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Males of the Japanese goby Rhinogobius sp. OR (orange type) establish nests under stones in streams. They provide care to egg masses until hatching. We carried out field observations and a field experiment in a natural stream to examine the effect of male body size on brooding success. An experiment excluding guarding males indicated that their presence has a positive effect on nest defense. Field data showed that male body size was positively correlated with the size of the egg mass that was initially found at the nest. Furthermore, a sequential increase in egg mass size seen in the nests of larger males indicated that multiple females spawned during a single breeding cycle of larger males. To examine male brooding success, two dependent variables, egg mass persistence (days from initial egg mass to disappearance or hatching) and hatching success were analyzed. The results indicated that the variation found in both dependent variables was significantly explained by two independent variables, namely, initial egg-mass size and the number of matings. It is also suggested that male body size indirectly influenced brooding success through positive correlations with these independent variables.  相似文献   

Synopsis Mating success of males and its correlates were investigated in a natural population of the polygynous fluvial sculpinCottus nozawae. Furthermore, the female mate preference of this species was examined experimentally under alternative conditions for mating in a stream. The mating success of individual males (the number of females with which a male mated) ranged between 0 and 8 with a mean of 2.41 in 1983 and 2.52 in 1989, in a population of which the sex ratio was about 1 : 2 in both years, skewed toward females. Mainly due to the excess of nests without egg masses and the few nests with one egg mass, the distribution of male mating success did not fit a Poisson distribution, indicating its non-randomness. Male mating success was not correlated either with the size of the nest rocks or with the male size, suggesting that these two variables are not determinants of mating success. The mate choice experiments demonstrated that females of this species more frequently chose smaller males as mates whose nests already contained eggs than large males without eggs. Additionally, an analysis of stomach contents of guarding males suggested that the parental males ate their own eggs during egg guarding (filial-cannibalism). Based on these results and on a comparison of reproductive characteristics with congeneric species, it is suggested that one of the most important determinants for female mate choice inCottus species may be whether or not parental males are filial egg cannibals.  相似文献   

2008年和2009年的4~8月,在四川省雅江县帕姆岭对棕背黑头鸫Turdus kessleri的繁殖生态进行了初步观察.该鸟繁殖期在4月下旬至7月上旬,营树上巢,营巢树种为高山栎Quercus aquifolioides和鳞皮冷杉Abies squamata.窝卵数为2~3枚(n=7),平均卵重(7.96±0.03)g(n=8),卵长径(32.7±0.17)mm,短径(21.9±0.13)mm(n=13),雌雄共同孵卵,以雌性为主,孵化期为15~17 d(n=2),孵化率为83.3%(n=18).雌雄共同育雏,以雄性为主,雏鸟出飞后主要在巢周围的林下或灌从活动,这时亲鸟仍会对幼鸟喂食.在同一繁殖季对巢有重复利用的现象.  相似文献   

Experimental manipulation of breeding site quality did not alter the mate preference of female mottled sculpins (Cottus bairdi). Females of this species appear to choose mates on the basis of male size. By choosing a larger male, a female increases the probability that some of her eggs will hatch because large males are unlikely to abandon their nest sites.  相似文献   

Life-history variations in male and female fluvial sculpins, Cottus nozawae, were studied in a small mountain stream in Hokkaido, Japan, primarily by using capture-mark-recapture methods. At three study areas established along the stream course, the majority of marked sculpins were recaptured in their original location over one or more years, indicating their long-term occupation of each restricted habitat area. Sculpin densities increased toward the upstream habitats, whereas individual growth rates were more rapid downstream. In both sexes, sculpins distributed downstream matured at a larger body size and later in life than upstream sculpins, clearly demonstrating a clinal variation in these respects. A comparison of life-history variations in C. nozawae with those in amphidromous C. hangiongensis suggests that intrapopulational life-history variations in the former might be environmentally induced, and that one of the most important determinants for the variations in Cottus species might be population density.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1352-1360
Male body size was tested for its influence on female mate choice, male-male competition and ability to defend broods in the river bullhead, Cottus gobio L., a polygynous fish with paternal care. Females presented with two potential mates of different sizes significantly preferred to spawn with the larger male. Males smaller than, or 1·5 times longer than, the female were rarely selected as mates. Larger males were more successful in defending their brood from conspecifics, which may explain female preference for them. Unmated large males displaced smaller guarding males from their nests and retained the acquired egg masses. Competition between males for nest sites with eggs can be accounted for by the preference of females for males already guarding eggs: by seizing a nest containing egg masses, a male will increase his chance of being chosen.  相似文献   

