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A new zoarcid fish,Lycenchelys aurantiaca, is described on the basis of 10 specimens (86.3–135.8 mm SL) from depths of 500–700 m along the Pacific coast of northern Honshu, Japan. Although this species resemblesLycenchelys alta andL. squamosa in having a smaller number of vertebrae (85–88) and a rather short body, it is distinguished from them by the following characters: pectoral fin rays 13–16; preoperculomandibular pores 7 (4 mandibular pores+3 preopercular pores); reddish yellow body.  相似文献   

Phoronid larvae were found in planktonic samples from the northern coast of Terpeniya Bay. In some samples, their density was up to 220 specimens/m3. Larval stages having 10, 12, 16, 20, and 22 tentacles are described. Larvae were identified as Actinotrocha branchiata and belong to the species Phoronis muelleri Selys-Longchamps, 1903. However, unlike the Ph. muelleri larvae described in the literature, the larvae we found are smaller (not more than 900 μm) before metamorphosis and have fewer tentacles (24). They lack paired vacuolated diverticula of the stomach, which are characteristic of Ph. muelleri larvae. However, judging by all other characters, namely transparency, the absence of coelomic cylinder in the preoral lobe, and the presence of adult tentacle primordia, one pair of blood cell aggregations, and a pyriform organ, these larvae are similar to the previously described larvae of Ph. muelleri. Adult forms of Ph. muelleri were previously found in Terpeniya Bay and described by Mamkaev (1962) and Emig (1984).  相似文献   

Foraging-stage third-instar larvae from most wild-type (normal) Drosophila melanogaster stocks are generally repelled by light. To identify factors that affect the larval photoresponse, we elucidated the effects of age, temperature, and time on the photoresponse of larvae from a wild-type Canton-S stock. In addition, we analyzed the larvae from the LI2 isofemale line, which are unresponsive to light in a photoassay. To determine whether LI2 larvae behave abnormally on other behavioral paradigms, in comparison to Canton-S controls, we tested larvae in taste and olfactory assays and observed them to determine whether they dispersed in a food source. Like Canton-S larvae, LI2 larvae and other isofemale lines whose progenitors were collected from the same natural population are responsive to taste and olfactory stimuli. Moreover, LI2 larvae disperse in the food source, as do Canton-S larvae tested in the dark. Larvae expressing parasbl mutations, which respond normally to light but not to chemical stimuli, do not disperse normally in the food source, suggesting that dispersal may be mediated by perception of chemical cues.  相似文献   

A new jawfish,Stalix toyoshio, is described on the basis of three specimens (41.5–43.2 mm SL) collected from a depth of 77 m in the Tanegashima Straits, southern Kyushu, Japan. This species is distinguished from otherStalix by the following combination of characters: no stripes, blotches or spots on body and vertical fins; cephalic pores well developed; brown speckles on head; no pigmentation between the 4th mandibular pores on both sides; less pigmentation on anterior gular region; anterior two mandibular pores confluent; and 6th dorsal fin spine strongly forked.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of three rarely captured, nominal species of Indo-Pacific symphurine tonguefishes,Symphurus trifasciatus (Alcock, 1894),S. microrhynchus (Weber, 1913), andS. holothuriae Chabanaud, 1948, is resolved.Symphurus microrhynchus, previously known only from three specimens, is redescribed based on 12 specimens.Symphurus holothuriae, previously reported only from the holotype, is a junior subjective synonym ofS. microrhynchus. Symphurus trifasciatus is redescribed based on six specimens, including the lectotype designated in this study.Symphurus microrhynchus is distinguished from congeners by a combination of meristic features, head and opercle shape, dorsalfin position, and features of its pigmentation. The species occurs in relatively shallow tropical waters from Zanzibar through French Polynesia (the only reported occurrence of a shallow-waterSymphurus from a locality on the Pacific Plate), including Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, and northwestern Australia.Symphurus trifasciatus, known from deep waters along both coasts of the Indian subcontinent and adjacent waters, has an overall similarity in body shape and meristic features reminiscent of those inS. microrhynchus, but differs notably in having a longer and wider head, a distinctive opercle shape, number of scale rows on the head, and pigmentation pattern.  相似文献   

