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Polyprotein processing of Theiler''s murine encephalomyelitis virus.   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
R P Roos  W P Kong    B L Semler 《Journal of virology》1989,63(12):5344-5353

The ability of lymphoid cells from congenitally athymic (nu/nu) mice to produce interleukin 2 (IL 2) was investigated. Spleen or lymph node cells (superficial or mesenteric) from nude mice on an N:NIH(S)II or BALB/c genetic background were stimulated with concanavalin A (Con A) or with irradiated allogeneic (DBA/2) spleen cells that had been depleted of T cells by treatment with monoclonal anti-Thy-1.2 antibody plus complement. After 24 hr, supernatants were harvested and assayed for their ability to support the proliferation of a cloned IL 2-dependent cytolytic T cell line. With this quantitative microassay, IL 2 production was not detectable in spleen and lymph nodes of 6-wk-old N:NIH(S)II nude mice; however, by 12 mo of age, IL 2 production increased more than 100-fold to reach levels comparable to control (nu/+) animals. Con A was more potent than alloantigen in the induction of IL 2 in either nude or control (nu/+) animals. Furthermore, differences in the genetic background of nude mice resulted in corresponding differences in both numbers of T cells (defined by monoclonal anti-Thy-1 antibody) and IL 2 production. By using negative selection with monoclonal antibodies plus complement, IL 2 production in aged nude mice was shown to depend upon a subpopulation of cells that expressed Thy-1 but not Lyt-2. These data thus demonstrate that a subpopulation of IL 2-producing cells with a Thy-1+ Lyt-2- surface phenotype can develop in the apparent absence of thymic influence.  相似文献   

N Rubio  A Cuesta 《Journal of virology》1988,62(11):4303-4306
An immunological assay was developed to characterize the binding of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus to BHK-21 cell receptors. After absorption of the virus and formaldehyde fixation, rabbit antibodies and Staphylococcus aureus protein A labeled with 125I formed a specific complex on the surfaces of the cells. The optimal multiplicity of infection in this system was 10 PFU per cell. The virus was internalized at 33 and 37 degrees C, but internalization did not take place at 25 or 4 degrees C. The binding was proportional to the number of cells and was significant within 30 s. Cell surface receptors were still active after fixation, and only intact viruses were bound, as demonstrated by the lack of binding of the purified, isolated virion proteins VP1, VP2, and VP3.  相似文献   

The proteins specified by four Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus isolates in infected BHK-21 cells were studied. Their processing, sensitivity to trypsin, and the changeover after viral infection from synthesis of cellular proteins to synthesis of viral proteins were determined by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoreses. The molecular weights and isoelectric points of the structural and nonstructural proteins of DA and WW isolates, which represent the less virulent subgroup of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus, and of GDVII and FA isolates, which represent the virulent subgroup, were found to be the same. The sensitivity of DA and GDVII isolates to trypsin, as purified virions, and in infected cell extracts was similar. The shut-off of cellular protein synthesis in cells infected with the same two isolates and the changeover to the synthesis of viral proteins appeared to have the same pattern. These findings are interesting since the two subgroups of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus differ in their pathogenicity, intracellular development in infected BHK-21 cells, and RNA composition, as determined by RNase T1 fingerprinting analysis.  相似文献   

Polyprotein processing studies of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV), a group of mouse picornaviruses, demonstrated synthesis of a protein we have called l during in vitro translations from the RNA of DA, a demyelinating strain of TMEV, but not GDVII, an acute neurovirulent strain. We have proposed that l is synthesized from an alternative initiation site in the DA leader (L) coding area out of phase with the polyprotein reading frame (R. P. Roos, W.-P. Kong, B. L. Semler, J. Virol. 63:5344-5353, 1989). We now provide support for this proposal from experiments involving in vitro translation of three separate mutations of an infectious DA cDNA clone: DA"l"-1, which contains a base mismatch at the putative initiation codon of l, DAL-1, which contains a base mismatch at the presumed authentic initiation site of L at the beginning of the polyprotein; and DAL:NheI, which contains nucleotides coding for a four-amino-acid insertion in the L coding area with a termination codon in the l reading frame. Our results demonstrate that the DA strain uses an alternative initiation site and reading frame to in vitro synthesize l. l may have a role in the biological activity of the virus.  相似文献   

