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The pathogenic species of Cryptococcus, C. neoformans and C. bacillisporus, utilized creatinine as a source of nitrogen but not of carbon. Chromatographic and autoradiographic studies suggest that creatinine metabolism in both species involves a single step resulting in the production of methylhydantoin and ammonia. The enzyme responsible for this step, creatinine deiminase, was produced by the cells only in the presence of creatinine in both species. The synthesis of creatinine deiminase was repressed by ammonia in C. neoformans, but not in C. bacillisporus. A possible explanation for this variation, based on the ecological differences between the two species, is discussed. A novel method for measuring creatinine deiminase activity is also described.  相似文献   

The humoral immune response of patients infected with Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans and C. neoformans var. gattii to cytoplasmic (non-capsular) antigens from the two varieties of Cryptococcus has been investigated. Cytoplasmic antigens from C. neoformans (one clinical isolate and one acapsular mutant of var. neoformans and two clinical isolates from var. gattii) were subject to isoelectric focusing, SDS-PAGE and Western blotting; patients sera was then used in the immunoenzyme development of the Western blots. The humoral response from the 20 patients (all HIV+) infected with var. neoformans against the var. neoformans antigens was predominantly IgG based, with a large number of bands recognised; the most commonly recognised bands were at 26, 52, 74, 100, 115 and 144 kDa. The IgM response was less pronounced and the IgA response was practically non-existent. The humoral response of the sera from the 15 patients (all but one HIV-) infected with var. gattii against var. gattii antigens was also predominantly IgG based with bands at 37, 55, 65, 74, 94 and 115 kDa being most commonly recognised. Periodate treatment of cytoplasmic antigens reduced the intensity of antigen recognition, though it did not absolutely destroy reactivity to any individual antigen. Comparison of immunodevelopment of cytoplasmic antigens from both varieties grown at 25°C and 37°C revealed that culture temperature made no differences in the number of bands recognised although there were differences in the intensity of recognition. This is the first report on the pattern of serological recognition of the non-capsular antigens from the two varieties of Cryptococcus and it identifies a number of major antigenic components.  相似文献   

Genetic complementation in Cryptococcus neoformans.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A complementation test was devised for the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans. Complementation was signalled by the growth of prototrophic heterokaryons generated in crosses of the type aB X Ab, where a and b represent any two of the genetic markers ilv1, cys1, cys2, and cys3. The cloned complementing heterokaryons formed characteristic hyphal colonies that contained both hyphae and yeast cells. The heterokaryon-derived yeasts were of three kinds: parental haploids, recombinant haploids, and diploids.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans I. Nonencapsulated Mutants   总被引:31,自引:6,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
Seven nonencapsulated mutants of Cryptococcus neoformans were isolated from an encapsulated strain of human origin. Initially, the mutants were avirulent for mice. After several months of subculturing, six of the seven isolates reverted to the encapsulated state and possessed varying degrees of virulence. The results of these experiments suggest that a strong correlation exists between the presence of a capsule and the virulence of C. neoformans.  相似文献   

Some clear dissimilarities occur among the varieties of Cryptococcus neoformans but there are few studies about the differences among individual yeast antioxidant enzymes. The total superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities and the copper, zinc-depend SOD (Cu,ZnSOD) and manganese-dependent SOD (MnSOD) isoenzymes of five reference C. neoformans strains belonged to A, B, C, AD and D serotypes (Table I) and other nine C. neoformans isolates (Table II) were determined. There were significant differences (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05) in total SOD activity among the varietie gattii (serotype C) and the other varieties. Cu,ZnSOD showed difference (p < 0.05) between A and D serotypes. These results point out a variety and serotype-independent SOD activity in C. neoformans reference strains and the other isolates that were evaluated.  相似文献   

The antigenic formula and chemical structure of capsular polysaccharide (CPS) of Cryptococcus albidus var. albidus (C. albidus) were studied in relation to those of C. neoformans var. neoformans serotype A (C. neoformans A). The results of slide agglutination tests with factor sera and reciprocal adsorption experiments showed that antigenic formula of C. albidus was the same as that of C. neoformans A. The soluble CPSs from the two species were obtained from culture supernatants by precipitation with ethanol followed by purification by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose column. The structural analyses of such CPSs from the two species showed that the antigenic CPS fractions consisted of a backbone of alpha(1-3)-linked D-mannopyranosyl residues with a single branch of beta(1-2)-xylose or glucuronic acid, and mostly with O-acetyl groups, in which side chains and O-acetyl groups were responsible for antigenic specificity. It was found that there was a minor difference between the CPS of C. neoformans A and that of C. albidus; in the former, unsubstituted mannose residues existed in a low frequency, but in the latter none. Moreover, the 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of partially hydrolyzed acidic fragments of the two CPSs indicated that two xylose side chains were present between glucuronic acid side chains. Taken together, it was suggested that these two species of C. neoformans A and C. albidus are closely related to each other in their CPSs.  相似文献   

