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Continuous sucrose density gradient subfractions from bovine adrenal medullary microsomes were found to accumulate 45Ca2+ in the presence of ATP and ammonium oxalate mainly in subfractions of intermediate density. (Na+ + K+)-ATPase (plasma membrane marker) and Ca2+-ATPase activities were also concentrated in these intermediate subfractions but thiamine pyrophosphatase (Golgi apparatus marker) was not. NADH oxidase (endoplasmic reticulum marker) activity was distributed throughout all subfractions.45Ca2+ accumulation in adrenal cortical microsomes was found to rise and fall in parallel with thiamine pyrophosphatase but not with (Na+ + K+)-ATPase or NADH oxidase activities.Accumulation of 45Ca2+ in membrane vesicles in these experiments suggests the existence of a calcium transfer mechanism in plasma membranes of the adrenal medulla but not adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

Continuous sucrose density gradient subfractions from bovine adrenal medullary microsomes were found to accumulate 45-Ca-2+ in the presence of ATP and ammonium oxalate mainly in subfractions of intermediate density. (Na-++K-+)-ATPase (plasma membrane marker) and Ca-2+-ATPase activities were also concentrated in these intermediate subfractions but thiamine pyrophosphatase (Golgi apparatus marker) was not. NADH oxidase (endoplasmic reticulum marker) activity was distributed throughout all subfractions. 45-Ca-2+ accumulation in adrenal cortical microsomes was found to rise and fall in parallel with thiamine pyrophosphatase but not with (Na-++K-+)-ATPase or NADH oxidase activities. Accumulation of 45-Ca-2+ in membrane vesicles in these experiments suggests the existence of a calcium transfer mechanism in plasma membranes of the adrenal medulla but not adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

P A Doris 《Life sciences》1992,50(25):1935-1941
Culture medium conditioned by the adrenocortical tumor cell line Y-1 has been fractionated by HPLC to determine whether the ouabain-like binding activity (OLB) of this medium co-purifies with digoxin immunoreactivity. Furthermore, we have evaluated whether this medium contains the ability to inhibit the ion translocating action of the sodium pump and how this material purifies on HPLC. These activities are not homogenous, however, maximal activity in each assay was found in the same HPLC fraction. The OLB of this fraction was not reduced by alkaline hydrolysis or trypsinization, heating in air at 150 degrees C did reduce activity. Scatchard binding analysis of this fraction indicated the presence of a single class of specific competitive inhibitor of the binding of radiolabelled ouabain to human erythrocytes. The inhibitor showed a Hill coefficient of unity.  相似文献   

We attempted to purify a digitalis-like factor from volume expanded dog plasma using an inhibitory effect on the binding of [3H]ouabain to intact human erythrocytes to monitor digitalis-like activity. A highly polar [3H] ouabain displacing compound was purified to a high degree using a combination of chromatographic procedures including reverse phase and gel filtration high performance liquid chromatography. This compound, a reversible inhibitor of [3H]ouabain binding, closely resembles ouabain in its polarity and significantly increases during saline infusion. Its molecular weight was estimated to be 343Da. Moreover, similar compound was consistently detected in other mammalian plasma.  相似文献   

Enterolactone, a lignan that has been identified in biological samples from man and several mammals, shares with ascorbic acid and cardiac glycosides a gamma-butyrolactone. It displaces 3H-ouabain from its binding sites on cardiac digitalis receptor and inhibits, dose dependently, the Na+, K+-ATPase activity of human and guinea-pig heart. The time dependence of this inhibition resembles that of dihydroouabain, a cardiac glycoside in which the lactone ring does not contain conjugated double bonds. The active concentrations of enterolactone as inhibitor of Na+,K+-ATPase are in the 10(-4) M range and, at those concentrations, the cross-reactivity with antidigoxin antibodies is low. Lignans may contribute to the putative digitalis-like activity found in tissues, blood and urine of several mammals including man.  相似文献   