Infection of C57BL/10 (B10)3 nu/nu mice with Trypanosoma rhodesiense results in the development of significant T-cell reactivity in spleen and lymph nodes. The proliferative responses to mitogens, such as concanavalin A (Con A) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and in mixed-lymphocyte reactions (MLR) to alloantigens are enhanced compared with control uninfected nu/nu mice. These results serve to emphasize the stimulatory nature of trypanosomes on the immune system.  相似文献   

Inbred athymic nu/nu BALB/c mice were injected subcutaneously with the highly oncogenic polyomavirus A2 strain, and the sites of viral DNA replication were determined by whole mouse section hybridization (T. W. Dubensky, E. A. Murphy, and L. P. Villareal, J. Virol. 50:779-783, 1984) and Southern blot analysis. We show that infection is persistent in some epithelial tissues (skin, mammary, and salivary glands), in lymphoid organs (spleen and nodes), and in mesenchymal bone tissue. Only mammary glands and bones were targets for tumor formation. Although the same pattern of infection was observed in males and females, mammary adenocarcinomas were induced exclusively in females, while the frequency of osteosarcomas was similar in both sexes. No viral DNA or lytic lesion was detected in kidney, liver, or lung tissue. The restricted targeting of polyomavirus oncogenicity in nude mice, compared with newborn immunocompetent animals, inoculated via the same route with the same virus strain, therefore does not reflect selective tissue targeting of virus replication. These results further document the influence of the age, immunological status, and genetic background of the host on the pattern of viral infection and tumor formation.  相似文献   

Although the athymic nude mouse is grossly deficient in peripheral T cells, the number of lymphocytes bearing T-cell markers (L3T4, LyT2) and the or T-cell receptor (Tcr) increases steadily with age. The anatomical site(s) where cells arise are unkown. Splenocytes from 3–5-week-old C57BL/6 (nu/nu) mice contain 2%–5% Pro-T cell progenitors identified with the Joro 37-5 and Joro 75 antibodies, but not mature T cells. To study Tcr gene rearrangement outside the thymus, we fused splenocytes from 3–5-week-old C57BL/6 nude mice with the T-cell lymphoma BW100.129. Of 22 hybrids that grew stably in culture, four had Tcrd-VD1-D2-J1, two had Tcrd-VD2-J1, and seven had Tcrd-D1-D2 types of rearrangement. Eight hybrids had rearranged the Tcrg-2 gene cluster, but none had rearranged Tcrg-1, -3, or -4. None of the hybrids had rearranged the Tcrd gene cluster and 13 contained DJ rearrangements at the Igh locus. We conclude that the spleen is one of the extrathymic sites where T-cell progenitors can rearranged Tcrd and Tcrg genes. However, there was no evidence for Tcrb gene rearrangements in this organ. Furthermore, the analysis of this limited number of hybrids suggests that extrathymic Tcr gene rearrangements seem to be distinct and much less diverse than those found in the developing thymocytes.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized nine antigenic epitopes on the E envelope of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) by using mAb. Passive administration of most of the anti-JEV mAb protected mice from i.v. challenge with 1.5 x 10(3) plaque-forming units of JEV, JaGAr-01 strain. Some mAb, which possess high neutralization activity in vitro, showed high protection, and JEV-specific N mAb 503 was found the most protective. Even an injection of 2.5 micrograms/mouse of mAb 503 protected all mice from JEV infection. Furthermore, an injection of about 200 micrograms of mAb 503 on day 5 postinfection protected 82% of the mice, even when JEV was detected in more than 85% of the infected mouse brains. Synergism of protection was observed with mixtures of several mAb directed against different epitopes. Although in a murine macrophage cell line, all of the mAb groups showed antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of JEV infectivity in vitro, and only two flavivirus cross-reactive mAb groups showed ADE of dengue virus type 2. The ADE of JEV by mAb seems not to be harmful for in vivo protection experiments, except for two mAb groups: mAb 302 and 201 showed little or no protective activity against JEV infection and, rather, caused early death in infected mice.  相似文献   

