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Proteinase yscD mutants of yeast. Isolation and characterization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, devoid of proteinase yscD activity, were isolated by screening for the inability of mutagenized cells to hydrolyze Ac-Ala-Ala-Pro-Ala-beta-naphthylamide in situ. One of the selected mutants bears a thermolabile activity pointing to the gene called PRD1 as being the structural gene for proteinase yscD. All mutants isolated fell into one complementation group. The defect segregates 2:2 in meiotic tetrads indicating a single gene mutation, which was shown to be recessive. Diploids heterozygous for PRD1 display gene dosage. The absence of proteinase yscD did not affect mitotic growth under rich or poor growth conditions, neither mating nor ascopore formation. Also growth of mutant cells after a nutritional shift-down was not altered. Inactivation of enzymes tested which are subject to carbon-catabolite inactivation, a process proposed to be of proteolytic nature, is not affected by the absence of proteinase yscD. Protein degradation rates in growing cells, in cells under conditions of differentiation or heat shock, showed no obvious alteration in the absence of proteinase yscD activity. Also inactivation of alpha-factor pheromone was not affected by proteinase yscD absence. Normal growth of mutant cells on glycerol indicates that the enzyme is not involved in any vital event in mitochondrial biogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with enhanced sensitivity to the DNA cross-linking agent nitrogen mustard (HN2) have been isolated and partially characterized with respect to their phenotypic and genetic properties. The screening technique, based on HN2-sensitivity as sole criterion, yields approximately 1 sensitive isolate in 200 clones when applied to an intensively mutagenized population of a resistant parent strain. Mutants characterized so far are all due to recessive nuclear genes and represent at least seven complementation groups. They exhibit different degrees as well as different patterns of sensitivity towards monofunctional and bifunctional alkylating agents, and ultraviolet light.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe is an excellent organism in which to study cytokinesis as it divides by medial fission using an F-actin contractile ring. To enhance our understanding of the cell division process, a large genetic screen was carried out in which 17 genetic loci essential for cytokinesis were identified, 5 of which are novel. Mutants identifying three genes, rng3(+), rng4(+), and rng5(+), were defective in organizing an actin contractile ring. Four mutants defective in septum deposition, septum initiation defective (sid)1, sid2, sid3, and sid4, were also identified and characterized. Genetic analyses revealed that the sid mutants display strong negative interactions with the previously described septation mutants cdc7-24, cdc11-123, and cdc14-118. The rng5(+), sid2(+), and sid3(+) genes were cloned and shown to encode Myo2p (a myosin heavy chain), a protein kinase related to budding yeast Dbf2p, and Spg1p, a GTP binding protein that is a member of the ras superfamily of GTPases, respectively. The ability of Spg1p to promote septum formation from any point in the cell cycle depends on the activity of Sid4p. In addition, we have characterized a phenotype that has not been described previously in cytokinesis mutants, namely the failure to reorganize actin patches to the medial region of the cell in preparation for septum formation.  相似文献   

Enterobacter cloacae IFO3320 is attracted to Pi when cells are starved for Pi. Two Tn1737KH-induced mutants, which were constitutive for alkaline phosphatase, failed to exhibit Pi taxis even under conditions of Pi limitation. Both of the mutant strains exhibited normal chemotactic responses to peptone, suggesting that they are specifically defective in Pi taxis. Cloning and sequence analysis showed that the TN1737KH insertions were located in either the pstA or pstB genes which encode the channel-forming proteins of the Pi-specific transport (Pst) system in E. cloacae. These results suggest that the E. cloacae Pst system is required for Pi chemoreception.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus is a gram-negative gliding bacterium that exhibits a complex life cycle. Exposure of M. xanthus to chemicals like dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at nondeleterious concentrations or the depletion of nutrients caused several negative responses by the cells. DMSO (> 0.1 M) or nutrient depletion triggered a repellent response: cell swarming was inhibited and FrzCD (a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein) was demethylated; higher concentrations of DMSO (> 0.3 M) or prolonged starvation induced an additional response which involved cellular morphogenesis: DMSO caused cells to convert from rod-shaped vegetative cells to spherical, environmentally resistant "DMSO spores," and starvation induced myxospore formation in the fruiting bodies. In order to investigate the nature of these responses, we isolated a number of mutants defective in negative chemotaxis and/or sporulation. Characterization of these mutants indicated that negative chemotaxis plays an important role in colony swarming and in developmental aggregation. In addition, the results revealed some of the major interrelationships between the signal transduction pathways which respond to negative stimuli: (i) DMSO exposure and starvation were initially sensed by different systems, the neg system for DMSO and the stv system for starvation; (ii) the repellent response signals triggered by DMSO or starvation were then relayed by the frz signal transduction system; mutants defective in these responses showed altered FrzCD methylation patterns; and (iii) the morphogenesis signals in response to DMSO or starvation utilize a group of genes involved in sporulation (spo).  相似文献   

