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Abstract. The behaviour of Heliothis virescens males flying upwind in the field in a sex pheromone plume was videorecorded and analysed. Males flew faster and straighter, with less counterturning, and heading more directly into the wind when they were 9-11m away from the odour source than when they were 1–3 m away. Regardless of their distance from the source or the windspeed, they maintained an average groundspeed of c. 200 cm s_1, except when they arrived within 1 m of the source, when their groundspeed slowed significantly. Two or more males flying in the plume at the same instant often exhibited either extremely straight and directly upwind tracks or else zigzagging tracks with significant counterturning (as did males flying through the field of view of the cameras at slighdy different times). The males' position, either in the centre of the plume's axis or along one side, might explain these differences in track straightness, which previous studies with H.virescens have shown to be caused by higher frequencies of contact with plume filaments. When a significant shift in wind direction occurred, males tended to make an initial movement in the direction of the shift, perhaps due to latencies of response in both the olfactory and visual systems associated with flying into clean air. The males' behaviour in the field overall was similar to that observed in the wind tunnel, except that their airspeeds and groundspeeds were significantly higher than those observed in the laboratory. The fact that they flew faster in the field can be explained both by the significandy higher windspeeds that males need to compensate for in the field to attain a preferred velocity of image motion, as well as by a higher height of flight over the ground in die field causing a slower apparent motion of images at a given groundspeed compared with the laboratory.  相似文献   

Physiology of interspecific chemical communication in Heliothis moths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Electroantennograms were recorded from the antennae of adult male and female corn earworms, Heliothis zea (Boddie). A total of seventeen female moth sex pheromone components from several species were tested. Of these, two components elicited significantly greater responses than the other fifteen. These were (Z)-11-hexadecenal, a conspecific component, and (Z)-9-tetradecenal, a component found in the pheromone blend of a sympatric species H.virescens (F.) that inhibits attraction of H.zea males. The results from dose-response and selective adaptation studies indicate that there are separate populations of receptors for these two chemical signals on the antenna of male H.zea. The more sensitive population is selective for (Z)-11-hexadecenal, while the less sensitive one responds to (Z)-9-tetradecenal. These findings provide a physiological basis by which H.zea males can distinguish the interspecific repellent from the conspecific pheromone blend. It is likely that this discrimination contributes to reproductive isolation between these two species.  相似文献   

Abstract .Unilaterally antennectomized Heliothis virescens (F.) males flying close to the central axis of a plume of sex pheromone display no significant differences in behaviour compared to sham-operated males in course angles, track angles, airspeed and groundspeed. This demonstrates that right/left antennal information is not necessary for normal orientation movements in response to pheromone, but rather that it is 'blended' within the moth's central nervous system before pheromone-mediated manoeuvres are made. However, some unilaterally antennectomized moths (36%) make repetitive, asymmetrical, saw-tooth-shaped tracks during pheromone-mediated upwind progress, whereas control moths never make such tracks. Unilaterally antennectomized moths made such tracks on the side of the plume contralateral to the missing antenna. We hypothesize that these occasional asymmetrical tracks in unilaterally ablated males are the result of reiterative asymmetrical pheromone stimulation of a higher probability on track legs going toward rather than away from the long axis of the plume on males with a single antenna remaining on the 'away from axis' side. Combined with a greater propensity for treated moths to lock onto the plume away from the central axis on one side rather than the other, repetitive successive asymmetrical track legs (resulting in a saw-tooth-shaped track) are commonly observed in these moths. Control moths do also make asymmetric successive track legs but they rarely are repeated and thus are not readily observed.  相似文献   

