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Inhibitory interneurons in the cerebellar granular layer are more heterogeneous than traditionally depicted. In contrast to Golgi cells, which are ubiquitously distributed in the granular layer, small fusiform Lugaro cells and globular cells are located underneath the Purkinje cell layer and small in number. Globular cells have not been characterized physiologically. Here, using cerebellar slices obtained from a strain of gene-manipulated mice expressing GFP specifically in GABAergic neurons, we morphologically identified globular cells, and compared their synaptic activity and monoaminergic influence of their electrical activity with those of small Golgi cells and small fusiform Lugaro cells. Globular cells were characterized by prominent IPSCs together with monosynaptic inputs from the axon collaterals of Purkinje cells, whereas small Golgi cells or small fusiform Lugaro cells displayed fewer and smaller spontaneous IPSCs. Globular cells were silent at rest and fired spike discharges in response to application of either serotonin (5-HT) or noradrenaline. The two monoamines also facilitated small Golgi cell firing, but only 5-HT elicited firing in small fusiform Lugaro cells. Furthermore, globular cells likely received excitatory monosynaptic inputs through mossy fibers. Because globular cells project their axons long in the transversal direction, the neuronal circuit that includes interplay between Purkinje cells and globular cells could regulate Purkinje cell activity in different microzones under the influence of monoamines and mossy fiber inputs, suggesting that globular cells likely play a unique modulatory role in cerebellar motor control.  相似文献   

The responses of the cerebellar Purkinje cell to removal of its climbing fiber input has been studied electrophysiologically in slices of rat cerebella. Using single electrode current clamp methods, membrane potentials were recorded in various conditions from normal and 3-AP deafferented Purkinje cells (PC). The membrane of the deafferented PC showed a rectification for hyperpolarizing currents which varied in degree with length of time after removal of the climbing fiber input. While this rectification was the most pronounced change in membrane properties provoked by the deafferentation, other more subtle effects were observed in experiments with changes in extracellular ionic compositions. Since the rectification began at membrane potentials near -60 mV, it could prevent membrane hyperpolarization by inhibitory synaptic inputs and thus produce an apparent hypersensitivity to excitatory inputs.  相似文献   

During postnatal cerebellar development, Purkinje cells form the most elaborate dendritic trees among neurons in the brain, which have been of great interest to many investigators. This article overviews various examples of cellular and molecular mechanisms of formation of Purkinje cell dendrites as well as the methodological aspects of investigating those mechanisms.  相似文献   

Olivo- and spinocerebellar maps in the adult cerebellum of small rodents are discontinuous, with sharp boundaries. Cortical Purkinje cells constitute a heterogeneous population, organized into parasagittal, mutually exclusive compartments. The boundaries of the intrinsic cortical compartments and those of the projectional maps are congruent. During development; (i) The incoming olivary fibres, once they penetrate in the cerebellar parenchyma, are attracted toward their ultimate terminal fields, without passing through a stage of random dispersion. (ii) Migrating Purkinje cells and inferior olivary neurons begin, asynchronously, to express cellular markers in an independent manner, giving rise to a transient compartmentation of the cerebellar cortex and the inferior olivary complex respectively. In both instances, the biochemical heterogeneity disappears during the first postnatal week, simultaneously with the acquisition of adult-like cerebellar maps. (iii) The formation of the maps is an early event, prior to the establishment of the synaptology of the cerebellar cortical circuitry. Moreover, the organization of the spinocerebellar projection in adult mutant mice does not depend on the presence of granule cells (staggerer) but on the presence of normal Purkinje cells (weaver), indicating that synaptogenesis with their target neurons is not involved in the process of map formation. The matching of region specific chemical labels between incoming afferent fibres and heterogeneous sets of Purkinje cells is the most appealing mechanism for the formation of cerebellar maps.  相似文献   

Cerebellar Purkinje cells have the most elaborate dendritic trees among neurons in the brain. We examined the roles of ryanodine receptor (RyR), an intracellular Ca2+ release channel, in the dendrite formation of Purkinje cells using cerebellar cell cultures. In the cerebellum, Purkinje cells express RyR1 and RyR2, whereas granule cells express RyR2. When ryanodine (10 µM), a blocker of RyR, was added to the culture medium, the elongation and branching of Purkinje cell dendrites were markedly inhibited. When we transferred small interfering RNA (siRNA) against RyR1 into Purkinje cells using single‐cell electroporation, dendritic branching but not elongation of the electroporated Purkinje cells was inhibited. On the other hand, transfection of RyR2 siRNA into granule cells also inhibited dendritic branching of Purkinje cells. Furthermore, ryanodine reduced the levels of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the culture medium. The ryanodine‐induced inhibition of dendritic differentiation was partially rescued when BDNF was exogenously added to the culture medium in addition to ryanodine. Overall, these results suggest that RyRs expressed by both Purkinje and granule cells play important roles in promoting the dendritic differentiation of Purkinje cells and that RyR2 expressed by granule cells is involved in the secretion of BDNF from granule cells. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 467–480, 2014  相似文献   

