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丝状真菌作为一类重要的微生物,被广泛应用于发酵食品、工业酶和次生代谢物等工业生产中。真菌鞘糖脂主要由鞘氨醇、脂肪酸链和特殊的极性基团组成,根据极性基团的不同,分为中性鞘糖脂和酸性鞘糖脂两大类。鞘糖脂不仅参与真菌生长、细胞分化、增殖、细胞凋亡、逆境胁迫等重要生理活动,中性鞘糖脂还可作为功能性医药用品、化妆品和保健食品的重要活性组分。本文论述了真菌鞘糖脂的主要种类、结构、生物合成途径和及其参与丝状真菌生长、分化和响应逆境胁迫的生物学功能;探讨了真菌中性鞘糖脂作为抗菌肽的靶点和酸性鞘糖脂在开发抗真菌药物中的应用;同时还综述了中性鞘糖脂作为化妆品的保湿成分或保健食品的功能成分,在改善皮肤屏障功能和预防特应性皮炎中的重要作用的相关研究进展,尤其是来源于曲霉的中性鞘糖脂,可显著增强皮肤屏障功能,并可作为益生元预防肠道损伤;另外还探讨了曲霉尤其是米曲霉作为开发中性鞘糖脂生物资源的优势。  相似文献   

Euglena gracilis, a unicellular photosynthetic flagellate, uses light and gravity as environmental hints to reach and stay in regions optimal for growth and reproduction. The current model of gravitaxis (the orientation with respect to the earth's gravitational field) is based on the specific density difference between cell body and medium. The resulting sedimentation of the cell body applies a force to the lower membrane. This force activates mechano-sensitive ion channels. The resulting ion flux changes the membrane potential, which in turn triggers reorientational movements of the trailing flagellum. One possibility for recording the predicted membrane potential changes during reorientation is the use of potential-sensitive dyes, such as Oxonol VI. The absorption changes of the dye indicating potential changes were recorded with a custom-made photometer, which allows a high precision measurement with a high temporal resolution. After a gravitactic stimulation, a short period of hyperpolarization was detected, followed by a massive depolarization of the cell. The membrane potential returned to initial values after a period of approximately 200 s. Parallel measurements of the precision of orientation and the membrane potential showed a close relationship between both phenomena. The obtained results support the current model of gravitaxis of Euglena gracilis  相似文献   

We attempted to find some compounds for the effective delivery of gene constructs into cells and obtained two trispherical dendrimers on the basis of lysine, (Lys)8-(,-Lys)4-(,-Lys)2-(,-Lys)-Ala-NH2 (D1) and ((Lys)8-(,-Lys)4-(,-Lys)2-,-Lys)-Ala-[Lys(Plm)]2-Ala-NH2 (D2), as well as the starburst polymeric derivatives of D1, (pVIm) 8 -D1 and (pLys) n -D1, containing poly(N-vinylimidazole) and polylysine chains single-point bound to the dendrimer amino groups. The conditions of dendrimer–plasmid DNA complex formation were studied. The intracellular localization of these complexes and the expression of gene constructs delivered with their help were analyzed in transfection experiments on the HeLa cell cultures of human epithelial carcinoma and on mouse C2C12 myoblasts. It was found that the chemical structure of dendrimer D1 and its derivatives significantly affected the structure and properties of complex.  相似文献   

The defensive secretion produced in the metathoracic tracheal glands of the grasshoppers, Romalea guttata and Taeniopoda eques, contains a diversity of proteinase inhibitors. The exudate contains inhibitors of trypsin, chymotrypsin, cathepsin G, papain and pancreatic and leukocyte elastases. The inhibitory profile of the secretion differs markedly from that of the hemolymph both, in terms of antiproteolytic activities and isoinhibitor composition. We suggest that these proteinase inhibitors may constitute a complementary defense system, for example, directed against diverse entomopathogenic fungi that characteristically attack grasshoppers.  相似文献   