Elements of a hypothesis that relate endogenous digitalis-like factors to both natriuretic hormone and hypertension are briefly reviewed. The stimulus for secretion of these factors appears to involve a tendency toward a state of extracellular fluid volume expansion as a consequence of an inherited or an acquired defect in renal function. Several studies implicate the brain and, in particular, the hypothalamus in the control of the secretion. The digitalis-like factors are thought to act by partial inhibition of active sodium transport, thereby promoting increased intracellular levels of Na+ and Ca2+ in a variety of cell types. In the kidney, inhibition of sodium transport leads to a compensatory natriuresis to correct the tendency for volume overload. In smooth muscle, the inhibition of sodium transport will indirectly increase intracellular calcium levels. The increased availability of Ca2+ will elevate muscle tone and increase peripheral vascular resistance. Also presented are criteria that may be used to characterize digitalis-like activity in samples and extracts obtained from purification procedures. Finally, we review our measurements of the 6-h integrated plasma levels of digitalis-like factors and other hormones for normotensive subjects and patients with essential hypertension. The data indicate the presence of two classes of digitalis-like factors with potentially different roles in electrolyte metabolism and hypertension.  相似文献   

Much of the evidence for a physiologically important endogenous inhibitor of the sodium pump has been either contradictory or indirect. We have identified three discrete fractions in desalted deproteinized plasma from normal humans that resemble the digitalis glycosides in that they: are of low molecular weight; are resistant to acid and enzymatic proteolysis; inhibit NaK-ATPase activity; inhibit Na+ pump activity in human erythrocytes; displace [3H]ouabain bound to the enzyme; and cross-react with high-affinity polyclonal and monoclonal digoxin-specific antibodies but not with anti-ouabain or anti-digitoxin antibodies. An additional fraction cross-reacted with digoxin-specific antibodies but had no detectable activity against NaK-ATPase. The three inhibitory fractions differed from cardiac glycosides in that their concentration-effect curves in a NaK-ATPase inhibition and [3H]ouabain radioreceptor assays were steeper than unlabeled ouabain. This suggests that these inhibitors are not simple competitive ligands for binding to NaK-ATPase. In the presence of sodium, no fraction required ATP for binding to NaK-ATPase, and in the presence of potassium, only one fraction had the reduced affinity for the enzyme that is characteristic of cardiac glycosides. Unlike digitalis, all three NaK-ATPase inhibitory fractions stimulated the activity of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase. The presence of at least three fractions in human plasma that inhibit NaK-ATPase and cross-react to a variable degree with different digoxin-specific antibody populations could explain much of the conflicting evidence for the existence of endogenous digitalis-like compounds in plasma.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1998,62(23):2109-2126
The biosynthesis of digitalis-like compounds (DLC) was determined in bovine and rat adrenal homogenates, as well as in primary rat adrenal cells, by following changes in the concentration of DLC using three independent sensitive bioassays: inhibition of [3H]-ouabain binding to red blood cells and competitive ouabain and bufalin ELISA. The amounts of DLC in bovine and rat adrenal homogenates, as measured by the two first bioassays, increased with time when the mixtures were incubated under tissue culture conditions. Rat primary adrenal cells were incubated in the presence of [1,2-3H]-25-hydroxycholesterol, [26,27-3H]-25-hydroxycholesterol or [7-3H]-pregnenolone. The radioactive products, as well as the digitalis-like activity, were fractionated by three sequential chromatography systems. When [1,2-3H]-25-hydroxycholesterol or [7-3H]-pregnenolone was added to the culture medium, the radioactivity was co-eluted with digitalis-like activity, suggesting that at least one of the DLC might originate in hydroxycholesterol. In contrast, when the culture medium was supplemented with [26,27-3H]-25-hydroxycholesterol, the radioactivity was not co-eluted with the digitalis-like activity, indicating that side chain cleavage is the first step in the synthesis of digitalis-like compounds by rat adrenal.  相似文献   

1. Endogenous digitalis-like activity was studied comparatively in four mammalian species: guinea pig, dog, cow and rat. 2. Water extracts were prepared from guinea pig, dog, cow and rat hearts and assayed by ouabain radioreceptorassay, digoxin radioimmunoassay and digitoxin radioimmunoassay. Extracts were further analysed by fractionation by gel permeation chromatography with Sephadex G-25. 3. A similar behaviour was observed with the four species in the three assays. Extracts displaced tritiated ouabain binding to its receptor and labeled digoxin analogue binding to antidigoxin antibodies in a competitive manner. Displacement of labeled digitoxin analogue to antidigitoxin antibodies did not follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics. IC50 ratios between assays were similar for the four species studied. 4. Extracts from the four species exhibited a similar pattern when fractionated with Sephadex G-25. Endogenous digoxin-like immunoreactivity eluted after the salts, suggesting that the active material is of a molecular weight of less than 1000. 5. Results suggest that a similar endogenous factor endowed with digitalis-like characteristics is present in all mammalian species.  相似文献   