Cryoelectron tomography (CET) combines the potential of three-dimensional (3D) imaging with a close-to-life preservation of biological samples. It allows the examination of large and stochastically variable structures, such as organelles or whole cells. At the current resolution it becomes possible to visualize large macromolecular complexes in their functional cellular environments. Pattern recognition methods can be used for a systematic interpretation of the tomograms; target molecules are identified and located based on their structural signature and their correspondence with a template. Here, we demonstrate that such an approach can be used to map 70S ribosomes in an intact prokaryotic cell (Spiroplasma melliferum) with high fidelity, in spite of the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the tomograms. At a resolution of 4.7 nm the average generated from the 236 ribosomes found in a tomogram is in good agreement with high resolution structures of isolated ribosomes as obtained by X-ray crystallography or cryoelectron microscopy. Under the conditions of the experiment (logarithmic growth phase) the ribosomes are evenly distributed throughout the cytosol, occupying approximately 5% of the cellular volume. A subset of about 15% is found in close proximity to and with a distinct orientation with respect to the plasma membrane. This study represents a first step towards generating a more comprehensive cellular atlas of macromolecular complexes.  相似文献   

Calcium signaling plays a central role in normal CNS functioning and dysfunction. As cerebellar Purkinje cells express the major regulatory elements of calcium control and represent the sole integrative output of the cerebellar cortex, changes in neural activity- and calcium-mediated membrane properties of these cells are expected to provide important insights into both intrinsic and network physiology of the cerebellum. We studied the electrophysiological behavior of Purkinje cells in genetically engineered alert mice that do not express BK calcium-activated potassium channels and in wild-type mice with pharmacological BK inactivation. We confirmed BK expression in Purkinje cells and also demonstrated it in Golgi cells. We demonstrated that either genetic or pharmacological BK inactivation leads to ataxia and to the emergence of a beta oscillatory field potential in the cerebellar cortex. This oscillation is correlated with enhanced rhythmicity and synchronicity of both Purkinje and Golgi cells. We hypothesize that the temporal coding modification of the spike firing of both Purkinje and Golgi cells leads to the pharmacologically or genetically induced ataxia.  相似文献   

The molecular basis for cerebellar plasticity and motor learning remains controversial. Cerebellar Purkinje cells (PCs) contain a high concentration of cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I (cGKI). To investigate the function of cGKI in long-term depression (LTD) and cerebellar learning, we have generated conditional knockout mice lacking cGKI selectively in PCs. These cGKI mutants had a normal cerebellar morphology and intact synaptic calcium signaling, but strongly reduced LTD. Interestingly, no defects in general behavior and motor performance could be detected in the LTD-deficient mice, but the mutants exhibited an impaired adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). These results indicate that cGKI in PCs is dispensable for general motor coordination, but that it is required for cerebellar LTD and specific forms of motor learning, namely the adaptation of the VOR.  相似文献   

Fermentation database mining by pattern recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large volume of data is routinely collected during the course of typical fermentation and other processes. Such data provide the required basis for process documentation and occasionally are also used for process analysis and improvement. The information density of these data is often low, and automatic condensing, analysis, and interpretation ("database mining") are highly desirable. In this article we present a methodology whereby process variables are processed to create a database of derivative process quantities representative of the global patterns, intermediate trends, and local characteristics of the process. A powerful search algorithm subsequently attempts to extract the specific process variables and their particular attributes that uniquely characterize a class of process outcomes such as high- or low-yield fermentations.The basic components of our pattern recognition methodology are described along with applications to the analysis of two sets of data from industrial fermentations. Results indicate that truly discriminating variables do exist in typical fermentation data and they can be useful in identifying the causes or symptoms of different process outcomes. The methodology has been implemented in a user-friendly software, named db-miner, which facilitates the application of the methodology for efficient and speedy analysis of fermentation process data. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 53: 443-452, 1997.  相似文献   