Summary One of the critical intracellular signaling pathways involves specific interactions between growth factor receptors and the adaptor protein Grb2. These interactions normally involve specific tyrosine phosphorylated regions in receptors and other cognate proteins. Following the lead of our recent findings that a phage library based non-phosphorylated disulfide linked 11-mer peptide inhibited such interactions, we report here the synthesis of novel redox-stable cyclic peptide analogs. These include thioether cyclized and backbone cyclized structures. The thioether analog was prepared under mild conditions from an N-terminally chloroacetylated and C-terminally cysteine extended peptide precursor. The thioether peptide showed equipotent binding affinity for the Grb2-SH2 domain (IC50=10–15 μM) when compared to the disulfide cyclized lead-peptide. The bioactive thioether linked peptide was demonstrated to offer advantages to the disulfide cyclized peptides under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

石竹属植物叶表皮特征及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对石竹属12个种的植物叶表皮特征进行观察,统计并测量叶表皮气孔大小、气孔密度及气孔指数。结果表明,石竹属植物叶表皮细胞形态(表面观)为长方形和不规则多边形。乳突只存在于针叶石竹、高石竹和细茎石竹中。按气孔形状可将其分为了3个类型:椭圆形、卵圆形和长方形。研究结果对石竹属的系统分类和种间亲缘关系研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

为了确定蛋白磷酸酶-1(protein phosphatase-1)的催化亚基(PP 1c)在小白鼠不同器官组织(肌肉、卵巢、肾、胃、 脾、大脑、心、肝、肺及乳腺)中的表达模式,运用RT-PCR、Western 印迹及荧光免疫组织化学技术等实验手段进行了检测 和分析.结果表明,在mRNA水平, PP-1c在大脑中表达最高,卵巢及肺中表达次之,在肌肉、肾、心、肝中表达较低,在胃 和乳腺中表达最低;在蛋白质水平,肝中表达最高,肾、大脑、肺和乳腺中表达较高,而肌肉、卵巢、心和脾中表达相对较 低,胃中表达最低.免疫荧光组织化学实验结果显示,PP 1c的表达也具有明显的组织特异性和细胞特异性.这些结果为进一 步探讨PP 1在哺乳动物不同组织器官中的功能提供了重要的实验依据.  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法对中国棱子芹属植物16种1变种进行了果实外部形态和解剖特征观察,研究了分生果大小、果棱形状、油管数目、胚乳形状等特征,文中探讨了部分棱子芹属植物的分类地位,为该属的系统分类研究及分类问题的解决提供了佐证。主要结论如下:(1)棱子芹属植物果实解剖特征在种间存在明显差异,在种内性状比较稳定。(2)所研究的棱子芹属植物果实在外部形态和解剖结构表现出较高的多态性和一定的规律性,可以为棱子芹属近缘种的鉴定提供重要的参考性状。(3)结合果棱性状、油管数目等解剖结构和前人分子系统学研究证据,研究认为真正的棱子芹属植物其成熟果实外果皮膨胀,果棱远端具空囊,中果皮和维管束形成的内棱较不显著。  相似文献   

