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T J Blake  K G Heath    W Y Langdon 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(5):2017-2026
The v-cbl oncogene is the transforming gene of the murine Cas NS-1 retrovirus which induces pre-B cell lymphomas and myeloid leukaemias. Sequencing of c-cbl has revealed that v-cbl was generated by a large truncation that removed 60% of the C-terminus of the corresponding protein. In this study we prepared antibodies to cbl and found that c-cbl encodes a 120 kDa protein which is localized in the cytoplasm with a cytosolic and cytoskeletal distribution. Immunofluorescence studies show a striking pattern of brightly staining vesicles in mitotic cells similar to that observed with cytokeratin antibodies. In contrast to p120c-cbl, which is exclusively cytoplasmic, the p100gag-v-cbl encoded by Cas NS-1 is localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus. This redistribution to the nucleus correlates with the ability of cbl to induce acute transformation. Furthermore the truncated protein encoded by v-cbl can bind DNA, unlike the full-length protein. These results suggest that the C-terminus of cbl is involved in the retention of p120c-cbl in the cytoplasm and the inhibition of DNA binding. The findings also suggest that a truncated protein encoded by c-cbl exists in the nucleus of normal cells.  相似文献   

We isolated a series of monoclonal antibodies which were raised against a bacterially expressed protein, bp37v-myb, and coded for by part of the avian v-myb gene. These monoclonal antibodies recognized a range of antigenic specificities on bp37v-myb, and this was reflected in their differing specificities for the gene products of the v-myb, c-myb, and E26 viral oncogenes. One monoclonal antibody recognized, in addition to the v-myb and c-myb gene products, a conserved nuclear protein found in all tested cells. We describe the characterization of these monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

The inherited chromosomal instability disorder Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) results from truncating mutations in the NBS1 gene, which encodes the protein nibrin. Nibrin is part of a nuclear multiprotein complex that also contains the DNA repair proteins Mre11 and Rad50. Upon irradiation, this complex redistributes within the nucleus, forming distinct foci that have been implicated as sites of DNA repair. In NBS cells, nibrin is absent and Mre11 and Rad50 are cytoplasmic. In this study, the interacting domains on nibrin and Mre11 were mapped using the yeast two-hybrid system and expression of epitope-tagged constructs in NBS fibroblasts. Deletion of the carboxy-terminal 101 amino acids of nibrin eliminated its ability to interact with Mre11 and to complement the radiation sensitivity of NBS cells. However, this truncated form of nibrin could localize to the nucleus and form radiation-inducible foci. Expression of a carboxy-terminal 354-amino-acid fragment of nibrin was sufficient to direct the nuclear localization of nibrin, as well as that of Mre11 and Rad50. Despite providing some partial complementation of the radiation-sensitive phenotype, the nibrin-Mre11-Rad50 complexes in these cells were unable to form foci. These results indicate that nibrin directs not only the nuclear localization of the nibrin-Mre11-Rad50 complexes but also radiation-induced focus formation. However, direct interaction between nibrin and Mre11 is required for normal cellular survival postirradiation. Distinct domains of nibrin are required for each of these functions, focus formation, nuclear localization, and Mre11 interaction.  相似文献   

BCR-ABL is a deregulated tyrosine kinase expressed in Philadelphia chromosome-positive human leukemias. Prolongation of hematopoietic cell survival by inhibition of apoptosis has been proposed to be an integral component of BCR-ABL-induced chronic myelogenous leukemia. BCR-ABL elicits transformation of both fibroblast and hematopoietic cells and blocks apoptosis following cytokine deprivation in various factor-dependent cells. To elucidate the mechanisms whereby BCR-ABL induces transformation and blocks apoptosis in hematopoietic cells, we examined the biological effects of expression of a series of BCR-ABL mutants. Single amino acid substitutions in the GRB2 binding site (Y177F), Src homology 2 domain (R552L), or an autophosphorylation site in the tyrosine kinase domain (Y793F) do not diminish the antiapoptotic and transforming properties of BCR-ABL in hematopoietic cells, although these mutations were previously shown to drastically reduce the transforming activity of BCR-ABL in fibroblasts. A BCR-ABL molecule containing all three mutations (Y177F/R552L/Y793F) exhibits a severe decrease in transforming and antiapoptotic activities compared with the wild-type BCR-ABL protein in 32D myeloid progenitor cells. Ras is activated, the SHC adapter protein is tyrosine phosphorylated and binds GRB2, and myc mRNA levels are increased following expression of all kinase active BCR-ABL proteins with the exception of the Y177F/R552L/Y793F BCR-ABL mutant in 32D cells. We propose that BCR-ABL uses multiple pathways to activate Ras in hematopoietic cells and that this activation is necessary for the transforming and antiapoptotic activities of BCR-ABL. However, Ras activation is not sufficient for BCR-ABL-mediated transformation. A BCR-ABL deletion mutant (delta 176-427) that activates Ras and blocks apoptosis but has severely impaired transforming ability in 32D cells has been identified. These data suggest that BCR-ABL requires additional signaling components to elicit tumorigenic growth which are distinct from those required to block apoptosis.  相似文献   