In the present study, the in vitro susceptibility and capsular width from both melanized and non-melanized Cryptococcus neoformans cells in the presence of Pimenta pseudocaryophyllus crude extract were determined. The results were compared with those obtained for voriconazole and amphotericin B. Melanization was obtained in minimal medium broth with the addition of L-dopa, and the antifungal susceptibility tests were performed using the broth microdilution method. Capsular width of 30 cells of each one of the isolates in medium with crude extracts of P. pseudocaryophyllus or voriconazole or amphotericin B at a concentration corresponding to 0.5?times the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was measured, and the mean was calculated. The MICs and minimal fungicidal concentrations (MFCs) for plant extract and voriconazole were identical for both melanized and non-melanized C. neoformans isolates, but for amphotericin, the MFCs for melanized cells were up to 8?times higher than for non-melanized cells. The capsular width of C. neoformans cells was smaller (p?<?0.001) in the presence crude extract of P. pseudocaryophyllus and of voriconazole regardless melanization. The findings of capsule alterations of C. neoformans verified in this study provide fertile ways for future research into the effects of antifungal agents on the pathogenesis of cryptococcosis.  相似文献   

Urease is an enzyme considered one of the main virulence factors in Cryptococcus neoformans. Quantitative differences in urease production between C. neoformans and the new species Cryptococcus gattii have not been so far documented. Using a standardized method, 25 isolates of C. neoformans and 19 of C. gattii were seeded in Christensen urea broth medium for urease activity detection. Approximately, the 50% of activity of one unit of commercial jack beans urease (A550=0.215) was considered as a reference to classified the Cryptococcus in two cathegories, low (A550<0.215) or high (A550=or>0.215) urease producers. After 72 hours of incubation, 76% of C. neoformans and 15.8% of C. gattii strains were high urease producers (p=0.016). Based on these results, the species C. neoformans appeared as the highest urease producer. Other virulence factors should also be investigated to explain C. gattii pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Oxygen sensitivity mutations of Cryptococcus neoformans were mapped to three genetic loci. Three oxygen-sensitive mutants had mutations that appeared allelic and exhibited albinism tightly linked to oxygen sensitivity; these three and a fourth exhibited defects in catechol uptake and catechol oxidation to melanin. Catecholamine metabolism appears to protect C. neoformans from oxidants.  相似文献   

新生隐球菌( Cn) 是临床上重要的病原真菌, 树突细胞( DC) 则是最重要的抗原呈递细胞。作为宿主固有免疫和适应性免疫的联系枢纽,DC 对于识别病原、呈递抗原、诱导宿主免疫应答十分重要。许多研究证明,DC 可通过细胞表面的多种受体有效识别新生隐球菌抗原( CnAg) , 诱导宿主产生有效的细胞免疫应答。DC 本身也有一定的杀菌能力, 但DC 的不同亚群以及成熟状态对宿主的免疫防御功能有重要影响。另外, 隐球菌除具有甘露糖蛋白等主要免疫显性抗原外, 还有多种抑制机体保护性免疫应答的毒性因子。本文就近年来国内、外对两者之间复杂机制的研究进行概述。  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans III. Inhibition of Phagocytosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Isolated nonhydrolyzed cryptococcal polysaccharide is a rather specific potent inhibitor of the phagocytosis of Cryptococcus neoformans by human leukocytes in vitro. When an encapsulated strain of C. neoformans was cultured in the nonencapsulated state, the rate of phagocytosis was three times greater than when the encapsulated form was used. Our theory that capsular material plays a role in the pathogenesis of cryptococcosis requires (i) that C. neoformans exist in soil in a nonencapsulated state and (ii) that human phagocytes be capable of killing the organisms.  相似文献   

In Cryptococcus neoformans, enzymic oxidation of various catechols leads to melanin, a proposed virulence factor. A phenol oxidase enzyme of Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans produced at 25 C has been purified from an ultracentrifugal supernatant of an extract of broken cells. Hydrophobic interaction chromatography followed by anion-exchange column chromatography allowed purification of the phenol oxidase. The molecular weight of the enzyme estimated by gel filtration was about 80,000 and a dimeric species (Mw = 160,000) was suggested. The isoelectric point of the protein was approximately 4.1. An NH2-terminal 31 amino acid sequence was determined using phenol oxidase electroblotted onto a PVDF membrane after nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. Upon searching the Peptide Institute (Osaka) data base, no proteins with high degrees of homology were found.  相似文献   

