made ambiguous by peptide modification nor by an immune response to sites spanning peptide and protein carrier. In addition to their reaction with human Hb, the mAbs were also studied with four primate Hbs which had no substitutions within region 63–78 and only a limited number of substitutions which occurred outside of, and at considerable distances in three-dimensional (3D) structure from, this region. Inhibition studies revealed substantial differences in the binding affinities of some of the primate Hbs, relative to human Hb. Some of the substitutions caused major decreases in binding, although they were at considerable distances in the 3D structure from the indicated site residues. It is concluded that substitutions in a protein, even when distant from an antigenic site, can exert major influences on the protein's reactivity with anti-site mAbs.  相似文献   

This work was carried out in order to study the effects of substitutions outside antigenic site 2 of sperm whale myoglobin (SpMb) on the reactivity of protein variants with antisite 2 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). A synthetic peptide corresponding to region 56–62 (site 2) of SpMb was used as an immunogen in mice in its free form (i.e., without coupling to any carrier) to prepare a panel of mAbs whose predetermined specificity is directed, by design, against this region. The binding of three of these mAbs to eight Mbs from different species was studied. Myoglobins of Pacific common dolphin, finback whale, and horse, which have no substitutions within region 56–62 relative to SpMb, showed remarkable differences in their cross-reactivities and relative affinities with each of the mAbs. Myoglobins of badger, chicken, and dog, although they have an identical substitution within the site (Ala-57 to Gly), exhibited cross-reactivities with a given mAb that were affected differently. Echidna Mb, which has one replacement (Glu-59 to Ala) within region 56–62, displayed greatly reduced cross-reactivities and relative binding affinities. The results, especially those from Mbs that have no substitutions within the boundaries of site 2, clearly indicate that substitutions outside site 2 of Mb can exert drastic effects on the binding of the Mb variants with mAbs whose specificity was predesigned to be against the site. These indirect effects and their impact on site reactivity will completely explain previous findings on cross-reactivities of Mb variants with mAbs of unknown specificity and will rule out the postulations of discontinuous sites in Mb, which were based on the assumption that every substitution affecting reactivity is directly involved in binding to antibody.  相似文献   

Immunochemical cross-reactivity of protein variants has been very frequently used to map protein antigenic sites. The approach is based on the assumption that amino acid substitutions affecting the binding of a protein to its antibody, particularly when monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are used, must be part of the antigenic site and not far from it. The assumption was investigated in this study by determining the effects of amino acid substitutions outside the antigenic site on the reactivity of six myglobin (Mb) variants with three mAbs of predetermined specificity prepared by immunization with a free synthetic peptide representing region 113–120 (antigenic site 4) of Mb. Two of the Mb variants used had no substitutions within residues 113–120 (the region to which the specificity of the mAbs is directed) and yet exhibited markedly decreased cross-reactions and binding affinities, relative to the reference antigen, sperm-whale Mb. The other three Mb variants possessed substitutions within, as well as outside, region 113–120 and showed very little cross-reactivities. The results of this study, particularly with the Mbs that have no substitutions within the indicated antigenic site, clearly show that substitutions outside the site, and which by design are not part of the site, can influence very markedly the reactivity of the protein variant with the anti-site mAbs. The approach can, therefore, lead to serious errors if used to identify residues of protein antigenic sites.  相似文献   

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