We have investigated the protein domains responsible for the correct subcellular targeting of plant seed oleosins. We have attempted to study this targeting in vivo using "tagged" oleosins in transgenic plants. Different constructs were prepared lacking gene sequences encoding one of three structural domains of natural oleosins. Each was fused in frame to the Escherichia coli uid A gene encoding beta-glucuronidase (GUS). These constructs were introduced into Brassica napus using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. GUS activity was measured in washed oil bodies and in the soluble protein fraction of the transgenic seeds. It was found that complete Arabidopsis oleosin-GUS fusions undergo correct subcellular targeting in transgenic Brassica seeds. Removal of the C-terminal domain of the Arabidopsis oleosin comprising the last 48 amino acids had no effect on overall subcellular targeting. In contrast, loss of the first 47 amino acids (N terminus) or amino acids 48 to 113 (which make up a lipophilic core) resulted in impaired targeting of the fusion protein to the oil bodies and greatly reduced accumulation of the fusion protein. Northern blotting revealed that this reduction is not due to differences in mRNA accumulation. Results from these measurements indicated that both the N-terminal and central oleosin domain are important for targeting to the oil body and show that there is a direct correlation between the inability to target to the oil body and protein stability.  相似文献   

Analogues of d-glucose modified at C-3, and in some cases at a second position, were prepared and tested for active accumulation by everted segments of hamster intestine. Their relative affinity for the sugar carrier was measured by tissue/medium ratio, Michaelis-Menten kinetics and competitive inhibition of d-galactose or methyl alpha-d-glucoside transport. d-Glucose and its 3-deoxy-3-fluoro, 3-chloro-3-deoxy and to a smaller extent its 3-bromo-3-deoxy derivatives, bound and were transported more strongly than 3-deoxy-d-glucose and other sugars not containing an electronegative atom in the gluco configuration at C-3. 3-Deoxy-d-galactose, 3,6-dideoxy-d-glucose and d-gulose, which have two alterations from the d-glucose structure, were not, or only very weakly, transported. The results are interpreted as indicating the presence of a hydrogen bond from the carrier to the hydroxyl group at C-3 of d-glucose. Spatial requirements are also discussed. New syntheses are reported for 3-chloro-3-deoxy- and 3-bromo-3-deoxy-d-glucose and 3,6-dideoxy-d-glucose.  相似文献   

The avian erythroblastosis virus v-erbA locus potentiates the oncogenic transformation of erythroid and fibroblast cells and is derived from a host cell gene encoding a thyroid hormone receptor. We report here the use of site-directed mutagenesis to identify and characterize functional domains within the v-erbA protein. Genetic lesions introduced into a putative hinge region or at the extreme C-terminus of the v-erbA coding domain had no significant effect on the biological activity of this polypeptide. In contrast, mutations introduced within the cysteine-lysine-arginine-rich center of the v-erbA coding region, a DNA-binding domain in the thyroid and steroid hormone receptors, abolished or severely compromised the ability of the viral protein to function. Our results suggest that the mechanism of action of the v-erbA protein in establishing the neoplastic phenotype is closely related to its ability to interact with DNA, presumably thereby altering expression of host target genes by either mimicking or interfering with the action of the normal c-erbA gene product.  相似文献   

The molecular aspects of the microtubule system is a research area that has developed very rapidly during the past decade. Research on the assembly mechanisms and chemistry of tubulin and the molecular biology of microtubules have advanced our understanding of microtubule formation and its regulation. The emerging view of tubulin is of a macromolecule containing spatially discrete sequences that constitute functionally different domains with respect to self-association, interactions with microtubule associated proteins (MAPs) and specific ligands. Recent studies point to the role of the carboxyl-terminal moiety of tubulin subunits in regulating its assembly into microtubules. These investigations combined with further studies on the spatial relationships between tubulin domains should provide new insights into the detailed structural basis of microtubule assembly.  相似文献   

