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In the presence of 1.0 mM ATP and MgCl2, the specific viscosity of suspensions of human erythrocyte ghosts decreases 35% in 20 minutes at 22°C. The changes in viscosity are a sensitive index of Mg-ATP dependent shape changes in these membranes. Low concentrations of Ca2+ (1 to 5 μM) inhibit Mg-ATP dependent viscosity changes. If ghosts were preincubated with 1 mM Mg-ATP and 20 μM A23187 to produce a maximal decrease in viscosity, addition of 10 μM Ca2+ to the preincubated ghosts increased the viscosity to levels observed in ghosts preincubated without ATP. Ca2+ (1 to 5 μM) also inhibited Mg2+ dependent phosphorylation 30% and stimulated dephosphorylation 25% in ghost membranes. These effects of Ca2+ on viscosity and phosphorylation may be due to a membrane bound Ca2+ phosphatase activity which dephosphorylates membranes phosphorylated by a Mg2+ dependent kinase activity.  相似文献   

The activities of four glycolytic enzymes were measured in the lung homogenate of CFLP mice treated with a variety of carcinogens and non-carcinogens for mouse lung. The carcinogenic urethane, dimethylnitrosamine (DMNA), 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA), benzo[a]pyrene (BP), 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) and aflatoxin B1 enhanced the activity of hexokinase (HK), phosphofructokinase (PFK), pyruvate kinase (PK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 28 days after a single intraperitoneal administration. These carcinogens also altered the ratio of LDH H and M subunits. In contrast, under the same conditions the non-carcinogenic phenylurethane, ethylformate, chrysene, perylene and pyrene, as well as the pulmonarily toxic Paraquat, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and cadmium chloride (CdCl2), did not influence either the activities of the enzymes tested or the isozyme pattern of LDH.  相似文献   

In the bivalve mollusksCrenomytilus grayanus, Mizuhopecten yessoensis, Mercenaria stimpsoni, andPeronidia venulosa, the activity of hexokinase (HK) and pyruvate kinase (PK), the key enzymes of glycolysis, and of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PhDH), the main enzyme of the pentose phosphate path, was determined in the presence of heightened cadmium concentrations (500 mg/l). Under the effect of cadmium, the enzyme activity either decreased immediately or underwent an initial increase and decreased later. Such a response is consistent with the general theory of stress and suggests a difference in the adaptive capacities of the mollusks studied.  相似文献   

Yao H  Sem DS 《FEBS letters》2005,579(3):661-666
Proteomics efforts have created a need for better strategies to functionally categorize newly discovered proteins. To this end, we have employed saturation transfer difference NMR with pools of closely related cofactors, to determine cofactor preferences. This approach works well for dehydrogenases and has also been applied to cyclic nucleotide-binding proteins. In the latter application, a protein (radial spoke protein-2, RSP2) that plays a central role in forming the radial spoke of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella was shown to bind cCMP. cCMP-binding proteins are rare, although previous reports of their presence in sperm and flagella suggest that cCMP may have a more general role in flagellar function. 31P NMR was used to monitor the preferential hydrolysis of ATP versus GTP, suggesting that RSP2 is a kinase.  相似文献   

蜂毒溶血肽对鸡红细胞及膜的生化作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用荧光分光光度、薄层层析、原子吸收、荧光显微图像等多种生化技术,系统研究了蜂毒肽作用于鸡红细胞及膜的生化机理。结果表明:蜂毒肽影响红细胞膜上及胞内两种酶的功能。它抑制膜Na+-K+-ATPase活性,导致胞内外离子转运异常,K+浓度失衡;它也抑制细胞内葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶活性,其正电区域干扰胞内带负电小分子的作用,影响红细胞正常代谢。蜂毒肽干扰膜中阴离子通道的转运功能,使细胞渗透压改变,引起膨胀而溶血。蜂毒肽对有核红细胞核内DNA没有作用,与其他抗微生物多肽作用的靶向不同。据此认为,抗菌蛋白类抗生素对细菌作用的生化机理与传统抗生素不同,这是细菌对其不易产生耐药性的重要原因。  相似文献   