The responses of the larvae of the cirripede barnacle Peltogasterella gracilis (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Rhizocephala) that parasitizes the hermit crab Pagurus pectinatus to different combinations of seawater temperature (25, 22, 20, 16, and 12°C) and salinity (from 34 to 8) were studied in a laboratory. The nauplii of P. gracilis completed the entire cycle of development at 22 to 12°C in a narrow range of salinity (from 34 to 28), which agrees well with the environmental conditions of the crab hosts' habitat. At favorable temperatures (22–20°C) and salinity (34–28), the nauplii reached the cypris stage in 88 ± 2 h, while at 12°C and 34–30, the naupliar development took 156 ± 5 h. The cypris larvae appeared more resistant compared with the nauplii, in terms of changes in both the temperature and salinity of seawater. They actively swam at all experimental temperatures and in the salinity range of 34–18. At temperatures (22–16°C) and salinities (34–24) favorable for the cyprids, their longevity in plankton equaled 6–10 days. Thus, the nauplii of P. gracilis is the more vulnerable stage of development in the life cycle of this parasitic barnacle. The tolerance against changes in environmental factors is due to the adaptive capabilities of parasitic larvae and the environmental conditions in the habitats of its host, a typical marine crustacean. The insignificant parasitization rate of the hermit crab by its rhizocephalan parasite may be explained by the death of the nauplii of P. gracilis, which occurs when they enter to the surface water layer.  相似文献   

Three exterilium larvae (18.2 mm notochord length to 113.3 mm standard length) of an ophidiid, Lamprogrammus shcherbachevi, from the western North Pacific are described. The specimens had a highly specialized morph with a remarkably elongate trailing gut and ventral coracoid process, and many elongate anterior dorsal fin rays, as occur in other exterilium larvae, but were characterized by unique melanophore patterns (a cluster of melanophores on the back of the stalked pectoral fin base, a row of clusters midlaterally on the trunk and caudal region, and further clusters on the trailing gut). Although the largest specimen (113.3 mm standard length, much larger than the previously recorded maximum size of exterilium larvae) retained typical features of the exterilium stage, the ventral coracoid process was significantly reduced in size compared with that of a smaller specimen (37.8 mm standard length). Comparison of the largest specimen with an adult suggests that the anterior dorsal fin rays would disappear during the transformation stage.  相似文献   

The seasonal population size of planktonic larvae of mollusks of the soft-shell clam genus Mya were studied in Vostok Bay. The larvae occurred in plankton from the first third of June to early September. The highest density of larvae (279.7 ± 98.7 specimens/m3) was found in late June. In early July, larval numbers decreased sharply, and at the end of the first third of July, only single Mya larvae were found in the plankton. Another increase in larval population was observed in early and late August. The larvae varied in length from 175 to 325 m in June–July and from 150 to 250 m in August. It is likely that the larvae of two species of Mya, M. arenaria and M. uzenensis, are present in the plankton of Vostok Bay.  相似文献   

Interactions among the unattached red alga Gracilaria gracilis, the dominant species of an algal community, and associated algal species Chaetomorpha linum, Enteromorpha prolifera f. prolifera, and Polysiphonia sp. were studied during and after an algal bloom. It was shown that during their bloom the associated algae Enteromorpha and Polysiphonia sp. significantly decreased the photosynthetic rate of G. gracilis but did not affect its growth rate. It is suggested that the inhibition of Gracilaria gracilis photosynthesis is connected to the impact of extracellular metabolites excreted by Chaetomorpha linum, Enteromorpha prolifera f. prolifera, and Polysiphonia sp. In laboratory experiments, the photosynthetic rate of the associated species was enhanced in the presence of Gracilaria. However, no significant alterations were observed in the content of chlorophyll a, growth, and the dark respiration rates of associated algae when they were kept together with Gracilaria. It was suggested that allelopathic interactions observed among algal species during the formation of the monospecific Gracilaria community, as well as during algal blooms, are not determinative.  相似文献   

