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Summary Helix pomatia (Snail) lectin complexed with colloidal gold (HPL-gold) recognized binding sites on elastic fibers in plastic embedded sections of lung tissue from mice of several ages. Deposition of the lectin-gold particles was examined by electron microscopy. Structures such as the elastic laminae of pulmonary vessels and elastic fibers throughout the lung was specifically and intensely decorated by the HPL-gold complex and easily visualized. The binding of the HPL-gold particles was primarily to sites on the amorphous component of elastin, to the virtual exclusion of the microfibrillar elastin elements, collagen fibers and other components of the extracellular matrix. In addition, moderate age differences in the binding of HPL-gold to elastin were apparent. These observations appear to be the first demonstration of the presence, in the amorphous component of elastin, of glycoconjugates that are specifically recognized by HPL and suggest a method by which the involvement of glycoconjugates in lung elastogenesis could be explored.Supported in part by USPHS Grant HL-32870  相似文献   

Summary In the present work we localized binding sites for the lectins WGA, RCA I, con A and SBA at the ultrastructural levels in morphologically different basement membranes. These different basement membranes included (a) thin ones, for example, tubular basement membrane of the mouse kidney which separates epithelial cell layers from mesenchymal cells and glomerular basement membrane which separates epithelial cells from other epithelial cells, (b) thick multilayered ones, for example, Reichert's membrane which is built up during the embryonic development of rodents and as an example of a pathologically thickened basement membrane, the basement membrane of the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) sarcoma. We were able to show that, in contrast to the thick multilayered basement membranes, the thin ones showed a strong positive SBA-binding pattern. Thick basement membranes otherwise revealed very strong labelling with the lectins WGA and RCA I. Our findings lead us to conclude that thin and thick basement membranes differ markedly in the quality and quantity of the carbohydrates which they contain.  相似文献   

Summary The immunocytochemical localization of tetrameric carbonyl reductase in the mouse lung was determined by an electron-microscopical immunogold procedure using monospecific antibodies against the enzyme. The labelling of carbonyl reductase was observed within the mitochondria of the ciliated and non-ciliated cells of the bronchioles and the type II alveolar pneumocytes, and the density of labelling in the non-ciliated cells was higher than those in the other cells. No significant labelling was detected over other compartments of the epithelial cells. The labelling was undetectable in the type I alveolar cells, alveolar macrophages and connective tissue cells of the lung. These results clearly indicate the localization of carbonyl reductase to the mitochondrial matrix of these epithelial cells, of which the non-ciliated bronchiolar cells contained particularly high amounts of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary In order to contrast anionic sites, in mouse lung alveoli, two staining procedures were applied: (a) staining with Ruthenium Red and Alcian Blue and (b) staining with Cuprolinic Blue in a critical electrolyte concentration method. The Ruthenium Red-Alcian Blue staining procedure revealed electron-dense granules in the alveolar basement membrane. The granules were closely associated with the epithelial cell membrane and continued to stain even when the procedure was carried out at a low pH, indicating the presence of sulphate groups in the granules.After staining with Cuprolinic Blue, electron-dense filaments, also closely associated with the cell membrane, became visible in the basement membrane of type I epithelial cells. Their length depended on the MgCl2 concentration used during staining. At 0.4m MgCl2, the length was mostly within the range 100–180 nm. Using a modified Cuprolinic Blue method, the appearance of the filaments closely resembled that of spread proteoglycan monomers with their side-chains condensed. The basement membrane of type II epithelial cells also contained filaments positive towards Cuprolinic Blue; their length, however, was smaller in comparison with those of type I epithelial cells. The filaments lay in one plane and provided the whole alveolus with an almost continuous sheet of anionic sites. Cuprolinic Blue staining also revealed filaments in the basement membrane of the capillary endothelial cells. Furthermore, Cuprolinic Blue-positive filaments (average length about 40 nm) became apparent in close contact with collagen fibrils and separated from each other according to the main banding period of the collagen fibrils (about 60 nm), indicating a specific ultrastructural interaction between these two components. Filaments connecting collagen fibrils with each other were also detected.  相似文献   

Receptors for Ricinus communis agglutinin I (RCAI), concanavalin A (Con A), and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) were localized on the zonae pellucidae and plasma membranes of hamster, mouse, and rat eggs with ferritin-lectin conjugates. Intact eggs labeled with the ferritin conjugates showed dense concentrations of RCAI and WGA receptors in the outermost regions of their zonae pellucidae and sparse distributions of Con A receptors throughout the zonae. Ferritin-lectin labeling was specific, since inhibitory saccharides effectively blocked labeling. The asymmetric density of RCAI receptors across the zona was confirmed by ferritin-RCAI and fluorescein-RCAI labeling of mechanically isolated zonae pellucidae, indicating that the RCAI-binding sites are more densely distributed in the exterior zona regions. Plasma membranes of rodent eggs contained RCAI, WGA, and Con A receptors. These receptors were found to be more or less randomly distributed on surfaces of aldehyde-fixed eggs or on eggs labeled near 0 degrees C. However, eggs incubated at 25 degrees C showed aggregated WGA- and Con A-binding site distributions on their plasma membranes. This indicates that lectin- induced receptor redistribution occurs at this temperature. The possibility that plasma membrane receptor mobility is a requirement for sperm-egg fusion is discussed.  相似文献   