Members of the receptor-like kinase gene family play crucial regulatory roles in many aspects of plant development, but the ligands to which they bind are largely unknown. In Arabidopsis, the receptor kinase CLAVATA1 (CLV1) binds to the small secreted polypeptide CLV3, and three proteins act as key elements of a signal transduction pathway that regulates shoot apical meristem maintenance. To better understand the signal transduction mechanisms involving small polypeptides, we are studying 25 Arabidopsis CLV3/ESR (CLE) proteins that share a conserved C-terminal domain with CLV3 and three maize ESR proteins. Members of the CLE gene family were identified in database searches and only a few are known to be expressed. We have identified an additional member of the CLE gene family in Arabidopsis, which is more similar in gene structure to CLV3 than the other CLE genes. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that few of the putative CLE gene products are closely related, suggesting there may be little functional overlap between them. We show that 24 of the 25 Arabidopsis CLE genes are transcribed in one or more tissues during development, indicating that they do encode functional products. Many are widely expressed, but others are restricted to one or a few tissue types. We have also determined the sub-cellular localization of several CLE proteins, and find that they are exported to the plasma membrane or extracellular space. Our results suggest that the Arabidopsis CLE proteins, like CLV3, may function as secreted signaling molecules that act in diverse pathways during growth and development.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜方法对中国藁本属20种及山芎属1种植物的果实表面微形态进行首次研究,并对其中15种进行果实解剖特征观察。结果表明:藁本属植物果实微形态在外果皮表面突起度、细胞轮廓、表面纹饰和表皮分泌物上表现出丰富的多样性;在果实解剖特征上,果棱形状、油管数目、胚乳形状等种间差异明显且稳定,而种内居群间无变异,可作为藁本属种间鉴定及种间关系探讨的重要参考性状。结合前人对伞形科其他类群果实微形态与解剖结构特征的研究及近年来分子系统学的证据,得出如下结论:(1)藁本属不是一个自然类群;(2)支持拟藁本属归入藁本属;(3)对藁本属部分种的系统位置和种间亲缘关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

植物CrRLK1-L亚家族类受体激酶的胞外域具有新颖结构基序,但功能大都未知.该家族成员广泛存在于被子植物中,但在动物和微生物中不存在其同源物.CrRLK1-L家族成员相对较少,但组织表达非常广泛.它们定位于细胞质膜上,并且部分成员的定位还具有极性,这与其参与雌雄配子体的识别和受精作用密切相关.该家族成员普遍具有激酶活性,该活性对其功能的发挥至关重要.目前仅报道在拟南芥中参与助细胞与花粉的识别和调控营养组织的细胞伸长,但参与这些生物学过程的作用机制似乎独立于已知的信号通路之外,可能有自身独特的信号传导机制.所以对这一类具特有结构基序的类受体激酶基因的功能研究,将有助于解析植物特有生物学过程的分子作用机制,特别是在植物有性生殖过程中,合理利用这些分子开展育种实践对未来农业生产具有潜在的应用价值.  相似文献   

Abstract: Excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors and EAA-mediated stimulation of polyphosphoinositide (poly-PI) turnover were studied in cultured neurons at different days in vitro (DIV). Six main observations have emerged from these studies: (a) Neurons increased their sensitivity to EAAs as a function of time in culture, indicated by increasing EAA-mediated poly-PI turnover, (b) Extracellular Ca2+ concentration played an important role in α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-stimulated poly-PI turnover in cells at 4 DIV, whereas poly-PI turnover mediated by l -glutamate and trans -1-amino-cyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid was not Ca2+-dependent. (c) A marked stimulation of poly-PI turnover by AMPA was seen in the cultured neurons at 4 DIV, but not at 17 DIV, suggesting that a distinct EAA receptor sensitive to AMPA is transiently expressed, (d) The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 increased poly-PI turnover in cultured neurons, suggesting that Ca2+ entry is involved in stimulating poly-PI turnover, (e) Stimulation of poly-PI turnover by carbachol was greater in neurons at 17 DIV as compared with −4 DIV, and appeared to be Ca2+-dependent across DIV. (f) 6-Cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, an antagonist for non- N -methyl- d -aspartate ionotropic EAA receptors, inhibited 100% and 35% of AMPA-and quisqualate-induced poly-PI turnover, respectively, suggesting an involvement of ionotropic AMPA/quisqualate receptors in stimulating poly-PI turnover.  相似文献   

利用光镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对凤尾蕨科(Pteridaceae)蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata L.)孢壁的形成和发育进行研究。结果表明:蜈蚣草孢子四面体型,极面观钝三角圆形,赤道面观半圆形或超半圆形,近极面具瘤状纹饰和近极脊,远极面具脊并连成网状,具赤道环;孢子具乌毛蕨型外壁,由外壁外层构成纹饰的轮廓;实心型周壁由2层构成,且内层薄、外层具小球体。结合孢子外壁和周壁的发育特征,认为凤尾蕨科与裸子蕨科和水蕨科的亲缘关系较近,支持将裸子蕨科和水蕨科置于凤尾蕨科。  相似文献   