Abstract Pheromone production in virgin females of Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) peaked between the fourth and seventh hours of scotophase on the second, third, fourth and fifth days following eclosion. The highest peak (186 ng) occurred on day 3 after eclosion. Z-11-Hexadecenal comprised the highest proportion of seven components in the pheromone glands. Disproportionately higher amounts of hexadecanal and Z-11-hexadecenol occurred during photo-phase and other periods when low quantities of total pheromone were recorded.
Mating suppressed pheromone production which remained low until 48 h after mating. Coupling females with males mated three times previously or with 6-day-old males was less effective in causing a drop in pheromone content which peaked again 24 h after mating. This suggests the transfer of a male factor, a pheromonostatic factor, that suppresses pheromone production in mated females and that the factor from older and previously mated males is less effective.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine whether adult males of Heliothis virescens transfer juvenile hormone (JH) to females during copulation, and an in vitro radiochemical assay was used to determine whether mating causes an allatotropic effect, i.e., stimulation of JH biosynthesis by corpora allata (CA). In vitro, CA from 3-day-old mated females synthesized and released approximately 2.5 times total JH as that of CA from comparably aged virgin females. Of the homologues, JH II exhibited significant increase in mated females; JH I also increased but not significantly. JH III remained similar to that of virgin females. This is the first demonstration of an allatotropic effect of mating in moths. In contrast to the female, CA of virgin males did not produce any JH, but accessory sex glands (ASG) in 3-day-old males synthesized small amounts of JH. Immediately after adult emergence, male ASG contained approximately 1.5 ng JH I and II, which increased by 12 h after emergence and remained at this high level up to 54 h after emergence. JH III was barely detected in ASG. JH in ASG of mated male immediately after uncoupling was depleted almost completely, and 24 h later recovered to levels comparable to that of 54-h-old virgin male. Virgin female bursa copulatrix did not contain any JH, but mated female bursa, immediately after uncoupling, had JH at levels comparable to that observed in virgin male ASG. By 6 h after uncoupling, JH levels decreased dramatically in mated female bursa. These data suggest the transfer of JH to females by the male. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 38:100–107, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. Females of the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens F. mate more than once. Thus, sperm from two or more males normally compete for fertilisations within the female reproductive tract. The eggs are typically fertilised by sperm from only one male, either the female's last mate or an earlier mate. Twice‐mated females store only one ejaculate's worth of fertilising sperm (eupyrene) but nearly two ejaculates' worth of a nonfertilising sperm morph (apyrene), which is thought to play a role in sperm competition. 2. The mechanism of sperm use in H. virescens was investigated by examining factors that vary with paternity, which was assigned based on allozyme variation. The factors included male and female body masses and ages, male genital characters, the size of the sperm package, and the number of sperm stored by the female. 3. One male typically gained sperm precedence; this was nearly twice as likely to be the second male as it was to be the first. Two factors were found to vary significantly with paternity: female mass and male age. The second male to mate was more likely to gain sperm precedence if the female was larger and if the male was older than the female's first mate. 4. The significance of male age and female mass to several hypothetical models of the mechanism of sperm use is discussed.  相似文献   

Sex pheromones of many moth species have relatively simple structures consisting of a hydrocarbon chain with a functional group and one to several double bonds. These sex pheromones are derived from fatty acids through specific biosynthetic pathways. We investigated the incorporation of deuterium-labeled tetradecanoic, hexadecanoic, and octadecanoic acid precursors into pheromone components of Heliothis subflexa and Heliothis virescens. The two species utilize (Z)11-hexadecenal as the major pheromone component, which is produced by Delta11 desaturation of hexadecanoic acid. H. subflexa also produced (Z)11-hexadecanol and (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate via Delta11 desaturation. In H. subflexa, octadecanoic acid was used to biosynthesize the minor pheromone components (Z)9-hexadecenal, (Z)9-hexadecenol, and (Z)9-hexadecenyl acetate. These minor components are produced by Delta11 desaturation of octadecanoic acid followed by one round of chain-shortening. In contrast, H. virescens used hexadecanoic acid as a substrate to form (Z)11-hexadecenal and (Z)11-hexadecenol and hexadecenal. H. virescens also produced (Z)9-tetradecenal by Delta11 desaturation of the hexadecanoic acid followed by one round of chain-shortening and reduction. Tetradecanoic acid was not utilized as a precursor to form Z9-14:Ald in H. virescens. This labeling pattern indicates that the Delta11 desaturase is the only active desaturase present in the pheromone gland cells of both species.  相似文献   

Variability within sex pheromone signalling systems is generally believed to be low because of strong stabilizing selection; yet the noctuid moth Heliothis subflexa (Hs) shows significant intraspecific variation. One possible explanation is that females may alter their sex pheromone blend depending on prevailing olfactory cues in the habitat, which we termed the 'experience hypothesis'. This could be adaptive if Hs females experiencing the pheromone of another species, Heliothis virescens (Hv), responded to reduce the frequency of heterospecific matings. We exposed Hs females to no pheromone, Hs pheromone or Hv pheromone in the first 3 days of their adult lives. Hs females in the latter treatment produced significantly more of the acetate Z11-16:OAc, which inhibits the attraction of Hv males. To our knowledge, this is the first study showing adaptive phenotypic plasticity in a moth sex pheromone and suggests that behavioural differentiation may precede genetic divergence in the sexual signals of moths.  相似文献   