A striking difference in structure can be revealed between the nuclear matrix isolated from the macronuclei of normal Tetrahymena cells and the nuclear matrix of cells pretreated with 50 μg/ml actinomycin D for 2 h. The latter matrix-type shows residual giant fusion-nucleoli, which are formed in the macronuclei of actinomycin-treated cells. Both nuclear matrix types, however, exhibit an identical qualitative protein pattern in 15% SDS-gel electrophoretograms, with only minor changes in the staining properties of a few peptides. These data support the view that the nuclear matrix represents the residual equivalent to an in situ existing nuclear protein framework, which must be regarded not as a rigid, but rather as a dynamic flexible framework.  相似文献   

The effects of eleven quassinoids on Rous sarcoma virus induced cell transformation and on growth of normal cells were examined. At concentrations of 0.15-1 μg/ml they inhibited foci formation (76–99 %) without toxic effects on normal cells. The most active compounds also affected virus production by transformed cells. In intact normal and transformed cells, protein and DNA synthesis was equally affected after 3 hours of exposure to quassinoids of both cell types. RNA synthesis was not inhibited. This study has shown that the structural requirement of a C-15 ester in the quassinoids for antileukemic activity in vitro and in vivo is not essential for their antitransforming activity.  相似文献   

The protein encoded by the proto-oncogene c-fos is constitutively nuclear in most cell types analyzed. It has a predicted molecular weight of about 55 kDa. Proteins with a molecular weight above 40 kDa cannot enter the nucleus passively. Our interest was to study which regions in the protein are involved in the nuclear transport. We prepared a series of deletions and point mutations of the protein and cloned the mutated genes into a eukaryotic expression vector. Cos-1 cells were used to express the mutants transiently. Using indirect immunofluorescence we studied the subcellular localization, analyzing the percentage of cells containing the protein in the nucleus, the cytoplasm, or both locations. Our studies showed that the Fos protein contains several regions which can act independently to translocate the protein into the nucleus.  相似文献   

The molecular features of 19 synthetic substrates and ground-state analogues of cycloeucalenol, the natural substrate of cycloeucalenol - obtusifoliol isomerase, a membrane-bound enzyme specific to higher plants, and of 9 synthetic carbocationic analogues of the high-energy intermediate occurring during the reaction catalyzed by the isomerase, were related to their ability to be transformed by this enzyme (catalytical competence) and their potency as inhibitors of this enzyme. With substrates and ground-state analogues it has been possible to determine at least two critical domains: significant binding requires the presence of the 3 beta-hydroxyl group on the ring A with the correct stereochemistry together with absence of a 4 beta-methyl group. Moreover initial enzyme-substrate interaction appears to be dependent upon the accessibility of the 3 beta-oxygen. Substitutions on the ring B do not preclude binding whereas they are of great influence on substrate transformation. Modifications of the ring A and other modifications suggest that ground-state and high-energy intermediate analogues bind two different conformations of the isomerase active site.  相似文献   

J I Cohen  F Wang    E Kieff 《Journal of virology》1991,65(5):2545-2554
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear protein 2 (EBNA-2) is essential for B-lymphocyte growth transformation. EBNA-2 transactivates expression of the EBV latent membrane protein (LMP-1) and also transactivates expression of the B-lymphocyte proteins CD21 and CD23. In order to analyze the functional domains of EBNA-2, we constructed 11 linker-insertion and 15 deletion mutations. Each of the mutant EBNA-2 proteins localized to the nucleus, and each was expressed at levels similar to wild-type EBNA-2. Deletion of both EBNA-2 basic domains was required to prevent nuclear localization, indicating that either is sufficient for nuclear translocation. The mutant EBNA-2 genes were assayed for lymphocyte transformation after recombination with the EBNA-2-deleted P3HR-1 EBV genome and for LMP-1 transactivation following transfection into P3HR-1-infected B-lymphoma cells. Cell lines transformed by recombinant EBV carrying EBNA-2 mutations were assayed for growth properties and LMP-1, CD21, and CD23 expression. The mutational analysis indicates that at least four separate EBNA-2 domains are essential for lymphocyte transformation. Two other domains are necessary for the full transforming phenotype. Two deletion and eight linker-insertion mutations did not reduce transforming activity. Mutations which diminish or abolish lymphocyte transformation also diminish or abolish LMP-1 transactivation, respectively. Cells transformed by recombinant EBV carrying EBNA-2 genes with diminished or normal transforming activity all expressed high levels of LMP-1, CD23, and CD21. These findings suggest that transactivation of these viral and cellular genes by EBNA-2 plays a critical role in lymphocyte transformation by EBV. Furthermore, these results indicate that the transformation and transactivation functions of EBNA-2 may not be separable.  相似文献   