Toneva  V.  Gechev  T.  Minkov  I. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(4):597-601
The photodynamic damage of the sensitive plants wheat and mustard, treated with chlorophyll (Chl) precursors 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and glutamic acid (Glu) and with 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen), was caused by tetrapyrroles, which accumulated after 17 h in the dark period, followed by 12 h of irradiation with white light. The effect of accumulated Chl in mustard plants was accompanied by changes in the amounts of the Chls and carotenoids and by dehydration of the tissues, partial chlorosis, and necrosis. The molecular nature of the specific photodynamic sensitivity of the mustard and wheat plants under the influence of Phen and Chl precursors was important: accumulation of tetrapyrroles was a necessary, but not only reason for photodynamic damage of the plants. The degree of leaf damage was related to the amount and chemical nature of accumulated tetrapyrroles and to the greening group to which the investigated plant belongs.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHOD), the fourth enzyme of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway, is localized in the cytosol and utilizes fumarate as electron acceptor (fumarate reductase activity), while the enzyme from other various eukaryotes is mitochondrial membrane-linked. Here we report that DHOD-knockout T. cruzi did not express the enzyme protein and could not survive even in the presence of pyrimidine nucleosides, substrates for the potentially active salvage pathway, suggesting a vital role of fumarate reductase activity in the regulation of cellular redox balance. Cloning and phylogenetic analysis of euglenozoan DHOD genes showed that the euglenoid Euglena gracilis had a mitochondrial DHOD and that biflagellated bodonids, a sister group of trypanosomatids within kinetoplastids, harbor the cytosolic DHOD. Further, Bodo saliens, a bodonid, had an ACT/DHOD gene fusion encoding aspartate carbamoyltransferase (ACT), the second enzyme of the de novo pyrimidine pathway, and DHOD. This is the first report of this novel gene structure. These results are consistent with suggestions that an ancient common ancestor of Euglenozoa had a mitochondrial DHOD whose descendant exists in E. gracilis and that a common ancestor of kinetoplastids (bodonids and trypanosomatids) subsequently acquired a cytosolic DHOD by horizontal gene transfer. The cytosolic DHOD gene thus acquired may have contributed to adaptation to anaerobiosis in the kinetoplastid lineage and further contributed to the subsequent establishment of parasitism in a trypanosomatid ancestor. Different molecular strategies for anaerobic adaptation in pyrimidine biosynthesis, used by kinetoplastids and by euglenoids, are discussed. Evolutionary implications of the ACT/DHOD gene fusion are also discussed.Sequence availability: The nucleotide sequence data reported here appear in the GenBank, EMBL, and DDBJ databases with the accession numbers AB120414, AB159227, and AB159228 for Euglena gracilis dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHOD), Bodo saliens aspartate carbamoyltransferase/dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (ACT/DHOD), and B. caudatus DHOD, respectively.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Patrick Keeling  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out on vegetative tissues of potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. “Katahdin”) in search of natural products thought to play a role in tuber induction. Tissues were obtained from plants initially grown in a growth chamber under noninducing conditions (30°C day and 28°C night with an 18-h photoperiod), and then half of the plants were moved to inducing chambers (28°C day and 13°C night with a 10-h photoperiod) for 10 days prior to tissue harvest. Plants from each chamber were then harvested at 2-day intervals for 10 days, separated into above- and belowground portions, and the lyophilized tissues were extracted and subjected to rigorous purification and separation using high-performance liquid chromatography. This was followed by identification and quantification using combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Compounds isolated and identified included gibberellic acid; cytokinins cis-zeatin riboside, trans-zeatin, trans-zeatin riboside, and isopentenyladenine; and jasmonates jasmonic acid, tuberonic acid and its methyl ester, methyl 7-isocucurbate, and 9,10-dihydromethyljasmonate. Methyl 7-isocucurbate and 9,10-dihydromethyljasmonate were detected for the first time in potato tissue as endogenous compounds. Cytokinin and jasmonate levels generally increased under inducing conditions, whereas gibberellic acid levels declined progressively during the 10-day sampling period. Only gibberellic acid, jasmonic acid, and cis-zeatin riboside levels were significantly influenced by induction.  相似文献   