Ejaculate composition can be an important determinant of male reproductive success in the face of sperm competition, which varies with the mating history of the female. Here we examine the effect of various male and female mating histories and morphological traits on ejaculate sperm numbers in the polyandrous moth Heliothis virescens. We show that when mating with nonvirgin females, males passed larger sperm packages (spermatophores) but did not alter either the sperm count or the ratio of nucleated-to-nonnucleated sperm. Males also passed fewer sperm in their second ejaculates. Finally, older males passed more sperm than did younger males. Earlier research found that females store more sperm from older males and that older males are more likely to gain sperm precedence over younger rivals. These earlier results, taken together with the present results, indicate that the advantage enjoyed by older males is due to an increased sperm count.  相似文献   

Several alternate hosts were tested for their relative susceptibility to an isolate of Galleria mellonella nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Neonate Trichoplusia ni, Heliothis zea, and Manduca sexta were all susceptible to per oral administration of purified polyhedra. Of the three alternate species tested, T. ni was the most susceptible, and exhibited the most variable mortality response over the dose range tested, while M. sexta was the least susceptible. We believe this represents the first report of a lethal virus infection in a sphingid species, and useful parameters for the successful inoculation of alternate hosts are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Males of two species of moths ( Grapholitha molesta (Busck) and Heliothis virescens (F.)) were flown in a sustained-flight tunnel in horizontal pheromone plumes. The up-tunnel velocity of the moths increased with increasing height of flight and for G.molesta was independent of tunnel wind velocities. Use of moving ground patterns verified that the height of flight above the ground was the factor related to the changes in up-tunnel velocity. Even though up-tunnel velocity increased with increased flight height, angular velocity of image motion did not. Males appeared to use visual cues from the ground pattern and from other sources to determine their up-tunnel velocities. The relationship of preferred retinal velocities to optomotor anemotaxis is discussed.  相似文献   

Fraxinellone significantly reduced the relative growth rate, food consumption rate as well as the efficiency of conversion of ingested food into biomass of Heliothis virescens when incorporated into artificial diets at concentrations of 4.31 × 10−5 mol/L and above. After being fed with fraxinellone-treated diets for 24 h, the larval midguts of H. virescens possess significantly lower activities of α-amylase and non-specific proteases and higher activities of cytochrome P450s. In vitro , the compound did not inhibit the activities of α-amylase and non-specific proteases extracted from the larval midguts. Clear evidence of post-ingestive toxicity of fraxinellone to midgut cells was observed under an electron microscope. The modes of action of the compound against insects were discussed.  相似文献   

1. Competition between parasitoid species may be a key factor in the community dynamics of plant–herbivore-parasitoid systems and is an important consideration in the selection and management of effective biological control agents. 2. Interspecific competition can occur between adult parasitoids searching for hosts (extrinsic competition) and between multiple parasitoid larvae developing within a single host individual (intrinsic competition). A model system comprising the lepidopteran pest Heliothis virescens and two key hymenopteran endoparasitoids, Microplitis croceipes and Cardiochiles nigriceps, was employed to explore parasitoid host-location strategies and the consequences of intrinsic and extrinsic competitive interactions between parasitoid species. 3. The less specialised of the two parasitoids, M. croceipes, was found to have a shorter hatching time and to dominate intrinsic competition, except when its oviposition followed that of the more specialised parasitoid, C. nigriceps, by 16 h or more. This interval corresponded to the differential in hatching time between the two species. 4. Cardiochiles nigriceps, however, displayed superior host-searching efficiency that may compensate for its disadvantage in intrinsic competition. This parasitoid was more effective at detecting host infestation sites via airborne odours and at locating and attacking early instar host larvae than was M. croceipes.  相似文献   