Human tumour necrosis factors (hTNFs) alpha and beta are related pleiotropic cytokines which share many activities and compete with each other for binding to two receptor components on many cell types. Although structural and biological data indicate that the active form of hTNF-alpha may be a symmetrical trimer, the manner in which hTNFs interact with their receptors to trigger a myriad of cell type-dependent responses is not clear. A combination of chemical modification, epitope mapping and site-directed mutagenesis approaches suggest that at least four distinct peptide sequences are important for the biological activity of hTNF-alpha. In particular, certain peptide sequences between amino acid positions 11 and 35 in hTNF-alpha appear to be critical for receptor binding and triggering biological responses. The recent cloning of the two hTNF-alpha/beta receptors opens the way for precise mapping of the functional domains in hTNFs.  相似文献   

Structural dynamics and functional domains of the fur protein   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
M Coy  J B Neilands 《Biochemistry》1991,30(33):8201-8210
Proteolytic enzymes were used to detect metal-induced conformational changes in the ferric uptake regulation (Fur) protein of Escherichia coli K12. Metal binding results in enhanced cleavage of the N-terminal region of Fur by trypsin and chymotrypsin. Activation of both trypsinolysis sensitivity and DNA binding have similar metal ion specificity and concentration dependencies, suggesting that the conformational change detected is required for operator DNA binding. Isolation and characterization of biochemically generated fragments of Fur as well as other data indicate that the N-terminal region is necessary for the interaction of the repressor with DNA and that a C-terminal domain is sufficient for binding to metal ions.  相似文献   

Nucleocytoplasmic transport occurs through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) whose complex architecture is generated from a set of only approximately 30 proteins, termed nucleoporins. Here, we explore the domain structure of Nup133, a nucleoporin in a conserved NPC subcomplex that is crucial for NPC biogenesis and is believed to form part of the NPC scaffold. We show that human Nup133 contains two domains: a COOH-terminal domain responsible for its interaction with its subcomplex through Nup107; and an NH2-terminal domain whose crystal structure reveals a seven-bladed beta-propeller. The surface properties and conservation of the Nup133 beta-propeller suggest it may mediate multiple interactions with other proteins. Other beta-propellers are predicted in a third of all nucleoporins. These and several other repeat-based motifs appear to be major elements of nucleoporins, indicating a level of structural repetition that may conceptually simplify the assembly and disassembly of this huge protein complex.  相似文献   

Amassin-1 mediates a rapid cell adhesion that tightly adheres sea urchin coelomocytes (body cavity immunocytes) together. Three major structural regions exist in amassin-1: a short beta region, 3 coiled coils, and an olfactomedin domain. Amassin-1 contains 8 disulfide-bonded cysteines that, upon reduction, render it inactive. Truncated forms of recombinant amassin-1 were expressed and purified from Pichia pastoris and their disulfide bonding and biological activities investigated. Expressed alone, the olfactomedin domain contained 2 intramolecular disulfide bonds, existed in a monomeric state, and inhibited amassin-1-mediated clotting of coelomocytes by a calcium-dependent cell-binding activity. The N-terminal beta region, containing 3 cysteines, was not required for clotting activity. The coiled coils may dimerize amassin-1 in a parallel orientation through a homodimerizing disulfide bond. Neither amassin-1 fragments that were disulfide-linked as dimers or that were engineered to exist as dimers induced coelomocytes clotting. Clotting required higher multimeric states of amassin-1, possibly tetramers, which occurred through the N-terminal beta region and (or) the first segment of coiled coils.  相似文献   

The presecretory protein preprocecropinA (which comprises 64 amino acid residues) as well as a synthetic hybrid between preprocecropinA and dihydrofolate reductase (which comprises 252 amino acid residues) are processed by and transported into mammalian microsomes. Transport of both precursor proteins can take place cotranslationally, i.e. with the aid of ribosome and signal recognition particle, or posttranslationally, i.e. independently of these ribonucleoparticles (RNPs). We investigated the role of the precursor structure with respect to competence for RNP-independent transport by constructing deletion mutants and hybrid proteins. The results demonstrate that the signal peptide is essential for RNP-independent transport. Furthermore, the signal peptide is sufficient for translocation of preprocecropinA derivatives up to 85 amino acid residues in size. However, the conformation of the precursor protein is decisive in the case of larger hybrid proteins.  相似文献   

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