The anti-gp41 virus neutralizing monoclonal antibody 2F5 was infused into chimpanzees, which were then given an intravenous challenge with a primary human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) isolate. In two control animals, the infection was established immediately, as evidenced by positive cell-associated DNA PCR and serum RNA PCR tests within 1 week, seroconversion by 4 weeks, and development of lymphadenopathy in this acute phase. Serum RNA PCR tests were negative in one of the two antibody-infused animals until week 8 and in the other antibody-infused animal until week 12; both animals seroconverted at week 14. The peak of measurable virus-specific serum RNA was delayed until week 16 in one antibody-infused animal. Virus-specific RNA in the other animal did not reach levels comparable to those in the other animals through 1 year of follow-up studies. Virus was isolated from the week 16 blood sample from one infused animal. Virus was not isolated from peripheral blood of the second animal but was isolated from lymph node cells taken at week 36. The infection of untreated chimpanzees with this primary isolate appears robust. Use of this isolate should widen the scope of possible experiments in the chimpanzee model. This antibody infusion study indicates that neutralizing antibody, when present at the time of challenge, affects the timing and level of infection and remains influential after it can no longer be detected in the peripheral circulation. It is possible that preexisting, neutralizing antibodies (passively administered or actively elicited) affect the course of acute-phase virus replication in humans. It remains to be established whether these immunologically mediated early effects will influence the course of HIV-1 disease.  相似文献   

Murine monoclonal antibodies were produced which coimmunoprecipitated, under reducing conditions, 130,000- and 55,000-dalton (Da) polypeptides from cells infected with human cytomegalovirus (CMV) strain AD169. A 92,000-Da species, possibly a biosynthetic intermediate, was also detectable. One of the monoclonal antibodies, 15D8, neutralized CMV AD169 only in the presence of guinea pig complement. A second monoclonal antibody, 14E10, coimmunoprecipitated the 130,000- and 55,000-Da polypeptides but did not neutralize viral infectivity. By sequential immunoprecipitation, both monoclonal antibodies have been shown to recognize the same polypeptides. Monoclonal antibody 15D8 detected the 130,000- and 55,000-Da polypeptides in five of six clinical strains and three laboratory strains tested. The 14E10 monoclonal antibody detected the 130,000-Da protein in four of six CMV clinical isolates and in strain AD169 but did not immunoprecipitate any polypeptides from extracts of cells infected with either Towne or Davis laboratory strains. In kinetic studies, the synthesis of the 130,000-Da polypeptide preceded the appearance of the 55,000-Da polypeptide. In infected cells radiolabeled with a pulse of L-[35S]methionine, the isotope was initially detected in the 130,000-Da polypeptide but could be chased into the 55,000-Da polypeptide. These polypeptides exist in the intracellular and extracellular virus as disulfide-linked multimers. Extracellular virus contained a high-molecular-weight (greater than 200,000 Da) multimer composed entirely of 55,000-Da polypeptides. In extracts from infected cells an additional high-molecular-weight multimer was detected consisting of disulfide-linked 130,000-Da polypeptides.  相似文献   

Nude (nu/nu) mice bearing human tumour heterografts were affected with posterior paralysis and wasting. There was demyelination and infection of the oligodendrocytes of the spinal cord with a papovavirus. Similar virus particles and inclusion bodies were found in the bronchial epithelium, which showed histopathological changes. Similar changes were shown by the epithelia of the renal pelvis, ureter and choroid plexus. The virus was found in a transplantable human tumour, and evidence of spread by contact was also obtained. Intracerebral injection of spinal cord suspension from infected mice resulted in virus infected cutaneous carcinomata, demyelination with virus particles in the oligodendrocytes and posterior paralysis with wasting in adult nude mice. The suspension injected intraperitoneally into newborn Syrian hamsters produced tumours similar to those produced by murine polyoma. No evidence of infection was found in mice from the colony of origin. The virus was identified as murine polyoma Wild Type A2.  相似文献   

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