A method was devised for the isolation of yeast monomorphic (LEV) mutants of Candida albicans. By this procedure, about 20 stable yeast-like mutants were isolated after mutagenesis with ethyl methane sulfonate. The growth rate of the mutants in different carbon sources, both fermentable and not, was indistinguishable from that of the parental strain, but they were unable to grow as mycelial forms after application of any of the common effective inducers, i.e., heat shock, pH alterations, proline addition, or use of GlcNAc as the carbon source. Studies performed with one selected strain demonstrated that it had severe alterations in the chemical composition of the cell wall, mainly in the levels of chitin and glucans, and in specific mannoproteins, some of them recognizable by specific polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. It is suggested that these structural alterations hinder the construction of a normal hyphal wall.  相似文献   

Summary The yeast,Protomyces inundatus was sensitive to griseofulvin. When griscofulvin was added to exponentially growing cultures their turbidities increased at the same rate as control cultures for one doubling and then there was a second, more protracted doubling of turbidity before growth eventually stopped. However, the viability of these cultures decreased exponentially after the addition of griseofulvin. The inhibitory effect of griseofulvin was not reversed by the addition of various mono-nucleotides.  相似文献   

4UV-sensitive mutants have been isolated from the wild type strain BC9/66 of Coprinus lagopus by following a new replica plating technique. Complementation and recombination studies between these mutants suggest 3 gene loci uvs1, uvs2 and uvs3, two of the mutants being allelic (uvs3-1 and uvs3-2). The mutants uvs2, uvs3-1 and uvs3-2 show photoreactivation whereas the mutant uvs1 appears to be deficient in this respect. None of the mutants of the wild type showed significant recovery after dark holding.  相似文献   

Abstract Twenty salt-sensitive (ss) mutants were isolated from the salt-tolerant yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii by treatment with N -methyl- N '-nitro- N -nitrosoguanidine. The mutants were divided into five classes on the basis of their ability to grow in media containing various high concentrations of NaCl. The mutant with the greatest sensitivity to NaCl of all the mutants tested was able to grow very slowly with a longer lag phase in medium containing 2 M NaCl, in contrast to the wild strain which had the capacity to grow in medium containing 3.5 M NaCl. Most of the ss mutants exhibited, to some extent, less tolerance to high concentrations of glucose than the wild strain. It appeared from the characterization of the ss mutants that the following factors are necessary for growth of Z. rouxii in high concentrations of NaCl: (a) the ability to produce glycerol under these conditions; (b) the ability to maintain a defined concentration of glycerol within the cells; (c) the ability to take up glycerol that has leaked into the medium, and to assimilate glycerol; and (d) unknown factor(s).  相似文献   

A method was developed to select host cell mutants which did not permit the replication of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), and 14 isolates of NDV-nonpermissive mutants of mouse FM3A cells were obtained. All these isolates were judged to be deficient in NDV receptors, since their ability to adsorb 3H-labeled NDV virions was markedly decreased. They were tested for genetic complementation in pairs by cell fusion and shown to fall into a single recessive complementation group, which was designated as Had-1. Vesicular stomatitis virus was able to replicate in this mutant to produce infectious progeny, but the glycoprotein of the released virion was abnormal in size, suggesting a defective processing of the asparagine-linked carbohydrate chains in the mutant cell. The Had-1 mutant was resistant to wheat germ agglutinin, but sensitive to a Griffonia simplicifolia lectin, GS-II, which recognizes terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues. The altered sensitivity to these plant lectins compared with that of the parental FM3A cells indicates that sialylated sugar chains on the cell surface are almost absent from the Had-1 cells, thereby rendering the cells NDV receptor deficient.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the vacuolar protein aminopeptidase I (API) is localized to the vacuole independent of the secretory pathway. The alternate targeting mechanism used by this protein has not been characterized. API is synthesized as a 61-kD soluble cytosolic precursor. Upon delivery to the vacuole, the amino-terminal propeptide is removed by proteinase B (PrB) to yield the mature 50-kD hydrolase. We exploited this delivery-dependent maturation event in a mutant screen to identify genes whose products are involved in API targeting. Using antiserum to the API propeptide, we isolated mutants that accumulate precursor API. These mutants, designated cvt, fall into eight complementation groups, five of which define novel genes. These five complementation groups exhibit a specific defect in maturation of API, but do not have a significant effect on vacuolar protein targeting through the secretory pathway. Localization studies show that precursor API accumulates outside of the vacuole in all five groups, indicating that they are blocked in API targeting and/or translocation. Future analysis of these gene products will provide information about the subcellular components involved in this alternate mechanism of vacuolar protein localization.  相似文献   