Testis and epididymis of sexually mature mice were studied histochemically using 25 fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labeled lectins. Several lectin-specific binding patterns were recognized. Thus, HAA, HPA, GSA-I, and UEA-II reacted only with spermatozoa. PNA, GSA-II, SBA, VVA, BPA, RCA-I, and RCA-II reacted with spermatozoa and spermatocytes. WGA, PEA, LCA, and MPA reacted with spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatozoa in increasing order of intensity. ConA, Suc. ConA, LAA, STA, LTA, LPA, PHA-E, PHA-L, UEA-I, and LBA reacted with all spermatogenic cells with equal intensity. In the epididymis, 12 lectins reacted uniformly with the epithelial cells lining all segments of this organ. One lectin (VVA) did not react with epididymal lining cells. The remaining 12 lectins reacted in a specific manner with portions of the head, body, or tail, thus selectively outlining different portions of the epididymis. RCA-I and RCA-II selectively accentuated the so-called halo cells of the epididymis. These findings provide a detailed map of lectin-binding sites in the mouse testis and epididymis and show that certain lectins can be used as specific markers for spermatogenic cells and segments of the epididymis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Testis and epididymis of sexually mature mice were studied histochemically using 25 fluorescein-isothiocyanate-labeled lectins. Several lectin-specific binding patterns were recognized. Thus, HAA, HPA, GSA-I, and UEA-I1 reacted only with spermatozoa. PNA, GSA-11, SBA, VVA, BPA, RCA-I, and RCA-I1 reacted with spermatozoa and spermatocytes. WGA, PEA, LCA, and MPA reacted with spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spematozoa in increasing order of intensity. ConA, SUC. ConA, LAA, STA, LTA, LPA, PHA-E, PHA-L, IJEA-I, and LBA reacted with all spermatogenic cells with equal intensity. In the epididymis, 12 lectins reacted uniformly with the epithelial cells lining all segments of this organ. One lectin (VVA) did not react with epididymal lining cells. The remaining 12 lectins reacted in a specific manner with portions of the head, body, or tail, thus selectively outlining different portions of the epididymis. RCA-I and RCA-I1 selectively accentuated the so-called halo cells of the epididymis. These findings provide a detailed map of lectin-binding sites in the mouse testis and epididymis and show that certain lectins can be used as specific markers for spermatogenic cells and segments of the epididymis.  相似文献   

Normal human gastric epithelial cells were examined by electron microscopy using each of five biotinylated lectins [Ulex europaeus agglutinin I (UEA-I), peanut agglutinin (PNA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), soybean agglutinin (SBA) andDolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA)] as a probe. We employed 35 gastric surgical specimens removed from complicated peptic disease. The lectin-binding sites were revealed with streptavidin-colloidal gold complex. All specimens were embedded in Spurr and LR White resins. In superficial foveolar epithelial cells, the lectins used were generally positive in all cell types (mainly UEA-1 and PNA) on the Golgi region and mucus cytoplasmic vacuoles, with many variations among cells in the same case. On the other hand, extracellular mucus was negative for WGA. Labelling with PNA revealed a biphasic pattern (peripheral positivity) on mucous droplets in surface and foveolar cells. Thecis side of the Golgi apparatus was labelled with SBA and PNA and rough endoplasmic reticulum with SBA (only five cases). Lectin-binding variability could be related to heterogeneous composition of gastric mucus. Our results with SBA suggest initiation ofO-glycosylation at the Golgi apparatus; however a role of the rough endoplasmic reticulum cannot be excluded (N-glycosylation). We propose the following sequence of sugar addition to the carbohydrate side-chains of gastric glycoproteins: (1) GaNAc (Golgi apparatuscis-side), (2) GlcNAc (Golgi apparatus intermediate face), (3) GalNac or Gal, -l-fucose (Golgi apparatustrans-side).Supported by a grant from Junta de Andalucía (Consolidación de Grupos de Investigación. Ref. 541A.6.60.609.018311)  相似文献   