The number of people suffering from diabetes is hastily increasing and the condition is associated with altered brain glucose homeostasis. Brain glycogen is located in astrocytes and being a carbohydrate reservoir it contributes to glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, glycogen has been indicated to be important for proper neurotransmission under normal conditions. Previous findings from our laboratory suggested that glucose metabolism was reduced in type 2 diabetes, and thus we wanted to investigate more specifically how brain glycogen metabolism contributes to maintain energy status in the type 2 diabetic state. Also, our objective was to elucidate the contribution of glycogen to support neurotransmitter glutamate and GABA homeostasis. A glycogen phosphorylase (GP) inhibitor was administered to Sprague-Dawley (SprD) and Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) rats in vivo and after one day of treatment [1-13C]glucose was used to monitor metabolism. Brain levels of 13C labeling in glucose, lactate, alanine, glutamate, GABA, glutamine and aspartate were determined. Our results show that inhibition of brain glycogen metabolism reduced the amounts of glutamate in both the control and type 2 diabetes models. The reduction in glutamate was associated with a decrease in the pyruvate carboxylase/pyruvate dehydrogenase ratio in the control but not the type 2 diabetes model. In the type 2 diabetes model GABA levels were increased suggesting that brain glycogen serves a role in maintaining a proper ratio between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in type 2 diabetes. Both the control and the type 2 diabetic states had a compensatory increase in glucose-derived 13C processed through the TCA cycle following inhibition of glycogen degradation. Finally, it was indicated that the type 2 diabetes model might have an augmented necessity for compensatory upregulation at the glycolytic level.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of chlorpromazine on the release of enzymes (beta-glucuronidase, EC; lactate dehydrogenase, EC; pyruvate kinase, and proteins using human granulocytes isolated and maintained at 37 degrees C. Chlorpromazine had a biphasic effect on enzyme release and the inhibition of the glycolytic pathway could be demonstrated only at high concentrations of chlorpromazine, after one hour's incubation. The NAD+/NADH ratio was significantly perturbed at all the concentrations. This effect is time dependent. The action of 4 other phenothiazine derivatives made it possible to establish a relationship between their physico-chemical properties and protein release. The results are compared with those from other studies using other biological materials.  相似文献   

This paper documents the maximal activities of the glycolytic enzymes in the red blood cells of normal mice and mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. There appears to be sufficient parasite-related activity of each glycolytic enzyme to support the increased glycolytic rate, i.e., increased glucose consumption, of the parasite-infected red blood cell. The relative proportions of glycolytic enzyme activities in parasite-infected red cells are different from the proportions in either normal or reticulocyte-rich blood, indicating that the increased enzyme activities associated with infected cells are not due to contaminating host red cells or reticulocytes. A comparison of maximal enzyme activities to the rate of whole cell glucose consumption indicates that different glycolytic control mechanisms are operating in the infected RBC from those in the uninfected cells.  相似文献   

An extracytoplasmic 86.7 kDa protein was isolated from intercellular washing fluids (IWF) of Phaseolus vulgaris etiolated hypocotyls. Micro sequencing of tryptic peptides of the 86.7 kDa protein revealed 100% identity with a bean lipoxygenase (LOX) protein fragment. Purified P87-LOX exhibited LOX activity characterized by an optimal pH of 6.0 and linolenic acid as an optimal substrate, and was classified as a 13-LOX with respect to its positional specificity of linoleic acid oxygenation. A protein identical to P87-LOX, as determined by MALDI-TOF analysis and biochemical characterization, was purified from hypocotyl microsomes. Immunoblot analysis showed that P87-LOX is present in plasma membrane-enriched fractions, from which it was solubilized using high ionic strength buffers. These observations suggest that P87-LOX is a peripheral protein associated to the apoplastic face of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) has an important role in the regulation of water and electrolyte homeostasis in teleosts. The present study was designed to evaluate the role of PRL and GH on malic enzyme (ME), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) in Anabas testudineus. Ovine prolactin significantly inhibited ME, G6PDH and ICDH activities when administered in vivo compared to vehicle treated controls. In vivo administration of PRL reversed the action of bromocryptine on enzyme activities. Ovine growth hormone in vivo also modified the effect of bromocryptine but not to the level of prolactin. Combined action of PRL+GH in vivo was most effective in keeping the enzyme activities at normal level after bromocryptine treatment. Prolactin in vitro also reversed the action of bromocryptine on enzyme activities, while GH in vitro failed to do so. Hence, prolactin seems to have an inhibitory effect on lipid metabolism in this teleost. Combined action of PRL+GH is more prominent in in vivo conditions at low PRL levels. Dopaminergic pathways may be involved in the control of prolactin and to some extent on growth hormone secretion.  相似文献   

The statistical relationships among the glycolytic intermediates (GI)) of the Embden-Meyerhof pathway, adenine nucleotides (ANs) and various hematological measures were estimated for 34 sickle cell anemia patients. Heterogeneity in linear and quadratic regressions of hemoglobin and hematocrit, both singly and jointly, on the GI and AN variables implied 1) that any single formula to standardize optical density measures of the GIs and ANs on a per gram hemoglobin or per liter cell water basis would not uniformly remove hemoglobin and hematocrit effects: 2) that ignoring significant hematological effects could bias the estimates of correlation among GIs and ANs; and 3) that hemoglobin and hematocrit measures do not reflect the same source of variability. The correlations among the GIs and ANs, after adjustment for hematological variability, were analyzed by path analysis to determine which of five proposed path models for cause and effect relationships were compatible with the data. AMP had a greater influence on ADP (coefficient of determination (CD) = 23%) than all the GIs together, while G6P and ADP influenced ATP variability the most (CD = 33% and 12%). The contributions of unknown factors to ADP and ATP variability were large for all models (CD = 56--77%) possibly due to stress of sickle cell disease. The path model with AMP and the four GIs (G6P, F6P, FDP, DHAP) influencing ADP variation, and the same GIs and ADP influencing ATP was the model most compatible with the data.  相似文献   