Summary Mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae auxotrophic for deoxythymidine monophosphate (dTMP) were isolated and characterized. Two distinct classes of auxotrophs were obtained. One class had a simple requirement for dTMP and was analogous to thymine-requiring bacteria. The second class required dTMP, adenine, histidine and methionine and this complex nutritional phenotype was due to defects in folate metabolism. The dTMP-dependent growth of respiratory-competent grande auxotrophs was found to be markedly affected by media composition and carbon source. In the absence of dTMP thymineless death occurred in both mutant classes.  相似文献   

Summary Spontaneous temperature sensitive (ts) mutants of cyanophage LPP-1 were isolated from the wild population of the virus upto a frequency of 1.7x10-3. The reversion frequencies were 1.3x10-4 or even less which appeared to be a clonal property. A detailed investigation of the two mutants showed that they were unable to grow at non-permissive temperature and the temperature sensitive phase lasted for 2–3 h during their intracellular growth as judged by the shift-up and down experiments. The mutants differed from the wild phage in being more sensitive to photodynamic inactivation and EDTA shock. They showed high frequency towards rapid lysis mutation following exposure of free phage particles to high temperature.  相似文献   

The highly conserved small GTPase Cdc42p is a key regulator of cell polarity and cytoskeletal organization in eukaryotic cells. Multiple effectors of Cdc42p have been identified, although it is unclear how their activities are coordinated to produce particular cell behaviors. One strategy used to address the contributions made by different effector pathways downstream of small GTPases has been the use of "effector-loop" mutants of the GTPase that selectively impair only a subset of effector pathways. We now report the generation and preliminary characterization of a set of effector-loop mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC42. These mutants define genetically separable pathways influencing actin or septin organization. We have characterized the phenotypic defects of these mutants and the binding defects of the encoded proteins to known yeast Cdc42p effectors in vitro. The results suggest that these effectors cannot account for the observed phenotypes, and therefore that unknown effectors exist that affect both actin and septin organization. The availability of partial function alleles of CDC42 in a genetically tractable system serves as a useful starting point for genetic approaches to identify such novel effectors.  相似文献   

Yeast mutants defective in beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase and acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase have been isolated. Mutants impaired in acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase range into two linked complementation units, erg 10 A and erg 10 B. Mutants deficient in beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase belong to two unlinked complementation groups, erg 11 and erg 13. In strictly anaerobic growth conditions, mutants impaired in beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase require mevalonic acid in addition to sterol and oleic acid, pointing out the role of mevalonic acid in other physiological function than ergosterol precursor. Growth of mutants impaired in acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase cannot be recovered by mevalonic acid supplementation, suggesting a role of acetoacetyl-CoA or thiolase not linked to sterol pathway.  相似文献   

A halotorelant bacterial strain that produces a significant amount of lipids from short-chain fatty acids was isolated from the sludge of a sewage disposal plant. This strain displayed a significant extracellular accumulation of lipids. The yield of lipids including hydrocarbons was highest (120% of cell dry weight) at the end of the linear growth phase. Fractionation of the lipids using thin-layer chromatography and subsequent gas chromatography showed that hydrocarbons were also obtained following an increase in total lipids. Their yield was the highest (50% of cell dry weight) in the linear growth phase. Additional analysis using infrared absorption spectrum and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed that the hydrocarbon fraction was composed of alkanes, such as C15H32, C18H38, C21H44, C22H46 and C24H50. Homology analysis of the 16s rDNA sequence as well as studies of the morphological and physiological characteristics indicated that the bacterium is a strain of Vibrio furnissii.  相似文献   

Two temperature-sensitive autolysis-defective mutants of Escherichia coli were isolated and shown to be resistant to lysis induced by seminalplasmin, an antimicrobial protein from bovine seminal plasma, as well as to lysis induced by ampicillin, D-cycloserine and nocardicin, at 37 or 42 degrees C but not at 30 degrees C. The mutants were, however, sensitive to inhibition of RNA synthesis by seminalplasmin even at the nonpermissive temperature. Temperature-resistant revertants of the mutants were sensitive to lysis induced by the various antibiotics at 37 or 42 degrees C. The mutations in both strains were mapped at 58 min on the E. coli linkage map. The lysis resistance of the mutants was phenotypically suppressed by the addition of NaCl. Partial suppression of the lysis-resistant phenotype was also observed in a relA genetic background.  相似文献   

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