Juveniles ofArtediellus neyelovi are described on the basis of 24 specimens (8.3–23.6 mm SL) from Hokkaido, Japan. All medial and paired fins were completely developed in all specimens. The smallest specimen (8.3 mm SL) had a slender elongated suborbital stay similar to that of adults. Specimens 8.3–10.1 mm SL had 4 preopercular spines, cirri absent on the head and body, except a very small supraorbital cirrus, and sensory canals comprising open grooves restricted to the head surface. Specimens 14.1–20.0 mm SL had complete cephalic sensory canals, and the 2nd and 3rd preopercular spines reduced. Specimens 20.8–23.6 mm SL had a nearly complete lateral line canal and exhibited most specific diagnostic characters except some cephalic cirri. The anterior 3 neural arches on both sides were separate at 8.3 mm SL, but had become fused (except for the anteriormost) at 14.3 mm SL. The anteriormost arch was not fused in an adult, 71.3 mm SL. Some juveniles had very reduced bony plates under the skin anterodorsally on the body, which were not present in adults.  相似文献   

Genetic differences between trilinear and dilinear forms of a tongue sole, Cynoglossus interruptus, were examined by use of isozymes. Unequivocal differences were detected between the two forms, including complete replacement of alleles at the FBALD-2*, MDH-3*, PROT-1*, and SOD-1* loci, almost complete replacement at the AAT-3*, AH-1*, AH-2*, EST-3*, G3PDH-3*, GPI-2*, IDHP-1*, and MDH-1* loci, and extreme differences in allelic frequencies at the GPI-1* and PGDH* loci. The genetic distances (D values) between the two forms were 0.4207–0.4353, figures predicatively significant at the specific level. The considerable genetic differences strongly suggested that the two forms represent distinct species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The larval and juvenile stages of kitsune-mebaru,Sebastes vulpes, based on 50 wild specimens collected in, the Sea of Japan, are described and illustrated, and some ecological aspects of the early life history (feeding, horizonal distribution and habitat shift) included. Preflexion larvae became extruded between 3.9–4.6 mm body length (BL) and notochord flexion occurred between 4.7–7.1 mm BL. Transformation from postflexion larvae to pelagic juventiles occurred between 13–17 mm BL. Compared with other rockfish species,S. vulpes is deep-bodied, throughout both larval and, juvenile stages. Larval and juvenileS. vulpes inhabit mainly coastal water surface layer (usually on the continental shelf), but do not occur offshore region (northwest of Oki Islands). Although someS. vulpes juveniles are associated with drifting seaweed, such clumps are not indispensable habitats for any stages. Surface-to-benthie migration of juveniles occurs at about 25 mm BL. Preflexion and flexion larvae feed mainly on copepod nauplii, and postflexion, transforming larvae and pelagic juveniles mainly on calanoid copepodites (Parracalanus parvus).  相似文献   

Symphurus hondoensis Hubbs, 1915, originally described only from the holotype taken in 390–542 m in Suruga Bay Japan, has long been considered a junior synonym ofS. strictus Gilbert, 1905, known from waters off Hawaii, Japan, the Philippine Islands, and South Africa. Based on new information from the holotype and a specimen recently captured from deep waters (789–815 m) off Amami-Oshima Island, southern Japan,S. hondoensis is now established as a valid species.Symphurus hondoensis is unique among congeners in having the combination of a 1–2–3 pattern of interdigitation of proximal dorsal pterygiophores and neural spines, 10 abdominal vertebrae, 14 caudalfin rays, 111–113 dorsal-fin rays, 95 anal-fin rays, 59 total vertebrae, 105–106 scales in longitudinal series, blind side nearly as darkly pigmented as the ocular surface, and a black peritoneum. Recognition ofS. hondoensis increases the number of described species ofSymphurus in waters off Japan to three (S. orientalis Bleeker,S. strictus, andS. hondoensis), with at least one more underscribed species occurring in deepwater hydrothermal vent areas off southern Japan.  相似文献   