固有免疫细胞是机体抵御病原微生物的首道防线,亦是机体有效启动和维持免疫反应的重要参与者,而模式识别受体是固有免疫细胞发挥免疫功能的重要免疫分子,因此,机体对固有免疫细胞及其模式识别受体的精细调控尤为重要。表观遗传学是近年研究热点,其在固有免疫调节中的作用逐渐受到重视。就近年表观遗传学中的DNA甲基化、组蛋白共价修饰及非编码RNA等在调节固有免疫细胞分化发育及其模式识别受体的相关研究作一简述,以期为感染、炎症、自身免疫病等研究与防治提供新的思路和策略。  相似文献   

Viral-vector mediated gene transfer to cerebellar Purkinje neurons in vivo is a promising avenue for gene therapy of cerebellar ataxias and for genetic manipulation in functional studies of animal models of cerebellar disease. Here, we report the results of experiments designed to identify efficient methods for viral transduction of adult murine Purkinje neurons in vivo. For these analyses, several lentiviral and an adeno-associated virus (AAV), serotype 1, vector with various promoter combinations were generated and compared for in situ transduction efficiency, assayed by fluorescent reporter protein expression in Purkinje neurons. Additional experiments were also conducted to identify the optimal experimental strategy for co-expression of two proteins in individual Purkinje neurons. Of the viruses tested, AAV1 with a CAG promoter exhibited the highest specificity for Purkinje neurons. To deliver two proteins to the same Purkinje neuron, several methods were tested, including: an internal ribosome entry site (IRES), a 2A sequence, a dual promoter vector, and co-injection of two viruses. Efficient expression of both proteins in the same Purkinje neuron was only achieved by co-injecting two AAV1-CAG viruses. We found that use of an AAV1-CAG virus outperformed similar lentivirus vectors and that co-injection of two AAV1-CAG viruses could be used to efficiently deliver two proteins to the same Purkinje neuron in adult mice. AAV1 with a CAG promoter is highly efficient and selective at transducing adult cerebellar Purkinje neurons and two AAV-CAG viruses can be used to efficiently express two proteins in the same neuron in vivo.  相似文献   

In this work, responses of rat Purkinje cells to intraperitoneal administration of the hallucinogenic alkaloid harmaline (0.15 mg/kg) were studied in the course of ontogenesis. The experiments were carried out on Wistar rats of three age groups: rat pups (13-18 days), adult animals (2-7 months), and aged rats (25-36 months). In Purkinje cell firings, two types of electric reactions were revealed; they were similar in all age group of the animals. In cells with the 1st type of reactions, in response to the harmaline administration there was recorded a significant increase of frequency of complex spikes, accompanied by disappearance of simple spikes. In the activity of Purkinje cells of the 2nd type, the complex spike frequency also increased; however, the firing simple spikes were preserved, although with a decrease of their frequency as compared with norm. Essential changes of activity of the cerebellar Purkinje cells were found in the rat pups and aged animals in comparison with adult rats, which agrees well with immaturity of various cerebellar structures in the first case and with involutionary changes in the second case.  相似文献   

In this work, responses of rat Purkinje cells to intraperitoneal administration of the hallucinogenic alkaloid harmaline (0.15 mg/kg) were studied in the course of ontogenesis. The experiments were carried out on Wistar rats of three age groups: rat pups (13–18 days), adult animals (2–7 months), and aged rats (25–36 months). In Purkinje cell firings, two types of electric reactions were revealed; they were similar in all age group of the animals. In cells with the 1st type of reactions, in response to the harmaline administration there was recorded a significant increase of frequency of complex spikes, accompanied by disappearance of simple spikes. In the activity of Purkinje cells of the 2nd type, the complex spike frequency also increased; however, the firing simple spikes were preserved, although with a decrease of their frequency as compared with norm. Essential changes of activity of the cerebellar Purkinje cells were found in the rat pups and aged animals in comparison with adult rats, which agrees well with immaturity of various cerebellar structures in the first case and with involutionary changes in the second case.  相似文献   

Based on physiological evidence for multiple firing zones in the dendritic arborizations of cerebellar Purkinje cells, a superposition model is proposed for spike triggering in these cells. Spike trains from 10 Purkinje cells were analyzed in terms of independence of interspike intervals and the properties of their variance-time curves. The results of this analysis were found consistent with the hypothesis that the spike train of a cerebellar Purkinje cell is the pooled output of a relatively large number of independent component processes. Simplifying assumptions as to the statistical nature of these processes lead to a very rough estimate of the number of firing zones.  相似文献   