Hydroxyurea induces repair replication in human lymphoblastoid NC37 BaEV cells during incubation with liver microsomes and NADPH. Catalase reduces hydroxyurea-induced repair by more than 95%, suggesting that hydrogen peroxide derived from hydroxyurea in the presence of the metabolic activation system is involved in the DNA damage.  相似文献   

The inhibition of glycolysis by 2,3-dinitrilo-1,4-dithia-9,10-antraquinone (DDA) in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) cells as well as in the investigated respiratory and fermentative strains of yeasts was found to be the result of inactivation of thiol enzymes of this pathway. Increasing concentration of DDA caused, in EAC cells, marked inhibition of hexokinase (HK), phosphofructokinase (PFK) and practically total inhibition of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). These three enzymes, as well as alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) were also inactivated by DDA in yeasts. DDA inhibited the biosynthetic processes as measured by following the rate of [14C]adenine and [14C)]valine incorporation into TCA-precipitable fractions proportionally to the degree of glucose consumption by EAC or the yeast cells.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium leprae, the intracellular etiological agent of leprosy, infects Schwann promoting irreversible physical disabilities and deformities. These cells are responsible for myelination and maintenance of axonal energy metabolism through export of metabolites, such as lactate and pyruvate. In the present work, we observed that infected Schwann cells increase glucose uptake with a concomitant increase in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity, the key enzyme of the oxidative pentose pathway. We also observed a mitochondria shutdown in infected cells and mitochondrial swelling in pure neural leprosy nerves. The classic Warburg effect described in macrophages infected by Mycobacterium avium was not observed in our model, which presented a drastic reduction in lactate generation and release by infected Schwann cells. This effect was followed by a decrease in lactate dehydrogenase isoform M (LDH-M) activity and an increase in cellular protection against hydrogen peroxide insult in a pentose phosphate pathway and GSH-dependent manner. M. leprae infection success was also dependent of the glutathione antioxidant system and its main reducing power source, the pentose pathway, as demonstrated by a 50 and 70% drop in intracellular viability after treatment with the GSH synthesis inhibitor buthionine sulfoximine, and aminonicotinamide (6-ANAM), an inhibitor of G6PDH 6-ANAM, respectively. We concluded that M. leprae could modulate host cell glucose metabolism to increase the cellular reducing power generation, facilitating glutathione regeneration and consequently free-radical control. The impact of this regulation in leprosy neuropathy is discussed.  相似文献   

Trehalose is the most effective carbohydrate in preserving the structure and function of biological systems during dehydration and subsequent storage. We have studied the kinetics of protein inactivation in amorphous glucose/sucrose (1:10, w/w) and glucose/trehalose (1:10, w/w) systems, and examined the relationship between protein preservation, phase separation and crystallization during dry storage. The glucose/trehalose system preserved glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase better than did the glucose/sucrose system with the same glass transition temperature (Tg). The Williams-Landel-Ferry kinetic analysis indicated that the superiority of the glucose/trehalose system over the glucose/sucrose system was possibly associated with a low free volume and a low free volume expansion at temperatures above the Tg. Phase separation and crystallization during storage were studied using differential scanning calorimetry, and three separate domains were identified in stored samples (i.e., sugar crystals, glucose-rich and disaccharide-rich amorphous domains). Phase separation and crystallization were significantly retarded in the glucose/trehalose system. Our data suggest that the superior stability of the trehalose system is associated with several properties of the trehalose glass, including low free volume, restricted molecular mobility and the ability to resist phase separation and crystallization during storage.  相似文献   

The existence of the pyruvate kinase (PK) in pig liver mitochondria was shown by monitoring photometrically the PK reaction in solubilised mitochondria with either phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) or ADP used as a substrate. In distinction with the cytosolic isoenzyme, the mitochondrial PK showed a sigmoidal dependence on either PEP or ADP concentrations. The occurrence of the mitochondrial PK was confirmed by immunological analysis. Titration with digitonin showed that mPK is restricted to the matrix. PEP addition to mitochondria resulted in reduction of the intramitochondrial NAD(P)+ inhibited by either the non-penetrant thiol reagent mersalyl or by arsenite, an inhibitor of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Citrate/oxaloacetate appearance outside mitochondria also occurred as result of PEP addition to PLM. Taken together these findings support a role for PEP itself in triggering fatty acid synthesis via its mitochondrial metabolism.  相似文献   

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