Nest choice by the Japanese fluvial sculpin Cottus pollux and its relationship to male reproductive success, was examined in a natural habitat, central Japan. The larger males tended to occupy the deeper nest cavities, suggesting size-assortative nest choice by the species. Stepwise regression analysis showed that cavity area was correlated positively to male reproductive success. Nest choice experiments without a competitive male indicated an absence of size-assortative nest choice, but larger males tended to choose a large nest when another male was present, suggesting that size-assortative nest choice by the species is attributable to male-male competition for large nests, such being related to a resource-defence polygynous mating system.  相似文献   

Synopsis We documented species' distributions, size structure of populations, abundance in mainstem and tributary streams, habitat use, and diets of prickly sculpin, Cottus asper, and coastrange sculpin, C. aleuticus, in the Eel River drainage of California, to determine the processes allowing coexistence of these very similar fishes. We observed prickly sculpins at 43 sites and coastrange sculpins at 34. The species co-occurred at 26 sites. Young-of-year coastrange sculpins were only observed within 42 km of the ocean, but young-of-year prickly sculpins were present throughout the species range. Mean, maximum, and minimum lengths of coastrange sculpins were positively correlated with distance from the ocean but no significant relationships were found for prickly sculpins. Absolute abundance of both species was highest in mainstem habitat (prickly sculpins = 0.6 sculpins m–2 and coastrange sculpins = 0.4 sculpins m–2) . Tributary densities of both species tended to be less than 0.1 sculpins m–2. The species inhabited very similar habitats and had very similar diets. Coastrange sculpin populations in upstream areas were maintained by immigration from downstream areas in contrast with prickly sculpin populations that produced young-of-year fish throughout their range. Densities were probably not high enough for interspecific interactions to be important. The factors limiting the upstream distribution of the species may include high water temperatures, stability of the stream bed, and behavior of the fish. In the past, the range of sculpins within the Eel River drainage probably fluctuated with changing physical conditions. Recent introductions of exotic species that compete with and prey upon sculpins, and ongoing human activities in the drainage could result in major reductions in the distribution and abundance of one or both species.  相似文献   

High variation in egg coloration among birds has traditionally been explained as adaptation for camouflage. We tested this hypothesis by conducting reciprocal clutch exchanges (n=301) among Brewer's blackbirds Euphagous cyanocephalus , red-winged blackbirds Agelaius phoeniceus , and yellow-headed blackbirds Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus . We predicted that clutches placed against their natural nest backgrounds would have higher survival rates than heterospecific clutches. Intraspecific clutch exchanges were used as a control. Clutch survival was monitored for a 9-d period at all nests, during which time incubation rhythm and nest defense were quantified. Intraspecific clutch exchanges did not influence incubation or nest defense. For two of the species, intraspecific clutch exchanges did not influence clutch survival; in red-winged blackbirds, however, intraspecifically exchanged clutches had somewhat depressed survival curves relative to control clutches (P=0.08). The effect of interspecific clutch exchanges differed by host species. In Brewer's nests, eggs of the yellow-headed blackbird had lower survival than Brewer's eggs (P=0.02), but survival of red-winged blackbird eggs did not differ from Brewer's eggs (P=0.50). In nests of red-winged blackbirds, all three clutch types had approximately equal survival. In yellow-headed blackbird nests, eggs of the red-winged blackbird had lower survival than yellow-headed blackbird eggs (P=0.06), and survival of Brewer's eggs did not differ from yellow-headed blackbird eggs (P=0.31). These findings support a role for egg coloration as camouflage in two of the three species studied.  相似文献   