A L Rauch  V M Buckalew 《Life sciences》1988,42(12):1189-1197
A circulating factor with digitalis-like activity has been proposed to play a role in the regulation of plasma volume. Lysophosphatidylcholine has been found to be active in many assays for digitalis-like activity. To examine the relationship between plasma digitalis-like activity and plasma lysophosphatidylcholine, the effect of plasma volume expansion with saline on the plasma levels of phospholipids and on the ability of delipidated extracts of plasma to displace tritiated ouabain from the digitalis receptor was determined. Lysophosphatidylcholine was elevated after 15, 30, and 120 minutes of volume expansion but was decreased at 60 minutes. Phosphatidylcholine was decreased at 15, 60, and 120 minutes. Plasma sphingomyelin was not altered at any time point. The ability of plasma to displace tritiated ouabain was increased only at the 60 minute time point. These results indicate that the increase in digitalis-like activity in volume expanded states is mediated by a combination of at least two factors, lysophosphatidylcholine and another factor whose digitalis-like activity is not related to the surfactant actions of a lipid.  相似文献   

Lee A  Lamb RN  Gong B  Schneider RP 《Biofouling》2000,15(1-3):207-220
The presence of humic substances in conditioning films deposited on solid surfaces from natural waters was investigated using electron impact (EI), chemical ionization (CI) and secondary ion time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFSIMS). EI and CI spectra of a freshwater sample from a pond in Centennial Park, Sydney, Australia, showed a high degree of similarity with spectra of humic acids purchased from Fluka and Sigma as well as with reference humic acid and fulvic acid from the International Humic Substances Society, suggesting that most of the organic matter in the pond water was of humic origin. All the complex electron impact mass spectra feature series of high-intensity ions separated by 14 Da or 18 Da, which can be attributed to CH(2) and OH(2) respectively. Thermal desorption profiles of all samples generated by EI and CI were qualitatively similar. The secondary desorption peaks were less well-defined in CI compared to EI. Positive ion thermal desorption profiles displayed a two-step ionisation, with a sharp and well-defined initial desorption peak at t~50s, followed by a broader desorption peak with a maximum intensity at t ~ 100 s post-heating. The Centennial Park natural organic matter (NOM) differed from the other humic fractions in having two additional broad desorption peaks between the two described previously, and a less-defined initial peak. Infrared spectroscopy showed that proteinaceous matter in the lake water was insignificant in comparison with functional groups indicative of humic substances. TOFSIMS characterization showed almost identical spectra for Aldrich humic acid and Centennial Park NOM in the high mass region of 2000 Da to 3000 Da. Each spectrum contains approximately 25 groups of ion peaks, separated by 74 Da from group to group. Each group is composed of 6 or 7 individual peaks. The spectral features are consistent with a macromolecular structure of humic acid where aromatic rings are joined to the macrostructure via aliphatic spacer molecules.  相似文献   