Localization of mannoprotein in Cryptococcus neoformans.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Cell wall mannoprotein of nonpathogenic yeasts is surface exposed, since the cells are agglutinated by concanavalin A and antimannoprotein antibodies. However, nonencapsulated cells of Cryptococcus neoformans were agglutinated neither by concanavalin A nor by antimannoprotein antibodies. Immunogold electron microscopy located most mannoprotein in the inner cell wall. Chemical analysis of purified cell walls showed the lack of mannose, xylose, and galactose residues. These data indicate that cryptococcal mannoprotein recovered from the cultural supernatant is a nonstructural element of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Micromorphology of Cryptococcus neoformans   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
Fine details of the internal and external morphology of Cryptococcus neoformans as seen in ultrathin sections are described and illustrated with electron micrographs. The capsule characteristic of this species contained microfibrils (30 to 40 A in diameter) that appeared to radiate from the cell wall and to coil and intertwine in various directions. These thin, uniformly structured, electron-dense filaments are believed to represent complex polysaccharide molecules. The internal morphology of C. neoformans was in many ways similar to that of yeasts studied by other authors. The cell was uninucleate with a single nucleolus. The nuclear envelope, a pair of unit membranes interrupted by pores, was typical of that found in eucaryotic organisms. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, vacuoles, storage granules, and ribosomes were consistent features of the cytoplasm. In addition, C. neoformans presented membranous organelles derived from the plasma membrane and comparable to bacterial mesosomes and mitochondria of an annulate type.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is a human fungal pathogen that survives exposure to stresses during growth in the human host, including oxidative and nitrosative stress, high temperature, hypoxia, and nutrient deprivation. There have been many genes implicated in resistance to individual stresses. Notably, the catalases do not have the expected role in resistance to external oxidative stress, but specific peroxidases appear to be critical for resistance to both oxidative and nitrosative stresses. Signal transduction through the HOG1 and calcineurin/calmodulin pathways has been implicated in the stress response. Microarray and proteomic analyses have indicated that the common responses to stress are induction of metabolic and oxidative stress genes, and repression of genes encoding translational machinery.  相似文献   

Extracellular DNase activity was studied in 73 strains of Cryptococcus neoformans and 12 strains of Cryptococcus gattii. DNase activity was measured by DNase agar clearance with and without Methyl Green. All strains tested showed extracellular DNase activity and no significant difference was found betweenC. neoformans and C. gattii strains. DNase production was higher in strains from clinical origin (average radius of 6.2 mm) than among environmental strains (average radius of 2.9 mm). The extracellular enzyme may be detected by DNA substrate PAGE assays and its molecular weight was estimated at 31 kD. These results suggest that extracellular DNase could be considered as a virulence factor involved in C. neoformansC. gattii species complex pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The antifungal spirocyclic guanidine alkaloid, ptilomycalin A, from marine sponge Monanchora arbuscula, inhibits melanogenesis of Cryptococcus neoformans in vitro through inhibition of biosynthesis of laccase in the melanin biosynthetic pathway with an IC(50) of 7.3 μM.  相似文献   

To construct a genetic linkage map of the heterothallic yeast, Cryptococcus neoformans (Filobasidiella neoformans), we crossed two mating-compatible strains and analyzed 94 progeny for the segregation of 301 polymorphic markers, consisting of 228 restriction site polymorphisms, 63 microsatellites, two indels, and eight mating-type (MAT)-associated markers. All but six markers showed no significant (P < 0.05) segregation distortion. At a minimum LOD score of 6.0 and a maximum recombination frequency of 0.30, 20 linkage groups were resolved, resulting in a map length of approximately 1500 cM. Average marker density is 5.4 cM (range 1-28.7 cM). Hybridization of selected markers to blots of electrophoretic karyotypes unambiguously assigned all linkage groups to chromosomes and led us to conclude that the C. neoformans genome is approximately 20.2 Mb, comprising 14 chromosomes ranging in size from 0.8 to 2.3 Mb, with a ratio of approximately 13.2 kb/cM averaged across the genome. However, only 2 of 12 ungrouped markers hybridized to chromosome 10. The hybridizations revealed at least one possible reciprocal translocation involving chromosomes 8, 9, and 12. This map has been critical to genome sequence assembly and will be essential for future studies of quantitative trait inheritance.  相似文献   

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