Plasticity at the cerebellar parallel fiber to Purkinje cell synapse may underlie information processing and motor learning. In vivo, parallel fibers appear to fire in short high frequency bursts likely to activate sparsely distributed synapses over the Purkinje cell dendritic tree. Here, we report that short parallel fiber tetanic stimulation evokes a ∼7–15% depression which develops over 2 min and lasts for at least 20 min. In contrast to the concomitantly evoked short-term endocannabinoid-mediated depression, this persistent posttetanic depression (PTD) does not exhibit a dependency on the spatial pattern of synapse activation and is not caused by any detectable change in presynaptic calcium signaling. This persistent PTD is however associated with increased paired-pulse facilitation and coefficient of variation of synaptic responses, suggesting that its expression is presynaptic. The chelation of postsynaptic calcium prevents its induction, suggesting that post- to presynaptic (retrograde) signaling is required. We rule out endocannabinoid signaling since the inhibition of type 1 cannabinoid receptors, monoacylglycerol lipase or vanilloid receptor 1, or incubation with anandamide had no detectable effect. The persistent PTD is maximal in pre-adolescent mice, abolished by adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors block, but unaffected by adrenergic and dopaminergic agonists. Our data unveils a novel form of plasticity at parallel fiber synapses: a persistent PTD induced by physiologically relevant input patterns, age-dependent, and strongly modulated by the monoaminergic system. We further provide evidence supporting that the plasticity mechanism involves retrograde signaling and presynaptic diacylglycerol.  相似文献   

Natively disordered proteins belong to a unique class of biomolecules whose function is related to their flexibility and their ability to adopt desired conformations upon binding to substrates. In some cases these proteins can bind multiple partners, which can lead to distinct structures and promiscuity in functions. In other words, the capacity to recognize molecular patterns on the substrate is often essential for the folding and function of intrinsically disordered proteins. Biomolecular pattern recognition is extremely relevant both in vivo (e.g., for oligomerization, immune response, induced folding, substrate binding, and molecular switches) and in vitro (e.g., for biosensing, catalysis, chromatography, and implantation). Here, we use a minimalist computational model system to investigate how polar/nonpolar patterns on a surface can induce the folding of an otherwise unstructured peptide. We show that a model peptide that exists in the bulk as a molten globular state consisting of many interconverting structures can fold into either a helix-coil-helix or an extended helix structure in the presence of a complementary designed patterned surface at low hydrophobicity (3.7%) or a uniform surface at high hydrophobicity (50%). However, we find that a carefully chosen surface pattern can bind to and catalyze the folding of a natively unfolded protein much more readily or effectively than a surface with a noncomplementary or uniform distribution of hydrophobic residues.  相似文献   

Neurons of the cerebellar nuclei convey the final output of the cerebellum to their targets in various parts of the brain. Within the cerebellum their direct upstream connections originate from inhibitory Purkinje neurons. Purkinje neurons have a complex firing pattern of regular spikes interrupted by intermittent pauses of variable length. How can the cerebellar nucleus process this complex input pattern? In this modeling study, we investigate different forms of Purkinje neuron simple spike pause synchrony and its influence on candidate coding strategies in the cerebellar nuclei. That is, we investigate how different alignments of synchronous pauses in synthetic Purkinje neuron spike trains affect either time-locking or rate-changes in the downstream nuclei. We find that Purkinje neuron synchrony is mainly represented by changes in the firing rate of cerebellar nuclei neurons. Pause beginning synchronization produced a unique effect on nuclei neuron firing, while the effect of pause ending and pause overlapping synchronization could not be distinguished from each other. Pause beginning synchronization produced better time-locking of nuclear neurons for short length pauses. We also characterize the effect of pause length and spike jitter on the nuclear neuron firing. Additionally, we find that the rate of rebound responses in nuclear neurons after a synchronous pause is controlled by the firing rate of Purkinje neurons preceding it.  相似文献   

In vitro, cerebellar Purkinje cells can intrinsically fire action potentials in a repeating trimodal or bimodal pattern. The trimodal pattern consists of tonic spiking, bursting, and quiescence. The bimodal pattern consists of tonic spiking and quiescence. It is unclear how these firing patterns are generated and what determines which firing pattern is selected. We have constructed a realistic biophysical Purkinje cell model that can replicate these patterns. In this model, Na+/K+ pump activity sets the Purkinje cell''s operating mode. From rat cerebellar slices we present Purkinje whole cell recordings in the presence of ouabain, which irreversibly blocks the Na+/K+ pump. The model can replicate these recordings. We propose that Na+/K+ pump activity controls the intrinsic firing mode of cerbellar Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

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