Christa Beckmann  Kathy Martin 《Ibis》2016,158(2):335-342
Nest structures are essential for successful reproduction in most bird species. Nest construction costs time and energy, and most bird species typically build one nest per breeding attempt. Some species, however, build more than one nest, and the reason for this behaviour is often unclear. In the Grey Fantail Rhipidura albiscapa, nest abandonment before egg‐laying is very common. Fantails will build up to seven nests within a breeding season, and pairs abandon up to 71% of their nests before egg‐laying. We describe multiple nest‐building behaviour in the Grey Fantail and test four hypotheses explaining nest abandonment in this species: cryptic depredation, destruction of nests during storm events, and two anti‐predatory responses (construction of decoy nests to confuse predators, and increasing concealment to ‘hide’ nests more effectively). We found support for only one hypothesis – that abandonment is related to nest concealment. Abandoned nests were significantly less concealed than nests that received eggs. Most abandoned nests were not completely built and none received eggs, thus ruling out cryptic predation. Nests were not more likely to be abandoned following storm events. The decoy nest hypothesis was refuted as abandoned nests were constructed at any point during the breeding season and some nests were dismantled and the material used to build the subsequent nest. Thus, Grey Fantails are flexible about nest‐site locations during the nest‐building phase and readily abandon nest locations if they are found to have deficient security.  相似文献   

Synopsis Life histories of three sculpins endemic to the Pit River system, northeastern California, are detailed.Cottus pitensis is widely distributed throughout the drainage. This species is typically found in rapidly flowing, shallow water on coarse substrate. It grows to a large size, >100 mm, and lives to 5 years. Spawning occurs annually, in early spring. Fecundity is relatively low, <320 oocytes.Cottus asperrimus is restricted to a large population in Fall River and smaller concentrations in Hat Creek and Pit River. It is a relatively small fish, <80 mm, and lives to 5 years. It occurs in deep, slow-moving, often spring-fed streams, typically on fine substrates. Spawning lasts from autumn to early spring. Males establish nests on hard substrates and guard several clutches of eggs. Fecundity ranges from 140–580 oocytes.Cottus klamathensis macrops is relatively rare in the drainage. The largest concentration is in the Hat Creek system, smaller populations exist in Fall River and Pit River. This sculpin is found on coarse substrate, often where aquatic vegetation is abundant. It is typically found in slow, relatively shallow water. It grows to >100mm and lives to 5 years. Males guard eggs during the short spawning season beginning in late winter. Fecundity in this species reaches a maximum of 650 oocytes. Life history strategies vary within the genus, yet the life histories of these sculpins are more similar to each other than they are to many of their congeners. This within-group similarity may have resulted from exposure of all three species to similar environmental pressures. This is predicted by life-history theory.  相似文献   

Egg predation is a common feature influencing the reproductive success of open nesting birds. Evolutionary pressure therefore favours building cryptic, inconspicuous nests. However, these antipredatory pressures may be in conflict with thermoregulatory constraints, which select for dry nest material maintaining optimum temperature inside a nest cup during the absence of incubating parents. Here we examined possible trade-offs between nest crypsis and thermoregulation in Little Grebes (Tachybaptus ruficollis), which lay their eggs in floating nests built from wet plant material. As this species regularly covers its eggs with nest material, we experimentally examined (1) the rates of egg predation on covered and uncovered artificial nests and (2) possible thermoregulatory costs from nest covering by comparing temperature and relative humidity changes inside the nest cup. Results revealed that covering clutches is beneficial in terms of deterring predators, because uncovered eggs were more vulnerable to predation. Moreover, covering clutches also had thermoregulatory benefits because the mean temperature and relative humidity inside nest cups covered by dry or wet materials were significantly higher for covered compared to uncovered treatments. Covering clutches in Little Grebes therefore does not pose thermoregulatory costs.  相似文献   

Summary To examine if differences in egg predation rates could explain differences in bird community composition, egg predation was studied in two years on small islands in a South Swedish lake and on the nearby mainland using both natural and artificial nests.In plots with similar vegetation, the combined density of ground- and tree-nesting bird species did not differ between the islands and the mainland. Egg predation rates were similar on islands and the mainland for natural Turdus nests in two years, and for artificial Turdus and Phylloscopus nests. Unmarked and unvisited experimental nests suffered similar rate of egg predation as marked and visited nests. Egg predation rates were higher on natural nests when artificial nests were also put out, increasing the total nest density. Initial egg predation rates in artificial nests were also higher than later when nest density had decreased by 75%.The egg predators involved differed for artificial Phylloscopus nests between the islands and the mainland. Small mammals were apparently responsible for 29% of the predation on the mainland, but none on the islands. Artificial Turdus nests near crow nests suffered from a higher egg predation rate than nests further away from crow nests. Daily survival rates of Turdus nests increased from the laying to the incubation and further to the fledging state.Egg predation can not explain differences in bird community composition between islands and mainland in the present case.  相似文献   