The developmental pathology of Heliothis virescens larvae parasitized by the braconid wasp Microplitis croceipes was examined. Parasitized host larvae begin the same precise sequence of developmental events in preparation for pupation as observed in unparasitized larvae. This sequence is initiated even though the host larval weight is below the normal developmental threshold for larval-pupal transformation. After parasite emergence, the host remains in a suspended advanced developmental state but never pupates. The developmental parameters altered by parasitization are normally under the host's endocrine control. Neck ligation of control larvae was used to identify the critical periods in parasitized and unparasitized fourth- and fifth-instar larvae. Control ligated fourth-instar larvae apparently released PTTH between 21:00 AZT of the second day of the instar and 1:00 AZT of the third day. Parasitized fourth-instar larvae were smaller and apparently released PTTH between 18:00 and 23:00 AZT of the third day. Control ligated fifth-instar larvae apparently released PTTH between day 1 and day 2 of the cell formation phase. Ligated fifth-instar parasitized larvae never molted to the pupal stage. Parasite larvae were adversely affected by host neck ligation with their pupal plus cocoon weight being proportional to the age of the host at the time of ligation.  相似文献   

No ascovirus isolated from China has been sequenced so far. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to sequence the genome of Heliothis virescens ascovirus 3h (HvAV-3h) using the 454 pyrosequencing technology. The genome was found to be 190,519-bp long with a G+C content of 45.5%. We also found that it encodes 185 hypothetical open reading frames (ORFs) along with at least 50 amino acids, including 181 ORFs found in other ascoviruses and 4 unique ORFs. Gene-parity plots and phylogenetic analysis revealed a close relationship between HvAV-3h and three other HvAV-3a strains and a distant relationship with Spodoptera frugiperda ascovirus 1a (SfAV-1a), Trichoplusia ni ascovirus 6a (TnAV-6a), and Diadromus pulchellus ascovirus 4a (DpAV-4a). Among the 185 potential genes encoded by the genome, 44 core genes were found in all the sequenced ascoviruses. In addition, 25 genes were found to be conserved in all ascoviruses except DpAV-4a. In the HvAV-3h genome, 24 baculovirus repeat ORFs (bros) were present, and the typical homologous repeat regions (hrs) were absent. This study supplies information important for understanding the conservation and functions of ascovirus genes as well as the variety of ascoviral genomes.

ABSTRACT. The ability of Telenomus heliothidis Ashmead (Hymenoptera; Scelionidae) to recognize its host, the eggs of Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera; Noctuidae), was determined in laboratory studies. The material present in the accessory gland of female H. virescens adults acted as an egg recognition kairomone for T. heliothidis. Host eggs which lacked the kairomone were not attacked, while glass beads the size of H. virescens eggs and coated with the accessory gland material were. The parasitoid failed to respond to the kairomone unless it was associated with a target the size and shape of normal hosts. The kairomone is heat stable, but was deactivated by proteolytic enzymes. The accessory gland contained 200 mg/ml protein which suggests that the kairomone is proteinaceous.  相似文献   

The polydnavirus associated with the parasitic wasp Campoletis sonorensis is injected into the lepidopteran insect, Heliothis virescens, during parasitization, after which viral gene products suppress the cellular immune system of the hosts. Four related cysteine-rich polydnavirus genes have been identified in parasitized H. virescens larvae and grouped into a family. In this study, we investigated the expression and hemocyte targeting of the cysteine-rich Vhv1.4 protein. Full- length and truncated Vhv1.4 proteins were produced in a bacterial expression system, and the purified proteins were used to raise polyclonal antisera. In immunoblots the Vhv1.4 protein was detected in parasitized insects as early as 6 h and throughout the entire course of parasitism. The Vhv1.4 protein appeared predominantly in the plasma fraction of hemolymph from parasitized larvae, suggesting that this protein is secreted. The Vhv1.4 protein expressed from a recombinant baculovirus was secreted in two lepidopteran cell lines and in larvae injected with the recombinant virus. Digestion with endoglycosidases suggests that the Vhv1.4 protein is glycosylated at multiple N-glycosylation sites. Immunofluorescence assays showed that the Vhv1.4 protein binds to the hemocytes, most notably the granulocytes, in H. virescens larvae. After binding, the Vhv1.4 protein was internalized, probably by endocytosis. Specific binding of the Vhv1.4 to granulocytes implies an important function in the suppression of host cellular encapsulation response. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 36:251–271, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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