Appressorium formation in germinating conidia of Magnaporthe grisea was inhibited on inductive and on noninductive surfaces by monounsaturated fatty acids with chain lengths of 16, 18, or 20 carbon atoms. On a noninductive surface, the inhibition was only observed upon stimulation with 1,16-hexadecanediol or oleyl alcohol, but not upon stimulation with 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-adenosine-3′,5′-monophosphate. In the C18-series, fatty acids with a double bond in position 9 were the most active ones. At 1 μg/ml of oleic or elaidic acid, less than 30% of the germinated conidia formed appressoria. The mode of inhibition was competitive to the inducing agent. On an inductive surface, compared to a noninductive surface the concentrations of oleic and elaidic acid needed for inhibition of appressorium formation were one order of magnitude higher. Methyl esters of inhibitory fatty acids and acids with two double bonds were not active. Like oleyl alcohol, elaidyl alcohol and petroselinyl alcohol stimulated infection structure formation on the noninductive surface.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of Ser/Thr protein kinases categorized into three subfamilies: classical, novel, and atypical. The subcellular localization of classical PKCalpha, -betaI, and -gamma in the process of porcine oocyte maturation, fertilization, and parthenogenetic activation and their involvement in cortical granule (CG) exocytosis were investigated. The results of Western blot showed that PKCalpha, -betaI, and -gamma were expressed in the oocytes at the germinal vesicle (GV) and metaphase II (MII) stages. Confocal microscopy revealed that the three PKC isoforms were concentrated in the GV but evenly distributed in the cytoplasm of MII eggs. PKCalpha and -gamma were translocated to the plasma membrane soon after sperm penetration. cPKCs migrated into the pronucleus in fertilized eggs. Following treatment with a PKC activator, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), CGs were released and PKCalpha and -gamma were translocated to the membrane. The CG exocytosis and PKC redistribution induced by PMA could be blocked by the PKC inhibitor staurosporine. Parthenogenetic stimulation with ionophore A23187 or electrical pulse also induced cPKC translocation and CG exocytosis. Eggs injected with PKCalpha isoform-specific antibody failed to undergo CG exocytosis after PMA treatment or fertilization. The results suggest that cPKCs, especially the alpha-isotype, regulate nuclear function and CG exocytosis in porcine eggs.  相似文献   

An assay for the simultaneous quantitative determination of thioTEPA, TEPA and the recently identified metabolite N,N′-diethylene-N″-2-chloroethylphosphoramide (monochloroTEPA) in human urine has been developed. MonochloroTEPA was synthesized by incubation of TEPA with sodium chloride at pH 8. Thus, with this assay monochloroTEPA is quantified as TEPA equivalents. Analysis of the three analytes in urine was performed using gas chromatography with selective nitrogen–phosphorous detection after extraction with a mixture of 1-propanol and chloroform from urine samples. Diphenylamine was used as internal standard. Recoveries ranged between 70 and 100% and both accuracy and precision were less than 15%. Linearity was accomplished in the range of 25–2500 ng/ml for monochloroTEPA and 25–5000 ng/ml for thioTEPA and TEPA. MonochloroTEPA proved to be stable in urine for at least 4 weeks at −80°C. ThioTEPA, TEPA and monochloroTEPA cummulative urinary excretion from two patients treated with thioTEPA are presented demonstrating the applicability of the assay for clinical samples and that the excreted amount of monochloroTEPA exceeded that of thioTEPA on day 2 to 5 of urine collection.  相似文献   

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