Birds are thought to choose nest sites that meet two main functions: providing security to both nest contents and incubating adults, and providing an appropriate microclimate for incubation. Many shorebirds nest in sites with no or little cover. In a lake in southern Spain, nearly 70% of the nests of Kentish plovers, Charadrius alexandrinus, were in sites with little or no cover, where ambient temperatures might be more than 50°C during very hot days, thus causing the incubating adults to suffer from heat stress. We tested the hypothesis that Kentish plovers nest mainly in exposed sites because this may allow the incubating birds to detect approaching predators early, and thus to reduce predation risk. When we occluded the view that incubating adults had from their nests, they took longer to detect approaching predators than when the view was unrestricted. Incubating adults were also more frequently killed by mammals in covered than in exposed nests. Females that nested in covered sites were in lower body condition than those nesting in exposed sites, possibly because they were unable to withstand the high ambient temperatures in exposed sites. Thus, the benefits of thermally favourable nest sites are reduced by the constraints of predation risk.  相似文献   

Bill M. Strausberger 《Oecologia》1998,116(1-2):267-274
I studied relationships between temporal patterns of host availability, brood parasitism, and egg mass for the parasitic brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). At a study site consisting largely of edge habitat in north-eastern Illinois, I found 834 bird nests from 27 species. A total of 407 cowbird eggs and nestlings were found in these nests over three laying seasons. Nearly all (n= 379; 93%) were found in the nests of seven host species. For these species and all taken together, weekly nest availability generally decreased whereas parasitism frequency generally increased throughout the cowbird laying season, but the proportions of nests parasitized and the mean number of cowbird eggs in them did not. Additionally, no correlation was found between the proportions of nests parasitized and nest availability. Cowbird egg mass generally increased throughout the laying season, indicating that foraging conditions improved and that, early in the laying season, egg mass and quality may be less important than quantity. Consistently high weekly levels of parasitism indicate that cowbird reproduction was less limited by resources needed for egg production and more by the availability of suitable host nests. Fluctuating weekly host availabilities suggest that previously established, constant rates of cowbird egg laying would produce an excess of eggs during periods of low host availability. Further, the low frequency of parasitism (1%) of nests in stages too advanced for successful parasitism, and of abandoned nests, is consistent with the hypothesis that cowbirds' consistently high rate of egg production helps assure an egg is available when an appropriate nest is found. Frequently, nests were parasitized multiple times, raising the possibility that cowbirds were interfering with their own reproduction. A diverse host community increases the possibility that a decline of any one host species is unlikely to affect cowbird reproduction significantly. Received 11 July 1997 / Accepted: 31 March 1998  相似文献   

The freshwater sculpins, genus Cottus (Teleostei; Cottidae), comprise bottom-dwelling fishes that exhibit various life-history styles, having radiated throughout Northern Hemisphere freshwater habitats. The phylogenetic relationships among Cottus and related taxa were estimated from mitochondrial DNA 12S rRNA and control region (CR) sequences, the freshwater sculpins examined falling into five lineages (A-E). Lineage A consisted of Trachidermus fasciatus and C. kazika, both having a catadromous life-history. The remaining species (lineages B-E) spawn in freshwater habitats regardless of life-history (amphidromous, lacustrine or fluvial), suggesting that the various life-history types post-dated a common ancestor of lineages B-E. Molecular clock estimates suggested a Pliocene-Pleistocene radiation (or Miocene-Pliocene from the alternative clock) of lineages B-E. In eastern Eurasia, speciation with life-history changes to amphidromous or fluvial styles has apparently occurred independently in some lineages, as a general pattern. Mitochondrial DNA CR phylogeny showed the monophyletic Baikalian cottoids (Cottoidei) to be nested within Cottus and Trachidermus, suggesting that the former ecologically and morphologically divergent cottoids may have originated from a single lineage which invaded the ancient lake.  相似文献   