The occurrence of endophytic fungi in fennel, lettuce, chicory, and celery crops was investigated in southern Italy. A total of 186 symptomless plants was randomly collected and sampled at the stage of commercial ripeness. Fungal species of Acremonium, Alternaria, Fusarium, and Plectosporium were detected in all four crops; Plectosporium tabacinum was the most common in all crop species and surveyed sites. The effect of eight endophytic isolates (five belonging to Plectosporium tabacinum and three to three species of Acremonium) inoculated on lettuce plants grown in gnotobiosis was assessed by recording plant height, root length and dry weight, collar diameter, root necrosis, and leaf yellowing. P. tabacinum and three species of Acremonium, inoculated on gnotobiotically grown lettuce plants, showed pathogenic activity that varied with the fungal isolate. Lettuce plants inoculated with the isolates Ak of Acremonium kiliense, Ac of Acremonium cucurbitacearum, and P35 of P. tabacinum showed an increased root growth, compared to the non-inoculated control. The high frequency of P. tabacinum isolation recorded in lettuce plants collected in Bari and Metaponto, and in fennel plants from Foggia agricultural districts, suggests a relationship not only between a crop species and P. tabacinum, but also between the occurrence of the endophyte and the crop rotation history of the soil.  相似文献   

To clarify the natural diet of phyllosoma larvae of the Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus, the sources of 18S rDNA clones obtained from the hepatopancreas were investigated. Of a total of 1537 clones examined, 160 had different restriction profiles from the host larvae, in which 21 restriction types were observed. Nucleotide sequences of 16 of 21 restriction types were successfully determined and their assignments were investigated by homology search and phylogenetic analysis. From seven late-stage larvae collected in spring to early summer, eukaryote DNA molecules of Teleostei, Oomycetes, Mycetozoa, and Fungi were identified. Exogenous DNA from four younger phyllosoma larvae collected in late autumn could not be recovered. A previous study identified DNAs of cnidarians and urochordates in late-stage phyllosoma larvae of a closely related species collected in winter. This indicates that the phyllosoma larvae are opportunistic carnivores, whose diets correlate with the relative abundance of prey organisms in the ambient water.  相似文献   

The phenology, reproductive cycle and cone crop of two sympatric subspecies ofJuniperus phoenicea (Cupressaceae) were studied during three consecutive years in southern Spain. The flowering pattern of each subspecies was constant during this period: inJ. phoenicea subsp.turbinata flowering was always in October–November, whileJ. phoenicea subsp.phoenicea flowered in February–March. There was no overlap between the flowering periods of the two taxa. The reproductive cycle of the two subspecies was similar, though there were some important differences because of their flowering times. Male cone development in both subspecies occurred in autumn, but the male cones ofJ. phoenicea subsp.phoenicea did not shed pollen until the end of February. InJ. phoenicea subsp.turbinata, the gap between pollination and fertilisation was seven months while inJ. phoenicea subsp.phoenicea it was only three months, fertilisation taking place at the same time in the two taxa. Post-fertilisation events were similar in the two subspecies, leading to a cycle of two years inJ. phoenicea subsp.turbinata and a shorter one of about 20 months inJ. phoenicea subsp.phoenicea. Alternating good and slight seed cone crops were found in both taxa during the three years studied, the good crops of one subspecies coinciding with the slight crops of the other one. Although the proximity of the two subspecies and method of pollination could make hybridisation between the taxa possible, the different flowering seasons prevent hybridisation isolating them reproductively.  相似文献   

Molecular Detection of Marine Invertebrate Larvae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ecological patterns of many invertebrate larvae remain an ongoing mystery, in large part owing to the difficult task of detecting them in the water column. The development of nucleic-acid–based technology has the potential to resolve this issue by direct identification and monitoring of embryonic and larval forms in situ. We report herein on the successful development and application of nucleic-acid–based sandwich hybridization assays that detect barnacles using rRNA-targeted probes with both group-(order Thoracica) and species-(Balanus glandula) specificity. Primary results include the determination of target 18S rRNA sequences and the construction of “capture” probes for detection of larvae using hybridization techniques. In addition, we modified existing protocols for whole cell hybridization of invertebrate larvae as confirmation of the sandwich hybridization results. We used both hybridization techniques successfully in the laboratory on a plankton time series collected over 3 months, as well as a week-long in situ deployment of the technique in Monterey Bay, CA. The adaptability of this technology promises to be further applicable to various organisms and could be used to enhance our understanding of larval presence in the world's oceans.  相似文献   

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