LTR retrotransposons may be important contributors to host gene evolution because they contain regulatory and coding signals. In an effort to assess the possible contribution of LTR retrotransposons to C. elegans gene evolution, we searched upstream and downstream of LTR retrotransposon sequences for the presence of predicted genes. Sixty-three percent of LTR retrotransposon sequences (79/124) are located within 1 kb of a gene or within gene boundaries. Most gene-retrotransposon associations were located along the chromosome arms. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that LTR retrotransposons have contributed to the structural and/or regulatory evolution of genes in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Intact secretory granules isolated from bovine adrenal medulla express tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity. Granule-associated TH sediments on continuous sucrose gradients with dopamine beta-hydroxylase, a marker for granule membranes, indicating that TH is associated with chromaffin granules. Membranes prepared from lysed granules retain TH, whereas granule contents are free of the enzyme. TH immunoreactivity was detected in granule membranes by immunoblot analysis using a polyclonal antiserum against TH. TH immunoreactivity cannot be removed from membranes by washes in high ionic strength buffers and is only partially removed from membranes by treatment with either urea or Na2CO3. TH can be removed from granule membranes by the detergents Nonidet P-40, Triton X-100, and 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate. Treatment of membranes with a phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C did not remove TH, ruling out the possibility of a glycosyl phosphatidyl anchor. Fractionation of granule membranes by temperature-induced phase separation in Triton X-114 revealed that TH is recovered in phases in which integral (detergent phase) and hydrophobic (phospholipid phase) membrane proteins are typically found. By contrast, TH from adrenal cytosol fractionated exclusively into the aqueous phase along with other soluble proteins. Digestion of granules with various protease enzymes revealed that TH is resistant to degradation, suggesting that the enzyme is embedded within membranes. TH becomes phosphorylated when intact granules are exposed to the catalytic subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, indicating that at least the N-terminal region of TH is exposed on the cytoplasmic surface of granules. These results establish that a fraction of TH is an integral component of bovine granule membranes. The association of TH with granule membranes may play a role in coordinating TH activity and catecholamine release.  相似文献   

Evidence for novel fate of Flk1+ progenitor: contribution to muscle lineage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flk1 is one of the specific cell surface receptors for vascular endothelial growth factor and one of the most specific markers highlighting the earliest stage of hematopoietic and vascular lineages. However, recent new evidence suggests that these Flk1(+) mesodermal progenitor cells also contribute to muscle lineages. All evidence is based on the experiments using in vitro differentiation and in vivo transplantation systems. Although this approach revealed a differentiation potential range of Flk1(+) cells that is wider than previously expected, it fails to determine whether Flk1(+) cells contribute to muscle lineage as part of the normal developmental process. To obtain direct evidence for the fate of Flk1(+) cells in development, we used a knock-in mouse line where Cre is expressed in Flk1(+) cells. Studies with these Cre lines provide direct evidence that Flk1(+) cells are progenitors for muscles, in addition to hematopoietic and vascular endothelial cells.  相似文献   

During leaf senescence, Rubisco is gradually degraded and its components are recycled within the plant. Although Rubisco can be mobilized to the vacuole by autophagy via specific autophagic bodies, the importance of this process in Rubisco degradation has not been shown directly. Here, we monitored Rubisco autophagy during leaf senescence by fusing synthetic green fluorescent protein (sGFP) or monomeric red fluorescent protein (mRFP) with Rubisco in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). When attached leaves were individually exposed to darkness to promote their senescence, the fluorescence of Rubisco‐sGFP was observed in the vacuolar lumen as well as chloroplasts. In addition, release of free‐sGFP due to the processing of Rubisco‐sGFP was observed in the vacuole of individually darkened leaves. This vacuolar transfer and processing of Rubisco‐sGFP was not observed in autophagy‐deficient atg5 mutants. Unlike sGFP, mRFP was resistant to proteolysis in the leaf vacuole of light‐grown plants. The vacuolar transfer and processing of Rubisco‐mRFP was observed at an early stage of natural leaf senescence and was also obvious in leaves naturally covered by other leaves. These results indicate that autophagy contributes substantially to Rubisco degradation during natural leaf senescence as well as dark‐promoted senescence.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that endogenous digitalis-like factor (DLF) is involved in the development of alcohol dependence in rats. In 33 male Wistar rats in conditioned place preference (CPP) experiment, ethanol evoked increase in time spent in the ethanol-associated compartment (702+/-82 in ethanol-treated vs. 426+/-86 sec in the controls). Digoxin pretreatment (125 microg/kg, i/p) did not affect the time spent in the water-associated compartment (476+/-80 sec), but prevented the acquisition of ethanol CPP (385+/-112 sec in ethanol-paired side, P<0.05). In a two bottle choice test, where rats (n=6 per group) chose between drinking water and 9% ethanol, immunization against two putative DLFs, marinobufagenin and ouabain (MBG and OLC) resulted in a 60% increase of ethanol consumption. Acute intragastric administration of 9% ethanol to the rats was associated with increased OLC in cerebrospinal fluid, and stimulated urinary excretion of MBG and OLC. Thus, in rats, digoxin, which mimics the effects of DLFs, suppresses the free choice of alcohol, while immunization against DLFs is associated with alcohol seeking behavior.  相似文献   

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