The entrances of nests established under small stones by male river blennies Salaria fluviatilis in two rivers of the Ebro Basin in eastern Spain were randomly oriented in slow-flowing sites. In fast-flowing stretches or under large stones, however, nest entrances tended to open at an angle of c . 30° relative to current flow direction, i.e. near a south-east direction. As current velocity increased, males positioned their nest entrance closer and closer to the direction of flow. Selective nest entrance orientation reduced significantly the speed of current reaching the nest entrance such that current velocity was similar (5–7 cm s−1) for all nests, regardless of stone size, prevailing current speed, or study site. Male mating success, measured as egg clutch area, however, was not related to current speed at the nest entrance but instead, it increased with nest stone size and decreased with deviations from a south-east direction. The reasons for female river blenny preference for this specific nest orientation are unknown but may be related to patterns of water flow, and hence oxygenation of the eggs, in the nest.  相似文献   

Synopsis Yellowfin shiners spawn in nests constructed by male bluehead chubs. To determine whether yellowfin shiners are obligatory symbionts of bluehead chubs, different densities of shiners were isolated from chubs and presented with artificial nests in stream enclosures. Yellowfin shiners failed to reproduce in the absence of bluehead chubs, indicating that the symbiosis is obligatory for the shiners. Bluehead chubs tended nests by moving stones, which kept the nests free of silt. Nest tending lasted for the same amount of time that embryos and larvae of both species were found in the nests. Yellowfin shiners benefit from a protective nest and parental care given by the chub. Eggs, embryos and larvae of both species may benefit from reduced predation due to a dilution effect. These observations suggest that this nest association is an obligatory, mutualistic symbiosis.  相似文献   

Do artificial nests reveal relative nest predation risk for real nests?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Present knowledge of the effects of nest predation on spatial distribution, habitat selection and community structure of birds is to a large extent based on results from experiments with artificial nests. Although nest predation risk is likely to differ between artificial and real nests, most previous studies of nest predation using artificial nests have been lacking a proper control. We investigated whether predation rates on artificial nests predicted those on real nests by simultaneously comparing the fate of real and artificial nests (containing quail Coturnix coturnix and plasticine eggs) in 92 territories of the northern wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe in 1996. We also investigated whether risk for artificial nests was related to relative average risk for real nests in these territories (based on data collected two years before and two years after the experiment). Nest predation on artificial nests did predict relative predation risk for real nests only when quail egg depredation was used as the criterion for artificial nest predation. Despite plasticine egg depredation being the most common type of predation it was not associated with predation risk for real nests. Small mice and vole species dominated among cases with only plasticine egg depredation, while predatory mammals and snakes destroyed most quail eggs in artificial nests and most eggs in real wheatear nests. The results suggest that artificial nests may only predict the risk for real nests when the nest predator species are similar among the two types of nest. Furthermore, our data suggest that small mice and vole species rarely depredate nests of mid-sized passerine birds . Our results cast doubt on many previous conclusions based on experiments with artificial nests, since predation risk for such nests is likely to be uncorrelated with risk for real nests due to nest-type-specific differences in nest preying species.  相似文献   

We conducted a two-part study to assets predator avoidance byreproductive male fathead minnows (Pimephales promelos) subjectedto predation threat from northern pike (Esox lucius). First,we determined if patterns of nest use by egg-guarding male minnowsin a boreal lake were related to pike densities. We samplednorthern pike and identified four areas of "high pike-density"and three areas of "low pike-density." We censused natural nestsand placed nest boards in these areas. We found eggs on naturalnests more frequently in areas with low densities of pike thanin areas with high densities of pike. However, we could notfully explain the distribution of nests by predation risk. Second,we evaluated the behavioral response of egg-guarding males toa control stimulus (a piece of wood) or a live pike in a wirecage. We used time to return to the nest after a stimulus asa measure of risk taking. Males took different amounts of riskbased on predation threat; males in the predator treatment tooklonger to return to their nests than control males. Risk takingwas not related to the number or age of the eggs but to distanceto nearest egg-guarding neighbor; males with close neighborsreturned sooner than more isolated males. Males in the predatortreatment had lower total activity and egg rubbing than controlmales after they returned to their nests. We conclude that malefathead minnows altered their reproductive behavior in waysthat reduced predation risk, but the cost of predator avoidancemight include egg predation, lost mating opportunities, or usurpationof nests  相似文献   

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