Summary The shell-repair membrane of the snail, Helix pomatia, has been studied with the transmission electron microscope (TEM). The ultrastructure of the repair membrane, in the initial stages of calcification, revealed the presence of a fibrillar protein, proteoglycan granules, osmiophilic vesicles, and cytoplasmic dense bodies of different size and structure. The involvement of the cell constituents in the formation of calcifying centra and initial crystal formation is discussed. The amoebocytes present within the repair membrane appeared to be involved in three different functions: (1) phagocytosis, (2) release of granules, vesicles and dense bodies, and (3) secretion of a fibrillar protein. The possible lytic function of the amoebocytes is mentioned. The common features in the mineralizing process of the shell-repair membrane of the snail and the epiphyseal cartilage of the mammals were noted.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, which is gratefully acknowledged. I am indebted to Miss Ch. Stensjö and Mrs. E. Hellmén for their technical assistance  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Spike frequency adaptation has been studied on neurons of Helix pomatia subesophageal ganglia and interpreted by means of a behavioural model describing the phenomenon in neurons either silent or autorhythmic at rest.
  • 2.2. At low stimulating currents the initial discharge frequency F(0) is linearly related to the current strength G.
  • 3.3. In the linearity range F(0)/G each neuron was characterized by means of four model parameters: the proportionality constant between F(0) and G, the decay constant of the frequency, the inhibitory current from a single nerve impulse and the decay time constant of the inhibitory current.
  • 4.4. The four parameters varied in different cells with a range of 0.18–4.98 Hz/nA, 1.02–3.85 sec, 0.05–0.95 nA and 1.74–22.33 see, respectively.
  • 5.5. Experimental results have been analyzed considering inhibitory current, electrogenie sodium pump and other proposed adaptation parameters.

Ethoxyformylation of Helix pomatia haemocyanin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

By use of the cationic dye Cuprolinic Blue in a critical electrolyte concentration method, the lungs of mice ranging from the late fetal stage (17 days of gestation) to the puberal stage (27 days) were surveyed for their proteoglycans. A large Cuprolinic Blue-positive filament is present within the connective tissue of lungs of late fetal and young postnatal mice. It is mostly located at the boundary between large extracellular matrix structures and electron microscopically empty areas, but sometimes also at the surface of fibroblast-like cells. The stainability of the filament disappears after treatment with chondroitinase ABC or chondroitinase AC, but not after treatment with nitrous acid. The Cuprolinic Blue-positive structure appears to be most abundant around 2 days postnatally. From day 10 on, its number decreases dramatically, and it can be no longer observed in the lungs of 27-day-old mice.  相似文献   

Oxygen-linked association-dissociation of Helix pomatia hemocyanin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Parvalbumin-immunoreactive material was detected in the central nervous system of the snail, Helix pomatia. Each ganglion investigated contained parvalbumin-immunoreactive neurons. The molecular weight of Helix parvalbumin-immunoreactive material as determined by Western blots is about 40 kilodaltons. 45Ca2+ overlays showed that this protein binds Ca2+. In contrast to vertebrates, in Helix neurons parvalbuminlike material was not colocalized with the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).  相似文献   

Intracellular microelectrode recordings from neurons ofHelix pomatia revealed several local zones of action potential generation both on the soma and on some of the branches of the neurons. Under certain conditions the activity of individual loci of the neuron membrane was synchronized to produce a normal action potential. It is suggested that the somatic membrane of neurons is heterogeneous in structure and consists of separate loci of an electrically excitable membrane, incorporating active and latent pacemaker zones. Neurons ofH. pomatia are characterized by two types of action potential with different triggering mechanisms: one (synaptic) type is generated under the influence of the EPSP, the other (pacemaker) arises through activation of endogenous factors for the neuron (pacemaker potentials). The interaction between synaptic and pacemaker potentials during integrative activity of the neuron is discussed.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 88–94, January–February, 1973.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Gas exchange in pulmonate snails of the family Helicidaeoccurs through a highly vascularized diffusion lung known asthe mantle. The extent of ventilation of the mantle dependsupon the duration and size of opening of an occlusible poreknown as the pneumostome. In Helix aspersa and Helix pomatia,pneumostomal size and frequency of opening are exquisitely sensitiveto CO2. Respiratory CO2 chemosensitivity resides in a discreteregion of the subesophageal ganglia. The discharge pattern ofmany neurons in the chemoreceptor area changes during stimulationwith CO2. However, the electrophysiological response to CO,stimulation alone does not discriminate between CO2 chemoreceptorcells and CO2-insensitive neurons active in the pneumostomalresponse to CO2. We identified a subset of CO2-sensitive neuronsfrom the larger population of neurons active during CO2 stimulation.The action potential discharge frequency of CO2 chemosensoryneurons increased in response to CO2 stimulation. An increaseddischarge frequency of CO2-sensitive neurons was associatedwith increased pneumostomal opening, and both the size and thefrequency of pneumostomal opening increased during CO2 stimulation.Injecting depolarizing current into individual chemosensoryneurons elicited opening of the pneumostome in the absence ofCO2. Action potential generation in response to CO2 was independentof synaptic transmission. Removal of individual CO2-sensitivecells or inhibition of action potential generation in CO2-sensitivecells reduced or eliminated pneumostomal responses to CO2. CO2sensitivity in chemoreceptor cells required extracellular calcium,but not sodium. Substituting barium for calcium supported chemoreceptoractivity. In summary, we have identified respiratory related,chemosensory neurons that are CO2 sensitive in the absence ofsynaptic input.  相似文献   

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